江苏省高二英语模块七第二单元单词导学案 (译林牛津版高二英语选修七教案教学设计)


江苏省高二英语模块七第二单元单词导学案 (译林牛津版高二英语选修七教案教学设计)(共5篇)(共5篇)

1.江苏省高二英语模块七第二单元单词导学案 (译林牛津版高二英语选修七教案教学设计) 篇一

Unit 1 Living with technology

Class ____________Name ____________ No. ____________

Learning goals:

Ⅰ. Goals for knowledge:

1. To read some exhibition boards about the history of television and audio devices, and an article about the dangers of mobile phones

2. To listen to information about electronic dictionaries

3. To talk about how modern electronic devices affect our lives and help buy an electronic dictionary

4. Grammar: To review the usages of some major prepositions and learn how to use prepositional phrases correctly

Ⅱ. Goals for skills and strategies:


1. To develop speaking ability by discussing how different electrical and electronic devices reveal great changes that have been made to them over time

2. To discuss how to ask for information by telephone

Reading: To learn how to understand subtitles

Listening: To learn a listening skill by listening for what is most important

Writing: To write an e-mail to give advice

Acting: To make a list of the advantages and disadvantages of some modern electronic devices

Ⅲ. Goals for culture and emotions:

1. To know about the history of television and audio devices

2. To learn about the way that the electronic inventions affect our lives

Self-study work

Part Ⅰ. Welcome to the unit

1. Look at the following four pictures and discuss the following questions:

1) How important are watching TV and listening to music to you?

2) How have different electronic devices changed over time?

3) How have these inventions improved people’s lives?

2. Translate the following into English:

1)手机的危害 2)电子词典

3)提建议 4)列出……的利弊

5)有着模糊的图像 6)随着时代



Part Ⅱ. Reading

1. Skimming: go through the text as quickly as possible and answer the following questions

1) When did regular public TV broadcasting begin around the world?

2) What is WebTV?

3) What was invented in 1954?

2. Scanning: read the text again carefully and try to find out some detailed information

Complete Parts C1and C2 on page 4, and make sure that you can distinguish and pick out the relevant information within the given time.

3. Reading strategy: understanding subtitles

Subtitles appear after titles and provide more information about the text. Subtitles can show how a text is organized. Read the text again and figure out how this text is organized. The following chart might help you understand the text better:

Early history of TV


(In order of time) The modern age: TV, TV, TV, …

Early history of

Audio devices Tape recorders and

(By types of equipment) Sound goes

4. Translate the following into English:

1) 在传媒与技术展览会上 2) 电视和音响器件

3) 之后不久 4) 对电视的发展做出了贡献

5) 有线电视 6) 认为数字电视优于卫星电视

7) 能接收到200个频道_________________ 8) 进入市场,上市

9) 一位侨居美国的德国人_______________ 10) 将该技术用于生产晶体管收音机

11) 控制电流__________________________ 12) 为了军事用途

13) 用手摇 14) 被加入词典

15) 有史以来第一次 16) 便于携带

17) 自初以来___________________ 18)占领了便携式音乐播放器市场

19)从200个不同的频道中 20)给人们的生活带来了便利和快乐

21) 正因为此,至今还未能确定是谁发明了电视。


22) 66%的美国家庭拥有有线电视是50年后的事。


23) 这个机顶盒将电视和万维网连接起来。


24) 一切始于1877年,这一年托马斯.爱迪生第一次录下了人的声音。


25) 由于MP3播放器的普及,在互联网上如雨后春笋般出现了许多提供MP3音乐供人们选购的音乐网站。



5. Language points:

1. Because of this, it is still uncertain who invented TV.


句中because of this 作原因状语,it作形式主语,who 引导的是主语从句。

(1) because of 意为“由于,因为”,通常作状语,位于句首或句尾。



表示原因的介词短语还有due to, owing to, thanks to。

辨析:due to 意为“由于”,常用在be动词之后。

because of 指原因,意为“因为”,用以指出理由。

thanks to 既可表达正面意义(亏得,多亏,幸亏),又可表示讽刺意义。

owing to 意为“由于,应归功于”



(2) “it is uncertain +从句”结构中,uncertain 是certain的反义词,意为“不确定,无把握”。注意:在it为主语的句中能用certainuncertain,但不能用sure。当以人作主语时,可与be sure…互换。





2. It took more than two decades, though, until 1951, for colour broadcasts to begin in the USA.


(1) more than的用法:









△more…than…相当于rather than,表示取舍,意为“与其说后者,不如说前者”,这时more…than…连接两个对等的成分。




no more than no more…than… 和……一样不……

not more than not more…than… 没有……那样……

more than ever 更加 more than a little 非常

more often than not 通常 nothing more than 和……完全一样

(2) though 在句中作副词,表“可是,但是”,可位于句中或句末。



though 也可作连词,引导状语从句,表“虽然”。有时为了强调,though引导的从句可以倒装,相当于as引导的让步状语从句。

Child though (=as) he was, he knew what was the right thing to do.


注意:though 绝不能与表示转折的连词but连用。如果要强调反面,可用yet, still, nevertheless等副词。



3. Some consider digital TV to be superior to satellite TV because it allows the same services to be delivered with clearer pictures than before.


(1) sb./sth. + to be + n./ adj.

consider sb./sth. + as +n./ adj.

+ that从句

辨析:considerate (adj.) 体贴的,考虑周到的

considerable (adj.) 相当多的,相当大的

consideration (n.) 考虑;体贴;报酬 take sth. into consideration把某事考虑在内

under consideration 在考虑中

considering (prep. & conj.) 考虑到,就……而言

(2) superior作形容词时,表“高级的;高傲的;优越的;上级的”,短语be superior to…意为“比……好”、“比……强”。其反义词组为be inferior to…意为“低于/次于……”。






4. They bought the patent and applied the technology to create the transistor radio.





另外,apply还可表“申请”、“请求”(apply to sb. for sth.“向某人申请某物”);“使努力使专心”的意思(apply oneself to…“致力于……”)。





applied (adj.) 应用的,实用的 application (n.) 应用;适用;申请

5. Then, in 1979, the Walkman, a portable pocket-sized cassette tape player, was introduced and became so popular that Walkman was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 1986.


(1)本句主语为the Walkman,而a portable pocket-sized cassette tape player作其同位语。so…that…意为“如此……以致……”,so 之后接形容词、副词或分词;that引导结果状语从句,在日常用语中常可省略that。



(2) 辨析:add to… 增加…… add…to… 把……加到……上

add up 加在一起 add up to… 总计……;加起来总和是……

There have been several new events to the program for the Beijing Olympic Games.

A. add B. to add C. adding D. added

Part Ⅲ. Word power

Please translate the following into English:

1)在三楼工作 2)部门经理

3)电子产品__________________________ 4)家用电器

5)音响器件 6)摄像机

7)数码照相机 8)移动电话,手机

9)(冰箱的)冷冻区 10)电饭锅

11)微波炉 12)电炒锅

13)吸尘器 14) 拍摄长达三分钟


Part Ⅳ. Grammar and usage---Prepositions and prepositional phrases


1. 简单介词:at, by, for, from, in, of, on, to, with

2. 复合介词:into, onto, within, out of

3. 双重介词:from under, since before, until after

4. 短语介词:in front of, because of, ahead of, according to

注意:有的介词可以兼作副词(如:around, over等),有的介词可以兼作连接词(如:after, before, until等)。



1. 定语 The key to the door is still here.

2. 状语 The book is very popular with old people.

3. 表语 Japan is to the east of China.

4. 宾补 Make yourself at home.


1. at, in, on和by表示时间的区别

1) at指时间时用于表示:


They come home at sunrise (at noon, at midnight, at ten o’clock, at daybreak, at dawn).


He went home at Christmas (at New Year, at the Spring Festival, at night).

2) in 指时间时用于表示:


He was born in 1993.

What did you do in the holidays?


I will finish it in three hours.

3) on指时间时用于表示:


We began to work on our arrival.


on the eve of victory 在胜利前夕


If the train should be on time, I should reach home before dark.

4) by指时间时用于表示:


He must have finished it by now.


He worked by day and slept by night.

2. at, in和on表示地点的区别

1) at表示地点:

*用于指较小的地方。I shall wait for you at the station.

*用于门牌号码前。He lives at 115 Jijiang Road.

2) in表示地点:

*用于指较大的地方。He lives in Shanghai.


I met him at the post-office.

I’m now working in the post-office.

3) on表示地点,一般指与面或线接触:

*意为“在……上”。The picture was hanging on the wall.

*意为“在……旁边”。New York is on the Hudson River.

3. in, to和on在方位名词前的区别

1) in表示在范围内

2) to表示在某范围外的地方

3) on表示“毗邻”、“接壤”

Mongolia lies the north of China.

Fujian lies the south of China. Fujian lies the south of Zhejiang Province.

4.表示方向的to, for与toward(s)


go, come, walk, run, dash, rush, move, fly, return, lead, take

2)表示“起程”、“出发”、“离开”的动词之后,多用for。如:leave, start, set off


A new ship set off from England to America on its first trip.

4)在表示“朝……方向”时to与towards是同义词,常可互换。只是 towards仅仅表方向,不表到达,而to不仅表方向,还可表到达。

All roads lead to Rome.

It will stop the sand from moving towards the rich farmland in the south.



1. 名词与介词的固定搭配常见的有:

1)要求to的名词:key, answer, visit, apology, introduction (the key to the test, business visits to America)

2)要求in的名词:interest, satisfaction, expert (an expert in teaching small children)

3)要求on的名词:mercy, congratulation

4)要求其它介词的名词:prize for, respect for, victory over, struggle withagainst


a friend of mine (of表“属于”) a ticket for tonight (for表“给……用”)

a story about Lei Feng (about表“关于”) a key to the door (to表“对于”)

a lecture on American history (on表“论述”)

2. 形容词与介词的固定搭配常见的有:

1)要求at的形容词:afraid, angry, good, bad, clever, terrified, surprised

2)要求of的形容词:afraid, sure, full, tired, fond, proud, worthy, certain

3)要求with的形容词:angry, strict, careful, busy, popular

4)要求in的形容词:weak, strict, rich, interested, successful

5)要求to的形容词:next, good, polite, kind, cruel, rude, known, married, close, near, similar, due

6)要求for的形容词:sorry, good, famous, fit, unfit, eager, anxious, hungry

7)要求from的形容词:far, different, free, safe, absent, tired

8)要求about的形容词:sorry, worried, anxious, careful, sure, certain


He is good to her. 他对她友好。

It is good for her. 它对她有益。

PartⅤ. Task and project

Please translate the following into English:

1)主要的考虑________________________ 2)首先,最重要的是

3)特别,尤其 4)额外的功能

5)最适合你叔叔 6)有一个内置的扬声器

7)有一年的保修期____________________ 8)取决于

9)弄糊涂了 10)推荐第一款

11)正反两反面_______________________ 12)无所顾忌

13)在此之前 14)与吸烟有关

15)信任他们 16)眼下,暂时

17)未完全发育 18)危害你的健康









Part VI. Word study

1. record

vt. vi. 记载,记录;将(声音,景象等)录下

He recorded everything that happened on his travel.


recordbreaker n.打破记录者 record player n.电唱机 recorder n.录音机 recording n. 录音(制品)

n. [c] [u] 记录,记载(与of连用);履历,经历;成绩;唱片

His wife keeps a record of their daily expenses.


break/ beat the record打破记录 hold the record保持记录

set up the record创记录 keep a record of sth.把某事记录下来

make a record制作唱片 the records of one’s life

a music record on record

2. demand

vt. 要求,需要


n. [c] [u]要求,需要

in great demand of… make demand on sb.向某人求助


demanding adj. (对人)苛刻的,要求高的


(1) demand后的从句要用(should)+do的虚拟语气。


(2) demand后接动词不定式,即demand to do sth.(但不能接不定式的复合结构,如需类似表述,则用宾语从句),不接动名词。

The captain came down and demanded to know what was going on.


(3) 其后接名词作宾语时,结构应为:demand sth. of from sb.

I demanded an answer of from him.

(4) demand作名词时,后面接for。

There is a great demand for the books.

但demand用在介词短语中就应用of。in great demand of…



n. 等级;程度;度数;学位

an angle of ninety degrees

To what degree is she interested in films?

The students show various degrees of skill in doing the experiments.



4. 辨析:electronic, electric, electrical, electricity

(1) electronic adj. 电子的

电子计算机 electronic organ


(2) electric adj. 电的,带电的,电力的(用于两种情况:一是指可发电的东西;二是指靠电力操作或由电力产生的东西。)

一个发电站 an electric wire

电灯 an electric fan

(3) electrical adj. 电的,电气科学的(指与电力有关的物品或人员)

electrical engineering 一位电气工程师

electricity n. [u] 电,电学,电流,静电,电荷,热情


5. certain

adj. (1) [作表语] 确定的,无疑的,确信的

be certain to do…; be certain (that…); be certain of/ about sth.


I’m certain that she saw me.

(2) [作定语] 一定来到,发生或生效的,有把握的

There’s no certain care for this disease.

(3) [作定语] 某一,某种;某些,一点



pron. certain of… (人或物中的)某些

Certain of those peasants had too much to drink.

for certain 无疑地,确定地


make certain (that…) 弄清楚,弄明白

make certain of sth./ of doing sth. 采取行动以便正确有把握地做事



They’re sure/ certain to be late.

I’m sure/ certain (that) they will be late.

另外,sure+ that 句型中主语必须是人,通常不说It is sure that…,可用It is certain that…。


be certain/ sure to do…, 其主语可以是人或物,表示说话人推测“一定,必然会”,重点是“将要发生什么事”;be certain/ sure of…, 主语一般是人,主语感到有把握,重点是“某个人的思想状态”。


First, he was certain/ sure of winning. Later, he began to lose confidence.

Part VII. Exercises

A. 单项选择:

1. It was some time we realized the truth.

A. when B. until C. since D. before

2. They had a pleasant chat a cup of tea.

A. for B. with C. during D. over

3. The manager, it clear to us that he didn’t agree with us, left the meeting room.

A. who has made B. having made C. made D. making

4. If you are traveling the customs are really foreign to your own, please do as the Romans do.

A. in which B. what C. when D. where

5. Energy drinks are not allowed in Australia but are brought in from New Zealand.

A. to make B. to be made C. to have been made D. to be making

6. I haven’t seen of her films, but judging from the one I have seen I think she’s a promising actress.

A. any B. both C. none D. either

7. Nothing else more important than water in the place like a desert.

A. we can’t find B. can’t we find C. can we find D. we can find

8. About 700 people crowded in Houston, waving flags and holding signs, “Welcome Home, Astronauts!” when Discovery’s astronauts arrived for a celebration.

A. to read B. being read C. reading D. to be read

9. -Have you known the result of the Chinese team at Singapore Open Badminton Tournament?

-It three titles, I remember clearly.

A. would win B. had won C. will win D. won

10. -Jim, have you finished reading Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince?

-No. I my father on the farm all day yesterday.

A. would help B. had helped C. was helping D. have been helping

11. In peace, too, the Red Cross is expected to send help there is human suffering.

A. whoever B. however C. whatever D. wherever

12. As the busiest woman in Norton, she made her duty to look after all the other people’s affairs in that town.

A. this B. that C. one D. it

13. Nobody believed his reason for being absent from the class he had to meet his uncle at the airport.

A. why B. that C. where D. because

14. It remains whether Jim will be fit enough to play in the finals.

A. seen B. to be seen C. seeing D. to see

15. -When do we need to pay the balance?

- September 30.

A. In B. By C. During D. Within

16. According to official survey conducted by a committee, large ice cream producers usually

have better production record.

A. an; the B. /; a C. an; a D. the; the

17. It is difficult for any of us to eat better, exercise more, and sleep enough, we know we should.

A. because B. even though C. as if D. unless

18. -Do you have any blouses in yellow?

-Sorry, we don’t. What about this cream color?

-It well with almost anything.

A. goes B. puts C. does D. gets

19. It is that he’ll come tomorrow.

A. sure of B. certain about C. certain D. sure about

20. I felt quite what I was supposed to do then.

A. unsure of B. uncertain about C. certain D. sure

21. Only high officials had access the president.

A. to B. for C. on D. in

22. They drove along with all the car windows .

A. wound up B. winding on C. winded up D. wind up

23. Scientific experiments students without the teacher’s instructions can be dangerous.

A. carry out B. carrying out by C. carrying by D. carried out by

24. Please apply some medicine his wound.

A. on B. for C. to D. in

25. The accident is reported to have occurred the first Sunday in February.

A. at B. on C. in D. to

B. 用恰当的介词填空:

1. His knowledge of French literature is superior mine.

2. For the whole summer, the college student worked a shop-assistant.

3. The newly constructed buildings add greatly the beauty of this city.

4. The youth are always compared the rising sun.

5. The man is dressed up red clothes.

C. 单词拼写:

1. P , I don’t like him at all.

2. I am not very f with botanical names.

3. He left for a v of reasons.

4. Big men are not (必定)strong men.

5. I keep my reference books near my desk for (方便).

模块七 Unit 1 Living with technology 学案参考答案

Language points

1. The sports meeting will be put off till next Saturday because of the heavy rain.

His illness was due to smoking and drinking.

It is uncertain whether he’ll come tomorrow.

I’m sure/ certain that he’ll come tomorrow.

2. More than one house has been burnt in the fire.

They were more than glad to help.

The book seems to be more a dictionary than a grammar book.

仅仅,不过 不超过

He said he would come; he didn’t though.

Though the water is deep, yet it is clear.

3. In my opinion, trousers made by hand are superior to those made by machine.

We will need a letter of recommendation from one of your superiors.

4. The results of this research will be applied to the treatment of lung cancer.

I will apply to the company for the job.

He applied himself to his new job.

5. The temperature in the sun is so high that nothing can exist in solid state.


Word study

1. 他把旅途中发生的每件事都记录了下来。

Her speech was recorded on a tape.


She holds the world record for the 100 meters.

某人生活的纪录 音乐唱片 有纪录的,记录在案的

2. The work of a teacher demands great care and patience.

非常需要…… meet the demand of…

The teacher demanded that we (should) hand in our homework after class.



We are in great demand of the books.




The temperature today is two degrees hotter than yesterday.

He passed his examinations and now he has the degree of Master.

4. an electronic computer 电子琴 electronic equipment

an electric station 电线 an electric light 电风扇

电工学 an electrical engineer

The electricity has been cut off for several days.

5. He is certain to agree.



a certain Smith

There was a certain coldness in her attitude towards me.

I couldn’t say for certain when he will arrive.

他们一定迟到。 我肯定他们得迟到。

It is certain that some mistakes will occur.

The team are sure/ certain to win.



(A)1-5 DDBDB 6-10 BCCDC 11-15 DDBBB 16-20 CBACB 21-25 AADCB

(B) to as to to in

(C) Personally familiar variety necessarily convenience

2.江苏省高二英语模块七第二单元单词导学案 (译林牛津版高二英语选修七教案教学设计) 篇二

一record n. 记录;成绩;履历

v. 记录,记载;录音,录象

recording n. 录音,录音制品

recorder n. 录音机

record player 电唱机


an official record of the accident事故的正式记录

a school record学业成绩

his employment record他的工作经历

break/beat the record破记录

set up the record创记录

hold the record 保持记录

keep a record of sth把……记录下来

make a record制作唱片

make a recording of录制……


1. the score in a notebook.

A. kept a record B. kept the record C. recorded D. kept the record of

2.The police keep record of all the traffic accidents.(改错)

3.She (保持着世界记录) for the 100 meters.

4.You should (记录) how much you spend.

5.I’m fond of listening to r of famous singers ,such as CoCo Lee’s and Sun Yanzi’s.

6.She took her Sony tape r out of her bag and placed it down.

7.It all began in 1877 when Thomas Edison made the first r of a human voice.

二. contribute to 捐献……








三.It is certain/uncertain that … ……(不)确定(certain/uncertain不能用sure/unsure替换)

be uncertain about/of… 对……没把握

in no uncertain terms 明确有力地

uncertainly adv.拿不准地 uncertainty n. 忧郁; 拿不准的事


1. 我们俩都不确定该怎么办.

2. I told him what I thought of him (直言不讳地).

3. I’m (不确定他会不会赢) in the round.

4. It’s what his role in the company will be, and he is a bit anxious about it at moment. A. certain B. uncertain C. sure D. unsure

5. They smiled at one another.

A. uncertain B. uncertainty C. uncertainly D. in uncertain terms

四. be superior to …超过… … ; 比… … 优越

be inferior to…劣于… …




3.They are superior us numbers.

A. to ; in B. over ; to C. to ; by D. over ; by

4. He is my superior in knowledge .

He in knowledge.

五. come onto the market上市;面



2. 在一个新产品上市前有许多事情要做.

六. wind ( wound wound )vt.上发条;缠;绕

wind up 给……上发条;使某人高度兴奋

wind down (钟表)慢下来,停住; (人)松弛下来




3. This year has been too busy for me; I need a holiday .

A. winding up B. to wind up C. winding down D. to wind down

4. The wind is too strong; please wind the window .

A. down B. in C. up D. back

七.apply vi &vt 应用, 运用; 申请


apply for sth to sb向某人申请某物

apply to (sb /sth )(与某人/某物)有关; 有效; 适用于……

apply oneself to (doing) sth集中精力做某事







八.demand v.& n. 需要,需求, 要求


by popular demands由于许多人的要求,由于普遍要求

in demand需求量大,有需求

meet /satisfy one’s demands /needs满足某人的需求

make demands on sb对某人提出要求

on demand 一经要求

demand sth要求, 需求……

demand to do sth要求做……

demand that 从句( 谓语为should+动词原形, should 可省略) 要求……


1.The key to the problem is to the demands by the customers.

A. solve; meet ; made B. solving ; meet ; made

C. solve ; met ; make D. solving ; meeting ; made

2.It is demanded that the play for another week.

A. runs B. will run C. run D. shall run

3.Good workers are always demand in the factory.

A. in B. on C. by D. for

4.The workers demanded immediately.

A. being replied B. replying C. to be replied D. to reply

九.spring vi. (sprang sprung ) 跳,跳跃,弹起


spring to life突然活跃起来

spring back弹回到原来的位置

spring sth on sb向某人突然说出某事

spring up突然出现,涌现,迅猛发展


1.Doubts have began to spring in my mind.

A. back B. on C. up D. down

2.I have to spring this you at such short notice.

A. back B. on C. up D. down


十. assume vt. 假设,设想,以为 .assumed adj. 假设的,假定的

assume that 从句 认为……, 假定……


1.I hope to go to college next year, always that I pass my exams.

A. assume B. to assume C. assuming D. assumed

2. (普遍认为) stress is caused by too much work.


Key :

一.1.C 2.keep 后加 a 3. holds the world record 4. record /keep a record of

二. 1.All the children contributed their free time to the concert.

2. Plenty of fresh air contributes to good health.

3.His carelessness contributed to the accident.

三. 1.We’re both uncertain about what to do. 2.in no uncertain terms 3. uncertain of his winning / uncertain whether he will win 4.B 5. C

四.1. This company is superior to the one I worked at three years ago.

2. In my opinion, trousers made by hand are superior to those by machines

3. A.4. is superior to me

五. 1. This house only came onto the market yesterday.

2.Many things need to be done before a new product comes onto the market.

六.1. Have you wound your watch?

2. The river winds down to the sea. 3. D 4. C

七. 1. You should apply immediately, in person or in letter.

2. The new technology was soon applied in practice.

3.I will apply to the company for the work.

4.Every student applies themselves to studying before the exams.

5.This case does not apply to you.

八. 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D

九1.C 2 .B 3.New houses were springing up all over the town.

十.1.C. 2.It is generally assumed that

3.It is reasonable to assume that the economy will continue to improve.


1 familiar adj.

be familiar with ------ 对 ------ 熟悉

be familiar to ----- 为------熟悉

Complete the following sentences:


I am _______ __________the city.

= The city is ______ _______ me.

2 up to-----

It is up to sb. to do --------

sb be up to (doing) sth.


(1) -- Shall we eat out or stay in ?

-- ________.

A. It’s up to you B.It depends on you.

C. Well, I’m looking forward to it D. Good idea.

(2 ) – What have you been _____ these days?

-- Preparing for my daughter’s wedding party.

A. up B. on C. up to D. on to


1 measure vt /vi. n.

measure sb./sth. Against sb./ sth.

measure up ---

take measures to do----

make --- to measure


The main bedroom _________ 12ft by 15ft.

A. is measured B. is measuring

C. measures D. is being measured

Translate: 我们必须采取措施阻止河流受到污染。


2 suitable adj.

sb is suitable for sth

sb is suitable to do sth.

Sth. is suitable for sb.

Sb is fit for sth./ to do sth


The dress is not suitable ________ for the party.

A. to be worn B. for being worn

C. to wear D. for wearing

3 倍数的常见句型:

---- times as adj. as -----

---- times+比较级+ than----

---- times the + n. ( size, length, width, depth,etc,) of ----


(1) At a rough estimate, Nigeria is _______ Great Britain.

A. three times the size as B. the size three times of

C. three times as the size of D. three times as the size of

(2) – Is this stick long enough?

-- No, I need one ________.

A. twice so long B. so long twice

C twice as long D. as long twice


1 be based on-----

at the base of-----


(1) We need actual facts _____ our thinking.

A. on which to base B. which to base on

C. on which to be based D. which to be based on

Translate: 这篇新闻报道是完全根据实际情况写成的。


2. expose vt.

expose ----- to-----


(1) He smiled suddenly, __________ a set of amazing white teeth.

A. exposed B. exposing C, to expose D. being exposed

(2) _______ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one’s skin.

A. Having exposed B. Exposed

C. Being exposed D. After being exposed

3 equal adj. / vt.

be equal to-----


He _______ ( 不能胜任) his position.

Mary _________(与---一样) Bill in brains.

4. associate --- with---

与---联系在一起” ,“和---来往” ,“和---公事”

Eg. We naturally associated the name of Darwin with the doctrine of evolution.


我真的不想和他们交往了, 我不喜欢他们的想法。

I really do not want to __________ ; I don’t like the ideas.

5. have faith in---

Lose faith in---


(1) I ___ you-I know you’ll do well. ( which of the following is wrong.)

A. have faith in B. believe in C. trust D. believe

(2) We have a great faith _______ we will realize our dream in time.

A. that B. which C. whether D. what

高二unit.1复习材料短语和句子 冯丹

第一单元living with technology

1.在近数十年里in the last few decades

2.贡献给..,有助于contribute to

3.暂时,目前for the time being

4可以接近have assess to

5面市come onto the market

6把..结合起来,联合be associated with

7电子词典electronic dictionary

8黑白电视机black –and white TV

9一个住在英国的美国人An American living in the US

10在那时at that time

11由手来上发条wind up by hand

12录制make a record of

14导致,引导,通向lead to

15在某种程度上to some /a certain degree

16涌现,突然出现spring up

17接管take over

18多种多样的a variety of

19令某人高兴的是 to one`s delight

20可携带的音响器械portable audio device

21最新的,最近的up to date

22能够 be capable of

23在那种情况下in tat case

24及时赶上in time for

25由某人决定it is up to sb.to decide

26某人忙于某事sb.be up to sth.

27适合某人be suitable for

28记住,牢记keep in mind

29为某人提供provide sb. With sth

30在此之前previous to this



In my opinion ,toys made by hand are____ _____those made by machine.


The result of this research will be ____ ____ the treatment of cancer.


She _____ that she should___ ____ everything .


______ ____ his mother , he came to the strange city.


It ___ _____ ___ be cold in August there.


This kind of paint can ___ ______ _____all kinds of the weather.


On the whole, women are not ____ ____ men in physical strength.


____ the teacher has said ,detective story are ____ ____boy students.


Whisky ___ usually _____ _____ Scotland.


I still have _____ _____ her____her shortcomings.


(1.superior to 2,applied to 3,demanded be told 4, accompanied by

5,is likely to 6,be exposed to 7, equal to 8,As popular among

9,is associated with 10 faith in despite)

Unit 1单词拼写练习


1.We’ve invited 50 people a____________.

2.I like listening to r__________ of famous singers.

3.Plenty of fresh air c______________ to good health.

4.The kind of machine is protected by p___________ so only this factory has the right to produce it.

5.I’m very nervous ,so I must ask you to a_________me to the police station.

6.It’s said that there will be a live b__________ of a baseball game on TV next Tuesday.

7.When a__________ for a job,your should offer your detailed information.

8.Can you give me the a_________ figures,not an estimate or a guess.

9.They drove along with all the car windows w_________ up.

10.No one lived in the old house for many years ,weeds were s________ up every where.

11.I m_______ asked his name and address .

12.We have provided seats for the c________ of our customers.

13.He smiled suddenly ,e_________ a set of amazingly white teeth.

14.John gave me a g_________ that it wound never happen again.

15.Drugs should not be taken without c_________

16.One kilogram is e_________ to 1000 grams.

17.He is my s___________ in knowledge. He often helps me.

18.Scientists have recently supplies us with some (令人担心的)findings.

19They would not __________(承认) that cancer is associated with smoking .

20 It took more than two ____________(十年) for colour broad casts to begin in the USA .

21.the salesperson showed us a new___________(便携的)cassette tape player.

22.I________(假定)him to be an honest man..

23.There are (种类) of patterns to choose from .

24 The ______(利润) in this business are not large .

25 It’s hard to ________(估计)his ability when we haven’t seen his work .

26 Mp3 is especially __________(适合)for those who travel a not.

27 Do you have _________(令人信服的) reasons for your absence .

28 Plastics often slowly and can easily be ____________(成型) while they are soft .

29 The aim of university should be the ________(促进) of learning.

30 _______(先前的) to this , scientific experiments didn’t show a definite link.

KEY: 1_5 altogether records contributes portable accompany

6_10 broadcast applying actual wound springing

11_15 merely convenience exposing guarantee caution

16_20 equal superior worrying acknowledge decades

21_25 portable assumed varieties profits measure

3.江苏省高二英语模块七第二单元单词导学案 (译林牛津版高二英语选修七教案教学设计) 篇三

Step 1: Brainstorming

1. Guessing Game:

At the beginning of today’s class, let’s play a guessing game. Here are several cards, each of which says a household appliance. I’d like one of you to give a brief description of the device and other students to guess what it is.

For reference

An air-conditioner: It can be stationed on the wall. It can make our room warm in winter and cool in summer.

A microwave oven: It’s a type of oven which cooks food very quickly using microwaves.

A refrigerator: A cabinet or room in which food is kept cold.

A washing machine: A electric machine for washing clothes.

A digital computer: A device that makes calculations, etc with data represented as a series of digits.

A vacuum cleaner: A electrical appliance that takes up dust, dirt, etc by suction.

2. Next time you are in a shop, notice the electrical and electronic goods especially household appliances that are sold and try to list as many devices as possible.

Step 2: Vocabulary learning

1. A section manager from a big department store is showing the electrical and electronic goods to a new salesperson. Please read what the manager says (Part A on Page6). Pay special attention to the phrases in blue. Make sure that you understand what they actually mean.

2. Now, please arrange the goods from the manager’s introduction in the correct section. Fill in the form.

Electronic goods

Audio devices:

CD players

MD players

MP3 players Educational products:

educational software

electronic dictionaries

electronic translators

Video devices:

Video cameras

Digital cameras Computers

Mobile phones

3. Let’s come to the household appliances section. Read the passage in Part B. Pay attention to the names of the goods in this section.

4. Pair work: Give a brief description of the household appliances to you partner in your own words. You may also describe other household appliances you know.

5. Now we’ve been familiar with the names of household appliances. Let’s try to complete the article in Part C on Page 7.



(1) electronic goods (2) household appliances (3) audio devises

(4) CD player (5) MD players (6) MP3

(7) video cameras (8) educational software (9) translators

(10) freezer section (11) vacuum cleaners (12) microwave oven

Step 3: Vocabulary extension

1. Of course, electrical appliances and electronic devices are useful in various ways in our lives. But which do you think is the most useful? First, have a discussion in group of four about the questions.

2. Now, present the result of your discussion.

3. Let’s come to Part D on Page 7. Complete the table with as many as you can think of, placing the items in order of importance with the most important one first.

4. Reading:

words:337 time:5’10’’

All in the mind: Scientific metaphors

It is certainly true that computers, cell phones and digital cameras have become part of our everyday life. Anywhere we go, we can hear the ringing of a cell phone, the tapping of a keyboard or the clicking of a mouse. We are said to be living in the “Information Age”, a time of new discoveries and great changes. But is it really true that we are living in the “Information Age”? Has our life changed that much? Many of the things we do with computers, such as typing and sending mail, are things that we also did before. Has anything really changed except the tools we use?

When we describe or talk about new inventions, we use words and ideas that we already know. For example, when we want to explain how a computer works, we use words like “memory”, “store” and “cut and paste”. The words are useful, but they are not quite true. A computer’s “memory” is similar to human memory in some ways, but it is also very different. A computer does keep information in its memory, but that is clearly different from other kinds of storage. We do cut and paste, but we don’t use scissors or glue. Using familiar words makes it easier for us to understand and use a new tool, but it may also make it more difficult for us to use the new invention in the best way. After all, what makes a new invention such a wonderful thing is that it allows us to do something we could not do before.

4.江苏省高二英语模块七第二单元单词导学案 (译林牛津版高二英语选修七教案教学设计) 篇四

Teaching aims:

Improve the students’ ability of practice.

Important points & difficult points:

Read the two passages about drama.


Step 1 lead-in

Have you ever seen dramas either on TV or in a theatre?

Do you enjoy seeing dramas?

Have you imagined acting in dramas?

Step 2 the first drama “The invisible bench”

Read the first drama and answer the following questions:

Is there a bench in the courtyard?

What does the word “invisible” mean?

Is this a comedy? Why or why not?

What do you think the playwright wants to tell us?

Step 3 the second drama “The important paper”

Go through the second drama, and answer the following questions:

How many characters are there in the play?

Who do you think is the main character/ hero in the play?

What does the King actually want?

Why are the others unable to understand him?

In what style of stand-up comedy is this play?

How does the playwright make the play funny?

Step 4 language focus

Useful expressions:

as if / crossing and uncrossing legs / mind / wander over / must have done / Your Majesty

a stack of / glare at

Step 5 exercises: fill in the blanks

1. We are sitting on an _______ bench. 2._____ if I sit down?

3. Mike stands up and __________ to the middle of the stage.

4. I _____________(forget) to tell you.

5. The ________ group fell down to the ground.

6. The King raises one eyebrow and looks _________ at the servant.

7. Servant enters ___________official-looking papers.

8. The servant bows and _________.

9. _________ to bring them to the King.

10. Queen tears a page from her book and _____ it _____ the King.

Step 6 homework:


1. Do Part D1 and D2 on page 103 in workbook.

5.江苏省高二英语模块七第二单元单词导学案 (译林牛津版高二英语选修七教案教学设计) 篇五

Teaching aims:

(1) Master the usage of present tenses.

(2) Practice about the four kinds of present tenses.

Important points & difficult points: the simple present tense; the present continuous tense; the present perfect tense; the present perfect continuous tense:


Step 1 Lead-in

Warming up:

1. What do you often do in your vacation?

2. Do you like travel?

3. Have you ever traveled abroad?

4. Which of the following tourist attractions is your first choice if given a chance?(Pictures)

I have been to the Moon Lake. It is in the west of China. I went there last August. If you go there, the Moon Lake will find you happy and excited. However, the Moon Lake is becoming smaller and smaller. I’m sure the government will take measures to protect it. In fact, many people have been working on it.

In which city can you see the Statue of Liberty?

A. Los Angles. B. New York. C. Washington D.C.

The Statue of Liberty was given to America by France. It is said planes are flying around to protect it. It is a symbol of Freedom. It has been there for more than 200 years. My cousin has been expecting a chance to go there.

Free talk:

Describe what you are watching, using present tenses.

Step 2 General knowledge of present tenses

the simple present tense:

I am at a comedy show. The sun rises in the west.

The Academy Awards show is on television every year.

Every time a prop comedian tells a joke, he or she uses a thing, called a prop.

1. My mother loves classical music.

2. My father visits his parents once a week.

3. When I was very young, my granny told me the earth is round and most rivers flow into seas and oceans.

4. Now I major in geography.

Further study:

Smith passes to Darvency, Davency to Barnes, Barnes to Lucas---and Harriet intercepts…Harriet to Simons, nice ball---and Smith shoots.

First I put some butter into a frying pan and light the gas; then, while the butter is melting, I break three eggs into the bowl, like this.

In the film Gold Rush, Chaplin and his friends are trapped in the snowstorm. He enjoys every mouthful of the leather shoe as if it is the most delicious meal he has ever had.

---How do I get to the station? ---You go straight to the traffic lights, then turn right.

Make sure everyone is given a chance to sing on the stage.

Bank Robbery: Robbers take $ 100,000.

Focus on:

The exhibition ______on May 1st and ______ at the end of June. (open; close)

The plane _________at 11:30 and ________ in Shanghai at 1:20.(take off; arrive)

______there a film on tonight? (be)

I’ll give her the notebook____________. Tell me_________________________.

He will keep the work ______________ ________.

She is out of danger now. How are you today?

They are busy at the moment. They normally get up at six.

Generally he watches TV for two hours in the evening.

They pay me weekly.


我叔叔从不来看我们。My uncle never visits us.

这儿很少下雪。It seldom snows here.

你老师给你们测验吗?Does the teacher ever give you tests?


the present continuous tense:

The audience is laughing at the joke.

I don’t understand why I am not losing weight.

The Comedy Club is giving a lecture about stand-up next month.

They are going to the Academy Awards show in February.

You are always making the same mistakes!

Sue is always changing her mind.

Further study:

She is doing fine work at school. Jane is always thinking of her work.

Further study:

How are you getting on with the work? You are making good progress.

Are you staying in a hotel? I’m studying at an evening school.

Further study:

Who is going to cook the meal?

Don’t mention this when you are talking about this problem.

If she is still waiting there when you see her, tell her to go home.

While you are traveling there, you must visit these places.

Further study:

I’m driving along a country road and I’m completely lost. Then I see this old fellow. He is leaning against a gate. I stop the car and ask him the way.

Further study:

MacFee passes to Franklin. Franklin makes a quick pass to Booth. Booth is away with his ball, but he is losing the advantage.

The professor is typing his own letters while his secretary is ill.

(The) College Team (Is) Training for (the) Next Game.


The idea sounds great.

Why is the driver sounding his horn?

I _____what you mean. He _________the doctor now.

The roses _______nice. I ___________ the roses.

Mistake-correcting (where necessary):

What are you thinking about? What are you thinking of the film?

What are you looking for? You’re looking quite well.

Which judge is hearing the case? She doesn’t hear very well.

We are having a discussion. Are you have any questions?

Fill in the blanks:

People _________on the beach. The city _____on the coast.

He __________ on a rock. His statue _______ in the city square.

My father ________the parts together. The dress _____ my mother perfectly.

The wine _______ good. I _________ the wine.


John is nodding his head. He is jumping up and down.

He is being terribly friendly to us. The train is arriving.

The Boeing 747 is arriving. The old man is dying.

the present perfect tense:

He has hosted the show eight times.

Billy Crystal has been in many films and television shows.

Doctors have found that people who laugh a lot live longer!

Some stand-up comedians have become famous as television and film actors later on in life.

People have always enjoyed laughing.

Comedians have always told jokes and performed comic acts.

Focus on:

have gone / have been

Tonny _________abroad to continue his studies.

His girl friend _________abroad many times to see him.

since /when/if

We __________in England since I was a child.

It _____ just a week since I met him.

I’ll write to him when I _____________the book.

If she __________to bed when you see her, tell her to give me a ring.

this morning/afternoon/season…

I haven’t seen Tom this morning. I didn’t see Tom this morning.

We have visited a lot of places this summer. We visited a lot of places this summer.


It’s the first time she has driven a car. That’s the third time he has phoned her this morning.

It’s the first gold medal I’ve had for ages.

the present perfect continuous tense:

Doctors have been researching that question.

The curtains finally open---the audience have been waiting an hour for the show to start.

Further study:

Jim has been phoning Jenny every night for the past week.

They have been meeting together weekly for two years.

Further study:

Why are your clothes so dirty? What have you been doing?

There you are! I’ve been waiting for an hour.

She is very tired. She has been working all morning.

Further study:

How long has she been reading the book?

He has been watching English all day.




I ___________(认识)him for many years.

They ____________________(结婚) for twenty years.

All these years we _______________(设法) to get in touch with you.

All along we ___________________ (考虑)coming to see you.

Step 3 Summary and homework

1.A&B on page 9.

2.C1& C2 on page 102 in Workbook.
