my dream job英语作文「附翻译」


my dream job英语作文「附翻译」(共9篇)(共9篇) dream job英语作文「附翻译」 篇一


旅行 visited Beijing

Last year, I visited Beijing. I always looked forward to visiting there. So I was so excited that I couldn’t fall asleep on the night before I started. I got up early and packed my backpack for the journey. In my pack, I put a camera, some clothes,a cell phone and so on. It took me 35 hours to go there by train. I visited some places of interest in Beijing, such as the Great Wall, the Ming Tombs and so on . They are very beautiful?I enjoyed myself. I felt tired but excited because I have learned a lot about the history of the city. As soon as I arrived home, I phoned my classmates and told them about I.


2.介绍蜘蛛的英语作文(附翻译) 篇二


Why, you may wonder, should spiders be our friends? Because they destroy so many insects, and insects include some of the greatest enemies of the human race.Insects would make it impossible for us to live in the world; they would devour all our crops and kill our flocks and herds, if it were not for the protection we get from insect-eating animals.We owe a lot to the birds and beasts who eat insects but all of them put together kill only a fraction of the number destroyed by spiders.Moreover, unlike some of the other insect eaters, spiders never do the least harm to us or our belongings.

Spiders are not insects, as many people think, nor even nearly related to them.One can tell the difference almost at a glance, for a spider always has eight legs and an insect never more than six.

How many spiders are engaged in this work on our behalf? One authority on spiders made a census of the spiders in a grass field in the south of England, and he estimated that there were more than 2,250,000 in one acre; that is something like 6,000,000 spiders of different kinds on a football pitch.Spiders are busy for at least half the year in killing insects.It is impossible to make more than the wildest guess at how many they kill, but they are hungry creatures, not content with only three meals a day.It has been estimated that the weight of all the insects destroyed by spiders in Britain in one year would be greater than the total weight of all the human beings in the country.


许多人认为蜘蛛是昆虫,但它们不是昆虫,甚至与昆虫毫无关系。人们几乎一眼就能看出二者的差异,因为蜘蛛都是8条腿,而昆虫的腿从不超过6条。 dream job英语作文「附翻译」 篇三

It is said that each day tens of millions of people log on the internet.据说每天有成千上万的人上网Sending e-mail is becoming more and more.发电子邮件正便得越来越流行。

At present, most of people can use computer for working, chatting, playing game, watching the movie and picture, and searching anything by clicking on Internet. Internet is useful assistant for leading you to another world which amazing thing. I think Internet has advantage and disadvantage. 目前,大多数的人会使用电脑工作,聊天,玩游戏,看电影和图片,并点击搜索任何互联网。互联网是一种有用的辅助引导你到另一个世界的神奇的东西。我认为因特网有优点和缺点。

But, some classmates of mine spend much time playing computer games, chatting online and watching movies through Internet. They are addicted to Internet and forget their main responsibility —study. 一些同学花太多的.时间玩电脑游戏,上网聊天,网上看电影。他们沉迷于网络而忘记他们的主要任务是学习。 dream job英语作文「附翻译」 篇四

People in favor of network real-name system maintain that if one has to register his real name before he logs on to the Internet forum or post a remark, it is definite that he will be more prudent. Thus, many negative consequences can be avoided. On the contrary, others oppose to this notion, arguing that it will restrain people from revealing their opinions, for their being afraid of possible troubles in real life.

As far as Im concerned, network real-name system only addresses the symptoms, not the causes. Deprived of anonymity, Internet will lose its inborn attractiveness and openness and therefore ceases to be as lively as it is now. Just as one will never stop eating for fear of choking, online activities should remain anonymous.





5.尴尬的问题高中英语作文附翻译 篇五

The Awkward Questions尴尬的问题

When Spring Festival comes, a lot of young people will go back to their hometown and spend the time to stay with their families. As they work out for a long time, their relatives will be very curious about them, they want to know how these young people are going on, so they will ask the awkward questions, such as they will ask them if they have a girlfriend or boyfriend, how much is their salary, when will they buy the house…All of these questions are private, young people don’t want to answer it, most of them just do the normal job and don’t get the high salary. Some people even don’t want to go home just to avoid being asked such questions. The elder people should considerate the young people, they’d better not to ask such questions which will embarrass the young people. They can talk other things. dream job英语作文「附翻译」 篇六

During my cooking period I once succeeded in cooking very delicious food and meanwhile I also experienced failures. However I never regret loving cooking. Cooking makes my daily life more substantial.

From cooking I also can learn some knowledge about health. I always look through the cooking websites to find new ways to make food. When I look at these websites I can find out that there are many little healthy knowledge of daily life.

Cooking makes me more confident to live. From cooking I can learn unique life attitude. I love cooking.




7.50词英语日记附翻译 篇七

Saturday, my grandma made dumplings, one of the dumplings like obedient little ducks swimming in the bowl. My in the mind have a little not to eat them. But the smell of fragrance and let me greedy slobber, I eat up tit-bit. But I eat dumplings, the heart have a kind of feeling can not tell. 译文:星期六我奶奶家包饺子了,一个个的饺子像听话的.小鸭子在碗里游来游去。我心里有点不忍心吃他们了。可是那扑鼻而来的香味又让我馋得流口水,我就大口大口地吃了起来。可是我吃完饺子,心里有一种说不出来的感觉。 dream job英语作文「附翻译」 篇八


Unit One1、我喜欢通过大声朗读来练习发音。(like to do sth & by)


3、和朋友进行对话一点也帮不上忙。(not….at all)

4、我害怕在课堂上说英语。(be afraid to do sth或 be afraid of doing sth.)

5、她在嘲笑谁?(laugh at)

6、我决定在每一堂英语课上做大量的语法笔记。(decide to do sth.)

7、我们于2006年开始在这所学校念书。(start to do sth.或start doing sth)

8、学习英语对我们很重要。(句型It’s +adj.+ for sb.+ to do sth.)

9、你通常怎样解决你的烦恼?(deal with)

10、我们应该尽力理解父母。(try one’s best)

Unit Two1、他无法支付这栋房子的费用,因为他没有足够的钱。(can/can’t afford fo do sth & pay for)

2、令他惊讶的是,这个电话改变了他的生活。(to one’s surprise)

3、我总是以我的父母而骄傲。(take pride in)

4、他想要他妈妈更多地注意他。(pay attention to)

5、即使你不再爱我,我也会一直关心你。(even though , no longer & care about)

6、不要放弃帮助他。(give up)

7、她每天花很多时间和朋友玩游戏。(spend time doing sth.)

8、你应该尽可能地照顾好你的爷爷。(look after 或take care of09、我过去常常走路上学。(used to do sth.,)

10、我们过去不常上网。(didn’t use to do sth.)

Unit Three1、你不应该允许她开车,她不够稳重。(allow do sth.& enough+adj.)

2、15岁的孩子应该被允许周末和朋友去看电影。(allow sb to do sth的被动语态结构)

3、他必须每天早上打扫他自己的房间。(have to & clean up)

4、你对孩子不够严格。(be strict with sb)

5、这些制度对学习有好处。(be good for)

6、我们有时候变得很吵,但是我们互相学到很多。(get+adj.& learn ….from…..))


(have a chance to do sth.或have an opportunity to do sth)

8、你需要更认真对待学习。(be serious about)


10、你的妈妈允许你染发吗?(allow do sth.& get sth.done)dye(v.)染发

Unit Four1、别担心,我们会想出一个更好的主意。(come up with….)

2、那位老人太累了而站不起来。(too+adj/adv.+to do sth.)

3、我的老师叫我在全校面前作演讲。(ask do sth.& in front of)

4、我在等她邀请我吃晚饭。(wait for & invite do sth.)

5、你能给我们介绍一下你自己吗?(introduce sb.)

6、我一点也不害怕英语考试。(not… in the slightest & be terrified of 或 be afraid of)

7、他容易相处吗?(get along with)

8、我宁愿独自待在家也不愿跟他出去。(would rather do sth.than do sth)


10、他的新书将于下个月出版。(come out)

Unit51、我不能借给你钱了,因为我把钱都花光了。(lend & use up或run ort of)

2、这辆玩具车是我的小弟弟的。(begong to)

3、因为这个发带的缘故,这个背包不可能是男生的。(can’t & because of)

4、这张CD的主人一定是格雷斯,她总是听经典音乐。(the owner of…& listen to.)


6、看那个在沿着街跑的男人,他可能正在跑步锻炼。(look at & 情态动词+be +doing st.)

7、有一个怪物正从不明飞行物里出来。我肯定在做梦(句型There +be+主语+doing sth.)

8、我看见一名拿着照相机的女子,她可能是电视台来的。(with & might)


10、昨晚两只猴子从动物园逃了出来。(escape from)


Keys to the Exercises:

Unit One

1.I like to read aloud to practice pronunciation.I like reading aloud to proctice pronunciation.2He often asks his parents for money.3.Having conversations with friends isn’t helpful at all.Having conversations with friends doesn’t help at all.4.I am afraid to speak English in class.I am afraid of speaking English in class.5.Who is she laughing at?

6.I decided to take lots of grammar notes in every Englishclass..I decided to take a lot of grammar notes in every English class.7..We started to study at this school in 2006.We started studying at this school in 2006.8.It’s very important for us to learn English.9.How do you usually deal with your problems?=How do you usually solve your problems?

10.We should try our best to understand our parents.Unit 2

1.He can’t afford to pay for the house, because he doesn’t have enough money.或.He couldn’t afford to pay for the house, because he didn’t have enough money.2.To his surprise, this phone call changed his life.3.I always take pride in my parents.4.He wanted his mother to pay more attention to him.5.Even though you no longer love me, I will care about you all the time.6.Don’t give up helping him.7.She spends a lot of time playing games with friends every day.8.You should look after your grandfather as well as you can.或 You should take good care of your grandfater as possible as you can.9.I used to walk to school.或I used to go to school on foot.10.We didn’t use to surf the Internet.Unit Three

1.You shouldn’t allow her to drive.She is not serious enough.2.Fifteen-year-olds should be allwed to go to movies with friends on weekends.3.He has to clean up his own room every morning.4.You are not strict enough with children.5.These rules are good for studying.6.We sometimes get noisy, but we learn a lot from each other.7.Last winter I had a chance to volunteer at a hospital.Last winter I had an opportunity to volunteer at a hospital.8.You should be more serious about studying.9.I can’t choose where to go.10.Does your mother allow you to get your hair dyed?

Unit Four

1.Don’t worry.We will come up with a better idea.2.That old man was too tired to stand.3.My teacher asked me to give a speech in front of the whole school.4.I’m waiting for her to invite me to have dinner.5.Can you introduce yourself to us?

6.I’m not afaid of the English tests in the slightest.7.Is he east to get along with?Is it east to get along with him?

8.I would rather stay at home alone than go out with him.9.John won’t let us down.10.His new book came out last month.Unit Five

1.I can’t lend you money, because I have used it up.I can’t lend money to you, because I have run out of it.2.This boy car belongs to my little brother.3.The backpack can’t be a boy’s 或The backpack can’t belong to a boy because of the hair band.4.The CD must be Grace’s../The CD must belong to Grace.She always listens to classical music.5.---Mun, must I clean my room now?(= Do I have to clean my room now) dream job英语作文「附翻译」 篇九


Different Job Outlooks

Nowadays university graduates have different job outlooks.For most of them, to find a job with satisfactory pay is their most important wish while majority want to be self – employed.However, a certain number of graduates are not in a hurry to hunt for jobs.They are just waiting for better chances.Toward this point of view, some experts warn that it is not wise to be just waiting.They advise that graduates should find a regular, full-time job as quickly as possible so that they can earn money to support themselves and get working experience, which will help to find a better position later.Moreover, it might be more difficult to find a satisfactory job next year.【译文】

