1.组建team团队学习心得 篇一
What is its strength?
Team contract are helping our team in three enormous way.First of all, our team contract is simple and real, it will help all different language background team member to understand the concept, which will decrease the chance of misunderstanding or concept unclear.second, our team contract is defined and supported by all our team member, not created by specific people, which mean all team member are agreed about this contract and agreement.Third of all, our team contract is contain specific soft skills and interpersonal behaviors, which can help our team member do the correct behavior and action when team meeting is coming or project is in process.What is its weaknesses?
on the other hand, team contract will provide some weaknesses in our team.first of all, our team member are from different country background, which means we are speaking in different language, the language barrier is the mean weaknesses that we need face to during create the time contract.Also, our team member are in the different timezone, the timezone different will lead the problems such as, can’t reply message on time, can’t attend the group meeting in person, can’t join the group work with other team member.which will extreme delay the project process.Who is maintain it?
Since we dont assign a team leader in the group, we will all share the responsibility of our project, we will still split the work, but the responsibility we will share as a team.all the group member can maintain the team contract, but before someone is try to change something, they must send a message or email to other group member in the team, make sure everyone in the team realized there will be a change in the team contract, otherwise, group member can not change the team contract.How team contract help us?
team contract is an effective way to address the upcoming issues or problems, when we create the team contract on how we want to function when problems arise, we are much prepared to handle the challenges that occur.Team contract help our team member work together in a way that truly respect to each other.The team contract is to make sure all team member have same vision statement before moving into action.it will help us to clearly defines our expectations for each other.How is it enforced?
Our group are use three different communication tools, wechat, groupme and email.we make sure that the message and information will deliver to the member by using these tools, if the member did not respond in wechat, we will try groupme, if groupme is not respond also, we will shot a email.if none of those tools work, we will call the team member.therefore all the team member will definitely receive the message.also, we required that whatever you agree or disagree, team member must send a message in the chat room to show he or she received the message and understand what is happening.Thus, that will be no more excuse about “ i didnt see that.” or “i was not pay attention, i missed that part”.Also, if one of our group member are disrespected to other people we will let all other group member send a email to the teacher, and vote to kick him out.