1.潘基文世界水日致辞 篇一
Message on World Tourism Day
世界旅游日致辞 September 2014 2014年9月27日
This year’s observance of World Tourism Day focuses on theability of tourism to fully empower people.Engaging localpopulations in tourism development builds stronger and moreresilient communities.今年世界旅游日的庆祝活动重在突出可以利用旅游充分增强民众权能。让当地人口参与到旅游发展中来,就可以建立起更强健和更有复原力的社区。
Tourism helps people to develop a variety of skills.As a service sector with cross-cutting impact onagriculture, construction or handicrafts, tourism creates millions of jobs and business opportunities.Its capacity to lift people from poverty, promote gender empowerment and help protect theenvironment has made it a vital tool for achieving positive change in communities across the world.旅游帮助人们获得多种多样的技能。旅游作为服务业,对农业、建筑业或手工业产生贯穿各领域的影响;并能创造数百万职位和商业机会。旅游业能够帮助人们摆脱贫穷,促进有关方面增强妇女权能,并帮助保护环境,从而成为世界各社区实现积极变革的重要工具。
Harnessing tourism’s benefits will be critical to achieving the sustainable development goals andimplementing the post-2015 development agenda.利用旅游业的巨大惠益对于实现可持续发展目标和执行2015年后发展议程至关重要。
On World Tourism Day, I encourage the international tourism community to commit to sustainablepolicies and ensure that host communities worldwide share in the benefits generated by tourism.值此世界旅游日,我鼓励国际旅游界致力于落实可持续政策,并确保全世界的旅游社区分享旅游业产生的惠益。
2.潘基文世界水日致辞 篇二
我很高兴向所有参加第二届世界互联网大会乌镇峰会的嘉宾致以亲切的问候。我赞赏今年会议的主题:互联互通·共享共治,构建网络空间命运共同体。这一主题回应了整个国际社会关于共享互联网的呼吁。不到三个月以前,世界领导人通过了充满远见的2030年可持续发展目标议程,包括关于信息和通信技术以及互联网的一些具体发展目标。我感谢尊敬的 主席在9月份所宣布的一些具体的倡议,来推动2030年议程的实施,
我们现在面临的挑战是要实施这一蓝图,构建更加美好的未来,信息与通信技术和互联网可以为这一全球事业注入动力。我要向 和中国人民表示祝贺,祝贺他们在减贫事业当中所取得的成功,我也欢迎中国继续同发展中国家分享它的经验和知识。
3.潘基文世界水日致辞 篇三
The tradition of an Olympic Trucebegan in ancient times to allow safe passage for athletes travelling to the Games.This resulted in
anwhere the true spirit of the Olympic Games was on :among nations, feats of
Today, sports and events such as the Olympic and Paralympic Games break down barriers by bringing together people from all around the world and all walks of life.The participants may carry the flags of many nations, but they come together under the sharedof equality and fair play, understanding and mutual respect.今天,体育赛事,如奥运会和残奥会,打破障碍,让世界各地和各行各业的人们聚会一堂。参赛者举着许多国家的国旗,但他们走到一起,高举平等和公平竞争、理解和相互尊重的大旗。
We give meaning to these values through the Olympic , the call for warring parties everywhere to lay down their weapons during the Games.These pauses in fighting save lives.They help humanitarian workers reach people in need.And they open diplomaticspace to negotiate solutions.通过奥林匹克休战,我们赋予这些价值以意义,呼吁各地交战各方在奥运会期间放下武器。战事暂停,能拯救生命,也有助于让人道主义工作人员帮助有需求的人,并为开展谈判,找到持久解决办法打开外交空间。
4.潘基文世界水日致辞 篇四
Secretary-General’s Message on International Day of Happiness 秘书长关于国际幸福日的报告
双语托福阅读段一 The twin concepts of happiness and well-being increasingly feature in international discussions of sustainable development and the future we want.如今,国际上在讨论可持续发展以及我们希望的未来话题时,日益频繁地谈及幸福和福祉这一对相辅相成的概念。
Many countries are going beyond the rhetoric of quality of life to incorporate practical measures to promote these concepts in their legislation and policy-making.These good practices can inspire other countries so that measuring and accounting for broader well-being, and not simply national income, becomes a universal practice.许多国家已不再停留于空谈生活质量,而是开始采取切实可行的措施,在立法和政策制定过程中推行这两个概念。这些好的做法可激励其他国家行动起来,从而使衡量和计算广义的福祉(不仅仅是国民收入)成为全世界普遍的做法。
Happiness may have different meanings for different people.But we can all agree that it means working to end conflict, poverty and other unfortunate conditions in which so many of our fellow human beings live.幸福的含义可能因人而异。但我们可达成这样一个共识:幸福意味着努力结束冲突、贫穷和其他不幸的境况。而我们人类有许许多多的同胞正生活在这种种不幸的境况之中。
Happiness is neither a frivolity nor a luxury.It is a deep-seated yearning shared by all members of the human family.It should be denied to no-one and available to all.This aspiration is implicitin the pledge of the United Nations Charter to promote peace, justice, human rights, social progress and improved standards of life.幸福既非无聊琐事,也非奢侈之求,而是人类大家庭每一成员都抱有的一种深深向往。不应剥夺任何人追求幸福的权利,而应向所有的人开启幸福之门。这一愿望包含在《联合国宪章》关于促进和平、正义、人权、社会进步及改善民生的承诺之中。
Now is the time to convert this promise into concrete international and national action to eradicate poverty, promote social inclusion and inter-cultural harmony, ensure decent livelihoods, protect the environment and build institutions for good governance.These are the foundations for human happiness and well-being.现在,应将这一承诺化为消除贫穷、促进社会包容和文化间和谐、确保体面生计、保护环境以及建设善治机构的具体国际和国家行动。这些方面正是人类幸福和福祉的基石。
5.潘基文世界水日致辞 篇五
New York, 5 December 2010
On International Volunteer Day, we recognize millions of people around the world who give their time and talent to tackle global challenges: from volunteers working in their own communities on climate change adaptation and poverty reduction to those supporting global causes of peace, justice and the Millennium Development Goals.值此国际志愿人员日,我们表彰全世界数百万将自己的时间和才干用于解决各种全球挑战的人们:即那些在自己的社区从事适应气候变化和减少贫穷工作的志愿人员乃至那些支持和平、正义和千年发展目标等全球事业的人们。
Forty years ago, the United Nations General Assembly called for the establishment of the United Nations Volunteers(UNV)programme.Since then, tens of thousands of UNV volunteers have contributed to our global mission, working with many UN organizations, programmes and agencies as well as peacekeeping and special political missions.I commend the engagement of these committed volunteers.四十年前,联合国大会呼吁建立联合国志愿人员方案(志愿人员方案)。自那时起,志愿人员方案的几万名志愿人员与许多联合国组织、方案和机构以及维持和平特派团和政治特派团共同工作,推动实现我们的全球使命。我赞扬这些志愿人员的全身心投入。
I also welcome the strong growth in more recent years of online volunteering, which connects people--professionals, students, homemakers and people with disabilities around the globe--and provides them with opportunities to contribute to development and the work of the United Nations.Still relatively new, online volunteering has great potential and I encourage all partners to explore what more can be done to harness the power of the Internet in this way.我还欢迎近几年在线志愿服务的强劲增长,在线志愿服务将人们——世界各地的专业人员、学生、家庭主妇和残疾人——联系起来,为他们提供了推动发展和促进联合国工作的机会。在线志愿服务相对而言仍是新生事物,具有巨大的潜力,我鼓励所有伙伴探索在这方面还可以做哪些工作来发挥因特网的力量。
This Day also celebrates the involvement of many other volunteers working with governments, NGOs, civil society and in their own communities to improve the lives of people around them.国际志愿人员日还颂扬那些与各国政府、非政府组织、公民社会合作并在自己的社区工作的许多其他志愿人员参与改善周围人们的生活。
6.写给潘基文先生的一封信 篇六
7.联合国秘书长潘基文贺信 篇七
8.潘基文世界水日致辞 篇八
9.潘基文世界水日致辞 篇九
The word „mother‟ holds great power.It evokes memories of the women who gave us life, nurtured us as infants and helped mould us into who we are today.The Earth is the ultimate mother – an astounding planet that has, since time immemorial, supported life in myriad forms.As humans, we outgrow the need for constant maternal care.But we can never outgrow our reliance on Mother Earth.As long as we live, we need air, water, fertile soil and the countless other gifts this planet bestows.“母亲”一词蕴含着巨大的力量。它使我们联想到妇女,她们赋予我们生命,把我们从婴儿养育成人,并帮助塑造我们的人格。地球是终极的母亲,这个神奇的星球自远古以来就一直承载着万物。生而为人,我们长大以后就不再需要母亲的持续呵护,却永远不能摆脱对地球母亲的依赖。只要活着,我们就需要空气、水、肥沃的土壤以及这个星球赐予我们的万物。
This dependence makes it all the more astonishing that we have allowed rapid and often unwise human development to disrupt so many of the delicate systems that have functioned harmoniously for millennia.We are increasingly aware of the damage our species has wrought – the pollution, the dwindling resources, the species of flora and fauna forever gone, the rush towards tipping points that may alter the way our planet functions.Even with this knowledge, we have yet to change our ways.我们如此依赖,却又允许开展快速、并且经常不明智的人类开发活动,破坏这么多已经和谐运行了几千年的微妙系统,岂不更加令人吃惊?我们日益意识到我们这个物种已经造成的损害:污染、资源日益减少、永远消失的动植物物种,并且我们正在急速走向可能会改变我们这个星球运行方式的临界点。我们即便已经认识到这一点,却还没有改变我们的行为方式。
But we can change, and 2015 brings a critical opportunity to do just that.This year, the world aims to finalize the post-2015 sustainable development agenda and reach a new and meaningful universal climate change agreement.These processes have the potential to redefine our future for the better, by eradicating extreme poverty in all its forms and resetting our relationship with this planet and every living being it sustains.但我们是可以改变的,2015年就是实现改变的一个关键机会。今年,全世界的目标是最后敲定2015年后可持续发展议程,并达成一个新的、有意义的普遍性气候变化协议。这些进程有可能通过消除各种形式的极端贫困,调整我们与这个星球及其维系的每一个生命的关系,从而重塑我们的未来,使之向更好的方向发展。But the big decisions that lie ahead are not just for world leaders and policy-makers.Today, on Mother Earth Day, I ask each one of us to be mindful of the impacts our choices have on this planet, and what those impacts will mean for future generations.Not everyone is able to make sustainable choices, but for those who can, simple decisions such as switching to energy-efficient lighting or buying only what you will consume – when accumulated across billions of people – can transform our world.The power to change begins with you.但摆在面前的重大决定不仅要由世界各国的领导人和决策者做出。在今天的地球母亲日上,我要求我们每一个人都要注意到我们的选择对这个星球的影响,以及这些影响对子孙后代将意味着什么。不是每个人都能够做出可持续的选择,但对于那些能够做出这类选择的人而言,可以做出采用节能照明以及用多少就买多少等简单决定,数十亿人做出的这类决定累积起来,就足以改变我们的世界。改变产生的力量从你我开始。