


1.概括段落大意的方法 篇一








Don’t worry if you have problems!If you’re breathing, you have difficulties. It’s the way of life. And believe it or not, most of your problems may actually be good for you.

The lagoon side of the Great Barrier Reef looks pale and lifeless, while the ocean side is lively and colorful. The reason is that the coral around the lagoon side is still water, with no challenge for its survival . It dies early. The coral on the ocean side is constantly being tested by wind, waves and storms. It has to fight for survival every day of life. As it is challenged and tested it changes and adapts. It grows healthy. It grows strong. And it reproduces.

That’s how it is with people. Challenged and tested, we come alive. Like coral struck by the waves, we grow. Physical demands can cause us to grow stronger. Mental and emotional stress can produce strength and patience. Spiritual testing can produce strength of character and faithfulness.

So, you have problems D no problem!Just tell yourself, “There I grow again.”





习作一:Compared with the coral around the lagoon side, the one on the ocean side tends to be more appealing . The phenomenon lies in that the one on ocean side faces more challenges .


习作二:Just like the coral around the lagoon side can grow stronger after the wind , we should be brave to improve ourselves whenever we face problems. 分析:这位学生看似两部分都写到了,仔细看就能发现例证部分概括不全,删去了必要部分,由此它不能充分体现观点的来由。另外,第一句话信息概括有误。

习作三:Like the coral on two sides of the ocean , life is full of problems. Different problems can make us grow mentally or physically.







1.有的放矢,选好角度。读写作文的概括段就是指向主题的,所以找到与文章主题相关的段落,把握主题,角度就不会有偏差。例如,2015年南通卷三模作文,我们可以从第一段和最后一段得到主题,即:We should face up to the difficulties that make us grow.

2.抓住要干,略去枝节。归纳概括是在抓准并理解文中的关键词语,准确筛选与主旨相关的重要信息。弄清结构和思路的基础上,进一步对文章的总体结构勾选提要。因此,教师应要求学生放眼全文,整体阅读,抓住一些关键性的词语。如2015年南通卷的作文归纳问题较多的集中在第二段信息的归纳。一方面,第二段有较多的细节描写;另一方面,内容是对比描写。所以要围绕主题,用一句话概括出这个例子,学生就要斟酌好句型。在这儿,我们可以考虑比较句型:Corals on the ocean side are stronger than those on the lagoon side because they go through various challenges.

3.提炼整合,概括好文章。这里的概括就是在具体内容理解的基础之上,用另一种语言简明扼要的语言将它再现出来。它是一种由具体到抽象,有详尽到简洁的过程。这篇文章例证和观点是融为一体的,没了例证文章是空洞的。所以概括时,就要再次提炼整合语言,使概括的内容在字数上达标。2015年南通卷的理想的概括段落应该是这样:Corals on the ocean are stronger than those on the lagoon side because they go through various challenges , which reflects our life and inspires us to face problems bravely.


但是,学生会读到不同类型的文章,他们就要根据文章的类型做相应的概括,不能千篇 一律。下面介绍几种主要类型文章的概括的技巧和策略。



★ 高考记叙文

★ 综合类阅读概括的大意练习题

★ 《红楼梦》的大意

★ 高考记叙文写作

★ 高考精美记叙文

★ 高考满分记叙文

★ 阅读_初中记叙文

★ 阅读的优美段落

★ 英语段落:英语阅读双语版

★ 文言文段落阅读习题

2.概括段落大意的方法 篇二


















3.概括大意.unit4 篇三

We certainly do not now believe that dreams foretell the future.Most scientists believe that dreams are based on events in our own life and on our feelings.The events are usually very recent,mostly within the last two

days.Our emotions,on the other hand,our wishes,hopes and fears may go back many years,even to early childhood.此段落的大意是

Dreams cannot foretell the future.画面描述

Two cups are smiling,regardless of how much water either of them has.One cup is almost full while the other is not.寓意理解

People should always be optimistic,no matter what they have.Whether rich or poor,we should be happy to do something for society.Giving is the source of happiness.你能否对此加以扩展,写一篇120词左右的小短文?


1.The Second World War brought great ________ to the people

of Europe and the world.A.steamB.sufferingC.powerD.flame

2.The mountain climbers ________ in the storm were finally

rescued by helicopter.A.ruinedB.transportedC.trappedD.sheltered

3.I ________ hope that you’ll make an excellent engineer in the


4.More than twenty miners were reported to be ________ alive

when the tunnel fell in.A.buriedB.damagedC.expressedD.frightened

5.Don’t you realize the ________ these chemicals are doing to our



6.He defeated the other competitors and won the world

________ for the high jump.A.trackB.titleC.judgeD.headline

7.He ________ his back in Tuesday’s game,and will be unable

to play tomorrow.A.rescuedB.trappedC.shockedD.injured

8.Her actions ________ her love for her children more than any

words could do.A.commandedB.scheduledC.burstD.expressed

9.The car accident seemed to have completely ________ his


10.The natural ________ is believed to have caused heavy losses

in this area.A.viewB.blockC.voyageD.disaster


right away;run out of;at an end;in ruins;dig out;a

number of;think little of;fall down;as if;be proud of

1.His car was buried by the snow and had to be ________.2.They _______________ my suggestion,which made me a little

upset.3.Please wait for a moment.I’ll find the address for you

__________.4.Quite ____________ worldfamous paintings are on show in

this exhibition.5.The children were happy that the long hot summer was at last

________.6.We ___________ our son for not giving in to such difficulties.7.We couldn’t continue our way for we had __________ petrol.8.The earthquake left the whole town ________.What a terrible


9.You must watch your step so as not to __________.10.She was shaking with terror ________ she’d seen something


1.But the one million people of the city,_____________________________(对这些征兆满不在乎),were asleep as usual that night.(think)

2.__________________________________________(有三分之二的人伤亡)during the earthquake.(injure)

3.The sound of planes could be heard outside Tangshan








3.Your speech was heard by a group of five judges,agreed that it was the best one this year.[翻译]她有三个儿子,他们都当了医生。


4.July 28.[翻译]我们学校想请你明天给学生作个报告。



5.died in the terrible disaster.[翻译]上帝只帮助那些自己帮自己的人。



1.burst vi.爆炸;裂开;突然发生

识记burst into“突然闯入;突然开始”,后通常接名词。

burst out“突然发生;突然爆发”,后可接动名词。

burst into tears/laughter/song突然哭起来、笑起来、唱起来

burst out crying/laughing/singing突然哭起来、笑起来、唱起来

The aircraft crashed and burst into flames.飞机坠毁后猛烈燃烧


They burst out laughing at the expression on her face.看到她脸上的表情,他们都大笑起来。识记burst forth突然出现或发生

burst in突然插嘴;打断

A cry of horror burst forth from the crowd.人群中突然传出一声惊恐的尖叫。

“I don’t see why we should do that,” Peter burst in.彼得突然插嘴说,“我不明白为什么我们要这么做。”

链接break out突然发生,爆发

break into闯入,突然开始

2.bury vt.埋葬;掩藏

Noel turned away,burying his face in the pillow.诺埃尔转过身,把头埋在枕头底下。

Your letter got buried under a pile of papers.你的信被压在一堆文件底下。

He walked slowly,his hands buried in his pockets.他双手插在口袋里缓步而行。

搭配 bury oneself in.../be buried in...埋头于;专心于

After the divorce,she buried herself in her work.离婚后,她埋头于工作。

He was buried in his studies.他专心学习。

3.judge vt.判断;判决;评价

As far as I can judge,all of them are to blame.依我看,他们都应承担责任。

句型 judge sb./sth.(to be)...认为某人(某事)是……

The tour was judged to have been a great success.这次巡回演出被认为是巨大的成功。

At that point we judged it wise to leave them alone.在那种情况下,我们认为不去打扰他们是明智的。

搭配 judge...by/from...根据……判断……

You can’t judge a book by its cover.你不能根据封面来判断一本书。

Teachers tend to be judged by their students’ exam grades.人们常以学生的考试分数来评判教师的优劣。

搭配 judging by/from...意为“依……来判断”,是现在分词短


Judging by the look on Adam’s face,the news must have been


Judging by her last letter,they are having a wonderful time.从她上封信看,他们过得非常愉快。

congratulate vt.祝贺;庆贺

搭配 congratulate sb.on/upon sth.祝贺某人……

She congratulated me warmly on my exam results.她热烈祝贺我考试取得好成绩。

I congratulated him on his recent promotion.我祝贺他最近升职了。

句型congratulate sb.on doing sth.祝贺某人做了某事

congratulate oneself on(doing)sth.庆幸自己(做了)某事

The authors are to be congratulated on producing such a clear and authoritative work.要向创作出这样一部具有权威性又清晰易懂作品的作者们表示祝贺。

I was congratulating myself on my lucky escape when disaster struck.我暗自庆幸灾难降临时自己幸免于难。

congratulation n.祝贺;祝词;恭喜

提示 congratulation一般用其复数形式。

You have passed the test? Congratulations!


Please accept my sincere congratulations on your marriage.谨以至诚祝贺你们喜结良缘。

链接 celebrate庆祝,歌颂

1.right away 立刻;马上

I’m getting in touch with him right away.我要马上与他取得联系。

And now we must be off right away.It’s already 8 o’clock.现在我们要立刻出发,都已经8点了。

2.at an end 结束;终结

He went on spending lavishly until his money was at an end.他继续出手大方,直到钱花光为止。

Serious differences on this issue among the leaders are now at

an end.那些领导人在这一问题上的严重分歧已没有了。

3.in ruins 成为废墟的;荒芜的;失败的The old castle lies in ruins.那座城堡成为一片瓦砾。

His government’s China policy seems in ruins.他的政府的对华政策看来完全失败了。

拓展 bring...to ruin使……毁灭,使……没落

fall in/into ruin灭亡,荒废

go/come to ruin灭亡,荒芜

Everything has gone to ruin.每件东西都已毁坏了。

1.Mice ran out of the fields looking for places to hide.老鼠从田地里跑出来找地方藏身。

【要点指南】 句中的looking是现在分词作伴随状语。现在分




He got home,feeling exhausted.他回到家,感觉很疲惫。

She rushed out of the room,slamming the door behind.她冲出房间,砰地一声把门关上。

She lay awake all night,recalling the events of the day.她躺在床上,整夜未眠,回想着当天发生的事情。



He got home,exhausted.他疲惫不堪地回到了家。

He gave a smile,satisfied with the result.他笑了笑,对结果表示满意。

She turned away,disappointed.她失望地走开了。

2.Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been


【要点指南】 whose homes had been destroyed是定语从句。


He is a man whose opinion I respect.他是我尊重其意见的人。

It’s the house whose door is painted red.这就是那所门被涂成红色的房子。

拓展“whose+n.”引导的定语从句中,如果whose指物时,可换用“the+n.+of which”或“of which+the+n.”结构。

The house whose roof was damaged has now been repaired.房顶受损的房子现在已修好了。

4.职称英语综合类概括大意练习例题 篇四

There are individual sports, also, such as golf and swimming. In addition, hiking, fishing, siding and mountain climbing have a great attraction for people who like to be outdoors. Chess, card-playing , and dancing are forms of indoor recreation enjoyed by many people. Not everyone who enjoys sporting events likes to participate in them. Many people prefer to be spectators, either by attending the games in person, watching them on television, or listening to them on the radio. When there is an important baseball game or boxing match, it is almost impossible to get tickets; everyone wants to attend. It doesn t matter whether we play a fast game of ping-pong, concentrate over the bridge table, or go walking through the woods on a brisk autumn afternoon. It is important for everyone to relax from time to time and enjoy some form of recreation.


1. Paragraph 2____________.

2. Paragraph3____________.

3. Paragraph4____________.

A) The important of having recreation

B) The recreation centers

C) Type of sports

D) Fun of being spectators

4. To keep fit and enjoy life , all of us must have____________.

5. Participating in door sports or outdoor sports is a good way___________.

6. Many people prefer watching games to__________.

7. It is generally believed that those who work all the time and do not know how to relax_______.

A) must be very boring

B) some kind of recreati

C) participating in them

D) to relax oneself

E) to choose one s own way of relaxing











5.概括段落大意的方法 篇五


Recreation and Sports

”All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" is a popular saying in the United States. Other countries have similar sayings. It is true that all of us need recreation. We cannot work all the time if we are going to maintain good health and enjoy life. Good physical and mental health in fact enables us to work more efficiently.

Everyone has his own way of relaxing .Perhaps the most popular way is to participate in sports. There are team sports, such as baseball, basketball, and football. There are individual sports, also, such as golf and swimming. In addition, hiking, fishing, siding and mountain climbing have a great attraction for people who like to be outdoors. Chess, card-playing , and dancing are forms of indoor recreation enjoyed by many people.

Not everyone who enjoys sporting events likes to participate in them. Many people prefer to be spectators, either by attending the games in person, watching them on television, or listening to them on the radio. When there is an important baseball game or boxing match, it is almost impossible to get tickets; everyone wants to attend.

It doesn t matter whether we play a fast game of ping-pong, concentrate over the bridge table, or go walking through the woods on a brisk autumn afternoon. It is important for everyone to relax from time to time and enjoy some form of recreation.


1. Paragraph 2____________.

2. Paragraph3____________.

3. Paragraph4____________.

A) The important of having recreation

B) The recreation centers

C) Type of sports

D) Fun of being spectators

4. To keep fit and enjoy life , all of us must have____________.

5. Participating in door sports or outdoor sports is a good way___________.

6. Many people prefer watching games to__________.

7. It is generally believed that those who work all the time and do not know how to relax_______.

6.《老人与海》段落大意 篇六











7.概括段落大意的方法 篇七

1.Paragraph 3----(Land and Population)2.Paragraph 4----(The Natives of the Land)3.Paragraph 5----(Transportation Problm)

4.Paragraph 6----(Rich Resources of the State)5.For as long as….(shines day and night)on….6.According to statistics(only a very…)of…..7.Alaska was…bought(by the United States….)8.Gold did not…much wealth(as fish does)Architecture建筑学

1.Paragraph 2---(Restoration of…)2.Paragraph 3---(Building Materials)3.Paragraph 4---(Need of….)

4.Paragraph 5---(Factors Affecting…)

5.Some buildings…useful(but also beautiful … at)6Ancient Greek..influential(even in..century)7.As modern life of buildings(to meet their needs)8.The use of...role(in the development…)

English and English Community 英语与英语群体 1.Paragraph 2---(The Definition of…)2.Paragraph 3---(The Composition of….)3.Paragraph 4---(The Wide Use of English)4.Paragraph 5---(The Advantages of….)5.Only through..language(can a speech…)

6.The idea of…from(that of a speech community)7Speakers are..two group(for the sake..simplicity)8.An understanding of English(has played an….)Earthquake地震

1.Paragraph 2---(Intensities of Earthquakes)2.Paragraph 3---(Cause of Earthquakes)3.Paragraph 4---(Earthquake’s Forecast)4.Paragraph 5---(Indications ofEarthquakes)5.Not all damage…is caused(by the quake itself)6.Not all earthquakes…enough(to cause damage…)7.Scientists have..people(of a possible earthquake)8.Earthquakes..observing(the unusual behaviors..)How to Argue with Your Boss 怎样与老板争论 1.Paragraph 2---(Dot’t Go in When..)2.Paragraph 3---(Make the Issue Clear)3.Paragraph 4---(Propose Your Solution)4.Paragraph 5---(Put Yourself in….)5.If you want to..first(how he is feeling)

6.It is necessary to…boss(what you really…)7.It is not wise…problem(without suggesting…)8.You must be…troubles(the boss may have)

Museums in the Modern World现代世界的博物馆 1.Paragraph 2---(Museums Getting Closer…)2.Paragraph 3---(New Notions about…)3.Paragraph 4---(Causes of Changes)4.Paragraph 5---(Increasing Number…)

5.Now museums are..but(are open to more…)6.With the development…people(have higher..)7.To meet the…museums(have been built…)8.Two major problems…they(charge too little..)The Paper Chase 文件整理

1.Paragraph 2---(Find a Place to Work on)2.Paragraph 3---(Get Rid of…)

3.Paragraph 4---(Dealing With Bills)4.Paragraph 5---(What Is a Good…)

5.Stephanie Denton is expert(in paper chase)6.You can put your…condition(that it is…)7.Coupons should…because(they are useless)8.Mentally flexible…fact(that different people..)Transport and Trade 交通与贸易

1.Paragraph 2---(Importance of Transport in Trade)2.Paragraph 3---(Higher Living Standard…)3.Paragraph 4---(Brith OF Transport…)4.Paragraph 5---(Role of Information…)

5The development…(has greathy promoted trade)6.Only when…quickly(is it possible to produce…)7.Transport has…want(at any time during the year)8.In the trade of…arole as(the transport of goods)The Making of Success Story发迹史 1.Paragraph 2----(The origin of IKEA)

2.Paragraph3----(Specialization in selling furniture)3.Paragraph4----(Success brought…of showrooms)4.Paragraph 5----(Flat packaging-feature of IKEA)5.Even when he..a child(Ingvar Lamprad…)6.(ILEA began as a small…),and years later … 7.Customers liked the idea of …(here they can …)8.As flat…(it is highly welcomed by both)

Why Dose Food Cost So Much 为何食品开销如此


1.Paragraph3---(Farmers’Denialof Increased Profit)2.Paragraph4---(Middlemen’s Limited … Profit)3Paragraph5-(A surprising Answer..theEconomists)4.Paragraph6---(The Cost of Convenience)

5Many people agree…failed(to agree on..increase)6Thefarmers..very much(Nor have the middlemen)7Housewives have to..they save(by buying…food)8The economists..lies in(the popularization…food)IsThere aWay to Keep the Britain’s Economy Growing?


1.Paragraph 2(Gift Of Talking)

2.Paragraph 3(Strength Of the Creative Economy)3.Paragraph 4(Weakness of the Creative Economy)4.Paragraph 5(“Se rvant”Economy)

5.Every country has…way(to feed its people)6.The British … seem(to worry about…economy)7.The creative…difficult(to make a profit)

8.Many graduates..employed(to do low skill jiobs)Intelligence:a Changed View


1.Paragraph2(Effect of Environment..Intelligence)2.Paragraph4(Main Results of Recent Researches)3.Paragraph5(A Changed View of Intelligence)4.Paragraph6(Impact on School Education)

5.It was.(that intelligence…with)..intelligence. 6.More recent…(and partly … living environment)7.It can be …(have..his intelligence)if… language. 8.Children were not just(born..intelligent)at school How we Form First Impression对别人的第一印象

是怎么形成的1.Paragraph 2---(Comparing Incoming Sensory---)2.Paragraph 3---(Illustration of First Impression)3.Paragraph 4---(Comment on First Impression)4.Paragraph 5---(Ways of Departure from Immature 5.sensory information is--(the sights and sounds--)6 You interpret(the meaning of incoming---)The way we stereotype—(the immature form of)8 We can use our more—(the most complex areas)Wasshoe LearnedAmerican Sign Language Wasshoe学会了美国手语

1.Paragraph1----(General Information---washoe)2.Paragraph2----(Report about Washoe’s Progress)3.Paragraph3----(Debate on Chimps’Intelligence)4.Paragraph 4----(Reason why not---Nowadays)5.Washoe could make…(when she wanted to)6.Some scientists doubted…(if the Gardener’s)7.Washoe taught three…(whil she was at)8.The experimenters…(because she could)Searching for Smiles

1.Paragraph 2 E(Reasons to Be Happiness)2.Paragraph 3 C(Definition of Happiness)

3.Paragraph 4D(Cultural Differences in Happiness)4.Paragraph 5 A(Happiest Culture)

5.studying D(cultural differences)in happiness 6.Professor Deine believes that a happy person is less prone to F(illnesses)

7.Once we have got enough to feel safe ,money does not make E(much)difference to our happiness.8.According------appreciate B(ordinary happiness)Estee Lauder Died 1.Paragraph 2 F(Birth)

2.Paragraph 3 A(Early career)3.Paragraph 4 C(Products)

4.Paragraph 5 E(Cosmetics empress)

5.Lauder regarded beauty B(as the most important thing in life)

6.Lauder died A(at the age of 97)

7.Before------formulated C(by John Schotz)8.After retirement------interest E(in cosmetics)Ford

1.Paragraph 1 F(Ford’s great talent)2.Paragraph 2 B(The assembly line)

3.Paragraph 3 E(Ford’s biggest contribution)4.Paragraph 4 C(Ford’s great dream)

5.The---possibleto D(produce cars in large numbers)

6.Ford was the first to adopt E(the 8-hour shift)7.Ford’s cars---thanks to C(their lower prices)8.Ford’s---strongly A(criticized by the media)


1.Paragraph 2 B(Extension of Use)2.Paragraph 3 E(Falling Demand)3.Paragraph 5 C(Robot Heroes)4.Paragraph 6 D(Greater Reliability)

5.Even---are B(based on American designs)6.Robots---partly because C(they are too costly)7.One---consume A(too much energy)

8.It is claimed--is E(good to quality control)Can Mobile Phones Cause Disease 1.Paragraph 2 C(Groundless Anxiety)2.Paragraph 3 E(Mysterious Effects)

3.Paragraph 4D(No Effect on Short-term Memory)4.Paragraph 5 F(Further Reassurance)

5.There is noD(solid evidence)to indicate that6.It B(is hoped)that mobile phones might be good7.The safety---has E(attracted public attention)8.Tattersall said for sure that the F(public)over---Even Intelligent People Can Fail 1.Paragraph 2 C(Edison’s innovation)

2.Paragraph 3 D(Edison’s comment on failure)

3.Paragraph4A(Importance of learning from failure)

4.Paragraph5B(Quality shared by most innovators)5.People ofter didn’t---when D(they quitted)

6.Before---car(he found himself anunsuccessful man)

7.Wath---that(he couldn’t afford to buya pairof shoes)

8.The--that(an innovation should work immediately)

Global Warming

1.Paragraph 2 E(The Authoritative Conclusion)2.Paragraph 3 C(The Previous Calculations of the Effect of Aerosols)

3.Paragraph 4 B(The Calculations Made at the Berlin Workshop)

4.Paragraph 5 D(The Scientists’Agreement)

5.When the cover diminishes in the coming decades ,temperature C(will rise rapidly)

6.The conclusion reached at the Berilin workshop B(was some what surprising)

7.The Berlin workshop concluded that the real figure E(was much higher than had been expected)8.The increase of greenhouse gases A(will influence future climate change)Keeping Cut Flowers

1.Paragraph 2 D(Most lmportant Aspect of Flower Care)

2.Paragraph 3 C(Role of Respiration)3.Paragraph 4 A(Control of Respiration)4.Paragraph 5 E(Need for Clean Water)

5.A few simple facts will help you keep cut flowers D(for as long as possible)

6.Respiration plays a key role B(in the life of cut flowers)

7.The aging of cut flowers can be slowed down E(by controlling temperature)

8.概括段落大意的方法 篇八



?1 Singapore is an independent city-state in southeastern Asia, consisting of one major island -the Singapore island-and more than 50 small islands, located off the southern tip of Malay. The city of Singapore, the capital of the country, is at the southeastern end of the Singapore Island; it is one of the most important port cities and commercial centers of Southeast Asia. The total area of the republic is 640 sq.km.

2 Low-lying Singapore Island has no outstanding relief(轮廓鲜明的.) features. A central area of hills rises to the maximum height of 176m. The country has a wet tropical climate, with an average annual temperature of 27.20°C. The average annual rainfall is 2.413 mm, the wettest months are November through January.

3 Singapore is governed under a constitution of 1959. A president, elected to a four-year term, is head of state, and a prime minister is head of government. The president used to be selected by Parliament, but by 1991 constitutional amendment (修正案), the president is now elected directly by the people. The Parliament is the law-making body with its 81 members popularly elected.

4 In the late 1980s the country had some 290 primary schools with 278,300 pupils and 160 secondary schools with 200,200 students. The main institution of higher education are the National University of Singapore, several technical colleges, and a teachers college.

5 Singapore has one of the highest standards of living of any country in Asia. In the late 1980s the gross domestic product was estimated at $23.7 billion, or $8,870 per person. The fishing industry is centered on the port of During, on southwestern Singapore Island. Industry has grown rapidly since the 1960s, and Singapore now produces a diversity(多样化的) of goods, including chemicals, electronic items, clothing, and processed foods, etc. Shipbuilding and petroleum refining are also important.

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