


1.雅思口语话题解析:喜欢的食物 篇一


Describe a street that you like to visit.

You should say:

Where it is

How often you go there

What you like to do there

and explain why you like it.





Describe a street that you like to visit.这是一个新题,题干主体信息是:一个你喜欢逛/经常去的街道。


另外虽然题目问的是“street”,有一个最好迁移的点就是,和我们的“shopping mall”商场联系在一起,比如说在商场里,能够购物,能够吃东西,还能和朋友聚在一起,闲逛看电影等等。

或者你也可以选择一条僻静的街道,比如公园里的街道,有很多人在这里锻炼身体(stretch their body),街道对面有一个湖泊(go boating on the lake)。

而在话题卡里给出的我们的4个线索里,最好展开的应该是最后一个:why you like it?

你可以说这个地方给我们的生活提供了很多便利(provide daily necessity/convenience),或者它是一个休闲娱乐的地方(provide recreation),同时你还可以说这个地方让你真的感到放松(wind down),或者让你的心情平静(find a sense of calmness)。


Pedestrian Street 步行街

statue 雕像

landmark 地标

barbecued squid 烤鱿鱼

wind down 放松

feel at home 感觉自在


The street that I’m fond of visiting is Huangxing Pedestrian Street, located in the middle of Changsha, the capital of Hunan province. The street is about 1 kilometer in length, and there is a metro stop nearby so every weekend I can go there for shopping conveniently. Besides, more than one hundred shops can be found there, including large shopping malls such as Wangfujing, Wanda, as well as modern cafes and bakery shops. The central area contains a small public square with a statue of Huang Xing, the modern revolutionary pioneer, who has devoted all his life to China’s development. Because of Huang Xing’s fame, the street that goes after him has become a landmark in Changsha.

In addition, Huangxing Pedestrian Street is also a paradise for us foodies. There are plenty of stalls offering tasty food, such as sushi, smelly tofu, and barbecued squid. You can also notice some western food shops standing at either side of the street, such as Mcdonald’s and Pizza Hut. Every time I go to Huang Xing Pedestrian Street, I could really wind down and feel at home. I can just be a window shopper, wandering down the street, enjoying those colorful and trendy clothes.

I think Huang Xing Pedestrian Street is really appealing, both for the young and the old. Not only does it provide daily necessity for us, but also it offers some recreation for us. That’s the reason why I like visiting there.



Describe an open-air or street market which you enjoyed visiting.

You should say:

where the market is

what the market sells

how big the market is

why you enjoyed visiting it.









I’m going to describe a street market that I’ve enjoyed visiting many times in Manchester. It’s the Manchester Christmas Market, and it comes to the city for about a month from the end of November every year. The market stalls are spread across several sites in the city center, but the centrepiece is the large European market in Albert Square next to the Town Hall.

The Christmas Market stalls sell an array of Christmas gifts and mouth-watering food and drink from all over Europe. It’s a great place to find handmade crafts such as jewellery, ornaments, wooden toys and other souvenirs, but it’s the food and drink that seem to be most popular. Probably the biggest seller is the ‘Gluhwein’, a hot, sweet wine which is sold in a souvenir mug.

The market was originally quite small, occupying just one of the central squares in Manchester, but it’s grown quickly in recent years, spilling over into maybe five other pedestrian streets and a few other squares. Apparently there are over 200 stalls now, so it’s become a really big event attracting thousands of visitors. The main reason I’ve always enjoyed visiting the Christmas Market is the fantastic atmosphere. When I went there last December, it didn’t matter how cold or wet the weather was, Manchester seemed to come alive when the market opened, the streets were bustling with people and there was a real festive feel to the city.


stall n. 货摊

centerpiece n. 中心装饰品;核心

an array of 大量

ornament n. 装饰物

bustling a. 熙熙攘攘的

festive a. 节日的

【9月雅思口语新题精解】a street you like to visit


这是一个应该人人有话说的题目,不就是一条你喜欢去的街嘛。我想,稍稍加点演绎,都可以讲出这么一条有故事有味道的街。一般来说,我们可以扮成吃货(foodie),然后那条街是一条美食街(food street);或者我们是喜欢历史的有地方特色的玩意儿(gismo/souvenir),然后那条街是一条老街(old street);再或者,我们是一群爱读书的书迷(book buff),然后那条街是一条书店街(street of bookstore);如何再俗一点,就纯粹的一条步行街(pedestrian street),我们就是一群购物狂(shopaholic)。这是在讲如何确定话题的中心 。

第二点,雅思口语中很关键的,是要讲细节。如本文中示例答案中对pao mo(泡馍)的解释(which is a noodle dish which the tough “bread” was tore into pieces then put them in the soup with mutton and vermicelli)。细节不用多,一两个就够了。对细节的描述是最好地展现你的口语功底之处,也就是你要冲7分很关键的一环。

第三点,同样是画龙点睛的一笔,就是你的情感或者说情怀,需要在最后清晰感人地表达出来。你既然在众多的候选事物中选择了这一个作描述,那么,肯定是有一些除了好吃,好玩,好看之外的原因。所以,稍稍将你的描述物进行一个拔高,给它一点内涵,讲述下它对你而言最本质的地方。从而对考官形成较大程度的杀伤。如本例:The old world exotic charm characterise the whole street, and even the very names of the place or food can evoke some kind of historical feel. That kind of feel really got me.


I am a huge foodie and little traveler. During my not-so-memorable travel record, the muslin street stands out as a mecca for food lover like me.

the Muslim street (which are called huimin jie in Chinese) is located at the heart of ancient city of Xian in northern China, and I once spent 3 three days there to explore all the great street food and other stuff there. Right after passing through the archways of magnificent Bell and Drum Tower, you will be amazed by the scene there, though it is not so clean and tidy sometimes. Technically speaking it should be called Muslim streets, because it is actually a series of several different streets that all have a distinct feel, but all are home to twenty thousand strong Islamic followers, who still maintained their pious and traditional lifestyle nowadays.

Among them, the renowned Beiyuanmen (北院门) Islamic Street is a great place for Muslim snack lovers. You can sample a lot of authentic Islamic specialties, like beef or mutton Rou Jia Mo (肉夹馍) which looks like a hamburger, northwestern style noodles, and Pao Mo (泡馍) which is a noodle dish which the tough “bread” was tore into pieces then put them in the soup with mutton and vermicelli, as well as many, many other attractive snacks that will not make you disappointed. The restaurants and eateries here are serving their food in budget prices.

In addition to the great food, Islamic architecture and majestic scenes, beautiful handicrafts like paper-cutting, little dolls and lots of curious souvenirs are worth to see, and I bought a few as gift for my friends. they are dearly loved as far as I know.

The old world exotic charm characterise the whole street, and even the very names of the place or food can evoke some kind of historical feel. That kind of feel really got me.


今年一月,一道地点类part2题目悄无声息地浮出水面——“describe your favorite street”。最喜欢的一条街?看到题目,同学们纷纷给出“Excuse me?”的表情,这么抽象的地点描述是要闹哪样,三两句不就说完了还能说出什么名堂?但是朋友们,别忘了,口语是在日常环境中发生的,它源于生活。细想一下,这道题还真是生活情味满到扑出来啊。现在,请大家暂时忘记这是一道考试题,试着想一想下面这个问题。


也许你是个美食达人(foodie,俗称吃货 : )),喜欢亲自选菜下厨露几手,你的首选菜场(your go-to farmer’s market)菜品齐全,物美价廉,可能还有个摊位(stall)的阿伯阿姨对你特别热情,每次都给你多加两棵小葱。也可能某一次偶然探得一家餐馆,吃了一次就知道是你想要的,从此深入你心,无可取代(favorite restaurant on the planet)。

也许你崇尚健康生活(healthylifestyle),常去健身房增强体质(work outin the gym on a regular basis),或者你有晨跑夜跑(morning/nightjogging)的习惯,又或许你知道某一家超市(supermarket/ grocery store)能买到最新鲜的有机食品(organicfood)。

也许你是个有情怀的人(a person with sentiment),时常惊艳于街头巷尾的花或路边丛生的植物(thrivingplants),喜欢摄影(photography),路边的梧桐(planetrees)和小洋房(foreignstylevillasandtownhouses)都是你时常记录的对象。拍累了还能找到个咖啡馆(café)或书店(bookstore)、图书馆(library)歇歇脚补充一下精神食粮。

也许你是个时尚达人(a fashion icon),某条街是潮人聚集地,在那里你总能找到称心合意的潮品(inthing)或限量版(limitededition)服装。

即使你是个御宅族(otaku/ homebody),说不定也会为某个游戏或某部动漫(animation)的周边(comicrelatedproducts)贡献体力以及物质力量吧。搞不好还变成了每年定期举行的漫展(Anime convention)中的熟客。



那里的风格如何?是时尚现代风(chic/ up-market/ modern)还是历史底蕴丰厚(a place steeped in history),有浓郁的怀旧风情(nostalgicstyle)?

那里的地理位置是怎样的?离你近吗?是处于城市中心(citycenter)还是大隐于市(a secluded place)?是人潮拥挤(busyand crowded)还是安然静谧(quiet and serene)?


那里是著名的旅游景点吗(touristattraction)?是不是有很多国内外的游客慕名而来(is packedwithtouristsand visitors from home and abroad)?有没有名人故居(formerresidence)?



2.雅思口语话题解析 篇二







3.雅思口语话题解析:喜欢的食物 篇三

for natural scenery, is the largest state in United States by area. It is situated in the northwest extremity of North America. The temperature there mostly remains below zero degree Celsius, which leads to the fact that the majority parts of state are usually covered by snow. I wish I can travel to Alaska during the future Winter break even though it would be the coldest period in a year, because to see a real aurora will be one of the best moments in my life.

In order to accomplish this trip, it is necessary to have enough preparations, especially for self-protection, like preparing enough clothes to stay warm and learning self-salvation when accidents happened. The best partner I can think of would be my girlfriend. It would be a fantastic experience to memorize for both of us. Imaging that together we traveled such North to see such magnificent

landscapes with our lovers, nothing can be better than this.

Every time I saw aurora was either pictures in magazines or geographic channels on TV, I long for seeing and standing in front of polar light once for telling myself “oh my god, I see it for real”. It is something that human cannot create and normal people cannot see often. It is magic that nature performs. On the other hand, Alaska is a perfect place to enjoy the winter, the snow, the mountains, the forest, and everything together become the wonderful landscapes.


A perfect holiday you would like to have


Describe a holiday you would like to have in the future.

You should say:

When and where you would like to go

Who you would like to go with

What you would like to do there

And explain why you would like to go there


How do Chinese people spend their holidays?

Do Chinese people prefer to spend holidays in or outside of China?

Do people like expensive trips or economical trips?

What kind of vocation do people in your country like to have?

4.雅思口语之喜欢的运动 篇四

You should say:

– what kind of sport that is;

– who you play it with;

– where you play it;

and explain why you think doing this is healthy.

band 8+答案

I’m not a great swimmer in any sense but swimming is like my religion. It is truly refreshing and literally, washes away every disturbing thought I have whenever I dive into cold water. No matter how tight my schedule may get, I usually pay at least one visit to a local swimming pool to work myself up and get rejuvenated.

Sometimes, I have a partner or two, who have been my best friends since high school. We live in the same neighborhood so it’s not too stressful when we have to set a schedule for our swimming session. We carpool more often than not and it takes us roughly 15 minutes to get to the local recreation center where it provides the locals with a variety of facilities for training purpose such as gym class, stadium, swimming pool, tennis court and so on, which is extremely convenient for those who practice more than one activity. The only thing better then swimming itself is swimming with your besties, which is one of hundreds of things I love about my weekly ritual. Hardly do we have time to meet each other during week days as we’re all up to our neck at work and totally stressed out. Therefore, having such a healthy way to catch up with my friends and recharge battery after an exhausting week never sounds better. Just like any other sports, swimming helps maintain your health, keep you fit as well as build your endurance. However, unlike others, it’s a very relaxing and peaceful form of exercise, you don’t even sweat for hours – a supreme advantage. Therefore, if you’re looking for a kind of sport that brings you comfort and relaxation, swimming should be your first choice.


refreshing (a): making you feel less tired or hot

literally (adv): in a literal manner or sense; exactly

disturbing (a): making you feel anxious and upset or shocked

work up: make yourself or another person excited or upset

rejuvenate (v): make somebody/something look or feel younger, more lively or more modern

more often than not: usually

recreation center: a building that is open to the public where meetings are held, sports are played, and there are activities available for young and old people

ritual (n): something that is done regularly and always in the same way

be up to neck: to be very busy

5.雅思口语话题解析:喜欢的食物 篇五

Clothes: You like what clothes?

Clothes aren’t only used to keep us warm. It has become a important part of modern civilization. Different nations have different styles clothes. And different styles clothes represent different cultures. All people want their life to be filled with variety, color and comfort by wearing clothes. We will have a good mood when we wear beautiful clothes. I like leisure clothes very much. Because it is not only cheap but also convenient to wear. (In addition, the material of leisure clothes is more environmentally friendly.) But I must wear work clothes when we are working. Otherwise, I will be fined.

1)What’s the pre on clothes when you are working? and just the pre on clothes in school.

We must wear work clothes ( a school uniform ) when we are working (in school). Otherwise, we will be fined..

2)the different between the older and younger people on clothes.

The older people think a lot of style and material. But the youger people would like to follow the fashion. Personality is the first consideration when younger people choose clothes.

6.雅思口语话题解析:喜欢的食物 篇六

After I moved to the capital city, I found my old winder dresses to become backdated and I was planning to purchase a new one. The jacket I bought is really a favourite piece of clothing I have in my collection. I bought it mainly because I needed a new cloth for the winter season and this one looked very stylish and seemed like made by good materials. I wandered in several shops and markets and was having a hard time finding a stylish and good looking jacket. All of a sudden this one caught my eyes and after trying it in the trial room, I instantly decided to purchase it.

I wear it only the winter season and this jacket gives me warmth I need to protect from the chilly and cold weather. I like it very much as it goes with my choice and need. Some of my friends appreciated this piece of cloth and they inquired where I purchased it from. I can wear it with both the casual and formal dresses and that gives me a good advantage. Besides fashion, this cloth offers utilitarian values as well. I feel comfortable and protected in this dress and it did not cost me a lot.

I don’t have a huge collection of dresses and I do not purchase dresses that I would not wear. But sometimes I find myself in dilemma when I purchase a dress and later on find it very ordinary. But this leather jacket was exceptional. I have felt a great joy after I purchased it and still this is the best winter jacket I have. For all those reasons this dress has become my most favourite piece of cloth I own.

Your ability to talk about this Cue Card Topic would also enable you to talk about the following Cue Card Topics as well:

1. Describe your favourite dress

2. Describe an item of clothing you have bought recently

3. Describe a dress you wear occasionally

7.雅思口语话题解析:喜欢的食物 篇七

Favorite electronic device

You should say:

Name of the device

When do you use it?

How do other people regard this incident?

My favorite electronic device is a laptop. I am exaggerating by saying that I cannot live without it. When I did not have it I never thought it would become such an important thing in my life, but when I started using it I realized that I could not live without it. I use a Dell laptop and it is very beautiful, apart from being beautiful it is has a lot of functions and features which have made my life easier.


I use my laptop all the time and I carry it with me at all times. The main reason I use the laptop is that I am running my own website and for that reason I have look at the website statistics at all times. If I do not use my laptop, I would not be able to operate my website. I also use the laptop when I have to talk to my friends or when I have to check e-mail. I have some friends who live in other cities so when I feel that I am missing them, or I feel that I should keep in touch with them then I talk to them on skype.


Laptop is an electronic device which has not only made my life better, but also the life of many people better. People have been able to communicate in a much better and faster way and the communication done via the laptop or internet is mostly free. At first it was considered to be a luxury, but thanks to the modern technology it has now become affordable for everyone.


雅思口语Part 2&3考官范文:想买的电子产品

Describe an electronic machine you want to buy.

You should say:

what it is

when you know this machine

what specific features you want

and explain why you want this machine.


Let me tell you about the electronic machine that I’d like to buy lately. It’s just a Mac Mini, produced by Apple. I first saw it in the Apple online store when I was buying the latest iPhone there last April.


It’s very small, nearly as portable as notebook, and can be taken away in my bag. Besides, it’s very energy-efficient which means that it can be running in my room all day long very quietly. So I won’t be bothered by the noise compared with other computers. Moreover, the cover of the machine can be removed so that it’s very convenient to upgrade the memory myself.


While the small computer is so light-weighted, it’s still very powerful to deal with various hard tasks. With the latest Intel processor and the large amount of memory, its performance is improved much greatly. I want to buy it and put it in the corner of my room, letting it be running day and night to provide home sharing services of movies, music and pictures for my whole family.



1.我想买的:I’d like to buy

2.苹果生产的:produced by Apple

3.苹果在线商店:the Apple online store

4.像笔记本一样便携: as portable as notebook


6.升级内存:upgrade the memory


8.各种繁重的工作:various hard tasks

9.最新的因特尔处理器:the latest Inter processor

10.我房间的一角:the corner of my room

11.日夜运行:be running day and night

12.共享服务: sharing services

13.我全家:my whole family


Describe a time that you looked for information from the Internet

You should say:

When it happened

What you were looking for

Where you were searching on the Internet

And how you felt about the information


The Internet has become an integral part of our lives. Young generation now spends most of its time on the internet. Like others, I also use the internet for various purposes. Most of the time I see what my friends and family have posted on Whatsapp or Facebook.


Here, I would like to talk about a time when I searched for information about how to repair the computer. During the final year of my graduation, it was a Sunday evening and the next morning I had to submit a project in my college. The project was an application/ software which could be used for conducting online exams of students. I had already made that software so on that evening when I started my PC to check whether my software is working fine, the computer showed a blank screen. I restarted my computer many times but it was still showing a blank screen. I went to all local computer repair shops but because of Sunday, they all were close. So finally I thought of repairing it myself.


YouTube is the second largest search engine for all types of creative projects and solution for your problems. So I searched on YouTube “reasons of blank screen on the computer”. There were many people who were giving different reasons of why one can have a blank screen on the computer. Most of them suggested that before doing any major change in your computer hardware, first take the RAM out of your computer, clean it with a soft cloth or a rubber and then reinstall it. There are likely chances that your computer screen will start working. I did the same thing; I took the RAM out, cleaned it and then reinstalled it. After installing the RAM, I switched on my computer and everything started functioning normally the screen was on. It was a great relief for me because now I could check whether my online exam software was working as it should be.


I check it and it was working fine. On the next day, I went to the college and demonstrated my project to the teachers. So the internet gave me the solution to my problem and I was really happy on that day.


雅思口语PART 3话题

What ways can people get information these days?

What are the differences between getting information from library and getting information from newspaper?

What are some of the advantages of internet?

Internet has surely come up with great advantages to offer all of us. Firstly, it allows for free communication with people far off from us. You see, it is very easy to know how your friends miles away from you is actually. Also, internet provides us with information regarding anything and everything. There are so many people writing about so many things and often people share their experiences helping others stuck in the same issue. Internet surely has made the world a smaller and a better place.互联网无疑为我们提供了巨大的优势。首先,它允许与远离我们的人进行自由交流。你看,很容易就能知道你的朋友离你有多远。此外,互联网为我们提供了关于任何事情的信息。有如此多的人在写如此多的东西,而且人们经常分享他们的经历,帮助别人在同一个问题上。互联网无疑使世界变得更小、更美好。

What according to you are the disadvantages of Internet?

No doubt, internet is over whelming and it does provides us with everything but then I believe it is very addictive as well. I have seen people getting stuck to it and hence spending so much less time with their family and friends. Also, with youtube and facebook, it is observed that people are becoming more addictive to them and less efficient at work.毫无疑问,互联网已经超越了它,它确实为我们提供了一切,但我相信它也会让人上瘾。我看到人们被困在那里,因此花在家人和朋友身上的时间少得多。此外,在youtube和facebook上,人们发现,人们对他们的吸引力越来越大,工作效率也越来越低。

Do you think writing emails has strenghtend or weakened people’s writing skills?

I would say, it has strengthened people’s writing skills. Now, people are more aware that the email gets stored and can be used as proof, they make sure that the language written is proper. So, too an extent yes, email writing has surely helped people improve their formal writing skills.

I think there has been no such difference in the writings skills of the individuals. People who could earlier write great applications are able to write good emails but the ones who lagged behind their, still are not able to manage writing good emails.



What are some of the disadvantages of emails?

8.雅思口语话题准备 篇八

1, What do you like about your studies?

Studying is an arduous but rewarding process.I love my studies.What I like most about studies is the sense of fulfillment and the feeling of self-improvement.I am motivated to enlarge my vision through studies.Each time I obtain interesting knowledge I feel satisfied.2, What is your major? Do you like it?

My major is international economy and trade.Yes, I love it!I learn to use lateral thinking and pay more attention to current affairs and international economic issues.My major offers comprehensive coverage of finance, mathematics, economics and trade, I have covered a lot of ground through my major in the past college year.It really helps to form the basis of my future career.That’s why I love my major.3, Is there anything you don’t like about it?

Well, yes.As we know, international economy and trade is a major which first started in western countries.Most of the classical theories are provided in English.As I see it, however, some Chinese versions cannot convey those precious information and ideas exactly.Besides, my English level is limited.It would be hard for me to understand those 名著 wholly.So this is the thing I don’t like about my major.It would be great if Chinese people could provide original ideas and knowledge on my major.4, What do you do on your first day in this school/university?

Hmm, I was excited(换个高级点的词汇)on my first day in the university.I had an orientation tour of the campus led by(高年级的学长), later I attended a welcome meeting on which I met the principle and other faculty and staff.The ambience there was pretty inviting.It was great.5, Do you have any hobbies?

Yes, basketball is my biggest passion in life.I love to play basketball especially in the summer time.It is a game I really enjoy, so I play it whenever I can get willing partners.Playing basketball is a strenuous sport that takes a lot of energy so you get plenty of exercise.I am hoping basketball will help me build up my stamina.The main reason I like the game is that playing basketball fosters team spirit and corporation.Each time I play basketball I get to know new people and my relationship with my friends gets better.We can forget all the unhappiness and feel refreshed again.I love basketball.6, What do you usually do at weekends?

Well, there is no exaggeration that I expect weekend everyday.Because I can always do things I want to.Sometimes I am tired of the daily grind and want to get away from it all.Usually, I play basketball on a weekly basis to let off steam.I.Normally, I sleep in on Sundays.Later I will go to the(图书馆)to get prepared for the coming week days’ studies.7, What do people usually do to relax in your country?/ what kinds of

leisure activities are popular in china?

9.雅思口语话题 篇九

leave all daily routines behind

a new and different angle to see the world

experience exotic culture

Traveling is a refreshing and revitalizing activity which gives us the opportunity to disconnect from our regular life because we could leave all daily routines behind for a few days or weeks. After the break, we feel more energetic to return to work or study.

And through traveling we have a chance to widen our perspective. To view new customs, different ways of living is fantastic for the mind. It gives us a new and different angle to see the world. When we travel, we can experience exotic cultures and try new food, I mean, to further discover what this wonderful world offers.

10.雅思口语:描述你喜欢的颜色 篇十


I love the color white because it’s so clean and pure. When I wear white, I feel very peaceful at heart. But I have to pay attention because it gets dirty so easily. I think a white Tee Shirt and blue jeans are the best combination.


I think black is very mysterious and sophisticated. For a girl, it looks very sexy. And when you wear black you look thinner, because the color is very slimming.


It’s the color of the sea and the sky. It’s also the color of jeans.

So I guess in a sense, it’s a young and free color.


Red is the hottest and most enthusiastic color you can ever imagine.

And it’s the color of China.


The color green reminds me of the nature and the environment.

It’s the color of Spring when all lives come back around us.

So wearing this color, I feel very close to nature.

Do you like the same color now as you did when you were younger?


Well, yeah.

I’m a kind of person that likes something and doesn’t change.

And I think the colors of black and white are the most classic.

I’m a simple guy, so I like simple colors.


I guess it changed. When I was young, I was childish, so I like bright colors, such as light yellow and shiny red. But now, I’m a 20 years old young man, I’m more mature, and so I like more understated colors, such as dark blue or deep green.

What can you learn about a person from the color they like?

I think you can tell about a person’s personality by his or her favorite colors.

For example, if a person loves the color red, he’s very out-going and not afraid to show his feelings and emotions. But if a person loves black, for instance, she maybe very reserved and mysterious. She may not want to share too much with others.

Do any colors have special meanings in your culture?

I think the colors of red and yellow represent our home country, China,

because they’re the main colors of the national flag.

The color red also means happy occasions, such as wedding.

I know that the color white means wedding in the west.
