


1.名词、第三人称单数 篇一




过 词尾情况 一 般 s,x,sh,ch

e 单元音+1个辅音 辅+y 名(词)复(数)




ⅹ y—i,+es





+s ⅹ y---i,+es




哑e 去 ,+ing 双写词尾+ing ⅹ


形(副等级)+er, est see

hard quick cold clever new narrow sour round smart loud mean stupid wild dull quiet black warm sick bright cool near weak bald young straight tall short long calm deep cheap strong high slow dark great blind dumb deaf full poor real few gray polite(少用)often(2)



play help open stay fix clean listen finish borrow join return pour perform rain work check wait pick laugh mix end fear call happen fail fold answer return look talk plant annoy knock review hang(绞死)

形(副等级)+er, est


+r, st

双写词尾+er, est y---i,+er(est)more, most +…..形过变化样样有




+d 双写词尾+ed y---i,+ed



过 词尾情况

1、一 般 名(词)复(数)

+s cat month ticket Korean American Australian Indian Russian Canadian Italian German Jew European human boy monkey day way key photo piano radio zoo kilo mango(少用)


e +s

e +s hope come

哑e 去 ,+ing live come write take have



+s open listen clean play stay say

+ing go


open fix open listen



e +r, st

fine free close nice able white blonde sore true large safe handsome lame true sure cute(2种)

e +d

skate love like dance change practice close die live receive retire advice argue hate smile exchange smoke agree lie(说谎)sneeze打喷嚏

3、单元音+ 1个辅音 名 复

单 三

不 双 写 双写词尾+ing sit begin shop run forget plan hit put set clap star主演 hiccup打嗝

双写词尾+er, est

red big hot thin fat sad slim flat mad


stop plan fit drop shop chat(聊天)trip(绊倒)kid(欺骗)star 主演hiccup打嗝

4、辅+y, y—i y—i,+es y---i,+e现分没有y变i y---i,+er(est)

easy happy healthy early busy ugly curly funny scary pretty angry cloudy sunny rainy windy lovely friendly unfriendly unhappy unlucky furry tiny guilty greedy heavy moody lively thirsty lazy hungry sorry empty crazy silly pushy lucky shy(2种)


study cry marry carry worry city factory country baby s family library dictionary

carry study




glass box watch dish catch wish bus negro hero

watch potato fix

brush go do tomato mango


名词变复数不规则变化 f,fe---v+es thief—thieves(小偷)self—selves(自己)leaf—leaves(叶子)life---lives(命)half---halves;(一半)wife---wives(妻子)shelf—shelves(架)knife---knives(刀)

wolf—wolves(狼)roof—roofs(屋顶)chef—chefs(厨师)scarf—scarfs,scarves(围巾)词形不变 变成e 只有复数 形复实单 形单实复 特殊变化

合成 名 词 只变一词 两词都变 Chinese Japanese sheep deer Swiss 中日羊鹿瑞士人

man---men Englishman---Englishmen Frenchman---Frenchmen foot---feet tooth---teeth clothes pants trousers shorts scissors(剪刀)compasses(圆规)glasses(眼镜)news maths politics physics cattle people police 谓语用复数 child---children mouse--mice boy student---boy students night school---night schools pencil sharpener--sharpeners woman doctor---women doctors man singer---men singers 动词的现在分词形式不规则变化 词尾情况 ie 规则 ie----y,+ing

例词 die tie lie 形容词、副词的比较级、最高级形式不规则变化 不

化 原级 good/well bad/ill many/much little far 多数 多音节词 more,most +原级 useful famous quickly beautiful creative serious outgoing amazing awful exciting excited interested famous intelligent expensive inexpensive tired honest wonderful interesting fantastic sadly beautifully delicious slowly open difficult carefully beautifully deeply careless active athletic original foolish wrong right casual casually nervous unusual usual modest natural pleased realistic popular loving inexpensive comfortable convenient crowded truly exhausted embarrassed convincing careless careful carefully enormous completely particularly quickly quietly aggressive specifically disappointed disgusted successful suitable educational gradually unpleasant pleasant polite(2种)common(2种)

比较级 better worse more less farther further late later latter old older elder

最高级 best worst most least farthest furthest latest last oldest eldest


距离 程度 时间 顺序 年龄关系 兄弟姐妹关系





meaning 让 允许 阅读 放 置 花费 打 砍 切 割 伤害 弄伤 撒 抛 投 root form let read put cost hit cut hurt cast pt let read put cost hit cut hurt cast shut set spread overcast broadcast forecast burst caught taught thought bought sought fought brought swept wept kept slept dreamt learnt burnt built

bent spent sent paid said stood understood misunderstood sold gave forgave told dealt

pp let read put cost hit cut hurt cast shut set spread overcast broadcast forecast burst caught taught thought bought sought fought brought swept wept kept slept dreamt learnt burnt built bent spent sent paid said stood understood misunderstood sold given forgiven told dealt

meaning 喂 遇见 感觉 嗅,发出 拼写 损坏,宠坏

root form feed meet feel smell spell spoil

pt fed met felt smelt spelt spoilt found held heard had lost left made shot shone sat babysat spat won bled fled rebuilt overslept dug lied laid lay beat wove rose arose drove took mistook shook blew grew knew drew threw flew showed saw

pp fed met felt smelt spelt spoilt found held heard had lost left made shot shone sat babysat spat won bled fled rebuilt overslept dug lied laid lain beaten woven risen arisen driven taken mistaken shaken blown grown known drawn thrown flown shown seen


find 举着,握着 听见 有,吃 丢失,失去 离开,留下 制造,使得 射击 射伤 照耀 发光 坐 临时照顾 吐,吐唾液 打赢,获胜 出血 逃跑 改建 睡过头 挖 撒谎 放置 下蛋

躺 敲打,振翅 编织 上升,升起 发生,呈现 驱使 驱赶 拿走,带走 误认为 摇动 挥动 刮风,吹 生长,种植 知道,了解 画,拖,拉 投掷 抛 飞行 展示 看见,看望

hold hear have/has lose leave make shoot shine sit babysit spit win bleed flee rebuild oversleep dig lie lay lie beat weave rise arise drive take mistake shake blow grow know draw throw fly show see 关闭

shut 沉入 安置 传播 展开 使阴暗 广播 预测 爆炸 捕捉 赶上

教书 教学 想 认为 买

搜寻 追求 打架 打仗 带来 扫 哭泣 流泪 保持

睡觉 梦到,做梦 学习,学会 燃烧 建 设 弯曲,弯腰

花费,度过 发送,派遣 付钱

说 站立

明 白 误 解

卖 给 原谅 告诉 处置,对付

set spread overcast broadcast forecast burst catch teach think buy seek fight bring sweep weep keep sleep dream learn burn build bend spend send pay say stand understand misunderstand sell give forgive tell deal


意味着 粘 坚持

说 讲话 醒 唤醒 选择 结冰,冰冻 偷 撕开 撕破 穿着 带着 骑 写 禁止 躲藏 咬,叮 来 成为 击败 跑 游泳 唱歌 下沉 响铃 喝酒 饲养 领导

喂 临时照顾

mean stick speak wake awake choose freeze steal tear wear ride write forbid hide bite come become overcome run swim sing sink ring drink keep lead feed babysit meant stuck spoke woke awoke chose froze stole tore wore rode wrote forbade hid bit came became overcame ran swam sang sank rang drank kept led fed babysat

meant stuck spoken woken awoken chosen frozen stolen torn worn ridden written forbidden hidden bitten come become overcome run swum sung sunk rung drunk kept led fed babysat

是 落下 降落 吃 喝 打破,折断 开始 做 走,去 悬挂 绞死 蜿蜒,曲折 点燃,照亮


不得不 必要(实)必要(情)敢


(情)能,可能 可能,可以 必须,一定 应该,理应 即将,将会 即将,将会 过去常常 展示 拼写

be fall eat break begin do go hang hang wind light light be able to have to need need dare dare can may must ought to shall will---------show spell

was/were fell ate broke began did went hung hanged wound lighted lit was able to were able to had to needed----------dared-----------could might must-----------should would used showed spelt

been fallen eaten broken begun done gone hung hanged wound lighted lit been able to had to needed-----------dared---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------shown spelt 5


7下不规则动词的过去式 汉语 1 A-A 必 让 放 读 花 打 砍 伤 2 –ew 画 长 知 扔 示 飞 3-ought 想 来 买 4-aught 教 抓 5 –o-断 忘 说 动词原形 1 A--A must let put read cost hit cut hurt 2 –ew draw grow know throw show fly 3 –ought think bring buy 4 –-aught teach catch 5-o--break forget speak 过去式 1 A—A must let put read[] cost hit cut hurt 2 –ew[:] drew grew knew threw showed flew 3 –ought[:] thought brought bought 4-aught[[:] taught caught 5 –o—[] broke forgot spoke

写 拿 卖 诉 弄 骑 开 站 懂 6 –e— 留 见 意 睡 离 握 扫 感 落

喂 7 –-a--始 喝 跑 唱 游 给 坐

write take sell tell get ride drive stand understand 6–e— keep meet mean sleep leave hold sweep feel fall feed 7 –-a--begin drink run sing swim give sit

wrote took sold told got rode drove stood understood 6 –e—[] kept met meant slept left held swept felt fell fed 7 –-a--[] began drank ran sang swam gave[] sat be动词是 是 是 9 助动词 可 能 将 将 做 做 10----t 花 建 丢 11其他 来 去 生 有 有 看 听 说 吃 找 花 躺 be动词am is are 9 助动词 may can will shall do does 10----t spend build lose 11其他 come go bear have has see hear say eat find pay lie be动词was was were 9 助动词 might could would should did did 10----t spent built lost[] 11其他 came went bore [:] had had saw heard said ate found[] paid lay GO FOR IT

PT PP(八下常用)

meaning 让 允许 阅读 放 置 花费 打 砍 切 割 伤害 弄伤 沉入 安置 root form let read put cost hit cut hurt set pt let read put cost hit cut hurt set shut caught taught thought bought fought

pp let read put cost hit cut hurt set shut caught taught thought bought fought

meaning 到达 绞死 悬挂 照亮 撒谎 躺 下蛋

敲打 来 成为 跑 给 驾驶


root form get hang hang light lie lie lay beat come become run give drive take

pt got hanged hung lit lied lay laid beat came became ran gave drove took

pp got hanged hung lit lied lain laid beaten come become run given driven taken 关闭

shut 抓 教 认为 买

打架 catch teach think buy fight 6


带来 扫 保持

睡觉 梦 学会 燃烧 建 设 度过 发送,派遣 付钱

说 站立

明 白 卖 告诉 意味着 遇见 喂 感觉 闻 拼写 发现

握着 听见 有 丢失 离开 制造 坐 临时照顾 获胜 bring sweep keep sleep dream learn burn build spend send pay say stand understand sell tell mean meet feed feel smell spell find hold hear have/has lose leave make sit babysit win brought swept kept slept dreamt learnt burnt built

spent sent paid said stood understood sold told meant met fed felt smelt spelt found held heard had lost left made sat babysat won

brought swept kept slept dreamt learnt burnt built spent sent paid said stood understood sold told meant met fed felt smelt spelt found held heard had lost left made sat babysat won

误认为 摇动

吹 生长 知道 画 投,抛 展示 飞 看见 是 落下 吃

打破 讲话 醒 选择 偷 穿着 生 骑 写 禁止 躲藏 游泳 唱歌 响铃 喝 开始 做 去 结冰

mistake shake blow grow know draw throw show fly see be fall eat break speak wake choose steal wear bear ride write forbid hide swim sing ring drink begin do go freeze

mistook shook blew grew knew drew threw showed flew saw was/were fell ate broke spoke woke chose stole wore bore rode wrote forbade hid swam sang rang drank began did went froze

mistaken shaken blown grown known drawn thrown shown flown seen been fallen eaten broken spoken woken chosen stolen worn born ridden written forbidden hidden swum sung rung drunk begun done gone frozen 规则与不规则的动词过去式、过去分词(八下常用)leave make sit become run give hurt set shut grow know think buy

lie(说谎)lie lay beat come swim put blow drive take catch teach die

like mistake shake be let read love cost hit cut fall eat get


fight bring sweep keep mean meet feel send pay say stand understand sell plan shop break tell hang forbid hide listen clean fix change worry hear join look feed show freeze babysit perform rain call end pick annoy knock

stay marry draw throw fly see stop have/has light win speak wake choose steal wear bear ride write burn build spend sing ring drink begin live return answer retire check pour spell fold happen fear work wait collect

trip study cry play dance sleep dream learn open bless borrow finish chat drop do go hang(绞死)help close practice smell find hold carry lose receive mix agree kid argue agree exchange advice hate smile fail laugh review

2.rest的第三人称单数 篇二




3.resign的第三人称单数 篇三






4.lack的第三人称单数 篇四


lack的用法1:lack的基本意思是“缺少”“缺乏”,指某物完全没有或有而不足,所缺之物可好可坏。lack也可用于抽象事物,指缺少某种品质或某物缺少某种性质、特点。如character, training, imagination, tact, individuality, evidence, money, strength, courage, interest, humour 等。



5.delay的第三人称单数 篇五



6.名词、第三人称单数 篇六


2. He subscribes to a number of journals concerning his subject.


3. Mr Murray subscribes to “ The Times ”.

默里先生订阅《时代 》 杂志.

4. Thus calls between two subscribes might follow different routes at different times.


5. The library subscribes to approximately 40 medical related journals.


6. In Japan, the average household still subscribes to more than one newspaper.

在日本, 基本上每户家庭都有订阅一份以上的报纸.

7. Your class subscribes to events generated by your internal data structure.


8. That man subscribes for 1000 shares in a new company.


9. Today, almost every major news outlet in the world subscribes to Reuters.

今天, 几乎世界上所有主要新闻机构都从路透社订阅新闻.

10. He subscribes to many journals c once rn ed with his subject.


11. He subscribes a large sum to an animal protection society.


12. A businessman subscribes to the charity.


13. Subscribes the room quickly to move.


14. This noun subscribes to the masculine gender.


15. He subscribes to the local magazine.

7.split的第三人称单数 篇七


2. The river splits into three smaller streams at this point.


3. Usually only a trained dancer can do the splits.


4. The wood splits easily.


5. Each of the states splits up into pairs of levels.


6. Some kinds of wood splits easily.


7. Splits and checks may close with rewetting.


8. When the user population splits on preferred idioms, the software designers must offer both idioms.

当用户对习惯用法的喜好存在分歧时, 软件设计时就必须提供两种习惯用法.

9. This device splits the light beam into a measuring light beam and a reference light beam.


10. The protection can be readily damaged by the development of shakes or splits and by woodworking.


11. The trail splits into two trails.


12. The acrobats finished their act by doing the splits in turn.


13. The system, made by Linde, splits hydrogen fluoride into fluorine.

这个系统, 由林德集团制造, 能将氟化氢分解成氟气.

14. These indicated that splits had occurred in the enemy camp.


15. Its using properties in this paper application in retanning pigskin garment splits.

8.stare的第三人称单数 篇八


2. Even here a red Lamborghini Diablo sports car attracts covetous stares.


3. Ruin now stares in the face.


4. He stares at the hundreds of workers slaving away in the intense sun.


5. The little dog stares suspiciously at the old wolf.


6. We received a number of peery stares from passers-by.


7. He stands on deck and stares at San Francisco.


8. We received a number of curious stares from passers - by .

过路人 向我们投来好奇的目光.

9. He stares at the portrait with uncommon interest.


10. The green hat stares out unpleasantly.


11. Jastrow stares in a stunned way at the still audience, then stumbles toward the first row.

杰斯罗用惊呆了的神气瞪眼望着鸦雀无声的听众, 然后趔趔趄趄地朝着第一排听众走过去.

12. There the effigy stands, and stares from age to age across the changing ocean.

雕像依然耸立在那儿, 千秋万载地凝视着那变幻无常的大海.

13. Why she stares at me as if she is acquaint with me.


14. He always stares lasciviously at beautiful girls passing by.


15. As Tony approached his buddies, he was bewildered by their dumbfounded stares.
