


1.航空货运英语 篇一


神舟七号 Shenzhou VII(spacecraft)

载人飞船 manned spaceship/ spacecraft

载人航天 manned space flight

多人多天太空飞行 multi-manned and multi-day space flight 载人航天计划 manned space program

航天飞机space shuttle

无人飞船unmanned spaceship / spacecraft

试验太空船 Experimental Spacecraft

多级火箭multistage rocket


返回式卫星 recoverable satellite

通信卫星communication satellite

遥感卫星remote sensing satellite

运载火箭carrier rocket;rocket launcher

长征二号F运载火箭 Long March II F carrier rocket 有效载荷能力payload capability

近地轨道low Earth orbit

调整轨道 fine-tune orbit

绕地球飞行 orbit the earth

气象卫星 weather satellite / meteorological satellite 太阳同步轨道卫星 satellite in Sun-synchronous orbit 同步轨道卫星geosynchronous satellite

轨道舱orbital module

返回舱re-entry module

推进舱propelling module

指令舱command module

服务舱service module

登月舱lunar module

发射台launch pad

紧急供氧装置emergency oxygen apparatus

空间物理探测space physics exploration

国际空间站International Space Station

太阳能电池板solar panel

太空升降舱space elevator

哈勃太空望远镜 Hubble Space Telescope

月球车lunar rover

外太空outer space;deep space

银河系Milky Way


中国空间技术研究院 CAST(the Chinese Academy of

Space Technology)

中国航天局 CNSA(China National Space Administration)

美国航空航天管理局 NASA(The National Aeronautics and

Space Administration)

太空服 space outfits(space suits)

太空食物 space food

着陆区 landing area

主着陆场 main landing field/ primary landing site

access flap接口盖


Apollo 阿波罗号宇宙飞船

artificial satellite人造卫星

ascent stage上升段


capsule 太空舱

carrier rocket;rocket launcher 运载火箭

CAST(the Chinese Academy of Space Technology)中国空间技术研究院 CNSA(China National Space Administration)中国航天局

command module指令舱

communication satellite 通信卫星

descent stage下降段

directional antenna定向天线

emergency oxygen apparatus应急供氧装置

Experimental Spacecraft 试验太空船

fine-tune orbit 调整轨道

geosynchronous satellite 同步轨道卫星


Hubble Space Telescope 哈勃太空望远镜

International Space Station 国际空间站


landing area 着陆区

landing pad着陆架

launch a satellite发射卫星

launch pad发射台

life support system生命维持系统

LM-maneuvering rockets登月舱机动火箭

Long March II F carrier rocket 长征二号F运载火箭

low Earth orbit近地轨道

lunar module登月舱

lunar rover 月球车

main landing field/ primary landing site 主着陆场

manned space 载人航天计划

manned space flight 载人航天

manned spaceship/ spacecraft 载人飞船

Milky Way 银河系

multi-manned and multi-day spaceflight 多人多天太空飞行

multistage rocket多级火箭

multistage rocket多级火箭

NASA(The National Aeronautics and Space Administration)美国航空航天管理局 nozzle of the main engine主发动机喷嘴


orbit the earth 绕地球飞行

orbital module 轨道舱

outer space;deep space 外太空

payload capability 有效载荷能力

propelling module 推进舱

recoverable satellite 返回式卫星

re-entry module 返回舱

remote sensing satellite 遥感卫星

satellite in Sun-synchronous orbit 太阳同步轨道卫星

second stage第二级

service module服务舱

solar cell太阳电池

solar panel 太阳能电池板

space elevator 太空升降舱

space food 太空食物

space outfits(space suits,gloves,boots,helmet etc.)太空服

space physics exploration 空间物理探测

space shuttle 航天飞机

space suit航天服



third stage第三级

unmanned spaceship / spacecraft 无人飞船

weather satellite;meteorological satellite 气象卫星

2.航空货运英语 篇二

1结构复杂, 层次纷纭

对于结构复杂、层次纷纭的主从复合句要抓住引导各种从句的连词, 弄清各种从句的性质, 这样就能掌握全局结构, 分清主次。

例1 :The pressured gas generated branches via the spigot joints 4 and non-return valve into two routes, one of which enters the ejection control system of the rear seat through the hose and the quick-disconnect, which enables the rear seat to be ejected from the aircraft, and the other of which enters the time-delay unit, which f ires the time-delay cartridge in the delay unit after a delay of 0.35-0.55s.

这是叙述TY7A飞机弹射座椅指令弹射系统工作原理时出现的一个句子, 结构比较复杂。正确理解此句的关键在于弄清作为引导从句的四个which, 这四个which因其后都是紧跟谓语动词 (分别为enters, enables, enters和fires) , 所以都是关系代词, 它们 (或和另外的词一起) 引导非限制性定语从句, 并在从句中做主语。第一个which的先行词为routes, 第二个which是指代前面的非限制性定语从句的整个含义 (即one of which enters the ejection control system of the rear seat through the hose and the quick-disconnect) , 第三个which的先行词为第一个句子中的routes, 最后一个which指代前面的the other of which (指产生的另一路高压燃气) 。理清楚了这四个which的作用和先行词之后, 全句的结构就一清二楚了。整个句子的主干应该为The pressured gas generated branches via the spigot joints 4 and non-return valve into two routes, one…the other…。

在弄清句子的结构以及主句和从句的关系之后, 就可以着手进行翻译了。从逻辑上说, 这个句子主要表述一种并列关系。在翻译时, 按其逻辑顺序, 则可一目了然。

译文:产生的高压燃气通过 (状态选择机构的) 接嘴“4”和单向活门后分成两路, 一路经过软管和快卸接头进入后舱座椅的弹射操纵系统, 这使后舱座椅从飞机内弹出, 而另一路则进入延期机构, 在延时0.35-0.55s后击发延期机构中的延期弹。

2连环套接, 难解难分

造成航空科技英语中句子冗长、结构复杂的另一个原因是各种后置定语, 包括定语从句、分词短语、形容词短语、不定式短语等, 这些定语形成连环套, 一环套一环。

例2 :Gas from the ejection control system passes to the f iring unit where it operates the f iring pin to f ire the delay primer in PF-30 cartridge which in turn ignites the main charge after a delay of 0.3s.

对于这样一环套一环的定语, 当然无法按句型顺序来翻译, 必须把整个句子在适当的部位截断, 分成几个小段, 如本句就分成三段翻译, 然后把这些小段的意思, 按其逻辑关系表达出来。

译文:来自弹射操纵系统的 (高温高压的) 燃气传到击发机构, 在那里燃气使撞针工作, 从而击发在抛放 (PF) -30 枪弹上的延期底火, 在延时0.3 秒后, 延期底火转而点燃主火药。

例3 :The emergency separation handle is located on the RH side of the seat pan, which is a spade type handle, incorporating a thumb button lined to a catch which must bee depressed before raising the handle.

这是叙述TY7A弹射座椅的应急分离系统的应急分离手柄的一段话。这个复合句主句结构带有由两个which引导的定语从句, 分别说明the emergency separation handle和a thumb button。另外还有incorporating… 和lined by... 两个后置的分词短语, 分别说明a spade type handle和a thumb button。对于这个复合句, 也可以采用上述的分小段逐段翻译的办法。

译文:应急分离手柄位于座椅盆的右侧, 它是一个铲型手柄, 包含有一个拇指按钮, 这个拇指按钮连接着一个锁扣, 在提起手柄前必须按压这个按钮。

3穿插过多, 脉络难寻

航空科技英语中另一种类型的长句是句子主要结构之间穿插成分过多, 以致脉络不清。对这类句型的处理办法首先排除这些穿插成分, 使句子的主干显露出来, 然后再对穿插成分进行处理。

例4 :The canopy-breaking cutter, mounted on the upper portion of the canopy penetrator fixed on both sides of the parachute box, higher than the parachute box, can clear the canopy punctured and cracked by the canopy-breaking gun for reducing the possibility of injury to the pilot when tipping off.

理解这个句子的难点主要是主语从句中穿插了过多的定语成分, 形成主谓分离, 造成脉络不明。如果排除了这些穿插成分, 该句的主要结构就清楚了。即:The canopy-breaking cutter…can clear the canopy…, 然后再分析有关的后置定语:mounted on the upper portion of the canopy penetrator是分词短语, 修饰the canopy-breaking cutter ;f ixed on both sides of the parachute box为另外一个分词短语, 修饰名词短语the canopy penetrator ;higher than the parachute box为形容词短语, 修饰前面的The canopy - breaking cutter ;而句末的punctured and cracked by the canopy-breaking gun为过去分词短语, 修饰它前面的名词canopy ;forreducing the possibility of injury to the pilot when tipping off为目的状语。句子结构和各成分关系清楚之后, 就可根据其逻辑进行翻译了。

译文:舱盖破盖刀安装在穿盖器的上部, 而穿盖器固定在伞箱的两侧, 舱盖破盖刀比伞箱略高些。它能穿过被破盖枪刺破和打裂的舱盖, 以便为了在座椅弹射脱轨时减少对飞行员伤害的可能性。

4语序颠倒, 结构变形

航空科技英语中有些长句不但结构变形, 而且语序颠倒。

例5 :Attached to the shoulder straps on the harness assembly and the shoulder straps on the harness power retraction unit are two roller brackets, connected to the waist belt lock and single point release strap are lower connector ties, which form positive restraint to the occupant.

翻译此段前应首先找出其主要结构, 恢复其正常的语序, 弄清脉络, 然后再解决其它的枝节问题。第一个分句的主语是two roller brackets, 谓语是are attached, 其正常语序应为two roller brackets are attached to the shoulder straps on the harness assembly and the shoulder straps on the harness power retraction unit ;第二个分句的主语是lower connector ties, 谓语是are connected, 其正常语序应为lower connector ties, are connected to the waist belt lock and single point release strap ;次要部分为非限制性定语从句which…occupant, 修饰前面的两个分句。

译文:两个滑轮支架分别与安全带组件上的肩带和肩带拉紧机构上的肩带相连;下部接头带分别与腰带锁和单点释放带相连接, 这些都对飞行员构成了有效的约束。


有时, 在航空科技英语的资料和文献中, 会出现以上列举的两种或两种以上的句法特点相结合的句子。对于这类句子, 就必须按照其所包含的句法特点, 分别进行处理。

例6 :The f iring unit is provided to locate the ejection-gun cartridge to the inner piston from the upper end of the ejection gun, on which there is an indicator, which shows that the ejectiongun cartridge is fitted in the ejection gun when the indicator is5mm above the end surface of the coupling cover. and that there is no cartridge in the ejection gun when the indicator is f lush with the end face of the coupling cover.

这个句子可以作为第1和第2个特点相结合的例子。这是一个主从复合句, 其主句是第一句The fi ring unit is provided to locate the ejection-gun cartridge to the inner piston from the upper end of the ejection gun, 后面带了两个由which引导的非限制性定语从句, 而主句和两个非限制性定语从句之间也是一环套一环, 具有连环套接的特点, 第一个which的先行词为the upper end of the ejection gun, 第二个which在从句中作主语, 其先行词为an indicator, 而第二个which引导的非限制性定语从句, 其本身又是一个带有两个由that引导的宾语从句, 而在宾语从句中又带有由when引导的状语从句, 这也体现出这个复合句的结构复杂、层次纷纭的特点。按照逻辑关系, 就可以把这个句子表达出来。

译文:击发机构用于将弹射弹固定于弹射筒上端的内筒上, 在弹射筒的上端有一个指示器, 当指示器端头高出联接盖端面5mm时, 说明弹射筒内装有弹射弹, 当指示器端头与联接盖端面齐平时说明弹射筒内无弹射弹。


综上所述, 针对航空科技英语中长句层次繁多、定语成串、穿插过多、语序颠倒等情况, 可以分别采取抓住关键连词弄清层次结构, 削枝去叶, 露出主干, 以及恢复正常语序再按以上方法处理的步骤解决。至于这一类句子的翻译, 一般说来要改变原来的句型结构, 根据其意义, 按照逻辑关系, 如条件关系、因果关系或时间先后顺序等进行重新安排, 以求译文准确、通顺和流畅。


[1]陈忠华.科技英语应用话语分析[M].湖北教育出版社, 1999.

[2]冯庆华.实用翻译教程[M].上海外语教育出版社, 1997.

[3]顾仁熬.综合英语科技大词典[M].商务印书馆, 2003.

3.国内航空英语课程设置探讨 篇三

【关键词】课程设置 航空英语 探索




观察国际同行,国际民航组织认为:从入门到初级的航空英语,学时数不应少于200学时,而从入门到中级则至少需要400学时(ICAO 2009:7)。墨尔本皇家理工大学(Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology)的航空英语培训和测试在全球享有盛誉,其课程分为三门:①通用航空英语(250学时)包括基础和提高模块;②无线电陆空通话(125学时)分为课堂和电脑模拟模块;③超越四级(80学时)为通用航空英语的提高课程。日本最大的航空院校是航空大学校(Civil Aviation College),其航空英语课程分为三个模块:①航空英语(130学时)包括三门子课程:一般航空英语、专门航空英语、一般用途英语;②英语演习(40学时)以日本的飞行员英语测试为目标进行训练;③航空英语选修(60学时)为模块一“航空英语”的提高课程。理论上讲,《大学英语课程教学要求》(2007:3)指出:完整的课程体系应该包括综合类、技能类、应用类、文化类和专业类等必修和选修类语言课程的有机结合,以确保不同层次的学生在英语应用能力方面得到充分的训练和提高。而完整的课程体系内,课程之间又应该相互连续。这表现在两个层次:首先,ESP课程是从EGP课程到双语课程之间的过渡性课程(王守仁、王海啸 2011:11)。其次,ESP课程本身,依据学习者的需求不同,随着从本科到研究生阶段专业知识的步步细化和深入,应该呈现出一个由宽到窄,由EGAP到ESAP再到EOP的渐进连续体(Basturkmen 2014:55)。




统一的课程实施更有利于课程教学生态的良性循环。《大学英语课程教学要求》(2007:5)指出:“大学英语教学管理应贯穿于大学英语教学的全过程。通过强化教学过程的指导、督促和检查,确保大学英语教学达到既定的教学目标。”那么,航空英语的课程实施应该具备什么特征呢?民航业的特殊性决定了航空英语的特殊性,进而决定了航空英语课程的实施方式。飞行涉及日复一日的、瞬时反应的、差错容忍度为零的、跨文化的复合型交际语境。在这样的语境中使用不同语言,容易导致歧义和误解,也已经引起过多起事故(ICAO 2010:1-2)。语言一体化(即,在全球范围内使用统一的语言规则)是保证飞行安全的关键措施之一。由此,国际民航组织出台了一系列相关文件。虽然我国民航局也出台了配套文件,规范民航语言。但是全国范围内,一体化的语言规范却没能得到一体化课程的支撑。



ESP的跨学科性要求其教师同时具备语言知识和一定的特定行业背景。具体说来,Dudley-Evans & St. John(1998:13)认为理想的ESP教师应该包括五个角色:①合格的英语教师②合格的课程设计者③同专业教师保持合作伙伴关系④合格的科研人员⑤精通测试的人员。在航空英语的教学实践中,三校对五个角色的认知各不相同。


ESP课程的本质是语言教学。ESP教师的行政隶属问题直接影响着ESP教师的身份问题,以及ESP教学目标的问题。回顾Dudley-Evans & St. John的论述,五个角色均与语言直接相关;而行业背景仅仅是作为语言教学的支撑,提供背景知识。厘清五个角色的主、次、前、后,将直接关系到ESP教师的职业规划。




[1]Bastrurkmen, H. Developing Courses in English for Specific Purposes[M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2014.

[2]Dudley-Evans, T. & M. J. St. John. Developments in English for Specific Purposes[M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998.

[3]ICAO. Circular No. 323-Guidelines for Aviation English Training Programmes[M]. Montreal: International Civil Aviation Organization, 2009.

[4]教育部高教司. 大學英语课程教学要求[M]. 上海:上海外语教育出版社,2007.

4.民用航空机务维修专业英语 篇四

aircraft crew, air crew 机组, 机务人员 pilot 驾驶员, 机长

co-pilot, second pilot 副驾驶员 navigator 领航员 steward 男服务员

stewardess, hostess 空中小姐 radio operator 报务员

Bairliner 班机 monoplane 单翼飞机 glider 滑翔机 trainer aircraft 教练机 passenger plane 客机

propeller-driven aircraft 螺旋桨飞机 jet(aircraft)喷射飞机 amphibian 水陆两用飞机

seaplane, hydroplane 水上飞机 turbofan jet 涡轮风扇飞机 turboprop 涡轮螺旋桨飞机 turbojet 涡轮喷射飞机 transport plane 运输机 helicopter 直升机 supersonic 超音速 hypersonic 高超音速 transonic 跨音速 subsonic 亚音速 Airbus 空中客车 Boeing 波音 Concord 协和 Ilyusin 依柳辛

McDonald-Douglas 麦道 Trident 三叉戟 Tupolev 图波列夫

hatch 舱口

aeroengine, air engine 航空发动机 navigation light 航行灯 fuselage, body 机身 nose 机头 wing 机翼 aileron 副翼 wing flap 襟翼

tail plane 水平尾翼 starboard wing 右翼 port wing 左翼

pilot“s cockpit 驾驶舱 parachute 降落伞 passenger cabin 客舱 propeller 螺旋桨

pressurized cabin 密封舱 undercarriage 起落架

undercarriage wheel 起落架轮 elevator 升降舵

radio navigation device 无线电导航设备 radio directive device 无线电定向设备 luggage compartment 行李舱(fuel)tank 油箱

auxiliary(fuel)tank 副油箱 main(fuel)tank 主油箱 autopilot 自动驾驶仪

ground crew 地勤人员 airport 航空港, 民航机场

airfield, aerodrome, airdrome 机场 airport beacon 机场灯标

airport meteorological station 机场气象站

main airport building, terminal building 机场主楼

emergency landing runway, forced landing runway 紧急着陆跑道 taxiway 滑行跑道 runway 跑道

omnirange radio beacon 全向式无线电航空信标 fuel depot 燃料库 control tower 塔台 tarmac 停机坪

radio beacon 无线电信标

boarding check 登机牌 plane ticket 飞机票 flight, flying 飞行

bumpy flight 不平稳的飞行 smooth flight平稳的飞行 ramp 扶梯

altitude, height 高度 air route, air line 航线 extra flight 加班

economy class, tourist class 经济座 non-stop flight 连续飞行

climbing, to gain height 爬升 circling 盘旋

forced landing 迫降

connecting flight 衔接航班 speed, velocity 速度 ceiling 上升限度

cruising speed 巡航速度 top speed 最高速度 first class 头等 night service 夜航 airsick 晕机

direct flight, straight flight 直飞 landing 着陆

to rock, to toss, to bump 颠簸 to taxi along 滑行

to lose height, to fly low 降低 to take off, take-off 起飞

to board a plane, get into a plane 上飞机

to get off a plane, alight from a plane 下飞机 to face the wind 迎风


AIRFRAME SYSTEMS ________________ AIR CONDITIONING........................21 AUTOFLIGHT...........................22 COMMUNICATIONS.........................23 ELECTRICAL POWER........................24 EQUIPMENT/FURNISHINGS.....................25 FIRE PROTECTION........................26 FLIGHT CONTROLS........................27 FUEL..............................28 HYDRAULIC POWER........................29 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION....................30 INDICATING/RECORDING SYSTEMS..................31 LANDING GEAR..........................32 LIGHTS.............................33 NAVIGATION...........................34 OXYGEN.............................35 PNEUMATIC...........................36 WATER AND WASTE........................38 AIRBORNE AUXILIARY POWER....................49 STRUCTURE _________ DOORS.............................52 WINDOWS............................56 POWER PLANT ___________ POWER PLANT..........................71 ENGINE.............................72 ENGINE FUEL AND CONTROL....................73 IGNITION............................74 AIR..............................75 ENGINE CONTROLS........................76 ENGINE INDICATING.......................77 EXHAUST............................78 OIL..............................79 STARTING............................80

缩写 ABBREVIATION LIST A A/C air conditioning 空气调节 A/G air/ground A/L autoland 自动落地 A/P autopilot 自动驾驶 A/S airspeed 空速

A/T autothrottle自动油门, adjustment/test 调整/测试 ABNORM abnormal 不正常的

AC alternating current 【电】交流电

ACARS ARINC Communications Addressing and Reporting System ACCEL acceleration, accelerate 使增速 ACM air cycle machine 空气循环机 ADC air data computer 大气资料电脑

ADF automatic direction finder 自动方位寻找器 ADI attitude director indicator 姿态指示器

ADP air driven pump, air driven hydraulic pump 气动液压泵 ADV advance 推进

AFCS automatic flight control system 飞控系统 AGL above ground level 地标位 AI anti-ice 防冰

AIDS aircraft integrated data system 整合资料系统 AIL aileron 副翼 ALT altitude 高度 ALTM altimeter 高度计 ALTN alternate 交替的 ALTNT alternate 交替的 AMB ambient 环绕的

AMM Airplane Maintenance Manual 修护手册 ANN announcement 通告 ANNUNC annunciator 通告器 ANT antenna 天线

AOA angle of attack 功角

APB auxiliary power breaker 辅助的动力断电器 APD approach progress display 接近行进显示 APL airplane 飞机 APPR approach 接近

APPROX approximately近乎

APU auxiliary power unit 辅助的动力单元 ARINC Aeronautical航空学的Radio Incorporated【美】有限责任的 ARINC IO ARINC I/O error ARNC STP ARINC I/O UART data strip error 通用非同步收发传输器 ASA autoland status annunciator 自动落地状况通告器 ASP audio selector panel 音频选择面板 ASYM asymmetrical 非对称的

ATC air traffic control 空中交通管制

ATC/DABS air traffic control/discrete address beacon system ATT attitude 姿态

ATTND attendant 服务员 AUTO automatic 自动装置的 AUX auxiliary 辅助的

AVM airborne vibration monitor 空中震动监视器 B B/CRS back course 回程 BARO barometric 气压计的 BAT battery 电池;蓄电池

BFO beat扑动frequency oscillator 频率振汤器 BITE built-in test equipment 装备自我测试 BK brake 煞住(车)BKGRD background(干扰录音或无线电广播的)杂音 BPCU bus power control unit 汇流排电力控制单元 BRKR breaker 断电器 BRT bright 发亮的

BTB bus tie束缚breaker 汇流排联系断电器 BTL bottle 瓶子 C C/B circuit breaker 【电】断路器,断路开关 C center 中央

CADC central air data computer 中央大气资料电脑 CAPT captain(飞机的)机长

CB circuit breaker 【电】断路器,断路开关 CCA central control actuator 中央控制致动器 CCW counterclockwise 逆时针方向的 CDU control display unit 控制显示器 CH channel 频道 CHAN channel 频道 CHG change 改变

CHR chronograph 记时器 CHRGR charger 充电器 CK check 检查

CKT circuit 【电】电路;回路 CL close 关闭;盖上;合上 CLB climb 倾斜向上 CLR clear 变乾净;变清楚

CLSD closed 关闭的;封闭的;闭合的 CMD command 命令 CMPTR computer 电脑

CNX cancelled 取消,废除;中止 COL column 圆柱(报纸的)栏,段 COMM communication 通讯 COMP compressor 压缩机 COMPT compartment 隔间

CON continuous 连续的,不断的 COND condition 状态

CONFG configuration 结构;表面配置 CONFIG configuration 结构 CONN connection 连接 CONT control 控制

CP control panel 控制面板

CPCS cabin pressure control system 舱压控制系统 CPS cycles per second 每秒循环 CRS course 方向

CRT cathode阴极ray射线 tube 阴极射线管 CRZ cruise 巡航

CSEU control system electronics unit 控制系统电子元件 CT current电流transformer变压器 CTN caution 注意 CTR center 中央

CU control unit 控制元件 CUST customer 顾客;买主 CW clockwise 顺时针方向的

CWS control wheel steering掌舵 D DA drift漂移angle DADC digital air data computer 数位化大气资料电脑 DC direct直系的,指挥current DEC decrease减少, decrement减少率 DECEL decelerate 降低速度 DECR decrease 减少 DEG degree 度数

DEPR depressurize 洩压;压下 DEPT departure 离开;出发

DEST destination 目标, 目的地 DET detector 探测器

DETNT detent(机械上的)止动装置;棘爪 DEV deviation 误差;偏航

DFDR digital flight data recorder DG directional方向的gyro回转仪罗盘 DH decision决定height高度,海拔

DIFF differential 依差别而定的;鉴别性的 DIR direct 指挥

DISC disconnect 使分离,分开,断开

DISCH discharge 释放,排出(液体,气体等)DISCONT discontinued 停止,中断 DISENG disengage 解开,解除;使脱离 DISP dispatch 派遣

DIST distance 距离;路程 DK deck(船的)舱面,甲板

DME distance measuring equipment 测距仪 DMU data management unit 资料管理单元 DN down 向下

DPCT differential protection current transFORMer【电】变压器 DR door 门

DSCRT IO discrete分离I/O error DSPLY display 显示 DSPY display 显示 E EADI electronic attitude director indicator 数位化姿态指示器 ECON economy 节约, 经济

ECS environmental control system 环控系统

EDP engine driven pump, engine hydraulic pump 引擎液压泵 EEC electronic engine control 引擎电控

EFDARS expanded flight data acquisition and reporting system EFI electronic flight instruments 电子化飞行仪表 EFIS electronic flight instrument system EGT exhaust gas temperature 排气尾温

EHSI electronic horizontal situation indicator 水平状况方位指示器 EICAS engine indicating and crew alerting system引擎状况警告指示 ELEC electrical 与电有关的,电气科学的 ELEV elevation 高度;海拔 EMER emergency 紧急情况

ENG engage啮合,接合, engine ENT entrance入口,门口, entry ENTMT entertainment 娱乐

EPC external power contactor 外电源接触器 EPR engine pressure ratio 推力比

EPRL engine pressure ratio limit 推力比范围 EQUIP equipment 装备 ERR error 错误

ESS essential 必需品

EVAC evacuation 撤空;排泄物 EVBC engine vane and bleed control 引擎放气控制 EXH exhaust 排出;排气 EXT external 外部的

EXTIN extinguish, extinguished 灭火器 EXTING extinguishing 熄灭 F F/D flight director 飞行引向器 F/F fuel flow 燃油流量 F/O first officer FAA Federal美国联邦 Aviation Administration行政机构 FCC flight control computer 飞行控制电脑

FCEU flight controls electronic unit 飞控电子单元 FCU fuel control unit 燃油控制器 FDR feeder 餵食器

FIM Fault Isolation Manual 故障隔离手册 FL flow 流量

FL/CH flight level change FLD field(飞机)场,;(广阔的一大片)地(知识)领域;专业;(活动)范畴 FLT flight(飞机的)班次 FLUOR fluorescent 发亮的

FMC flight management computer 飞行管理电脑 FMS flight management system 飞行管理系统 FREQ frequency 频率

FRM Fault Reporting Manual 错误报告手册 FSEU flap/slat electronic unit 副翼电控单元 FT feet复, foot单 英尺 FWD forward 前面的 G G/S glide slope, ground slope 下滑坡度 GA go-around 重飞

GB generator breaker 发电机断电器

GCB generator circuit breaker 发电机断路器 GCR generator control relay 发电机控制继电器 GCU generator control unit 发电机控制组件 GEN generator 发电机

GHR ground handling relay 地面操作继电器 GND ground 地面 GP group 团体

GPWS ground proximity warning system 地面接近警告 GR gear 齿轮;传动装置;(飞机的)起落架 GRD ground 地面

GS ground speed 地速

GSSR ground service select relay 地面勤务选择继电器 GSTR ground service transfer relay 地面勤务转换继电器 GW gross总量weight 总重 H H/L high/low 高/低 HDG heading 【航】航向 HF high frequency 高频 HORIZ horizontal 水平HP high pressure 高压

HSI horizontal situation indicator 水平状况方位指示器 HTR heater 加热器 HYD hydraulic 液压的 I IAS indicated airspeed 指示空速 IDENT identification 识别;鉴定 IDG integrated drive generator IGN ignition 点火,发火;点火开关

ILLUM illuminate, illuminated 被照明的;发光的 ILS instrument landing system 仪降 IMP imperial(度量衡)英制的 IN in, input 输入 INBD inboard 内侧的

INC incorporated结合的, increase增大, increment增加 INCR increase 增加 IND indicator 指示器 INFC interface 分界面

INFLT inflight 飞行过程中的 INHIB inhibit 抑制 禁止

INIT initiation 入门;开始实施 INOP inoperative 不活动的 INPH interphone 对讲机 INST instrument 仪器;仪表 INT interphone 对讲机 INTLK interlock 连结 INTPH interphone 对讲机

INTMT intermittent 时断时续的;周期性的 IP intermediate pressure 中间的压力

IRS inertial reference system 惯性参考系统 IRU inertial惯性的reference unit 惯性参考组件 ISLN isolation 隔离 ISOL isolation 隔离

IVSI instantaneous瞬时的vertical speed indicator 垂直速度指示器 M MCDP maintenance control display panel 修护控制显示面板 MCP mode control panel 模式控制面板 MCU modular模件concept观念 unit MDA minimum decision altitude 最小判断高度 MIC microphone 扩音器;麦克风

MIN minimum 最小量,最小数;最低限度 MM Maintenance Manual 修护手册 MOD module 组件;单元

MON monitor 监视器;监控器 MOT motion(机械的)装置,运转 MPU magnetic pickup 检波器 MSG message 信息

MSTR master 主要的;总的

MSU mode selector unit 模式选择组件 MTG miles to go 英里

MU management unit 管理组件 MUX multiplexer 多路传输 N N/A not applicable 可应用的 NAC nacelle 引擎舱;气球吊篮 NAV navigation 导航

NCD no computed data 无法计算资料

NEG negative 否定的;反面的【电】负的,阴极的【数】负的 NEUT neutral 中立的

NLG nose landing gear 鼻轮起落架 NO.number 数,数字

NORM normal 正常的,正规的,标准的 NRM normal 正常的,正规的,标准的

NVMEM RD non-volatile memory read error 故障读错误排除才能消除 NVMEM WR non-volatile memory write error 故障写错误排除才能消除 O 02 oxygen 氧气 OBS observer 观察员 OK okay 对,很好地 OPR operate 运转 OPT option 选择权 OPRN operation 操作 OUT output 输出

OUTBD outboard 外部的

OVHD overhead 头顶(船舱)顶板 OVHT overheat 过热

OVRD override 权力高於;优先於;越过 OXY oxygen 氧气 P P/RST press to reset 压下清除故障

P/S pitot皮托管(流速计);皮托静压管/static 静态的 PA passenger address 客舱广播 PASS passenger 旅客

PCA power control actuator 电控致动器 PCT percentage 百分比

PDI pictorial deviation indicator 偏航图表示 PES passenger entertainment娱乐system PLA power level angle PLT pilot(飞机等的)驾驶员,飞行员

PMG permananet magnet generator 永磁发电机 PNEU pneumatic 气动

PNL panel 【电】配电盘;控电板 POR point of regulation调节

POS position, positive(电池的)阳极【数】正的 PPOS present当前的 出席的 position PRESS pressure 压力

PRG FLOW program flow error 流量程序错误 PRIM primary 首要的,主要的 PROC procedure 程序;手续;步骤

PROG MEM ROM memory error 唯读记忆体错误 PROJ projector 投射器

PROT protection 保护,防护;PS pitot static 皮托管(流速计);皮托静压管

PSI pounds per square inch 每平方寸上的压力磅数 PSS passenger service system 客服系统 PSU passenger service unit 客服组件 PTT push to talk 发话

PTU power transfer unit 动力传送组件 PWR power 动力 Q QAD quick-attach-detach 快拆卸;使分离 QTS quarts 一夸脱的容器 QTY quantity 数量 R R/T rate of turn 回转速率

R/W MEM RAM memory error 随机存取记忆体错误 R right 右边的

RA radio altimeter, radio altitude 雷达高度 RAT ram air turbine 冲压驱动 RCVR reciever 接受

RDMI radio distance magnetic indicator 磁场距离指示 REC recorder 记录器

RECIRC recirculate 再循环 REF reference 参考

REFRIG refrigeration 冷冻 REG regulator 调节器 REL release 释放,解放

REP representative 代表性的,典型的 REQ required 必须的 RES reserve 储备

RESSTART power interrupt restart error 动力中断重新起动错误 REV reverse 倒退,使倒转 RF right front 右前 RH right hand 右手 RLSE release 释放,解放 RLY relay 【电】继电器 RLY/SW relay/switch RMI radio magnetic indicator 磁场方位指示

RMT OUT high-speed ARINC output error 汇流排输出错误 RN right nose ROT rotation 旋转

RPM revolutions循环,(一)周期回转,旋转per minute RPTG reporting 报导 RR right rear 後方 RST reset 重新设定

RTO rejected丢弃takeoff起飞 RUD rudder(飞机的)方向舵 RW right wing 右翼

RWY runway(机场的)跑道 S SAM stabilizer trim/elevator asymmetry limit module尾舵飞操组件 SAT static air temperature 静压空气温度 SEC second 第二次

SEI standby engine indicator 紧急直接引擎指示 SEL select 选择

SELCAL selective calling 飞航呼叫 SERV service 服务

SG signal generator 信号产生器 SLCTD selected 选择 SLCTR selector 选择器 SOV shut off valve 关断阀 SP speed 速度 SPD speed 速度

SPD BK speed brake 速煞 SQL squelch 压扁

SSB single side band STA station 驻地(各种机构的)站,所, STAB stabilizer 安定装置;安定翼 STBY standby 备用

STS system status 系统状况 SURF surface 表面 SW switch 开关

SWITCH IN switch input error SYNC synchronous 同步的 SYS system 系统 SYST system 系统 T T/R thrust reverser 反推力器 T.O.takeoff 起飞

TACH tachometer 转速计 TAI thermal热的anti-ice TAS true airspeed 真空速

TAT total air temperature 总温

TCC turbine case cooling 涡轮(机)冷却 TE trailing edge 後缘(飞机的)襟翼,阻力板 TEMP temperature 温度,气温 TFR transfer 转换 THR thrust 推力

THROT throttle 节流阀 THRSH threshold 门槛 THRT thrust 推力

THRU through 穿过;通过 遍及,在...各处;在...之间,在...之中 TIE bus tie系,拴,捆,扎 汇流排联系 TLA thrust lever angle 推力杆角度

TMC thrust management computer 推力管理电脑 TMS thrust management system 推力管理系统 TMSP thrust mode select panel 推力选择面板 TO TO/takeoff 起飞

TOL tolerance 【机】公差,容限

TR transFORMer【电】变压器 rectifier【电】整流器 TRP thrust rating panel 推力等级面板 TUNE tuner(频率))调整器;【无】调谐器 TURB turbine 涡轮(机)TURBL turbulent, turbulence【气】湍流;(气体等的)紊流 U UBR utility有多种用途的;通用的bus relay 汇流排继电器 UPR upper USB upper side band 【机】传送带(无线电的)波段,频带 V V/NAV vertical navigation 【经】纵向联合的 导航 V/S vertical speed 垂直的速率 VERT vertical 垂直的

VERT SPD vertical speed 垂直的速率 VFY verify 验证 VG vertical gyro 垂直回转仪罗盘

VHF very high frequency 超高频无线电 VIB vibration 震动

VLD valid 合法的;有效的 VLV valve 【机】阀,活门 VOL volume 量;额

VOLT voltage 电压;伏特数

VOR VHF omni range receiver 方向无线识标 VOX voice 声音

VTR video tape reproducer(录音,录影的)播放装置 W W/D wiring线路diagram图解 W/W wheel well 轮舱 WARN warning 警告;警报 WG wing 机翼

WHL wheel 轮子;变换方向 WHLS wheels 车轮 WPT waypoint 位子点

WSHLD windshield 挡风玻璃 WX weather 天气

WXR weather 气象雷达 X X-CH cross channel 交叉频道 X-CHAN cross channel 交叉频道 XDCR transducer 变换器 XMISSION transmission 传送 XMIT transmit 发射

XMTR transmitter 发射机 XPNDR transponder 询答机 Y Y/D yaw damper 阻尼器

Air Glossary(航空缩略语)

A AACAir Accident Investigation Branch of the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions.aaeabove aerodrome level.Also see aae.ab initioan aircraft is abeam a point when that point is at ninety degrees left or right of the aircraft”s track, but term usually used to indicate a general position rather than a specific point.a/cAircraft Communication Adressing and Reporting System.ACArea Control Centre.And ACZ Aerodrome Control Zone.See ATZ below.ACMSaerodrome control radar.accelerate-stop distanceaerodrome.ADAdvisory aispaceair data computer.ADELTautomatic direction finder/finding.Radio compass which gives a relative bearing to the non-directional radio beacon to which it is tuned.ADIAir Defence Identification Zone.An area of airspace extending upwards from the surface, usually along a national boundary, within which identification of all aircraft is required in the interests of national security.ADRAutomatic Dependence Surveillance.ADTAerodromes Environmental Federation.AEWUK-published flight guide and navigational chart system.aerodrome/airport elevationair force base, usually U.S.or Canadian.AFCSAutopilot and flight director system.AFIAerodrome Flight InFORMation Service, providing inFORMation to, but not control of, aircraft using that aerodrome.AFIS(O)-Aerodrome Flight InFORMation Service(Officer)

AFSAeronautical Fixed Serviceauto flight system.AFTNair-to-ground operator

A/Gabove ground level.AHRSarea of intense aerial activity, usually military.AICAirborne integrated data system.AIPFORM for reporting position and Met conditions in flight.AirmetAeronautical InFORMation Service.CAA unit based at London-Heathrow Airport, providing flight-planning services and inFORMation for pilots.Publishes AICs, above.AIZalert phase of search-and-rescue procedure.altaerodrome specified on a flight plan to which an aircraft chooses to divert if a landing at its intended destination is not possible(for reasons of poor weather, for example).altimeter settingAmplitude modulation.AMEabove mean sea level(sometimes asl in USA).anhedralAir Navigation Order.Statutory legal instrument defining the laws of air navigation, pilot licensing etc, in the UK.Other aviation legislation includes the Rules of the Air and Air Traffic regulations and the Air Navigation(General)Regulations

AoAAirport Operators“ Association.AOCairport of entry(usually in USA).AOGAircraft Owners and Pilots Association.A/PAirframe and Powerplant Mechanic(USA).APAAircraft Proximity Hazards Assessment Panel, which investigates near-miss reports filed by air traffic controllers(see also JAWG).APPauxiliary power unit.Large transport aircraft and some business jets have an APU, typically a small turbine, to provide power for engine-starting and for running systems when on the ground, obviating the need for external power or ground power unit, GPU.ARBaircraft radio control of aerodrome lighting.ArestiAeronautical Radio Incorporated.A non-profit corporation owned by airlines to set standards for airline avionics and provide communications services.ARPblades can flap, drag and feather.ARVaccelerate-stop distance available.ASIaltimeter setting region, a geographical area for which the lowest value of QNH is forecast hourly and relayed by air traffic control centres.Also airport surveillance radar and air-sea rescue.ASTOVLactual time of arrival.Also Air Training Association.ATCair traffic control assistant

ATC(C)air traffic control officer..ATISAir Transport Pilot”s Licence, needed to act as pilot-in-command of a commercial air transport aircraft exceeding 20,000 kg all-up weight.ATOair traffic service.Also ATSU, ATS Unit.ATSORAair traffic control unit.ATZall-up weight, a term for the total loaded weight of an aircraft, made up of empty weight plus useful load;maximum auw is the maximum allowable weight, including fuel and payload, specified in an aircraft“s Certificate of Airworthiness.Sometimes referred to(in USA especially)as gross weight and maximum gross weight respectively.Also MTWA, maximum total weight authorised;BOW Basic operating weight, the weight of an aircraft with all equipment, lubricants, fuel and operating crew, but without payload;MLW, maximum landing weight, above which fuel must be burned off or jettisoned before landing or there may be risk of structural damage.avgasaviation turbine fuel(kerosene).Used by turboprops and jets.AWRairway.B BABritish Airports Authority.BAeABritish Airline Pilots Association.base legBusiness Aircraft Users Association.BCARbreak cloud procedure.BCPLmanually-controlled mode for CS propellers on turboprop aircraft enabling reverse pitch to be selected for braking or to aid ground manoeuvring.BFRBritish Gliding Association.BHABbrake horsepower.BHPAHot compressed air taken from turbine engines.BMAALoose-leaf Euopean airfields manual for VFR operations.BRGBritish Women Pilots Association.C CCivil Aviation Authority.CAD/CAMCivil Aviation Authority Flying Unit, based at Stansted Airport, which perFORMs such tasks as navaid checking and calibration and also examines candidates for instrument ratings and commercial pilot”s licences.CANPCivil Air Publication.InFORMation booklets issued by the CAA, e.g.CAP 53 The Private Pilot Licence.CAScasualty evacuation.CATpronounced CAV-okay(ceiling and visibility OK), visibility at least ten kilometres, with no cloud below 5,000 feet, with no Cbs, precipitation, thunderstorms, shallow fog or low drifting snow.CAVUCombined Cadet Force

CDIcontrol display unit.ceilingchief flying instructor(certified flying instructor in USA).CFScentre of gravity

CHa thorough pre-flight inspectionConfidential Human Factors Incident Reporting system, whereby professional pilots and ATC staff may report in confidence incidents arising from human errors for analysis by the CHIRP Charitable Trust at Farnborough.CHTpattern around which aircraft fly when arriving at an airfield, usually rectangular in UK but not necessarily elsewhere.The circuit(known as the pattern in USA)is aligned with the active runway and may be either left-or right-handed.Dead side is the opposite side of the circuit pattern in operation from which arriving aircraft join for landing.See also final(s).C/Lcolloquialism referring to an airport closed to air traffic by bad weather

cleanauthorization from air traffic control to proceed as requested or instructed.Used for ground and air manoeuvring, thus “cleared for take-off”, “cleared flight-planned route”, “cleared to descend” etc.CloudsCertificate of Airworthiness issued by the CAA indicating that an aircraft meets the Authority“s airworthiness standards.Cs of A are issued to individual aircraft, and also to generic aircraft types(Type Certification in the USA)when the first example of a type is registered.Cs of A on individual aircraft are granted in several categories, e.g.Private, Public Transport, Aerial Work etc.and much be renewed at intervals.Permits to Fly are authorisations granted to specialist aircraft and are accordingly restricted in the kinds of operation for which they may be used.C of Ecentre of gravity.The point on an aircraft through which the entire aircraft”s weight may be assumed to act(i.e.around which the aircraft, if suspended, would balance).C of G limits are the most forward and rearward positions of the C of G permitted for safe operation.An aircraft loaded outside its C of G limits can be difficult or impossible to control.C of Pcommunication(s)

CPLcounter-rotating.Usually in general aviation referring to twin-engined aircraft with “handed” engines whose propellers turn in opposite directions to eliminate propeller torque effect.CRMportion of an aerodrome circuit flown before downwind

CRPcathode ray tube(like a television).Used in flight deck displays of new-generation airliners, business aircraft and military jets instead of conventional instruments.See also EFIS,.critical altitudethe engine on a multi-engined aircraft whose failure would most seriously effect perFORMance or handling of the aircraft, through asymmetric effects or loss of power to systems such as hydraulics.CRS coursecall sign.CSControl Area.An area of controlled airspace extending upwards from specified limit agl.CTRcockpit voice recorder.A tape recorder installed on the flight decks of commercial transport aircraft and helicopters and some business aeroplanes to record crew conversation, RT transmissions and cockpit background noises(e.g.trim-wheel operation, flap motor running)in case required for incident or accident investigation.CWcolour weather radar.CZcompressor zone inspection.D DADanger Area Activity InFORMation Service.DACSDigital air data computer(DADSDistress & Diversion Cells at Air Traffic Control Centres.RAF units which provide a 24-hour listening watch on VHF and UHF emergency frequencies and can locate and assist pilots who are lost or in emergency situations.dBa unit of sound


dead sidedescent and landing with engine(s)shut down and propeller(s)stopped.Deccadigital electronic engine control

density altitudeengine“s potential power deliberately limited, lengthening likely life.DETRESFAdirection-finding.A DF bearing can be provided by airfields or other facilities such as D & D cells(above)having suitable direction-finding equipment to locate an aircraft.DGDirection Général à l”Aviation Civile

DHUK Defence Helicopter Flying School at RAF Shawbury

DIDIsloping up from root to tip.Opposite: anhedral.DIN(S)distance-measuring equipment.A combination of ground and airborne equipment which gives a continuous slant range distance-from-station readout by measuring time-lapse of a signal transmitted by the aircraft to the station and responded back.DMEs can also provide groundspeed and time-to-station readouts by differentiation.DopplerDepartment of Transport.downwinddew point

DRwhen referring to aircraft hire charges means “without fuel”, as opposed to wet, with fuel.DZExperimental Aircraft Association, the American homebuilders“ organisation.EADIequivalent airspeed.EATEuropean Business Aircraft Association.ECACEuropean Council of General Aviation Support.ECUemergency distance.EETelectronic flash approach light system.EFATOelectronic flight instrument system, in which multi-function CRT displays replace traditional instruments for providing flight, navigation and aircraft systems inFORMation, FORMing a so-called ”glass cockpit“.Now common in commercial transports, corporate aircraft and helicopters, military fighters and some GA piston singles and twins.EGTelectronic horizontal situation indicator.CRT-based HSI FORMing part of an EFIS.EICASengine in-flight monitoring system ELTweight of the basic aeroplane including all fixed equipment, plus unusable fuel, oil, hydraulic and other fluids.encoding altimeterestimated off-blocks time.EPeffective perceived noise decibel.Unit of measurement of aircraft noise levels.ERequivalent shaft horsepower.ETAestimated time of departure

ETEextended-range twin operations, usually long over-water flights by airliners.ETPSorganisation, headquartered in The Netherlands, comprising Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Luxembourg, Netherlands and UK for coordinating en route air traffic control in Europe.F FAAFleet Air Arm, of UK”s Royal Navy.FADECfinal approach fix, the point at which a published instrument approach begins.FAIFederal Aviation Regulations(USA).FARAfly by light i.e.control via optical fibres

FBOfly-by-wire.Aircraft control systems in which pilots“ control inputs are transmitted to control surfaces electronically or via fibre optics rather than by mechanical linkage.Also see FBL.FCLflight control system.fcstflight data recorder, popularly known as a ”black box“(actually painted bright orange), by which various parameters of an aircraft”s flight perFORMance are recorded for analysis in the event of an incident or accident.featherto set the angle of CS or VP propeller edge-on to the airflow to minimise drag and rotation following engine failure on multi-engined aircraft.Also applies to motor gliders which have feathering propellers to enhance engine-off soaring perFORMance.final(s)Flight InFORMation Centre.FIRFlight InFORMation Service, providing a variety of services and inFORMation(but not control)to air traffic in the two FIRs above.FJflight level, a level of constant atmospheric pressure shown by an altimeter set to a standard 1013.2 millibars, expressed in rounds hundreds of feet, thus FL330 is 33,000 feet.flagthrottling or other restriction of engine power ouput(usually in turboprops and turboshafts)at sea level to enable it to give constant predictable power at higher operating altitudes.flameoutflashing.flicker effectforward-looking infra-red.FLMfoot-launched powered aircraft, e.g.powered parachutes.FMflight management computer/system

FMGCflight management system.FMUforeign object damage, usually to turbine engines through ingestion of runway debris etc.FPLfeet per minute, a measure of an aircraft“s rate of climb or descent.Similarly m/s or mps, metres per second.FSSflying training organisation.FTSfeet per minute G gg-induced loss of consciousness.Pilot blackouts caused by excessive g or by too-rapid onset of g-forces.Experienced mostly by pilots of high-perFORMance military jets and competition aerobatic aircraft, has led to fatal crashes.GAGeneral Aviation Awareness Campaign.GAFORgallons, imperial or USA.One imp gall = 1.201 U.S.gall.GAMAGeneral Aviation Manufacturers & Traders Association, UK.GAPANGeneral Aviation Safety Council

GASILground-controlled approach.A landing approach in which a ground controller gives verbal guidance in azimuth and elevation to a pilot using precision approach radar(PAR)to monitor the aircraft”s approach path.Still used by the military, but defunct in civil aviation.GFTRussian equivalent of GPS/Navstar satellite navigation system.gloveground

GNSSVHF direction-finding(France)

GPgallons per hour, an expression of fuel consumption or fuel flow(FF)in either imperial or U.S.gallons.Usually lb/hr for turbine-powered aircraft.GPSground proximity warning system.A radar-based flight-deck system to give pilots audible warning by means of horns, hooters, taped or synthetic voices of terrain close beneath an aircraft“s flight path.GRADUglassfibre-reinforced plastic;also CFRP, carbon-fibre reinforced plastic.Composite materials seeing increasing use in entire airframes for GA aircraft(e.g.Beech Starship)and for components for helicopters, airliners and military aircraft.GSgroundspeed.The speed an aircraft makes over the ground, a product of its airspeed and wind speed.H H24Historic Aircraft Association.HAI1:500,000 scale ICAO aeronautical chart.Hdgsuffix used in RT callsigns to indicate that the aircraft is a large transport, alerting controllers and following aircraft to the possibility of wake turbulence.Hectopascal(hPa)helicopter emergency medical services.Hertzhigh-frequency band, used for long-range radio communications in the 3-30 MHz range.Hghigh intensity approach lighting.HIGEhigh intensity radiated(electromagnetic)fields.HIRLhigh intensity strobe light.holding patternhands on cyclic and collectivehover out of ground effect.Also see HIGE.hot-and-highhands on throttle and stick.Ergonomic cockpit design technology, originally developed for military combat aircraft, enabling a pilot to fly the aircraft and manage all navigation, weapons and other systems from control column/throttle lever hand grips.HOTCCsee HOTAS above.hpHighlands Restricted Area

hrshorizontal situation display.HSIhead-up display.A method of projecting instrument readouts or data which enables a pilot to see them while looking through the aircraft”s windscreen.Mostly used on military aircraft, but now in service on some commercial airliners.HzInternational Council of Aircraft Owners and Pilots Associations

IASInternational Air Transport Association.i/cInternational Civil Aviation Organisation.IFidentification friend or foe.IFRin ground effect.Helicopter perFORMance with an earth surface immediately below.Also OGE, out of ground effect.Helicopters can hover at a greater maximum altitude IGE(above a mountain slope, for example)than they can in free air, OGE.IGSinstrument landing system.The approach aid employing two radio beams to provide pilots with vertical and horizontal guidance during the landing approach.The localiser provides azimuth guidance, while the glide-slope defines the correct vertical descent profile.Marker beacons and high intensity runways lights are also part of the ILS.IMCuncertainty phase of search-and-rescue procedure.INSintermittent or fluctuating, term used in Met reports.IRInspect and repair as necessary

IREInstrument Rating Test ISAinter-turbine temperature.Also TGT, turbine gas temperature TIT, turbine inlet temperature.IWRJoint Aviation Authority.JARJoint Airmiss Working Group.A civilian/military committee which reviews and reports on all airmisses which occur in UK airspace.JEFTSU.S.-developed navigational/approach chart system with worldwide coverage, similar to British Aerad system.JPATSkilogram(s)kHzknots indicated airspeed.kmone nautical mile per hour(never one knot per hour), the standard unit of aviation speed measurement.One knot equals 1.1515 mph;one nautical mile equals 6,080 feet.kV-kilovolt kWLower Airspace Radar Advisory service, available to all aircraft flying in uncontrolled UK airspace from 3,000 feet amsl to FL95.See also MMARS, RAS and RIS, below.LAMSlatitude.LATCCpound(s)

lbfliquid crystal display

lcztlift /drag ratio, a measurement of the efficiency of a wing aerofoil section

LDAlight emitting diode

LFlow-intensity two-colour approach system.LLTVlocalizer((USA).LOCmedium-frequency non-directional radio beacon used as an aid to establishing yourself on final approach during an instrument landing procedure..LOFTLocator outer marker

lon(g)low-frequency hyperbolic radio long-range navigation system which measures time difference between reception of synchronised signals transmitted from ground transmitters.Loran-C, operates in the 100-110 kHz frequency band with an operating range of 600-1,500 nm independent of line-of-sight, and is becoming very popular among GA aircraft operators in the USA.M M or magratio of true airspeed to the speed of sound.Mach 1 is the speed of sound at sea level, ISA, approximately 1,100 feet per second or 760 mph.MAPpart of an instrument landing system using 75 MHz transmitters emitting fan-shaped or elliptical signal patterns vertically upwards, defining specific points along the glideslope.The outer marker OM is situated at or near the glideslope intercept altitude of the ILS localiser, the middle marker(MM)defines a point on the glideslope at or near decision height(DH).Markers provide aural and visual indications on a cockpit marker beacon receiver.MATZinternational radio distress call(from the French, m“aidez--help me).It signifies imminent danger to life requiring immediate assistance.mbMulti-crew co-operation

MCUminimum descent altitude.The lowest altitude, in feet amsl, to which descent is authorised on final approach during a non-precision instrument landing(i.e.where no glideslope guidance is given)without visual reference to the runway.MDHmilitary emergency diversion airfield.medevacmeteorology, weather.METARmedium frequency.Radio waves with frequencies in the 300-3,000 kHz range.MFAmulti-function display.An EFIS CRT offering selectable displays of weather radar, navigation maps, checklists and data other than primary flight inFORMation.MHMegahertz, the frequency of radio carrier waves measured in millions of cycles per second.minimumsmicrowave landing system.A microwave-based instrument approach system intended to replace ILS in the 1990s and claimed to offer a number of advantages such as the ability to fly segmented and curved precision approaches.MLWmillimetre”s

MMARSmilitary operations area.MoDmodification to an aircraft or equipment

mogasman-powered aircraft

mphmajor periodic inspection

MSAmean sea level

MTBFmilitary terminal control area.MTOWmaximum total weight authorised.N

NASNational Air Traffic Services.A division of the CAA providing UK air traffic control.Navnavigation aid.Nav/ComNational Business Aircraft Association, USA.NDBnavigation flight test

nmnap of earth.Low flying, usually by the military, using contour-flying techniques and terrain-masking to avoid being seen.NORDOno significant change, term used on Met reports.NOTAMno tail rotor.A system patented by McDonnell Douglas for maintaining directional control of helicopters without use of an anti-torque tail rotor.NPRMNational Transportation Safety Board.U.S.equivalent of UK“s AAIB.nvgNational Vocational Qualification.A Government-recognised qualification, the cost of training for which can be set against tax.O OASCoutside air temperature.The temperature of the air outside an aircraft measured by a probe with a cockpit gauge readout.OAT affects the measurement of indicated airspeed and its value is needed to calculate true airspeed.At high speeds kinetic heating demands correction to the indicated OAT for true outside air temperature.OATSobstruction.OBSobstacle clearance height.The lowest height above the elevation of the runway threshold or above aerodrome elevation used to establish compliance with obstacle clearance criteria in an instrument approach.Also OCA, obstacle clearance altitude, and OCL, obstacle clearance limit.OCUOne engine inoperative

OEMOut of ground effect

oktahigh accuracy, very-low frequency(VLF)long-range navigation system of the hyperbolic type, covering the entire earth down to the surface from eight ground-based transmitters.Used principally by airliners, military aircraft and intercontinental business aircraft.opson request.o/tOperational Training Unit.P


Panprecision approach path indicator, a system of coloured lights installed at the approach end of a runway which provides visual guidance to the correct glidepath.A successor to VASI, below.PARpassengers.PEDAuthorisation granted to aircraft such as homebuilds, vintage aeroplanes, warbirds and some simple ”classic“ light aircraft which are not required to meet the standards demanded for a full C of A, and are accordingly restricted in the kinds of operation for which they may be used.PFPopular Flying Association, the UK homebuilt and antique aircraft organisation.PFDpowered hang-glider

PICPilots InFORMation Guide

pinch-hitterPipeline Inspection Notification System.PIOflight-plan.PMSPilot not flying.The ”non-handling“ pilot in multi-crew operation

PNR(number of)persons on board.Also SOB, souls on board.POCpilot”s operating handbook, an aircraft“s ”owner“s manual”.Pooley“spowered paraglider.PPLPrivate Pilot”s Licence for helicopters,PPL(SLMG)prior permission only.Certain airfields or events require advance notification(by telephone, for example)of your intended arrival.PROBmanoeuvre which reverses the direction of an aircraft“s flight during an instrument approach procedure to enable it to intercept the final approach course.PPRpounds per square inch, a measurement of pressure.PTTspecial temporary airways created for flights by certain members of the royal family, notified by NOTAM.Q QFIQualified helicopter instructor.Quadrantal Rule1:250,000 scale ICAO aeronautical chart

Q-codeRules of the Air and Air Traffic Services section of the AIP

rabbit lightsRoyal Aeronautical Society

RAFmaximum permissible weight of an aircraft, which exceeds maximum take-off weight by an allowance for fuel burned during engine-start and taxi.RAPIDrectified airspeed.Indicated airspeed corrected for instrument position error.RAS(2)add-on qualification to a pilot”s licence, e.g.Night Rating, Multi-engine Rating, Instrument Rating, Seaplane Rating etc.Individual Type Ratings are necessary to fly aircraft over 12,500 pounds MTWA.RCLrelative bearing indicator, displaying inFORMation from the ADF.RDORadar InFORMation Service.Provided to notify pilots of conflicting traffic outside regulated airspace, but offering no avoiding action.RMIremark(s).RMUarea navigation.A system of radio navigation which permits direct point-to-point off-airways navigation by means of an on-board computer creating phantom VOR/DME transmitters termed waypoints.RONinner end of wing where it meets fuselage.rpmradio telephony.Voice communications, as opposed to WT, wireless telegraphy

RTFrunway visual range, a horizontal measurement of visibility along a runway.rwyreceiver.S SACPsearch-and-rescue.Also Sarsat, SAR satellite.SASsenior air traffic control officer

satcomsService Bulletin.Advisory notices issued by aircraft, engine and equipment manufacturers alerting owners and engineers to faults or problems requiring preventitive or remedial maintenance or modification.Often termed “mandatory”, but do not have the legal force of Airworthiness Directives(which see).SBACSafety Data Analysis Unit of the CAA.“second pilot”(U.S.)VFR navigation chart, equivalent to our 1:500,000 or “half-million”.Semi-circularselective calling.A high-frequency system enabling air traffic control to alert a particular aircraft, by means of flashing light or aural signal in the cockpit, for receipt of a message without the crew having to maintain a listening watch.Used on long-haul over-ocean airline routes and by intercontinental bizjets.sfcradio call made from aircraft calling later than final position, or on final approach from a shortened circuit, or at 2nm from threshold on a straight-in approach.shpstandard instrument departure.A standard IFR departure route enabling air traffic controllers to issue abbreviated clearances and thus speed the flow of traffic.SIGMETsea level.SLAself-launching motor glider

5.航空货运英语 篇五

galleyterminate truss stretch extension skid revise pneumatic external cart thermal substitute meet meed isolation integral curve

dotted line solid line ascend descend depict versus mercury identical exert

overboard available aural ceiling leak horn specify beneath basin

bowel chute

Unit 5-10

gaseous diluter attendant gage vent activate repellent vane vision alpha vane mast impact expose formation loss sink embed gasket fitting intensity integral fluorescent floodlight identity

incandescent modification troubleshooting rack

auto throttle analog

yaw damper static inverter rectifier conversion is rated at slip-ring commutator armature fed into deliver subdivide storage

vent surge tank fuel tight baffle

boost pumpport overfill defueling feed

respective chip

resistive current leakage code graduate prior to

corresponding bracket blanket label


nose wheel steering relief

keel beamguarded switch knot disarm respective transit

configuration malfunction serve as impact taxi assure drag brace trunnion pin tow lug

crossbolt tow bar nitrogen fold collar maneuver lateral

longitudinal vertical axes angular establish magnitude refair feedback bus drum transducer

aileron fore limiter tabquadrant control rod crank admit

Unit 16-20

identical stator vane via

is capble of corebooster bearing support transfer blockage is ported to meter

transmitter bybass valve rotater idle case stage

convert into sufficient adverse triaxial lead

precooler revers deploy pritor to bolt translate forcing cascade segment exceed sequence reset enclose split path jet pip readily inspection hoist

centrifugal radial override initial

hermetically metal interfacecontuct drip pan gap furnish stud closing triping hold gain coil polarity relative

magnetic bearing deviation slant range heading aural visual

optimization specific advent

6.航空货运英语 篇六

(7)是,马上给您拿来。I’ll get one for you in just a moment.(8)打扰了(过意不去)。Excuse me.(9)知道了(不知道)。Yes, I know(No, I don’t know).(10)是您叫我吗?Did you call me?

(11)不清楚,马上查询。I’m not sure, I’ll check it.(12)不客气。It’s my pleasure.(13)谢谢。Thank you very much.(14)托您的福。Thanks to you.(15)祝您旅途愉快。I hope enjoy your flight

7.航空货运英语 篇七


航空英语口语课程着重培养学生的口语和交际能力, 除一般口语对学习者的语音、语调、表达要求外, 航空口语还要求学生能够在一系列的航空情景下做到地道流畅地表达, 为乘客提供优质的服务。随着国际化的加深, 我国航空领域对复合型外语从业人才的需求量增大。为了满足人才缺口, 教师在英语口语教学中要以学生为主体, 激发学生参与课堂的积极性。通过在航空英语口语课程中运用情景教学法, 来还原真实的交际环境, 将英语口语的学习和日常生活相结合, 提高学生的英语能力和口语水平。


情景教学法 (Situational Method) 起源于20世纪60年代, 是一种以听说法为基础衍生而成的一种教学法。情景教学法将学生带入虚拟的情景中, 以锻炼学生的听, 说和观察能力为主要目的。情景教学法既可以运用多媒体手段, 又借助了人的想象力。使用情景教学法进行航空英语口语教学, 不仅有利于学生将理论与实践结合起来, 更能激发学生的创新思维, 锻炼了学生的口语能力。


航空行业要求服务个性化, 人性化, 从事航空行业, 必须具备一定的交流和服务能力。英语作为交流工具, 有着不可替代的作用, 进行航空英语口语教学主要有以下几个优势:第一, 航空英语口语教学的实践性强。第二, 航空英语口语教学的专业性强。它包含着许多专业英语词汇、句型和问题, 充分贴合了“以就业为导向”、“以能力培养目标”的教学要求。第三, 航空英语口语教学的综合性强。它将交通, 餐饮等各方面综合起来, 知识和内容涵盖广泛。基于以上几点特性, 采用情景教学法无疑是最科学合理的教学方式。


(一) 要科学设计教学环境

教学环境又称学习环境, 既指学习的场地, 又包括学习资源和人际互动等因素。良好教学环境的确立, 能促进学习活动的顺利展开。在航空英语口语教学的过程中使用情景教学法, 能为学生呈现出问题的解决方式。在使用情景教学法的过程中, 教师要科学地对情景进行设计, 例如选择恰当的内容和导入活动, 最后进行教学评价。教师在教学过程中应当起到引导者的作用, 通过科学设计情景, 合理分配任务, 随时解答学生在情景中出现的问题, 引导学生进行学习。

(二) 要尊重学生主体

在进行航空英语口语的情境化教学时, 教师需要根据学生的认知特点, 将生活素材加以提炼, 创造出真实具体的情境, 通过角色扮演, 观光, 课内会话活动等内容, 将知识融汇于具体情境之中, 学生就能自然而然地学会该内容的口语表达方法。

(三) 多种资源协助意义建构

传统课堂教学较为死板, 只注重理论知识, 枯燥乏味又难以记忆, 学生往往学过就忘, 没有将知识真正理解, 更不能正确运用, 而运用情景教学法就能弥补传统英语口语教学的缺陷。在科技充分发展的今天, 利用网络和各种多媒体资源对教学过程进行辅助, 创建更贴合实际, 更具有趣味性的情境, 以激发学生的创造性思维, 提高学生学习的积极性, 激发学生的意义建构。多媒体和网络资源的应用, 能对教学环境进行延展, 改变传统教学的时空结构, 从而帮助学生解决实际问题, 建构自身的知识体系。

情景教学法对于航空英语口语课程的教学是比较实用的, 它能有效地提高教学质量, 使学生在轻松愉快的氛围中掌握了知识, 提高了学生运用英语在航空领域进行交际的能力。学生作为国家的储备人才, 其英语口语能力的提升, 能促进我国社会的发展, 满足国际交流的需求。


第一, 要与生活实际相结合。既要做到创新, 又不能过分偏离实际情况, 第二, 要与学生的实际学习情况相结合。教学要由浅及深, 根据学生的实际学习情况, 及时进行合理变更, 以免照本宣科, 忽视学生的主体地位。


综上所述, 在航空英语口语教学中运用情景教学法具备可行性。教师在教学过程中, 在结合实际进行教学的同时, 还要提高自身水平, 采取创新模式, 结合学生水平进行教学。在航空英语口语教学中使用情景教学法能激发学生学习的主动性, 通过学生间的合作, 锻炼学生协作学习能力, 培养了学生处理信息和解决问题的能力。


[1]雷晓慧.情景教学法在高职旅游英语口语教学中的应用[J].和田师范专科学校学报, 2010 (01) .

[2]骆彩燕.论情景教学法在高职院校航空英语口语教学中的应用[J].海外英语, 2012 (02) .

[3]王堃.情景教学法在高职旅游英语实训教学中的应用[J].太原大学学报, 2011 (01) .

8.浅谈微课在中职航空英语中的应用 篇八

【关键词】微课 中职 航空服务 英语

【中图分类号】G642 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2016)08-0065-02
















例如,在Unit 2 Preflight Check这一单元中,在学习“The purser asks a cabin attendant to check the equipment on board”这部分对话时,如果直接讲授对话,学生很难引起兴趣。于是,我请在航空公司工作的朋友拍下了飞机客舱各个设备的小视频,做成微课,让学生回答各个设备的作用,学生一下子就会兴奋起来,接着被引入到对话的教学中。可见,用微课导课的教学效果很好,既有趣,又引人深思,让学生很快地进入到教学情境中来,激发了他们学习英语的热情。






我在讲授Unit 8 Beverage Service Dialogue One中,通过播放微课视频,来进一步帮助学生学习和掌握cabin attendant在飞机上提供beverage service的语言运用表达法。首先,我通过视频介绍了cabin attendant的职责范围。这就是本节中warming up的2个问题。接着,我又介绍了几种茶叶,wulong tea, longjing tea, black tea, jasmine tea, green tea.最后,我介绍了cabin attendant在提供beverage service的常用表达法。如:1. Madam, it's time for afternoon tea. 2. Which would you like? 3. How do you like your tea, weak or strong? 4. Here you are. 通过这几步的微课介绍和讲解,学生们可以完整的学习到本课的重点和难点,从而能在实际工作的岗位环境中运用所学到的英语知识。






[1]赵小芬.“微课”对中职生英语课堂教学的促进作用[J]. 2015年4月.
