


1.译林六年级教案 篇一


本节课是一年级起点第11册英语Module7 Unit1 Pandas lovebamboo.的课文教学,课型为新授课。六年级学生对于动物有很多了解,因此,本课主要是为学生梳理知识,用已有知识描述动物,这也是本册教材的重点之一。




1、语言知识:全体学生能够听懂、会说、会读、会写写单词 bamboo/ gave/ its/ almost/ deaf/ frightened/sh/ roar/ fox/ at night 句子Pandas love bamboo. They eat for twelve hours a day!Do snakes love music? No, they don’t. They’re almost deaf!

2、语言技能: 全体学生能够在适当的情境中,运用已学语言谈论动物的生活习性和不同的人与动物的睡眠习惯。



5、文化意识:全体学生能够中外文化的异同, 关注不同国家标志性动物,培养爱国主义情感和跨文化意识。






一、复习导入Warm-up and lead in( 3 min )

1. Warmer: Sing a song

2. Free Talk: Watch the cartoon

Do snakes love music? Does the dog love music?

【设计意图】通过song 营造轻松愉悦氛围,激发学习英语兴趣,通过Free Talk顺利的引出本课内容,为本课作知识性的铺垫。

二、任务呈现Task presentation( 2 min)

T板题并揭示学习目标: 运用已学语言谈论动物的生活习性和不同的人与动物的睡眠习惯。

三、课文学习Text learning( 10 min)

1.Listen to the text带着问题,整体感知课文

What is the DVD about?

2. Listen again

What does it say about animals? Let’s see.


(1) What do pandas love?

(2)How many hours do pandas eat a day?

(3)What can snake do?

(4)Why? Do snakes love music?

(5) What do you think about the DVD?



3. Listen, point and act

4.课文巩固:Talk about the pictures. A3


四、训练巩固 Practice( 10 min)

1. 口头操练: Ask and answer A4

2. 笔头训练: Read and choose


五、任务完成 Task completion( 10 min)

Make a riddle

教师提供可用语言 What’s your favourite animal? Do you love…? Why? What can… do?小组自编对话进行展示。


六、小结与布置作业 Summary and homework( 5 min)

1. Summary:学生自主总结本课知识点

2. Homework

必做:读课文,抄写目标句子 选做:Free Talk, 小练笔


Module 7 Unit 1

Pandas love bamboo.


can/can’t Animal eat for…

2.译林六年级教案 篇二

《愉快的梦》是一首优美抒情的日本儿童歌曲, 它描绘了孩子们神奇的梦境, 同时也反映出他们对生活、对自然景象的认识和丰富的想象。由两个乐段、4小节组成, 结构十分规整。其中歌曲和谐的二声部合唱是本课的重难点。

新的音乐课程标准强调音乐的情感体验, 注重学生对音乐的感受和表现, 在面向全体学生的基础上, 突出个性的发展, 重视音乐实践。


1.创设感受体验音乐的情景, 努力营造体验歌曲情绪, 表现歌曲的环境。

2.学习用悠长的气息, 轻柔优美的声音、有表情地歌唱, 表现歌曲美丽恬静的意境, 发展学生的音乐想象力。

3.学习在歌唱时突出6/8拍节拍特点, 运用二声部的合唱形式表达歌曲情绪, 丰富学生艺术表达能力。





1.歌曲旋律中的二声部教学, 及情感的启发与引导。







师用欢快的, 优美的, 滑稽的三种不同的情绪来问好, 生作出响应的情感呼应进行问好。这样一上课, 就将学生带入音乐情感中。


1. 和谐、自由的DO、MI、SOL:

师在琴上给出DO、MI、SOL音后, 生看师的柯尔文手势脱离琴唱这三个音, 当师的手面向大家打开时, 生可以自由选唱其中一个音, 同时, 注意聆听整体的声音, 当师再将手面向大家打开时, 生就得换一个音唱, 还要注意听整体的声音;当师恢复柯尔文手势时, 生就齐唱手势音。这样给学生一个创作与合作的空间, 使训练也显得有趣。

2. 手势唱谱:



师:这么优美的旋律好像是在梦中一样?那么老师现在就做一个梦, 看表情, 请大家猜猜老师做了一个怎样的梦, 是欢快的、美丽的、忧伤的、奇怪的、还是可怕的?并用A旋律表现出来。


1. 导入:

师:刚才我们用声音表现了各种各样的梦, 接下来请你听一听一个日本的孩子他梦到了些什么呢?你觉得这是一个怎样的梦?听完后请你告诉我。

2. 初听音乐。


3. 师:听了这首曲子, 有熟悉的感觉吗? (前面唱过旋律)

4. 复听 (带合唱) 。

师:让我们闭上眼睛, 再次跟着优美的音乐进入他的梦乡……你觉得在这个梦里哪里是他最愉快的地方?请在这个地方举一下手来告诉我一下?

5. 再听 (不带合唱) 。

师:我拿掉一个声部, 请你再次闭上眼睛感受愉快感增强了还是削弱了。请你用手势示意, 双手上举表示增强, 双手下压表示削弱

6. 复听。聆听两声部的和谐、均衡效果。

7. 用“LU”哼唱齐唱旋律, 体会轻柔、连贯、优美的声音。

8. 视唱旋律 (跟琴) , 强调强弱规律。

9. 念歌词, 体会情感, 强调惊喜的呼喊声。 (强调轻声、高位子)

1 0. 唱歌词, 随琴一起, 想象自己就是一只小纸船, 一边唱一边晃, 体验6/8拍的韵律。

1 1. 分析歌词内容, 前半部分优美的, 后半部分愉快的, 结束句是渐弱的。

1 2. 有感情地合唱歌曲。



2. 可以用独唱、齐唱、合唱的表演形式

3. 可以自由组合、但要有序、时间三分钟


师:虽然做梦很虚幻, 但是如果人类没有梦的话, 那我们到现在还没有飞机, 也没有电视机, 更不用说电脑啦, 飞船啦等等。所以做梦是一件好事, 但是做了梦之后, 如果你能通过自己的努力去实现它, 让它美梦成真, 岂不是更好吗?所以, 大家从现在开始就努力, 为了能让你美梦成真, 加油吧!让我们一起带着美丽的梦走向你们的将来吧! (随音乐出教室。)


一、注重音乐对话, 回归音乐教学的真谛

音乐是一种表现的艺术, 它的最重要的功能就是通过各种音乐要素充分地表达人们的内在感受。但是, 当我们在对学生进行教学时, 却往往容易忽略这个因素。教学中猜老师做的梦, 不是让学生用语言表现, 而是用声音体现出来。

二、注重听觉能力的培养, 落实音乐教学的目标

对音乐能力和审美能力的培养而言, 听觉能力的训练是基础中的基础。体现在:

A.手势唱谱教学, 这是音乐教育的自然基础。法国诗人舒巴尔特说过“人的喉咙是创作的第一最纯洁的、最卓越的乐器。”正如舒曼给学习音乐的学生的忠告那样:“即使你有一点嗓音也要力图不用乐器的帮助来视唱, 这将增进你的听觉的灵敏度。”

B.在歌曲教学中5次不同要求的听, 感受对比单声部与二声部张力的变化对情绪的作用, 使学生有效地利用听觉去感受和理解音乐, 从而培养学生的音乐素质。

三、提高审美体验, 注重音乐实践

A.看手势唱和谐、自由的DO、MI、SOL这一教学环节, 在面向全体学生的基础上, 突出个性的发展, 给学生一个创作与合作的空间, 同时注意聆听, 重视了音乐实践。

B.念歌词, 体会情感, 强调惊喜的呼喊声。 (强调轻声、高位子) 在这个环节中, 把歌曲中出现的演唱技巧有机的渗透到音乐活动之中, 学生在实践活动中体验歌曲, 感受歌曲情绪。

3.译林六年级教案 篇三

Unit 1

1) 突然大笑起来 burst out laughing; burst into laughter

2) 取笑,拿。。。。。。开玩笑 make fun of

3) 玩得高兴 have fun; enjoy oneself; have a good/wonderful time

4) 对。。。。。。做出反应;答复。。。。。。 in response to…

5) 对。。。。。。的反应 (one’s) response/reaction to…

6) 排队等。。。。。。 queue/line up for…

7) 至关重要 of vital importance; vitally important

8) 对。。。。。热情 be enthusiastic about…

9) 呈现新面貌 take on a new look

10) 承担额外工作 take on extra work

11) 推卸责任 shift the responsibility/blame for sth onto sb

12) 发生;进行 go on

13) 过着舒适安逸的生活 live/lead a cosy life

14) 引起公众对。。。。。。的注意 raise public awareness of…

15) 出洋相 make a fool of oneself

16) 筹集资金 raise/collect money

17) 减肥 lose weight

18) 绊倒 trip over

19) 在电视上直播 be broadcast live on TV; a live broadcast of…on TV

20) 刷牙 brush one’s teeth

21) 打开(电器等) turn on/switch on

22) 虚构,捏造;组成,构成,占;弥补,补偿 make up

23) 受。。。。。。喜爱 be popular with…/popularity with…

24) 效仿 follow in the footsteps of…

25) 对。。。。。。有影响 have an effect/influence on…;

26) 战胜疼痛 fight pain

27) 查生词 look up a new word

28) 被分成。。。。。。 be divided into…

29) 为。。。。。。腾出地方 make room for…

30) 做。。。。。。是某人的责任 it’s one’s responsibility/duty to do…

31) 与。。。。。。相撞 bump/ knock/ run/ crash into…

32) 把。。。。。。一撕为二 tear sth in two; tear sth into halves

33) fool sb. into/out of doing… 哄骗某人干/不干某事

34) sb. be torn between…and… 左右为难

35) tear oneself away from… 依依不舍地离开;把。。。。。。拿走

36) in an emergency 在紧急情况下 40)raise sb to sb’s feet 将某人扶起

37) howl with laughter 狂笑 41)be supposed to …被期望;应该

38) in charge 负责;掌管 42)do fine 干得不错

39) take sb. on 雇佣某人

Unit 2

1) 在。。。。。。方面取得成功 achieve success in…

2) 实现目标 meet/reach/achieve/accomplish one’s goal

3) 以防(万一);如果 in case

4) 把。。。。。。描述成。。。。。。 describe…as…

5) 投身于,献身于 devote/dedicate one’s life/oneself to…

6) 使某人失去。。。。。。 cost sb sth

7) (使某人)振作起来,高兴起来 cheer (sb) up

8) 情绪高涨,兴高采烈 in high/good spirits

9) 以。。。。。。而自豪 be proud of…/take pride in

10) 适应。。。。。。 adjust/adapt (oneself) to…

11) 一系列 a series of…

12) 特别注意。。。。。。 pay special attention to…

13) 只要。。。。。。 so/as long as; if only

14) 充满 be full of; be filled with

15) 对。。。。。。满意 be content/pleased/satisfied with

16) 对。。。。。厌倦 be tired of/be bored with/be fed up with

17) 提高成绩 improve one’s grades

18) 放弃做。。。。。。 quit doing sth; give up doing

19) 回顾 look back on

20) 在阳光下 in the sun/sunshine

21) 保证所有人的健康和快乐guarantee good health and happiness for all

22) 做兼职 do/work part-time jobs

23) 简化生活 simplify one’s life

24) 花最多的时间做。。。。。spend the maximum amount of time doing…

25) 享受生活 enjoy one’s life

26) 为自由而奋斗 struggle/fight for freedom

27) 克服困难 overcome one’s difficulties; smooth away one’s difficulties

28) 令某人失望的是。。。。。。to one’s disappointment

29) 对。。。。。。乐观 be optimistic about…

30) 对。。。。。。表示同情 express/feel/have sympathy for…

31) 安排某人做。。。。。。arrange for sb to do…

32) 生动描述。。。。。。 give a vivid description/account of…

33) 与。。。。。。交流 communicate with sb

34) 做。。。。。。的动机 the motivation to do…

Unit 3

1) 上网 go online; log on

2) 收集信息 accumulate/gather/collect information

3) 一直,始终 all the time

4) 每当涉及到/提到。。。。。。时whenever it comes to…

5) 参与 participate in; take part in; join in

6)习惯于。。。。。。 be used to (doing)sth; be accustomed to (doing) sth

7) 满足几个目的 serve several purposes

8) 燃放爆竹 set off firecrackers

9) 与。。。。。。有联系/有关be connected with/to…; be linked/related to…

10) 在某人年轻时 in one’s youth

11) 尽可能。。。。。。 as…as possible; as…as sb can

12) 领某人参观。。。。。。take sb around; show sb around

13) 相关的人 the people concerned

14) 分发 give out; hand out

15) 与某人握手 shake hands with sb.

16) 与某人联系/接触 in contact/touch with sb

17) 使某人能够做。。。。。。enable sb to do…

18) 与众不同的 with a difference

19) 乐器 musical instruments

20) 是。。。。。。的家园 home to…

21) 属于 belong to…

22) 信仰;信赖 believe in

23) 养成。。。。。。的习惯 form/be in the habit of…; get/fall into the habit of…;

24) 改掉坏习惯 kick/quit/get out of/get rid of the bad habit(s)

25) 一般来说,。。。。。。 generally (speaking); in general

26) log off 关机;下线

27) go through the proper procedure 履行正确的程序

28) hold up 延迟,阻碍;搀扶,支撑;举起,抬起

29) hunt for 追猎;搜寻,寻找

30) make a(no/some)difference有(没有/有一些)关系/影响/区别

31) native speakers of English 英语是其母语的人

32) meet with 偶然遇见/碰见;开会

33) settle down 定居,过安定的生活;安下心来,平静下来

34) adjust (oneself) to…调整,调节;适应

35) settle differences 消除分歧

36) as far as I’m concerned,… 就我而言

37) take sth into account 考虑。。。。。。

38) account for…解释,说明;了解,查明;占(比例)39)in plain clothes穿着便服

Unit 4

1) 生活在贫困中 live in poverty

2) 由。。。。。。组成 be made up of; consist of

3) 解决问题 settle/solve a problem

4) 在。。。。。。方面进行合作 co-operate in…

5) 提升人们对。。。。。。的意识 increase/raise people’s awareness of…

6) 吸引某人对。。。。。。的注意力draw/attract one’s attention to…

7) 一笔钱 a sum of money

8) 缺乏。。。。。。 (a )lack/shortage of…; lack…

9) 让某人可得到。。。。。。 …be available/accessible to sb

10) 使某人意识到。。。。。。 make sb aware of…

11) 帮助需要帮助的人 help people in need

12) 被强迫做。。。。。。 be forced to do…

13) 给。。。。。。捐钱 donate money to…

14) 改善生活条件 improve living conditions

15) 出故障;抛锚; sth break down

16) 患(某种疾病) suffer from…

17) 提出(方案、建议等) put forward; come up with

18) 体重增加 put on weight; gain weight

19) 开展活动 conduct a campaign

20) 使某人想起。。。。。。 remind sb of sth

21) 做自愿者工作 do voluntary work

22) 从。。。。。。中吸取教训 draw lessons from…

23) 代表。。。。。。 on behalf of…

24) 生活舒适 live in comfort; live a comfortable life

25) volunteer for sth/volunteer to do sth自愿做。。。。。。

26) make an urgent request for sth 紧急要求得到。。。。。。

27) if only 只要;但愿,要是。。。。。。就好了

28) by means of/by no means/by all means凭借/决不/当然可以

29) on purpose 故意地 36) at the expense of… 以。。。。。。为代价

30) flood-stricken areas 洪泛区 37) refer to谈及;涉及;指;参考;查阅

31) bring sb. closer together 使。。。更团结 38) apart from…除了……(还有)

32) bring people’s attention to… 使人们注意。。。 39) in chaos/in a mess处于混乱状态

33) bring up children 教育/抚养孩子 40) promote respect for…增进对。。。的尊重

34) fresh water 淡水 41) look out for…留神;提防

4.译林六年级教案 篇四

1. academic 2. tease sb

3. brilliant 4. yell

5. cruel 6. awkward

7. outgoing 8. better

9. unlikely 10. ruin

11. cheerful 12. discourage…from doing sth

13. essay 14. area

15. anxious 16. apartment

17. regardless of 18. a trying time

19. 与某人相处融洽 20. 出卖、背叛

21. 小学 22. 承认做过某事

23. 忽视我的学习24. 故意地

25. 信守诺言 26. 发誓

27. 原谅、宽恕 28. 集中注意力、聚焦于

29. 心不在焉 30. 处于困难中

31. 刻薄的;卑鄙的;吝啬的 32. 处于尴尬境地

33. 感到内疚 34. 为某事向某人道歉

35. 适合做运动员的 36. 责备、谴责

37. 怀疑;疑问 38. 行为,举止

39. 嫉妒的,妒忌的 40. 使尴尬,使不好意思

41. 当众 42. 有天赋的,有才华的

43. 力量,力气 44. 不公平的

45. 顽固的,固执的 46. 分歧,意见不同

47. 耽搁,拖延 48. 说服某人做某事

49. 打羽毛球 50. 牙科医生

51. 游乐场 52. 马戏团,马戏表演

53. 身份 54. 荒唐的;怪诞的

55. 惩罚 56. 忍受痛苦;受损害

57. 实用的,实际的 58. (电话等的)接通

59. 使困惑,使迷惑不解 60. 专注于,全神贯注于

61. 态度,看法 62. 一致的

63. 青春期的;青少年 64. 毫不犹豫

65. 作出反应,回应 66. 互相,相互

Words and phrases in M5 Unit 2

1. TV presenter 2. awful

3. flow 4. in addition

5. lay 6. figure

7. inspection 8. open the floor

9. ridiculous 10. run out (of)

11. shame 12. customs officer

13. destroy---(n.) 14. closely

15. statement 16. forcefully

17. farmable 18. combat

19. establish 20. decrease

21. be stocked with 22. management

23. concerning 24. rapid

25. population growth 26. untreated sewage

27. rely on 28. under way

29. focus on 30. conservation

31. diverse 32. mammal

33. remain 34. the upper/ lower reaches of the river

35. 努力 36. 经济学家

37. 辩论,争辩 38. 环境保护

39. 工业废气物 40. 有毒的化学品

41. 污染 42. 大气;气氛,氛围

43. 扫除,消灭 44. 环保的生活方式

45. 削减生产 46. 有益的,有利的

47. 扩大回收行业 48. 明显的,显而易见的

49. 目前的形势 50. 责任,职责

51. 稳定的经济 52. 帮助双方的关键

53. 把某人看作是敌人 54. 采取有效措施

55. 检查,监督,视察 56. 使震惊

57. 使失望 58. 昆虫

59. 逮捕,拘捕 60. 非法打猎

61. 羽毛 62. 胃,肚子

63. 有限的资源 64. 鼓掌,拍手

65. 抗沙漠化 66. 公约,协定

67. 减少 68. 以……的形式

69. 现代化技术装备 70. 技术人员,技师

71. 找出,挑选 72. 农业发展

73. 导致(结果) 74. 生态,生态学

75. 非政府组织 76. 濒危动物

77. 评估,评价 78. 范围

79. 自然保护区 80. (法律上)禁止

81. 全世界范围地 82. 赞赏,欣赏,赏识

Words and phrases in M5 Unit 3

1. science versus nature 2. tissues and organs

3. stem cell 4. in general / generally speaking

5. with the intention of … 6. gene / genetically

7. push ahead with 8. totally

9. end up (with…) 10. use up

11. advance 12. seminar

13. be strict with sb 14. put… in place

15. profession 16. figure out

17. the other day 18. beast

19. be involved in 20. on one’s part

21. seek-sought-sought 22. in favor of

23. point of view 24. spell disaster

25. decades of 26. the Three Gorges Dam

27. turn out 28. be blamed for sth

29. meet one’s own needs 30. at a fast rate

31. 宣告,通知 32. 一方面……另一方面

33. 指出 34. 干预自然

35. 正常的 36. 表扬,赞扬

37. 科学突破 38. 忧虑,焦虑,不安

39. 不顾一切的,拼命的 40. 收养,领养

41. 生产(婴儿);接生 42. 医学研究

43. 成功做成某事 44. 有利于,使……受益

45. 不道德的 / 道德 46. 应付后果

47. 供出售,待出售 48. 对某事评论,发表观点

49. 概念,观念 50. 消极的,负面的

51. 在科学领域 52. 辐射

53. 举止,行为表现 54. 谨慎的,小心的

55. 判断 56. 可供选择的办法或事物;可供选择的

57. 服务机构;代理 58. 成本,代价

59. 肯定的,绝对的 60. 公共关系

61. 实验室 62. 组织、实施调查

63. 大多数 64. 提倡,倡导

65. 总结,下结论 66. 敦促,催促,力劝

67. 营养 68. 革命

69. 受害者,受难者;牺牲品 70. 实施,执行;表演,演出

71. 抵抗的,有抵抗力的 72. 粗心,疏忽

73. 严重地;认真地;严肃地 74. 过度开发

75. 农业 76. 旅游业

77. 建造,构建 78. 争辩,争论

79. 能产的,多产的 80. 可接受的

Words and phrases of M6 Unit 1

1. reaction 2. main

3. the Academy Awards 4. routine

5. outstanding 6. howl

7. somehow 8. script

9. vital 10. tough work

11. worthwhile 12. initial requirements

13. take on new foreign students 14. old saying

15. practise the dialogue in pairs 16. setting

17. cross one’s arms 18. a cosy room

19. uncross 20. the entire village

21. raise one’s eyebrows 22. a stack of official-looking papers

23. dash out 24. tear the paper in two/ into pieces

25. chase the servant off stage 26. shrug shoulders

27. Your Majesty/ Highness 28. a roll of toilet paper

29. 笑声 30. 幽默/ 幽默的

31. 喜剧/喜剧演员 32. 对……作出反应

33. 拿…..开玩笑 34. 排队,列队

35. 视觉的/ 看不见的,无形的 36. 表演/ 演员

37. 现场直播的 38. 牙刷

39. 镜子 40. 即兴表演,即兴创作

41. 麦克风,话筒 42. 无声电影

43. 适当的,恰如其分的 44. 大脑,头脑

45. 一种至关重要的娱乐形式 46. 热心的,热情的

47. 相声大师 48. 掌握,精通

49. 技能 / 熟练的 50. 恼怒的,气恼的

51. 漫步 52. 拥挤的

53. 意味深长地 54. 向观众鞠躬

55. 紧急情况,紧急事件 56. 突然冲入

57. 空手的 58. 对……怒目而视

59. 拿出 60. 上演一部戏

61. 编造一个故事 62. 追随某人,走某人的路

Words and phrases of M6 Unit 2

1. simply / simplify 2. a dedicated junior gymnast

3. apart from 4. be rushed to the nearest hospital

5. injure 6. in good spirits

7. cheer up 8. hopeless

9. a physical disability 10. unbearable

11. admire / admiration / admirable 12. role model

13. coach (n./v.) 14. adequate

15. confused 16. quit smoking

17. be tired/bored of 18. under the guidance of sb

19. reach / meet a goal 20. accomplishment

21. vivid memories 22. assist sb with sth

23. maximum / minimum 24. instant food

25. automatic kitchen 26. die of hunger

27. 努力,奋斗,挣扎 28. 心理学家

29. 体操锦标赛 30. 运动项目,比赛项目

31. 精力充沛的,充满活力的 32. 专科医师;专家

33. 投身于,献身于 34. 重伤,严重的伤害

35. 克服困难 36. 适应新生活

37. 新闻业 38. 被他的勇气所激励

39. 保持乐观 40. 对生活有积极向上的态度

41. 同情 42. 不幸的

43. 服从规定 44. 安排

45. 信任;信仰 46. 分配

47. 鼓励 48. 回顾童年

49. 独立的 50. 青春期

51. 交流,沟通,传达 52. 保证,担保

53. 帮助,协助 54. 陪伴

55. 稳定的收入 56. 天真无邪的;无辜的

57. 成熟的 58. 动机,动力

59. hot under the collar 60. feel blue

61. fly off the handle 62. down in the dumps

63. over the moon 64. on cloud nine

Words and phrases of M6 Unit 3

1. tell the differences between A and B 2. guys

3. native English speakers 4. turkey

5. settler 6. embarrassing

7. newly-wed 8. banquet

9. give out 10. adjust to

11. log off 12. royal family

13. anyway 14. youth

15. go overseas 16. incident

17. feast 18. in celebration of

19. sign 20. go through the proper procedure

21. hold up 22. taboo

23. generally 24. for some / certain reason

25. upsetting 26. be concerned with/ about

27. in contact with 28. greeting

29. putting one’s palms together 30. ethnic groups

31. equally strange 32. tour/ tourist/ tourism

33. gathering 34. swap stories

35. believe in animal spirits 36. masks carved from wood

37. be based on ancient beliefs 38. nuclear weapon

39. weaving materials 40. have power over

41. 积累更多的信息 42. 带着口音说话

43. 难以置信的 44. 文化差异

45. 传统 / 传统节日 46. 婚礼习俗

47. 参加 48. 招待会;接待

49. 新娘/新郎 50. 白酒;酒精

51. 打鼓 52. 误会,误解

53. 摘要,概要 54. 期望,期待

55. 国籍;民族 56. 顾问

57. 赞成,同意 58. 雄心,野心

59. 占据太多的时间或空间 60. 请求,要求

61. 说,谈论,评述 62. 与宗教有关

63. 交往,互动,相互作用 64. 少数民族

65. 北极圈 66. 描述,叙述

67. 勇敢的/ 勇敢 68. 祖先/ 祖先的

69. 统治/ 政府 70. 乐器

71. 打猎;搜捕 72. 属于

73. 弓箭 74. 复述,转述

75. 和平,安宁 76.平原 / 简单的,朴素的

Words and phrases of M6 Unit 4

1. Goodwill Ambassador 2. peacekeeping operations

3. take on this role 4. worthy organizations

5. Labour laws 6. Press Conference

7. funding 8. under the umbrella of

9. apart from English 10. set out a charter

11. in the remotest area 12. if only

13. refer to 14. from many aspects

15. mountainous border 16. somewhat

17. alternative sources of fuel 18. container

19. charcoal 20. hardship

21. get enough protein 22. basic equipment

23. means 24. flee-fled-fled

25. famine 26. vaccination

27. outbreak 28. water-borne diseases

29. heal 30. meanwhile

31. think back to 32. make a difference

33. 给….某人动手术 34. 深感荣幸

35. 故意地 36. 合作

37. 冲突 38. 志愿的/ 志愿者

39. 增加人们的环保意识 40. 引起当地人的注意

41. 一大笔钱 42. 紧迫的难题

43. 缺乏教育 44. 贫困,贫穷

45. 作为…..的代表 46.平民

47. 人人可以得到 48. 感到沮丧,懊恼

49. 良心,良知 50. 慈善捐款

51. 宝贵的,珍贵的 52. 承担费用

53. 原始的 54. 泵,抽水机

55. 出故障;抛锚 56. 取水

57. 职业;占有 58. 强迫,强制,迫使

59. 营养不良 60. 承诺,保证;投入,奉献

61. 处于混乱状态 62. 子弹

63. 同事 64. 空缺的

65. 临时诊所 66. 药物治疗;药物

67. 不严重的;次要的,不重要的 68. 细菌

69. 住所,藏身之处 70. 让人想起……提醒某人……

71. 全体员工 72. 障碍

73. 安慰 74. 个人的,个别的,单独的

75. 得到,抓住 76. 不可用的,不能用的

Irregular verbs


1. beat 2. bend

3. bite 4. bleed

5. blow 6. broadcast

7. burst 8. catch

9. choose 10. cost

11. deal 12. dig

13. draw 14. drink

15. eat 16. fall

17. feed 18. feel

19. fight 20. flee

21. forbid 22. freeze

23. hang 24. hear

25. hide 26. hurt

27. lay 28. lead

29. lie 30. light

31. mean 32. mistake

33. overcome 34. pay

35. ride 36. ring

37. rise 38. seek

39. set 40. set

41. shake 42. shine

43. shoot 44. show

45. shut 46. sing

47. sink 48. spread

49. steal 50. stick

51. strike 52. swear

53. tear 54. throw

55. wake 56. wear

57. win 58. wind

5.译林六年级教案 篇五

Teaching aims:

(1). Learn and master the new words in play scripts.

(2). Enlarge the knowledge about expressions of smile and laugh.

Important points & difficult points:

(1). Talk about drama to learn new words.

(2). Remember the new expressions of smile and laugh.


Step 1 Lead-in

Enjoy a drama named “Cat”.

(explain the word “drama”---a piece of writing to be performed by actors; a play for theatre, TV, radio, etc. )

Free talk about yourself.

(1). In your opinion, in order to put on a drama, what preparations should be made?

(2). Are there any drama clubs at your school?

(3). Have you ever acted in a drama? If not, do you want to act in a drama?

(4). What do you know about drama performing?

Step 2 Read and speak

(1).Part A on page 46.

(2).Find all words related to drama.

Step 3 Read and understand

Answer the following questions as fast as possible.

(1). What do we call the person who acts in a play?

(2). What do we call the person who is in charge of a play?

(3). What is a script made up of?

(4). What will an actor read in a script?

(5). What kind of play is called one-act plays?

Step 4 Further study

(1). More words about drama

(2). Complete the exercise of Part C.

(3). According to Part C, answer this question “What kinds of things should an actor do to become successful?”.

*listen to the director

*learn lines by heart

*find out when the character he or she is playing on stage

*dress in his or her costume and wait in the wings in time

*know the props that are going to be used before going on stage

*calm down and be confident when on stage

Step 5. Idioms about smiling & laughing

to have the last laugh; all smiles (Explanations and examples are given to you.)


6.译林六年级教案 篇六

Period I & II Grammar Writer: Time:

Teaching Aims:

1.To learn some new words.

2. To learn the use of the present perfect tense and time expressions with it.

3. To understand the difference between the present perfect tense and the simple past tense.

Teaching contents:

the present perfect tense and time expressions with it

Important points

The use of the perfect tense: have/ has +p.p.

Difficult points:

The use of the perfect tense: have/ has +p.p.

Teaching methods:

Task-based teaching method Teaching Aids:

a projector; a multi-media computer system Notes

Teaching procedures:

Step1.Teach the new words from P13 to P17.

Step2. Lead in the present perfect tense.

T: When did you have breakfast?

S: I had breakfast an hour ago.

T: He had breakfast an hour ago. He has had breakfast. (Bb)

T: Where did you study English last term?

S: We studied English in Shang Xin He Middle School.

T: Yes. You studied English in Shang Xin He Middle School. You have studied here for about two years.(Bb)

→我们用一般过去时谈论过去发生的动作,但当过去发生的动作和现在有联系有影响时,我们用现在完成时态.(Refer to P13)→Structure: have/has +V (过分)

Step 3. How we form the past participles of verbs P13 (Add the simple past forms)

Add: have---had---had hear---heard---heard buy---bought---bought

go---went---gone do---did----done eat---ate---eaten

forget---forgot---forgotten cut---cut---cut read---read---read

Step 4.Explain the use of the present perfect tense.

(一) 基本用法:

1. 到现在为止这段时间已发生的情况.动作从过去延续到现在.

eg. She has been ill for three days. (She’s been…)

We have learned 2,000 English words. (We’ve …)

2. 某个动作虽是过去发生,但其后果和影响及于现在.

eg. Thanks you. I’ve had my supper.(现在用不着吃)

Tom has seen the film.(对这部电影有所了解)

(二) 时间状语: already, yet(否,疑), since, ever, never, just, before(句尾),for+时间段, recently

eg. She has already finished her work.

I have ever heard about it.

Step 5. Change the above sentence patterns to general questions, negative sentences and question the underlined parts.

Step 6. Make sentences P14 A1

Step 7. Compare the difference between the present perfect tense and the simple past tense.


e.g. Simon has lost his watch./ Simon lost his watch.

Have you bought a pen? / When did you buy the pen?

What did you have for lunch? / Have you had lunch?etc

注:句中有表示过去的时间状语如yesterday, last week,…ago etc,不能用现在完成时.

Step 8.Chat time P11, A2

Step 9. Time expressions with the present perfect tense. P16. B

Tell students that present perfect tense must have a specific time when it is used. These time expressions include already, ever, for…, just, never, since…, yet, recently. Explain in Chinese ‘already, just, never通常用于have 或has后;而yet 和recently通常放句末。不过,有时already也能放句末。’

Step 10. Different forms of transport P17


Blackboard design



8B Unit 1 Past and present

Period III Comic strip & Welcome to the unit Writer: Time:

Teaching Aims:

1 To introduce the concept of situations that started in the past and is continuing in the present

2 To introduce the grammatical concept of the present perfect tense by focusing on a timeline and ordering information chronologically.

Teaching contents:

To introduce the present perfect tense and transport at different times

Important points

To introduce the grammatical concept of the present perfect tense by focusing on a timeline and ordering information chronologically.

Difficult points:

To introduce the grammatical concept of the present perfect tense by focusing on a timeline and ordering information chronologically.

Teaching methods:

Communicative method Teaching Aids:

a projector; a multi-media computer system Notes

Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Dictate new words from “ past” to “since”.

Step 2: Review the present perfect tense

1) Translate some sentences (oral practice)

2) Correct mistakes

1 He has come back for two hours

2 Jimmy wrote to me since last week.

3 They got married since 10 years ago.

4 Kate has joined the league for three years.

5 We have never gone to Japan.

6 How long has he gone there? –Since last Friday.

7 He has written two books since he has worked here.

8 How long did you go to the USA? –Five years ago.

Step 3: Warm-up activities

1) Listen to the short dialogue and think about the following questions:

A What did Eddie do? Why?

B How has Eddie changed?

C How has Hobo changed?

2) Listen to the dialogue again and try to repeat after the tape

3) Read the dialogue together and understand the meaning of the dialogue.

Change some sentence patterns according to the dialogue

E.g.: I’ve eaten it ------ I haven’t eaten it.

----- Have you eaten it? Yes, I have /No, I haven’t.

4) Read it again and try to recite it.

Step 4: Welcome to the unit (P7)

1. A Transport at different times

Write the correct names under the pictures.

2. B Back to the past Complete the timeline.Make sentences according to the time table

E.g.: The taxi has been in service in Beijing since 1913/for 94 years. People in Beijing began to use the taxi in 1913.

Step 5 Practice

Finish exercises in Study English.


Blackboard design



8B Unit 1 Past and present

Period IV Reading (1) Writer: Time:

Teaching Aims:

1 To recognize types of questions used in interviews.

2 To recognize extended answers to open questions.

3 To infer general meaning from title and context.

Teaching contents:

Text: Time have changed

Important points

1. The understanding of the reading

2. Some useful expressions

Difficult points:

1. The understanding of the reading

2. Some useful expressions

Teaching methods:

Task-based method Teaching Aids:

a projector; a multi-media computer system Notes

Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Dictate some past participles.

Step 2: Review the dialogue.

Step 3: Read the text and find the answer the following questions.

1) How long has Mr. Cheng known Sunshine Town?

2) When did Mr. Chen moved away from Sunshine River ? Why?

3) How has the place changed?

4) What was the problem when there was a shoe factory near Sun shine River?

5) How does he think about the life now?

Step 4: Do the exercise on page 6 C1 and correct the false statement.

Step 5: Learn the first half of the text and explain some useful expressions.

1 in fact. 实际上I thought this answer was right. In fact ,it’s wrong.

2 live together/there 一起生活 live on the fifth floor

3 get married to sb = marry sb . 与某人结婚。

e.g.: Tom got married to Mary last year =Tom married Mary last year.

They got married last year.

4 until 直到… not …until 直到…才

e.g. : He did his homework until 7 o’clock yesterday evening.

He didn’t do his homework until 7 o’clock yesterday evening.

5 change a lot

change v. 改变Our city has changed a lot .

change n. 变化,零钱Great changes have taken place in our city .

( the changes to Sunshine Town , the answer to…, the key to…the entrance to…)

6 turn…into…把…变成… turn into变成

e.g. The government turned the factory into a library three years ago.

Water turns into ice when it freezes.

The shop has turned into a hotel

Step 6 Listen to the tape and read the learned part of the text .

Step 7 Do the exercise on page 10 B

Match the words on the left with the meanings on the right.

Step 8 Practice

Finish exercises in Study English


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8B Unit 1 Past and present

Period V Reading (2) Writer: Time:

Teaching Aims:

1 To grasp some useful expressions

2 To retell the main idea of the text

3 To understand the use of some words through the exercises.

Teaching contents:

Text: Time have changed

Important points

Alone & lonely

Difficult points:

Alone & lonely

Teaching methods:

Task-based method Teaching Aids:

a projector; a multi-media computer system Notes

Teaching procedures:

Step 1: review the first part of the text

a) important phrases

b) ask and answer according to the text

c) recite some part of the text

Step 2 learn the rest of the text

1) let students ask questions and find answers together.

2) useful expressions.

1 used to do/be ;过去常常做…/是…

e.g.: He used to be a teacher.

be/get used to doing…现在习惯于做…

e.g.: He is used to having noodles for breakfast.

2 pleasant :指环境,地方,行程的舒适愉快。多用于修饰事物。

e.g.: The weather is usually pleasant here in May. The trip is pleasant.

pleased :指感到愉快。通常描述人。

be pleased with…

e.g.: I’m pleased with your work. The teacher is pleased with us.

同根词---pleasure. With pleasure. / It’s my pleasure.

3 lonely adj.指人,表示寂寞孤独,指物,表示荒凉,无人居住的

e.g.: He feels lonely without friends. / This is a lonely house.

alone adj./adv. 独自的(地) He lives alone .

4 from time to time =sometimes=at times

5 It’s adj ( for sb) to do---- It’s nice to have open space It’s interesting for us to fly kites. It has become more difficult to see my old friends


1) 方面,方式,方法。 in this way /that/another way

in some ways 在某些方面,在某种程度上

a new way of teaching 一种新的教法。

2) 路 on one’s way to--- on his way to school

by the way 顺便问一下

Step 3 Finish the exercises on page 11C2 and D .

Step 4 Practice

Finish exercises in Study English


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8B Unit 1 Past and present

Period VI Vocabulary Writer: Time:

Teaching Aims:

1. To develop an understanding of opposites.

2. To use appropriate adjectives in context to express positive and negative meanings.

Teaching contents:


Important points


Difficult points:


Teaching methods:

Method of Brainstorm Teaching Aids:

a projector; a multi-media computer system Notes

Teaching procedures:

Step1.Review the opposites

1.Ask the students to give the opposites orally (P12)


easy---difficult/hard expensive---cheap/inexpensive

happy---sad/unhappy like---dislike(v.)/unlike(prep.)

3. Review the prefixes and suffixes (give more examples besides the ones in the book)

un- unhappy

friendly- able- popular-

welcome- fit- tidy-

clear- safe- comfortable -

dis- disappear

honest- agree-

in- infamous


ir- irregular

-less helpful---helpless

useful- careful-

4. Give more opposites

first---last love---hate noisy---quiet

day---night beginning---end rich---poor

big---small interesting---boring short---long/tall

Step2.Correct the mistakes in Millie’s e-file


1.They ____(be) in New York for seven years. They ____(move) there in .

2. If it ___(be) fine tomorrow, we ___(go) for a picnic.

3. Mr Green ___(teach) English in this city since he ___(come) here in 1995.

4. ___ you ever ___(make) a ship? Yes, I ___(make) one last year.

5. It ___(be) a small village in the past. But things ___(change) a lot over the years.

6. It’s nice ___(have) a pretty garden. We enjoy ___(play) there.

7. I’m afraid I ___ (miss) the meeting. It ___(begin) an hour ago .It ___for half an hour already.

8. He ___(finish) his homework. Now he ___(have) a rest.

Step 4 Practice

Finish exercises in Study English


Blackboard design



8B Unit 1 Past and present

Period VII Integrated skills Writer: Time:

Teaching Aims:

1. To listen for details about changes to Starlight Town.

2. To focus on general meaning by identifying specific details in pictures and general context.

3. To understand and respond to factual information presented in written and oral forms.

4.To respond to information obtained from listening by completing a diary.

Teaching contents:

Changes to Starlight Town and changes in our own lives

Important points

Four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing

Difficult points:

The listening part

Teaching methods:

Listening & speaking method Teaching Aids:

a projector; a multi-media computer system Notes

Teaching procedures:

Step1. Revision

1. Review and dictate some past participles.

2. Review the opposites.

3. Check homework.

Step2. Listening

1. Talk about Daniel and Simon’s history project.

2. Compare the two pictures in P18 A1

3. Listen:

①.Listen to get a general understanding of the conversation

②.Listen to complete the sentences in Part A

③.Listen to check by themselves

4. Check the answers

Step3.Complete the diary in A2

1. Complete and check

2. Note:

① lend sth. to sb. = lend sb. sth.

② There have been many changes to this place.

=This place has changed a lot.

=Great changes have taken place in Hong Kong.

eg. There have been a park near here for four years.

③ be in service = be in use

④ travel to and from town

= go into and out of the town

⑤ over the years = during the years

⑥ see the changes myself

= see the changes on my own

= see the changes by myself

3. Read the diary

Step4 Speak up: talking about changes in your life

1. Read “speak up” part and answer the questions.


1) How did Millie go to school when she was in primary school?

Her mother took her to schoolDoes Millie’s mother still take her to school now?

No, she doesn’t.

3) How does Millie go to school now?

By bus on her own.

4) What does Millie enjoy doing after school?

She enjoys chatting with Sandy her and other friends.

5) Does Sandy think school life is really great?

Yes, she does.


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8B Unit 1 Past and present

Period VIII Speak up &Study skills Writer: Time:

Teaching Aims:

1. To talk about past and present habits

2. To give information about changes over time

3. To become more familiar with the sequence of letters in the alphabet

4. To develop dictionary skills and recognize guide words

5. To use guide words to locate words in a dictionary

Teaching contents:

Speak up & Study skills

Important points

Make their own conversation

Difficult points:

Make their own conversation

Teaching methods:

Listening & speaking method Teaching Aids:

a projector; a multi-media computer system Notes

Teaching procedures:

Step 1 Revision

1. Dictation

2. Check homework

Step 2 Lead-in

1. How do you usually go to school? (on foot/ by bike)

2. How did you go to school when you were in primary school?

3. What do you often after class and after school?

Step 3 Speak up

1. Listen to the tape

1) Who took Millie to school before ?

2) How did Sandy go to school before.?

3) Does Millie like chatting with her friends ?

4) What do you think of your school life ?

2. Listen and repeat

3. Read and role-play

4. Ask Ss to think about changes in their lives

Primary school Secondary school

On foot with parents On foot on my own

Take me to school by bike By bike

5. New dialogue

6. Useful expressions

1.) when I was …

2.) since I started…

3.) How has/have …changed?

4.) on one’s won = by oneself = alone

5.) have more/ less free time

6.) have the same feeling/ way (as …)

7.) Do you agree (with sb)?

Step 4 Study skills ---using a dictionary

1. Ask Ss to call out “ A-Z” in order; one of them writes them on the Bb.

2. Tell them the rule to look up words in a dictionary.

3. Finish off the exercises


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8B Unit 1 Past and present

Period IX Main Task &Checkout Writer: Time:

Teaching Aims:

1. To describe two pictures explaining the differences between past and present situations .

2. To generate ideas to describe specific details shown in pictures .

3. To organize language and descriptions to write a comparison .

4. To select descriptive information to write a report .

5. To describe the changes to a place.

Teaching contents:

Main Task &Checkout

Important points


Difficult points:


Teaching methods:

Writing method Teaching Aids:

a projector; a multi-media computer system Notes

Teaching procedures:

Step1: Revision

1. Everyday English

2. Check homework

3. Finish off Checkout (the present perfect tense)

Step 2:Presentation

1.Do you still remember the changes to Moonlight Town. Let’s compare it’s past and present.

2. Some language points.

Step 3:Main task: Moonlight Town: Past and Present

1.Questions about Moonlight Town:

⑴ Where is Moonlight Town?

⑵ What did it use to be ?

⑶ Was it a good place for wildlife ?

⑷ How could people go to Moonlight Town before ?

⑸ How can people go to Moonlight Town now ?

⑹ Do you think the changes to it have brought benefits ?

⑺ Have the changes caused problems ?

2.Useful espressions

1.) no longer = not ..any longer

2.) bring many benefits

3.) cause many problems

Step4: Presentation (Changes to…)

How to write a report about changes to some places.(refer to P22)

Step5 : Writing

Ask students to look at the two given pictures (Jianye District in Nanjing)

Step6: Checkout

1. Complete Part A in page 23.

2. Check the answers.

3. Complete Part B in Page 23.

4. Check the answers.


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