


1.七年级下册英语期中 篇一















2.七年级下册英语期中 篇二

为应对21世纪信息时代和知识社会的新挑战, 当前全世界共同倡导的跨学科素养是4C’s, 即合作 (collaboration) 、交往 (communication) 、创造性 (creativity) 和批判性思维 (critical thinking) 。核心素养不只是课程目标, 还是一种崭新的课程观 (张华2016) 。英语课程改革新动向是关注学科育人价值, 关注学生思维发展, 关注学科核心素养;为了培养学生的学科素养, 英语阅读教学要体现六要素, 即主题、语篇、语言知识、文化知识、语言技能和学习策略 (王蔷2016) 。为了改变阅读教学中只注重语言知识和词汇学习的现状, 构建中国特色品牌学校共同体, 北京市昌平区教育委员会、中国石油大学附属中学举办了“最大程度地促进学习——新课程改革背景下课堂教学策略分享交流会”。下面, 笔者从教学目标、课堂导入、课文处理方式、重难点处理、细节处理等方面对比分析与另一位教师对同一教学内容的不同处理方式。


笔者和另外一位授课教师都选择了北师大版英语七年级下册Unit 4 Seasons and weather Lesson12 Summer holiday, 单元主题为Seasons and weather, 一共包括4课, 主要谈论天气情况、假日旅行计划以及假日旅行信息。本课是一篇应用文中的明信片, 发送明信片的Tim给朋友David介绍暑假期间在中国学习和与家人旅游的情况。

学生在前两课中学习了有关天气和季节的话题, 本课中将进一步学习在不同季节如何合理安排自己的时间, 从而完善单元话题知识。

基于学生整体素质较好的情况, 笔者认为可以适当地加深和拓展对材料的处理。笔者预计在教学过程中学生可能出现以下问题:




(一) 设计思路

根据教学大纲和课程标准的要求, 即关注每个学生的情感, 激发他们学习英语的兴趣, 帮助他们建立学习的成就感和自信心, 使他们在学习过程中发展综合语言运用能力, 提高人文素养, 增强实践能力, 笔者确定教学流程为:


第二步:通过问题链的形式启发学生了解Tim一家做什么和具体的旅游时间, 帮助学生从整体上把握明信片的具体内容, 培养学生提取信息和整合信息的能力。

第三步:学生通过讨论Tim的暑期安排是否合理, 科学规划自己的假期, 培养思维能力;自主探究、归纳明信片的写法和语言特点;通过理解和品读文本语言, 理解作者的写作态度, 评价作者的计划安排, 培养思辨能力。


第五步:布置作业:写一封明信片 (分层作业) 。

(二) 教学目标

第一课时:学生通过自主阅读、小组合作等形式学习Tim给朋友David写的明信片的内容, 以及英语明信片的写作结构和语言特点;笔者组织学生讨论Tim的暑期安排, 引导学生合理安排自己的假期, 劳逸结合。

第二课时:学生再次分析明信片的内容, 在语境中学习、探究be going to的语义及其功能作用, 在创设的新语境中初步运用be going to进行表达。


1. 学生根据语境学习短语, 了解单词;

2. 学生找出文章主旨, 归纳明信片的写法;

3. 学生根据季节情况, 合理计划旅行;

4. 学生制订假期计划, 发现家乡的美。


(一) 导入方式不同

另外一位授课教师的导入方式是:放一段录像, 让学生观看并回答问题;教师交代be going to do sth.的用法。

笔者的导入方式是:利用思维导图, 用旧知识导出新知识, 激发学生的学习兴趣, 同时引出本课的生词 (见图1) 。


What are you going to do in summer holiday?

在两种不同的导入方式下, 教学效果有着较大差异。另外一位授课教师的导入方式语速较快, 部分学生听不懂;直接处理be going to的用法, 对于基础较薄弱的学生来说比较适合, 但对于基础较好的学生没有意义。笔者的导入方式是围绕主题进行的, 并提出发散性的问题, 激活了学生的背景知识, 同时引出了话题, 引导学生学习本课的部分生词。这种导入方式从学生实际出发, 通过谈论暑假活动, 以旧带新, 引导学生在语境中实现词汇学习, 符合学生的认知规律, 使学生在心理和知识上为后面的学习做好准备, 从而进入良好的学习状态, 主动参与课堂活动, 提高课堂学习效率。

(二) 处理课文的方式不同

1. 另外一位授课教师的课文处理方式

另外一位授课教师从篇章结构入手, 总结明信片的结构, 接着, 让学生听录音跟读课文, 了解文章大意, 概括文章中心;然后让学生以小组的形式在文中找出旅游地点;最后让学生报道家乡昌平的历史遗址。本堂课实现了让学生在用中学、在学中体会语言的表达方式的目的。

2. 笔者的课文处理方式

Lead-in——引入话题, 激发学生的学习兴趣;Fast reading&detailed reading———引导学生通过快读、扫读获取文章的主旨大意, 把握文章脉络, 再通过细节阅读获取关于明信片中Tim的暑假计划 (学习汉语和旅游) 的详细信息, 归纳、总结明信片的结构, 推断出旅游的时间和作者的情感态度, 并运用批判性思维审视作者的计划安排;Review and Internalization———引导学生内化信息;talk and use———引导学生运用所学知识展开讨论, 最后写出自己的旅游计划, 达到巩固所学知识的目的。

(三) 重点、难点的处理方式不同

另外一位授课教师先让学生读课文, 然后通过提问的方式引导学生在文中找出地点和时间, 再找出相关的细节信息。这种做法适合于全体学生, 每一个学生都能准确地找到关键信息, 但是, 学生的逻辑推理能力和思辨能力没有得到相应锻炼。

笔者通过任务设置和追问的方式, 引导学生获取Tim的旅游路线, 在地图上找出地点, 并用红旗标出来, 然后获取细节信息并学习生词, 培养了学生的信息提取能力和概括能力;引导学生根据文中所给时间推断Tim的其他旅游时间, 锻炼了学生的逻辑推理能力;引导学生归纳总结明信片的结构, 了解西方明信片的写法, 对比中西方明信片写法的不同, 培养了学生的文化品质;引导学生通过文中信息判断作者的情感态度, 运用批判性思维审视作者的计划安排, 培养了学生的思维品质。

(四) 细节阅读的处理方式

笔者通过问题引导学生思考Tim写明信片时的心情和他对自己假期的期待, 培养了学生的推理判断能力。

(五) 培养学生的批判性思维能力

笔者让学生评价Tim的假期安排, 感受作者的做法, 体会合理安排假期的重要性, 培养了学生对事物的评价能力和审思能力。

(六) 作业不同

1. 另外一位授课教师布置的作业

Jack is from England.He will come to Chin this Summer Holiday.Please make a tour plan fo him.Make the plan after school, consolidate the lan guage points.

2. 笔者布置的作业

(1) Read a postcard;

(2) Write a postcard;

(3) See a film:Mr Bean’s Holiday.

学生通过写英语明信片提高了运用英语做事的能力, 实现了知识的内化和迁移。分层作业能满足不同学生的需求:第 (1) (2) 题是必写题, 第 (3) 题是自选题。学生通过视、听、读、写、看等方式巩固本课所学知识, 拓展知识面, 以便更多地了解西方文化, 培养自身的文化品格和语言素养。


(一) 笔者的教学效果

1. 关注学科育人的价值

学生通过自主探究总结明信片的结构和语言特点, 运用所学知识谈论自己的假期安排, 实现了知识的迁移。本堂课教学从浅层走向深层, 将语言知识和文化整合起来, 将语言、文化、思维整合起来, 达到了育人的目的, 让学生学会合理安排自己的暑假生活。

2. 在阅读中培养学生思考的能力

从篇章结构入手, 笔者引导学生思考文章的写作手法、篇章结构、主旨大意、写作意图, 并归纳提炼阅读材料中的信息。

3. 在交流中培养学生学习的能力

笔者利用问题设置、小组讨论、材料展示等平台, 把学生阅读思考的成果进行课堂展示, 让学生在组织、主持、演示、讲解的过程中交流学习的收获, 培养学习能力。

(二) 另外一位授课教师的教学效果

1. 从学生的实际情况出发, 激发学生的学习兴趣, 教学方式符合学生的认知特点。

2. 注意培养学生的学习能力、理解课文和归纳概括能力等。

3. 注意在小组合作学习过程中培养学生的交流能力和合作意识。

4. 注意在小组活动中培养学生的文化品格。

(三) 笔者的教学创新点

1.本堂阅读课是紧密结合《中小学生英语学科能力表现框架 (3*3核心能力要素) 》设计的, 重点培养学生的理解能力、创新能力、信息提取能力和归纳概括能力, 通过画旅游路线图、填时间连接词以及总结明信片的结构, 培养学生整合信息的能力和写作中的谋篇布局能力, 进而培养学生主动学习的意识。

2. 通过联系生活实际, 解决自身的现实问题, 从而培养学生的知识迁移能力和批判评价思维能力。

3. 分层布置作业, 给学生提供选择的空间, 满足不同层次学生的发展需求, 增强学生学习英语的自信心。


第一, 在进行教学设计时, 教师需要制订科学合理的学习目标, 时刻保持学生的兴趣和吸引学生的注意力, 引导学生学习、体验和探索所需的知识和技能。

第二, 教师的指令语言要符合学生的认知特点, 教学方法既要满足全体学生的需求, 又要满足优秀学生和差生的需求, 使学生都能学有所获。

第三, 在教材和资源的选择上, 教师可以整合教材, 也可以选择与课题相关的课外材料, 但要注意材料的有效性和实用性。

第四, 教学活动的设计要立足语篇, 要能启发学生深入思考, 要能培养学生的逻辑推理能力、批判思维能力。同时, 教师要注重与生活的联系, 使学生通过英语学习养成一种良好的行为习惯, 促进学生的心智的发展, 塑造其健康的品格 (褚宏启、张咏梅, 等2016) 。


从本次同课异构课可以看出, 教师对于教材的掌控能力和挖掘能力以及对于学科素养理论的掌握程度等, 会直接影响教学设计和课堂实施, 会影响对学生能力的培养效果。总之, 不管是阅读教学, 还是整个的英语教学, 英语教师都应该树立一种观念——通过英语教学培养学生的心智、思维能力、思辨能力、创造能力, 最终使学生形成良好的行为习惯和道德品质。


褚宏启, 张咏梅, 田一.2016.我国学生的核心素养及其培育[J].中小学管理, (2) .

王蔷.2016.中小学生阅读素养内涵及其培养--全国首届中小学英语阅读教学学术研讨会发言 (节选) [J].英语学习 (教师版) , (1) .

3.七年级下册英语期中 篇三

1. —________are my English books?

—They’re on the desk.

A. What B. Which C. Where D. When

2. She is a student and________ name is Kate.

A. she B. her C. hers D. his

3. —What’s that________ the bed?

—It’s a soccer ball.

A. of B. for C. under D. at

4. —Thank you very much.


A. That’s nice of you B. Nice to meet you

C. Yes, all right D. You are welcome

5. —Is he Jack Brown?


A. Yes, he is B. Yes, he’s

C. Yes, it is D. No, it isn’t

6. Your apples are here,________.

A. in this drawer B. at this

C. in these drawer D. in this drawers

7. Can I________ your ID card?

A. have a look B. have a look at

C. have look D. have look at

8. Mr Brown is Tom’s father. Tom is his________.

A. sister B. daughter C. brother D. son

9. —What are these?


A. It’s a notebook B. It’s an egg

C. They’re bananas D. They’re ice cream

10. —What do you have for lunch?


A. Chicken and vegetable B. Chicken and vegetables

C. Chickens and vegetableD. Chickens and vegetables

11. —How much________ the salad?


A. is B. are C. can D. want

12. —Hello! Are you his mother?


A. Yes, he is B. Yes, he’s

C. Yes, I am D. No, I am

13. —________

—It doesn’t matter.

A. Sorry. I’m late. B. How do you do?

C. What are you? D. Where is she?

14. —Hi, I am Pingping.


A. This is Jack B. That’s Jack

C. I’m Jack D. You are Jack

15. There________ two erasers on the desk.

A. is B. are C. has D. have

16. —Let’s play soccer.

—That________ good.

A. sound B. listen C. sounds D. listens

17. Your oranges are here________.

A. in this box B. in this boxes

C. on these box D. on that boxes

18. —Is this your ruler?


—Here you are.


A. this is; Thank you B. it’s; Thanks

C. it is; Thanks D. it is; Thanks you

19. I have a good friend.________ name is Gina.

A. Her B. His C. She D. It

20. —Is this________ bird?

—No, it’s________ egg.

A. a; a B. an; an C. a; an D. an; a

Ⅱ. 完形填空(10分)

Hi, my name is Cindy. I 1 a student at No. 7 Middle School. I like 2 sports. I like 3 tennis and soccer.

I have a new tennis racket. 4 is on the table. And I have five 5. They are 6 the bed. I think playing sports is very 7, so I like it. I

8 like eating fruits, especially(尤其) 9. I don’t like meat very much. But mom tells me to eat 10 food——not just fruits and vegetables!

1. A. am B. is C. are D. do

2. A. play B. plays C. playing D. to playing

3. A. a B. an C. the D. ×

4. A. They B. It C. Its D. Their

5. A. basketball B. volleyball C. soccer D. soccer balls

6. A. under B. to C. at D. over

7. A. interesting B. difficult C. boring D. hard

8. A. too B. also C. either D. yet

9. A. carrots B. bananas C. orange D. ice cream

10. A. bad B. relaxing C. healthy D. unhealthy

Ⅲ. 阅读理解(30分)


My name is Gina. I’m a student. I’m twelve. My father is a teacher. My mother is a teacher, too. Tom is my brother. We are all here today. The man wearing(穿着) a black coat is my father and the woman wearing a red shirt is my mother. The boy under the tree is Tom. We are a happy family.


1. Gina is a________.

A. student B. teacher C. boy D. doctor

2. Gina is________.

A. ten B. eleven C. thirteen D. twelve

3. Gina’s father is wearing a________.

A. black coat B. red shirt

C. blue shirt D. yellow hat

4. Gina’s mother is a________.

A. student B. sister C. teacher D. worker

5. Tom is Gina’s________.

A. brother B. sister C. friend D. classmate


M: What are you going to do after school, Ellen?

W: I don’t know, Jack.

M: Would you like to play basketball with me?

W: Sorry, I don’t like basketball.

M: What’s your favorite sport?

W: Tennis.

M: I like tennis, but I’m not good at it.

W: It’s easy. Let’s go to the playground after school. I can help you.

M: That’s very nice of you.


6. Ellen likes basketball.

7. Ellen’s favorite sport is tennis.

8. Jack is not good at tennis.

9. Ellen would like to help Jack tomorrow.

10. They are going to play tennis after school.


11. Jim has________.

A. a soccer B. a volleyball

C. a tennis racket D. a baseball bat

12.________ has a soccer.

A. Mike and Jeff B. Jim

C. Jeff D. Mike, Jim and Jeff

13.________ has a tennis racket.

A. Mike B. Jim

C. Jeff D. Mike, Jim and Jeff

14.________ doesn’t have a volleyball.

A. MikeB. Jim

C. Jeff and Jim D. Mike, Jim and Jeff

15.________ doesn’t have a baseball bat.

A. Mike B. Jim

C. Jeff D. All of them

Ⅳ. 词汇(10分)

A) 英汉互译(5分)

1. a computer game 6. 每天

2. on the table 7. 打排球

3. an alarm clock 8. 一本有趣的书

4. French fries 9. 在地板上

5. play soccer10. 一张我家的全家福照片

B) 根据括号内所给的汉语提示填空,完成英语句子。(2.5分)

1. The ruler is________(白色的).

2. Is this your________(手表)?

3. My mother and my father are my________(父母亲).

4. Do you like________(足球)?

5. My uncle is a________(老师).

C) 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(2.5分)

1. Are these your________(box)?

2. This is________(he) book.

3. I’m a boy.________(I) mother likes me very much.

4. Tom and Peter________(be)brothers.

5. They’re________(computer).

Ⅴ. 情景对话(5分)用特殊疑问词填空,完成对话。

1. —________are his tennis rackets?

—On the chair.

2. —________is that in English?

—Sorry, I don’t know.

3. —________is Tom’s phone number?


4. —________is your key?

—It’s in the drawer.

5. —________is her grandfather’s name?


6. —________do you spell “pants”?


7. —________is this?

—It’s a ball.

8. —________are those?

—They’re rulers.

9. —________do you usually have for breakfast?


10. —________are you?

—Fine, thank you.

Ⅵ. 句型转换(10分)按括号内的要求改写下列句子,每空限填一词。

1. My phone number is 2974823. (对画线部分提问)

________________your phone number?

2. This baseball is $10. (对画线部分提问)

________ ________is this baseball?

3. My shoes are under the chair. (对画线部分提问)

________ ________your shoes?

4. Her name is Linda. (对画线部分提问)

________ ________her name?

5. —Is Guo Feng your brother? (作否定回答)

—No,________ ________.

6. —Do you have a basketball? (作肯定回答)

—Yes,________ ________.

7. My grandmother likes strawberries. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)

—________your grandmother________ strawberries?

—Yes,______ __________.

8. My pen is red. (对画线部分提问)

________ ________is your pen?

9. Lucy’s quilt is yellow. (改为否定句)

Lucy’s_________ _______ yellow.

10. The policeman is Jack’s uncle. (对画线部分提问)

________ ________the policeman?

Ⅶ. 连词成句(5分)根据下面横线后的标点符号,连词成句。

1. much, are, pants, black, these, how


2. is, the, where, book


3. TV, on, my, is, the, desk, set


4. family, of, the, for, thanks, photo, your


5. do, Jim, his, does, homework, in, evening, the


Ⅷ. 汉译英(5分)根据汉语意思,完成英语句子,每空限填一词。

1. 他有网球拍吗?

________he________ a tennis racket?

2. 下周咱们去野餐吧!

________ ________on a picnic next week.

3. 详情请致电10010咨询中国联通。

Please________ China Unicom________ 10010 for more information.

4. 我不认识那个戴眼镜的男生。

I don’t________ the boy________ glasses.

5. 谢谢你来参加我们的会议.

Thanks_________ _______ to our meeting.

Ⅸ. 两栏匹配(10分)从B栏中找出能回答A栏问题的答语。


1. What’s your phone number? A. They’re in the dresser.

2. What’s this in English? B. No, they aren’t.

3. Where are my keys? C. No, he doesn’t.

4. Is this your backpack? D. They’re two dollars.

5. Are those his English books? E. Sorry, I don’t know.

6. Do you like football?F. Yes, it is.

7. Does he like ice cream?G. Yes, please. I want an eraser.

8. How much are the carrots?H. 6538918.

9. How do you spell “which”?I. Yes, I do.

10. Can I help you? J. W-H-I-C-H.

Ⅹ. 看图填空(5分)根据图片回答问题。

(1)(2)(3) (4)________(5)

Cindy SmithauntparentsAnn’s unclecousin

1. —Is this Cindy Smith?


2. —Is she your mother, Cindy?

—No,________. She is my aunt.

3. —Are they your parents?


4. —Is the man Ann’s father?

—No, he isn’t. He is________.

5. —Is the boy in the picture your brother, Anna?

—________, he’s my________.

Ⅺ. 书面表达(10分)


要求: 60个词左右


Ⅰ. 1-5 CBCDA6-10 ABDCB11-15 ACACB16-20 CACAC

Ⅱ. 1-5 ACDBD6-10 AABBC

Ⅲ. 1-5 ADACA6-10 FTTFT11-15 BCCAB

Ⅳ. A) 1. 电子游戏2. 在桌子上3. 一个闹钟4. 薯条5. 踢足球

6. every day7. play volleyball8. an interesting book

9. on the floor10. a photo of my family

B) 1. white2. watch3. parents4. football5. teacher

C) 1. boxes2. his3. My4. are5. computers

Ⅴ. 1. Where2. What3. What4. Where5. What6. How7. What

8. What9. What10. How

Ⅵ. 1. What, is2. How, much3. Where, are4. What, is

5. he, isn’t6. I, do7. Does, like; she, does8. What, color

9. quilt, isn’t10. Who, is

Ⅶ. 1. How much are these black pants?

2. Where is the book?

3. My TV set is on the desk. /The TV set is on my desk.

4. Thanks for the photo of your family.

5. Does Jim do his homework in the evening?

Ⅷ. 1. Does, have2. Let’s, go3. call, at4. know, with

5. for, coming

Ⅸ. 1. H2. E3. A4. F5. B6. I7. C8. D9. J10. G

Ⅹ. 1. she is2. she isn’t3. they are4. Ann’s uncle5. No; cousin

Ⅺ. One possible version:

4.七年级下册英语期中 篇四


( ) 6. A. Yes, there is. B. It’s a hotel. C. It’s very big.

( ) 7. A. Yes, she does. B. Yes, she has. C. Brothers.

( ) 8. A. Her science teacher. B. English. C. Bananas.

( ) 9. A. In a bank. B. I like her shop. C. Let’s go to her school.

( ) 10. A. I’m from China. B. I’m going to the movie. C. Let’s go at 7:00.


( ) 11. Where is the hotel?

A. In front of the post office. B. Behind the police station.

C. Between the post office and the police station.

( ) 12. What time does the boy have breakfast?

A. At 5:00. B. At 6:00. C. At 7:00.

( ) 13. What does his mother do?

A. She is a clerk. B. She is a policewoman . C. She is a doctor.

( ) 14. What’s Jenny doing?

A. She is playing tennis. B. She is doing homework. C. She is watching TV.

( )15. How many animals do they see in the zoo?

A. 3 B. 5 C. 7


( ) 16. Lucy is from _______.

A. Canada B. the United States C. France

( ) 17. Lucy doesn’t live in _______.

A. Toronto B. New York C. Canada

( ) 18. She doesn’t speak ________.

A. Japanese B. English C. Chinese

( ) 19. Rick plays _________.

A. the guitar B. basketball C. volleyball

( ) 20. Rick is Lucy’s _________.

A. student B. pen pal C. cousin

笔 试 部 分(80分)


( ) 21. A. pal B. Japan C. taxi D. lazy

( ) 22. A. if B. skill C. tiger D. bit

( ) 23. A. hard B. nurse C. sir D. world

( ) 24. A. post B. office C. dolphin D. shop

( ) 25. A. sunny B. ugly C. cute D. fun


( ) 26. — _______ this your dictionary?

— Yes.

A. Am B. Is C. Are D. Do

( ) 27. This is my sister, _______ name is Lily.

A. my B. her C. our D. his

( ) 28. Grandpa, I need my school ID card, please it for me to school.

A. help B. call C. bring D. get

( ) 29. This is my new pen pal. She is ________ Australia.

A. in B. of C. from D. about

( ) 30. I think China is a very interesting ________. I love it.

A. country B. city C. club D. culture

( ) 31. Bridge Street is a very ______ street. There aren’t many cars running there.

A. busy B. quiet C. hungry D. smart

( ) 32. Take a taxi there. You ______ a bank on your right and then go down Long Street.

A. walk B. run C. pass D. have

( ) 33. — ______ do you want to see the lions?

— Because they’re cute.

A. When B. What C. Where D. Why

( ) 34. She is from China. She’s shy. She is a(n) ________.

A. lion B. elephant C. koala D. panda

( ) 35. Jack is a _______. He works with people and money.

A. policeman B. nurse C. bank clerk D. reporter

( ) 36. — What are you doing?

— I’m ________ in the mall.

A. doing homework B. shopping

C. swimming D. playing basketball

( ) 37. — How is the weather in Wuhan?

— It’s ________. People are wearing warm clothes and scarfs.

A. cold B. hot C. humid D. sunny

( ) 38. — Can you swim?

— Yes, I can. But I _______ swim last year.

A. can’t B. couldn’t C. can D. could

( ) 39. — Where is Wu Dong now?

— Oh, he ________ on the phone in his room.

A. talks B. talked C. is talking D. was talking

( ) 40. — Would you like to go swimming with me this afternoon?

— ________, but I have a lot of homework to do.

A. I’d love to B. Yes. Let’s go

C. No, I won’t D. It doesn’t metter

得 分 评卷人

七、完形填空 (10分)

Bill is an Australian 41 . He’s twelve. He lives 42 his family in China. There are 43 people in his family. His father David Clinton, his mother Catherine and his little sister Abbey. He has a yellow dog. 44 name is Barbi. Look! Abbey is 45 with Barbi. His father is mending(修理) his car. His mother is cleaning the house. What is Bill doing? Ah, he is doing 46 homework in Chinese. He can’t 47 Chinese well, but he loves Chinese very much. Bill’s 48 works in a middle school as an 49 teacher. His mother works at a TV station. Bill and his 50 go to the same school.

( )41. A. teacher B. boy C. dog D. girl

( )42. A. in B. with C. on D. at

( )43. A. three B. four C. five D. two

( )44. A. It’s B. His C. Its D. Her

( )45. A. living B. talking C. playing D. eating

( )46. A. her B. its C. his D. my

( )47. A. say B. speak C. tell D. talk

( )48. A. mother B. father C. sister D. dog

( )49. A. Chinese B. Japanese C. English D. Australian

( )50. A. boy B. girl C. brother D. sister

得 分 评卷人



Mark is a waiter. He doesn’t like his job. He has to work in the evenings. He sometimes has to work on weekends. He is always busy. Sometimes he has no time to eat dinner. His job is hard, and it isn’t fun. Mark likes to work, and he likes to meet people. But he doesn’t want to work in a restaurant. He wants to work in a bank. He wants to be a bank clerk.

Lisa is a nurse. She wears a white uniform. She works in a hospital. She helps doctors. She sometimes works at night. Usually she works in the day, and she gets up at six o’clock every morning. Lisa’s job is difficult and busy, but she doesn’t want to do anything else. She loves it.


( ) 51. Mark likes to work in a restaurant.

( ) 52. Mark wants to be a bank clerk.

( ) 53. Mark doesn’t need to work on weekends.

( ) 54. Lisa sometimes works late.

( ) 55. Lisa wants a different kind of job.


Look at the map. You are standing in the footprints(脚印), someone comes to you and asks the way. Can you answer his questions?


( ) 56. Which street or road am I standing on now?

A. New Street. B. Market Street. C. East Road. D. No answers.

( ) 57. How do I get to the library?

A. Go along North Road and then turn left into West Road. Then you can see the library on your right.

B. Go along North Road and take the second turning on the left, and then turn right. Now you can see the library on the left.

C. Go along Market Street and then turn left into Ferry Street. And now can see the library.

D. Go along North Road and take the third turning on the left, and then turn right into River Street. Now you can see the library on your right.

( ) 58. Which place is the nearest if I walk there?

A. The supermarket. B. The park.

C. The police station. D. The swimming pool.

( ) 59. Which is the shortest way for me to get to the Ferry Street?

A. Market Street —— Ferry Street.

B. East Road —— Ferry Street.

C. Market Street —— Little Street —— North Road —— Ferry Street .

D. East Road —— High Street —— Market Street —— Ferry Street.

( ) 60. Which road should I take to go to the swimming pool?

A. Old Street. B. East Road.

C. Market Street. D. North Road.


M: Hi, Julie?

W: David, is that you? 61

M: I’m in Tokyo on a business trip.

W: Tokyo. Wow, that’s exciting. 62

M: Oh, pretty good. I’m very busy. I’m going to a lot of meetings.

W: So, 63

M: It’s cold. It’s snowing right now. So 64

W: Oh, sunny and warm, as usual.

M: Sounds good to me. 65

W: I’m just getting up.You know, it’s 7:30 in the morning here.

M: Uh, oh. Sorry. I didn’t think about the time…

61. ________ 62. ________ 63. ________ 64. ________ 65. ________


66. 我有时白天工作,有时晚上工作。

Sometimes I work ______ the day and sometimes ______ night.

67. 谢谢你寄来的书信和照片。

______ ______ your letter and photos.

68. 我很惊讶他们竟然能在这么高的温度下打排球。

I ______ ______ they can play in this heat.

69. 因为它们有几分聪明。

Because they are ______ ______ smart.

70. 我们的价格老少咸宜。

______ can ______ our prices.

得 分 评卷人




1. 条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺。2. 不少于40词。

5.七年级下册历史期中试卷 篇五


1、北周外戚杨坚,夺取政权,建立的封建王朝是 A、隋朝










3、唐朝出现“贞观之治”和“开元之治”的景象最突出的原因是两位统治者 A、善于用人,重视纳谏




A三省六部制 B科举制 C内阁制 D丞相制


A印度 B波斯 C高丽 D天竺













7、隋唐时期开凿的世界上最大的艺术宝库之一是 A、龙门石窟

B、敦煌莫高窟 C、云冈石窟







9、下列关于纸币出现的原因叙述正确的是 A、宋朝的造纸业发达


C、由于商业发展很快,携带铁钱不方便 D、对外贸易中,对方不使用铁钱()



B、定都大都 C、建立元朝


11、下列叙述与回族的形成有关的是 A、回族是汉族与畏兀儿人融合的结果





12、我国历史曾出现过几次民族融合的高潮,实现民族融合的基本因素是 A、封建统治者采取促进民族融合政策 B、各民族之间的长期交往

C、经济繁荣,社会生产的不断进步 D、少数民族大量的内迁


A鉴真 B玄奘 C唐僧 D孙悟空


A隋朝 B唐朝 C北宋 D秦朝()15.世界上现存最早的、有确切日期的雕版印刷品是

A《大唐西域记》 B《水经注》 C《金刚经》 D《佛经》


A南方战乱较少 B北方人南迁带来先进的生产技术

C南方自然条件优越 D北方自然灾害频繁

()17.世界上最早的纸币出现于北宋时期四川地区的A交子 B会子 C票子 D金元券


A居民区 B小店铺 C官府 D娱乐场所


A唐朝 B北宋 C南宋 D元朝


A发展农业生产 B加强民族融合 C有效统治全国 D实现国家的统一


A李时珍 B黄道婆 C沈括 D王安石



A.赵高 B.杨国忠 C.秦桧 D.李林甫


23、我国最后完成经济重心南移是在 A.唐朝后期 B.五代 C.北宋 D南宋



A.大都 B.上都 C.中都 D.北京



A.岳飞 B.王安石 C.文天祥 D.辛弃疾



A.唐高祖 B.唐太宗 C.唐玄宗 D.唐高宗()


A.翻车 B.筒车 C.水排 D.耧车



A.581年 B.589年 C.681年 D.605年


29、唐朝的哪座城市,既是当时各民族交往的中心,又是一座国际性的大都市 ?

A.洛阳 B.长安 C.扬州 D.成都


A.唐三彩 B.青瓷 C.白瓷 D.青花瓷
























2.C 3.D

4.B D C 7 B 8 B 9 C 10 D 11 D 12B




16D A D 19 D 20 C 21 B 22 C

D 24 A 25 C 26 C 27 B 28 A 29 B 30 A

907 繁荣











《马可波罗行纪》 三






6.七年级下册生物期中试卷分析 篇六


会盟一中 生物组











四大题是实验题难度不大,85 %的学生都掌握的不错






3、深入了解学生,关心他们的学习、生活,了解他们的学习需求,方可按需而教,提高课堂教学效率。三 努力方向:





7.七年级下册英语期中 篇七










































8.七年级下册英语期中 篇八

()1. —______

—Fine, thank you.

A. How are you?B. Good afternoon.

C. Hello! D. Goodbye.

()2. —Whats his name?

—His name is ______.

A. Wangliqin B. wangliqin

C. Wang LiqinD. Wang LiQin

()3. —Whats your ______?


A. number telephone

B. telephone number

C. school number

D. number school

()4. His name is Jim Green. ______ is his first name.

A. JimB. Green

C. Green JimD. Jim Green

()5. —Is Mary your sister?

—Yes, she is ______ sister.

A. IB. meC. myD. mine

()6. —Are these his books?

—Yes, ______.

A. theyreB. they are

C. thesere D. these is

()7. The map is ______ the wall ______my room.

A. of; of B. on; on

C. of; onD. on; of

()8. I have ______ beautiful (漂亮的) pictures in my backpack.

A. lots ofB. a lots of

C. a lotD. lot of

()9. Are there ______ tomatoes on the table?

A. aB. anC. anyD. some

()10. Jack likes ______ volleyball very much.

A. playsB. playing

C. playD. play the

()11. There is ______ “o” in the word“mother” and ______ “u” in the word“uncle”.

A. an; anB. a; a

C. an; aD. an; the

()12. Whats this ______ Chinese?

A. atB. inC. toD. on

()13. —Does Dave play sports?

—No, he doesnt. He only ______them ______ TV.

A. watches; atB. looks; at

C. watches; onD. looks; on

()14. —Let ______ go to watch the match with us.

—Good idea (主意)!

A. sheB. himC. hisD. he

()15. Please call Mary ______ 623-2169.

A. inB. forC. onD. at

()16. Mrs. White is ______ mother.

A. Jims and Anns

B. Jims and AnnC. Jim and Ann

D. Jim and Anns

()17. —Lets play basketball together ( 一起).

—That ______ boring!

A. soundB. sounds

C. to soundD. sounding

()18. Thanks for ______ us!

A. helpB. helps

C. helpingD. to help

()19. —Do you have ______ football?

—No, I dont.

—OK, lets play ______ volleyball.

A. /; aB. a; /C. a; theD. /; /

()20. There ______ a pen and three books on the floor.

A. isB. areC. hasD. have

Ⅱ. 完形填空。(每小题1分,共20分)


Dear Lucy,

21you bring some things 22 school?

I23my football, my shoes, my CDs and a pen.

My football and CDs24on the desk. My25are on the floor, and my pen is on the bed.




()21. A. Do B. Are C. CanD. Is

()22. A. on B. to C. forD. in

()23. A. likeB. take

C. bringD. need

()24. A. is B. are C. have D. has

()25. A. shoes B. balls C. shoe D. ball


Mr. Hall is a rich (有钱的) man. He 26 many nice cars(小汽车) and beautiful houses (房子). But he is27happy because he is too fat (胖的). So he goes to see a doctor (医生). When the doctor sees28 , he asks Mr. Hall some questions.

“What do you like to 29 ?”

Mr. Hall answers, “I like eating all (所有 的) kinds of 30 , especially (特别是) meat (肉).”

“Then what 31 you often (经常) do after meals?” the doctor asks.

“Well,” 32 thinks for a moment, “sometimes (有时) I go to sleep (睡觉). Sometimes I sit down and watch TV.”

The doctor looks at him and says, “Now, the last (最后一个) question. Do you like 33 ?”

Mr. Hall answers, “I 34 like watching sports but never (从不)35sports. You know, it will make me tired (累的).”

The doctor says, “I know why you are so fat now.”

()26. A. have B. has

C. doesnt haveD. dont have

()27. A. very B. alsoC. not D. no

()28. A. he B. she C. him D. his

()29. A. do B. eatC. playD. look

()30. A. lunch B. food

C. dinner D. breakfast

()31. A. isB. areC. doD. does

()32. A. Mr. Hall B. the doctor

C. theyD. she

()33. A. fruit B. vegetable

C. sports D. club

()34. A. very B. also

C. not D. only

()35. A. go B. play C. playsD. does

Ⅲ. 阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分)


This is Lucy and that is Lily. They are twins. This is their bedroom. Its a nice room. The two beds look the same (一样的). This bed is Lilys and that one is Lucys. The twins like their beds. Lilys coat is on the chair. Their clock, books and pencil cases are on the only desk. Their schoolbags are behind the chairs. Lilys chair is red and Lucys is blue. Their bedroom is very clean.

()36. Lucy and Lily are ______.

A. sistersB. twinC. boys D. brothers

()37. Lucy and her sister have ______.

A. two chairs and one desk B. two chairs and two desks

C. one desk and one chairD. two desks and one chair

()38. Lilys chair is ______ and Lucys is ______.

A. red; black B. yellow; black

C. black; redD. red; blue

()39. Wheres Lilys coat?

A. Its on the chair.

B. Its on her bed.

C. Its on their desk.

D. Its on her sisters bed.

()40. Which one is right?

A. Their classroom is very nice. B. Their two beds look the same.

C. Their schoolbags are under the chairs. D. Their clock, coats and books are on the desk.


Most English people have three names: a first name, a middle name and the family name. Their family name comes last. For example, my full name (全名) is Jim Allan White. White is my family name. My parents gave me both of(两者都) my other names.

People dont use their middle names very often. So (因此) “John Henry Brown” is usually called (称作) “John Brown”. People never use Mr., Mrs. or Miss before their first names. So you can (可以) say John Brown, or Mr. Brown, but you should never (从来不) say Mr. John. They use Mr., Mrs. or Miss with the family name.

Sometimes (有时) people asks me about my name,“Why (为什么) do your parents call you Jim? Why do they choose (选择) that name for you?” The answer is they dont call me Jim. They call me James. James is the name of my grandfather. In England, people usually call me Jim for short. Thats because (因为) it is shorter (更短的) and easier than James.

()41. Most English people have ______names.

A. oneB. two C. three D. four

()42. ______ is Jim Allan Whites family name.

A. JimB. WhiteC. Green D. James

()43. English people use Mr. Mrs.,or Miss.with ______.

A. the family nameB. the middle name

C. the first name

D. the first name and the middle name

()44. The teachers name is Mary Joan Shute. Her students call her ______.

A. Miss JoanB. Miss Mary

C. Miss Mary JoanD. Miss Shute

()45. People usually call the writer (作者)Jim instead of (代替) James because______.

A. he likes this name

B. its easy to remember (记住)

C. it sounds more beautiful

D. its the name of his grandfather


Tina is a beautiful girl. She lives (居住) in Shanghai. She is a student in No. 6 Middle School.

Tina gets up (起来) at six in the morning. She often has hamburgers for breakfast. After breakfast she goes to school. She likes tomatoes and chicken for lunch.

After school she often plays tennis with her friends. Sometimes they play volleyball. She comes home at five. She has supper with her parents at seven.

At eight in the evening she does her homework (家庭作业). She goes to bed at ten.

()46. Tina lives in ______.

A. LondonB. Shanghai

C. Nanjing D. Beijing

()47. Tina gets up at ______.

A. 6:00 B. 6:10C. 6:30D. 7:00

()48. She often has ______ for breakfast.

A. hamburgersB. chicken

C. tomatoes D. eggs

()49. After breakfast she ______.

A. goes to work B. plays volleyball

C. goes to school

D. does her homework

()50. After school she often plays tennis with ______.

A. her friends B. her brother

C. her sister D. her parents

Ⅳ. 阅读理解填词。(每小题1.5分, 共15分)

Mr. and Mrs. Brown have a son and a d 51 . Their n 52 are David and Jane. They live in a big h 53 . There are three r 54 in the house. The big room is for Mr. and Mrs. Brown. The small rooms are Davids and Janes. This is Davids room. There are nine s 55 balls and five basketballs. They are u 56 the bed. David likes sports. He p 57 with his friends e 58 day. That is Janes room. Its a nice room. There are many books on the d 59 and there is a p 60 on the wall (墙).

51. d______ 52. n______53. h______54. r______ 55. s______56. u______ 57. p______ 58. e______ 59. d______ 60. p______

Ⅴ. 书面表达。(15分)



1. 全面反映档案的内容,允许扩充;

2. 文章要通顺、流畅;

3. 注意大小写及标点符号;

4. 词数 60左右。



Hobby (爱好): Play ping-pong



e-mail: sally@yahoo.com.cn

QQ number:864503425

School: No. 2 Middle School






