


1.论坛开幕庆典演讲 篇一


Working together toward a better future for Asia and the world Editor’s note: President Xi Jinping delivered a keynote speech at the opening plenary of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2013 on Sunday in South China’s Hainan province.Following is the translated version of the full text of his speech from Xinhua News Agency.尊敬的各位元首、政府首脑、议长、国际组织负责人、部长,博鳌亚洲论坛理事会各位成员,各位来宾,女士们,先生们,朋友们。

Your Excellencies, Heads of State and Government, Speakers of Parliament, Heads of International Organizations, Ministers, Members of the Board of Directors of the Boao Forum for Asia, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,椰风暖人,海阔天高。在这美好的季节里,同大家相聚在美丽的海南岛,参加博鳌亚洲论坛2013年年会,我感到十分高兴。首先,我谨代表中国政府和人民,并以我个人的名义,向各位朋友的到来,表示诚挚的欢迎!对年会的召开,表示热烈的祝贺!

In this balmy season with clear sky and warm, coconut-scented breeze, I am so glad to meet all of you at the Annual Conference 2013 of the Boao Forum for Asia here in Hainan, a picturesque island embraced by the vast ocean.Let me begin by extending, on behalf of the Chinese government and people and also in my own name, a heartfelt welcome to you and warm congratulations on the opening of the Annual Conference of the Boao Forum.12年来,博鳌亚洲论坛日益成为具有全球影响的重要论坛。在中国文化中,每12年是一个生肖循环,照此说来,博鳌亚洲论坛正处在一个新的起点上,希望能更上一层楼。本届年会以“革新、责任、合作:亚洲寻求共同发展”为主题,很有现实意义。相信大家能够充分发表远见卓识,共商亚洲和世界发展大计,为促进本地区乃至全球和平、稳定、繁荣贡献智慧和力量。

In the past 12 years since its birth, the Boao Forum for Asia has become an important forum with growing global influence.In the Chinese culture, 12 years form a zodiac cycle.In this sense, the Boao Forum has reached a new starting point and I hope it will scale an even greater height.The theme of the current annual conference, namely, “Asia Seeking Development for All: Restructuring, Responsibility and Cooperation”, is a highly relevant one.I hope you will engage in an in-depth discussion on promoting development in Asia and beyond and thus contributing, with your vision and commitment, to peace, stability and prosperity in Asia and the world at large.当前,国际形势继续发生深刻复杂变化。世界各国相互联系日益紧密、相互依存日益加深,遍布全球的众多发展中国家、几十亿人口正在努力走向现代化,和平、发展、合作、共赢的时代潮流更加强劲。同时,天下仍很不太平,发展问题依然突出,世界经济进入深度调整期,整体复苏艰难曲折,国际金融领域仍然存在较多风险,各种形式的保护主义上升,各国调整经济结构面临不少困难,全球治理机制有待进一步完善。实现各国共同发展,依然任重而道远。

The world today is experiencing profound and complex changes.Countries have become increasingly inter-connected and inter-dependent.Several billion people in a large number of developing countries are embracing modernization.The trend of the times, namely, peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit, is gaining momentum.On the other hand, our world is far from peaceful.Development remains a major challenge;the global economy has entered a period of profound readjustment, and its recovery remains elusive.The international financial sector is fraught with risks, protectionism of various forms is on the rise, countries still face many difficulties in adjusting economic structure, and the global governance mechanisms call for improvement.Achieving common development for all countries remains an uphill battle.亚洲是当今世界最具发展活力和潜力的地区之一,亚洲发展同其他各大洲发展息息相关。亚洲国家积极探索适合本国情况的发展道路,在实现自身发展的同时有力促进了世界发展。亚洲与世界其他地区共克时艰,合作应对国际金融危机,成为拉动世界经济复苏和增长的重要引擎,近年来对世界经济增长的贡献率已超过50%,给世界带来了信心。亚洲同世界其他地区的区域次区域合作展现出勃勃生机和美好前景。

Asia is one of the most dynamic and most promising regions in the world, and its development is closely connected with the development of other continents.The Asian countries have energetically explored development paths suited to their national conditions and greatly boosted global development through their own development.Working side by side with the rest of the world in time of difficulty to tackle the international financial crisis, Asia has emerged as an important engine driving world economic recovery and growth.In recent years, Asia has contributed to over 50 percent of global growth, instilling much needed confidence in the world.What is more, Asia’s cooperation with other regions of the world at regional and sub-regional levels has great vitality and promising prospects.当然,我们也清醒地看到,亚洲要谋求更大发展、更好推动本地区和世界其他地区共同发展,依然面临不少困难和挑战,还需要爬一道道的坡、过一道道的坎。

But we should also be keenly aware that Asia still faces many difficulties and challenges in boosting both its own development and joint development with other regions.The road ahead remains a bumpy and twisting one.亚洲发展需要乘势而上、转型升级。对亚洲来说,发展仍然是头等大事,发展仍然是解决面临的突出矛盾和问题的关键,迫切需要转变经济发展方式、调整经济结构,提高经济发展质量和效益,在此基础上不断提高人民生活水平。Asia needs to transform and upgrade its development model in keeping with the trend of the times.Sustaining development is still of paramount importance to Asia, because only development holds the key to solving major problems and difficulties it faces.It is important that we should shift the growth model, adjust the economic structure, make development more cost effective and make life better for our people.亚洲稳定需要共同呵护、破解难题。亚洲稳定面临着新的挑战,热点问题此起彼伏,传统安全威胁和非传统安全威胁都有所表现,实现本地区长治久安需要地区国家增强互信、携手努力。

We need to make concerted efforts to resolve major difficulties to ensure stability in Asia.Stability in Asia now faces new challenges, as hotspot issues keep emerging, and both traditional and non-traditional security threats exist.The Asian countries need to increase mutual trust and work together to ensure durable peace and stability in our region.亚洲合作需要百尺竿头、更进一步。加强亚洲地区合作的机制和倡议很多,各方面想法和主张丰富多样,协调各方面利益诉求、形成能够保障互利共赢的机制需要更好增进理解、凝聚共识、充实内容、深化合作。

We need to build on past success and make new progress in promoting cooperation in Asia.There are many mechanisms and initiatives for enhancing cooperation in Asia, and a lot of ideas on boosting such cooperation are being explored by various parties.What we need to do is to enhance mutual understanding, build consensus, and enrich and deepen cooperation so as to strike a balance among the interests of various parties and build mechanisms that bring benefits to all.女士们、先生们、朋友们!Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,人类只有一个地球,各国共处一个世界。共同发展是持续发展的重要基础,符合各国人民长远利益和根本利益。我们生活在同一个地球村,应该牢固树立命运共同体意识,顺应时代潮流,把握正确方向,坚持同舟共济,推动亚洲和世界发展不断迈上新台阶。

Mankind has only one earth, and it is home to all countries.Common development, which is the very foundation of sustainable development, serves the long-term and fundamental interests of all the people in the world.As members of the same global village, we should foster a sense of community of common destiny, follow the trend of the times, keep to the right direction, stick together in time of difficulty and ensure that development in Asia and the rest of the world reaches new highs.第一,勇于变革创新,为促进共同发展提供不竭动力。长期以来,各国各地区在保持稳定、促进发展方面形成了很多好经验好做法。对这些好经验好做法,要继续发扬光大。同时,世间万物,变动不居。“明者因时而变,知者随事而制。”要摒弃不合时宜的旧观念,冲破制约发展的旧框框,让各种发展活力充分迸发出来。要加大转变经济发展方式、调整经济结构力度,更加注重发展质量,更加注重改善民生。要稳定推进国际经济金融体系改革,完善全球治理机制,为世界经济健康稳定增长提供保障。亚洲历来具有自我变革活力,要勇做时代的弄潮儿,使亚洲变革和世界发展相互促进、相得益彰。

First, we should boldly break new ground so as to create an inexhaustible source of power for boosting common development.Over the years, many countries and regions have developed a lot of good practices in maintaining stability and promoting growth.We should continue such practices.However, nothing in the world remains constant, and as a Chinese saying goes, a wise man changes as time and event change.We should abandon the outdated mindset, break away from the old confines that fetter development and unleash all the potential for development.We should redouble efforts to shift the growth model and adjust the economic structure, raise the quality of development and make life better for the people.We should steadily advance the reform of the international economic and financial systems, improve global governance mechanisms and provide support to sound and stable global economic growth.Asia, with its long-standing capacity for adjusting to change, should ride on the waves of the times and make changes in Asia and global development reinforce and benefit each other.第二,同心维护和平,为促进共同发展提供安全保障。和平是人民的永恒期望。和平犹如空气和阳光,受益而不觉,失之则难存。没有和平,发展就无从谈起。国家无论大小、强弱、贫富,都应该做和平的维护者和促进者,不能这边搭台、那边拆台,而应该相互补台、好戏连台。国际社会应该倡导综合安全、共同安全、合作安全的理念,使我们的地球村成为共谋发展的大舞台,而不是相互角力的竞技场,更不能为一己之私把一个地区乃至世界搞乱。各国交往频繁,磕磕碰碰在所难免,关键是要坚持通过对话协商与和平谈判,妥善解决矛盾分歧,维护相互关系发展大局。

Second, we should work together to uphold peace so as to provide security safeguard for boosting common development.Peace is the ever-lasting wish of our people.Peace, like air and sunshine, is hardly noticed when people are benefiting from it.But none of us can live without it.Without peace, development is out of the question.Countries, whether big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, should all contribute their share to maintaining and enhancing peace.Rather than undercutting each other’s efforts, countries should complement each other and work for joint progress.The international community should advocate the vision of comprehensive security, common security and cooperative security so as to turn our global village into a big stage for common development, rather than an arena where gladiators fight each other.And no one should be allowed to throw a region and even the whole world into chaos for selfish gains.With growing interaction among countries, it is inevitable that they encounter frictions here and there.What is important is that they should resolve differences through dialogue, consultation and peaceful negotiations in the larger interest of the sound growth of their relations.第三,着力推进合作,为促进共同发展提供有效途径。“一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。”世界各国联系紧密、利益交融,要互通有无、优势互补,在追求本国利益时兼顾他国合理关切,在谋求自身发展中促进各国共同发展,不断扩大共同利益汇合点。要加强南南合作和南北对话,推动发展中国家和发达国家平衡发展,夯实世界经济长期稳定发展基础。要积极创造更多合作机遇,提高合作水平,让发展成果更好惠及各国人民,为促进世界经济增长多作贡献。

Third, we should boost cooperation as an effective vehicle for enhancing common development.As we often say in China, a single flower does not make spring, while one hundred flowers in full blossom bring spring to the garden.All countries in the world are closely linked and share converging interests.They should both pool and share their strengths.While pursuing its own interests, a country should accommodate the legitimate concerns of others.In pursuing their own development, countries should promote the common development of all and expand common interests among them.We should enhance South-South cooperation and North-South dialogue, promote balanced development of the developing and developed countries and consolidate the foundation for sustaining stable growth of the global economy.We need to work vigorously to create more cooperation opportunities, upgrade cooperation, and deliver more development dividends to our people and contribute more to global growth.第四,坚持开放包容,为促进共同发展提供广阔空间。“海纳百川,有容乃大。”我们应该尊重各国自主选择社会制度和发展道路的权利,消除疑虑和隔阂,把世界多样性和各国差异性转化为发展活力和动力。我们要秉持开放精神,积极借鉴其他地区发展经验,共享发展资源,推进区域合作。进入新世纪10多年来,亚洲地区内贸易额从8000亿美元增长到3万亿美元,亚洲同世界其他地区贸易额从1.5万亿美元增长到4.8万亿美元,这表明亚洲合作是开放的,区域内合作和同其他地区合作并行不悖,大家都从合作中得到了好处。亚洲应该欢迎域外国家为本地区稳定和发展发挥建设性作用,同时,域外国家也应该尊重亚洲的多样性特点和已经形成的合作传统,形成亚洲发展同其他地区发展良性互动、齐头并进的良好态势。

Fourth, we should remain open and inclusive so as to create broad space for enhancing common development.The ocean is vast because it admits hundreds of rivers.We should respect the right of a country to independently choose its social system and development path, remove distrust and misgivings and turn the diversity of our world and difference among countries into dynamism and driving force for development.We should keep an open mind, draw upon development practices of other continents, share development resources and promote regional cooperation.During the first decade and more of the new century, trade within Asia has increased from $800 billion to $3 trillion, and its trade with other regions has grown from $1.5 trillion to $4.8 trillion.This shows that cooperation in Asia is open and it goes hand in hand with Asia’s cooperation with other regions, and everyone has benefited from such cooperation.Asia should welcome non-Asian countries to play a constructive role in ensuring stability and development of the region.Likewise, the non-Asian countries should respect Asia’s diversity and its long-standing tradition of cooperation.This will create a dynamic environment in which Asia and other regions enjoy mutually reinforcing progress.女士们、先生们、朋友们!中国是亚洲和世界大家庭的重要成员。中国发展离不开亚洲和世界,亚洲和世界繁荣稳定也需要中国。Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,China is an important member of the Asian family and the global family.China cannot develop itself in isolation from the rest of Asia and the world.On their part, the rest of Asia and the world cannot enjoy prosperity and stability without China.去年11月,中国共产党召开了第十八次全国代表大会,明确了中国今后一个时期的发展蓝图。我们的奋斗目标是,到2020年国内生产总值和城乡居民人均收入在2010年的基础上翻一番,全面建成小康社会;到本世纪中叶建成富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家,实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦。展望未来,我们充满信心。

In November last year, the Communist Party of China held its 18th National Congress, which drew the blueprint for China’s development in the years to come.The main goals we set for China are as follows: By 2020, China’s GDP and per capita incomes for urban and rural residents will double the 2010 figures, and the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects will be completed.By the mid-21st century, China will be turned into a modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious;and the Chinese dream, namely, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, will be realized.Looking ahead, we are full of confidence in China’s future.我们也认识到,中国依然是世界上最大的发展中国家,中国发展仍面临着不少困难和挑战,要使全体中国人民都过上美好生活,还需要付出长期不懈的努力。我们将坚持改革开放不动摇,牢牢把握转变经济发展方式这条主线,集中精力把自己的事情办好,不断推进社会主义现代化建设。

On the other hand, we are aware that China remains the world’s largest developing country, and it faces many difficulties and challenges on its road to progress.We need to make relentless efforts in the years ahead to deliver a better life to all our people.We are unwaveringly committed to reform and opening up, and we will concentrate on the major task of shifting the growth model, focus on running our own affairs well and make continued efforts to boost the socialist modernization drive.“亲望亲好,邻望邻好。”中国将坚持与邻为善、以邻为伴,巩固睦邻友好,深化互利合作,努力使自身发展更好惠及周边国家。

As a Chinese saying goes, neighbors wish each other well, just as loved ones do to each other.China will continue to promote friendship and partnership with its neighbors, consolidate friendly ties and deepen mutually beneficial cooperation with them and ensure that its development will bring even greater benefits to its neighbors.我们将大力促进亚洲和世界发展繁荣。新世纪以来,中国同周边国家贸易额由1000多亿美元增至1.3万亿美元,已成为众多周边国家的最大贸易伙伴、最大出口市场、重要投资来源地。中国同亚洲和世界的利益融合达到前所未有的广度和深度。当前和今后一个时期,中国经济将继续保持健康发展势头,国内需求特别是消费需求将持续扩大,对外投资也将大幅增加。据测算,今后5年,中国将进口10万亿美元左右的商品,对外投资规模将达到5000亿美元,出境旅游有可能超过4亿人次。中国越发展,越能给亚洲和世界带来发展机遇。

China will vigorously promote development and prosperity in both Asia and the world.Since the beginning of the new century, China’s trade with its neighbors has grown from $100 billion and more to $1.3 trillion.China has become the largest trading partner, the biggest export market and a major source of investment of many of these countries.China’s interests have never been so closely connected with those of the rest of Asia and the world in both scope and depth.Going forward, China will maintain robust growth momentum.Its domestic demand, particularly consumption-driven demand, will continue to grow, and its outbound investment will increase substantially.It is projected that in the coming five years, China’s import will reach some $10 trillion, its outbound investment will reach $500 billion and the number of its outbound tourists may well exceed 400 million.The more China grows itself, the more development opportunities it will create for the rest of Asia and the world.我们将坚定维护亚洲和世界和平稳定。中国人民对战争和动荡带来的苦难有着刻骨铭心的记忆,对和平有着孜孜不倦的追求。中国将通过争取和平国际环境发展自己,又以自身发展维护和促进世界和平。中国将继续妥善处理同有关国家的分歧和摩擦,在坚定捍卫国家主权、安全、领土完整的基础上,努力维护同周边国家关系和地区和平稳定大局。中国将在国际和地区热点问题上继续发挥建设性作用,坚持劝和促谈,为通过对话谈判妥善处理有关问题作出不懈努力。

We are firm in our resolve to uphold peace and stability in Asia and the world.Knowing too well the agonizing sufferings inflicted by war and turbulence, the Chinese people deeply cherish peace.China will continue to develop itself by securing a peaceful international environment and, at the same time, uphold and promote world peace through its own development.China will continue to properly handle differences and frictions with relevant countries.On the basis of firmly upholding its sovereignty, security and territorial integrity, China will maintain good relations with its neighbors and overall peace and stability in our region.China will continue to play a constructive role in addressing regional and global hotspot issues, encourage dialogue and talks for peace, and work tirelessly to solve the relevant issues properly through dialogue and negotiations.我们将积极推动亚洲和世界范围的地区合作。中国将加快同周边地区的互联互通建设,积极探讨搭建地区性融资平台,促进区域内经济融合,提高地区竞争力。中国将积极参与亚洲区域合作进程,坚持推进同亚洲之外其他地区和国家的区域次区域合作。中国将继续倡导并推动贸易和投资自由化便利化,加强同各国的双向投资,打造合作新亮点。中国将坚定支持亚洲地区对其他地区的开放合作,更好促进本地区和世界其他地区共同发展。中国致力于缩小南北差距,支持发展中国家增强自主发展能力。

We will energetically promote regional cooperation in Asia and around the world.China will increase connectivity with its neighbors, actively explore the building of a regional financing platform, advance economic integration within the region and thus increase its competitiveness.China will take an active part in Asia’s regional cooperation process and promote regional and sub-regional cooperation with non-Asian regions and countries.China will continue to champion and promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, step up bilateral investment with other countries and boost cooperation in new priority areas.China firmly supports Asia’s opening up to and cooperation with other regions so as to promote their common development.China is committed to narrowing the North-South gap and supports other developing countries in their efforts to enhance capacity for self development.女士们、先生们、朋友们!亲仁善邻,是中国自古以来的传统。亚洲和世界和平发展、合作共赢的事业没有终点,只有一个接一个的新起点。中国愿同五大洲的朋友们携手努力,共同创造亚洲和世界的美好未来,造福亚洲和世界人民!Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,Promoting good neighborliness is a time-honored tradition of China.To enhance peaceful development and win-win cooperation in Asia and the world is a race that has one starting point after another and knows no finishing line.We in China are ready to join hands with friends from across the world in a concerted effort to create a bright future for both Asia and the world and bring benefit to the Asian people and the people around the world.最后,预祝年会取得圆满成功!谢谢大家!

In conclusion, I wish the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2013 every success!

日本成功分离可燃冰 或化解能源危机

Japan extracts ’fire ice’ gas from seabed

Japan said Tuesday it had successfully extractedmethane hydrate, known as “fire ice”, from its seabed, possibly unlocking many years’ worth of gas for the resource-starved country.In what they are claiming as a world first, aconsortium is drilling for the hydrate, a fossil fuel that looks like ice but consists of very densely-packed methane surrounded by water molecules, one kilometre(3,300 feet)below sea level.The solid white substance burns with a pale flame, leaving nothing but water.One of it is estimated to contain many times the equivalent volume of methane in gas form.日本周二宣布,已经成功地从日本海底提取出甲烷水合物,俗称“可燃冰”,此举可能将给这个资源贫乏的国家开启可延续多年的燃气资源宝藏。一个开采联盟从海平面下1公里处



经济、贸易和工业部的一名官员称,由The consortium, led by Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation, began initial work in February last year and on Tuesday started a two-week experimental production, an economy, trade and industry ministry official said.“It is the world’s first offshore experiment producing gas from methane hydrate,” the official said, adding that the team successfully collected methane gas extracted from the half-frozen substance.Under the government-led project, the consortium is to separate methane--the primary component of natural gas--from the solid clathrate compound under the seabed using the high pressures available at depth, officials said.A huge layer of methane hydrate containing 1.1 trillion cubic metres(38.5 trillion cubic feet)in natural gas--equivalent to Japan’s consumption of the gas for 11 years--is believed to lie in the ocean floor off the coast of Shikoku island, western Japan, the officials said.“We aim to establish methane hydrate production technologies for practical use by the fiscal 2018 year” ending March 2019, a consortium official said.“We want to consolidate technologies for its commercialisation,” economy, trade and industry minister Toshimitsu Motegi also told a news conference, according to Jiji Press.“I hope we can make use of resources surrounding our country as soon as possible by clearing hurdles one by one,” he added.The move comes as resource-poor Japan has struck out in search of new energy supplies after it shut down its stable of nuclear reactors in the wake of 2011’s tsunami-sparked nuclear crisis.(Read by Brian Salter.Brian Salter is a journalist at the China Daily Website.)








2011年海啸引发核危机之后日本就关闭了核电站,从那以后资源贫乏的日本就一直在奋力寻求新的能源供给来源。相关阅读 methane hydrate: 甲烷水合物

consortium: 合伙,联合;社团,会社 clathrate: 笼形包合物

2.2013中国三星论坛开幕 篇二



在论坛上,三星为中国消费者呈现全线创新产品:大屏幕UHD(超高清)电视、高端F8000 LED电视、GALAXY Note 8.0便携平板新旗舰、NX300相机及2D/3D镜头、符合中国用户生活方式的白色家电及Series 7 Chronos笔记本电脑。三星电子全球消费电子事业部总裁尹富根先生说:“我们很荣幸能够在这个时代走在尖端科技的前沿,同时把科技以人为本的理念落实到产品应用中。未来我们会继续努力,保持领先。”







三星旗舰Smart TV F8000

三星智能电视在技术方面取得了显著的进步,其Video Purifier图像增强技术可将不同片源的视频进行画质提升,拥有更好的观看体验。并且能使用日常用语和更简便的手势,向电视发出指令,进行电视的操控。拥有互联网电视、微博分享、多米音乐等有趣实用的APP,以及可用语音手势控制或者多屏互动的游戏应用等。此外,用户还可以对三星2012年的旗舰级电视产品进行软硬件升级,只要将智能升级卡插入预留插槽中,不用更换电视即可享受最新功能。

三星2013旗舰级智能电视LED F8000是此次论坛上面的焦点产品,F8000推出55、60、65和75英寸大屏,外观设计延续三星一贯的时尚优雅设计理念,0.25英寸的超窄边框创造出更广阔的视野。三星F8000采用三星超级局域控光技术Ⅱ,能够呈现出最佳的对比度、更深邃的黑色画面和最大亮度的3D图像,搭载的Video Purifier图像增强技术还可完善画质。不同片源、不同内容类型的视频都能通过自动优化调节,消除噪点,获得更好的画面效果。比如电影内容可获得更深邃的黑色,为用户呈现完美的观看体验。

界面方面,F8000由原先的Smart Hub升级为双智能中心,用户可在智能视听中心和智能应用中心两个界面中进行应用程序和不同内容的使用和管理,通过缩略图显示,快速地选择、观看所需内容。

配备独立显卡的轻薄超极本 三星新7系

作为三星超极本产品线中的高端之作,新7系拥有可触控的740U3E及730U3E。其中,三星740U3E配备了AMD HD8550M显卡、1GB显存,而1.65kg的重量和18.9mm的厚度使其超越同类产品,成为配备独立显卡的最轻薄可触控超极本。

这两款全新超极本皆配备了1920 x 1080 全高清分辨率广角屏幕,亮度高达350nit,而178°广域视角带来影院级视觉体验。智能环境光感应技术,可随光线变化调节屏幕及键盘亮度。8小时的续航时长增强了持久性和移动性体验。在存储和拓展方面,这两款全新超极本配备了128GB SSD,同时采用Intel i5超低电压处理器和Windows8操作系统。



新5系触控超极本以红、蓝、黑潮流三色全新登场,适合时尚悦动的年轻消费群体。配置方面,新5系搭载了英特尔最新低功耗i5处理器,拥有14寸主流显示屏,配备超极本中最强独显AMD Radeon HD8750M 2G,支持独显、集显实时切换。存储方面,新5系拥有500GB HDD大容量硬盘与24GB iSSD高速缓存的混合式硬盘设计,并内置JBL音箱系统,具有发烧级音响效果。此外,三星530U4E机身重量约为1.75kg,厚约19.5mm,配备57Wh锂聚合物电池,续航时间最长达9小时。其多点触控功能,支持10点同时触摸,可使用户更加简单直观地享受Windows8操作系统。



而随着Windows8的发布,触控时代的来临,三星笔记本电脑也推出了走在新技术前沿的500T、700T。其在设计上采用了热插拔式设计,便于携带,并且植入三星独有的S Pen、S Note、S Camera、All Share Play等技术。


手机中的明星 三星GALAXY Note 8.0

在2013中国三星论坛上,三星Note家族新品GALAXY Note 8.0几乎吸引了所有关注的目光。GALAXY Note 8.0是一款支持3G语音和视频通话功能的手机型平板电脑,仅重340克,厚度不足8mm,是三星有史以来最为轻薄便携的平板产品。搭载了最新的Android 4.1 果冻豆(JellyBean)操作系统,并配备了四核1.6GHz强劲处理器。高达1280x800分辨率的8英寸屏幕显示效果相当不错,全新升级的S Pen智能笔是本产品区别于其余品牌平板电脑的最大特色,能够让操作更为自然,辅以浮窗预览(Air View)、图片备注等消费者推崇备至的智能笔应用,专业用户也能满足于其精准的操控。


ATIV S I8750

三星电子于本次论坛上也正式宣布在中国推出搭载微软Windows操作系统的ATIV系列产品,包括拥有WP8操作系统的智能手机ATIV S I8750及Windows 8系统的智能平板笔记本ATIV 500T/700T。

智能无线分享 三星NX300旗舰相机

三星智能相机通过此次论坛面向中国市场正式推出了全新一代可更换镜头旗舰数码相机NX300。其继承和发展三星相机独创的“智能相机”无线分享应用的同时,NX300配备了对比度检测/相位检测复合自动对焦系统的2030万像素图像传感器、高性能的DRIMe IV图像处理器,以及超大尺寸的3.31英寸AMOLED折叠触摸屏,在对焦速度、连拍性能、操控体验上均带来了全方位的显著提升。配合同时推出的全球首款NX 45mm F1.8 2D/3D单镜筒3D镜头,NX300不但可以拍摄高品质的3D静态照片,更能以1080p的全高清格式拍摄真正的3D视频。





三星多款显示器都亮相会场,包括SC770至尊系列、SC750擎天系列、SC370绝色系列,以及SC330红韵系列显示器。其中最受瞩目的是三星首款多点触控显示器SC770,支持10点同时触控,用户可以通过手指在显示器上进行拖动、旋转及选择等多种操作。并针对Windows 8系统进行了优化,操作更舒适人性化、触控体验更真实。



此次中国三星论坛上还展出三星等离子空气净化器的全线产品,包括PAPER、MPI、STAR、空气杀菌器SA501 SA600、车载杀菌器5个型号6个款式,以及一款即将上市的JUPITER系列。此外还推出了三星智能家居产品:三星智能机器人吸尘器Smart TANGO、三星智能吸尘器L9000系列;三星空调系列推出新品风之交响三星Smart智能空调Memory系列。



3.论坛开幕庆典演讲 篇三







4.论坛开幕庆典演讲 篇四


增进传统友谊 促进共同发展



中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝





















5.论坛开幕庆典演讲 篇五


4月10日,博鳌亚洲论坛2018年年会在海南省博鳌开幕。国家主席习近平出席开幕式并发表题为《开放共创繁荣 创新引领未来》的主旨演讲。新华社记者 李学仁 摄 Openness for Greater Prosperity, Innovation for a Better Future开放共创繁荣创新引领未来 中华人民共和国主席习近平出席博鳌亚洲论坛2018年年会开幕式并发表主旨演讲Keynote Speech by H.E.Xi Jinping President of the People’s Republic of China ▲ 海南民歌《久久不见久久见》

6.论坛开幕庆典演讲 篇六





