


1.广州版九年级上册英语期末考试试题及答案 篇一

人教版第一学期初三期末质量检测 数 学 试 卷 一、选择题(本题共16分,每小题2分)下列各题均有四个选项,符合题意的选项只有一个 1.已知∠A为锐角,且sin A=,那么∠A等于 A.15° B.30° C.45° D.60° 2.如图,⊙O是△ABC的外接圆,∠A =,则∠BOC的大小为 A.40° B.30° C.80° D.100° 3.已知△∽△,如果它们的相似比为2∶3,那么它们的面积比是 A.3:2 B. 2:3 C.4:9 D.9:4 4.下面是一个反比例函数的图象,它的表达式可能是 A. B. C. D. 第2题图 第4题图 第5题图 5.正方形ABCD内接于,若的半径是,则正方形的边长是 A. B. C. D. 6.如图,线段BD,CE相交于点A,DE∥BC.若BC3,DE1.5,AD2,则AB的长为 A.2 B.3 C.4 D.5 第6题图 第8题图 7.若要得到函数的图象,只需将函数的图象 A.先向右平移1个单位长度,再向上平移2个单位长度 B.先向左平移1个单位长度,再向上平移2个单位长度 C.先向左平移1个单位长度,再向下平移2个单位长度 D.先向右平移1个单位长度,再向下平移2个单位长度 8.如图,一条抛物线与x轴相交于M,N两点(点M在点N的左侧),其顶点P在线段AB上移动,点A,B的坐标分别为(-2,-3),(1,-3),点N的横坐标的最大值为4,则点M的横坐标的最小值为 A.-1 B.-3 C.-5 D.-7 二、填空题(本题共16分,每小题2分)9.二次函数图象的开口方向是__________.10.Rt△ABC中,∠C=90°,AC=4,BC=3,则tanA的值为.11.如图,为了测量某棵树的高度,小颖用长为2的竹竿做测量工具,移动竹竿,使竹竿、树的顶端的影子恰好落在地面的同一点.此时竹竿与这一点距离相距6,与树相距15,那么这棵树的高度为.13题图 11题图 12.已知一个扇形的半径是1,圆心角是120°,则这个扇形的弧长是.13.如图所示的网格是正方形网格,则sin∠BAC与sin∠DAE的大小关系是.14.写出抛物线y=2(x-1)2图象上一对对称点的坐标,这对对称点的坐标 可以是 和.15.如图,为测量河内小岛B到河边公路的距离,在上顺次取A,C,D三点,在A点测得∠BAD=30°,在C点测得∠BCD=60°,又测得AC=50米,则小岛B到公路的距离为 米. 16.在平面直角坐标系xOy内有三点:(0,-2),(1,-1),(2.17,0.37).则过这三个点(填“能”或“不能”)画一个圆,理由是.三、解答题(本题共68分,第17-22题,每小题5分,第23-26题,每小题6分,第27,28题,每小题7分)解答应写出文字说明、演算步骤或证明过程.17.已知:.求:.18.计算:.19.已知二次函数 y = x2-2x-3.(1)将y = x2-2x-3化成y = a(x-h)2 + k的形式;

(2)求该二次函数图象的顶点坐标.20.如图,在△ABC中,∠B为锐角,AB,BC7,求AC的长. 21.如图,在四边形ABCD中,AD∥BC,AB⊥BC,点E在AB上,AD=1,AE=2,BC=3,BE=1.5.求证:∠DEC=90°. 22.下面是小东设计的“在三角形一边上求作一个点,使这点和三角形的两个顶点构成的三角形与原三角形相似”的尺规作图过程.已知: △ABC.求作: 在BC边上求作一点P, 使得△PAC∽△ABC.作法:如图,①作线段AC的垂直平分线GH;





(保留作图痕迹)(2)完成下面的证明.证明: ∵CD=AC,∴ =.∴∠ =∠.又∵∠ =∠,∴△PAC∽△ABC()(填推理的依据).23.在平面直角坐标系xOy中,直线y=x+2 与双曲线相交于点A(m,3).(1)求反比例函数的表达式;


(3)若P是坐标轴上一点,当OA=PA时.直接写出点P的坐标. 24.如图,AB是的直径,过点B作的切线BM,点A,C,D分别为的三等分点,连接AC,AD,DC,延长AD交BM于点E,CD交AB于点F.(1)求证:;


x/cm 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 y1/cm 0 2.24 2.83 2.83 2.24 0 y2/cm 0 2.45 3.46 4.24 4.90 5.48 6(2)在同一平面直角坐标系xOy中,描出补全后的表中各组数值所对应的点(x,y1),(x,y2),并画出函数y1,y2的图象;(3)结合函数图象,解决问题:当△APC有一个角是30°时,AP的长度约为 cm.26.在平面直角坐标系xOy中,抛物线(其中、为常数,且<0)与x轴交于点A,与y轴交于点B,此抛物线顶点C到x轴的距离为4.(1)求抛物线的表达式;


(3)如果点是x轴上的一点,且,直接写出点P的坐标. 27.在菱形ABCD中,∠ADC=60°,BD是一条对角线,点P在边CD上(与点C,D不重合),连接AP,平移,使点D移动到点C,得到,在BD上取一点H,使HQ=HD,连接HQ,AH,PH.(1)依题意补全图1;


(3)若,菱形ABCD的边长为1,请写出求DP长的思路.(可以不写出计算结果)图1 备用图 28.在平面直角坐标系xOy中,点A(x,0),B(x,y),若线段AB上存在一点Q满足,则称点Q 是线段AB 的“倍分点”.(1)若点A(1,0),AB=3,点Q 是线段AB 的“倍分点”. ①求点Q的坐标;

②若点A关于直线y= x的对称点为A′,当点B在第一象限时,求;

(2)⊙T的圆心T(0,t),半径为2,点Q在直线上,⊙T上存在点B,使点Q 是线段AB 的“倍分点”,直接写出t的取值范围. 第一学期期末初三质量检测 数学试卷评分标准 一、选择题(本题共16分,每小题2分)下列各题均有四个选项,符合题意的选项只有一个 题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 答案 B D C B B C A C 二、填空题(本题共16分,每小题2分)9.下10.11.12.13.sin∠BAC>sin∠DAE 14.(2,2),(0,2)(答案不唯一)15.16.能,因为这三点不在一条直线上.三、解答题(本题共68分,第17-22题,每小题5分,第23-26题,每小题6分,第27,28题,每小题7分)17.解:∵,∴=+1=.………………………5分 ………………………3分 ………………………4分 ………………………5分 19.解:(1)y=x2-2x-3 =x2-2x+1-1-3……………………………2分 =(x-1)2-4.……………………3分(2)∵y=(x-1)2-4,∴该二次函数图象的顶点坐标是(1,-4).………………………5分 20.解:作AD⊥BC于点D,∴∠ADB=∠ADC=90°.∵,∴∠B=∠BAD=45°.………………2分 ∵AB,∴AD=BD=3.…………………………3分 ∵BC7,∴DC=4.∴在Rt△ACD中,.…………………………5分 21.(1)证明:∵AB⊥BC,∴∠B=90°. ∵AD∥BC,∴∠A=90°.∴∠A=∠B.………………2分 ∵AD=1,AE=2,BC=3,BE=1.5,∴.∴ ∴△ADE∽△BEC.∴∠3=∠2.………………3分 ∵∠1+∠3=90°,∴∠1+∠2=90°. ∴∠DEC=90°.………………5分 22.(1)补全图形如图所示:………………2分(2),∠CAP=∠B,∠ACP=∠ACB,有两组角对应相等的两个三角形相似.………………5分 23.解:(1)∵直线y=x+2与双曲线相交于点A(m,3).∴3=m+2,解得m=1.∴A(1,3)……………………………………1分 把A(1,3)代入解得k=3,……………………………………2分(2)如图……………………………………4分(3)P(0,6)或P(2,0)……………………………………6分 24.证明:(1)∵点A、C、D为的三等分点,∴ , ∴AD=DC=AC.∵AB是的直径,∴AB⊥CD.∵过点B作的切线BM,∴BE⊥AB.∴.…………………………3分(2)连接DB.由双垂直图形容易得出∠DBE=30°,在Rt△DBE中,由DE=m,解得BE=2m,DB=m.‚在Rt△ADB中利用30°角,解得AB=2m,OB=m.…………………4分 ƒ在Rt△OBE中,由勾股定理得出OE=m.………………………………5分 ④计算出△OBE周长为2m+m+m.………………………………6分 25.(1)3.00…………………………………1分(2)…………………………………………4分(3)1.50或4.50……………………………2分 26.解:(1)由题意得,抛物线的对称轴是直线.………1分 ∵a<0,抛物线开口向下,又与轴有交点,∴抛物线的顶点C在x轴的上方.由于抛物线顶点C到x轴的距离为4,因此顶点C的坐标是.可设此抛物线的表达式是,由于此抛物线与轴的交点的坐标是,可得.因此,抛物线的表达式是.………………………2分(2)点B的坐标是.联结.∵,,得.∴△为直角三角形,.所以.即的正切值等于.………………4分(3)点p的坐标是(1,0).………………6分 27.(1)补全图形,如图所示.………………2分(2)AH与PH的数量关系:AH=PH,∠AHP=120°.证明:如图,由平移可知,PQ=DC.∵四边形ABCD是菱形,∠ADC=60°,∴AD=DC,∠ADB=∠BDQ=30°.∴AD=PQ.∵HQ=HD,∴∠HQD=∠HDQ=30°.∴∠ADB=∠DQH,∠DHQ=120°.∴△ADH≌△PQH.∴AH=PH,∠AHD=∠PHQ.∴∠AHD+∠DHP =∠PHQ+∠DHP.∴∠AHP=∠DHQ.∵∠DHQ=120°,∴∠AHP=120°.………………5分(3)求解思路如下:

由∠AHQ=141°,∠BHQ=60°解得∠AHB=81°.a.在△ABH中,由∠AHB=81°,∠ABD=30°,解得∠BAH=69°.b.在△AHP中,由∠AHP=120°,AH=PH,解得∠PAH=30°.c.在△ADB中,由∠ADB=∠ABD= 30°,解得∠BAD=120°.由a、b、c可得∠DAP=21°.在△DAP中,由∠ADP= 60°,∠DAP=21°,AD=1,可解△DAP,从而求得DP长.…………………………………7分 28.解:(1)∵A(1,0),AB=3 ∴B(1,3)或B(1,-3)∵ ∴Q(1,1)或Q(1,-1)………………3分(2)点A(1,0)关于直线y= x的对称点为A′(0,1)∴QA =QA′ ∴………………5分(3)-4≤t≤4………………7分

2.八年级英语上册期末试题及答案 篇二


1~5 DDADA 6~10 AABBC 11~15 CBBAA

Ⅱ. 完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)

16~20 CBBDC 21~25 AACDB

Ⅲ. 阅读理解,根据短文内容选择正确答案。(每小题2分,共30分)

26~30 DCDAB 31~35 ADCBD 36~40 BBBCA




Ⅰ.综合语言应用。(共30 分)

E. 用所给词的适当形式填空。(每小题1分,共5分)

1~5 spoons; invitation; factories; discussion; stand

F. 选择适当的短语填空。(每小题1分,共5分)

6~10 paper; at least; such as; is able to; over and over again

G. 句型转换。(每小题2分,共10分)

11. Don’t drink 12. won’t visit 13. think of 14. When did 15. don’t believe

H. 根据所给汉语提示完成对话。(每小题2分,共10分)

16. Are you free this Saturday?.

17. Three times a week.

18. What kind of music are you learning?

19. Well, are you busy this Sunday?

20. Can you go to the beach with me?

3.广州版九年级上册英语期末考试试题及答案 篇三

第一部分 听对话,回答问题(每小题1分,满分10分)

4. How old is the woman’s bicycle?

A. Six years old. B. Four years old.

C. Seven years old

5. What time did Mike go home yesterday?

A. At 6:00. B. At 7:00.

C. At 8:00.

6. What are they talking about?

A.Buying a birthday present. B. Learning English.

C.Having a birthday party.

7. What does the woman mean?

A.The man should stop smoking.

B.The man should stop drinking coffee.

C.Drinking coffee is better than smoking.

8. What is the most useful way for Eric to improve his English?

A.Watching English movies. B.Reading magazines.

C.Practicing speaking Englis h.

9. What is Teddy’s attitude(态度)to too much homework?

A.To copy others’. B.To try his best.

C.To forget it.

10.What did the girl use to do according to the dialogue?

A.Go to bed late. B.Be afraid of her father.

C.Sleep with the light on.

第二部分 听对话和短文,回答问题(每小题1分,满分10分)



11.What do they want to do next Spring Festival?

A. Follow the customs. B. Have a special one.

C. Just stay at home.

12.What kind of places does the man prefer to visit?

A. Cities. B. Beaches.

C. Swimming pools.


13. What does Sophia know?

A.She knows what colours represent.

B.She knows what clothes represent.

C.She knows that clothes can affect moods.

14. Why does Sophia think the young man in the picture is energetic?

A.Because of the colour of his shirt.

B.Because of the colour of his trousers.

C.Because of the colour of his shoes.

15. What does Frank think of the young man in the picture?

A. He’s clever. B. He’s quiet.

C. He’s hard-working.


16. Who’s the new student?

A. Kate. B. Sandy.

C. Simon.

17. What’s Sandy like?

A. She is the tallest girl. B. She is a little fat.

C. She has the shortest hair.

18. Whose hair is the shortest in the class?

A. Simon’s. B. Sandy’s.

C. Daniel’s.

19. Who thinks swimming is more interesting than cycling?

A. Kate. B. Peter.

C. Simon.

20. What does Daniel like doing best?

A. Swimming. B. Skiing.

C. Cycling.


21.The work ________ in two hours. Let’s hurry.

A. must be finish B. must finish

C. will finish D. must be finished

22. He sent us a message as soon as he ________ in Sichuan.

A . is arriving B. will arrive

C. arrived D.arrives

23.Today my grandfather is feeling ________ to go to the park with us.

A. enough good B. well enough

C. good enough D. enough well

24.—What’s the low-carbon(低碳的) lifestyle like?

—Save energy, and produce carbon.

A. more; more B. less; more

C. less; less D. more; less

25. you take an umbrella when you go out?

A.Why not B.Why do

C.Why don’t D.Why

26. — do you play computer games?

—Once a week.

A. How soon B. How often

C. How long D.How much

27. Here are some flowers ________ you _______ our best wishes.

A. to; for B. of; to

C. for; with D. from; to

28. —Look! That man looks like Mr Green.

—It can’t be him. He to America.

A. went B. will go

C. has gone D. is going

29. The red suitcase is expensive it’s made of leather.

A. because B. though

C. when D. if

30. Mr Green asked his students to the new words in the dictionary.

A. look at B. look up

C. look for D. look after

31. It’s raining hard. We have to stay at home going fishing.

A. in front of B. because of

C. in need of D. instead o f

32. —Did you have a good weekend?

— . I enjoyed myself with my family on the beach.

A. I’m afraid not B. I’m not sure

C.Of course D. I hope so

33. —Why don’t you watch TV at 7 o’clock as usual?

—I am busy watch TV. I have to prepare for my English ex am.

A. so; that B.too; to

C. such; that D. not; until

34. I feel thirsty. Can I drink milk?

A. a bit; a bit B. a bit of; a bit of

C. a bit; a bit of D. a bit of; a bit

35. your grandpa falls down the steps? So you should go with him.

A. What about B. What if

C. Even if D. As if


A long time ago, in a small house in Scotland, two friends lived together. Their names were John and Bobby.

John and Bobby were not 36 —they had few things except friends, but they were happy. They lit a warm fire when it was cold outside. They had food to eat when they were hungry. They were never 37 because they had each other.

John and Bobby liked to take long walks together. After their 38 ,John usually cooked dinner. John and Bobby ate dinner and then sat in front of the fire. They had a simple but happy life.

Then John developed a(n) 39 disease and died in the spring of 1858. He was placed in a grave (坟墓). After that, Bobby stood at John’s grave and shouted. “Come on, Bobby,” John’s 40 said. “It’s time to go home.” Bobby went home, but later he 41 to the grave. He sat down near John’s grave. He stayed there all night.

Bobby 42 at the grave site the next day, and the day after. For the next 14 years, Bobby never left the 43 . When the weather was cold, he slept in a small house near the grave. When it was 44 he slept on the ground near John’s grave.

45 , in 1872, Bobby died, too. John’s friends buried him in a small grave near John. Why was Bobby’s grave so little? Bobby, John’s best friend, was a dog.

36. A. rich B. lucky

C. beautiful D. funny

37. A. lonely B. nervous

C. worried D. separate

38. A.work B. rest

C. run D. walk

39. A. serious B. unhealthy

C. little D. sick

40. A. friends B. adults

C. parents D. brothers

41. A. nodded B. returned

C. came D. drove

42. A. knocked B. laughed

C. stayed D. pointed

43. A. garden B. grave

C. home D. town

44. A. cool B. warm

C. wet D. rainy

45. A. Luckily B. Quickly

C. Finally D.Interestingly



Millions of young people are writing blogs. Millions of others are reading them. The word “blog” is a short way of saying “web log”.

Many popular web sites now offer free, easy ways to create personal web pages and fill them with writings and pictures. Web sites called “Facebook” and “MySpace” are some of the most popular blog sites for young people. Many young adults use their blogs to write about daily activities and events in their lives. They also provide a place for people to write their ideas and opinions and how they think of others’ ideas.

Blogs offer young people a place to show their writings and feelings. They can also be helpful to connect you ng people with others. But blo gs can become dangerous when they are read on the Internet by millions of people all over the world.

Recent studie s show that young people often provide their names, ages and where they live on the Internet. That may not be safe for them. This personal information puts them at risk of being searched out by dangerous people who want to hurt them. Many students do not know about privacy(隐私) and are surprised to learn that adults can read their personal daily records easily. Students can also get into trouble when they put information about others on their blogs.

As a result, many schools have banned(禁止) the use of blogging web sites on school computers. Many schools have also begun teaching parents about the web sites. Parents should know what their children are doing online and should read their blogs to make sure they are not giving out private information. One way to keep away from these problems is to use programs so that blogs can be read by “friends only” .People can read the web site only if they know a secret word chosen by the blogger.

46. “Facebook” and “MySpace” are .

A. school subjects B. computer programs

C. school online BBS D. blog sites for young people

47. Blogs may be dangerous because .

A. surfing the Internet is bad for eyes

B. they are not allowed for school students

C. they get in the way of studies

D. personal information can be found in blogs easily

48. This passage is mainly about .

A. the safety of children’s blogs B. how to search the Internet

C. students’ behavior at school D. communicating with parents at home

49. According to the passage, many schools help children avoid(避免) blog problems by doing everything EXCEPT .

A. teaching parents about the web sites

B. asking students to use programs to refuse strangers

C. telling school students not to make any net friends

D. stopping students from blogging on school computers

50. You can enjoy your blog safely if .

A. you write your blog at school

B. you use a secret number for friends to enter your blog

C. your parents have little knowledge about web sites

D. you show all your writings and feelings in your blog


One of the most well-known directors of our time is Stephen Spielberg. He was born in Cincinnati on 18 December 1946. His father was an electric engineer(工程师) and his mother was a performing pianist. His sister, Anne Spielberg, became a screen writer who wrote the stories for many famous films.

Stephen had always wanted to be a director ever since he was a young boy. When he was just 13 years old, he made a 40-minute film. It won a local competition. Three years later, he produced a film called Firelight, which made one hundred dollars’ profit (利润) at the cinema in his hometo wn. Many of the ideas from this film were later used for one of his most famous films called Close Encounters of the Third Kind.

When he was 18 years old, he wanted to go to film school so that he could improve his skills and become an even better director. Unluckily, he was unsuccessful in getting a place at this sch ool so he went to a university(大学) in California to study English. Even though he had failed to get into the school he wanted to go to, he didn’t let this stop him following his dream to become a great director.

Stephen Spielberg has directed many films since his first major(主要的) film in 1976. He now owns many different businesses, most of which are involved(涉及) in the film industry.

51. What is Stephen Spielberg?

A. A famous director. B. A famous performing pianist.

C. He was born in Cincinnati. D. A screen writer.

52. Who wrote the stories for films?

A. Stephen Spielberg. B. Stephen Spielberg’s father.

C. Stephen Spielberg’s mother. D. Stephen Spielberg’s sister.

53. Why did little Stephen Spielberg want to go to film school?

A. He liked film school.

B. He wanted to be an actor.

C. He could improve his skills and become an even better director.

D. His parents wanted him to become a director.

54. Was Stephen Spielberg successful in getting a place at the film school?

A. Yes, he was. B. No, he wasn’t.

C. Yes, he won. D. No, he didn’t.

55. How long has Stephen Spielberg directed films?

A. In 1976. B. 63 years.

C. Over 30 years. D. 18 years.


Many children use the Internet to get useful knowledge and information, and to relax in their free time. But some of them are not using in a good way. Here are some rules to make sure you are safe and have fun on the Internet.

●Make rules for Internet use with your parents. For example, when you can go online, for how long and what activities you can go online.

●Don’t give your password(密码) to anyone else, and never leak out the following information—your real name, home address, age, school, phone number or other personal information.

●Check with your parents before giving out a credit(信用) card number.

●Never send a photo of yourself to someone in e-mail unless your parents say it’s OK.

●Check with your parents before going into a chat room. Different chat rooms have different rules and attract different kinds of people. You and your parents must make sure it’s a right place for you.

●Never agree to meet someone you met on the Internet without your pare nt’s permission(允许). Never meet anyone you met online alone.

●Always remember that people online may not be who they say they are. Treat everyone online as stran gers.

●If something you see or read online makes you uncomfortable, leave the site. Tell a parent or teacher right away.

●Treat other people as you’d like to be treated. Never use bad language.

●Remember—not everything you read on the Internet is true.

56. If you want a true friend on the Internet, you can ______.

A. tell the people what your name is B. meet the people online alone

C. write an e-mail about yourself D. get your parent’s permission

57. It’s good for children to _____on the Internet.

A. give password to others B. get useful knowledge and information

C. give ou t a credit card number D. go into a chat room as they’d like to

58. The underlined phrase “leak out” in the third paragraph may mean “______”.

A. give in B. leave out

C. give out D. put away

59. If your parents don’t agree, never ______.

A. read anything on the Internet

B. relax in your free time

C. have a face-to-face meeting with anyone you met online

D. treat other people as you’d like to be treated

60. This passage is mainly about “______”.

A. How to Use Computers B. Surfing the Internet

C. Information on the Internet D. Internet Safety Rules



61.We should take action to prevent water _______(污染) because people can’t live without water.

62. We all know the sun is one of the _______ (恒星).

63. The robot can help you to iron your clothes after they are ________(洗).

64. My father bought me a toy monkey. It keeps _________ (点头). How interesting!

65.Can I have a look at the (菜单)?

66. It’s very sunny outside. You’d better wear ________ (太阳镜)when you go out.

67.This kind of (油)is good for children’s health.

68.Who can (导演)the fashion show?

69.The noise in the room will drive us (发疯的).

70.A girl was (抢劫) at the railway station last night.


71.The boy was badly ill (short)after he got to the city.

72. We were all surprised at his _________ (silent) on recent events.

73. —It’s raining so ______ (heavy) now. You’d better stay at home.

—But I must go to work today.

74. Look at the sign! It says “_________ (safe) First”.

75. Her necklace has gone______(miss). She has asked a detective for help.

76.The girl arrived at the cinema out of (breathe).

77.We had no (choose)but to prove that we were at another place at that time.

78.Mr Gao has taught us (France)for two years.

79.Don’t be (patient)!You should listen to him carefully.

80.There are some (different) between the two pictures.



He has ______ ________ ________ _______ ________ English.


Too much work and______ _________ ________ _____ ______ ______ illness.


It is raining outside.You _____ _________ ________ _____ ______ ______now.


These films _____ _________ ________ _____ ______ ______teenagers.


We should decide______ _______ _______ as soon as possible.


Jack went to a barber’s shop and had his hair cut, but when he came out, he was not 86.h_____with the result. When his friend Bob saw him, he 87.l______and said, “What happened to your hair, Jack?”

Jack said, “I tried a new barber’s shop today, because I wasn’t quite satisfied with the 88.o_____one, but this one seems even 89.w______.”

Bob agreed,“Yes. I think you are right, Jack. Now I’ll tell you 90.w_____to do when you go into a barber’s shop 91.n_____time. Look at the barber’s hair,find out whose hair 92.l_____ worst, and then go straight to him.”

“Why shall I go to him?” Jack asked, “But that would be foolish.”

“Oh, no, it wouldn’t.” said Bob. “Who cut that man’s 93.h_____? Just think it over. He couldn’t cut it 94.h_____, could he? One of the 95.o______ barbers cut it. So you know he can’t be the worst barber.”


为配合我市“创建文明城市”活动的开展,你们学校决定举行以How to Behave Well?为





3.遵守交通规则(obey traffic rules),不乱扔垃圾;

4. ……



4.广州版九年级上册英语期末考试试题及答案 篇四




6. Where is Betty from?

A. She’s from England. B. She’s in England. C. She’s from America.

7. What can Tony speak?

A. English. B. Chinese. C. English and Chinese.

8. How many people are there in Smith’s family?

A. Four. B. Five. C. Six.

9. Does Jack watch TV on Sunday?

A. Yes, often. B. Yes, sometimes. C. No, never.

10. When does Richard get up on Saturday?

A. At 9:00. B. At 9:30. C. At 3:29.




11. Tony is ________ today.

A. birthday B. playing basketball C. thirteen

12. Jack and Betty want to buy _________ for Tony.

A. a book B. a basketball C. a birthday cake


13. Tony and Mary want to see _________ in the zoo.

A. the elephant B. the panda C. the dog

14. The panda _________.

A. doesn’t like Meimei B. doesn’t like playing C. is from Sichuan

15. Tony and Mary go to the zoo _________.

A. at 2 pm B. with Meimei C. on Sunday afternoon


( ) 16. Lisa is ___________.

A. reading a picture-book B. writing a postcard C. doing homework

( ) 17. Bill is writing a letter to his ___________.

A. sister B. brother C. parents

( ) 18. The Chinese book on the desk is ___________.

A. Lisa’s B. Jack’s C. Paul’s

( ) 19. Sam usually does his homework ___________.

A. at school. B. at home C. in the library

( ) 20. ___________ students are cleaning the floor.

A. Two B. Three C. Four

第二部分 基础知识运用(共二节,30小题,每小题1分,满分30分)

第一节 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

( ) 1. Tom is very _______ in music.

A. interest B. interesting C. interested

( ) 2. ---When will the Olympic Games start?

---_______ August 8th,2008.

A. On B. In C. At

( ) 3. _______ does your school have sports meetings?

Twice a year.

A. How long B. How soon C. How often

( ) 4. --- Who’s the letter from ?

--- My uncle. Let me _______ it to my father.

A. bring B. take C. carry

( ) 5. Thank you _________ your nice picture .

A. at B. for C. with

( ) 6. ---- Can you play football?

---- Yes, I can , _______ I can play it very well.

A. or B. and C. but

( ) 7. --- What do you have for breakfast ?

--- I often have _______ or _______.

A. breads ; noodles B. bread ; noodles C. bread ; noodle

( ) 8. ________ father is a teacher .

A. Jim and Kate’s B. Jim’s and Kate’s C. Jim and Kate

( ) 9. ---What’s wrong with you ? You look so tired.

--- Last night I ________ sleep well.

A. couldn’t B. can’t C. wouldn’t

( ) 10. ---- Keep quiet , kids . Dad _______ in the next room.

A. slept B. sleeps C. is sleeping

( ) 11. I visited many places last Saturday . When I ______ at the hotel , it was late.

A. got B. reached C. arrived

( ) 12. Mother bought a new dress ______ me last Friday.

A. in B. to C. for

( ) 13. The ruler is _______ . Give it to _______, please.

A. hers; her B. hers; she C. her ; hers D. hers ; hers

( ) 14. All the boys love _______ football.

A. play B. playing C. plays

( ) 15. Look______the word in the dictionary.

A. down B. up C. right

第二节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)



Daming’s uncle likes___36__ and he reads ___37___ books and magazines. His favourite book is Harry Potter. He likes films ___38___ he often goes to the cinema. He doesn’t like football. Daming’s mother ___39___ candy. She never goes to the cinema, and she doesn’t like table tennis __40__ basketball. She likes clothes and she usually wears silk(丝绸的)___41____. She never wears jeans or trainers. Daming’s aunt and uncle ___42___ in the USA. ___43___ favourite clothes are jeans and T-shirts. They usually ___44___ jeans. They always ___45___ to concerts.

36. A. reads B. to read C. reading

37. A. a lot B. lot of C. lots of

83. A. and B. but C. or

39. A. like B. likes C. liking

40. A. and B. but C. or

41. A. shirts B. bamboo C.paper

42. A. lives B. live C. living

43. A. They B. Them C. Their

44. A. wear B. wears C. put on

45. A. listens B. go C. hear


I’m Lucy. I live in Guangzhou with my family. This weekend is my birthday. I get a lot of birthday 46 , so I am very happy. My mother makes a big and nice 47 for me. We cut it happily together. My father 48 me many special things such as a CD, a card, a T-shirt and a 49 . He knows I often read it. I like them very much. I like playing baminton(羽毛球). I often play it 50 my classmate after school. So my friend Tony sends me a badminton bat. After the dinner, we sing, dance and listen to music. We all have a happy weekend.

46. A. parties B. presents C. cake D. candle

47. A. noodle B. boat C. plane D. cake

48. A. give B. gives C. giving D. to give

49. A. magazine B. film C. jean D. shoe

50. A. or B. at C. with D. to

第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)


There are usually three terms in Britain:autumn, spring and summer terms.

The schools usually have a five-day holiday halfway in each term. Sometimes the schools take their pupils on trips at half-term.Holidays can be different in different places.The schools usually have ten days at Christmas,ten days at Easter and six weeks in summer from the end of July to the beginning of September.

Students can eat lunch in the school dining room.All pupils enjoy talking about how bad school food is.

根据短文内容选择最佳答案 5分(每小题1分)

( )51.The half term holidays for the students in Britain are usually____days in a year.

A. five B. ten C.fifteen

( )52.How long is the summer holidays?

A.One month and a half B. Ten days. C. Sixteen weeks.

( )53.The students don’t like having lunch in the school dining room recently because______.

A. they are on holidays. B. the food is not delicious C. they are too busy

( )54.According to the passage, which of the following sentences is Not right?

A. The schools often take the students on trips at half-term.

B. In different places, holidays may be different.

C. There is a spring term in Britain.

( )55.When does Christmas come?

A. April. B.December. C.February.


Bob Pearson is an old man. He has two big houses and a new car. He has no wife. But he is the father of four children. He has two sons and two daughters. One son is from England. His name is Bill. The other son is from America. His name is Mike. One of his daughters is from Japan. Her name is Mikou. The other one is from China. Her name is Lanlan. Bob Pearson is not the children’s real(真的) father, but he loves them very much. The children love their “father”, too.

56. Bob Pearson __________.

A. has a very big family B. has a car and two houses C. is from China

57. The children ________ Bob Pearson’s real children.

A. isn’t B. are C. aren’t

58. His children are from _________ countries.

A. four B. three C. two

59. Bob Pearson __________ the children very much.

A. doesn’t like B. like C. likes

60. Which is RIGHT?

A. Bob Pearson is a very nice young man.

B. Bill and Mikou come from the same country.

C. Lanlan is a Chinese girl.


As we all know, animals are our good friends. Many kids love animals very much. They like to go to the zoo every Saturday, Sunday or even every day on weekdays. But do you want to go to the zoo at night?

Usually, the zoos aren’t open at night. But if you are in Singapore, you may have a chance to visit a zoo at night. There is a night zoo in Singapore. Its name is Night Safari. It is open at night. Why? That’s because many animals only wake up (醒来)in the evening, like tigers and wolves. During the day, they like to sleep, so it’s the best time to watch them at night.

Is that interesting? Welcome to the Night Safari!

( ) 61. Who likes to go to the zoo?

A. Everyone B. Animals

C. Good friends D. Many children

( 62. When do they go to the zoo?

A. On Saturdays B. On Sundays C. On weekdays D. A, B and C

( ) 63. Where can you see tigers and wolves at night?

A. Every zoo in China B. Every zoo in the world

C. Every zoo in Singapore D. Only in Night Safari in Singapore

( ) 64. What is Night Safari?

A. An animal’s name B. A people’s name

C. A zoo’s name D. A place’s name

( ) 65. Why is the best time to watch some animals at night?

A. Because they are sleeping at night.

B. Because they aren’t sleeping at night..

C. Because they are beautiful at night.

D. Because they aren’t dangerous at night.


Hello, I’m Lily. I am a student of No. 6 Middle School. I like singing and dancing. I can sing pop music very well. I like eating meat, because I think it’s very delicious. I am good at English, because I like it very much.

My mother is a shop assistant. She likes listening to Zhang Xueyou’s songs. She always goes shopping with me. She’s good at maths. When I have problems with maths she often helps me. My father is a manager. He always goes to the park with me. My father is good at Chinese and he also likes pets very much. My sister is a student of fourteen years old. She’s a small famous singer in the city. She likes singing and dancing. She can sing very well.

66. How many people are there in Lily’s family?

A. Three B. Four C. Five D. Six

67. Who likes singing?

A. Only Lily. B. Her father and mother.

C. Lily and her sister. D. All of them.

68. Lily’s mother is good at __________.

A. singing B. history C. maths D. English

69. Is Lily’s father good at Chinese?

A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn’t.

C. Sorry, we don’t know. D. Maybe.

70. Lily and her sister like _________.

A. eating meat B. going shopping

C. English D. singing and dancing


第一节 词汇(共10小题,每题1分,满分10分)


71. _______(愿意)you like to come to my birthday party? 71. ___________

72. The Tiger is a very large animal and usually lives ______(独自地) 72. ___________

73. Pandas likes eating bamboo_______(叶子). 73. ___________

74. They usually work on ________(any day of the week except Saturday and Sunday)74. ___________

75. She has got many dresses. She _______(use money) lots of money. 75. ___________


66. There is a computer on the _________(teacher) desk.

67. Fruits and vegetables are _________ (health) food, and they are good for you..

68. Remember: brush your _________ (tooth) every morning.

69. ________(they)favorite subject is science.

70. My mother _________ (not buy) any chocolate because it isn’t very healthy.

76. __________ 77. ___________ 78. ___________ 79. ___________ 80. __________

第二节 完成句子(满分20分)

A) 根据要求变换句型,一空一词。(每空1分,共10分)

81. She usually has two eggs and a bottle of milk in the morning. (改为一般疑问句)

__________ she __________ two eggs and a bottle of milk in the morning?

82. Tina always goes to the park on Sunday. (改为否定句)

Tina __________ goes to the park on Sunday.

83. The girl is writing postcards to his friends. (对划线部分提问)

__________ _________ the girl ___________?

84. Let’s go to a basketball match tomorrow. (改为同义句)

__________ _________ going to a basketball match tomorrow?

85. Let’s give him a birthday present. (改为同义句)

Let’s give a birthday present __________ __________.

B) 根据中文提示完成英语句子,一空一词。(每空1分,共10分)

86. 金钱买不来幸福。

___________ __________ buy happiness.

87. 你爷爷经常上网吗?

_________ your grandpa often go ____________?

88. 我们十点半经常都在操场上休息。

We often have _______ __________ on the playground at ten thirty.

89. 每天读读英语是很重要的。

___________ is ______________ to read English every day.

90. 我们的教室紧挨着教师办公室。

Our classroom is _________ _________ teachers’ office.

第三节 情景交际(每题1分,满分5分)


A. What do you use it for?

B. Then, write my homework in the document and save it.

C. How do you do it?

D. Could you help me?

E. Do you share your computer with others?

F. Thank you.

A: Your new computer is very nice!

B: Thank you.

A: ____________

B: I can get lots of useful information from the Internet. And I can write my homework.

A: Really? ____________

B: First, open a new document. ____________

A: It’s wonderful. ___________

B: Yes, I share it with my family. My father uses it to check train time and talks with his customers. And my mother uses it for shopping.

A: It’s very useful. I want to learn how to use the Internet. __________

B: Sure.

91. ______ 92. ______ 93. _______ 94. _______ 95. ________

第四节 书面表达(满分15分)





5.广州版九年级上册英语期末考试试题及答案 篇五

( )11.I am good at pictures. I‘d like an art teacher.

A draw, to be B ,draw ,being C drawing ,to be D drawing ,being

( )12.There is desk in the room. old book is on it.

A a, A B a, An C ,An,a D an,A

( )13. your father usually come home after work?.....At about 6:30.

A How is B How does C When does D When is

( )14.My mother usually at 6:00a.m in the morning.

A gets up B get up C get to D gets to

( )15.My parents to go out at night.

A not want B not wants Cdoesn’t want D don’t want

( )16…. do you play computer games?.... Once a week

A How B How often C How old D How many

( )17.Tom goes to school by bus because his school is very close to his home.

A always B seldom C often D sometimes

( )18.My brother enjoys basketball and he loves guitar,too.

A playing,playing the B playing,play the

C to play,playing D playing the,playing

( )19… your sister sports ……..No,she

A Do,like,don’t B Does,likes,doesn’t

C Does,like,doesn’t D Do,like,do

( )20. he doesn’t have breakfast, he feels hungry.

A Because,so B/,so C /,because D So,/


My English teacher, Miss Smith is 26 exciting teacher. Everyone likes 27 very much. She works very hard, 28 she is often very tired. Her home is about 10 kilometers 29 school. She gets up 30 six o’clock every day,and has a quick 31 .Then she 32 school.First,she walks to the bus station. It takes about ten minutes. 33 the early bus takes her to school. The bus usually takes about 25 minutes. How long does it 34 her to school? Do you know? 35 Minutes.

( )26. A a B the C an D/

( )27. A she B her C hers D him

( )28. A and B but C so D for

( )29. A on B in C for D from

( )30. A at B on C in D of

( )31. A lunch B breakfast C supper D dinner

( )32. A goes B go C goes to D go to

( )33. A First B Then C Last D Than

( )34. A take B takes C taking D is taking

( )35. A twenty-five B Ten C Thirty-five D Forty-five


Jim comes from America. Now he studies in No.5 Middle School in Beijingevery morning he 36 No. 21 bus to school .He has four classes in the morning and two in the 37 .

He speaks English very well .He often helps his Chinese friends learn 38 .He doesn’t like maths. He think it’s boring. 39 favorite subject is P.E.He thinks it’s 40 . His P.E 41 is very strict with him. His last class every day 42 at 4:00. He can be in all kinds of activities in the 43 .Jim wants to know more about Chinese culture. From Monday to Wednesday he often does Chinese Kung fu.On Thursday he often play chess for 44 hour. OnFriday he takes part in the activities of 45 club. He likes playing guzheng and Erhu .Every afternoon he gets home about six’o clock. How busy his day is!

( )36.A takes B has C gets D have

( )37. A noon B night C afternoon D evening

( )38. A Chinese B English C Japanese D American

( )39. A He B His C She D Her

( )40. A boring B bad C funny D relaxing

( )41. A friend B mother C teacher D brother

( )42. A ends B begins C works D starts

( )43. A night B evening C morning D afternoon

( )44. A the B an C a D/

( )45. A music B painting C chess D basketball


My name is Rechel.I am a student in Toronto,Canada.It is the second largest country in size in the world.Every day my brother Andrew and I go to school at 9:00.i dislike getting up at 8:00 in the morning! When we finally get up,weneed to eat breakfast quickly at home and walk to school.At school we learn English and French,because Canadian speak English andFrench. Of course,we also learn history,art,science and math.My brother’s favorite sport is football. ButI can’t play football at school—there are no grassy area on the playground.School ends at 3:30 Andrew and I walk back home. I have to do a lot of homework first. After dinner I can relax. My favorite hobby is going for a boat-ride with dad. Sometimes go to the park. I hope you can enjoy learning about my life.

( )1. is the second largest in the world.

A Canada‘s size B Canada’s population C the number of the students

( ) 2.Rachel and his brother go to school .

A in the school bus B in their father’s car C on foot

( ) 3.what language does Rachel learn at school.

A English and science B English and French C French and reading

( )4.Rachel’s brother likes best.

A volleyball B football C baseball

( )5.Rachel has to first after school.

A help his mother cook B do his home work C watch TV with his brother

Hello I am Jeff Smith. I work in a big computer company. I am busy every day. I want to rent an old house with a beautiful garden. The house must be big and clean. And it’s quiet in the neighborhood .I hole there is a beautiful park nearby. So my parents can take a walk in the morning or after supper .Our family can have fun there on weekends,there must be a school near the house .and mydaughter can go to school by herself .she likes playing computer games and wants a video arcade (电子游戏中心) near the house .my wife is busy with her work .She hopes there is a big supermarket in the neighborhood .she can buy some food and drinks easily. Do you have such a house to rent?Please call me at 13827317567.

( ) 1.There are_____people in Mr. Smith’s family.

A.3 B.4 C.5 D.6

( )2.Jeff wants to rent _____.

A. a garden B. a new house C. a park D. a house with a garden

( )3.Why does Jeff hope these is a big park in the neighborhood?

A. His parents can take a walk in the morning or after supper.

B. His family can have fun there on weekends.

C. A and B.

D. His father can work there.

( )4._____ likes playing computer games.

A. Jeff’s wife B. Jeff’s daughter C. Jeff D. Jeff and Jeff’s wife

( )5.This is a(n) ______ .

6.广州版九年级上册英语期末考试试题及答案 篇六

二.1.girl 2.sdudent 3.twenty 4.thirteen 5.raincoat

三.D C A A C B A B C B

四.A B A A B

五、E B D C A

六、1.classes 2.fat 3.puts 4.well 5.let’s

七、1.How tall Iam!

7.广州版九年级上册英语期末考试试题及答案 篇七

上学期九年级数学试卷   一、选择题(每小题3分,共24分)1.若在实数范围内有意义,则x的取值范围是 A.x≥1 B.x>1 C.x≤1 D.x≠1 2.方程的解是 A.B.C.D.3.如图,AD∥BE∥CF,直线a、b与这三条平行线分别交于点A、B、C和点D、E、F.若AB=4,BC=6,DE=3,则EF的长为 A.4 B.4.5 C.5 D.6(第3题)(第4题)(第5题)4.如图,在Rt△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,CD是斜边AB上的中线.若CD=4,AC=6,则cosA的值是 A.B.C.D.5.如图,学校种植园是长32米,宽20米的矩形.为便于管理,现要在中间开辟一横两纵三条等宽的小道,使种植面积为600平方米.若设小道的宽为x米,则下面所列方程正确的是 A.(32-x)(20-x)=600 B.(32-x)(20-2x)=600 C.(32-2x)(20-x)=600 D.(32-2x)(20-2x)=600 6.已知点、在二次函数的图象上.若,则 与的大小关系是 A.B.C.D.7.如图,在⊙O中,半径OA垂直弦BC于点D.若∠ACB=33°,则∠OBC的大小为 A.24° B.33° C.34° D.66°(第7题)(第8题)8.如图,△ABC和△ADE均为等边三角形,点D在BC上,DE与AC相交于点F.若AB=9,BD=3,则CF的长为 A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4 二、填空题(每小题3分,共18分)9.计算:=.10.若关于的一元二次方程有实数根,则的取值范围是 . 11.将抛物线向下平移2个单位后,得到的抛物线所对应的函数表达式为 . 12.如图,四边形ABCD是圆内接四边形,E是BC延长线上一点.若∠BAD =105°,则∠DCE的大小是 度.(第12题)(第13题)(第14题)13.如图,在平面直角坐标系中,线段AB两个端点的坐标分别为(6,6),(8,2).以原点O为位似中心,在第一象限内将线段AB缩小为原来的后得到线段CD,则点C的坐标为.14.如图,在平面直角坐标系中,点A在第二象限,以A为顶点的抛物线经过原点,与x轴负半轴交于点B,对称轴为直线x=-2,点C在抛物线上,且位于点A、B之间(C不与A、B重合).若四边形AOBC的周长为a,则△ABC的周长为(用含a的代数式表示). 三、解答题(本大题共10小题,共78分)15.(6分)计算:.16.(6分)解方程:.17.(6分)某工厂一种产品2013年的产量是100万件,计划2015年产量达到121万件.假设2013年到2015年这种产品产量的年增长率相同.求2013年到2015年这种产品产量的年增长率.18.(7分)图①、图②均是边长为1的正方形网格,△ABC的三个顶点都在格点上.按要求在图①、图②中各画一个三角形,使它的顶点均在格点上.(1)在图①中画一个△A1B1C1,满足△A1B1C1∽△ABC,且相似比不为1.(2)在图②中将△ABC绕点C顺时针旋转90°得到△A2B2C,求旋转过程中B点所经过的路径长.图① 图② 19.(7分)如图,AB是半圆所在圆的直径,点O为圆心,OA=5,弦AC=8,OD⊥AC于E,交⊙O于D,连结BC、BE.(1)求OE的长.(2)设∠BEC=α,求tanα的值. 20.(7分)如图,在平面直角坐标系中,过抛物线的顶点A作x轴的平行线,交抛物线于点B,点B在第一象限.(1)求点A的坐标.(2)点P为x轴上任意一点,连结AP、BP,求△ABP的面积.21.(8分)(8分)某超市利用一个带斜坡的平台装卸货物,其纵断面ACFE如图所示. AE为台面,AC垂直于地面,AB表示平台前方的斜坡.斜坡的坡角∠ABC为43°,坡长AB为2m.为保障安全,又便于装卸货物,决定减小斜坡AB的坡角,AD是改造后的斜坡(D在直线BC上),坡角∠ADC为31°.求斜坡AD底端D与平台AC的距离CD.(结果精确到0.1m)【参考数据:sin43°=0.68,cos43°=0.73,tan43°=0.93;

sin31°=0.52,cos31°=0.86,tan31°=0.60】 22.(9 分)(9分)如图,在Rt△ABC中,∠B=30°,∠ACB=90°,AB=4.延长CA到O,使AO=AC,以O 为圆心,OA长为半径作⊙O交BA延长线于点D,连结OD、CD.(1)求扇形OAD的面积.(2)判断CD所在直线与⊙O的位置关系,并说明理由.23.(10分)如图,在Rt△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,AC=6cm,BC=8cm.动点P从点B出发,在BA边上以每秒5cm的速度向点A匀速运动,同时动点Q从点C出发,在CB边上以每秒4cm的速度向点B匀速运动,运动时间为t秒(0<t<2).(1)用含t的代数式表示BP、BQ的长.(2)连结PQ,如图①所示.当△BPQ与△ABC相似时,求t的值.(3)过点P作PD⊥BC于D,连结AQ、CP,如图②所示.当AQ⊥CP时,直接写出线段PD的长.图① 图②   24.(12分)如图,在平面直角坐标系中,抛物线与x轴交于A(4,0)、B(-3,0)两点,与y轴交于点C.(1)求这条抛物线所对应的函数表达式.(2)如图①,点D是x轴下方抛物线上的动点,且不与点C重合.设点D的横坐标为m,以O、A、C、D为顶点的四边形面积为S,求S与m之间的函数关系式.(3)如图②,连结BC,点M为线段AB上一点,点N为线段BC上一点,且BM=CN=n,直接写出当n为何值时△BMN为等腰三角形.图① 图② 一、1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.D 7.A 8.B 二、9.10.11.(化成一般式也可)12.105 13.(3,3)14.a-4 三、15.原式=.(化简正确给2分,计算sin30°正确给1分,结果2分)16..(1分)∵a=1,b=-3,c=-1,∴.(2分)(最后结果正确,不写头两步不扣分)∴.(5分)∴(6分)【或,(2分).(3分),.(5分)(6分)】 17.设2013年到2015年这种产品产量的年增长率为x.(1分)根据题意,得.(3分)解得 x1=0.1=10%,x2=﹣2.1(不合题意,舍去).(5分)答:2013年到2015年这种产品产量的年增长率为10%.(6分)18.(1)(2)画图略.(4分)(每个图2分,不用格尺画图总共扣1分,不标字母不扣分)(2)由图得.(5分)(结果正确,不写这步不扣分)旋转过程中B点所经过的路径长:

.(7分)(过程1分,结果1分)19.(1)∵OD⊥AC,∴.(1分)在Rt△OEA中,.(3分)(过程1分,结果1分)(2)∵AB是⊙O的直径,∴∠C=90°.(4分)在Rt△ABC中,AB=2OA=10,∴.(5分)∵OD⊥AC,∴.(6分)在Rt△BCE中,tan=.(7分)20.(1).(3分)(过程2分,结果1分)(用顶点坐标公式求解横坐标2分,纵坐标1分)∴点A的坐标为(4,2).(4分)(2)把代入中,解得,(不合题意,舍去).(6分)∴.(7分)∴.(8分)21.在Rt△ABC中,sin∠ABC=,∴AC=ABsin43°=2×0.68=1.36(m).(4分)(过程2分,有其中两步即可,结果2分)在Rt△ADC中,tan∠ADC=,∴(m).(给分方法同上)∴斜坡AD底端D与平台AC的距离CD约为2.3m.(8分)(不答不扣分,最终不写单位扣1分)22.(1)在Rt△ABC中,∠ACB=90°,∠B=30°,∴,(1分)∠BAC=60°.(2分)∴AO=AC=2,∠OAD=∠BAC=60°. ∵OA=OD,∴△OAD是等边三角形.(3分)∴∠AOD=60°.(4分)∴.(5分)(2)CD所在直线与⊙O相切.(只写结论得1分)理由:∵△OAD是等边三角形,∴ AO=AD,∠ODA=60°.(6分)∵AO=AC,∴ AC=AD.∴∠ACD=∠ADC=.(7分)∴∠ODC=∠ODA+∠ADC=60°+30°=90°,即OD⊥CD.(8分)∵OD为⊙O的半径,∴CD所在直线与⊙O相切.(9分)23.(1)BP=5t,BQ=8-4t.(2分)(2)在Rt△ABC中,.(3分)当△BPQ∽△BAC时,即.(4分)解得.(5分)当△BPQ∽△BCA时,即.(6分)解得.(8分)(3).(10分)24.(1)把A(4,0)、B(-3,0)代入中,得 解得(2分)∴这条抛物线所对应的函数表达式为.(3分)(2)当-3
