1.美国研究生信英文版 篇一
Dear Justin,
I feel really sorry to tell you that I cannot keep you company and show you around my city next month during your stay here, for there will be an important exam. But you don’t have to worry about your accommodations here in my city. I have already reserved a room in Weifang Hotel, which is at No.34 Dongfeng Street and you can easily check in by the name on your passport. For more information about the hotel, you can call the reception desk at 0536-87654321.
Let me know if you need any help and wish you a pleasant journey and enjoy an adventure in my hometown.
Li Hua
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2.美国研究生信英文版 篇二
Although tracing back to its exact origin is practically impossible, foreign direct investment (FDI) is now perceived as a classic form of business across the world. By definition, FDI refers to “an investment made to acquire lasting interest in enterprises operating outside of the economy of the investor” (International Monetary Fund, IMF, 1993) .
By receiving capital, technologies or managerial expertise, developing countries like China and India have benefited from FDI greatly, while at the same time low-cost products have entered advanced economies from developing economies, profiting both Western enterprises and consumers. Therefore, it is widely accepted that FDI is a win-win choice of both home and host countries and “a major catalyst to development” (Organization for Economic Co- operation and Development, OECD, 2002) .
Considering the following two questions, the first being how nations attract FDI and the second being how MNEs decide whereto invest, there exists a short answer for both questions: to minimize risks. Indeed, given their influences in affecting firms’ prof it ability, various risks, such as a sudden political upheaval, a huge fluctuation in exchange rate, or an unfavourable amendment of legal provisions, etc., are primary concerns for investors. Those risks, in particular, are more striking and common in developing countries, as those countries typically have weak and fragile political, economic and legal frameworks. Thus, minimizing risks is a key to success for both nations seeking capitals and MNEs creating FDI.
Section 1 Literature Review
1.1 A Brief Review of the History and Phenomenon of FDI
Foreign direct investment is a major form of international capital fl ows. It involves a physical investment by a company from one country to another (Sullivan and Sheffrin, 2003) . Foreign direct investment distinguishes itself from international portfolio investment by the degree of control of a foreign affiliate (IMF, 1993) . According to the IMF’s definition, when an investment into a foreign company is worth more than 10% of the voting power of the company, the investment is defi ned as a foreign direct investment. In calculation, FDI is commonly divided into three parts: equity capital, reinvested earnings and intr a-company loans. However, UNCTAD (2009) pointed out that countries do not always compile with those three categories when collecting and allocating data.
To understand the incentives behind the decisions of firms in undertaking investments abroad, Seyf (2001) identified the following motivations: to explore new markets; to acquire new technologies;to overcome tariff and other protective restrictions; to enhance efficiency of servicing a foreign market by localizing production; to reduce risk by diversifying market as well as product; to be able to combat the threat of rivals in the international marketplace and so on.
1.2 Theoretical Analysis of Risks Associated with FDI
As noted at the beginning of this paper, given MNEs’ ultimate goal of maximizing profits, various risks which directly affect profitability are the primary concerns of firms who seek offshore investments. Many scholars pointed out that investing aboard carries additional risks compared with investing domestically (Lessard, 1996; Musonera, 2008) . Those additional risks which were frequently mentioned in previous studies include political risk, economic risk, exchange rate risk, legal risk, sovereign risk, and so on.
Political Risk
One common concept given to political risk is known as “the actions of national governments which interfere with or prevent business transactions, or change the terms of agreements, or cause the confiscation of wholly or partially foreign owned business property” (Weston and Sorge, 1972) . In this context, political risk partially represents the concept of legal risk. Especially, in many developing countries, administrative authorities hold tremendous in fluencesover the operation of the judicial systems, which means that some judicial actions against foreign firms may be reflections of political decisions. However, Robock (1971) criticized the opinion by pointing out that “political fluctuations which do not change the business environment significantly do not represent risk for international business”.
Economic Risk
Economic risk of host countries ranks high in the list of risks associated with FDI, as Musonera (2008) claimed that “the level of economic activity of a country sets the stage for business operations.” Mel drum (2000) defined economic risk as a significant change in the economic structure or growth rate that produces ama jor change in the expected return of an investment. This definition makes it clear that FDI are subject to the economic factors of host countries, as it affects the profitability of MNEs.
Exchange Rate Risk
Exchange rate risk has become an increasingly highlighted risk since the collapse of the Brett on Woods system in the early1970s which marked the end of fixed exchange rates regime among world’s major economies (Schmidt and Broll, 2008) . In general, exchange rate risk refers to “the effect that unanticipated exchange rate changes have on the value of the firm” (Giddy and Dufey, 1997) . More specifically, it is a risk stemming from changes in the exchange rates for different currencies and affecting investments and business operations of companies undertaking international business (BNET, 2007) .
Legal risk
A sound legal environment is considered to be crucial to investors, especially foreign investors, in operating their businesses.Perry-Kessaris (2003) pointed out that it is common to argue that the direction of FDI to some extent depends on the effectiveness of destination countries’ legal systems. Contrary to such a sound legal environment which possesses characteristics including transparency, certainty, accountability, and consistency, etc., legal risk arises from uncertainty due to “legal actions or uncertainty in the applicability or interpretation of contracts, laws or regulations” (Risk glossary. com, 2004) .
1.3 Previous Empirical Studies on the Relationship between Risks and FDI
Ramcharran (1999) pointed out that there are two types of empirical studies–“survey method”and“statistical analysis”in analyzing the correlation between country risk and FDI. In using the survey method, researchers typically request a large number of executives from different multinational firms to rank or list risks which may affect their overseas investment decisions. By employing this method, Basi (1963) , Aharoni (1966) , and Agodo (1978) among others found that the risk mangers concern the most is political risk.Obviously, a common criticism regarding the survey method is solely dependent on respondents’subjectivity (Kobrin, 1979; Brewer, 1981) .
The statistical analysis requires the use of econometric techniques. Ordinary least square estimation is a fundamental technique applied by researchers when studying the relationship between country risk and FDI. Also, panel data is often employed and fixed or random effect can be applied depending on the current circumstances.
2 Empirical Studies
2.1 Methodology
This paper studies the relationship between risks and FDI focusing on the U.S. outward FDI fl ows in 43 developing countries during the period of 1984 to 2007. The choice of this period allows the empirical analysis of this paper to be based on a more recent time spam than most of previous studies. In analyzing the impact of various risks on FDI flows, panel dataset is employed in this paper. As Hsiao (2003) and Baltagi (2005) identified, applying panel data analysis has the following advantages. Firstly, panel data analysis controls individual heterogeneity in the way illustrated later. Secondly, effects that are not detectable in cross-sectional or time-series dataset will be captured by panel data analysis. Thirdly, more complicated behaviour al models are able to be constructed and tested in panel data analysis. Finally, panel data analysis offer smore variability, reduces collinearity among variables, and enhances degrees of freedom and efficiency.
The regression model applied in the estimation is stated as follow:
wherei=1, 2, ..., N , andt?1, 2, ..., T .
In the model, Yit is the amount of U.S. outward FDI to countryiat time t , X is a vector of variables including controls as well askey variables that are under primary interest. ?i is the time invariant country specific characteristics and?it is the error term that varies both across time and countries.
By using panel dataset, this paper applies “fixed effect” in estimating the regression equation above. It is assumed the country specific effect?i is correlated with the explanatory variables. One of the major advantages of using fixed effect is that this econometric technique eliminates the country specific characteristics before estimation. If such characteristics exist, the regression results are likely to be biased. For example, a MNE’s decision to invest into a particular country may be based on that country’s specif iclocation and culture. However, those country specific features may well correlate with variables that are included in the regression equation, making the estimation results biased because some of the effects of time invariant variables that are not included in the equation have been absorbed by variables that are included in the equation.The following steps illustrate how the within estimation solves this potential problem. Firstly, by taking the equation above and average across time we obtain
Secondly, by subtracting (2) from (1) we have
It can be seen from (3) that the country specific characteristic ηiis eliminated. Therefore, (3) is the final equation to be estimated and the technique is referred as fixed, or within estimation. Furthermore, robust standard error is applied through the Fixed Effect estimations.
Based on the above model and the availability of data, the general form of the estimation equation can be written as below:
FDI = FDI (economic risk, political risk, control variables)
where economic risk is measured by inflation rates of host countries, political risk is measured by the in dices of bureaucracy quality and democratic accountability of host countries, both issued in the International Country Risk Guide (ICRG) . Control variables include gross domestic product (GDP) per capita and exchange rates of host countries.
It is important and necessary to include variables which also affect flows of U.S. outward FDI along with various risk factors in the regression estimation. This is because if those variables are excluded, their effects on the flows of U.S. outward FDI will be captured by the error term. Given the potential correlation between those variables and various types of risks, the error term in there gression equation will be correlated with the key risk variables that are under primary interest. As a result, it leads to the violation of Gauss-Markov conditions which biases the estimation results.
The reason why exchange rates act as a control variable here rather than a measure of exchange rates risk results from the unavailability of daily, monthly or quarterly exchange rates between the U.S. and host countries, which restricts the calculation of volatilities of exchange rates used to measure exchange rates risk.
According to above analysis, an appropriate empirical model for analyzing the relationship between flows of the U.S. outward FDI and political and economic risks can be given in the following linear form.
wherei=1, 2, ..., N , andt?1, 2, ..., T .
In the equation, USFDIit denotes flows of U.S. outward FDI into country i in year t ; INFit denotes inf lation rate of country i in yeart ; BQit bureaucracy quality of country i in year t ; DAit denotes democratic accountability of country i in year t ; EXRATEit denotes average off icial exchange rate in a year between the U.S. and country i in year t ; country i in year t ; country i in year t ;GDPPCit denotes GDP per capita of country i in year t . Besides, β 0 is a constant; βs are estimated coeff icients of each variable; ε is an error term with a zero conditional mean.
The justification of all independent variables is shown as follows:
1. Inflation rate. Acting as a proxy of economic risk, inflation rate is expected to have a negative correlation with flows of U.S.outward FDI. That is, other things being equal, when a country’s inflation rate increases, especially when it increases sharply, U.S.outward FDI to that country is expect to decrease, because a higher inflation rate indicates lower macroeconomic stability and higher risk, vice versa.
2. Bureaucracy quality. Bureaucracy quality is an indicator of political risk. According to the PRS Group (2009) who is responsible for the conducting of ICRG, bureaucracy quality measures “the institutional strength and quality of the bureaucracy”. It is rated between 0 and 4 with 0 indicating the lowest bureaucracy quality and the highest political risk because of drastic changes in policy or interruptions in government services (ICRG, 2009) and 4 indicating the highest bureaucracy quality and the lowest political risk. Thus, it is expected to have a negative correlation between bureaucracy quality and FDI. That is, other things being equal, when a country is assigned a low rating of bureaucracy quality, suggesting the country has high political risk, fl ows of U.S. outward FDI to that country is expected to be low, vice versa.
3. Democratic accountability. Democratic accountability is another proxy of political risk. It measures the responsiveness of a government to its citizens such that the irresponsiveness may cause the failure of the government (ICRG, 2009) . Countries are rated between 0 and 6 in terms of their democratic accountabilities. The higher a country is rated, the lower the political risk of that country possesses and vice versa. Hence, a negative correlation between democratic accountability and f lows of U.S. outward FDI is expected.
4. GDP per capita. GDP per capita represents the size of a country’s economy. One of the main incentives for MNEs to invest abroad directly is to gain access to foreign market. As a result, countries with higher GDP per capita are likely to attract more FDI from the U.S., ceterisparibus. To ana lyse the effects of different risk son U.S. FDI outflow, it is necessary to control for GDP per capita of the host countries, otherwise, estimated coefficients may be biased as different forms of risks of a country is likely to be correlated with its level of GDP pe
5. Exchange rate. Exchange rate is measured in terms of local currency units per U.S. dollar, so that an increase in exchange rate indicates a depreciation of a host country’s currency. As explained earlier, exchange rate is a control variable in the regression, which means that it acts as a general determinant of the flows of U.S.outward FDI. Thus, exchange rate is expected to positively correlate with the flows of U.S. outward FDI, ceterisparibus. The rationale behind this expected relationship is that when a country’s currency depreciates, foreign firms homed in another country with a relatively stronger currency would have their production costs reduced and profitability increased.
2.2 Data Sources
The flows of U.S. outward FDI are obtained from the website of the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) of the U.S. Department of Commerce. The data have been adjusted into constant 2000 U.S.dollars in the unit of million.
Variables including inflation rate, GDP per capita and exchange rate come from the World Development Indicators (WDI) in the version of June, 2009. WDI is conducted by the World Bank and published on the Bank’s website. In the empirical studies, inflation rates of individual countries are given in decimal. Data of GDP per capita are in constant 2000 U.S. dollars. Exchange rates are real exchange rates derived from official ones. The reason of using official exchange rates is that although they may undervalue or overvalue domestic currencies, given MNEs have to transfer funds through legal channels in most cases, it is these rates concerning MNEs.
As noted previously, two risk measures of bureaucracy quality and democratic accountability are conducted by the International Country Risk Guide, a product of the PRS Group.
2.3 Data Description
Table 1 illustrates the statistics of variables contained in the regression which shows numbers of observations, means, standard deviations, minimums and maximums of both dependent variable and independent variables. While the dependent variable of the flows of U.S. outward FDI and three independent variables of GDP per capita, inflation rate, and exchange rate has substantial variation, the other two independent variables, namely bureaucracy quality and democratic accountability, only have very small variations because of their rating-based characteristic.
Table 2 presents the correlation matrix of independent variables included in the regression equation. The correlation coefficients among those independent variables are in the range of -0.0815to 0.3337, indicating it is unlikely to have the problem of severe multicollinearity.
2.4 Empirical Results
*** Statistical signif icance at 1% level; ** Statistical signifi cance at 5% level; * Statistical signifi cance at 10% level
Table 3 displays the parameter estimates of both risk factors and control variables by using fixed-effect. Satisfactorily, coefficients of all variables have the signs as theories suggest and are statisticallysignifi cant 10% significant level with bureaucracy quality and GDP per capita being significant at 5% and 1% levels respectively.
Looking separately, inflation rate, which acts as a measure of economic risk, indicates that higher economic risk of a country tends to reduce f lows of FDI from the U.S. to that country, ceterispari bus.As two political risk indicators, the coefficients of bureaucracy quality and democratic accountability suggest that U.S. investors are very concerned by a foreign country’s political risk. In other words, when a country’s political risk level is lifted by a professional institution, such as the PGS group in this case, f lows of U.S. Outward FDI to that country tend to decrease substantially. This finding is consistent with the results of recent empirical studies that political risk and flows of U.S. outward FDI are positively correlated with each other. In terms of control variables, GDP per capita indicates that when a country’s market gets bigger, U.S. investors will make more investment to that country, in part to serve the purpose of exploring a new market or better serving a foreign market. The coefficient of exchange rate demonstrates that exchange rate does not affect flows of U.S. outward FDI strongly. One reason may be U.S. firms’ capacities to use hedging instruments against some unfavourable exchange rate movements.
3. Conclusion
3.1 Evaluation
Admittedly, although the results of empirical studies are rather reasonable and satisfactory, there exist several drawbacks in the paper. One major shortcoming, as mentioned in the section of introduction, is the severe data limitation which prevents the paper from studying more risks together and comprehensively. Exchange rate risk and legal risk were not included in the empirical studies, instead, they were analyzed theoretically in the section of literature review.
Moreover, as shown in table 2, the independent variables of bureaucracy quality and democratic accountability are measure dat a limited scale and thus have very small variations as a result of their rating-based characteristic, therefore the variables are not as informative as otherwise they would be, causing the regression results less precise. However, if measurements of the two variables were rated at a larger scale, they would be more informative and the preciseness of the regression’s estimates can be improved.
3.2 End Remarks
It has been widely recognized that FDI benefits both enterprises who operating business abroad and countries who receive foreign capitals. However, a common issue that draws attentions from firms and countries is the various risks associated with FDI. Indeed, empirical results of this paper demonstrate that when risks of a country undermine the prof it ability of foreign firms, it also means that the attractiveness of the country to foreign fi rms falls. Furthermore, the results show that political risk has substantial influence on the direction of a foreign firm’s overseas investment, regard les show political risk is measured. Besides, although economic risk is measured by inflation rate only, the result still highlights the adverse impact of economic risk on the f lows of U.S. outward FDI.
There is no doubt that political risk and economic risk are not the only risks concerning a foreign investor. Subject to the severe limitation of data, this paper fails to empirically assess other risks associated with FDI. However, the paper does not arbitrarily lead to the conclusion that other risks have no effect on FDI. To the contrary, given the feature that political risk overlaps with legal risk to some extent, together with the fact that this overlapping is more striking in developing countries who are also the subject of this paper, it can be argued that the high coefficients of two political risk factors hint the possible existence of the effect of legal risk on FDI.
摘要:外商直接投资已经被视作企业在全球扩张中的一种典型方式。通过吸收国外资金, 技术或者管理经验, 外商直接投资已经成为所在国家经济发展的潜在催化剂。与此同时, 外国公司和他们的公司所属国也将会从外商直接投资中获得更大的利益, 更低的成本等等。所以, 这就不难看出外商直接投资已经日益成为一种对两国经济发展双赢的投资方式。然而, 在对外投资的过程中, 外国企业以及公司所属国家不得不面对一些问题, 那就是如何将风险最小化。事实上, 在这个过程中, 风险是多种多样的, 例如, 政治风险, 经济风险, 汇率风险以及法律风险, 所有的这些都将会影响外商直接投资的方向因为它将会导致企业的盈利能力下降。通过基于于1984年至2007年间, 美国企业对全球43个发展中国家投资的固定样本数据作为参考, 本文的实证结果能够统计地证实风险与外商直接投资流存在反向关系。
[1]Busse, Matthias and Carsten Hefeker, 2005.“Political Risk, Institutions and Foreign Direct Investment”, HWWA Discussion Paper 315.
[2]Fitzpatrick, Mark, 1983.“The Definition and Assessment of Political Risk in International Business:A Review of the Literature”, Academy of Management Review, 1983, Vol.8, No.2, pp.249-254.
[3]Goldberg, Linda S., 1993.“Exchange Rates and Investment in United States Industry”, The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol.LXXV, No.4.
3.一“信”在手,横行美国 篇三
4.研究生英文信格式 篇四
如果你的推荐信是要给某一个人的,你应该加上称呼,例如dear dr. smith, dear mr. jones,等等。如果你的推荐信非常general,你在称呼的地方写to whom it may concern 或者不写称呼也可以。
paragraph 1
paragraph 2
paragraph 3
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英文推荐信的结尾部分应该写上你愿意提供更多的详细信息,要注明你的电话号码,联系方式和email address。
writers name
5.工作信 英文版 篇五
范本 :
To Whom It May Concern
It has been a great pleasure for me to work with Ms. Cheng Lok Yiu, who has been a marketing officer with our company between the year and .
As a marketing officer of our company, Ms. Cheng is responsible for a number of job duties ranging from promoting our company products, exploring and establishing business relationship with potential clients.
Apart from being a good team member, Ms. Cheng also displayed considerable initiative and approached her work thoughtfully and intelligently. Ms. Cheng also impressed me of being able to rise above the call of duty on certain occasions and was more than capable of taking up extra responsibilities.
Your favorable consideration and assistance to Ms. Cheng will be very much appreciated.
Yours faithfully,
Agnes Chow
Marketing Department
6.美国文学中的哥特小说(英文) 篇六
Gothic fiction has its root in England.The English author Horace Walpole’s The Castle of Otranto (1764) is generally considered to be the first true gothic novel.Thus is born the gothic tradition in literature, not only limited in England, but widespread in continental Europe, such as in France and Germany, and soon it gains popularity in America.Up to 1790s, with the publication of The Mysteries of Udolpho (1794) and The Italian (1797) by Ann Radcliffe and Matthew Lewis’The Monk (1796) , gothic fiction has been created in its standard form as an important genre of literature and gradually begins to exert its influence on writings in other countries, especially in Germany and in America.
With its profound historical, cultural and literary sources, gothic fiction flourishes rapidly and develops everlastingly in America.On the one hand, the early immigrants in America Continent often struggle for hunger, cold, plague and death.American history witness them explore and conquer in such a strange and dangerous environment.On the other, American fiction springs up at the very time that gothic fiction is at its peak in England and Europe.Thirdly, realism doesn’t have important effect until 1870s in America, nor does it enjoy supremacy as in England.Therefore, romanticism is prevailing for a long time.Above all, the most significant reason attributes to the Puritanism tradition in American history and culture.Most of the early settlers are puritans who flee to America in order not to be persecuted.Thus puritans are greatly enhanced with the best examples of Salem Witchcraft Trials of 1692 and the Great Awakening led by Jonathan Edwards between 1703 and 1745.As far as to 19thcentury, Puritanism continues to develop, especially in the South, which, fundamentally accounts for the growth of gothic fiction in America.
The first influential novelist is Charles B.Brown who sets gothic fiction in American surroundings.His best-known work Wieland (1798) , also the fist gothic novel in America, shows“sensational violence, dramatic intensity and intellectual complexity”.Compared to gothic fiction in England of 17thcentury, an obvious difference lies in that people’s inner fear is deeply rooted in their heart rather than out of external horrible things or environment which is often showed in England.Since the very beginning American gothic novel goes on a distinctive way.As it pays more attention to people’s inner and psychological beings after 1830s, in England it turns to be more realistic and socialized.
Washington Irving, the first American author who gains real fame in Europe, creates the scarifying Headless Horseman in The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.He is inspired by Sir Walter Scott and German gothic novels, and in turn his works encourage authors such as Edgar Allan Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne.
Edgar Allan Poe, a black-feathered literary master of the macabre, reinterprets the Gothic innovatively in his period.With the idea that“terror is not of Germany, but of the soul”, he goes deep into the inner self and searches the individual for himself.In his creepy short stories, such as The Tell-Tale Heart, The Fall of the House Usher, The Premature Burial and Black Cat, he explores the“terrors of the soul”and revisits classic gothic transition of decay, death and madness.The great contribution he has made to the development of gothic fiction is that he associates the exploration of moralities with soul searching.He places characters in certain surroundings he has created, exploits the power of terror to enter into their spiritual mind, and then reveals primitive instinct and basic needs and finally explores the conflict between good and evil from different aspects.
It is the same case with Nathaniel Hawthorne to uncover moral and spiritual conflicts in his works.Descended from Puritans, he appears to be more direct than Poe in reflecting and criticizing Puritanism.Moreover, his feelings about Puritanism are mixed as expressed in those works of gothic flavor, such as Young Goodman Brown, The Minister’s Black Veil, and The House of Seven Gables.As a Puritan, he reveals the evil which does exist universally in human beings.In addition, he also criticizes that humanities are destroyed by Puritanism.
At the end of the 19th century, Ambrose Bierce and Robert W.Chambers are two notable writers in the Gothic tradition.Bierce inherits the horrific and pessimistic tradition of Poe and Chambers indulges himself in decadent style of Wilde and Machen.
The 20th century sees a much more prosperous gothic fiction in America than in England.Writers of different schools, such as William Faulkner, John Hawkes, Thomas Pynchon, Toni Morrison, H.P.Lovecraft, Stephen King, Thomas Harris and Anne Rice all employ gothic tradition or create gothic fiction.A subgenre of the Gothic writing style, Southern Gothic comes into being combining some Gothic sensibilities with the setting and style of the Southern United States.Famous Southern writers include William Faulkner, Harper Lee, and Flannery O’Connor.Tennessee Williams described Southern Gothic as a style that captured"an intuition, of an underlying dreadfulness in modern experience."
One of the most influential writers of the 20thcentury, William Faulkner, focuses his works on his native state of Mississippi to uncover the decline and decay of the aristocratic South.His works, including A Rose for Emily, As I Lay Dying, Sanctuary, Light in August, Absalom, Absalom!and Intruder in the Dust all bears Southern Gothic tones.He ranks the most important one in Southern writers and deeply influences his followers such as Richard Wright, Carson Mc Cullers, Flannery O’Connor, Toni Morris and Anne Rice who further develop the distinctive Southern Gothic.
Besides Faulkner, Southern black writers find gothic style a strong tool to condemn and criticize slavery and racism.For example, Richard Wright’s Native Son, the first book of an AfricanAmerican writer to enjoy widespread success, sees the terrible result of racial inequality and social injustice by using gothic horror.Toni Morris, in her masterpiece Beloved, paints a dark and powerful portrait of the dehumanizing effects of slavery through ghost story, violent scenes and haunted houses.
Modern gothic writer Anne Rice chooses Vampire, the otherworldly beings rather than human to explore sexual and romantic desire and the spiritual world.Her Interview With The Vampire is the best selling vampire novel, in which she observes and expresses the modern world from the vampire’s perspective and then emphasizes that the modern world and the morally degraded people are more horrible than vampires.
Gothic novel is the roots from which modern horror fiction takes.What’s more, it holds a close relationship with science fiction to show people’s fear towards what they have created;it enters into other media as well such as the theatre, the films and the music.In recently years, with the widespread internet, the gothic tradition enjoys a broader stage to continue its exciting, thrilling, weird and grotesque stories.However, whatever the story it may be, the theme is always the same, that is to portrait the confrontation of good and evil and the exploration of morality with soul searching.It always reveals the evil which destroys humanities, threatens or degenerates human beings.Unfortunately, people have become used to it and often turn a blind eye, sometimes even take the evil for the good.Only by the shocking gothic novel can wake them up to be aware of the evil and danger around them.Where there is evil, there is gothic fiction.Its future can be seen not only in American literature, but also in all literatures.
摘要:哥特传统广泛地存在于英美文学中。该文首先探讨了英美文学中哥特小说的起源, 进而分析其在美国文学中发展壮大的原因, 而后梳理出美国文学中哥特式小说的代表作家及其代表作, 最后指出, 哥特小说致力于揭露人类如何去面对善恶以及深刻的道德探索。
[1]http://www.answers.com/topic/gothic fiction.
[2]金莉, 秦亚青.美国文学[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 1999.
[3]肖明翰.英美文学中的哥特传统[J].外国文学评论, 2001 (2) .
7.美国大学雷人的拒绝信 篇七