


1.三上外研版教案英语 篇一

Module 3 Unit1 She had eggs and sausages


1、知识目标:(1)识别本课中的单词:English , breakfast, lunch ,fish and chips, sandwich , traditional, dish。(2)听懂目标语句What did she have for lunch?口头运用She had sandwiches.这类语句回答有关询问。





单词的识读sandwich breakfast traditional



Step1 Good morning boys and girls T: What’s your favorite food? T: My favorite food is noodles.And you? 可以以图片提醒学生回答。

Step2 1.T: I had noodles this morning.What did you have for breakfast? S: I „.had T: 转述She had „..T: rice noodles dumplings are all Chinese food.Do you know any English food? 2.T:学生自由表达,老师出示相应图片。

3.T: We will learn Module 3 Unit 1She had eggs and sausages.学生齐读课题

Step3 1.T:玲玲从英国给大明发了一封电子邮件,(email)她向大明讲了英国的饮食习惯,现在我们就来听听玲玲都介绍了英国的哪些食物。2.Listen to the tape T: What food did Ling ling have in England? S:„..(根据学生的回答,呈现三幅食物挂图)eggs and sausages sandwiches fish and chips并领读。

3.T:Now let’s learn the new words

1).逐一呈现单词图文卡片识读 breakfast 师示范读,领读、生分别读.最后由慢到快连续读这个单词。

2).sandwich T:What’s this ? It’s a sandwich.师示范读,领读、生分别读T:What are these ?They are sanwiches.(两副数量不同的图片比较让学生分清名词单复数。)3)hamburger hamburgers 学习同sandwich sandwiches 4)Traditional Tra di tional 化多为少教。师示范读,领读、生分别读T:Spring festival is a traditional Chinese festival.Dumplings is a traditional Chinese food.fish and chips is a traditional English dinner.(图片再次利用)5)lunch。师师范读

6)Game(看口型猜单词)到前面五个同学,每人拿一个单词卡片,老师小声分别说这五个新单词,下面坐的同学和上来的五名同学要注意教师的口型大声说出和举起老师说的单词。比比谁反应快。Read the phrases.(卡片出示)4.Listen to the tape and follow it.Boys read Damming.girls read Fang fang Practice with your neighbor T: What did ling ling have for breakfast? S : She had..What did she have for lunch? S: „..What did she have for dinner? S: „..根椐学生的回答板书。


Use “sandwich, fish and chips, hamburger” to make sentences

Step4 1.Game“街头访问”具体做法:四人一组,选一名同学做记者,其余同学做被访者,记者分别问三个问题What did you have for breakfast? What did you have for lunch? What did you have for dinner? 被访者要以I„..做出相应的回答。教师做记者示范。Practice in the groups 2.Act it out 在每一组表演后,教师有所指向面向全体或其他不参与表演的同学提问:What did she have for lunch/breakfast /dinner? S:„..一轮以后,可以让学生发问。(既让学生有趣味中练习了本课的重点句型,使学生在情境中使用人称转换,激发学生注意倾听,又发散了学生的思维,让学生复习大量的有关食物的单词。)T:Do you like English food? S:„ Why? 引导学生说出They are delicious.T: What’s your favorite English food? 引导学生说出更多的英国食物 T:I like English food, but I like Chinese food best.Lots of English like Chinese food.Step5 Homework: 做一个健康饮食的小调查。

2.外研版小学四年级英语教案 篇二




而在情感目标方面则是让学生学会work together,即合作学习。




其一是现在分词的构成规律,尤其是以e 结尾的动词。其二,是现在进行时态的构成中,学生容易忽略be动词。在学习这一时态之初,让学生牢固掌握其结构,为以后的学习打下良好的基础。








首先,让学生欣赏一首英文歌Are you sleeping?这是一首与现在进行时有关的歌曲,让学生在优美的歌声中,带着愉悦的心情,进入到轻松的学习氛围中。


出示八幅图片,让学生观看图片,进而学习本课的生词,draw ,write, cry, laugh, make, talk, work。


1. Task1


同桌讨论每幅图片,教师先给出示范。What is she doing? She is drawing. 同时给学生简单讲一下现在进行时态的结构。


2. Task2


第一部分主要练习主语是第一人称和第二人称的现在进行时态。为了完成这个目标,在做完问答之后,我设计了一个三人小组游戏,一个人做动作,另两个人问:What are you doing? 答:I’m …。。;

然后,两个人一起做动作,一个人问:What are you doing? 答:We’re…。这样就对第一人称的单复数都进行了巩固练习。

第二部分主要练习主语是第三人称的现在进行时态。为了掌握好这一用法,我在学生做完问答之后也同样设计了一个游戏Act and Guess. ,以小组比赛的形式进行。每组派两名同学到讲台上表演,其中一人背对全体同学做动作,另一人问:What is she/he doing? 让其他同学猜测,最后选出表现出色的小组。




3. Task 3




总结和反馈检测这两个环节,通过对现在时态和现在分词的归纳和练习,突破了本课设定的难点:即现在分词的构成规律,尤其是以e 结尾的动词和现在进行时态的构成中,学生容易忽略be动词这两个难点。


3.三上外研版教案英语 篇三

(Passage 1)

1. Li Kang’s hometown is __________.

A. the capital city of China

B. not far from Shijiazhuang

C. the capital city of Hebei province

D. not far from Hebei province

2. In Li Kang’s Junior High school, _________.

A. the teachers were not friendly at all

B. the teacher’s method of teaching were boring

C. there were more students in his class

D. there was not so much technology in the classrooms

3. Li Kang thinks that __________.

A. Ms Shen’s teaching method is not good

B. Ms Shen is not so good as his previous teacher

C. he has a lot of fun in his English class

D. they should write much in the English class

4. Li Kong will _______ after he finishes the school diary.

A. go to school again

B. do his homework

C. go to bed

D. do reading practice

(Passage 2)

5. Rob Marshall wrote Li Kang to ________.

A. tell him something about American school system

B. say hello to him

C. talk about Chinese school system

D. ask him something about his new school

6. American primary school usually covers _______.

A. three years B. seven years C. four years D. six years

7. The American students need _________ if they want to go to college.

A. to work seven years in secondary school

B. a high school diploma

C. to work eleven years in secondary school

D. take all kinds of after-class activities

8. In the U.S. the new school year begins _________.

A. In September B. In December C. In May D. In January

4.外研版小学英语四年级教案 篇四

Look and say & Ask and answer


1.Basic aims:

a. Using verbs to describe actions. e.g. paint, read

b. Using interrogatives to ask ‘yes/no’ -questions to obtain simple responses. e.g. Can you swim?

c. Using modals to talk about ability. e.g. Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

2 .Developing aims:

a. Asking about ability.

b. Do a survey in class.

3.Education aims:

Talking about ability to establish friendly relations with your classmates.


pictures, word cards, cassette player,



1. Song

2. Responding to simple instructions e.g. Sing a song. Draw a circle. Pre-task


1. Revision Invite individual students to come

2.Presentation to the board and choose a Picture Card and mime whether they can do or can’t do a particular action.

The rest of the class say: He/She can/can’t… Invite individual students to stand up.

Point to the pictures and ask: Can you …?

And prompt them to use: Yes, I can. /No, I can’t. to answer your questions.

三、While-task procedure

(1) Introduce: paint

1. Introduce: paint by miming a painting action, and then stick the Word and Picture Cards on the board.

2. Read the word with action.

3. Ask individual students: Can you paint? to elicit: Yes, I can./No, I can’t,

4. Ask and answer in pairs.

(2)Introduce: read

1. Draw a picture on the board. Ask: What can she do? to elicit: She can read.

2. Read the word in different voices.

3. Ask individual students: Can you read? What can you read? to elicit: I can read English/a story.

(3) Listen and say

1. Play the cassette: Look and say. Students listen.

2. Play the cassette again. The students follow in their books and, in groups of four, practice the dialogue.

3. Invite individuals to read the dialogue to the class.

四、Post-task activities


1. Show a photo album. Tell students that it is your album. Encourage them to ask about your photograph using ‘Can you …?’ 2. Students work in pairs using the pictures in Ask and answer to find out what their partner can and cannot do.

3. Do a survey: Ask students to walk around the class and interview three to five classmates. Students are to find their classmates who can or cannot do a certain thing. Invite individual students to report back to the class.


1. Complete Workbook page two.

2. Write about your ability using ‘I can…’

上一篇:美在我身边 记叙文范文下一篇:语言表达训练题型三