


1.新目标九年级英语高效课堂反思 篇一


本单元我主要是围绕着“narrate past events”这个话题,通过了解不及时做某事而造成的危害,培养学生养成良好的行为习惯。


By the time I got outside,the bus had already left.Have you ever been to…? Yes,I have.What happened to David on April Fool’s Day

本单元我充分利用情景教学法,首先,我创设与本单元话题相关的情景,如展示“我的尴尬”的一组图片,通过自己讲述自己尴尬的经历,激起学生对话题的兴趣。然后通过SectionA 1a的图片,讲述图片上发生的事情,强调过去完成时的结构和用法:(had+pp)。把优化课堂教学当成教育的主渠道,尽最大可能为学生创设运用英语的情景,指导学生积极地运用语言,在学中用,在用中学。通过老师不断的强化句型,让学生有个模式,为后面的讨论做铺垫。通过反复操练,巩固句型,体会句型的结构,同时加强运用相关的目标句型,如:get outside,get to school,start doing,be late for„等,并为听懂听力内容打下基础。其二,我围绕着本单元的教学目标,让学生完成任务:想想自己是否曾经有过很倒霉的经历,向全班同学讲述事情的经过。通过完成一个任务,让学生运用所学内容,既巩固了本课所学的目标语言,又开拓了学生的思维,使学生的语言运用源于书本又高于书本,培养学生在实际活动中运用本单元所学的内容,来解决现实生活中的实际问题的能力,真正达到了新课标提出的培养学生综合运用语言的能力。其三,有了以上的铺垫,学生运用语言和语法知识进行阅读并理解文章。在这一环节中,我询问了学生对愚人节的了解。使学生在学习本单元语言知识的同时,也了解一些西方文化及西方儿童的生活习惯。最后,让学生根据所学知识进行写作,使他们的写作技能得到发展和提高。


不足之处在于Section B 2c Groupwork中,让学生根据听力内容,运用2a、2b中的信息,首先理解对话、模仿对话,进行表演对话。这一环节能够很好地体现出学生合作学习、互相交流的精神,培养语言能力和创新精神。可惜在课时安排和设计上没能在课堂进行。其二,布置学生的写作,没能及时在课堂上进行反馈、点评。其三,由于时间的限制和我本人安排上的疏忽,造成课堂前松后紧,以至有拖堂的现象。


2.新目标九年级英语高效课堂反思 篇二

一、中考与素质教育、课程标准, 考试说明与课本

在尚未找到更为科学的方式来对学生进行评价的情况下, 我们只能认为各种考试包括中考不再是英语素质教育的唯一目的, 而是评价学生的必要手段。事实证明, 中考对素质教育也越来越表现出了积极驱动的作用。在教学实践中, 九年级英语教师既重视中考复习, 又侧重于素质教育, 使两者和谐统一, 在这一点上取得了较好的效果。许多教师都有这样的体会, 如果教师能启发学生掌握知识, 又能促进学生形成能力并最终提高其素质, 这样的教育不仅不会影响中考成绩, 而且最终也能提高学生的考试应变能力。为此我们应严格按照英语教育规律办事, 扎扎实实地搞好九年级英语教学, 把目标调整到全面提高学生素质上来。

“课程标准”和“考试说明”是实施教学和考试的依据, 如果偏离了他们, 中考复习就会迷失方向。课本是应考复习的根本, 如果脱离了根本, 复习就成了无源之水, 无本之木。不过中考命题却不以课本为依据, 而以课程标准、考试说明为依据。因此, 九年级英语复习应正确处理好这三者的关系, 做到教有所依, 学有所得。

1.熟悉课程标准和考试说明内容, 深刻认识其基本要求和基本特点, 认准考试目标, 把握好中考复习的方向。

2.重点研究考试说明中的多种能力要求, 要将能力要求贯穿于教学的始终, 使学生对各种能力要求做到心中有数, 在设计习题上突出能力训练。平时练习则要结合能力要求, 使学生准确理解各项能力要求的实质, 达到相应的水平层次。

3.依据考试说明, 吃透课本的内容, 按照课文顺序复习, 不搞跳跃式教学, 扎扎实实打好基础。在此基础上, 可适当扩展知识面, 提供一些与课本有关、与现实时代有关的新材料和新问题, 创设一些新情况, 以便学生达到课程标准提出的能力要求。

打造九年级英语高效复习课堂之二:知识, 能力, 思想, 心理和身体素质。

二、知识, 能力, 思想, 心理和身体素质

1.重视基础知识。中考侧重于能力考核, 题目灵活。但是, 决不可因此就认为基础知识不重要了。近几年来许多考生在中考中拿不到高分, 其主要原因是基础不够扎实。其实, 试题越灵活, 运用知识的要求越高, 知识是能力的基础和载体, 没有牢固的基础知识就谈不上知识的运用能力, 更谈不上通过设计新情景运用基本知识去分析问题, 解决问题了。因此, 近几年来我校教师在基础知识掌握上下了大力气, 连续几年英语中考都取得了优异成绩。

2.重视能力培养。在教学过程中, 必须把能力培养贯穿到教学的各个环节里。为此, 在第一轮复习时要做到不仅是知识到位, 同时力争能力到位, 从而使第二、第三轮的综合复习能纵横联系, 形成立体知识网络和能力系统, 最终有效地提高学生的综合、分析、比较、鉴赏和表达的能力。

3.渗透思想素质教育。在中考时, 英语学科总是把深刻的思想教育内容包含在试题中。因此, 在教学实践中应始终把思想教育渗入基础知识的传授过程中。通过东西方文化的比较, 了解国家的文化背景, 促进学生形成良好的思想道德素质。

4.心理素质。不少学生 (其中相当一部分很聪明的学生) , 之所以学习成绩没什么进步, 还不断滑坡, 除了基础较差或思想品德方面有问题外, 往往是心理障碍即心理素质较差所致。我们英语教师就应当有针对性地对学生进行心理素质方面的训练和提高。有了心理优势, 学生的信心就足, 干劲就大, 困难就会被踩在脚下。我们应该对学生中各种不同的心理障碍采取相应的对策。对自卑型, 可适当降低要求, 使他们看到自己也能学好, 逐步提高他们的信心。对厌学型和成绩较差型, 以鼓励表扬为主, 每取得点滴进步, 就给予表扬, 不断激发他们的信心, 使他们有成功的感受和喜悦。对随意型和被动型, 布置具体任务, 采取从严、从高、从紧的方式管理。总之, 真正负责任的教师, 应当既教书育人, 又做学生的心理素质咨询工作。

5.身体素质。要使学生成为德、智、体、美、劳全面发展的高素质人才, 也绝不可能忽视学生的身体素质。健康的体魄有助于人形成健康的心灵, 身体锻炼得棒棒的, 血液循环加快, 思维活动也就更加活跃, 学习效率会得到提高。因此, 我们外语教师应要求和鼓励学生上好体育课, 积极参加课外体育活动, 养成自觉锻炼身体的好习惯, 这样, 学生上起英语课来才会朝气蓬勃, 精神饱满。

3.新目标英语九年级Unit 3 篇三

( )1. —I am scared. I dont want to take the Mad Mouse ride.

—______!Its so exciting. Youll enjoy it.

A. No problem B. Come on C. Cheer up D. Forget it

( )2. —How could you find me coming in while you were reading?

—Out of the ______ of my eye I did it.

A. window B. attention C. light D. corner

( )3. —How long shall we stay at the beach?

—Thats ______ the point. Now we have to decide how many of us want to go.

A. beside B. behind C. through D. across

( )4. —I think I cant achieve my dream because its too difficult for me.

—Dont lose heart. You cant know whats possible unless you ______.

A. offer B. try C. promise D. sleep

( )5. —What ______ are you going to study?

—Besides world geography, I plan to choose English culture.

A. hobby B. science C. course D. knowledge

( )6. —Do you know any travel ______ in South Korea?

—Yes, a little. More and more Chinese go there.

A. guides B. advice C. rules D. situations

( )7. —Why cant I park my bike here?

—Students are ______ to park along the sidewalk outside the school gate.

A. requested B. questioned C. imagined D. suggested

( )8. —Do you know ______?

—He hurt his leg and was sent to the hospital.

A. what Allen happened to B. what happened to Allen

C. what Allen did happen D. what happens to Allen

( )9. —Who will be the right person to organize the party?

—I ______ Alice. She is good at communication and organizing party games.

A. advise B. feel C. request D. suggest

( )10. —Why do we choose Uncle Bobs?

—Because this restaurant ______ very delicious food and is cheap.

A. changes B. spreads C. serves D. treats


I was born in an unusual family, I thought, until I grew up to an adult many years later. My parents 1 a small restaurant in Seattle. It was open twenty-four hours a day, six days a week. And my first real job, when I was six years old, was 2 the diners shoes. My father had done it when he was 3 , so he taught me how to do it well, telling me how to shine the shoes again if the customer wasnt satisfied.

I was proud of working in the restaurant 4 I was also working for the good of the family. But my father 5 said that I had to meet certain standards (标准) to be part of the team. I had to be on time, hard-working, and polite to the 6 . I was never paid for the work I did at the restaurant. One day I made the mistake of 7 to Dad that he should give me $10 a week. He said, “OK. How about you paying me for three meals a day you have here? And for the 8 you bring in your friends for free soft drinks?” He 9 the amount of money I owed (欠) him, about $40 a week.

I remember returning to Seattle after being 10 in the US Army for about two years. I had just been promoted (升职) to Captain at that time. And full of pride, I walked into my parents restaurant, but the 11 thing Dad said was, “How about your 12 up tonight?” I couldnt believed my ears!I am an officer in the Army! But it didnt 13 . As far as Dad was concerned, I was just another member of the team. I 14 for the mop (拖把). Working for Dads has taught me that the devotion (奉献) to a team is above all. It has nothing to do with 15 that team is for a family restaurant or the US Army.

( )1. A. offered B. completed C. caught D. ran

( )2. A. washing B. shining C. changing D. repairing

( )3. A. young B. sick C. special D. full

( )4. A. for B. because C. when D. though

( )5. A. carefully B. loudly C. clearly D. politely

( )6. A. family B. workers C. customers D. friends

( )7. A. suggesting B. pointing C. crying D. replying

( )8. A. jokes B. wishes C. reasons D. times

( )9. A. worked out B. decided on C. put off D. cut down

( )10. A. out B. over C. away D. alone

( )11. A. usual B. last C. next D. first

( )12. A. washing B. going C. cleaning D. turning

( )13. A. achieve B. count C. mean D. matter

( )14. A. reached B. called C. sent D. cared

( )15. A. when B. whether C. how D. why



As a dad, Ive had quite a few wonderful moments in my life. One of them appeared on a Saturday afternoon when I was taking my then 13-year-old son Justin and his friend Aron to see a movie. As we entered the movie theater, I noticed the ticket seller had undercharged (少要了钱) me, so I asked the boys to wait a moment when I returned the money. This did not please the boys, who were impatient to get the best seats.

At the same time, I suffered angry glares (怒视) from the people in line and even a dissatisfied action from the cashier (收银员), who corrected the mistake. When I returned, Aaron, who got very angry because the best seats had already been taken, asked, “Why did you have to do that? It was her mistake, not yours.”

Before I started a talk on honesty, my son, who was also angry, looked at his friend and said, “What did you expect him to do?”

Many years later, this memory is an inspiring reminder (回忆) of the influence we have on the character of our kids. Hearing from my son that he expected me to be honest and knew I expected the same of him was like a pat on the back saying Id done okay as a father.

My son, still one of the most honest people I know, realized that honesty is neither a convenience nor a choice. To a person who values honesty, its a habit.

As a father, its hard to know whats working and what isnt, but one of the best reward for attentive parenting (抚养) is seeing something good in our kids and knowing we play an important part in their lives.

( )1. What does the writer want to say in this passage?

A. Parents should set a good example for their kids.

B. Parents should be good at finding something good in their kids.

C. Kids should be honest even if its not welcomed by others.

D. Kids should leave some good impressions on others.

( )2. Why was the writers son also angry?

A. He couldnt understand why his father did that.

B. He feared he couldnt find good seats to enjoy the movie.

C. He thought Aron shouldnt be angry with his father.

D. He wasnt pleased with the cashiers mistake.

( )3. The underlined expression “a pat on the back” in paragraph 4 means ______.

A. a teacher B. a praise C. a survey D. a puzzle

( )4. According to the writers son, to be honest is ______.

A. to do anything good and convenient for you

B. to learn to find out the best part of everything

C. to realize the real value in everything

D. to stick to the truth of everything all the time

( )5. Which is TRUE according to the passage?

A. What the writer did make a difference to his son.

B. This event made the write unhappy for a long time.

C. It was not a big deal that the cashier made the mistake.

D. Aron agreed with his friend about the cashiers mistake.


It was Saturday morning and I asked seven-year-old Kelley to let her daddy take her to gym class. But she didnt agree. I explained that some friends would visit our house that day and I had to clean the house. But the truth was, I had spent 20 years watching Kelleys five elder brothers and sisters take lessons and I just wanted to get out of it. However, seeing Kelley was going to cry, I decided to do this once more.

Looking through the door, I watched as the teacher led the students to a rope hanging in the corner of the gym. One after another, each child in line climbed up the thick rope while the teacher held it at the bottom. Then it was Kelleys turn—the youngest in the class. With a big smile, she climbed higher and higher. Then it happened. About halfway up, the teacher loudly warned, “Dont go up any farther than youre able to come down.”

Kelley halted... Then slowly moved down all the way to the floor. I knew she was heading to the top of that rope and was perfectly capable (能够) of reaching it. Why did she stop? I questioned her on the way home.

“Kelley, could you have climbed all the way to the top?”

“Yes,” she quietly replied.

“Then why didnt you keep going?”


“Was it because of what the teacher said?” I asked.

She nodded (点头).

I knew it was time to teach.

“Kelley, dont let anybody make you doubt yourself. Dont ever let anyone keep you from knowing what you can do... Even though they seem bigger, or smarter or older. Will you remember that?” I said.

“Yes!” she answered quickly.

I was glad I chose to take Kelley to the class and got the opportunity to teach her an important lesson.

( )6. The writer did NOT want to take Kelley to gym class at first because she ______.

A. became very tired of it B. needed to visit some friends

C. had so much housework to do D. had to take lessons herself

( )7. Seeing Kelley climbing higher and higher, the teacher felt ______.

A. angry B. worried C. proud D. pleased

( )8. According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A. The writer has six children to look after.

B. Kelley would like her father to take her to gymnastics class.

C. The other children in gymnastic class are younger than Kelley.

D. Kelley was very frightened before the teachers warning.

( )9. What did the writer expect Kelley to do?

A. To take care of her safety. B. To follow the teachers advice.

C. To do as other students do. D. To have confidence in herself.

( )10. The underlined word “halted” in paragraph 3 means ______.

A. smiled B. stopped C. remembered D. counted


It was half past eight in the evening. Mr. Need didnt come back. His wife was a little worried. The supper was c 1 and she waited for more than two hours. She was sitting by the table in the dark room without turning on a light. She was w 2 what her husband was doing.

4.新目标九年级英语高效课堂反思 篇四


一、Section A 1.一般将来时的处理

课标要求我们淡化语法教学,但是我认为如果学生不能正确理解各种时态的概念以及构成,那么就不能很准确地表达一些动词在语境中的用法,而且在阅读理解方面也有欠缺,尤其是完形填空,通过对上下文来理解课文就更有难度了。在本单元中我从课题入手,直接告诉学生将来时的用法,然后让学生通过对Section A 中1a的阅读自己归纳将来时的构成,从而加深他们对时态的理解和记忆。紧接着让学生用将来时造句,学生完成的比较出色,有模仿课本中的句型,还有描述自己未来的新颖的句子,这个环节给后面的写作教学打下了良好的基础。2.3a的口语教学


二、Section B 3a的阅读教学


三、Self check中第一部分的设计



本单元的开放性话题我设计为 What is your dream? Can you talk about yourself in ten years? Can you imagine our life in the future ? 有了前面的造句和阅读的训练,学生已经对将来时有了思维定势,多数学生感觉有话说,下笔顺利,他们对句型的把握和运用超乎我的想象,大多数学生走出了教材,让语言发挥到了极致。

5.九年级新目标英语复习计划 篇五





















6.新目标九年级英语高效课堂反思 篇六

1.come back from 回来

2.feel sorry for 为……感到遗憾 3.by the way 顺便问一下 4.take photos 照相 5.do farm work 干农活 6.for a long time 长时间 7.tell stories 讲故事

8.have summer classes 上暑期班 9.at present 现在;目前

10.live a hard life 过困难的生活 11.in order to 为了

12.give support to 支持

13.keep in touch with 保持联系 14.see sth oneself 亲眼目睹 15.far away 遥远的

16.in the open air 在户外 17.sorts of 各种

18.succeed in doing sth 成功做某事 19.check over 检查

20.draw up an outline 拟订提纲 21.thanks to 多亏

22.make progress 取得进展 23.take part in 参加 24.in detail 详细地 25.in the past 在过去 26.have no chance 没机会 27.after class 课后

28.day and night 日日夜夜 29.more than 超过

30.learn … from 向……学习31.in the future 在将来 32.dream about 梦想

Unit 1 Topic 2短语

1.get lost 迷路 2.each other 互相

3.call sb up 打电话给某人 4.go shopping 购物 5.at least 至少 6.take place 发生

7.because of 因为;由于

8.be strict with sb 对某人要求严格 9.increase by 增加了 10.carry out 执行 11.be short of 缺少 12.so far 到目前为止

13.take measures to 采取措施 14.a couple of 一些;几个 15.keep up with 赶上

16.have fun 获得乐趣;玩得开心

17.offer a good education 提供一个良好的教育

18.work well in 在……有成效

19.be known as 将……称为;把……叫做 20.the only child 独生子 21.write down 写下 22.less than 少于

Unit 1 Topic 3短语

1.get used to习惯于

2.as a matter of fact 事实上 3.break out 爆发 4.in need 在困难时

5.decide on sth 就某事做出决定 6.feel good about oneself 自我感觉良好

7.provide sb with sth 向某人提供某物

8.live a normal life 过正常的生活 9.according to 根据 10.be away from 远离

11.be famous for 以……而闻名 12.so that 为了;以便 13.at the same time 同时 14.take drugs 服毒

15.obey the rules 遵守规则 16.aim to do sth 目的是…… 17.at home and abroad 国内外

18.in the past few years 在过去的几年中

19.pay for 付款 20.belong to 属于 Unit 2 Topic 1短语 1.at present 目前 2.have a picnic 野餐




3.of course 当做

4.be harmful to 对……是有害的 5.in a bad mood 处于坏情绪 6.manage to do sth 设法做某事 7.at midnight 在午夜 8.do harm to 有害于 9.go deaf 变聋

10.quite a few 相当多

11.no better than 与……一样(差、坏)12.in public 在公共场合

13.cause sb to do sth 导致某人做某事 14.all sorts of 各种各样的 15.in many ways 在许多方面 16.for example 举个例子

17.have an effect on sth 对某事有影响 18.two days later 两天后 19.in the past 在过去

20.at the end of 在……的末尾

Unit 2 Topic 2短语

1.as a result 结果 2.here and there 到处 3.walk on grass 践踏草坪 4.care for 关心;照顾 5.pick flowers 摘花

6.give some advice to 给……一些建议

7.in the beginning 在开端 8.cut down 砍伐

9.prevent sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事

10.in danger of 处于……的危险中 11.come to do sth 开始做某事 12.day by day 一天天

13.follow the rules 遵守规则 14.come into being 形成 15.cut off 切断

16.change into 变成…… 17.take away 带走

18.pass through 通过;穿过

19.be helpful to 对……是有帮助的;有助于……

20.refer to 指的是…… 21.deal with 处理 22.at the same time 同时 23.take up 占据

24.stop sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事

25.wash away 冲走

Unit 2 Topic 3短语

1.interview sb about sth 采访某人某事

2.spread the message 传递信息

3.encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事

4.protect the environment 保护环境 5.save money 省钱

6.be supposed to 理应;应该 7.ought to 应该

8.travel a short distance 短途旅行 9.make sure 确保 10.on time 准时

11.make an announcement 发个口头通知 12.turn off 关掉

13.work hard 努力工作(学习)14.hurry up 快点;赶快 15.instead of 代替 16.of course 当然

17.fail the exam 考试失败 18.take part in 参加

19.be used for 被用作…… 20.turn green 变绿;变得环保

Unit 3 Topic 1短语

1.stick on 粘在……上 2.be able to 有能力;能够 3.be ready for 为……准备好 4.can’t wait to 迫不及待要…… 5.from now on 从今以后 6.one day 有一天;某一天

7.throughout the world 全世界 8.on business 出差

9.be similar to 与……相近

10.be pleased with 对……感到满意 11.translate into 翻译成…… 12.once in a while 偶尔;有时




13.in general 通常;大体上 14.even though 即使 15.as a result 结果

16.be regarded as 被当做……

17.take the leading position 占据领先地位

18.be required to 被要求…… 19.the rest of 剩余的

20.make progress in 在……取得进展 21.take a swimming course 上游泳课程 22.be popular with 在……中受欢迎 23.change with 随……而变化 24.as well as 也

25.have trouble doing sth 做某事有麻烦

Unit 3 Topic 2短语

1.instead of 代替

2.say hello to 向……问好 3.by the way 顺便说 4.see sb off 给……送行 5.depend on 依靠

6.be worried about 担心…… 7.leave for 动身往… 8.put out 伸出;熄灭

9.on one’s way to 在某人去……的路上

10.make oneself understood 使(自己)被听懂

11.in the future 在将来 12.as for 至于

13.in a word 一句话;总之 14.take in 吸收

15.in the beginning 在开头;初期 16.little by little 一点点地 17.come about 发生;产生

18.be forced to do sth 被迫去做某事 19.in person 亲自 20.be fond of 喜欢

Unit 3 Topic 3短语

1.get into trouble 陷入麻烦;惹麻烦 2.agree with 同意 3.give up 放弃 4.work hard at 努力于 5.be afraid of 害怕 6.keep a diary 写日记 7.be weak in 在……弱

8.give some advice sth 就某事给些建议

9.have a try 尝试一下 10.take a breath 吸口气

11.share sth with sb 与某人分享某物 12.as often as possible 尽可能经常地 13.advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事 14.make mistakes 犯错

15.make great progress 取得巨大进步 16.insist on sth 坚持某事

17.feel like doing sth 想要做某事 18.laugh at 嘲笑

19.last but not least 最后但同样重要的 20.in public 在公共场合

Unit 4 Topic 1短语

1.dream of 梦想

2.point to 指向…… 3.send up 发射

4.no doubt 毫无疑问 5.for instance 举个例子 6.click on 点击

7.connect to 与…….连接 8.in the future 在未来 9.in space 在太空

10.at the same time 同时 11.come into being 形成 12.thanks to 多亏;由于 13.chat on line 在线聊天

14.a list of 一列的;一份……清单 15.instead of 代替 16.of course 当然

17.study hard 努力学习

18.with the help of 在……的帮助下 19.do business 做生意 20.land on 登陆

Unit 4 Topic 2短语




1.for certain 确定

2.make a contribution to 为……做贡献

3.as long as 只要 4.in short 总之 5.run away 跑开

6.be allowed to do sth 被允许 7.be made of 由……制成 8.come true 成为现实;实现 9.be made from 由……制成 10.be used for 被用作 11.take photos 照相

12.during one’s life 在某人一生中 13.so far 到目前为止

14.be similar to 与……相近15.all the time 一直 16.no longer 不再

17.have effects on 对……产生影响 18.the rest of 剩余的

19.to one’s surprise 令人惊讶的是 20.be meant to do sth 应该做某事

Unit 4 Topic 3短语

1.base on 基于 2.hand in 上交

3.be full of 充满…… 4.in order to 为了

5.know about 知道;了解 6.a group of 一群 7.go wrong 走错路

8.on the earth 在地球上 9.in the future 在未来 10.be able to 有能力 11.come true 实现 12.grow up 长大

13.search for 搜索…… 14.be on show 展览

15.make up one’s mind 下定决心 16.side by side 肩并肩地 17.look forward to 盼望 18.be close to 靠近19.each other 互相

20.do experiments 做实验



7.新目标九年级英语高效课堂反思 篇七



九年级英语教学, 对于教师来说, 是需要仔细的斟酌和反思的。九年级是初中阶段重要的一年, 也是最关键的一年, 学生的思想状态和学习效果都是十分重要的。然而, 一些九年级的英语教师在进行教学时, 认为教学的唯一目标就是为了迎接中考, 只注重知识的讲解, 而忽视了九年级学生的心理特征、思维特征和知识水平方面的问题, 使得英语教学方式和手段出现问题, 从而造成学生学习英语效率不高。因此, 作为九年级的英语教师, 就应该重视并把握学生的思想状态, 及时进行反思, 分析在教学中存在的问题, 找出有效地解决措施提高学生英语成绩。


1.在思想认识上存在的问题。九年级学生处在初中的关键阶段, 同时也处在一个十分紧张的时期, 这时九年级大多数学生的心理上都会出现焦虑的情况, 而这种焦虑的情绪会影响到学生的英语学习。虽然在一些研究中发现, 一定程度的焦虑有利于学习, 但是, 焦虑毕竟属于负面情绪, 很多时候不能够很好的控制, 更多时候带来的是消极的影响, 不利于学生的学习。学生面临着中考的压力、家长教师的期望以及学习生活的紧张, 这些使学生产生了严重的心理压力, 这也导致学生在行为表现上出现心理恐惧。

2.解决问题的措施。面对以上情况, 教师一方面要及时的对学生进行心理疏导, 细心做好学生各方面的思想工作, 加强学生的自信心, 让学生树立正确的学习态度和掌握正确的学习方法来面对九年级的英语学习, 帮助学生将恐惧、厌学、焦虑等消极情绪转化成积极学习的动力, 让学生以开朗乐观、积极主动地心态去感受英语的真实、优美、地道, 帮助学生制定有效的学习计划, 从而消除学生心理上的焦虑。


1 . 在课堂教 学方法上 存在的问 题。著名 心理学家Howarden Garden提出了多元智能理论, 该理论注重学生的智能整体性、实践性、差异性、开发性, 鼓励教师配合学生的学习策略。但在九年级英语的实际教学中, 教师大多时候都是采取高速度、超大容量的教学方式来进行教学, 没有考虑到学生的实际水平, 加快教学进程和速度, 学生一般都只是被动的、麻木的听着, 最后留下的只有大量的课堂笔记以及学生的云里雾里, 课堂学习时间全是老师在不断地讲, 而没有给学生消化的时间。

2.解决问题的措施。基于以上情况的出现, 教师就应该合理高效的进行教学, 做到精讲, 简单扼要的将知识点讲透、讲深, 激发学生的好奇心, 在有效的时间里完成教学, 留下部分时间给学生思考、消化, 让学生在课堂中有施展的机会, 形成一个既紧张又愉快的学习氛围。加强学生的英语训练, 让学生对英语学习感兴趣, 强化学生在课堂中教师讲过的知识点。如在九年级英语Unit 2 I used to be afraid of thedark中, 要让学生学会用英语描述自己和他人的爱好、性格、外貌等变化, 学会使用used to结构来表示过去经常而现在不存在的习惯或状态。教师在进行教学前首先让学生欣赏歌曲《Yesterday once more》, 让学生在欣赏音乐的同时观看一些有关教学的图片, 以此激发学生学生的兴趣。在教学中, 让学生谈论自己和他人的各种变化来巩固used to的用法。同时, 教师还要针对日常教学的重难点以及存在的问题, 自己出题让学生进行一些针对性练习。教师应该多加思考和研究教材中的重难点, 找出学生出错的原因, 并把各种错误汇总, 用不同的的方式进行训练, 做到举一反三, 解决学生的疑惑。如, used to do sth., be/get used to (doing) sth., be used to dosth., be used for doing sth.这些短语的用法, 即使进行了反复的训练, 仍然很容易出错。这时教师就应该通过看图写话、造句、设置情景等方式不断强化, 再利用选词填空、句型转换、词形转换等题型进行训练。教师在进行教学时, 不要一味的追求速度, 要真正的让学生掌握和理解英语知识点。


1.学生在英语学习中存在的问题。学生在进行英语学习时, 缺乏自信心和动力, 这就造成他们在英语课堂中的参与度不高, 不愿意也不积极回答老师提出的问题, 一小部分学生的回答就代表了全体学生的回答, 学生跟不上教师教学的进度。学生在课堂中学习时对英语的知识掌握不全面, 当教师问学生明白没有, 学生即使不懂也不会提出问题请教师帮忙解决问题, 而是愿意花更多的课后时间自己解决或直接忽略。

2.解决问题的措施。一些学生之所以缺乏自信心, 就是因为他们的英语基础较差, 在学习时比较困难。因此, 教师在进行教学时, 要由浅入深, 层层推进, 让学生想掌握最简单的基础点, 再将一些学生难以理解的知识点进行分类讲解、训练, 当学生掌握后, 再进行综合讲解和训练。从而做到有计划、分步骤、分层次的练习让学生的思路清晰, 这样有利于弥补以前所学知识的欠缺。比如, 英语中的时态一直是学生比较害怕遇到的一个知识, 到复习阶段, 各种时态混在一起, 学生就会混淆不清, 如一般过去式与现在完成时, 一般过去时与过去进行时, 现在完成时与过去完成时等, 因此在训练时就一定要让学生清楚这些时态的特征:如一般现在时表示经常性、一贯性发生的动作, 该时态常用的时间状语就有often, usually, everyday, always等。过去完成时表示到过去某一时间止已经完成和发生的动作或状态, 在时间的概念上是“过去的过去”, 该时态连用的时间状语有by the end of, by last week, when, before等。如进行一些语句练习:在初级中, Have you doneyour homework? (for just, yet) ;在中级中:He hasn, t come toschool because he is ill. (提问) , he come to school?在高级练习中, He came here two hours ago. (同义转换) , He here for twohours.对于这些时态要分别由浅入深进行反复练习, 反复巩固, 遇到问题要及时的解决。


英语教学方式不是一成不变的, 在进行教学时要综合考虑学生的实际英语水平、学生思想状态、教学目标等, 制定出有效地教学方式进行教学。因此, 这就需要教师不断地进行总结现阶段教学中存在问题进行不断反思, 找出最佳的教学方式。


[1]张小明.农村英语教学的问题与改革策略研究[D].湖南师范大学, 2012.

8.新目标九年级英语高效课堂反思 篇八

Step Ⅰ (for Section A)

Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词。

1. The l______ of this song are very wonderful.

2. A lot of young students like c_____ gums.

3. He felt a s______ pain in his leg.

4. S.H.E. is a famous g______ that sings many popular songs.

5. I like music t______ isnt too bad.

6. Lets go out to do some exercise and breathe f______ air.

7. The picture r_____ me of my school days.

8. Do you p______ coffee or tea?

9. Please open the door g______. Dont make so much noise.

10. Thats not the music that they dance a______ with.

Ⅱ. 选择填空。

( )1. —Thats ______ he told me the other day.

—Thanks for telling me the truth.

A. thatB. whichC. whomD. what

( )2. The city _____ we visited a few years ago has changed a lot.

A. itB. whatC. whichD. who

( )3. The young woman ______ we met just now is our English teacher.

A. thatB. whoseC. whichD. where

( )4. The money will be used to help the people ______ lost their homes in the tsunami.

A. whoB. whoseC. whomD. which

( )5. I have to say Beijing is a good place ______.

A. to visitB. visit it

C. visitingD. where to visit

( )6. I cant stand hamburgers!They make me ______ sick.

A. feltB. feel

C. to feelD. can feeling

( )7. I like gentle, traditional music, so this concert ______ me fine.

A. fitsB. suits

C. matchesD. belongs to

( )8. He prefers classical music ______ pop music.

A. atB. inC. fromD. to

( )9. He drives ______ than he did two years ago.

A. much carefulB. much carefully

C. more much careful

D. much more carefully

( )10. —Did you see the football match last night?

—Yes, I had never seen ______ exciting match before.

A. so aB. such a

C. such anD. so an

Ⅲ. 情景交际。(在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯,完整)

A: The weekend is coming again. What are you going to do?

B: (1)_____________________. Why?

A: Yesterday I saw an ad when I walked in the square of the city. It said that some famous singers from CCTV would give a concert this Saturday evening. (2)_____________. Would you like to go with me?

B: (3)_______________. Is Song Zuying at the concert?

A: Yeah. She is a singer who has the sweetest voice. By the way, there are some singers who can write their own lyrics.

A: Thats great. (4)_________________?

B: It starts at 7:30 p.m. Lets meet outside the cinema gate on Saturday evening.

A: OK. (5)____________________!

Step Ⅱ (for Section B)

Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词。

1. He has much e______. He can keep working for twenty hours.

2. The photosr______ us of our childhood.

3. The concert s______ me just fine last night.

4. The TV play really has a few good f______.

5. He collected a lot of information about some world c______ artists.

6. These are many old things on show in the e______.

7. Most of my friends like l______ music that they can dance alone with.

8. Many people in the southeastern countries died of bird flu aborting to the l______ news.

9. I have to be h______ and say that I perfer Beijing.

10. I find Zhao Wei the most beautiful in the

e______ circle.

Ⅱ. 用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。

1. The weather was ______ (special) cold.

2. John likes ______ (music) who play different kinds of music.

3. She is a ______ (success) writer.

4. Yao Ming is one of the best ______ (know) Chinese basketball players in the world today.

5. I listened to a piece of music ______ (call)Heart Strings.

Ⅲ. 选择填空。

( )1. No matter ______ the weather is, you can find him ______ on the farm.

A. what; workingB. what; to work

C. how; to workD. how; working

( )2. The man ______ is smoking is looking for ______ he lost yesterday.

A. that; who B. which; where

C. who; whatD. whom; which

( )3. I hate people ______ talk much but do little.

A. whoB. whomC. whichD. when

( )4. The skirt ______ is made of silk is very expensive. I cant afford.

A. whoB. thoughC. whatD. that

( )5. The bus ______ I went to Shanghai broke down on the road.

A. by it B. by which

C. by thatD. on that

( )6. Mary likes those ______.

A. two pieces music

B. two pieces of music

C. two pieces of musics

D. two piece of music

( )7. She prefers ______ at home rather than______ out.

A. stay; going B. to stay; go

C. to stay; to goD. staying; go

( )8. ______ Lei Feng is no longer living, his spirit lives on today.

A. IfB. SinceC. SoD. Though

( )9. He is ______ honest student. We all like him.

A. aB. anC. theD. /

( )10. The good news ______ them happy.

A. isB. keepC. makesD. feels

Ⅳ. 英汉短语互译。

1. on display _____________

2. sing quiet and gentle songs ____________

3. be important to _____________

4. feel sick _____________

5. instead of _____________

6. 自己作词 _____________

7. 使……记起 _____________

8. 听CD_____________

9. 演奏不同种类的音乐


10. 一个叫S.H.E. 的组合


Step Ⅲ (for Self-check)

Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母提示,完成单词。

1. Though this movie has quite a good of f______, I dont like it.

2. He is full of e______. He is never tired.

3. Amy Kim is one of the best known p______ in the world today.

4. Most children need eight h______ sleepeach night.

5. Lets go to the museum and look at thepictures on d______.

6. My brother prefer I______ food to French food.

7. His cousin is an h______ boy.

8. Whati______ you so much?

9. I dont think this sweater s______ you. Itstoo big and the color is too dark.

10. The meat t______ bad.

Ⅱ. 选择填空。

( )1. Hes made some great movies ______ the years.

A. inB. onC. amongD. over

( )2. The hero died ______ a cold winter evening. It made people ______ sad.

A. on; feelB. in; feel

C. on; to feelD. in; to feel

( )3. All this ______ overweight people unhappy.

A. makeB. makes

C. to make D. making

( )4. She ______ swimming to skating.

A. lovesB. likesC. prefersD. enjoys

( )5. I saw him ______ football on the playground yesterday.

A. to playB. plays

C. playD. played

( )6. He lost his car license. He is ______ iteverywhere.

A. looking afterB. looking out

C. looking throughD. looking for

( )7. Its not good to sleep less than eight hours, ______ for children.

A. roughlyB. especially

C. extremelyD. easily

( )8. Did you enjoy the days ______ you spent in Beijing during the Beijing Olympic Games?

A. whereB. whenC. thatD. what

( )9. Some of the students are afraid of the teachers ______ strict with them in their students.

A. that isB. who is

C. which areD. who are

( )10. I heard more than 20 percent of the boys in this class ______ overweight.

A. wereB. areC. wasD. is

Ⅲ. 翻译句子,每空一词。

1. 我敢肯定艺术家们更喜欢不同寻常的音乐。

Im _______ that artists _______ music that is _______.

2. 据说他娶了一位外国女子为妻。

_______ _______ _______ he _______ a foreign girl.

3. 无论你什么时候走,最好告诉我一声。

_______ you go, you _______ _______ _______ me know.

4. 如今,大家都想健康长寿。

Nowadays everyone _______ _______ _______ _______ and live long.

5. 到目前为止,她还不会和着那首曲子跳舞。

She _______ _______ _______ the music by now.

Ⅵ. 根据课本第50页内容, 完成下面表格。

Step Ⅳ (能力拓展)

Ⅰ. 阅读理解。

The Music in Germany

你也许听说过大名鼎鼎的贝多芬(Ludwing Van Beethoven)和他的交响曲,实际上舒曼(Robert Schumann)、巴赫(Johan Sebastian Bach)等一大批音乐家也出生于德国,那个国家怎么孕育出这么多的天才音乐家呢?其音乐氛围如何呢?下文将帮你揭开谜底。No matter what kind of music you like, in Germany youll find something to enjoy.

Music is very important to German people. One out of every four Germans plays a musical instrument (乐器). Many famous musical names are from Germany, like Ludwing Van Beethoven, Robert Schumann and Johann Sebastian Bach. Their music is still played across the world.

Many German kids have music lessons at school. They have lessons twice a week for two to four hours each time. Piano lessons can be even longer! What do children do in their music lessons? Sit down and sing? Some German music lessons are different. Students walk around and can try any instrument they like. Sometimes teachers ask them to listen to music and then act it out.

Music is everywhere in German. Dont forget to sit for a while in a restaurant. You can enjoy light music there. Remember to visit a church or a square (广场); there you can listen to people playing music. Many German kids enjoy music with their parents; there are more than 100 music festivals in Germany each year.


1. How many Germans play a musical instrument?


2. Where is Robert Schumann from?


3. How often do many German kids have music lessons at school?


4. Where can you enjoy music in Germany?


Ⅱ. 写作训练营。

话题:谈论影响儿童健康的一些食品广告 (Talk about some food ads that affect childrens health)



advertisement广告;junk food 垃圾食品;chocolate 巧克力;sugar 糖果;cola 可乐; hamburger 汉堡包; as we know 正如我们所知的;stay away from 远离;affect影响;too much 太多;cause导致;overweight (体重)超重


It is bad for ... 对……有害

Whats more ... 还有……


1. 几乎所有的儿童都喜欢看电视,因此电视广告对儿童影响极大。

2. 许多电视台播放诸如糖果、巧克力、汉堡包、可乐等垃圾食品和饮品的广告。

3. 不少儿童看完食品和饮品广告后吵着要父母买。

4. 很多儿童因为吃了太多垃圾食品而超重。





Dear editor,

Im worried about the effect of some TV ads on some junk food and drinks such as sugar, chocolate, hamburger, cola and so on.





I hope my letter will appear in your newspaper and advice the children to stay away from junk food and live healthily.


9.新目标九年级英语高效课堂反思 篇九




10.新目标九年级英语高效课堂反思 篇十









(3)读:能理解阅读材料中不同的观点和态度; 能识别不同文体的特征;能通过分析句子结构理解难句和长句;




















第一周 unit 1 How do you study for a test?

第二周 unit2 I used to be afraid of the dark。

第三周 unit3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes。

第四周 unit4 What would you do ?

第五周unit5 It must belong to Carla。

第六周 Mainly revision期中复习

第七周 考试,复习机动

第八周unit6 I like music that I can dance to

第九 周unit7 Where would you like to visit?

第十周unit8 I’ll help clean up the city parks。

第十一周 unit9 When was it invented?

第十二周 unit10 By the time I got outside,the bus had already left。

第十三周 Mainly revision Rewiew of units 6—10

第十四周 unit 11Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?

第十五周 unit12。You are supposed to shake hands?

第十六周 unit 13 Rainy days make me sad。

第十七周 期末复习。

11.新目标九年级英语高效课堂反思 篇十一

1. win a prize 获奖

2. do a school survey 做一个学校调查

3. meet the standard of a strict teacher 满足一位要求严格的老师的要求

4. score two goals in a row 连续踢进两个球

5. learn to play the keyboard 学会弹琴

6. be patient with sb. 对某人有耐心

7. guide sb. to do sth. 指导某人做某事

8. put in more effort 更加努力

9. look back at 回首

10. make a great/ big mess 弄得一团糟

11. keep one’s cool 保持冷静

12. look forward to doing sth. 期望做某事

13. get a business degree 取得一个商业学位

14. believe in sb. 信任某人

15. first of all 首先

16. full of energy 充满活力

17. thirsty of knowledge 渴求知识

18. hope for the future 对未来的希望

19. never fail to be thankful to sb. 一定要向某人表达感激

20. ahead of sb. 在某人前面

21. be responsible for one’s decision and action 对自己的决定和行为负责

22. go one’s separate ways 走自己的路

23. set out on your new journey 开始你的新旅程

24. separate from sb. 与某人分别


1. —What happened in Grade 7 that was special? 在七年级时发生了什么特别的事?

—Our team won the school basketball competition. 我们队赢了学校的篮球比赛。

2. —How have you changed since you started junior high school? 你上中学后有什么变化?

—I’ve become much better at speaking English. 我的英語说得比以前更好。

3. —How do you think things will be different in senior high school? 你认为在高中会有什么不同?

—I think that I’ll have to study much harder for exams. 我想我会为考试更加努力学习。

4. —What are your plans for next year? 你明年的计划是什么?

—I’m going to join the school volleyball team. 我打算加入学校排球队。

5. —What are you looking forward to? 你期望做什么?

12.新目标九年级英语高效课堂反思 篇十二


1. make me sleepy 使我困倦

2. drive sb. crazy 使……发疯

3. the more…, the more 越……越……

4. yes and no 好坏参半

5. be friends with sb. 是某人的朋友

6. feel left out 感觉被忽视

7. sleep badly 睡眠很差

8. don’t feel like eating 不想吃东西

9. for no reason 毫无理由

10. neither…nor… 既不……也不……

11. let…down 使…失望

12. take one’s position 替代我的职位

13. to start with 起初

14. get the exam result back 取考试成绩单

15. find out 发现

16. a shirt of a happy person 一件快乐人的衬衫


1. —I’d rather go to Blue Ocean because I like to listen to quiet music while I’m eating. 更愿意到蓝海洋餐厅,因为我喜欢在吃饭时听轻音乐。

—But that music make me sleepy. 但那种音乐使我困倦。

2. Waiting for Amy drove Tina crazy. 等候艾米使蒂娜发狂。

3. The movie was so sad that it made Tina and Amy cry. 这部电影是如此悲伤以致使蒂娜和艾米都哭了。

4. Sad movies don’t make John cry. They just make him want to leave quickly. 悲伤的电影没有让约翰哭他们只能使他想尽快离开。

5. Loud music makes me nervous. 吵闹的音乐使我紧张。

6. Soft and quiet music makes me relax. 轻柔的音乐使我放松。

7. Money and fame don’t always make people happy. 金钱和名誉并不总能使人幸福。

8. She said that the sad movie made her cry. 她说悲伤的电影使她哭泣。


1. But that music makes me sleepy. 但是那种音乐使我困倦。

动词make的使役用法,make sb后分别接了形容词和不定式短语。make的这种用法常见于以下结构:


My parents often make me do some other homework. 我父母常让我做些其他的作业。


如:She was made to work for the night shift. 她不得不上夜班。

② make+名词/代词+-ed分词短语。

如:What made them so frightened? 什么使他们这样害怕?

③ make+名词/代词+介词短语或名词短语。

如:She made him her assistant. 她委派他做自己的助手。

④ make+名词(代词)+形容词或形容词短语。

如:—The good news made us happy. 这条好消息使我们很高兴。

—Yes,I suppose so. 我想他会回来。

⑤ make +形式宾语it +形容词或名词(作宾语补足语)+从句(作真正的宾语)

如:They want to make it clear to the public that they do an important and necessary job.

他们要向公众表明, 他们所做的工作不但重要, 而且是必不可少的。

2. wealth n. 财富

① 表示“财富”“金钱”,是不可数名词。如:

They had little desire for wealth. 他们对财富无大欲望。

② 表示“大量”“众多”“丰富”等,可连用不定冠词,尤其用于a wealth of结构(其后可接可数名词或不可数名词)。如:

He sent me a book with a wealth of illustrations. 他送给我一本有大量插图的书。

Hidden underground is a wealth of gold, silver, copper, lead and zinc.


3. He slept badly and didn’t feel like eating.他睡眠很差并且不想吃东西。

feel like的用法:

① 表示“感觉像(是)……”

My legs feel like cotton wool. 我感觉两条腿像棉花一样。

② 表示“想要做……”,后接动名词doing形式。

13.新目标九年级英语高效课堂反思 篇十三

知识要点 本单元用虚拟句谈论一些假设的情况


1. 学会谈论一些假设的、虚幻的情况;

2. 达到如何使用虚拟句提出建议的目标;

3. 学会表示与现在的情况相反的虚拟语气的结构;

4. 学会用虚拟语气表述自己的还没有实现的愿望


million、pimple、energetic、confident、shirt、tie、medical、research lottery、million、

trouble、energetic、confident、in public、social


1. won the lottery 赢得抽奖 2. in public 公共的、公众的

2. in the slightest 一点也;根本 4. plenty of 很多的、足够的

get along with 与…相处 6. let …down 使…失望、沮丧

7. come up with 提出、想出(问题) 8. medical research 医学研究

9. what if 如果…怎么办 10. be late for 迟到…

11. be nervous 紧张的 12. get nervous (变得)紧张的

13. take a long walk 散步 14. ask one’s permission 征求某人的许可

15. without permission 没得到许可 16. introduce oneself 自我介绍

17. rather than 而不是 18. a circle of good friends 朋友圈子


1. If I were you , I’d wear a shirt and tie. 如果我是你,我就会穿衬衫打领带。

2. If I were you , I’d take an umbrella. 如果我是你,我就带把伞。

3. What would you do if you won a million dollars ? 如果你赚了一百万美元,你会做什么?

4. What if I don’t know anyone ? 如果我一个人也不认识怎么办?

5. You should eat lots of fruits and vegetable and drink lots of water.你应该吃大量水果、蔬菜,大量喝水。

6. What are you like ? I think I’m outgoing. 你的性格如何?我想我很外向。


What would you do if you won a million dollars ?

I’d give it to medical research .

I can’t sleep the night before an exam .What should I do ?

If I were you , I’d take a long walk before going to bed .


Section A

Step 1 Free Talk

Talk about good habits of the students. Say, “ Wd all have some good habits. Can you tell the other students what good habits you have.” For example, getting up early, reading, helping others, not wasting money, etc.

When they talk, write some on the blackboard. Get the students to think about if they don’t hav have these good habits what will happen.

Step2 Talking and writing

Say, “Please imagine, what would you do if you had a lot of money?” The students discuss with the partners. Then get them to write some other situations in the list and share the answers. Point out: The sentences here are imaginary situations. They may not come true, just imaginary. So we often use the past tense and “would ” to express this kind of situation.

Step 3 Listening and talking

1b. First talk about some information in the picture. Say, “ We are going to listen to a conversation about their ideas about how to spend a million dollars.”

Students listen to the tape and number the pictures.

Then help the students practice the similar dialogue simply in 1c.

Step 4 Listening

First ask “ What would you do if you went to a party? What would you wear? What would you bring? What would you feel if you don’t know anyone at the party?”

After talking about the questions, come up with the question in 2a “ Why is Larry nervous?” Then listen.

2b. Listen again. Check the four things Larry’s sister says to him. Then check the students’ answers.

Step 5 Pairwork

According to the listening Text above, get the students to practice the conversation by looking at the instruction in 2c.

Ask some pairs to act out their own dialogues.


Step 1 Free talk

Say “Imagine, what would you do if you were very old?”

“What would you do if you were teachers?”

“ What would you do if you had a lot of money?”

Get the students to talk about the questions. Collect their answers and write some on the blackboard.

Step 2 Grammar Focus

Point out the sentences on the blackboard all belong to imaginary situations. Ask the students to find out the rules in the sentences. Then look at the sentences in Grammar Focus. Comprehend them. Talk about some information about imaginary situations.

Step 3 Reading and watching

Ask “ Do you have some trouble during your daily life?” The students talk about their trouble and ask the other students to give advice. Then 3a, ask the students match each problem with the correct advice. Check the answers. Then comprehend the sentences.

Step 4 Game

Ask the students to write their problems on a piece of paper. Ask one student to choose some paper with problems on and read the problems. After he / she reads one problem, the other students try to give advice by using “ You should…” or “ If I were you…”.



1. He doesn’t know ______________( 穿什么) at the party.

2. _____________ (如果我是你), I would buy a small present.

3. What would you do ______________ (如果你获得了第一名)?

4. You’d take a long walk ______________ (在吃过晚餐之后).

5. I ______________(变得紧张) before big exams.


Section B

Step 1 Word competition

Say “ We usually use adjectives to describe a person. Do you know those words? Let’s have a competition.”

Get representatives of boys and girls to come to the front and write the words about description on the blackboard as many as they can.

Step 2 Giving definitions

Say “ Just now we had the word competition. Then let’s try to give definitions of these words in English.” Discuss with partners and give definitions.

Step 3 Writing and competition

Get the students to understand the instructions in 1a. Understand the meaning of every word. Then fill in the blanks with the words. Check the answers.

After students write the words, have a competition of making up sentences. Say, “ Please make up sentences by using these words. Let’s see who can make up more sentences , boys or girls?”. Then do it.

Step 4 Listening

2a. At first help the students understand the instruction. Look at the personality survey. Explain “ give a speech, without permission, introduce oneself to sb.” Then listen. Check the questions Celia asks.

Some points:

1. give a speech = make a speech, give a talk 演讲

2. without permission (未经允许) with permission (经过允许)

permission n. “允许” permit v. “允许”

permit sb to do sth 相当于allow sb to do sth 意思是“允许某人做某事”

例:The teacher didn’t permit us to swim in this river.

= We can’t swim in this river without the teacher’s permission.

3. introduce oneself to sb. 意思是“向某人自我介绍”

例:Let me introduce myself to you. I am Jim.

2b. Listen again. Circle Bill’s responses. Then check the answers.

Step 5 Practice

Get the students to practice the similar conversation in 2c by looking at the personality survey.



1. 他害怕在公众场合讲话。

2. 这个女孩很善交际。她有许多朋友。

3. 莫扎特是个很有创造力的音乐家。

4. 男孩们总是精力旺盛。他们几乎从不感觉到累。


Step 1 Free talk

Ask questions like “What would you do if the teacher asked you to give a speech in front of the whole school? What would you do if someone took away your things without permission? What would you do if someone asked you to be in a movie? What would you do if you wanted to be friends with a new student?”

Get the students to talk about them.

Step 2 Reading

Ask the students to read the passage in 3a and fill in the blanks in the results with “a”, “b” or “c” according to the survey in 2a. Then help the students comprehend the whole passage.

Some points:

1. pretty ① 相当,非常 相当于very, quite

② 漂亮 相当于beautiful

2. in the slightest 意思是“根本,一点也”

not….in the slightest 意思是“根本不,一点也不”,相当于not…. at all.

slight 是adj. 表示“轻微的,不重要的”

例:I have a slight cold. 我有点轻微的感冒。

3. company ① 陪伴 (不可数n.)

② 公司 (可数n.)

例:I feel at home in your company. 和你在一起令我轻松自在。

He is a driver in a bus company. 他是一家汽车公司的司机。

4. rather than, would rather…than 意思是“与其……倒不如”,“宁愿…...而不愿”

例:I want to stay at home rather than go to school.

I would rather stay at home than go to school.


After explaining the points, ask the students to read the passage.

Step 3 Groupwork

Divide the students into several groups with four students in each. Design a personality survey according to the example in 3b. The survey must include at least two questions. Then discuss about the questions with the group members.

At last share the students’ answers and make a conclusion, such as “Student….. is very outgoing. Student … is very friendly” and so on.


Recite the passage in 3a.


Step 1 Warming up

Ask the students make examples about good or bad personality. Discuss about the personality the students like.

Step 2 Self check

For Ex 1, fill in each bland with the correct word given. Understand the Chinese meaning of every sentence.

For Ex 2, read the e-mail and comprehend it.

Then read the passage. Write a reply according to this email. Ask some students to read their replies.

Step3 Just for fun

Students read the funny cartoons at last.


Step 1 Warming up

Talk about the questions “ Do you often surf the Internet? Do you have a net friend? What would you do if the net friend wanted to meet you?”

Step 2 Reading

Say “ In our daily life, we would meet lots of situations. And what would you do if something happened? Then let’s study the passage.”

Give a reading task to the task to the students. “ Find out all the accidents and problems in the reading text.” After the students finish the task, help them comprehend the passage.

Some points:

1. If I were you, I’d have a first-aid…..

此句使用了虚拟语气,对现在的事情进行假设,表示与现在事实相反的一种假设。此时,主句中谓语动词使用“should / would + v原形”的结构。If从句中谓语动词使用一般过去时态,如果该动词是be动词,则一律用were.

例:If I knew this, I would tell you.

2. burn-burned – burned 或burn – burnt – burnt 意思是“烧伤,烧坏”

例:The house is burning.

如果表示“被烧死”,则常用be killed by fire / in the fire, 也可用be burnt to death.

3. injure “伤害,损伤”,指事故中肉体上受到伤害,也指精神上的损伤,常用人作主语。

例:She was badly injured in an accident.

4. hurt “疼痛”,可用疼痛的具体部位作主语,也可用人作主语。

例:My head hurts.

She hurt herself yesterday.
