


1.新课标物理必修1学案 篇一


绪 言 物理学与人类的文明


















1.通过阅读课文,讲解高科技技术的应用,展示物理学美好的发展前景,激发 学生学习物理的兴趣,开拓学生的知识视野。












四、作业:预习下一节课:第一章 运动的描述 第一节 质点 参考系和坐标系

2.高中新课标《化学必修一》 篇二


中图分类号:G632 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1002-7661(2015)07-312-02



情感、态度和价值观方面的教学目标是:通过引导学生活动、实验、探究,让他们体 验怎样科学、合理地 运用观察方法。体会实验方法在化学研究中的作用,激发学生学习化学的兴趣,让他们乐于探究物质变化的奥秘;利用他们亲手做漂白实验和阅读《身边的化学》栏目,培养他们将化学知识与生产生活相结合 的意識。

那么,在这堂课的教学中,怎样才能很好地将“知识与技能、过程与方法、情感态度与价值观”这三方面相互联系,融为一体。真正体现知识、能力、态度三个方面的有机整合。把新课程的三维目标落到课堂教学的实处呢?经过 认真钻研教材和充分准备实验,我设计了以下教学过程及教学环节。





工业广泛应用的污水处理剂是 什么?

告诉学生这都是我们今天要探究的钠与水反应以及生成物之一氢氧化钠的功劳。通过以上问题引入新 课:“钠与水的反应”


二、分组实验 设计实验方案

【实验指导】做钠与水反应的实验,首先, 在小烧杯中加入约1/2的水,滴入1~2滴酚酞,取一小块金属钠,用滤纸吸干表面的煤油,放入水中,盖上玻璃片。注意观察现象,观察时应注意几方面内容:钠在水中的哪个部位反应,形态有何变化,如何运动,发出怎样的声音,溶液颜色有何变化?






4、反应后溶液由 无色变为红色(红)──钠与水反应生成碱性物质。

【提 出问题】生成的气体是什么?



【学生回忆】可能是 CO、CH4、H2



2Na+2H2O =2NaOH+H2↑[来源:学。科。网]

【教师引导】该反应是否是 氧化还原反应,谁是氧化剂,谁是还原剂?


【设疑】钠既能与氧气反应,又能与水 反应,那么钠应该如何保存呢?









【讨论】不能用水灭火,水和钠可以反应生成可燃性气体H2;也不能用泡沫灭火器灭火,因为钠燃烧生成的Na2O2能够跟CO2反应生成助燃 性气体氧气。所以应该用沙来扑灭。



三、推举代表 登台表演


3.新课标物理必修1学案 篇三

(Reading Part)

P2 Unit1

(Period 1 Warming up and Reading)

Step I Warming up

Do you know these famous scientists?( Show the Ss some pictures of great scientists and have them say what achievements they have made.)

Step II. Pre-reading

1.Background introduction to John Snow

John Snow (1813-1858) was born and worked as a doctor in Great Britain. He was originally an anesthetist(麻醉师).He was so famous that he became the doctor for Queen Victoria at the births of her many children.

Four outbreaks of cholera in the 1830s and 1840s killed many people in England. In 1854, “the most terrible outbreak of cholera which ever occurred in the kingdom” began. It was so violent and sudden that 127people died in the first three days.

2.Make up a questionName of illness cholera (霍乱)

Symptom(症状) severe vomit (呕吐) and diarrhea (腹泻)

Aftereffect Die quickly from a loss of liquid

What was the cause of this illness ? How did John Snow find it out? (Deductive thinking)

Step III. New words study

Show the Ss a picture of “Water pump”, teach the new words pump& handle and have a brief introduction to it.(e.g. There were some water pumps in different districts in England in the 1850s.. People could use them to pump the water for daily life, but if someone removed the handle from the water pump, it could not be used.

Step IV. Reading

Fast-reading:Read the passage quickly and find the number below and the relevant happenings in the passage.(Competition among groups)

Two theories The first suggested that…multiplied in the air;. The second suggested…absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals.

In 1854

Another outbreak hit London.

500 , 10

More than 500people had died in 10 days.

16, 37, 38 and 40

These numbers in Broad Street near the water pump had many of the deaths

20 ,21; 8,9

20 and 21 Broad Street and 8 and 9 Cambridge Street had no deaths….They didn’t drink the water from the Broad Street pump.


These families worked in the pub at 7 Cambridge Street. They didn’t drink the water from the pump.

Careful reading

Read each paragraph and find out what evidence or approach is John Snow used in the stage of experiment, then fill in the chart below.

Paragraph Stages in an experiment Example in this investigation

1 Find a problem What causes cholera?

2 Make up a question Which theory is correct?

3 Think of a method Collect data on those who were ill or died and where they got their water.

4 Collect results Plot information on a map to find out where people died or did not die.

5 Analyze results Analyze the water to see if that is the cause of the illness.

6 Repeat if necessary Find other evidence to confirm your conclusion.

7 Make a conclusion The water is to blame. The source of all drinking water should be examined so that it is safe.

Step V. Discussion

1.What’s the significance of Snow’s famous cholera map ?

2.If you were John Snow, how would you investigate the cholera?

Step VI. Summary

Step VII. Homework assignment

1.Finish Ex.1 on P42.

2. Retell the story.

3. Prepare for tomorrow’s dictation.

P9 Unit2 The United Kingdom

(Period 1 Warming up and Reading)

Step 1 Warming up& lead-in

1. Game playing

T: Morning everybody! You see, nowadays, travelling abroad are becoming more and more popular. So if you have a chance to go aboard, which country do you want to go most? How much do you know about that country?

T: Very good! Just now some of you shared your ideas, and now let’s play a short game: Guess which country it is! Altogether there are 8 groups, you are asked to choose one item and guess which country it is according to the related information offered to you.

1. People----America

2. Music----Argentina

3. Video----Australia

4. Food-----Italy

5. Shooping----France

6. Architecture-----China

7. Poetry-----the UK

Step2 Pre-Reading

1. Brainstorming :

T: Now you have a chance to go to the UK. , before you go there you’d better go to the library to search for some information about the country. What kind of information about it you want to find out?

S: geography, literature, politics, sports, sightseeings, cultures, ethnic groups, famous

cities, food, history, language, fashion, life styles …….

T: How much do you know about these?

Step 3 Reading

1. Fast-reading.

1)Task 1:Question: What kinds of information are mentioned in the text?

(sports, geography, history, flag, London, The biggest country England, flag, invasions).

2) Task 2:How many parts can this passage be divided into and what the main idea of each part is?.

Part1(para1-4): How the UK came into being

Part2 (para5): England is divided into 3 zones.

Part3 (para6): The reason why London became the cultural capital of England.

2. Careful reading

Part 1

1) T: Very good! So could you tell me how many countries the UK consists of and what they are?

S: The UK consists of four countries, that is England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

2) T: Exactly! Then does these four countries united in one day?

S: No.

T: Then how can the UK come into being?

S: First there was only England, then in the 13th century AD, Wales was linked to the England, and in 1603, the two were joined to Scotland to make the Great Britain come into being. Later, Northern Ireland was united to the Great Britain to form the UK.

T: Wonderful job! Actually the history can be shown in the national flag called the Union Jack.

3) T: By the way, you see, the flag Union Jack only unites England, Scotland and Northern Ireland, with Wales left out. So do you know why?

S: Because it is usually assumed to be part of England.

T: Yes! And according to the passage, although the four countries belong to the UK, they are still quite different in some aspects, so in what ways are the four countries different?

S: They are different in international relations. They have different educational and legal systems as well as football teams.

Part 2

T: Among the four countries, England is the largest, and for connivance it is divided into 3 zones. What are they?

S: The South of England, the Midlands and the North.

T: Good! And now could you tell me what the feature of each zone?

Most population settled in The South of England.

Most of the large industrial cities are in the North and the Midlands.

Many cities have famous football teams.

Part 3

1) T: So we all know the UK has a long history and of course rich culture, and the cultural center is, obviously, the capital city London. So why can London become the cultural center ?

S: Because there are a lot of historical treasure in London.

T: Why there are so many historical treasure in London?

S: London has been influenced by some invaders.

2) T: Actually, in the England history, altogether there are four invasions, do you know what they are?

S: The Romans; The Anglo-Saxons; the Vikings; the Normans.

T: What did they left in England?

S: the Romans left towns and roads, the Anglo-Saxons language and government, the Vikings influence the vocabulary and place-names of the North and the Normans castles and words for food.

Step 4. Post-Reading

1. Task 1 Role-play

Two students act as tourist guides, and two students act as the tourists who want to go to the UK. Before they start, they ask the guides some background information of the UK.

2. Task 2 Discussion of ideas

This is an opportunity to allow students to draw connections in the history and the geography of England. Ask students work in groups of 4, and every group choose 1 topic. At last the group leader should give a representation of their ideas.

1) What similarity is there between the invasions of the Romans and the Normans?

2) What similarity is there between the invasions of the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings?

3) Why does London only have evidence from three of the four invaders?

4) What geographical factors make it difficult to invade England successfully?

3. Task 3 Debate

In the history of the UK. , there are some important inventions. Those invaders ruled the country for sometime. They brought pains to the local people, but at the same time, they also brought something new to the country, which is important for the making up of its history.

“Is the inventions good or bad to the country Britain?”

Step5 Homework

1. Read the text and try to find out some important or difficult words and expressions.

2. Write a short summary of the passage.

3. Preview “Learning about Language-Discovering useful words and expressions”.

P17 Unit3 Life in the Future

(Periods 1-2 Warming up and reading)

Step 1 warming up

Talk about how many changes there have been in the last one thousand years. And what changes we might expect to find in the next one thousand years

Step 2: pre-reading

1.Can you tell what problems people are facing today?

2.what problems do you think people in the future will have overcome? Which ones will still be there or even worse in AD3005?

(Key: 1The problem of population will be solved, have begun to Control the birth rate. //2The problems will be still there, and will even worse.// 3I don’t think so. Now scientists are trying their best to develop new resources that human beings can make use of ,such as solar energy. In my opinion……)

Step 3: fast reading

1. Read the text for the first time and tell what the text is about?

It’s an e-mail written by a man Who has taken up a trip to the future.

2. Look at the following sentence, there are in wrong order, tell me the correct order for these sentence

A. We were transported into the future by a comfortable time capsule.

B. I arrived a t Wang Ping’s home and everything in his house made me surprised.

C.I won a travel to the year AD3005

D. I have my first try to master a hovering carriage.

Step 4 careful reading

1.Answer the following questions:

1.Why did I have the chance to travel to the year AD3005?

2. What is a “ time lag”?

3. How did I feel when I was in the capsule?

4. Who guides my trip?

5.Why did my guide give me some tables?

6.Who transported us to the future?


1. I took up the prize I won the year before.

2. “Time lag” means a person gets flashbacks from his previous time period.

3. The seats in the capsule are very comfortable.

4. My friend Wang Ping is my guide to the future.

5. The tablets could help me feel less nervous and uncertain

6. Wang Ping’s parents’ company transported us to the future.

2. Comprehending

Practice by doing the comprehending exercise Exercise 1-2 on Page 19

Sample answers Ex.1

Good changes

Bad changes

Time travel Can travel to

Different times

as you wish After-effects of travel

transport .can move swiftly Disorganized, difficult to

find way

houses save living space Short of space

Towns Busy, look like

markets Easy to get lost

Air quality Own family

oxygen supply Poor quality in public places

Sample answers Ex.2

I think the writer has an optimistic view of the future. He was very excited when he traveled to the year AD 3005 an d couldn’t believe if was true. From this, we can see he is eager to go to the future. Though he was hit by the lack of fresh air,---

P25 Unit 4 Making the news

(Period 1 Warming up and Reading)

(整合warming up, Pre-reading, Reading 与 Comprehending四部分)

Step I. Elaboration (warming up):

Help the students to relate their known knowledge to the topic that will be learned

Task 1 :( group discussion) Talk about jobs in China Daily?

Types of jobs What it involves


Task2: Predict what is going to be learned by looking at the title of the text. Which type of job will be talked about in the text?

Step II. Prediction (pre-reading):

Task : Predict the main idea of the text by discussing the following questions:

1. What are the qualities a good news reporter needs to have?

(Have group discussion first and then finish Part 1 individually)

2. What your first day at school was like? How would you feel on your first day at work? (Group discussion)

Step III. Skimming, scanning, analyzing (Reading & Comprehending)

Task 1: Read the text quickly to get a general idea of the text.

Task 2: Divide the passage into three sections and match the following main ideas to the three sections:

1)How to get an accurate story

2)How to protect a story from accusations

How to become a reporter

The skills needed

The importance of listening

Stages in researching a story

How to check facts

How to deal with accusations of printing lies

3)Work in a team

Task 3 Read quickly to find out the information to fill in the form below

Task 4: Tell what is required for a reporter and a photographer

patient; imaginative ; well-organized; technically good; polite; concise; thorough; creative; curious; careful; gifted; professional

Step IV. Summarizing

Task 8: Write a summary of the text

Step V. Assignment

Read an English newspaper and retell the main idea of one article in it.

P33 Unit 5 First aid

(Period 1 Warming up and Reading)

Step 1 Revision

1. Greet the whole class as usual

2. The teacher checks the students’ homework: show some pictures about some common injuries and review some words, some useful expressions and the information about first aid.

Step 2 Pre-reading

First let the students talk about the picture (page 33)

What kind of first aid would you perform in the situation of burning?

Step 3 While-reading

1) Skim for general idea. How many parts are the text and what are they?

Five parts

1.The purpose of skin

2.Cause of burns

3.Types of burns

4.Symptoms of burns

5.First aid treatment

2)Scanning : read the text quickly and do the multiple choices (page 36)

3)Detail reading: Filling in the blanks

What can skin do for our body ?

Protect you against diseases, poisons and the sun’s harmful rays.

Keep you warm or cool

Prevent you from losing water

Gives you sense of touch

Causes of burns

You can get burnt by :

hot liquidssteam,fire, radiation,the sun, electricity and chemicals

What are the three types of burns?

First degree:

Not serious; affect only the top layer of the skin; feel better a day or two

Second degree

Affect both the top and the second layer of the skin; serious; take a few weeks to heal

Third degree

Affect all three layers of the skin and any tissue and organs under the skin; very severe injuries; victim must get to a hospital at once.

3. Why do you think clothes and jewellery near burns should be removed?

Because this may break any blisters and the wound may get infected.

Step 4 Home work

1. Finish the Exes in p36.

4.新课标物理必修1学案 篇四

Language points


1. prefer :

a: Which kind of transportation do you prefer?

I prefer train.

I prfer to take a train.

I prefer taking a train.

I prefer taking a train to taking a bus.

I prefer to take a train rather than take a bus.











2. persuade: Then she persuade me to buy one.

用法总结: ____________________________.


She persuaded her son to change his mind.





I advised him to gve up, but he didn’t.



3. insist: She insisted that she organise the trip properly.

He insisted that he should be treated fairly.

He insisted that he was right.

The baby insisted on coming with me.






1. 我坚决主张我们马上开始。


2. He insisted that he had done nothing wrong.


4. experience

n. ___________ He is a teacher with much experience.

___________ Travelling along the river is really an interesting experience.

v. ____________. You can experience nature while travelling.


He is an experienced teacher.


5. breathe:词性 ________.读音__________.

breath: 词性_________.读音__________.


1. After graduating from college, … 词性:_____________.

After he graduated from college, …. _____________

After graduation from college,…. ______________


2. She didn’t know the best way of getting to places


= the way ________________.

= the way that _____________________.


1. It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong River.





I saw him in the street yesterday.





What he said was interesting.


I didn’t leave here until I finished my work.


2. When are we leaving and when are we coming back?



3. It was fun especially as it gradually became much warmer.

Fun 词性:________名词.


It is fun to have a cool drink .

What fun it is to jump and sing in a one-horse open sleigh!

Have fun!

4. Once she has made up her mind, nothing can change it.

Once 1. 意思:__________adv.. I have been there once.

Translation: __________________________________________.

2. 意思:__________conj. Once you understand the rule, you’ll have no

further difficulty.


Once seen, it can never be forgotten.



1. prefer a. prefer+n

b. prefer+to do

c. prefer+doing

d. prefer doing to doing

e. prefer to do rather than do

translation: I prefer washing to cooking. Or I prefer to wash rather than cook.

I prefer going there on foot to going there by bus.

I prefer to go there on foot rather go there by bus.

2. persuade 总结:persuade sb. to do sth.

Translation: 她说服他儿子改变了主意。

I persuaded him to go there though he didn’t want to.

Compare: = I tried to persuade him to give up, but he didn’t.

Translation: 我试图说服他放弃,但他不听。

3. insist

总结 a. insist +宾语从句(should +原形)

b. insist +宾语从句(should 可省略)

c. insist +宾语从句 (陈述语气)

d. insist on +doing

translation:I insist that we (should) begin at once.


4. experience

n. 不可数名词


v. 体验

扩展 :形容词


5. breath n. /breZ/ breathe v. /br`:/


1. after 词性:介词 连词 介词

类似用法; before

2=the way to get to places

= the way that we could get to places


1. 构成: It is(was) +that(who)+其它成分

还原:My sister first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong River.


It was I who saw him in the street yesterday.

It was him who I saw in the street yesterday.

It was in the street that I saw him yesterday.

It was yesterday that I saw him in the street.

It was what he said that was interesting.

It was not until I finished my work that I left here.

2. 用法:现在进行时表将来

类似句子:Where are we staying at night?

3 fun:不可数名词

4 曾经,一度 adv. 我曾经去过那里。

5.新课标物理必修1学案 篇五


























































































































































6.新课标物理必修1学案 篇六

Scientists Contributions

1. Alexander Graham Bell A. electricity / famous kite experiment

2. Thomas Edison B. the First telephone

3. Laite Brothers C. the electric bulb

4. Madame Curie D. black holes in Universe / A Brief History of Time

5. Franklin E. Theory of Gravity

6. Steven Hawking F. the First Plane

7. Elbert Einstein G. Radium / radioactivity

8. Isaac Newton H. the secrets of the atom and of the universe / the Theory of relativity

9. Charles Darwin I. astronomy curriculum

10. Zhang Heng J. penicillin

11. Yuan Longping K. famous Leaning Tower of Pisa experiment

12. Qian Xuesen L. invent television

13. Alexander Fleming M. the earliest seismograph

14. John Baird N. China’s aerospace / (Father of the Chinese space programme)

15. Ray Tomlinson O. Agriculture / (Father of Hybrid Rice)

16. Galileo Galilei his P. first e-mail message

17. Nicolaus Copernicus Q. the Theory of Evolution / The Origin of Species

II. Read the passage and then choose the best answers:

1. John Snow finally proved the theory he believed by _______.

A. gathering information with the help of a map

B. looking into the source of the water for Broad Street and Cambridge Street

C. separating those who suffered cholera from those who didn’t

D. both A and B

2. What did John Snow’s test show?

A. Cholera was spread in a cloud of gas. B. The beer in the pub was polluted.

C. Cholera attacked the people in the whole district. D. Cholera was spread by germs.

3. Which of the following methods is NOT the correct way to prevent the disease from happening again?

A. Examine the source of all water supplies.

B. Find the new methods of dealing with polluted water.

C. Instruct the water companies not to provide polluted water for people.

D. Don’t use the water from the water pumps.

4. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the text?

A. John Snow was famous doctor for easing the birth of babies.

B. A woman and her daughter died of cholera because they didn’t follow John Snow’s advice.

C. Finally “King Cholera” was defeated thanks to John Snow’s strong determination and careful work.

D. John Snow was an American doctor.

5. The text mainly tells us that _______.

A. the cause of cholera was polluted water B. John Snow was a famous doctor in London

C. cholera was a deadly disease D. John Snow did some research and helped to solve “King Cholera”

6. The story shows us that John Snow was a _______ scientist.

A. kind and patient B. strong-minded and kind C. selfish and diligent D. careful and observant

7. Which of the following statements best summarizes the main idea of the text?

A. As a famous doctor, John Snow had two famous theories about how cholera spread.

B. John Snow proved the second theory about how cholera spread was right at last.

C. Through his research, John Snow found a polluted well and stopped people from drinking it.

D. John Snow found the cause of cholera and how to control it through his careful research.

8. According to hid research, John Snow proved that _____ played a key role in the spread of cholera.

A. gases B. water C. germs D. wells

9. Through the passage, we may conclude that right steps for a scientific experiment should probably be ______.

a. Making a question b. Finding supporting evidence c. Collecting information

d. Finding a problem e. Making a conclusion f. Analyzing the results

g. Thinking of a method

A. g d a c f b e B. d a c g f b e C. d a g c f b e D. g d c a f b e

10. The text is written as a(n) _______.

A. report B. description C. creative story D. essay

11. Which of the following did John Snow think is the most important to defeat a disease?

A. Finding its cause. B. Finding its cure. C. Finding its result. D. Finding its harm.

12. On the map of the textbook, we can see ______ had the most deaths from cholera.

A. No. 40 Broad Street B. No.8 Cambridge Street C. No.21 Broad Street D. No.9 Cambridge Street

13. Some houses in No. 20, 21 Broad Street had no deaths in the outbreak of cholera, because ______.

A. they worked in the pub at 7 Cambridge Street which had cleaner conditions

B. they had drunk free beer instead of water from the Broad Street pump

C. the beer they had drunk could prevent against cholera

D. they had known the water from the Broad Street pump was dangerous to drink

14. It seemed that _______.

A. polluted water played a key role in spreading cholera

B. Broad Street and Cambridge Street have their own water pumps

C. cholera spread through air

D. John Snow found the cause of cholera by accident

15. The main idea of this passage is ______.

A. how John Snow found the cause of cholera B. how John Snow stopped cholera

C. how John Snow did his research D. about John Snow’s life and his discovery

III. Complete the following form:

John Snow Defeats “King Cholera”

The Style of the passage A (1)_________ by John Snow

The problem Nobody knew the (2) _______ of the serious disease of cholera

The cause Idea 1: strange cloud in the air attacked people.

Idea 2: (3) __________________

The method Collect data from the next cholera attack to test the two (4) _______, try to prove which one was correct.

The results He found that the deaths around the Broad Street pump and the supporting evidence showed that cholera was caused by the (5) ________.

Idea 1 or 2? Why? (6) _______ because there was a connection between the drinking water and the deaths.

The conclusion John Snow was able to show that cholera could be defeated now that its cause was known.

IV. Complete the following passage with the proper words:

John Snow was a well-known doctor in London in the ___1___ century. He wanted to find the ___2__ of cholera in order to defeat it. In 1854 when a cholera ___3___ out, he began to gather information. He ___4____ on a map where all the dead people had lived and he found that many people who had drunk the dirty water from the __5____ died. So he decided that the polluted water carried cholera. He suggested that the __6___ of all water supplies be __7____ and the water companies were ____8___ not to ___9____ people to polluted water any more. Finally, “King Cholera” was ___10_____.

V. 参考词汇:

contagion 传染病 rabies 狂犬病 influenza 流行性感冒 epidemic 疫症 SARS 非典

malaria 疟疾 plague 瘟疫 smallpox 天花 pest 鼠疫 cholera 霍乱

bird flu 禽流感 hepatitis 肝炎 AIDS 艾滋病 dengue fever 登革热 swine flu 猪流感



III 1) report 2)cause, 3)people absorbed the disease with their meals,4) theories, 5)polluted water, 6) Idea 2

IV 19th cause broke marked pump source examined instructed expose defeated

★ 郑伯克段于鄢翻译

★ 郑伯克段于鄢文言文翻译及注解

★ 《罗曼罗兰》粤教版高一必修教学设计

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★ 粤教版《赤壁赋》教案
