


1.户口本英文翻译样本 篇一






























2.户口本英文翻译样本 篇二



网络的产生, 极大地影响和丰富甚至改变着人们日常的书写和交际手段, 它催生了一种新的语言变体——网络语言。网络语言的成因多种多样, 并且有它自己的内涵和特点。因此, 我们在翻译的时候, 要根据语言本身的形成方式来决定译文所取得的效果, 即形式对等还是功能对等。


1.1 网络语言的内涵

网络语言是指在网络这个特殊的交际媒介上交流和传递信息时逐渐形成的有别于现实言语的特殊语言运用体系。对于网络语言的定义在语言学界还没有一个统一的表述。笔者认为, 网络语言就是以互联网为媒介, 在信息交流中所使用的语言。根据仇晓琴的分类, 网络语言的内涵大体有三类:一是计算机和网络技术的专业术语, 如“硬件、软件、聊天室、数据结构”等;二是与网络文化现象相关的术语, 如“网民、黑客”等;三是CMC交际使用的特殊用语, 主要包括网民在聊天室、BBS上常用的词语 (仇晓琴, 2011:65) 。通过分析本文援引的《中国翻译》2011年第1期94页的例子, 本文所讨论的网络语言归为第三类, 即主要是网民在聊天室、BBS上常用的词语。

1.2 网络语言产生方式

我们就网络语言的成因来看, 主要有以下几个来源。 (1) 原有语言的新用法:比如“雷”, “雷人”, “山寨”等。“雷”字在《现代汉语词典》中的解释主要有两个:一个是指云层放电时发出的响声, 指的是雷电;一个是指军事上用的爆炸武器, 如地雷, 鱼雷等;第三个用法是指姓 (中国社会科学院, 1983:684) 。网络语言“雷”, “雷人”, 二者可以理解为同义, 指的是某人, 某句话或者某种行为令人非常震撼, 因此我们可以看成是“雷”的意思的新用法。“山寨”在《现代汉语词典》中的解释有两个, 第一个是指在山林中设有防守的栅栏的地方;另外一个意思是指有寨子的山区村庄 (中国社会科学院, 1983:997) 。而在网络中, 网民们通常意义上说的山寨则与字典里的解释差别很大, 它通常是指某个正宗的物品或商品的翻版, 也就是赝品之类的东西。因此, 网络语言“山寨”也可以看做是“山寨”一词的新用法。 (2) 谐音:如“酱紫” (这样子) 。 (3) 典故:如“打酱油”。这一词是2008年度十大网络流行语之一。传统解释:以前的酱油都是零卖零买的, 自己拿着瓶子到商店, 你要多少, 人家就给你称多少, 这就叫打酱油。网络用语:网络上不谈政治, 不谈敏感话题, 与自己无关, 自己什么都不知道, 就用此话回帖而已, 相当于“路过”。就这个词语的几种版本的来源, 其中一种说服力较强的是说广州电视台采访一位市民, 问他对于艳照门的看法, 这位市民说:“……我是出来打酱油的。”这句话也因此流传开来, 各种PS和改编风靡一时。 (4) 借用, 即根据原有的某个结构来创造新的词语:如“裸婚”, “代排族”, “考碗族”。“裸婚”是根据“裸”字而来的。针对当今结婚的一种普遍的观念——即有房有车, 这对青年男女所造成的极大压力, 网民们呼吁实行“裸婚”, 即不注重物质方面的东西。 (5) 受影视作品的影响或借用图书里面的称呼:如“蜗居”, “橡皮人”等。“蜗居”是从2009年火热上映的电视剧《蜗居》衍生而来。“橡皮人”则是王朔1986年发表的一篇小说《橡皮人》, 作为一种社会人格, 今日这个词的注解是“他们没有神经, 没有痛感, 没有效率, 没有反应。整个人犹如橡皮做成的, 是不接受任何新生事物和意见、对批评表扬无所谓、没有耻辱和荣誉感的人。 (6) 由网民新创造的词语:如“秒杀”。

1.3 网络语言的特点

结合我们前面分析的网络语言的成因, 我们可以知道网络语言具有以下的特点:创新性, 如“雷人”, “考碗族”等;诙谐幽默的特点, 如“秒杀”等;简单经济的特点, 如“酱紫”等。

因此, 我们在做网络语言翻译的时候, 在传达网络语言词语本身意义的同时, 也应该要考虑到网络语言本身的特点, 以达到最自然的对等。


尤金·奈达是美国当代著名翻译理论家, 也是西方语言学派翻译理论的主要代表, 被誉为西方“现代翻译理论之父, 其翻译理论在全球翻译界产生了深远影响。奈达提出的对等理论主要有两个方面的内容, 即“形式对等”和“功能对等”。“形式对等”即译文的字词以及句法结构等表层形式结构与源语在形式结构上的对等;而“功能对等”最初的提法是“动态对等”, 它是指深层语意蕴含结构的意义对等。功能对等是以目标语及译文为导向的, 即译文达到高度的对等是要使目的语听众或读者在理解和欣赏译文时所做出的反应, 与原文听众或读者对原文的理解和欣赏所做出的反应基本上一致。


3.1 形式对等


酒后代驾designated driver/DD

点钞费coin-counting fee

蜗居snail dwelling, snail house

浮云fleeting cloud

潜规则unspoken rule

代排族hired queuer

富二代the second generation rich

换草运动swap date

恶搞parody joke

通过分析上面列举出来的词语及其译文, 我们可以发现, 就汉语来说, 这些词语理解起来比较容易, 没有什么深层的意义。其形成方式主要有借用或者是受影视作品的影响或借用图书里面的称呼。因此, 我们在翻译的时候, 我们不需要考虑它们是否具有什么比喻意义或者说其他的延伸意义。根据奈达的形式对等理论, 我们所只需从形式和内容这两方面入手即可。在翻译的时候, 我们只需考虑其字面的意思即可。以上的这些例子的译文, 获得了形式对等的效果。


功能对等强调的是译文应最大限度地与目标语言接近, 也就是说目的语听众或读者在理解和欣赏译文时所做出的反应, 与原文听众或读者对原文的理解和欣赏所做出的反应基本上一致。我们来看下面的例子:

桌游board role-playing games

地沟油recycled cooking oil/hogwash oil


裸婚simplistic marriage

伪娘drag queen


零帕族stress-free type, stress-proof type

两餐半人meal jumper

打酱油see no evil hear no evil/none of my business/I am just passing by/no comment

通过分析上面列出这些词语, 我们可以发现我们不能只从字面上来理解这些词语的意义。根据奈达的对等理论, 在这种情况下, 很大程度上我们就不能顾及到形式对等, 我们的侧重点则要转向功能对等。具体分析这些词语的成因, 有些词语是旧词新用, 如“雷人”;有些是谐音, 如“零帕族”即“零怕族”;有些是网民根据某一结构新创造出来的词语, 如“地沟油”, “裸婚”;还有一些我们可以说是有典故的词语, 如“打酱油”;有些词语是随着社会经济的发展新涌现出来的, 如“桌游”是新兴起的一种游戏。对于这些词语的翻译, 我们在翻译的时候, 应该要根据其具体的成因, 然后决定采取哪种翻译策略或者说决定要达到哪一种翻译效果。这里的词语的翻译, 我们要考虑到的不仅仅是其字面意思, 因为其成因的特殊性, 我们要看到它们的隐含意义或者说比喻意义。比如说“雷人”的翻译, 我们要根据其产生的具体背景, 根据网民们使用的具体语境来确定其真正的意思, 所以“雷人”就译成shocking/weird/wacky。对于谐音的词语, 我们只能追溯与其谐音的那个词, 然后再根据那个词来决定翻译。“零帕族”是“零怕族”的谐音, 因此这个词语的译文为stress-free type/stress-proof type。而对于根据原有结构新创造出来的词语或者说是由于社会经济的发展而新涌现的词语, 我们要具体分析其本义, 如“地沟油”, “桌游”。对于那些有典故的词语, 我们需要追根溯源, 要根据这个词语的来由再来判断如何翻译。因此, 对于上面列举出来的例子, 我们在翻译的时候, 既然在形式上不能对等, 那我们就要考虑其功能的对等, 使译文与目标语言最大限度的最自然的对等, 这也就是奈达理论中的功能对等。


首先, 我们来看一看下面的几个网络语言的翻译。“秒杀“的翻译为seckill;“给力”, 其翻译为gelivable;“蚁族”的翻译为antizen;“团购/团购优惠券”, 其翻译为groupon;“隐婚族”其翻译为pseudo-singles;“脑残体 (火星文) ”的翻译为leetspeak;“秒杀”一词是网民根据网上购物促销这一特殊的购物现象新创造出来的, 非常生动地体现了网民在网购时要争分夺秒, 诙谐幽默。因此我们在翻译的时候, 既要兼顾最大限度的对等, 又要考虑到“秒杀”这一词语诙谐幽默的特点。我们将其翻译为seckill, 前面一部分从second而来, 后面的一部分则保持“杀”这一意义不变, kill非常逼真地体现了网民在知名商家开展秒杀促销时争分夺秒的氛围。另一个例子“蚁族”, “团购”和“隐婚族”, 其译文分别为antizen, groupon和psudo-singles。“蚁族”一词本身十分简单, 所以在译文中也考虑到了这一特点, 将其译为ant+izen, 前面一部分是ant, 后面一部分则由citizen转化而来;而“团购”的译文也是如此, 前面一部分是group, 后面一部分的-pon, 则由coupon一词转化而来;psudo-singles前面一部分则是英语中的前缀psudo-, 后面一部分则是英语中的singles;这三者的译文都很好地体现了网络语言地简单经济的特征。在“脑残体 (火星文) ”的译文leetspeak中也是同理, leet-的词源是从拉丁语leta而来, 意思是unknown origin。

当然, 经过上面的分析, 我们也会发现, 某些词语有几种版本的译文, 如“给力 (gelivalble/thrilling cool) ”, “团购/团购优惠券 (group-buying/groupon) , “山寨 (copycat/shangzhai/knock-off) 。有些是从形式对等来考虑的, 有些是从功能对等这一角度来考虑的。几种版本的译文都可以接受, 只是被读者接受的程度不同罢了。


通过以上的分析, 我们可以知道, 在网络语言的翻译当中, 我们没有必要局限于某一种翻译策略, 这也就是文中提到奈达的对等理论中的形式上的对等和功能对等;另一方面, 我们也可以得出, 我们也无法决断两种对等即形式对等和功能对等, 哪一种对等好, 这需要视具体的情况而定。因此, 在网络语言的翻译中, 最合理的做法是, 我们首先应根据网络词汇的成因来决定到底应该采用哪一种翻译策略, 即我们是要达到形式上的对等, 功能的对等还是二者兼顾。这也就是说, 在网络语言的翻译策略中, 我们没有必要将思维固定在某一个固有的框架当中, 我们应该视具体情况而定。

但是, 我们也要指出, 本文的例子分析只是局限于援引2011年第一期《中国翻译》这一杂志的小部分的例子, 而网络语言的出现如雨后春笋般不断涌现。因此, 本文的例子分析在数量方面和涉及的领域方面具有一定的局限性。


[1]Jeremy Munday.Introducing Translation Studies[M].London:Routeledge, 2008.

[2]仇晓琴, 网络语言的现状与发展研究[J], 新媒体, 2011 (1) 。

[3]最新时政及网络用语英译节选[J], 中国翻译, 2011 (1) 。

[4]赵华伦, 网络语言特点浅析[J], 语言文字应用, 2006 (2) 。

3.房产证英文翻译样本 篇三

Housing Ownership Certificate of the P.R.C.Printed by the Ministry of Construction of the P.R.C.Sale residence house by cost

priceBeijing Real Estate Certificate Chaosi zi No.: 000000

In accordance with the Constitution of the Peoples Republic of China and the Law of the PeoplesRepublic of China on the Administration of Urban Real Estate in order to protect the legal rights and interests of the

house-owners the Real Estate listed on this Certificate which was applied by the house-owner is confirmed to be authentic and it is hereby to issue this Certificate

.Issued by: Beijing Land and Natural Resource House Management Bureau(Seal)

House owner ***

House location Building 5 Nongfengli Chaoyang District

Land No.0-0-0-00 0 Real estate category Private

House status Building No.Room No.Structure Total story numbers of the building

Story number the house in Building area Design purposeRoom 1 of Entrance 7 Admixture 6 6 63.77 Residence

Total 63.77

Person number of co-ownership Co-ownership certificate No.from to Summary of land use conditions

Land certificate No.Usable floor area

Ownership quality Use period From to

Summary of the right of other designed items

Obligee Right category Right scope Right value yuan Designed date Agreed periodCancellation date



Issued by: Beijing Land and Natural Resource House Management Bureau of Chaoyang District

Beijing Land and Natural Resource House Management Bureau of Chaoyang District(seal)

Date of Issue: May 10 2001

Beijing Real Estate Registration Form

Page 1 of 1Area unit: m2

House location Building 5 Nongfengli Chaoyang District Drawing No.0-0-0-00

House owner*** Land No.Real estate category Private House usage Residential house Land area Total area of building and single-story house Shared area of

apportionment 1290.21

Building area of single-story house Building area of building 63.77 Total building area of building and single-story house 63.77

Building No.Site and Room No.Structure Total story number Story number the house locate

Year of construction Building area Floor area of the building Usable area Total In whichSet No.Building area within the set(include balcony)Building area of the balcony

Building area of sharing Building area of part ownershipNo.1 of Entrance 7 Admixture 6 6 63.77 1 7.72 Shared area of apportionment 1290.21 42.05

Summary of this page

Total 63.77 1 7.72 42.05

Footnote: there is with a building area of m2 which is not included in the total building area.Note The coefficient is 1.333Date of mapping: March 31 2000 Fill-in person: Check person:

Date of filling in the form: March 31 2000

Printed by Beijing Real Estate Surveying and Drawing Office.It shall not be copied.Ground plan of the real estate

Drawing No.:

Points of Attention1.This certificate is a legal document to certify the real estate ownership.The real estate ownership is under the protection of the laws of the People’s Republic of China.2.The real estate owner shall strictly observe the laws regulations and rules related to real estate of the country.3.The obligee shall apply a registration to the property right registration office of local people ’s government where the real estate locates by holding relevant certificate in the specified period of time for the

following conditions: the transfer of the real estate result from buying or selling exchange conferment succession property division assignment transfer court decision etc.alternation conditions the change of the legal name of real estate ’s obligee or the change of the street where the house locate and the house number the change of present conditions due to partial construction remove collapse burn down of the house

establishment of other rights right to mortgage right to pawn of the real estate etc.rights for the real estate terminate owning to loss of house or land the expiration of usable period of the land and the termination of other rights etc.4.Any other units or individuals other than the certificate-issuing office and filling-in unit shall notmake registration or stamp their seals on this certificate.5.Holder of the real estate ownership certificate shall bring forth this certificate when the administration department of real estate needs to check the property right due to the need of work

4.个人英文简历样本 篇四



5.公证书样本英文 篇五

本人 本人姓名(性别,出生日期,身份证号)和(前)配偶姓名(性别,出生日期,身份证号)是 孩子姓名(性别,出生日期,护照号)的父母。

在此,作为 孩子姓名 的父母,我们委托 委托人姓名(性别,出生日期,护照号)带我们的儿子/女儿 孩子姓名 赴 目的地国家 旅游,并由我们二人承担子女的全部旅游费用,旅游期限为: 年 月 日至 年 月 日。


声明人:(父母双方签字)年 月 日


declaration i本人姓名拼音)and)音(性别,出生日期,护照号)。now i solemnly make the following staterment:音 ’s parents,we entrust 委托人姓名拼音(性别,出生日期,护照号)行程的出发时间(dd/mm/yyyy)此次行程的结束时间(dd/mm/yyyy)。we are willing to cover all the expenses of our child incurred during the traveling。

we confirm the above is true and faithful。declarant:篇二:英文公证书范本


[作者:赛凌翻译 | 发表日期:2009-02-09|文章来源:赛凌翻译网 ] 此英文公证书范本源于爱尔兰公证书翻译,作为公司登记注册公证。

一般来说,英文公证书包含三部分: ? ? ? 政府机构或法院签发的证明文书(如courts service)公证员签署的公证书(notary certificate)被公证的文件

在英文公证书中,政府机构或法院签发的证明文书非常重要,也是英文公证书的组成部分之一。该文书证明了签署英文公证书的公证员的身份合法性。该文书一般政府部门或法庭签署,如美国公证书中为各州的高级法庭(supreme court)、加拿大公证书为各省的政府服务部(ministry of government services)、爱尔兰公证书为高级法院(supreme court)。--------courts service an tseirbhis chúirteanna i, name of the registrar, assistant registrar of the supreme court hereby certify that it appears from the records of this office that name of notary public whose name is subscribed to the annexed document was on the 30th day of july 2000 appointed a notary public for the city and county of dublin and that her name is at the present time on the roll of notaries.of the above-mentioned notary public on record in this office i verily believe the same to be her proper handwriting and her seal.dated this 18 day of october 2008 th signature---------------------name of the registrar assistant registrar seal of the supreme court 英文公证书范本第一部分:政府机构或法院签发的证明文书(如courts service)

英文公证书范本第二部分:公证员签署的公证书(notary certificate)

其他证件翻译>>篇三:公证书英文版 certificate(90)lu zi, no.1130(编号)this is to certificate that miss.yao xiaofen holds a diploma issued to her in june, 2013 by qinzhou university(diploma no.***0)and that we have carefully checked the seal of the university and the signature by president xu shuye lingshan county,qinzhou city notary public office guangxi province the peoples republic of china notary: date:篇四:出生公证书(英文模板)出 生 公 证 书





二o一o年二月八日 notarial certificate of birth(translation)(2010)zkzwz no.*** this is to certify that ***, female, was born in *** county, zhejiang province on july 4, 1989.her father is *** and her mother is ***..notary: *** signatory seal)*** county notary public office zhejiang province the people’s republic of china(seal)february 8, 2010篇五:证件翻译大全-公证文书英文翻译样本1 证件翻译大全--公证文书英文翻译样本

一. 国外使用的公证书格式 of the northern mariana island on this day of , 19 , personally appeared before me and , known to me to be the person(s)whose signature(s)is/ are subscribed to the foregoing instrument and who acknowledged to methat he/she/they executed the same as a voluntary act for the purposes set forth herein.in witness whereof, i have hereunto set my hand and official seal on the day and year first written above.xx联邦马里亚纳公证书

兹证明xxx 和xxx 于x 年x月x 日,在我的面前,签订了xx 合同。经查,此行为是他(她)(他们)按合同精神自愿履行的。公证员(签名)

二. 中国使用的公证书格式 x x x 合同公证书

()xx 字第xx号 兹证明 xxx(单位全称)的法定代表人(或其代理人)xxx 和 xxx(单位全称)的法定代表人(或其代理人)xxx 于x 年x月x 日,在xxx(地点 或本公证处),在我的面前,签订了上述《xxx 合同》。

6.户口本英文翻译样本 篇六


1983 年 10 月26 日自2008 年 9 月起在我单位工作职务: 总经理税后年薪为(包括工资奖金,补贴,分红等)为人民币600000 元.单位(盖章)


2014 年6 月9 日

Statement of Employment and Income

This is to certify that Mr., born on 26th Oct.1983 , has been working in

our company since Sep.2008.He is now in position of general manager.His annual income(including salary, bonus, subsidy, etc.)is RMB 600000 yuan after tax.Name of the Company(Seal)

Employer’s name(Signature)

Date: 9th June 2014



To: Embassy of Canada

Dear Sir or Madam:

This is to certify that Mr./Ms.XXXX(申请人姓名)works in our unit/company as XXXX(职位)since the year of XXXX(年).His/Her monthly salary is RMBXXXX(月薪).He/She will have a tour to Canada from XX.XX.XXXX to XX.XX.XXXX(出国旅游具体日期:某日某月某年)

His/Her information is listed as follows,Name Sex

Date of Birth

Passport No.All the travelling



tickets, transportation, accommodation and health insurance, will be covered by himself/herself.We hereby guarantee that he/she will abide by all the laws and regulations during his/her staying abroad.We also guarantee that he/she will be back to China on schedule and will continue to work for our unit/company.Yours sincerely


Name of the leader(领导人姓名)

Position of the leader(领导人职位)

Signature(领导的签名)Company Stamp(公司盖章)

DATE: 日期以阿拉伯数字根据日/月/年的格式填写)

(前往国家英文名称)Consulate General in Beijing

(本人姓名的拼音)(Passport No.护照号码Date of birth出生年、月、日)is the(现任职位的英文名称)of the(现任部门的英文名称)Department in our Company since(本人在该公司入职的年份),and the monthly salary is RMB(月收入数目用阿拉伯数字).We have approved the annual leave from(此次行程的出发时间)

to(此次行程的回国时间)for holiday to(申请签证国家英文名 称)All the expenses during the travel will be borne by

.We hereby guarantee

will obey the laws overseas and we shall retain the position till the end of the holiday.Signature:

请机打单位负责人姓名拼音,并亲笔签名(请不要用拼音签名)Occupation of Signature:

签字人的职务,请用英文打印 Seal: 请加盖公司公章 Company: 公司英文名称 Add::



可以联系到签字人的公司电话 Fax:

7.美国签证英文在职准假证明样本 篇七

To, The Consulate General of U.S, Shanghai, China


Dear Sir/Madam:

8.户口本英文翻译样本 篇八

租房,是大家来美后必做的几件大事之一。当你找到中意的房子时,你必须和房主签订租房合同,也就是所谓的lease。租房合同是一份法律有效的合同,规定合同签署人要租的具体的房间或房子以及租用的时间长度,同时也规定房主在这段时间内必须把房子租给合同签署人。各个地区的情况不太相同,但是对美国的大部分地区,租赁合同如下: 房屋租赁合同Tenanacy Contract 1.出租方—(以下简称甲方

landlord—(hereinafter referred to as Party A 地址— Addree— 电话— tel—


Tenant—(hereinafter referred to as Party B 地址——

Address—-电话—-tel—-3.租赁物业Premlses 甲方同意将__________单位及其设备在良好状态下租给乙方,租赁面积统计约_____平方米。

Party A hereby agrees to lease_____in clean and tenantable condition to Party B,the size of the leased dremises being approximate_____squire meters.4.租赁期Tenancy



The premises is hereby leased for a term of_____years commenciny on_____and expiring on_____.Neither Party A nor Party B can terminate the contract in the first year of tenancy,in the secong year,shall any party wish to stop the contract.the intiate party shall give the other party two months prior written notice.5.租金Rent

租金每月为_____元整 The monthly rent is_____ 租金以_____为单位,租金应以现金或支票支付,当甲方或甲方委托人每月收到乙方租金后,当立即发回收据予乙方。租金必须于每月__号前支


The rent is payable in_____by cash or check.Party A(or A’s

representativeshall issue a receipt to Party B upon receiving the rent.The rent must be paid before or on the_____day of each month.6.押金Deposit 本合同签订后__天内,乙方应向甲方缴付__个月租金额做为押金,合计为__ Party B must pay to Party A____months rent as deposit for a total of___of___within___days upon the contract signed.在租赁期届满后,乙方付清该物业租赁期内的一切费用,并且将该物业交还于甲方后的十四天内,甲方应将押金无息返还给乙方。

On the completion of the contract,Party A shall return the deposit without interest to Party B within 14 days as long as Party B has paid off all outstanding fees in the tenanty period and returned the premises to Party A.乙方如违反合同规定,致使甲方未能如期收取租金或对于出租物业造成损坏,甲方可扣留部分或全部押金抵付。

If Party B breaches any Party of this contract.such as not paying the rent punctually,or if party B causes damange to the leased premises,Party A has the right to retain part or all of the deposit in compensation.7.费用Charges

租赁期内的管理费用由__方负责支付.The management fee shall be paid by_____.租赁期内之水、电、煤气费、电话费及有线电视费等。每月根据实际用量结算,由__方按单缴付。

Charges for water,elctricity,gas,telephone and cable TV are payable by_____monthly to the relative bureau according to bills received.8.甲方的责任Landlord’s responsbilities 租赁期内甲方不得无故收回房屋,甲方如有违约,应退还全部押金及补偿壹倍押金给乙方。

Party A is not permitted to take back the leased presises during the tenancy period.If Party A breaches this contract.The deposit will be bouble returned to Party B.9.乙方的责任Tenant’s responsbilities


If Party B vacates the premises before completion of the tenancy period without any permission of Party A,the deposit will not be returned to Party B.租赁期内末经甲方同意,乙方不能将其所租物业全部或部分转租,私自 转租无效。During the period of tenancy,unless with the agreement of Party A,Party B can not sub-let or let in part or if full the leased premises.乙方应爱护租赁物业及其设备,如因使用不当导致损坏,乙方应负责赔 偿。Party B shall take care of the premises and the facilities of the premisese and shall be responsible for any damages to the premises or the facilitics of the premises owning to the resons of Party B.在已有房内的装饰和设施之外,乙方如要增加设备或其他装修征得甲方 同意;租赁期满必须恢复原状,并承担其费用,经甲方验收认可后归还 甲。In additon to the decoration and equipment already in the premises,if Party B wishes to make any alterations or decoration to the premises,Party B shall get consent from Party A,On completion of the tenancy,Party B must handover the premises to Party A in its origineal condition and fees arising from such work and to be borne by Party B.10.争议的解决 Arbitration 凡执行本合同或与合同有关的争议,由双方友好协商解决,协商不成,提请中国有关经济合同仲裁机构调解,调解不成,提请中国有关经济合 同仲裁机关仲裁。In the case of disputes arising over this agreement,the two parties shall negotiate in friendly marmer and in good faitb;In failed,shall submit to China Related Economic Contract Arbitrated Bureau to mediate or arbitrate.11.其他 Others 本合同如有末尽事宜,由甲乙双方洽谈解决。If the contract remain some unperfercted parts,the two parties shall negotiate in peace.本合同自签署之日生效,甲乙双方各执一份参照。This contract is effective after both parties making their signatives,each party keeps one copy for reference.如有争议,以此合同中方为准。In case of dispute,the chinese version of the contract shall prevail.甲方: Party A: 签署: Signed by: 日期: Date: 乙方: Party B:

9.户口本英文翻译样本 篇九

Yang Li

Tel:010-xxxxxxxxAdd: No.29 Beisanhuan Road, Xicheng District, Beijing


To obtain a challenging position as a software engineer with an emphasis in software design and development.Education时间要倒序,最近的学历要放在最前面

1997.9-2000.6 Dept.of Automation, Graduate School of Tsinghua University, M.E.1993.9-1997.7 Dept.of Automation, Beijing Institute of Technology, B.E.Academic Main Courses

Mathematics;Advanced Mathematics;Probability and Statistics;Linear Algebra;Engineering Mathematics;Numerical Algorithm;Operational Algorithm;Functional Analysis;Linear and Nonlinear Programming;Electronics and Computer;Circuit Principal;Data Structures;Digital Electronics;Artificial Intelligence;Computer Local Area Network

Computer Abilities

Skilled in use of MS FrontPage, Win 95/NT, Sun, JavaBeans, HTML, CGI, JavaScript,Distributed Objects, CORBA, C, C++, Office 97, Pascal and SQL software


English Skills

Have a good command of both spoken and written English.Past CET-6,TOEFL:623

GRE: 2213

从严谨的角度讲,“Fluent in”显得更流利“English as working language”显得不非常流利,但可信度更高.TOEFL、GRE和GMAT,我们建议都不写,因为一般外企公司不愿意雇用很快就要出国的人.Scholarships and Awards

1999.3 First-class Scholarship for graduate

1997.4 Academic Progress Award


1997Responsible for …..as chairman(member)of student council.Qualifications

General business knowledge relating to financial, healthcare

Have a passion for the Internet, and an abundance of common sense



10.留学用 - 毕业证书翻译样本 篇十


This is to certify that ⑵ , ⑶ , born in ⑷ , has studied in ⑸ , in the school of ⑹ from ⑺ to ⑻ and has completed the requirements as stipulated in a ⑼-year undergraduate program with satisfactory results and is hereby granted graduation.⑽

President of Sichuan UniversityDate: ⑾

Certificate No: ⑴


1、填写说明: ⑴ 证书编号 ⑵ 姓名拼音 ⑶ 性别 ⑷ 出生日期 ⑸ 专业方向

⑹ 院系名称 ⑺ 入学日期 ⑻ 毕业日期 ⑼ 学制年数 ⑽ 校长姓名⑾ 毕业证书签发日期
