


1.大学英语精读第三版 篇一

Answers to listening and speaking BookII Unit 1 Part A Exercise 1 1.398-4071 2.278-9536 3.1390-1910-466 4.415-566-1268 5.5-078-2489 6.6102-9517-2880 7.210-699-4982 8.6-592-7649 Exercises 2 Is that you/ Can I leave a message/ call me back/ 860-2505/give her the message when she returns home.Part B conversation 1 Exercise 1 1 father&daughter 2.they are talking about the pictures Gloria left for him 3.Riding a motorcycle 4.He thinks John looks a little strange because John wears a pony tail.5.she says he is old-fashioned.Exercise 2 1.in a restaurant/ Dining/ 2.on a motorcycle/ learning to ride a motorcycle 3.in Angela’s office/ doing some part-time work for Angela’s magazine/ with John, her friend Conversatin 2 Exercise 1 1.who dialed the wrong number?(a)2.what is the most probable relationship between the man and the woman?(b)3.what is true about the woman?(a)Exercise 2 1.First State Bank 2.her leg 3.848-3952 4.Mrs Tailor/ his bank 5.having dialed the wrong number Part D 1.what as Mrs Bates calling for?(a)2.who made a mistake?(d)3.what cn you learn from the conversation?(c)Unit 2 Part A Exercise 1 1.Tom 2.she has dialed the wrong number 3.321-9645 4.Monica 5.Mrs Jones’ sister Exercise 2 1.message: 1.Nancy Davis 2.914-6520 3.Call Nancy back 2.message: 1.peter 2.614-5533 3.Meet Peter at 12 at the Foreign Language Bookstore Part B conversation 1 Exercise 1 1.why is Pat calling Anna?(c)2.what is the reason why Jack does not accept Pat’s invitation to tea?(c)3.What bis true about Pat?(d)Exercise 2 1.be out 2.Jack/ Tom 3.leave Anna a message 4.164,Rose Avenue Conversatin 2 Exercise 1 1.c 2.b 3.c Exercise 2 1.advice 2.find Brown somewhere suitable to live/ an estate agent 3.meet and talk to each other at her office 4.ten-minute walk Part D 1.what’s the relationship between the two speak?(d)2.Why couldn’t Vicki see Randy last night?(c)3.Which of the following is true of Vicki?(d)Unit 3 part A Exercise 1 1.N 2 N 3.P 4.N 5.P 6.P 7 N 8 N Exercise 2 1.It might be a good idea to travel by air.2.Why don’t you go to professor Stone for advice? 3.You’d better take his advice and eat an apple a day.4.Have you thought about looking for a better job? 5.If I were you I’d go through the paper again.6.Shouldn’t you spend more time in listening and speaking? Part B conversation 1 Exercise 1 1.b 2.a 3.a Exercise 2 1.Traveling a lot./ working very hard;unsafe nowadays;2.an interpreter/ able for her to use her language ability;traveling to international meetings/ 3.an international business person/ not mentioned/ having a lot to do with money, which she doesn’t like to think about.conversation 2 Exercise 1 1.she has been tired of doing the same old things day after day at home since she moved from Chicago.2.Back in Chicago she worked part time and went swimming every day but now she just cooks and cleans the house.3.Judy should go out of the house and find a job.Exercise 2 1.skating and running these days.2.sports/ popular 3.sporting goods store 4.make money 5.for herself.Part D Exercise 1.She can’t decide whether to go to unversity or get a job 2.To study economics at universiry.3.1)She thinks she will have no time for fun with too much reading and writing.2)She doesn’t like to ask her parents for pocket money at her age.Unit 4 Part A Exercise 1 1.Take some aspirin 2.Have his eyes tested 3.go to the health center and see a doctor 4.Economics 5.Just lie down for a while.Part B Conversation 1 Exercise1 1.What seems to be Peter’s trouble?(c)2.Why does Peter has little chance to talk to English people?(a)3.What can you lean from the conversation?(b)Exercise 2 1.go out more/ go to pubs/ take a class/ speak first 2.the weather/sports/ footbal,/swimming,/ tennis/ traveling and sightseeing Conversation 2 Exercise1 1.what does Simon’s mother think of his present job?(c)2.what is true about Simon?(d)3.what can you infer fron the conversation?(d)Exercise 2 1.Gardening 2.Good pay 3.plenty of fresh air 4.Not suitable for a university graduate 5.Boring 6.The idea 7.appeals to ne 8.a lot of study, and then woring all sorts of hours.Part D Exercise 1.Take a bus tour 2.Visit the science museum 3.Go to the zoo 4.Visit th national art gallary 5.Try some of the lacal restaurants.Unit 5 Part A Exercises 1 1.d 2.b 3.b 4.d 5.c exercise 2 1.lovely 2.perfect 3.sunny 4.warm 5.clear 6.birds 7.music 8.we’re together 9.rain or shine 10.nothing wrong 11.we’re all feeling all right Part B passage exercise 1 1.what is the weatherman from Channel 62 doing?(b)2.what can you infer from the weathe report?(d)Exercise 2 1.strong winds 2.heavy snow 3.cold and dry, cloudy in the afternoon 4.clear/some rain 5.warm and sunny/ A 40% chance of rain/ Rain and thunderstorms in the evening 6.29/ 15-20/cloudy/ NE/5-10/cloudy/ Isolated thunderstorms/ near 30*/ around 20*/ chance of rain, 30% Conversation Exercise1 1.what seemed to be Mary’s problem?(c)2.What did John suggest that Mary do with her cell phone?(d)3.what can you infer from the conversation?(a)Exercise2 1.clear ,sunny and pleasant/ 80*/cloudy/ 5-10 2.Warm/humid/High of 85*, low near 70*/SSW building up to 20-25/ thunderstorms/ rain, 50% Part D Exercise 1.What did the two speakers plan to do?(c)2.what does the forecast mainlay tell us?(b)3.What can we learn from the conversation?(d)Unit 6 Part A Exercise 1 1.windy 2.warm 3.wet 4.68* 5.82* 6.scattered showers in the afternoon 7.12*C 8.snowy 9.freezing 10.15*F Exercises 2 1.pleasant/ clear/ sunny 2.cloudy/ going to snow/ sunny/ cold Part B Passage Exercise 1 1.What is the main idea of the passage/(a)2.what can you learn from the weather report?(d)3.what can you conclde from the weather report?(b)Exercise 2 Tommorrow morning 1.dry/ sunshine 2.fog/cloudy/light winds/ cooler 3.dull/ cloudy/ heavy showers/ 16* By the evening 1.rain 2.thunderstorms/ 26-27* 3.brighter/ fresher/ dry/windy/about 19* conversation Exercise 1 1.what is the man’s biggest worry?(b)2.what is the weather like when the man and the woman talking to one another?(a)3.what does the woman suggest that the man do?(d)4.what can you infer from the conversation?(c)Exercise 2 1.foggy/ clear and fine/ 12* 2.overcast/ slight chance of rain/ 6* Part D Exercise(Today:)sunny/ warmer/ clear/ 72*(Tomorrow:)warm and humid/ 86*(Wed:)cooler weather / around 80/ in the upper 60s(Friday:)71* Unit 7 Part A Exercises 1 1)Mar.31st 2)by plane 3)May 22nd 4)by train 5)last Friday 6)by ship 7)at the end of June 8)by plane 9)next weekend 10)by car Part B A conversation Exercise 1 1.c 2.b 3.b Exercise 2 1.√2.×3.×4.√5.√ A story Exercise 1 1.How did Mr and Mrs Williams spend their summer holidays in the past?(a)2.Which of the following can be inferred from the conversation?(c)3.what is true about hotel where Mr and Mrs Williams stayed in Rome?(b)Exercise 2 1 F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.T 6.F Part D 1)Julia 2)Mark 3)32 4)Alderley 5)Vienna 6)14 Unit 8 Part A Exercise 1 1)It rained every day 2)fantastic 3)Tokyo 4)disappointing 5)It was very crowded 6)the beach 7)a lot of fun 8)He swam every day 9)awful 10)The snow was not thivk enought Exercise 2 1.He just stayed home and did gardening 2.in the country 3.she broke her leg 4.The shops were excellent and the people were great.5.he said he had a good time.Part B A conversation Exercise 1 1.d 2.a 3.b Exercise 2 1.√2.× 3.×4√.5.×6.√ A story Exercise 1 1.b 2.d.3.c Exercise 2 1.Swiss tourist 2.bottle/ remote beach/55 3.refugee 4.1942/sister 5.flee from the Nazis 6.1943 7.if the war was over 8.peace and friendship 9.home 10.seeing their families Part D 1.set 2.check 3.pack 4.journey 5.arrive 6.properly 7.lock 8.I manage to put these worries out of my mind 9.I began to worry about what would happen if the hotel in which we were staying caught fire 10.I impressed upon my wife the need to be prepared and the necessity of keeping a cool head.Unit 9 Part B Exercise 1 1.b 2.a 3.c 4.d Exercise 2 Conversation 2 Exercise 1 1.b 2.c 3.d Exercise 2 Part D 1.500 dollars 2.25 dollars 3.he pretended that it was his second visit to the doctor and pid 25 dollars 4.he looked at the businessman carefully, smiled and put the mney into the drawer of his desk 5.the docter said that there was no need to examine him again sk him to continue taking the medicine he prescribed for the businessman when he came to him last time.6.he was clever at dealing with dishonest people.Unit 10 Part A Exercise 1 1P 2D 3P 4 D 5P 6D 7D 8D 9P 10D Exercise 2 1, a terrible pain 2, stomache 3, a temperature 4, hot 5, a fever 6,an awful headache 7, my throat hurts 8, the flu 9, stay in bed for a couple of days 10, three times a day after meal Part B Conversation 1 Exercise 1 1.a 2.b 3.c Exercise 2 a.smoke any cigarettes/ dangerous to your health b.drink too much alcohol/ not good for your health c.fruit juice and water/ stress d.more fish and fresh vegetables/ red meat e.worry/ affect your health f.work too hard/ easy conversation 2 Exercise 1 1.a 2.b 3.d 4.b Exercise 2 1.a.ill b.tired c.appetite d.get to sleep/ wake up early e.worried a lot 2.a.medicine/ advice b.work c.your work d.regular exercise e.easier job/ less money part D sleep/ 2 months/ had headaches/family/ getting along pretty well/10 to 11/ consider a job change/ it would be hard for him to find a new job at his age/ slow down/ he would kill himself.Unit 11 Part A Exercise 1 1)Wednesday 2)Jan.2nd 3)Nov.18th 4)2 p.m 5)Saturday 6)Aug.28th 7)11 a.m 8)Dec.5th 9)July 20th 10)4o’clock Exercise 2 Housewarming/ May 23rd/ 7 p.m/ No.30, 41st/ Linda, Laura, Sally and her brother Part B Exercise 1 1.b 2.c 3.c Exercise 2 1.Kate/ flowers 2.Kate/ dinning room 3.help themselves/ vegetable salad, pptato chips, nuts 4.dancing 5.takes the guests’ coats/ greeting 6.Jack’s birthday party A story Exercise 1 1.c 2.a.3.d.4.d Exercise 2 1.big Christmas party 2.coming and going/ continued 3.led to the bar for a drink 4.the host or the hostess/ any of the guests 5.in front of their house 6.was waiting in their car part D 1.c 2.c.3.a Unit 12 Part A Exercise 1 1.a 2.d 3.b 4.c 5.b Exercise 2 1.What did Helen say about the pary?(it was a lot of fun)2.Why didn’t Helen see Bill at the Party?(because he wasn’t invited)Part B Conversation 1 Exercise 1 1.d 2.a 3.b Exercise 2 1.big enough but not too big;2.soft lighting 3.lots of drink 4.enough food/ with fingers 5.dance music/ too loud 6.right people/ right mix of men and women conversation 2 Exercise 1 1.b 2.b 3.c 4.d Exercise 2 1.1)grew up in Portland 2)art student 3)graduates 4)a couple of his paintings/ next week 5)his graduation exhibition 2.1)in Switzerland 2)grew up 3)art teacher at Grant High School 4)visit Tony’s graduation exhibition next Monday.Part D 1)celebrate 2)25th 3)clinic 4)late 5)devised 6)million 7)Joined 8)The guest of honor, thanked all those present 9)I don’t do many interviews these days.10)apart from special events like this party, my life is pretty normal.Unit 13 Part A Exercises 1 1)tonight 2)Friday night 3)A 4)Watch a basketball match 5)Tomorrow 6)A 7)Right now 8)D 9)Have some coffee together 10)After class 11)Go for a picnic 12)D 13)Go bowling 14)This weekend 15)A Exercise 2 1)a general expression for an appointment with somebody 2)when a man ask a giel out for a movie, a dinner, or a dance, 3)it is no longer unusual for a woman to ask a man out for a date 4)dates are easily made by phone calls 5)the language used is oftn casual and informal Part B Conversation 1 Exercise 1 1.boring, like a airhead/looked at him/said nothing 2.self-centered and aggressive/talked a lot about himself 3.cautious/ felt nervous 4.Both felt a bit nervous on their first date.Exercise 2 1.b 2.d 3.c conversation 2 Exercise1 1.About 14 or 15 2.pretty open 3.they go to the movies, go to the beach and hang around together 4.Either.The boy or the girl may pay.Exercise 2 1.b 2.a 3.b 4.c Part D Exercise 1)Their wedding day 2)a 7-week competition 3)”Two strangers and a Wedding” 4)a 240year-old young man 5)single 6)offer themselves as his bride 7)only one direct contact 8)proposed over the phone 9)Lisa said “yes” 10)shocked 11)they were doing the right thing.Unit 14 Part A Exercise1 1.a 2.d 3.c 4.b 5.b Part B Conversation 1 Exercise 1 1.They planned to meet a year ago in Denver.2.No.She paid just half the cost,Tom paid the other half.3.She flew from Ireland to Denver/travelled by air.4.Tom looked exactly like his photograph.Exercise 2 1.d 2.c 3.c 4.d conversation2 Exercise 1 1.her term paper 2.a show at the Grand Theater 3.clean up the apartment 4.in her favorite restaurant 5.gathering at her apartment 6.her father out for dinner 7.a basketball championship at school 8.staying home 9.a concert Exercise 2 1.b 2.a 3.c 4.a Part D Exercise 1.c 2.d 3.a 4.b Unit 15 Part A 1.c 2.c Part B Passage 1 Exercise 1 1,3,5,7 Exercise 2 1.a 2.b 3.d 4.c Passage 2 Exercise 1 1,3,4,6,8 Exercise 2 1.b 2.d 3.a 4.c part D Exercise 1.a 2.d 3.a Unit 16 Part A Exercise 1 1.c 2.c Exercise 2 1)Westerners 2)Traditional 3)Fixes 4)Prepares 5)Decorate 6)Household 7)Share 8)Roles are more equal 9)Men spend less than one hour doing these jobs, Men also spend only about seven minutes a day taking care of kids 10)Maybe lifestyles are changing bur for many women the change is not fast enough.Part B Conversation 1 Exercise 1 1)29 2)Receptionist in a lrge office 3)to Spain 4)to Italy 5)to have a fashion boutique of her own ten years from now.6)work hard, play hard.Exercise2 1.c 2.c 3.a Conversation 2 Exercise 1 1,2,4,6,7,8 Exercise 2 1.b 2.d 3.c Part D Exercise 1.a regular early morning exercise a small brakfast with someone who is also on a diet take your time,/ evening 2.high in caories tempted to overeat listen to the radio, watch TV/ read cooking programs Test 1 Part A 1.b 2.c 3.a 4.d 5.c 6.d 7.c 8.d 9.d 10.d Part B 1)a little lake in the mountains 2)beautiful and sunny at first but it began to rain later in the afternoon.3)Had a swim 4)Had a picnic 5)Lay in the sun Part C 1)It’s 7:30 now 2)The weatherman is giving the weather forecast for the weekend 3)The temperature is going to be in the lower thirties.4)Saturday afternoon and Sunday are going to be clear, cold and sunny 5)They are going to have a wonderful weekend in the mountains.Part D 1.d 2.a 3.b 4.d 5.d Test2 Part A 1.b 2.d 3.b 4.a 5.c 6.b 7.a 8.b 9.d 10.a Part B Conversation 1 1.by plane 2.a leather wallet 3.a folding toothbrush onversation 2 1.Wednesday evening 2.See a new film at the Cith Theater.Part C 1)They come for a better jobs and better education 2)People enjoy living in a big city where life is convenient.3)above all, a good health care system 4)The biggest problem is the ever increasing population 5)Noise and pollution, mostly from factories and cars, are another two serious problems.Part D 1.d 2.c 3.b 4.b 5.d

2.大学英语精读第三版 篇二



1. 教学时间、教学内容有限。


2. 教学方法单一,课堂互动少,学生学习兴趣不高。


3. 学生自主学习能力弱。






1. 有效延长教学时间,提高学习效率。前文中提到听说课的课时少是一个限制教学效果的重要因素。作为大学教师,在无法自主改变教学大纲和教学计划的情况下,通过翻转课堂中课前学习的方式,有效地节省除了课堂的教学时间,可以将其用于学生无法独立完成、需要教师指导的教学任务,或者根据班级情况,增加课本外的内容,切实做到因材施教,有效提高学生听说能力。

2. 教学形式多样,课堂互动增强,有助于提高学生的学习兴趣和自信。


3. 培养学生自主学习能力。




该教材每个单元一个主题,内容丰富,仅仅通过课堂教学根本无法满足。第一单元的教学目标有四个:(1)talk about learning experiences,(2)listen for signal words for listing,(3)give and respond to advice,(4)talk about learning/teaching methods。

教师在课前准备包括以下内容的导学视频:教师简单阐述本单元4个教学目标,插入乔布斯斯坦福大学演讲片段并向学生提出三个关于教学目标(1)learning experiences的思考题、TED演讲:如何高效学习(片段)提出三个关于教学目标(4)learning methods的思考题,最后介绍教学目标(3)give and respond to advice的相关表达方式。针对基础较好,学习能力较强的班级还可以布置课文中的五个短对话的练习并朗读对话文本。












3.大学英语第三版第四册课文翻译 篇三

The Doctrine of the Mean is the core ofConfucianism. The so-called “mean” by Confuciusdoesn’t mean “compromise” but a “moderate”and “just-right” way when understanding andhandling objective things. Confucius advocatedthat this thought should not only be treated as away to understand and deal with things but alsobe integrated into one’s daily conduct to makeit a virtue through self-cultivation and training.

The Doctrine of the Mean is not only the core ofConfucianism but also an important componentof traditional Chinese culture. From the time itcame into being to the present, it has played aninvaluable role in the construction of nationalspirit, the transmission of national wisdom, and the development of national culture.


4.大学英语精读第三版 篇四






1.听力理解能力:能听懂英语授课,能听懂日常英语谈话和一般性题材的讲座,能听懂语速较慢(每分钟130 ~150词)的英语广播和电视节目,能掌握其中心大意,抓住要点。能运用基本的听力技巧。

















本课程的考核采取两种形式: 过程性考核和终结性考核。

5.大学英语精读第三版 篇五


1.1 World of work 工作领域

businessn.工商企业;商行;商业 technique n.技巧,技能 cross-cultural adj.跨文化的 presentation n.口头报告,陈述,叙述

public speaking 演说,演讲 consultant n.顾问 consultancy n.咨询公司 run vt.开办(课程/ 讲习班)one-to-one一对一的 accredited adj.公认的motivational adj.激发积极性的,client n.客户

entertaining adj.有趣的,使人愉快的,professionaladj.专业的,职业的 involve vt.包含、需要、使成为必要部分

responsibility n.责任,所负责的事情 be responsible for sb./ sth.对某人/某事负责

title n.头衔,职称 sample n.样品 试用产品 account n.账目,账户

correspondence n.(来往的)信件 badge n.徽章

identify vt.发现,确定 workshop n.研讨会,讲习班 catering service 餐饮服务

MD managing director 的缩写,总经理,执行董事

gadget n.小巧的器械,小玩意儿 interior adj.车内产品,内部装饰 memo n.备忘录,便条,便笺 electrical appliances 电器,(家用)电器

ship vt.运送

power point 电子版幻灯片 bonus n.奖金 catalogue n.产品目录 positive adj.积极乐观的 presence n.仪态,风度,风采 diary n.记事簿

Athens n.雅典(希腊首都)Do you like your job? Do you often travel abroad ? How are you?…Not too bad, thanks.I work for a company that… I work as…

What does your job involve ? My jobinvolves doing… What do you do ? I deal withWho is your MD? I am based in ….1.2 Personal and professional details个

人和职业详细情况 division n.分理处,部门 profile n.传略;人物简介;概况 questionnaire n.问卷,调查表 interview n.采访;面试 musical instrument乐器 destination n.目的地

follow-up questions 后续问题,补充问题 swap vt.交换

electronics n.电子学;电子器件 varied adj.多变化的,各不相同的 confectionary adj.糖果的,有关甜食制造的allocate vt.分配,分派 candidate n.候选人

criterion n.标准,准则pl.(复数)criteria

Inc.adj.Incorporated 的缩写,股份有限的supervisevt.主管,监管,管理 coordinatevt.使协调 scuba diving 水肺潜水 marathon n.马拉松赛跑 finance assistant财务助理 auditvt.审计

master’s degree 硕士学位 judo n.柔道

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 慢性疲劳综合症

ambitious adj.雄心勃勃的 journalism n.新闻学,新闻业/ 4

breed vt.饲养 terrier n.小猎狗chewing gum 口香糖 gallery n.画廊,美术馆 format n.形式,格式

SARS--Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome 严重急性呼吸道综合征,俗称非典型肺炎,简称非典 efficiency n.效率 profit n.利润 mentor n.良师益友

make contribution to 为……做贡献 personal problem 个人(私人)问题 set an example to 树立榜样 be based in 在……总部 raise money 募捐

Master’s degree in business administration: MBA工商硕士 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 慢性疲劳综合症

be in charge of 负责 best-selling 畅销

think of a new idea 想出新点子

2.1 Work in progress 工程进展

Be in progress在进行中,在运行中

project n.项目,工程 Garden vi.& vt.种植或修整花园,从事园艺工作

Update vt.更新 Construction n.建筑,建筑物 Apart from除了……之外 Minor adj.较小的,次要的 Proceed vi.进行,继续下去 panorama n.全景,全景画 management team 管理团队 take shape 成形

ahead of schedule 提前于预订计划 financial report 财务报告 temp n.临时雇员

help out 帮助(某人)解决困难 give a presentation of对……做陈述 launch vt.开始,开办,推出;发射 photocopy vt.& n.影印,复印 branch n.分部,分店,分公司 projector manager 项目经理

subcontractor n.转包商 period of transition 过渡期 permanent job 永久性工作 temporary employment agency 临时就业中介机构 try out 测试,试用 take maternity leave 休产假 option n.选择,可选择的办法 career field 职业领域 existing skills 现有的技能 supervisor n.主管,监督人 temorary job 临时工作 ask for a pay rise 要求涨工资 meet one’s target 完成指标,完成定额

sack vt.解雇

administration work 行政管理工作 Brazil 巴西

Lisbon 里斯本(葡萄牙首都)Belem 贝伦(巴西东北部港口城市)Fortaleza 福塔雷萨(巴西东北部港口城市)

Valencia 巴伦西亚(西班牙港口城市)


2.2 Making arrangements 日程安排

make arrangements 做安排,做准备 plant n.工厂,车间 vt.种植 take time off 抽出时间,休假,休息 finance director 财务经理 confirm vt.确认,确定 reception n.接待,接待处 trade fair 交易会,展销会 present vt.介绍,引见;出席 potential client 潜在客户 quality inspector 质检人员 job applicant 求职者 festival n.节日

self-employed adj.个体的,自己经营的accept an invitation 接受邀请 special reception 特别招待会 anniversary n.周年纪念日 venue n.会场,会议地点 attendance n.出席,出席人数

Prague 布拉格(捷克斯洛伐克首都)Morpeth 莫派斯(位于英国诺森伯兰郡)

Helsinki 赫尔辛基(芬兰首都)Buenos Aires 布宜诺斯艾利斯(阿根廷首都)

Toronto 多伦多(加拿大主要城市)Sydney 悉尼(澳大利亚东南部港口城市,新南威尔士州首府)

3.1 Company biography 公司简介

biography n.形成、成长和衰亡的记载;传记

fast food restaurant 快餐店 transform vt.转换、改变、改造 global business 跨国企业

original adj.最初的,原始的,起源的franchise n.& vt.特许经销权,给……以特许

feature n.& vt.是……的特色,以……为特色 French fries 炸薯条 softdrink n.软饮料;汽水 milkshake n.奶昔 purchase vt.买,购买

multimixer n.多用混合器(机)exclusive distributor 独家批发商(代理商)

open vi.& vt.开设,开办,开张 expand vi.& vt.扩大,扩张corporation n.公司 cosmetic n.化妆品

inspire vt.激发,启示,使生灵感 philosophy n.哲学 revolutionary adj.革命的 raw material 原材料 supplier n.供应者,厂商 ethical adj.伦理的;道德的 travel agency 旅行社

contract n.& vt.订合同,合同、契约 take delivery of收货,提取货物 merge vi.& vt.合并 fleet 舰队

budget airline 低价航空公司 go public 上市,公开发售股票 business partner 生意伙伴,商业伙伴/ 4

entrepreneurialadj.企业家的 freelancer n.自由职业者;自由撰稿人

dot.com millinonaire 网络百万富翁 celebrity n.名人 entrepreneur n.企业家

Kuwait City 科威特城(科威特首都)San Bernardino 圣贝纳迪诺(美国加利福尼亚州东南部的一个县)Illinois 伊利诺斯州(美国中北部州)

3.2 Company performance 公司业绩

performance n.业绩,成绩;性能 distribute vt.配送,分发,分送 record profit 历史最高利润 vegetarian n.素食者,素食的 organic adj.使用有机肥料的 ingredient n.配料,成分 nutritious adj.有营养的 improve one’s image 改善形象 banquet n.宴会

manufacturer n.制造业者,厂商 guarantee vt.& n.保证,担保,担保人

symbol n.象征,符号,记号 innovative adj.创新的,革新的 sport utility vehicle 运动型多用途车 component n.成分 optical instrument 光学仪器 validationn.(可靠性)检测 certify vt.证明,保证 application n.应用,运用

assurance n.保证,担保,确信,断言

founder n.创始人,奠基人 turnover n.营业额 dramatically adv.戏剧地 advertise vt.做广告,登广告 annual report 年终报告,年终终结 share price 股票价格

proactive adj.积极的,主动的 dedicatedadj.专注的,献身的 uniqueadj.唯一的,独特的 accessn.接近(进入)的机会,接近(进入)的权利;入口 consolidatevt.巩固 brochuren.小册子

in this respect 在这个方面,在这个细节


4.1 International business 国际商务

importn.vi.& vt.进口 exportn.vi.& vt.出口 competitor n.竞争对手 wholesalern.批发商 warehousen.仓库 audio product 音响产品 ban n.& vt.禁令

fashion industry crisis 服装行业危机 commissioner n.委员 spokeswomann.女发言人 huge losses 巨大损失 resignn.vi.& vt.辞职 garment n.服装(成衣)clothing blockade 服装封锁 in favour of支持、赞成disastrousadj.损失惨重的,灾难的import control 进口控制 import quotas 进口配额

compromisen.妥协,折中,让步 stock exchange 证券交易所 appeal to sb.对……有吸引力 availableadj.有空的,能得到的 dossiern.档案,卷宗 flatadj.没电的,平面的 embarrassingadj.令人尴尬的 in-house magazine 内部杂志 participantn.参加者

stressfuladj.有压力的,紧迫的 moderatorn.会议主持人 press the mute button 按下静音键 reflect on 有损声誉,招来非议 teleconferencen.远程电话会议 producern.生产商wholesalern.批发商






4.2 Business communications 商务沟通

printer cartridges 打印墨盒 descriptionn.种类;性质;描述 pass the message on to 把留言给…… complaintn.投诉 cancelvt.取消

extension number 分机号码 pharmaceuticalsn.医药用品 budgetn.预算

plasma screen TV 等离子电视 freight forwarder 货运商 distributorn.发行人,销售商 containern.集装箱

production manager 生产经理,厂长 Madrid 马德里(西班牙首都)

5.1 Career choices职业选择

stock broker 股票经纪人

London Stock Exchange 伦敦证券交易所

bank account 银行帐户 bankruptadj.破产的 a modest life简朴的生活 accommodationn.住处,膳宿 get started 开始

source of income 收入来源 oliven.橄榄 farm products 农产品

business contact 生意场的熟人/关系 deal in 经营 make enquiries 询问 record shop 音像店 human resource 人力资源 HR manager 人力资源经理 photography exhibition 摄影展 accountancy job 会计工作 passionn.热情,激情 competitiveadj 竞争的 give up sth.all together 完全放弃……

professional photographer 职业摄影师


studion.照相馆,画室,摄影室,演播室/ 4

Birmingham 伯明翰(英格兰中部城市)

Luxembourg 卢森堡(西欧国家)resign from the job 辞职 farmhousen.农舍

bed and breakfast accommodation 只提供床铺与早餐的住宿

reorganisevt.重新组织,重新安排 source of income 收入来源 as though 仿佛,好像 the best of luck 好运

5.2 Achievements and plans 业绩和计划

design office 设计室 book cover 书的封面

printern.印刷商,印刷工;打印机 quotationn.报价 in full colour 用彩色 in black and white 用黑白 a full progress report 详细的进展报告

refer to 参考,查阅,查看 book fair 书展,书市 a series of 一系列

Italian意大利人,意大利语;意大利的coincidencen.巧合,巧事 moven.行动,步骤;措施;方法;vi.移动

consolidate one’s strong position 巩固某人的强势地位 removal company 搬运公司 stationeryn.文具,信纸 keep sb.up-to-date 使某人信息灵通 utilityn.公用事业,公用事业设备 bank loan 银行贷款 paperwork 日常文书工作 loan application 贷款申请 additiven.添加剂

flavourn.味道,风味,香味 on a small scale 小规模 Cafén.小餐馆,咖啡馆 snack bar 小吃店,快餐柜 outletn.直销店;市场;销路 strawberryn.草莓 pearn.梨 mangon.芒果/ 4

take on 雇佣

meet demand 满足需求 health club 健身俱乐部

6.2 Travel arrangements 旅行安排

ticket, crew, security/ safety inspection

be in business 做生意 Poland 波兰(中欧国家)Hungary 匈牙利(中欧国家)Spain 西班牙(欧洲南部国家)Portugal葡萄牙(欧洲西南部国家)Slovakia 斯洛伐克(中欧国家)Bratislava 布拉迪斯拉发(捷克斯洛伐克中南部城市)

5.3 Reading Test: Parts One to Three

postern.海报,招贴 office equipment 办公设备

prefabricated hut 预制营房,活动房 pharmaceutical company 制药公司 previousadj.以前的,在先的 disastrous fall 损失惨重的一跌 reach the highest level 达到最高水平rise/ increase/ improve /ascend/ go up/ move up/ mount up 上升 soar 飙升

fall/ drop/ decrease/ decline/ descend/ go down下降

stay stable/ steady/ the same 保持平稳

level off 持平recover 反弹

peak up 达到顶峰,最高点 dramatically 喜剧地,引人注目地 considerably 相当大地 obviously明显地 gradually渐渐地 sharply 急剧地,明显地 slightly 轻微地 a little bit 一点儿

6.1 Business travel商务旅行aircraft, check-in, delay, journey, land, luggage, passenger, passport, pilot, take off, travel, trip, air traffic controller, baggage handler,check-in baggage, carry-on bag, boarding pass, board, business/ economy/ first class, flight attendant/ stewardship/air-hostess/ stewardess, identity card, return/ single

Manchester 曼彻斯特(英格兰西北部港口城市)

Glasgow 格拉斯哥(英国城市)Bristol 布里斯托尔(英国西部的港口)

London Heathrow Airport 伦敦希思罗机场

Paris Charles De Gaulle Airport 巴黎戴高乐机场

6.大学英语精读第三版 篇六

针对我国皮革业, 特别是制革、毛皮业使用进口皮革皮化材料越来越多的现状, 本书为了满足当前市场所需, 汇集并详细介绍了近年中国进皮化产品的基本信息, 如产品的性能、性状、使用方法、储藏方法等。同时为方便联系和交流, 书中还介绍了相关47家企业的名称、地址和联系方法等。

本书特别适合制革、毛皮生产一线工程技术人员使用, 皮革行业管理、科研、教学部门人员也可以作为参考书使用, 欢迎征订。

《进口皮革化料汇编2013》每册售价:100元 (含邮费) 。

地址:北京市立水桥北天通苑1区5号楼4门301室 (102218)

