


1.中国历史故事英文 篇一

The sky and the earth were at first one blurred entity like an egg. Pangu was born into it. The separation of the sky and the earth took eighteen thousand years-the yang which was light and pure rose to become the sky, and the yin which was heavy and murky sank to form the earth. Between them was Pangu, who went through nine changes every day, his wisdom greater than that of the sky and his ability greater than that of the earth. Every day the sky rose ten feet higher, the earth became ten feet thicker, and Pangu grew ten feet taller. Another eighteen thousand years passed, and there was an extremely high sky, an extremely thick earth, and an extremely tall Pangu. Then came the Three Emperors.

So these numbers came into existence and evolve like this. The numb or begins with one, becomes established at three, is completed at five, prospers at seven, and ends in nine. So the sky is ninety thousand li(2) from the earth.

2.中国历史故事英文 篇二


The story of"The Horse Dealer's Daughter"by D.H.Lawrence is usually interpreted as about the redeeming power of love.It is only partly true as one of its themes.It is more than the power of love.If we pay attention to its title,we may find it is also about seduction.Mabel,the daughter of the horse dealer,picks out Dr.Fergusson,an eligible doctor,and exerts all her forces to seduce him.She discovers and uses all her sexual power to get her a husband successfully.

Mabel,the daughter of the horse dealer,remains an unmarried woman of twenty-seven at the beginning of the story.Her life has just been turned upside down because her father has died and left the family in debt.She and her three brothers have sold their last horses and their house,so they must leave the family home soon.Her three brothers all can find a way to support them instead of the horse business.She,however,face only two possibilities:to be a skivvy or to live with her married sister,none of which is what she desires.In despair of her prospects,she commits suicide and is rescued by Dr.Fergusson who falls in love with her.Finally the story ends with promises of marriage.

A few researchers have written some research papers about this short story.They interpret it from different perspectives,such as the nature ideas and blood consciousness of D.H.Lawrence(Li Jinkui),the psychological description(Jin Zhaoxia)and the cultural oppression and the rebirth of the human nature(Yong xiaolin).What I have found is that it is not simply a love story,but a story about tricks—a whole bag of them.

Let's briefly consider the title first.It is a major clue to understand the story and also the one always neglected.Since her father has been dead from the very beginning,his appearance in the title deserves attention.Horse traders,in order to get rid of unsatisfactory horses and make profits,sometimes use tricks to dupe or sting a buyer,such as having drugs,applying Vaseline and spraying paint Mabel is her father's daughter.It is not surprising that maybe she has learnt a few tricks of his trade and makes good use of them.In"A Doll's House"Ibsen asks if the children of Krogstad and of Nora be like their parents,as well as asking if Nora is like her slightly shady father.Like father,like daughter is the idea.

The horse business declines as the replacement of horses with automobiles and tractors,the horse dealer's family,therefore,has slipped into poverty.Mabel's father has taken another step to try to fend off poverty:"The old man had married a second time to retrieve his fortunes."However,with his death,"there was nothing but debt and threatening."Mabel,not only loses her father to depend upon and feel secure in,but also loses her job as the manager of her house.What's worse,none of her three brothers really cares what she can do,only asking her dutifully.She doesn't know wha to do and where to go.She is very close to despair.She has experienced fairly good times,then hard times,having had to"demean herself,going into the shops and buying cheapest food."Even though she thinks it is an end,"she would follow her own way jus the same.She would always hold the keys of her own situation."

No one cares what happens to her except Dr.Fergusson who comes to say goodbye to her brothers.Certainly when he asks"what are you going to do then,Miss Pervin?"It is with genuine concern and with sincere human sympathy.It is not impossible for Mabel to have the idea crossing the mind that he may be a good"buyer"for her since he is kind and lonely in town.He is a bachelor too Seemingly impossible,she still can have the dream if she is lucky enough,she can find herself a husband,which is certainly better than being a paid skivvy in someone's household or a babysitter without pay in her sister's house.Moreover,Dr.Fergusson's circumstances are no better than her.He is sad as he is going to miss his buddies;he is weak as he has a cold and feels rotten;he is a relatively newcomer in town,"a mere hired assistant"and"slave to countryside."Another thing noticeable is that"the doctor's house was just by the church."Therefore,when she is cleaning her mother's grave in the churchyard,it is possible for her to catch his movement as he hurries to attend to the out-patients out of her eyes and looks up when he approaches.On the grey,wintry day,while he sees"the girl at task at the grave,so intent and remote,""some mystical element was touched in him";when their eyes meet,he can'forget the slow,large and portentous eyes and her face.There is a kind of special feeling,partly sympathy,partly unknown.Later tha afternoon,exactly before the teatime,Mabel decides she has no choice but to jump into the pond to join her mother.However,she does it at the very time when the doctor passes by.There is the possibility that she might know the route he takes and know the time he goes out of the surgery since it is in a small town.It is no secre there.If she wants to know it,she can have the answer easily.She plays the game with price of her own life.After all,she has nothing to gamble but herself.Fortunately and definitely,she is rescued.

Mabel revives.Thanks to Dr.Fergusson's efforts and a little whisky,she becomes conscious and vital now.Then the story is about how girls behave when they flirt."The house was empty.The fire was burning in the grate."Perfect environment it is.They both drink a little whisky.She is naked in the blankets.He knows her who is the sister of his buddies,a helpless girl.He feels sorry for her,or great sympathy for her,still remembering their meeting tha afternoon in the graveyard.She looks at him fixedly all the time which makes him have another desire and feel warm inside.He even doesn't have the power to move out of her presence.She sits up,presses her breasts against his knees and thighs and kisses his knees passionately.How can a man resist!He looks down at the we hair and bare shoulders.Shoulders are sexy.Though"he had never thought of loving her"and"had never wanted to love her",at tha time,"he had not the power to break away".It is animal instinct Her eyes are full of powerful love and her face is shining beautifully,which are also strong weapons of women.Grasping her bare shoulder,he feels the touch wonderful."With an inward groan he gave way,and let his heart yield towards her."He is conquered a last.Lawrence depicts it without any omission so we can have a detailed picture in mind.Step by step,Mabel relies on her usua charms,the powerful eyes and shining face to allure Fergusson,no her good looks or good nature.And she makes it.

Here Mabel is active,passionate and bright,totally differen from the impressive,stubborn"bull-dog"appeared before.She is also proud,mindless and persistent,so she conquers.When Dr.Fergusson drops in to say goodbye to her brothers,when he politely asks her what she is going to do,she has realized that he is suitable for a husband.He is a doctor,kind and sympathetic.He happens to have a cold that day,so he is very weak.With such a weak body,he still walks into the cold pond to save Mabel,which makes her further believe that he is eligible.She offers herself on his knees and depends upon him and he doesn't refuse;she notices the change o his voice and uses the ultimate weapon of her tears;she asks for love and kisses from him,all of which shows she has made good use of her tricks to seduce him gradually.Mabel's dependence,vulnerability and gratitude make him an easy conquest.

Lawrence believes in love-at-first-sight,which is more or less showed in this story.After romance,however,practical daily life is in front of them,since Fergusson also worries"how they would al jeer if they knew!"They both come from different world,one as a doctor and one as a farmer,but still they need each other.Fergusson wants to come into the lives of the working people as he feels excited and gratified to contact with the rough,strongly-feeling people.He feels life back to him twice when he looks into Mabel's eyes.One is in the cemetery and the other is in the house.She wil be a good wife,a good housekeeper and a manager—she has done that for ten years.He will be the good husband she needs to get ou of the plight.He will be a good provider as well who will not only keep her financially secure but also give her social status.Moreover,sexual awakening occurs there.Perhaps Fergusson rescues Mabel from the dead pond is out of duty,as he is thinking he is a doctor and she is a patient,but when they are in the house,with fire burning and no one disturbing,what happens clearly shows tha they realizes he is entirely male and she is entirely female.

Mabel has made a good deal for her.Dr.Fergusson has made a good deal too.He has traded her brother's company for hers.All the deal comes from the doctor's question,which shows interest in her as she thinks so that she seduces him with all the trading tricks she knows.Her knowledge of these things is innate.Her feminine power is instinctive.The equally needy man falls in love with her.Al sales are final,no refunds and no exchanges here,just as the horse deal.


[1]Mallett,Sandra-Lynne J.Some Men's Daughters:Teaching D.H.Lawrence's"The Horse Dealer's Daughter"[EB/OL]





3.中国历史故事英文 篇三

如果信件不是邮寄,而是托人转交,可在信封的左下角写上Kindness of...(受托人的姓名)或By courtesy of...(受托人的姓名)或By favour of...(受托人的姓名)。以上这些字样都等于中文的“敬烦某某转交”。

如果是介绍信,由被介绍人面交,可在信封左上角写上Introducing Mr. (Mrs., Miss, etc.)(姓名)或To introduce...(姓名)或Recommending...(姓名)。以上这些字样等于中文中的“兹介绍某人……”。

在信封的左下角可以写上信件的性质,如Personal或Confidential或Private,这些字样等于中文的“亲启”或“绝密”。如果需要还可以注明Immediate或 Urgent或Rush,这些字样等于中文的“急件”。视需要也可以注明Attention of... ,等于中文的“请某人拆阅”或“请某人处理”。


写在信封左上角 “A”的位置的字样,如:

→If undelivered, please return to(无法投递,退回原处)

→After 10 days, please return to(十天后请寄回)

→Return Postage Guaranteed(回信邮资已付)

→Via San Francisco(经由旧金山)

→By airmail to San Francisco, by train to Hong Kong.



→Printed Matter(印刷品) →Sample(样品)

→Sample of No Value(无价值的样品)

→With Compliments(赠品)

→Photo Only(内有像片,请勿折叠)


→Via Airmail; By Airmail; Par Avion(航空)


→Introducing Mr...(兹介绍……先生)

→Kindness of Mr...(敬烦……先生转交)

→Per favor of Mr...(敬烦……先生转交)

→Private(亲启) →Personal(私函)


→Registered (Reg., Regd.)(挂号)

→Urgent(急件) →Immediate(急件)


→Care of (c/o)(请……转交)

四化Four Modernizations

中国电信China Telecom

中国移动China Mobile

希望工程Project Hope

扶贫工程Anti-Poverty Project

外出打工人员migrant workers

外资企业overseas-funded enterprises

下岗职工laid-off workers

素质教育education for all-round development

应试教育exam-oriented education

义务教育compulsory education

豆腐渣工程jerry-built projects

西部大开发Development of the West Regions, Go-West Campaign

新新人类New Human Being, X Generation

充电recharge one's batteries; update one's knowledge

早恋puppy love

网吧Internet bar

网民netizen, net citizen

网恋online love affair

网友net friend

网上冲浪surf the Internet

菜鸟,新手green hand

摇钱树cash cow

大专生junior college student

4.英文小故事 篇四




The fox and the lion

When the fox first saw the lion he was terribly frightened.He ran away, and hid himself in the woods.The second time, however, he came near the lion.He stopped at a safe distance, and watched him pass by.The third time they came near one another.The fox went straight up to the lion, and stayed the whole day with him.He asked the lion how his family was, and when they would meet again.They soon became good friends.The one-eyed doe

A doe had lost one of her eyes, and could not see anyone approaching her from one side.In order to avoid any danger, she always ate on a high cliff near the sea, and looked at the land with her good eye when she was eating.By this means she could see whenever the hunters approached her on land.But one hunter found out that she was blind in one eye.He rowed a boat under the cliff, and shot her from the sea.狐狸和狮子





寓意: 不要害怕不了解的事物,接近它,就会觉得没什么可怕的。

The one-eyed doe

A doe had lost one of her eyes, and could not see anyone approaching her from one side.In order to avoid any danger, she always ate on a high cliff near the sea, and looked at the land with her good eye when she was eating.By this means she could see whenever the hunters approached her on land.But one hunter found out that she was blind in one eye.He rowed a boat under the cliff, and shot her from the sea.一只眼睛的母鹿





寓意: 人们常常对容易预见的危险严加防范,却忽视自认为很安全的方面。

Belling the cat

Long ago, there was a big cat in the house.He caught many mice while they were stealing food.One day the mice had a meeting to talk about the way to deal with their common enemy.Some said this, and some said that.At last a young mouse got up, and said that he had a good idea.“We could tie a bell around the neck of the cat.Then when he comes near, we can hear the sound of the bell, and run away.”

Everyone approved of this proposal, but an old wise mouse got up and said, “That is very well, but who will tie the bell to the cat?” The mice looked at each other, but nobody spoke.老鼠开会





寓意: 有些事情说起来容易,做起来却很难。

The hare and the tortoise

The hare was once boasting about his speed before the other animals.“I have never been beaten,” he said, “when I run at full speed, no one is faster than me.”

The tortoise said quietly, “I will race with you.” “That is a good joke,” said the hare.“I could dance around you the whole way.”

The race started.The hare darted almost out of sight at once.He soon stopped and lay down to have a nap.The tortoise plodded on and on.When the hare awoke from his nap, he saw the tortoise was near the finish line, and that he had lost the race.龟兔赛跑





5.动物儿童故事英文 篇五

There are many kinds of animals in the world. People don’t know the exact numbers.

In the zoo, people can see many kinds of animals. For example, lions, tigers, they arescary. Monkey, foxes are intelligent. People usually think pandas, koala bears are so cuteand smart. Some animals live in the water, such as dolphins. They need a lot of water for their home. And elephants with long nose are very strange. They can sing and dance. The giraffes are quite tall because of their long necks. So they can reach the top of the trees.



6.英文成语故事 篇六

The farmer took the rabbit home, and cooked himself a delicious meal.

That night he thought, I neednt work so hard. All I have to do is wait for a rabbit each day by the stump.

So from then on he gave up farming, and simply sat by the stump waiting for rabbits to come and run into it.

7.中国菜名的翻译方法初探(英文) 篇七

China has a splendid food culture.Along with the implementation of the open policy and reform and the appearance of cultural diversity,it is necessary to introduce China’s food culture to the world.How to do it?The first task is the translation of Chinese food.

The potential worth of translation and interpretation industry is huge.In the process of cross-cultural communication,good understanding and proper comprehension are not just a tool for us to get a better idea about things from different culture,but also the necessary weapon to enrich our own culture.On the other hand,if the translation is hard to understand,it will cause lots of trouble even conflicts in the process of communication.

2 Concerns and Problems of Translation

2.1 Material first

“One just needs to explain the materials and the way it cooks.”as it is said.

English dish names are for the convenience of foreigners’order,and they don’t have the responsibility of popularizing Chinese culture.As for the menu translation,it is successful if it gives a clear explanation to the materials and cooking techniques.And if it can be modified to promote people’s appetite,that is perfect.

2.2 Aesthetics first

Some experts insist that the translation of dish name should observe the aesthetic effort.Among Chinese food,there are such dish names including“blossom”(百花),”lotus”(芙蓉)and so on.They vividly describe the pretty profiling and make people appetitive by their images.Thus we must not neglect the aesthetic connotation of the dish.

3 Translation Principles for Chinese Dishes

The same Chinese food can be cooked in different ways.Knowing exactly what is the meaning of each cooking method and choose the right one to translate the dish is the premise.Usually the cooking methods are used as adjectives.To make the translation easier,they can be divided into the following groups:

“”煮“”白灼“stewed”(煲、炖、烩).It means putting the food into a pot,then adding water to cook the food,for example,“Boiled Egg”(煮鸡蛋)”Stewed Pork”(炖猪肉),etc.The second group is“quick-fried”(爆)“stir-fried or sautéed”(炒),and“fried or pan fried”(煎).It meanputting the food into a pan,stir-friing the food with a quick fireThe third group is“marinated”(卤),“braised”(焖),and“simmered”(煨).It means putting the materials into the sauce,andto.The fourth group is“roast or barbecued”(烧烤),“mixed or assorted”(什锦),“sweet and sour”(糖醋),“broiled or grilled”(铁扒)“spiced or seasoned”(五香),“toasted or baked”(烘烤),“braisedwith soy sauce(in brown sauce)”(红烧),“spicy and hot”(麻辣)“smoked”(熏),“steamed”(蒸).This group indicates the differenflavors even with the same materials.For example,“Sweet andSour Fish”(糖醋鱼)and“Braised Fish with Soy Sauce”(红烧鱼)The fifth and last group is“pickled,preserved,salted”(腌)“mashed”(捣烂),“minced”(剁碎),“ground”(磨碎),“dicedcubed”(切丁、切块),“filleted”(切柳),“sliced”(切片),“shredded”(切丝),“shelled”(去壳),“boned”(去骨),“peeled”(去皮),etc.Thigroup shows how the materials look like before they are beingcooked.

3.1 Translation methods

3.1.1 Naming beginning with the material

Formula:Main ingredients(shape)+(with)subsidiaries(Chicken Cubes with Almond杏仁鸡丁)

Formula:Main ingredients(shape)+(with,in)flavo(Duck Webs with Mustard Sauce芥末鸭掌)

3.1.2 Naming beginning with the cooking techniques

1)Introducing the Cooking techniques and main ingredients

Formula:Cooking techniques+main ingredients(shape)(Soft-fried Pork Fillet软炸里脊)

2)Introducing the Cooking techniques,main ingredients and subsidiaries

Formula:Cooking techniques+main ingredients(shape+(with)subsidiaries(Braised Chicken Fillet with Tender Ginge仔姜烧鸡条)

3)Introducing the cooking techniques,main ingredients and flavor

Formula:Cooking techniques+main ingredient(shape)+(with,in)flavor(Braised Beef with Brown Sauce红烧牛肉)

3.1.3 Naming beginning with shape or flavor

1)Introducing the Shape(taste),main ingredients and subsidiaries

Formula:Shape(taste)+main ingredient+(with)subsidiary(Crisp Chicken with Sesame芝麻酥鸡)

2)Introducing the Taste,cooking technique,and main ingredients

Formula:Taste+cooking technique+main ingredient(Crisp Fried Spareribs香酥排骨)

3)Introducing the Shape(Taste),main ingredients and flavor

Formula:Shape(taste)+main ingredient+sauce(SlicedFish with Tomato Sauce茄汁鱼片)

4)Naming beginning with Person’s name or place name Introducing the Initiator(Cradle)and Main Ingredients Formula:Person’s name(cradle)+main ingredient(MPo Bean curd麻婆豆腐)

Introducing the Initiator(Cradle),cooking techniques and Main Ingredients

Formula:Person’s name(cradle)+cooking technique+main ingredient(Dong Po Stewed Pork Joint东坡煨肘)

3.1.4 One dish named in different ways

In the process of translation,one dish can be translated by several ways from different perspectives.Take Kung Pao ChickenCubes(宫保鸡丁)for example:Sauteed Chicken Cubes with Peanuts OR Gongbao Chicken Cubes OR Diced Chicken with Chiland Peanuts

3.1.5 Translation in direct way

1)The principle of usage of Chinese Pinyin

Principle 1:Typically Chinese and widely accepted by other nations,the Chinese traditional food can be translated with Chinese Pinyin on the principle of popularizing Chinese language and Chinese culture.Example:Jiaozi(饺子),Baozi(包子),Mantou(馒头),Huajuan(花卷),Shaomai(烧麦).

Principle 2:Typically Chinese and widely accepted by other nations,the Chinese traditional food are translated with the dialect and keeps its spelling.Example:Tofu(豆腐),Kung-Pao Chicken(宫保鸡丁),Chop Suey(杂碎),Wonton(馄饨),Shao-mai(烧麦).

2)Translation in accordance with the literal information

As discussed in part 3.2.2,the Chinesse dish names showing the cooking techniques and ingredients belong to this category.Ex-ample Salted Duck(咸水鸭)

3.1.6 Translation in indirect way

Some dish names contain the special local product,so weneed to render them into the common names,and then translatethem into English.Generally speaking,this category is the beautifi-cation of the materials and the cooking techniques.For example,“fish maw”(鱼鳔)is usually called“cod’s maw”(广肚);“shuang-dong”(双冬)refers to“mushroom”and“bamboo”;“yugun”(玉棍)is referred to as“bamboo shoot”.

3.2 Two problems concerned

3.2.1 The usage of singular and plural of countable noun

The countable nouns in the menus are usually in the plural form,while in condition that there is only one main ingredient othe ingredient is too small to be counted,the singular form shouldbe employed.

In the first dish name,“noodles”and“vegetables”are count-able,so we use the plural form.In the second one,“scallion”isminced too small to count,so the singular form is employed here.

3.2.2 The usage of propositions“In”and“With”in the sauce and subsidiaries

If the main ingredients are in the sauce or in the subsidiaries,the proposition“in”is employed.

Example:Steamed Beef Ribs in Black Bean Sauce(豉汁牛仔骨)

The main ingredients“steamed beef ribs”are in the subsidiary the“black bean sauce”,so the proposition here is“in”.

4 Conclusion

China’s rich cuisine culture always causes lots of trouble to foreigners,especially when they order in the restaurant.The diverse translation versions of the same dish challenge them with inconveniences.It is of great significance to unify the English translation of Chinese food.

First of all,names of the dishes should be brief and concise They play the role of explaining the materials and flavors of the dishes.Generally speaking,there are three to eight kinds of materials.It deserves proper consideration to achieve a brief and clear effect.In the second but not last place,the dishes present themselves with some anecdotes,such as“Beggar’s Chicken”and“Ma Po Tofu”.They reflect the characteristics of China’s food culture.It is impossible to explain clearly the dish through a straight literal translation,and it will be too complex to illustrate the anecdotes behind.Therefore,the key point is to take account of both the culture and the practicality of the dishes.


[1]Jakobson,Roman.On linguistic Aspects of Translation[C].Cam bridge,MA:Harvard University Press,1959.

[2]Mona Bake,Rutledge.Encyclopedia of Translation Studies[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2001.

[3]Nedergaard-laesrn,Birgit.Culture-bound Problems in Subti tling[J].Copenhagen:Museum Tusculanum Press,1993.

[4]Nord,Chiristiane.Translating as a Purposeful Activity:Func tional Approaches Explained[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,1997.

[5]Peter Newmark.A Text Book of Translation[M].Shanghai:Shang hai Foreign Language Education Press,2001.

[6]Peter Newmark.Approaches to Translation[M].London:Polytech nic of Central,2001.

[7]Qiu,Maoru.Language,Culture,and Translating[M].Shanghai:Foreign Languages Education Press,1998.

[8]Nida E A,Taber C R.The Theory and Practice of Translation[M].Leiden:E.J.Brill,1969.


8.中国人一定要英文名字吗? 篇八


不知什么时候开始,中国人崇洋媚外的势头又开始抬起来了。私企在这过程中扮演了至关重要的角色。而私企领导的名片成了这势头的主要执行者之一。几乎所有的名字在被反面分别印上中英文。自己的职位、公司地点都一一翻译成英文。美其名曰:和老外交往中,更让老外接受。这理由也够冠冕堂皇的。老外接受了你,也就接受了你的产品,你的这次交易就有可能成功,你的业绩就有可能提升。这一连串看似合理的推断在有些人心中无疑是金科玉律。可真正翻译名字的时候,这就犯愁了。我怎不可能直译吧?于是英文名开始出现了。一位领导为了这可费了不少心思,他的中文名是:毛永兴,翻译成“maoyong xing”?不好,那是直译,翻译成,tnao Yung hsing”,好像也不是很好,翻译成“YongxingMao”,更不好。这位领导最后弄了好几个,到最后他都差点儿忘记自己真正意义上的名字是毛永兴。在经济浪潮中,我们几经坎坷和折腾,坚挺地走过来了,而今,在我们享受经济浪潮后的成果时,我们却陷入了前所未有的迷茫。这种迷茫不是来自经济的受困,也不是来自家庭内部的矛盾冲突,而是来自自己沿用了几十年的名字。

于是我们经常可以听到诸如“大家好!我是新来的经理,大家可以叫我Jerry”、“现在让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎小宝贝James”此类的话,定睛一看,都是纯纯粹粹、真真实实、地地道道的中国人。而这些Jerry、James都似乎在享受这一切。在他们心中,似乎他们是最捧、最牛气的。春节联欢晚会上出现的这一幕也不足为奇了。在深圳一些企业里,求职单上都有“English Name”这一栏,这种人事的表格误导了中国年轻的一代,以至于丢掉独特的中华文化。中国人是唯一一个不用自己真正的名字却用外国名字的民族。在很多外国人看来,中国人不用自己的名字,就等于放弃了自己的文化,放弃了自己的民族自尊心。而这些人都得不到别人发自内心的尊敬。



9.英文成语小故事 篇九

She often suffered from pains in her chest, and so she would often walk around doubled over and with her brows knitted.

There was an ugly girl in the village called Dongshi who envied Xishi.triving to emulate Xishi, she imitated her stoop, knitting her brows at the same time.She thought that this made her elegant, but in fact, it only made her more ugly.

10.英文故事 篇十

A GREedy dog went into a butcher’s shop and stole a big juicy bone. He ran away so fast that the butcher could not catch him. He ran out into the fields with his bone. He was going to eat it all by himself. 一只贪心的狗跑到一家猪肉店偷了一根很大又有髓的骨头.他跑很快,所以那个卖猪肉的人追不到他.他咬著他的大骨头跑到空旷的地方,准备要好好地吃个痛快. the dog came to a stream. There was a narrow bridge across it. The dog walked on to the bridge, and looked into the water. He could see another dog with a big bone in his mouth. 这只狗来到一条溪流.有一座窄窄的桥跨在上面.这只狗走到桥上,望水里面看.他看见另一只狗嘴里咬著一跟大骨头. the GREedy dog thought the bone in the water looked much bigger than the one he had stolen from the butcher. 这只贪心的狗认为在水里面的那根骨头看起来比他跟卖肉的偷来的这根骨头大多了. the GREedy dog dropped the bone from his mouth. It fell into the water and was lost. He jumped into the water to snatch the bigger bone from the other dog. 这只贪心的狗从嘴理丢了那根骨头.它掉到水里而且不见了.他跳进去水里面想从另一只狗那儿抓那跟更大的骨头. the GREedy dog jumped into the water with a big splash. He looked everywhere but he could not see the other dog. His shadow had gone. 贪心的狗跳进水里溅起好多水花.他到处看,可是都找不到其他的狗.他的倒影不见了. the silly dog went home hungry. He lost his bone and got nothing because he had been too GREedy. 这只笨狗饿著肚子回家.因为太贪心,他弄丢了他的骨头而且一点东西也没拿到.

11.中国式英文令人啼笑皆非 篇十一

在某商店门前,“欢迎光临”被译为“Welcome to Presence”;在某厕所里,“当心滑跌”被译为“Take Care Of Your Slip”;在某景区内,“核心景区,严禁烟火”被译为“No firemaking in hard core scenery area”;在一些展馆里,要通过馆内提供的英文解释牌来了解某件展品的历史或文化价值也相当困难,因为翻译太差劲了。值得一提的是,到越小越偏远的地方,中国式英文就越普遍。

有名德国人纪韶融(Oliver Lutz Radtke)提倡保护中国式英文,他认为,中国式英文不应被视为外国游客的笑柄,更应被视为文化宝物。










