


1.托福独立写作时间分配方法 篇一







听课堂讲解(记录反驳理由和例子) 2min






2.托福独立写作硬伤剖析 篇二

审题 避免跑题

在托福独立写作中,审题和构思永远是第一位的。考生如果在审题上出现偏差,那么即使语言再好,例子再多,也很难拿到高分。在《新托福考试官方指南》独立写作部分的评分标准中,取得5分的其中一条标准是“effectively addresses the topic and task”,这就是要求考生写作要扣题。在实践中,考生在审题方面容易出现以下两种错误。


“实然”类题目问的是现实中是否存在某种情况。如2013年3月3日中国内地托福考试的独立写作题目:“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people today are more likely to spend time and effort to improve the world than young people in the past.”该题目是问今天的年轻人是不是比过去的年轻人更愿意花时间和精力来改进世界。也就是说,题目问的是现实中存不存在这种情况,而不是年轻人应不应该这样做。

“应然”类题目问的是某种做法是否应该鼓励,或者做某件事情是否重要。如2013年1月13日中国内地托福考试的独立写作题目:“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is important to make sure that others (influential people or potential employers) know about your strengths and accomplishments; or you will not have a successful life.”该题目是问想要获得成功的人生,你是不是应该让别人(有影响力的人或潜在雇主)了解你的特长和成就。


对于“实然”类题目,考生应着重利用事实和客观证据来构思分论点。以2013年1月26日中国内地托福考试的独立写作题目为例:“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Young people today are more likely to help others than young people in the past.”该题目是问现在的年轻人事实上是不是比以前的年轻人更有可能帮助人,而不是问现在的年轻人应不应该比以前的人更多地帮助人。因此,这道题属于“实然”类题目。考生在写作分论点时,应着重从事实和客观证据的角度来寻找依据,比如“现在的年轻人可以用很多传统方式帮助人”“现在的年轻人也可以用很多现代化的新型方式帮助人”等。在每个分论点内部,考生应多运用实际的事例来论证。

对于“应然”类题目,考生应着重从“为什么”的角度来构思分论点。以2013年3月2日中国内地托福考试的独立写作题目为例:“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The world is busy and crowded; we should not expect people to be polite to others.”该题目本质上是问礼貌是否重要,属于“应然”类题目。考生在写作时,分论点应重点讲“为什么礼貌很重要”,比如“对人有礼貌能够让我们交到更多朋友”“人们之间互有礼貌有助于国家和社会的和谐”等。在每个分论点内部,考生应先解释清楚理由,再辅以例子支持。

考生如果不能准确识别“实然”和“应然”类题目,就可能在审题和构思时出现跑题的问题。这样一来,即使例子很充分,语言也较好,考生依然拿不到好成绩。比如,有一位考生参加2013年3月2日的托福考试,独立写作题目为上文提到的“应然”类题目,即我们是否应该对人有礼貌。该考生由于紧张,审题时出现偏差,结果将文章中的一个分论点设成了“因为现实生活中有很多人都对人有礼貌,所以我们应该对人有礼貌”,这就犯了混淆“实然”和“应然”类题目的错误。用“现实生活中有很多人对人有礼貌”来证明题目要求的“我们应不应该对人礼貌”违背了5分评分标准中的要求(effectively addresses the topic and task)。因此,该考生在独立写作部分只得到了Fair档的分数。而以该考生的语言功底和平时表现,其在独立写作部分拿Good档分数是没有问题的,正是审题的失误导致其独立写作发挥失常。这样的失误很令人遗憾,应该尽量避免。




同样以“The world is busy and crowded; we should not expect people to be polite to others”这道题为例。这道题整体上问的是“礼貌是否重要”或者“人们之间应不应该互有礼貌”。有位考生在审题时片面地纠结于expect这个词,因此在写主体段时把重点放在了证明“应不应该期待礼貌”上,结果导致跑题。这位考生在之前两次考试的独立写作部分都拿到了Good档的成绩,但在这次考试中却因跑题只得了Fair档的成绩。

结构 避免主体段分论点之间的交叉和冲突

在独立写作中,主体段的两个或三个分论点之间不宜出现交叉或冲突。如果出现这类硬伤,考生就无法拿到Good档的分数,因为这不符合5分标准中“unity, progression, and coherence”的要求。《新托福考试官方指南》在独立写作的organization要求中提到:“To earn a top score, you need to avoid redundancy (repetition of ideas), digression (points that are not related to your main point, that take away from the ‘unity’ of your ideas), and unclear connections (places where it is hard for the reader to understand how two ideas or parts of your writing are related).”各分论点间的交叉重叠正是redundancy的体现,分论点间出现的冲突则是digression和unclear connection的体现。这些都是考生在文章结构方面应尽量避免的硬伤。下面笔者通过实例来具体分析什么是主体段分论点之间的交叉和冲突,希望能给考生以启发。


某考生遇到的独立写作题目如下:“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important to choose friends who you can have fun with than to choose friends who will help you when you need them.”该考生选择的观点为“选择能够提供帮助的朋友更加重要”。其第一个分论点为“患难时这种朋友能够帮助自己摆脱困难”,第二个分论点为“如果帮助自己的朋友在帮助的过程中也获得好处,这样就能给双方都带来好处”。第二个分论点说朋友帮助自己对朋友也有好处,这是跑题的表现;说朋友帮助自己对双方都有好处,这其实和第一个分论点讲的“能够给自己带来好处”有交叉重叠。因此,该考生虽然在语言、字数等方面都不错,但由于结构不清晰,最后只拿到Fair档的成绩。


如果主体段的分论点之间出现了明显的观点冲突,这样的文章一定拿不到Good档的成绩。下面笔者以《新托福考试官方指南》上公布的一篇2分作文为例来具体说明。这篇文章的写作题目如下:“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Always telling the truth is the most important consideration in any relationship.”这篇2分例文在首段提出的总观点为“诚实是关系中最重要的因素”。其第一个分论点为“诚实才能够赢得朋友和同事的信任”;第二个分论点为“撒谎会为工作和家庭生活带来麻烦”;第三个分论点则话锋一转,变成了“相反,有时候撒谎更加重要”,这与总观点和前两个分论点完全冲突。这样存在冲突的论述直接削弱了考生自己观点的证明力,也使读者产生困惑,这样的作文当然拿不到高分。


有些分论点表面看上去似乎有道理,并没有和其他分论点及全文总观点水火不容。但深入分析其内容会发现,尽管该论点也符合全文总观点的特征,但其更符合对立观点的特征,因而与其他分论点构成隐性的内在冲突。比如,2013年3月16日中国内地托福考试的独立写作题目如下:“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The movies and television programs made in your own country are more interesting than movies and television programs made in other countries.”某考生选择的总观点为“国内的电影和电视节目更有趣”。其第一个分论点为“国内的电影和电视节目能让我们看到很多熟悉的东西,因此更加有趣”;第二个分论点为“国内的电影和电视节目能帮助我们了解我们不熟悉的一些国内事物,因此更加有趣”。第二个分论点虽然看似也说得通,但“不熟悉”其实更符合国外节目具备的特征,较少符合国内节目具备的特征,因为国外节目比国内节目更能够提供“不熟悉”的事物。所以,第二个分论点和第一个分论点存在隐性的观点冲突,而且该分论点不是国内节目和国外节目的显著不同,因而不能构成有效的论证。

论据 避免明显违背客观事实的论据


比如,2012年10月28日中国内地托福考试的独立写作题目如下:“Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? All scientific discoveries should be shared among all scientists all around the world; government and businesses should not keep any discoveries in secret.”某考生选择的观点是“科学发现应该共享,不该有秘密”,论证时用的是乔布斯的例子。但大家都知道,苹果公司的核心知识产权事实上并没有在社会上共享。因此,这篇文章即使语言没有问题,例子也很多,但因为例子本身明显不符合事实,最终考生没有拿到Good档的成绩。


3.托福口语时间分配攻略 篇三

第1、2中的题目属于日常话题,这两道题本身难度比较小,所以特别需要注意的就是时间的分配问题,在这45秒钟里,一般用5~6秒完成topic sentence, 接下来的40秒应以每一个detail或者example不超过3~4句话的规律完成该话题,也就是说大致20秒完成一个detail或example的表述。如果考生能在考前进行充分的准备,锻炼自己的口语思维,积累常用的details或examples,考试时就会从容许多。

TASK 1&2

第一部分(1-2题):准备时间15秒,答题时间45秒。如第1、2中的题目属于日常话题,这两道题本身难度比较小,所以特别需要注意的就是托福口语时间的分配问题,在这45秒钟里,一般用5~6秒完成topic sentence, 接下来的40秒应以每一个detail或者example不超过3~4句话的规律完成该话题,也就是说大致20秒完成一个detail或example的表述。如果考生能在考前进行充分的准备,锻炼自己的口语思维,积累常用的details或examples,考试时就会从容许多。


TASK 3&4

第二部分(3-4题):准备时间30秒,答题60秒。它们分别是情景题和学术题。在阅读的时候要注意记录主题和支撑的观点。同时在TASK 3&4的听力进行中,要主要把握其重点环节,也就是人物的观点,以及他支持或反对的理由。另外,在表述过程中,结构一定要清楚,在练习时不妨使用计时软件,多锻炼几次才能在规定时间内把要点说全说清楚。


TASK 5&6






1. 中文的语言描述相对抽象,英文更注重细节的描写。例如,中文说“电影院里很吵闹”,英文就会表达成 “children are crying, old people are coughing and couples are whispering in the cinema.”

2. 句子和句子之间,中文多靠上下文的意思去联系彼此之间的关系。英文则大都要使用逻辑连接词。

3. 中文更倾向于含蓄的表达,有时为了说理有力,甚至用一个故事去引入要叙述的话题,而英文则习惯于单刀直入,开门见山。




总分(总)的叙述结构 开门见山的回答问题,切入主题 合理利用逻辑连接词,使文章逻辑顺畅,条例清晰 抽象具体化,对于问题比较概括的要会使其具体到一个事物上进行叙述和讨论


准确性,即对听力原文中心和内容的准确把握以及准确概括 完整性,即在复述时要保证能够覆盖到主要的信息点 客观性,即要遵从原文材料,不可多加主观评断和猜测 间接性,即语言要尽量简练准确,以保证在要求时间内能够完成复述






1. There is not a moment to be lost. 分秒必争。

2. There is no holding back the wheel of history. 历史车轮不可阻挡。

3. Not a soul was anywhere visible. 到处见不到一个人。

4. I felt sorry for not coming in time. 我很抱歉没准时到。

5. I don’t think it is right to make such a hasty decision. 我认为如此仓促做决定是不正确的。

6. Everybody, it is true, wouldn’t like it. 的确并不是人人都喜欢它。

7. I don’t wholly agree. 我并不完全同意。

8. All my plans came to nothing. 我的一切计划都没实现。

9. I shall never do it, not under any circumstances. 我不会做那事的。

10. I’ll not do such a thing, not I. 我不会干这种事的,决不会。

11. I could not assent to, much less participate in such proceedings. 我对这种行为不能赞同,哪里还说得上参加。

12. I did not even see him, still less shake hands with him. 我看都没看见他,哪里还可能同他握手呢?

13. I never thought of it, let alone did I do it. 我想都没想到它,更谈不上去做了。

14. Little remains to be said. 简直没什么可说的了。

15. I have hardly ever been out of Beijing. 我几乎未曾离开过北京。

16.I saw little or nothing of him after you were gone. 你走后我很少看见他,几乎可说完全没见过他。

17. I could not help showing my pleasure. 我不禁喜形于色。

18. I cannot but admire his courage. 我不得不赞美他的勇气。

19. I never see you but I think of my brother. 我每次见到你就想起我的兄弟来。(我没有一次不是见到你就想起我的兄弟来。)

4.托福独立写作时间分配方法 篇四






Frequently, parents are placed in a dilemma on children’s pocket money: how much money should they give and how frequently should they give? It is surely not a good idea to disappoint children, but parents have the concern whether children spend the money wisely. In my mind, a better solution is to make a deal with children that they will get certain amount of pocket money weekly and then they are supposed to learn how to manage the money.

To begin with, it is natural that children need money. At school, they sometimes may feel hungry between mealtimes and want to buy food from vending machines. Or, they suddenly find that they leave their stationeries at home and need to buy a new pen and notebooks. In addition, money is also needed for children’s social activities after school, such as toys and tools. All these are reasonable causes for children to spend money. For example, most students would like to buy a bottle of cold beverage after doing sports together, especially during summer time. On the contrary, without money in pocket, a child will feel embarrassing to sit around peers holding Coca-Cola and consciously avoid such occasions even by rejecting to participate in sports activities.

Secondly, by giving certain amount of pocket money regularly, parents are able to teach children wealth management. The reason why parents are reluctant to give children money is that they doubt whether children will squander the money on useless or even harmful commodities, like junk food. To prevent children from wasting money, parents can require them to keep accounts. Moreover, as the regular pocket money is the only source of incomes, children will be encouraged to purposefully restrict their purchasing behavior and even make budgets, which is beneficial for their whole life. For instance, the habit of saving a small amount of money weekly for months to buy a desirable gift enables them to manage wealth for important investments, like automobiles and houses, after they begin to work and become financially independent. When children get accustomed to having pocket money weekly and are able to make ends meet, it is time for parents to give them money monthly.

To sum up, it is necessary for parents to give children pocket money weekly, as children need money in both school life and social life. Also, to give pocket money is an effective way to teach children how to manage wealth.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement.

Parents should give children studying in primary schools or middle schools a small amount of pocket money weekly.

Use your own specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

5.托福独立写作时间分配方法 篇五




Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

It is better to work for a business owned by someone else than to work for a business owned by your family.

我们以【立场:work for a business owned by someone else】为例,展示这一招“四两拨千斤”:

先讨论对方的劣势:如果work for a business owned by my family,可能会让我感到不适。

If I work for a business owned by my family, the atmosphere of the company may feel strange, making me uncomfortable. This is my case, actually. I declined the offer from my uncle’s company for the consideration that since I may be recognized as the nephew of the company’s owner, other staff may show a defensive attitude and gesture when they work with me. They may exchange ideas behind my back, and although those ideas may not be bad words about the company, they would not involve me in the discussion. Meanwhile, the office may be a stressful place, because there in their eye is a spy or a snitcher, which is me. I do not think that I could feel comfortable working in such an environment as my coworkers would behave with too much discretion in front of me.


This awkward situation would not happen to me in the case that I work at a company that is not my family’s.


托福独立写作范文 | 三两招突破独立写作系列(二)

如果手边有《新托福写作真经6》,请翻到Page 212。

●写作范文 ●




Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Remaining happy and optimistic when you fail is more important than achieving success.

以【立场: remaining happy and optimistic when you fail is more important】为例,展示这一招:

The essence of doing anything may not be attaining the desired goal but enjoying the process.

接下来怎么办?抽象话题,没有具体的情景。于是,通过举例设置具体的fail或achieve success的情景或者经历来完成讨论。

I have personally met many failures and successes in my study. To reflect on the many past achievements and disappointments, I find that those results did not really matter. What really mattered is how I managed to achieve a goal or what mindset I adopted in the face of being unable to achieve the desired result. As long as the learning, as the process, was productive and enlightening, I did not care about the grades, and it was being able to remain happy and optimistic when I failed that made the process meaningful.



如果我们【立场:remaining happy and optimistic when you fail is more important】,轻松复制这一招:

Success creates a pleasure that is far more joyful and overwhelming than the happiness or optimism we have when we fail.

上一个演示段落里设置的具体的fail或achieve success的情景或者经历,简单调整就可以用来讨论另一个立场了,轻松、省脑。

I have personally met many failures and successes in the many examinations I have taken. To revisit the many past accomplishments and disappointments, I find that those good grades were way more enjoyable than the resilient mindset in the face of poor grades. This is best illustrated by a particular case that I failed multiple times in my attempt to pass the qualification test of being a nutritionist and eventually achieved a passing score and got the license in my third attempt. The joy was a feeling that is so strong that no optimism in any failure can create.

托福独立写作范文 | 三两招突破独立写作系列(三)


.The first reason is simple, and it is about life quality. 写段落中心句的时候,通过连词and建立的平行关系,构建两个简单的“主—系—表”句子的符合,并且前后两个句子形成信息的递进关系。

.A person who is generous in his or her expense of money may live his or her life to the fullest. 对于主语a person做定语从句的修饰,就可以把人的行为和结果放到一个复合句里说明白了。同时,这个句子还可以以另一个复合句形式呈现:If a person is generous in his or her expense of money, the person may live his or her life to the fullest. 这个句子中,把人的行文放到了条件状语从句里,构建了一个“条件—结果”复合句。

.Otherwise, life may be dull and awkward. 两个复合句之后,不要继续复合句了,此处简单句为宜。

.For example, money may be spent on purchasing goods, bringing us material comfort. 进入举例的部分,这一句,通过伴随状语来构建复合句。

.A woolen blanket, for cold temperatures, may be costly but quite cozy, or good pair of shoes may be expensive but nice to the feet. 通过连词or建立的平行关系,构建两个简单的“主—系—表”句子的符合,前后两个句子所描述的情况形成平行关系。

.In addition, money may be used to purchase services, particularly entertainment, which creates fun. 这个句子中,通过最后的非限定性定语从句构建复合句,引出“fun”这个花钱的好处。

.It is obvious that people need spiritual enjoyment in their lives. 通过形式主语It去指代后面的由that引导的名词性从句构建复合句。此处“福利“:形式主语是因为英语句子(普遍说来)的习惯是“头轻脚重”,是“头小尾大”。

.Such a style of life contrasts sharply with the plain andfrugal one. 同样地,复合句连续出现之后,需要简单句来调剂一下。

.As money is saved, the comfort or fun may be reduced. 通过as引导的状语从句构建复合句。

.In other words, a person who is stingy or conservative about spending would rather make do, with very limited material, and bear the boredom. 至此,是不是可以从前面的展示中找到这个复合句的构建复合的方式?但是,好像还有一些部分搞不清楚?没事,我们的栏目会在后面的episodes中慢慢覆盖。

.However, the awkwardness deprives the person of the many possibilities of life. 简单句。


如何练就托福综合写作高分必备技能?在综合写作中,对综合写作阅读内容的总结和阐释不能照抄阅读文章原文,因此 概括能力(summarization skills)和成为了综合写作的核心能力。那么什么是托福综合写作的概括能力呢?来看下面的实例讲解。



The online questionnaire is able to feature many online options to help a respondent complete the survey that normally he or she might not be able to receive. For example, there could be a glossary to explain an unknown word. Also, the questionnaire submission is much easier, done at the click of a button instead of wasting time and effort via mailing the forms.

这个段落的分论点是many online options(在线选项)可以帮助很多问卷调查者(respondents)更好地完成问卷。通过论据和细节的展开,我们知道这些 online options 既包括 glossary 对不熟悉的单词进行解释,又包括easy submission.


There are more online features that are helpful for questionnaire respondents, such as glossaries to explain unfamiliar words and easy submissions at the click of a button.

再如:Moreover, genetically modified trees promise to bring a number of economic benefits to those who grow them. Genetically modified trees tend to grow faster, give greater yields of food, fruit, or other products, and be hardier. This allows tree farmers to get faster and greater returns on their farming investment and save on pesticides as well.

这个段落的分论点是 genetically modified trees(转基因树木)带来许多经济利益。通过论据和细节的展开,我们知道这是因为 genetically modified trees 生长的更快、产量更大、更为耐寒;而这些特质使得树农投资回报更快、更多,并且节约了杀虫剂的开支。


Genetically modified trees bring tree farmers many economic benefits, including favorable returns on their investment and savings on pesticides.






6.托福独立写作时间分配方法 篇六



1. such as/like

用such as或like来举例,是广大考生比较熟悉的,但是在使用时需要注意以下三点。

①Such as比like正式,在正式场合考生应尽量使用such as。

②在包含such as与like的句式中,such as与like之前的内容应是笼统的概念,其后所跟的是含细节的具体例子,比如在“Expert guidance such as help with course preparation and methodology for appropriate lesson implementation”(专业指导,比如给予备课经验和恰当的上课方法的帮助)中,expert guidance就是笼统的概念,而“help with … lesson implementation”就是含细节的具体例子。

③Like与such as中的as都是介词,其后应跟名词或动词的-ing形式,例如:Activities such as rock climbing, bungee jumping and parachuting are extreme sports. (像攀岩、蹦极、跳伞这样的活动都是极限运动。)

2. include与“range from … to …”

根据笔者的教学经验,很多考生都没有掌握include与“range from … to …”这两种引入例子的表达,特别是“range from … to …”。使用include与“range from … to …”,考生需要注意以下两点。

①在举例时,include与“range from … to …”可用一般现在时形式,也可用现在分词形式,考生可参考下文例句。

②“range from … to …”囊括的举例范畴可以很广。比如ranging from course preparation to methodology for appropriate lesson implementation (从备课经验到恰当的上课方法),虽然例子中只出现了两种情况,但该用法表明可能还包括如何对付调皮的学生、如何与学生家长配合让学生的学习效率最大化等方面。考生一定要有意识地学习并使用像“range from … to …”这类更加高级的表达方式,而不是停留在自己已经熟知的套路上。

3. for example/for instance

提到表举例的词汇,相信大部分考生都会第一时间想到for example或for instance,甚至有些考生的一篇独立写作中会出现四五个for example,因为在托福独立写作中会有多个地方用到举例。从常理来说,这样会让评分人产生“审美疲劳”,而且也让人觉得考生的英语词汇不够丰富。《托福考试官方指南》要求考生在独立写作中体现syntactic variety (句法多样性)。鉴于此,笔者建议考生在考试中少使用for example或for instance。但如果要用这两种表达的话,需要注意:尽量将for example/for instance写成插入语,这样可以增加句法多样性。For example/for instance一般可插入到一个句子的主语与谓语之间。

为了使考生能更加直观地体会这类表举例的词汇的用法,笔者以TPO 26托福独立写作题目“孩子们选择与父母相同的工作比选择与父母不同的工作要好”为例,为考生举例说明。

例 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

It is better for children to choose jobs that are similar to their parents’ jobs than to choose jobs that are very different from their parents’ jobs.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.



参考例句(such as与like):

①Expert guidance such as help with course preparation and methodology for appropriate lesson implementation may benefit children who are planning to become teachers.

②Children are able to acquire expert guidance from their parents, like course preparation and methodology for appropriate lesson implementation.

参考例句(include与“range from … to …”):

①The expert guidance that children will receive from their parents includes course preparations and methodology for appropriate lesson implementation.

②Children will acquire from their parents expert guidance, including course preparation and methodology for appropriate lesson implementation.

③Expert guidance which children will receive from their parents ranges from course preparation to methodology for appropriate lesson implementation.

④Children will acquire from their parents expert guidance, ranging from course preparation to methodology for appropriate lesson implementation.

参考例句(for example与for instance):

①Take, for example, expert guidance from their parents. Through discussions with their parents about problems and confusion concerning teaching, children are able to obtain help with course preparation and methodology for appropriate lesson implementation.

②Parents who are teachers, for instance, can give their children expert guidance on how to prepare courses and how to give lessons according to appropriate teaching methodology.


叙述故事就是描述真实发生的事件,这些事件可以是发生在其他人身上的,也可以是发生在自己身上的。叙述故事时用到的表举例的词汇有很多,在此仅讨论相对“高端”的illustrate/exemplify和deserve a special mention。

1. illustrate/exemplify



②为了体现句法多样性,在常用的“illustrate/exemplify this point with the case of … ” 表达中,可用by来替换with,可用the example of与the story about等表达来替换the case of,但要注意它们所用介词的不同。


2. deserve a special mention

Deserve a special mention这个表达通常也用来引出一个真实发生的事件,使用时需要注意以下三点。

①在deserve a special mention中,冠词a可以省略,写成deserve special mention。

②为了体现句法多样性,在句型“When it comes to … , … deserve(s) a special mention”中,“when it comes to …”可用“speaking of …”来替换。另外在该句式中,考生要注意根据主句主语的单复数形式变换deserve的形式。

③还可以用“The case of …/The example of …/The story about … deserves a special mention”这个句式引出例子。需要提醒考生注意的是由于该句式中的主语是第三人称单数,因此deserve要相应变成第三人称单数形式。



例 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

The best way to travel is in a group led by a tour guide.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


参考例句(illustrate/exemplify):Tourists are likely to be taken by tour guides to stores where souvenirs are extremely expensive. I will illustrate/exemplify this point with the case of my cousin Joseph, who went on a guided tour to France with a group of approximately 20 people last year. When they had finished visiting the Eiffel Tower, the tour guide took them to a nearby souvenir store. Joseph bought a miniature Eiffel Tower there for 100 dollars, which was far too expensive.

当然,关键词illustrate/exemplify所在的句子也可以选择被动语态,写成:This point can be illustrated/exemplified with the case of my cousin Joseph.

参考例句(deserve a special mention):When it comes to being taken by tour guides to stores where souvenirs are extremely expensive, my cousin Joseph deserves a special mention. Last year he went on a guided tour to France with a group of approximately 20 people. When they had finished visiting the Eiffel Tower, the tour guide took them to a souvenir store nearby. Joseph bought a miniature Eiffel Tower there for 100 dollars, which was far too expensive.

7.托福独立写作写作思路讲解 篇七





8.原创托福独立写作分类+文章写作 篇八

Paragraph 1


展开(开门见山、下定义、设问、排比、引谚语、引数据、欲扬先抑)Paragraph 2

Topic Sentence——引出第一个分论点 展开(事例、列举、比较、因果、假设、让步)Paragraph 3

Topic Sentence——引出第二个分论点 展开(事例、列举、比较、因果、假设、让步)Paragraph 4

Topic Sentence——引出第三个分论点 展开(事例、列举、比较、因果、假设、让步)Paragraph 5





①Agreeing or Disagreeing

Passage 1

What does the word “game” mean to you? Different people can tell different answers.Some may say “Game means to win”, and others may say “Game means to challenge ourselves.” However, in my point of view, having fun and enjoying the process are always the real meaning of the “game”.Accordingly, playing a game is fun no matter you lose or win, as long as you join it heart and soul.First and foremost, participants are able to get great joy during the process of the game.A proverb has it that “the most important thing is to participate”.So even though the final result is not very satisfactory, or even worse, we can still find something precious and enjoyable when we join the game.For instance, I played a geography game with my classmates during the summer camp last year.Each group was asked to follow several clues and find the final destination with a GPS receiver.Though we came from different nations, my partners and I discussed thoroughly and cooperated closely.We successfully found the final position in a short time.Even though we only made it third, in other word we actually lost the game, we still had great fun and felt really proud of our dedicate collaboration.Furthermore, beside success, failure can also teach us a lot and those we learned from failures may turn into greater happiness later.Life is always filled with bitter and sweet, so one can never expect to win all the time, even in the game.Although feeling frustrated and depressed, we can always draw some lessons and get precious experiences from those failures or debacles.It looks as if we lost a game, but in fact we acquired so many knowledge and skills which would help us a lot in the future and had a better understanding of our life.For example, a gifted basketball player might be selfish and overconfident when he enters a team.But after a fiasco, he is sure to understand that basketball is game of 5 people and start to enjoy the close collaboration with his teammates.In conclusion, although victory can give us great happiness, it is not the only fun we can have from games.If we can treat failures with a positive attitude, we will be more likely to get greater achievements and joy in the future.②Stating a Preference

Passage 1

“Every bean has its black”, as the saying goes.The rapid development of automobile industry has p more and more choices to consumers and made the transportation much more convenient than it used to be.Even though the prosperity of automobiles has also caused some thorny problems, I believe that its benefits are so great that it will be unfair to neglect them and emphasize the negative effects only.Imagine living in a metropolis where neither cars nor buses can be available.How terrible could this be? It’s automobiles that has improved modern transportation greatly and connected different parts of the land together.Although more and more people choose to get work on foot or by bicycle, in order to reduce the air pollution, there are still over 80% of people, according to a recent survey, travel by automobile in the morning.Thus, automobiles are still the first choice when people go out because they’re fast, convenient and safe.There’s no doubt that automobiles have played such an important, even irreplaceable, role in the transportation nowadays that they are considered as a fundamental element of modern life.On the other hand, it’s true that the development of automobiles has caused a series of issues.For example, cars all over the world will produce millions of tons of carbon dioxide each year, a number that is huge enough to increase the greenhouse effect and further heat up the Earth.Many other serious environmental problems like floods and droughts might come about afterwards.However, I have to say that though it looks as if those negative effects are inevitable, it doesn’t mean we have no idea to reach a balance between development and environment friendly.Many scientist and engineers are striving for a breakthrough in developing a new fuel that is clean, efficient, and

cheap.We have good reasons to believe that one day people will find the final answer to the conflict caused by automobiles and achieve real sustainable development.As I have mentioned above, pollutions, traffic jam, noises, all of these can be great challenges for the development of automobiles.However, we cannot deny that automobiles have made significant contributions towards the modern society.③Giving an Explanation

Passage 1

“Each has his own ideal”, as the saying goes.Different people may have different answer to the question “why do people attend universities?” Expecting to learn some advanced knowledge, dreaming about experiencing something new or exciting, meeting some lifetime friends.All of these can be reasons why people attend colleges and universities.However, in my opinion, people attend college or university mainly to find their real interest and design a blueprint for their own future, including their careers, workplaces, families, etc.First of all, students are usually mature enough to start thinking about their future when they attend college or university.Take one of my friends, Inn, as an example.Inn always had many different thoughts when he was a high school student.He initially wanted to be a scientist, then an engineer like his father, and finally he told me that he found an interest in psychology when he graduated from high school.However, when he attended the university and really got the chance to think over and design his own future, he found that his real interest is architecture.So he chose architecture and design as his major and did an excellent job during his undergraduate studies.Now he’s pursuing for his graduate degree and preparing to go abroad to study with his girlfriend.It is university that gives Inn, as well as other people, I suppose, a chance to plan and prepare for their future carefully and helps them lead a

happy life.So it’s right time for people to plan for their journey in front when they enter university and, in fact, university is the very place where they can choose their own directions freely and follow their bent.There are thousands of universities all over the world and in each country there are some good universities for its people to get high-quality education and prepare for their career.What’s more, each university or colleges consists of many different departments and schools so that it can offer students a large amount of courses in different areas.Accordingly, universities and colleges are ideal places for students to find a right track for their life and pursuing for the excellence on their own way.In conclusion, as I have shown above, I think people attend college or university mainly for a good chance to find their life goals.④Making an Argument

Passage 1

The Mid-autumn day, which is endowed with lots of meanings by Chinese people, is considered as one of the most important festivals in China.On this day, Chinese families will have a reunion and share a wonderful night together.Among all the activities we will do on the Mid-autumn day, viewing the moon is undoubtedly the most indispensible one.Just as the festival itself, moon-viewing is also granted with many beautiful feelings by Chinese people.So the Mid-autumn festival is the custom that I would like people from other countries to adopt.First of all, the Moon on the Mid-autumn day is always the most beautiful one of the year.Not only because its brightness and fullness, but also its beauty and clearness can be shared by the whole family.On the dusk of Mid-autumn day, a bright Moon will come over the horizon as soon as the Sun goes down.Thus as long as the sky is clear, the Moon can be seen all night on Mid-autumn.That is to say, whenever the families go out, they can always find the gorgeous moon in the sky.Nowadays, people are always too busy to spend their precious time staying with their families;the Mid-autumn day, however, offers people a wonderful chance to have a family reunion

9.托福独立写作时间分配方法 篇九


Thanks to the constant improvement of living standards, modern people put more emphasis on health. By maintaining good health, people stand more chances to make dreams come true and enjoy a happy life. Luckily, in modern society, to keep healthy is much easier than before.

Admittedly, some people may suffer from the health problems caused by quick life pace and heavy pressure. Owing to the fierce competition in modern society, people usually complain that they have to work overtime or even burn the midnight oil and recall the easy life led by people in the past. Moreover, with much time occupied by work, they can hardly spare time to do exercises and gradually give up themselves to a sedentary lifestyle and fall into sub-health conditions. However, with the increase of awareness of those health problems, people are able to make a change by adjusting their schedule and leading a healthy life.

To begin with, the easy access to information allows people to gain more knowledge on diets than before. There are many professional websites telling people how to eat in healthy ways according to their needs. According to dietitians, it is necessary for people to have a certain proportion of meat, grain, vegetable, egg, milk, etc., so as to guarantee the absorption of nutrients needed for the body function. In addition, people also can learn from cooking shows on TV. The chef teaches audiences how to prepare healthy and delicious food. For example, my mum learnt the way to cook broccoli with a special source without losing its valuable vitamin. However, in the past, most people who were unaware of the significance of balanced diets simply believed people should eat as much as possible in case they could not find enough food the next day.

Secondly, the advancement of medical treatment also guarantees that people today can lead a healthier life than in the past. Thanks to the efforts of scientists and doctors, there are various powerful vaccines that protect people from detrimental diseases, such as chickenpox and polio. Also, as people today have more knowledge of various diseases, the early and accurate diagnosis prevents diseases from getting worse and claiming lives. More importantly, the constant improvement of medical knowledge and equipment enables doctors to cure diseases with less pain and fewer side effects and even conquer incurable diseases. For example, it took only several months to find the vaccine of Ebola spreading wildly in western Africa in , which saved thousands of lives. But, in the past, the limitation of medial knowledge inhibited people from finding right solutions. People were powerless in front of bacteria infection before the invention of Penicillin.

To sum up, it is definitely easier for modern people to lead a healthy life than they did in the past.

It is easier to maintain good health today than in the past.








10.托福独立写作怎么开头 篇十

ETS官方发布的托福独立写作满分标准第一条中就明确指出:“满分文章必须有效地针对给定话题进行论述(effectively addresses the topic and task)”。结合西方的写作习惯,开头段的构成要素和要完成的基本任务也非常清晰,即需要考生表达观点,树立统领全文的思想主题。




而背景概述型开头要求既要贴合题目,又要新颖独特、不落俗套。这就需要考生对机经真题烂熟于胸,并在考场上花费大量时间构思,否则就会沦为千篇 一律的恶俗开头,导致低分。文韬老师在第一次写作课前收到的学生习作中有八成左右都会用“Today with the development of science and technology”做为开头,甚至很多考生在处理跟科技类题材毫不沾边的话题时,也会使用这个“标准”开头。这种文章极易使考官厌倦,从而降低主观评价、拉低整体分数。




题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In order to become financially responsible adults, children should manage their own money at young age.

开头:Many parents are in doubt whether children can control their pocket money at young age? As far as I am concerned, with patient guidance and good suggestions, teenagers should manage their own money and assume responsibility at young age.



第一类:情态动词,例如should, could, might

第二类:why与why not

第三类:be in doubt whether...


第一类:Might students doze off or play mobile games in my writing class? From my point of view, no way!

第二类:Why not mind your behavior and pay close attention to the writing course? In my opinion, young students should learn how to control themselves in class.

第三类:I am in doubt whether my students’ attention is diverted for a moment in class? Fortunately, this situation never occur in my writing class.


