1.大学俄语第一册第七课 篇一
说课时间: 11-01 说课地点:文科多媒体教室 说课人:周春菊
《我与地坛》是高中语文教材第一册第七课,也就是第二单元的第三篇课文;而老版本教材却将此课安排在第二册。从教材体例的系统上来说,第一册重在“整体感知”、“理清思路”、“概括要点”,第二册将“筛选信息”、“研究探讨”、“分析评价”作为提升学生的语文能力训练要点;从这个角度上看,教材对散文的鉴赏要求有进一步提高,以适应新世纪的素质教育的要求。从这个方面上来说,《我与地坛》正处在这个训练体系的较高层级上。从单元的 一 安排上来讲,前面已经有了两篇文章对“整体感知”这一训练点进行了铺垫,那么在这一篇文章的教学上就更需要体现出较强的目标训练意识——需要注意的是,越是到了更高的能力层级,它所要求的综合语文能力更加突出,而不仅仅是一个训练点这么简单。
二 《我与地坛》是本学年度最长的一篇课文之一,教材同时将其确定为“自读”课文,在课时的安排上和文章的长度构成了一对矛盾。它所讲述的是有关生命本身的问题:人该怎样来看待生命中的苦难。作为这个年龄段的学生,普遍存在着心理疲劳周期较短的现象;而课文说的是一个相对“沉重”甚至“沉闷”的话题。怎样在45分钟里将学生的注意力尽量吸引到课文本身上来,完成对7000字的文章的比较深刻的解读,选择一个有特点,有吸引力的教学切入点是确保实现教学目的的关键。
(使用依据:本文是通过学生默读、诵读去理解课文,感知具体的语言信息。通过讨论加深对作者思想感情的理解。因此在本节 三 课中利用多媒体将几个需要讨论的问题显示出来,并要求学生紧紧围绕它去思考。)
四 到底他的这些文字是怎样体现出他的灵魂,让我们一起进入课文,进入作者的内心,去获得我们自己的体会。
宿命 坍圮 玉砌雕栏 亘古不变 撅捋 蝉蜕 窸窸窣窣 ............嘈杂 熨帖 猝然 倔强 隽永 恪守 焦灼 ........(设计依据:明确学生需要掌握的一些基础知识。)
3、思考问题: 第一部分:
④在地坛,作者思考了哪些问题?地坛又为作者解决了哪些问题? 第二部分:
五 ②第二部分哪几小节是对母亲的描写?
板书设计: 附一:
我与母亲:颓废——理解——坚强 附二:
(一)地坛 荒芜但并不衰败 生命感悟 对 象 特 点 作 用 七
(二)母 亲 坚忍、毫不张扬 生存启发
2.数学第一册第七单元试卷讲评教案 篇二
第七单元试卷讲评课 前埔小学 马爱琴 授课日期: 讲评内容:第七单元试卷 讲评目标: 1、通过讲评,使学生加深对11~20的各数的认识及理解,巩固数的数位、顺序、大小、组成的知识。 2.通过讲评,使学生对10加几和相应的减法更加熟练。 讲评重点:通过讲评,使学生巩固11-20各数的认识,及数位,顺序、大小、组成、10加几和相应的减法的有关知识。 讲评难点:通过讲评,使学生能进一步掌握做题的方法。 教具准备:投影仪、试卷。 讲评过程: 一、谈话导入。 1、同学们,都知道了自己的成绩了,有什么想说的吗? 2、公布全班的整体成绩,表扬进步的学生。 二、进行试卷讲评 (一)基础部分讲解 第一题,我会看图写数,考查学生对11-20各数的掌握情况。 指导:认真看题,数的时候要有技巧,不能漏数或多数,还要看清楚数位。 第二题,按数的.顺序填写,按要求填空。 指导:1、要认真审题。2、按数的顺序填数,看清楚给的数是按从大到小的顺序还是从小到大的顺序,并且要看清题目是一个一个数,还是两个两个数。3、按要求填空是考查学生对数的数序和基数含义的考查,让学生看清楚给出的数分别是哪些。 第三题。猜一猜我是谁?是文字题目,比大小,看谁跑得快。 指导:文字不认识的老师读题时要非常认真听。比大小,先把算式的得数算出来后再比大小。看谁跑得快是考查孩子计算10加几和相应的减法的,要认真计算。 (二)针对性进行讲解。 重点讲解:1、看图列式题。 学生做错的题,分析原因可能是因为不理解题意,图中给出的图,是由几部分组成的,学生看不明白。 指导:先让学生讨论图中画的是什么?是什么意思?能理解吗?再让学生发表自己的看法。要是求总数,就是把各部分数合起来,用加法计算,要是求部分数,就用总数减去另一部分。 2、我会做,第一小题是填算式中的未知数,比如+10=( )+6,10+4=()+( ) 指导:有些空有好几种答案,只要等于号左右两边的得数相同都可以。 第二小题。文字应用题。小红做了5面旗,小东做了10面旗,要送给幼儿园的小朋友18面,他们做的够吗? 这种文字应用题,平时都没有训练,在加上学生的识字量很少,所以失分多。 指导:认真听老师读题。先想他们一共做了几面旗?算出来后再和18对比一下,够不够。 三、课堂练习投影出示相应的矫正练习,让学生进行巩固。 四、课堂小结 通过本次考试讲评你想说些什么?多指几人发表看法。 五、板书设计 六、教学反思。
3.大学俄语第一册第七课 篇三
Text A 13.keep our readers in mind 14.fit their tastes and interests: satisfy their tastes and interests 15.in particular 16.The idea of becoming sth had come to me off and on since…, but it was until …that the possibility took hold.17.sb be bored by sth 18.be associated with sth 19.English courses 20.sb hate sth to turn out/produce sth: 21.sth be agony for sb to do 22.sth be assigned to sb 23.anticipate sth: expect sth
cf: anticipation: expectation 24.tedious: dull, boring, monotonous 25.sb have a reputation among sb for sth 26.the inability to inspire 27.He was said to be very formal, rigid and hopelessly out of date.= It was said that he was very formal, strict and very old-fashioned.28.excessively prim: too formal 29.wear primly severe eyeglasses: wear completely plain glasses 30.wavy: curly 31.He wore prim suits with neckties set primly against the collar buttons of his white shirts.32.have a primly pointed jaw 33.have a straight nose 34.have a prim manner of speaking 35.a comic antique: a funny curiosity 36.prepare for an unfruitful year with sb 37.tackle: handle: deal with;cope with;do with 38.distribute: hand out 39.offer sb a choice of topics 40.simple-minded
cf.absent-minded 41.on my vacation
vocational school 42.…did nothing until the night before the essay was due.43.lie on the sofa 44.face up to the unwelcome task 45.sth on which my eye stopped was…
46.sth produced an extraordinary sequence of mental images.47.vivid memories came flooding back of sth.48.be seated around the supper table 49.serve spaghetti for supper 50.a little known foreign dish in those days 51.None of sb have enough experience to be good at sth 52.All the good humor of sth reawoke in my mind.53.awake vi
Old memories awoke in him when he saw the picture.54.vt.The music awoke my imagination.55.recall the laughing arguments: remember the funny disagreements 56.have an argument about the socially respectable method for moving spaghetti from plate to mouth 57.put sth down 58.recapture and hold the moment 59.relive the pleasure of that evening 60.to write it as I wanted 61.violate the rules: act against the rules 62.formal ←→ informal 63.give it a failing grade 64.the night was half gone 65.There was no time left to do sth.66.compose an essay 67.There was no choice but to do sth 68.turn in = hand in 69.Two days passed before…
70.prepare myself for a command to report to sb immediately after school for discipline 71.lift sth from his desk 72.knock for the class’s attention 73.read you an essay 74.read my words out loud to the entire class 75.read aloud;read sth loudly 76.what’s more;more importantly;in addition;furthermore 77.listen attentively 78.laugh in contempt and ridicule 79.laugh with open-hearted enjoyment 80.hold back a small prim smile 81.pure delight at sth 82.this demonstration 83.have the power to make people laugh 84.at the eleventh hour 85.as it were: so to speak 86.discover a calling: discover a career 87.It was the happiest moment of my entire school career.88.put the final seal on my happiness: make my happiness complete 89.it’s of the very essence of sth 90.congratulations on sth to sb Vocabulary & Translation exe 91.be always in trouble with the police 92.be hurt in the car accident 93.lie screaming in agony 94.put his name down on the hospital waiting list 95.lead to the King’s fall from power 96.cry bitterly over the death of his pet dog 97.could hardly hold back my tears 98.distribute sth among the flood victims 99.support oneself by working off and on as a waitress 100.after much thought 101.sb come under attack from all sides
102.tackle the country’s severe social problems 103.be well beyond what was usual 104.A clear picture was formed in her mind of how she would look in twenty years’ time.105.have a clear image of sth 106.on an order from: on hearing an order from sb 107.open fire 108.give the command 109.remain in demand
cf.on demand 110.not … the faintest: not at all 111.A be based on B 112.without doubt: no doubt 113.A offer B A’s congratulations 114.write the song
compose the music 115.wear a severe black dress and plain black shoes 116.have got a severe pain in his chest 117.cry off and on in agony 118.his future wife: his would-be wife 119.race in her direction 120.be knocked down 121.the head of a family 122.take his wish as a command 123.break some traffic rule or other: violate some rule 124.some day or other 改天
(some n.(sg)or other 某…)125.violate the law 126.wear a seat belt 127.consider everything carefully and expect the worst 128.be good at;be bored with/by;be afraid of;be interested in;black tea 129.have a good command of collocation 130.be angry at doing sth 131.do my share of the housework 132.be hungry for success 133.spare no efforts to achieve success 134.be tired of 135.all the time;all the same;136.be patient with 137.forgetful
cf.unforgettable 138.be famous as 139.be clear about 140.A be opposite to B 141.be rich in energy but poor in vitamins and minerals 142.be completely different from 143.get paid 144.be dependent on/upon sth 145.have to struggle to hold back a smile 146.sth catch my eye
cf.eye-catching 147.remain vivid to me 148.have all the good-humored arguments about sth 149.take up writing 150.make a career of it 151.be fortunate enough to receive invitations to sth 152.a film-studio 153.take part in a crowd-scene 154.be given the opportunity to do 155.Bright lights were turned on.156.put on a heavy overcoat 157.pull a hat down over his eyes 158.walk along a winding path 159.(wind)whistle through the trees 160.tremble with cold 161.take a picture on an island 162.at the water’s edge 在水边
4.大学俄语第一册第七课 篇四
1.talk much of the American dream
2.In their country anyone can become successful through hard work and enterprise.3.rags to riches
4.an empty dreamcf.make empty promises
5.take a view
6.A remain central to understanding sth
7.shared beliefs
8.blood ties
9.form the basis of national identity
10.turn one’s back on sth逃离;抛弃
11.turn one’s back on poverty 摆脱贫困=get out of poverty
12.set out with high hopes for a new life in America
13.move up in the world: get promotion
14.sth be at the end of the rainbow 在彩虹末端;在可望而不可及的地方
Text A
15.Talent/Virtues and hard work can take you from log cabin to White House.16.rise high in society
17.make his own dream come true
18.a rocky farm
19.stand in the driveway
20.park in the driveway;drive in the parkway
21.What does a gardener do? mow the lawn;weed the garden;sweep the walks;clean up the yard;take care of any little tasks;lift heavy objects;fix things
22.comprehend his broken English
23.couldn’t afford a gardener
24.go into my house unhappycf.(the wind)blow cold
25.these Depression days
26.turn away a person=refuse to help a person;refuse to allow sb to enter
cf.turn down sb=refuse sb
27.assume主观认定cf.resume:begin againpresume 假定consume消耗assumptionpresumptionconsumption
28.hire /employ sb ←→fire/dismiss sb
29.rebuild our business
30.bring sb back to the plants
31.compliment sb on sthcf.complement my diet with some vitamin E
32.work out sth: solve sth
33.weekly pay;monthly salary;yearly income
34.Summer passed into fall.=Fall came after summer.35.What do you do with such determination and hope?=How do you deal with …?
36.ask the personnel department for a report
37.at our meeting place/in his usual waiting place/in our familiar meeting spot
38.a pretty good apprentice school
39.to train laborerscf.trained laborers
40.have the capacity to do sth/for sthcf.ability to do sth;capability of doing sth
41.be able to do sth;be capable of doing sth
42.read blueprints and micrometers
43.do precision work
44.take a cut in pay: have his pay reduced
45.graduate as a skilled grinder
46.skilled(in/at sth): having or needing skill;skillful/skilful: having or showing skille.g.We need workers skilled in welding for this job;it’s a highly skilled job.47.shape the grinding wheel 制作砂轮
48.do sth with an instrument set with a diamond
49.be delighted with what we felt was a satisfactory/satisfying end of the story
50.on the edge of town
51.for salecf.on sale: 1.for sale 2.sale at lower prices
52.a wreckcf.wreckage
53.call on sb: visit sbcf.call on the government to take steps
54.loan money on character
55.no sale=no way
56.a man of character: a trustworthy man
57.pay your interest
58.write a mortgage for $2000
59.give sb sth with no down paymentcf.initial payment
61.odds and ends;odds and sods;small articles
62.a broken screen 坏了的屏风
63.a bit of hardware 一点五金器具
64.boards from packing 包装纸板
65.stand a little straighter
66.have a look of confidence
67.say sth with pride: say sth proudly
68.send for sb back in Italy
69.hunt for sth=look for sth
70.shed: a lighly built building
e.g.a tool shed;a wood shed;cattle shed家畜棚;garden shed花园工具房
71.be neatly dressed
72.persuade sb to do
73.sponsor sth
74.with an amused look in his eye
75.approach sw: come near to sw
76.operate a farm=run a farm=manage a farm
77.stand in amazement=in surprise
78.pass away
79.check on sb: examine sb: look into sb
80.see that…=see to it that…=make sure that…
81.Everything was properly handled.82.find the farm green with vegetables
83.livable and homey
84.don’t owe a centcf.owe sb sthowe A to B=attribute A to B
85.He grew in stature in my mind: He grew taller and greater in my mind.86.industrialists= entrepreneurs
87.reach one’s success by the same route and by the same values and principles
88.self-control;self-respect= self-esteemcf.self-confidence=self-assurance;
89.above all=most important of all
90.integrity = honesty
91.begin on the bottom rung of the laddercf.begin in the basement
92.the balance sheets
93.decimal point
94.seek one’s dream
Vocabulary & Translation exe
95.with great patience
96.check the balance in her bank account on an ATM
97.discard litter: throw litter
98.be willing to take risks to achieve success
99.live almost entirely on a diet of cabbages
cf.go/be on a dietput sb on a diet
100.the food left over from the partycf.leftovers
101.weekly earnings
102.on the average
103.get involved in a deal like thiscf.get involved with sb 与sb鬼混在一起
cf.people involved所涉及的人involved problems: complicated problems 104.be against all my principles
105.in the sunken ship
106.leave a well-paid job
107.provide no guarantee
108.many a bank: many banks
109.refuse her request for a loan
110.be precise in expressing her thoughts=express her thoughts with precision 111.be firm in our decision to modernize our country in the shortest possible time 112.wander around the department stores
113.leisurely inspect the items for sale
114.hunt for some antiques(古董)along the sidewalks
115.on display
116.laid-off workerscf.laying-off 下岗
117.handle one’s financial troubles
118.create re-employment opportunities
119.provide business startup loans
120.a man of good moral character
121.build up a reputation for kindness
121.call on his needy neighbors
122.attend his funeral
123.read for personal discovery and growth
124.the board of education 教委cf.the board of directors 董事会 125.be responsible for sth
126.find evidence of life in space
127.discuss the details of the plan
128.senior citizens
129.create such a good life for himself
130.right from the start
131.show a determination to get on(继续下去)
132.take on skilled work
133.a takeout restaurant
134.a dry cleaner: a laundry
135.buy a huge house in an exclusive suburb
136.work like crazy
137.get a tech-related job
138.invest your wages into/in stocks
139.work out a plan acceptable to both sides
140.natural disasters
141.take action to protect life and property
142.amuse myself reading a book
143.lack confidence
144.be unsure of oneself
第1课 大学俄语讲稿12-16