


1.新目标英语八年级上册unit6课件 篇一

Teaching and learning steps

Step 1 Learn to read the words on p127

1. Look at the new words and try to read them in pairs.

2. Let one student to read them out .

3. Correct the pronunciation.

Step 2 : Learn to rem ember words on p 103

一. Remember the words by looking at pictures.

1. robot

2. tree

3. rocket

4. astronaut

5. space station


7. pet

8. parrot

9. the Word Cup

10. scientist





二. Remember the words by matching itself with its meaning.

1. probably:maybe

2. unpleasant: not happy

3. housework: chores

三. Remember the words by th eir similar pronunciations and forms.

1. myself yourself herself himself

2. few fewer

3. look book took

4. which such

5. man human

6.bought thought

7. sound found

8. see seem

四. Remember the words

1. possible (可能的) impossible(不可能的)

2. bored(无聊的.,修饰人) boring(无聊的,修饰物)

3.interview (动词,采访) interviewer(名词,采访者)

五.Remember the words by their Chinese.

Step 3 Consolidation of words

听写单词,老师提学 生默。不会的,再 记忆,默写。

2.新目标英语八年级上册unit6课件 篇二

总体来说, 这次课堂教学实施比较成功, 达到了公开教学应有的效果。从询问职业开始, 然后通过幻灯片展示各种职业类型, 一直到谈论理想, 整个过程如行云流水, 连贯自然。遵循了面向全体学生、倡导体验参与、开发课程资源等课标理念, 初步培养了学生的交际策略、资源策略等意识。教学任务基本完成, 各层次的学生均有所得。此外, 英语学习氛围宽松、民主、浓厚, 师生情感交融极为成功。


1.采用多媒体教学, 形象直观、省时高效。放映关于各种职业的幻灯片, 能激发学生的兴趣, 减少学生对母语的依赖。将新授的语言内容制作成演示文稿, 相比在黑板上板书省时不少, 而且高效。

2.本节课从学生熟悉的句型入手, 引出关于职业的单词, 如teacher, student, worker等, 然后放映幻灯片展示新的职业类型, 如engineer, pilot等, 最后谈论理想:What are you going to be?并进一步讨论:How are you going to do that? 这样的教学流程既科学合理、严谨有序, 又符合学生的认知规律。

3.从旧知识的复习到新知识的呈现, 过渡自然, 富有逻辑性。教师设问:What do you do? What does she/he do?自然引出关于职业的单词, 进而学习新的职业类型。这样的衔接很巧妙、很自然。

4.生词的呈现与记忆很直观, 且多样化。开展了 “Do you have quick eyes?” “Can you remember well?” “中英文互译”等教学活动。

5.教师在教学过程中基本起到了引导者、指挥者的作用, 能够立足于学生的学, 充分调动其主动性、积极性。呈现完“What are you going to be when you grow up? How are you going to do that?”后, 随即提供Tina等人的信息并要求对话操练, 起到了很好的巩固效果。

6.在“Choose one of the situations below to make conversations with your partner.”中采用了任务型教学法和合作学习法。

7.学生积极主动, 发言踊跃, 师生配合默契。

8.作业设计紧扣重点、难点, 达到巩固知识、学以致用的目的。

9.教学节奏中速, 教学容量适中。


1.教学重点不够突出, 主次不分明。重点是学习关于职业的生词, 还是掌握句型“What are you going to be when you grow up? How are you going to do that?”从教学现象来看无法判断。

2.学生语言输入后未能进行充分有效的输出, 使语言停留在知识状态而没有转化为能力。

3.学生自主学习的空间与时间均不足, 教学尚未充分体现教为主导、学为主体的思想。

4.听、说、读、写四会的基本原则没有很好地遵循, 且忽视了“写”的技能培养。

5.时间分配不够合理, 花在生词教学上的时间几乎等同于句型学习的时间。


1.在直观呈现生词后, 应让学生通过大量的对话操练来巩固和掌握它们。因为单词是死的, 只有在语境中才能活过来。皮之不存, 毛将焉附!

2.句型“What are you going to be when you grow up? How are you going to do that?”的操练, 应分三个阶段:控制→半控制→全开放。具体做法是:让学生先练习演示文稿中的对话例子, 然后根据所提供的信息编对话, 最后发挥想象畅谈自己的愿望与打算。

3.生词教学控制在15分钟以内, 拿出25分钟的时间学习句型“What are you going to be when you grow up? How are you going to do that?”把教学重点放在这两个句型上。

4.多一些自主, 少一些灌输。注重精讲多练。


1.仪表端庄大方, 精神焕发。教态亲切自然, 富有感染力。

2.口语准确流利, 能用英语组织教学。

3.课堂驾驭能力强, 有一定的教学机智。

4.专业素质比较扎实, 有良好的教学功底。现代教学技术娴熟。

3.新目标英语八年级上册unit6课件 篇三

1._oll_ _t2.sh_ll


5.b_mb_ _6.c_mm_n


9._il_age10.p_ _ti_ul_ _ly

Ⅱ.Look at the following pictures and complete the dialogue.看图,完成下列对话。

1.A:Hi, there. When did you start ____?

B:At nine o’clock.

A:So you’ve ____ skating for…

B:I’ve been skating for five hours.

A:Your fee will ____ ten yuan.

2.A:When ____ you start studying English?

B:In 1997.

A:So you have been ____ English since 1997.

B:Yes. I have been studying ____ for eleven years.

3.A:What do you ____?

B:I collect ____.

A:How long have you been ____ stamps?

B:I have been collecting stamps ____ I was a child.

A:You are great.

B:Thank you.

Ⅲ.Match the words with the pictures.将词与图画搭配起来。


4.collector____5.in line____

Ⅳ.Complete the sentence with the correct verb or time phrase.选词填空。

will he be/have you been/since he was three/did you/have you/three years ago

1. Lukas started collecting ____.

2. How long ____ collected records?

3. How long ____ having early Elvis albums?

4. Mark’s been collecting ____.

5. By the way, ____ start guitar lessons?

Ⅴ.Match the responses with the questions. Select the best match.把问题和答语连接起来。


1. She collects sea shells.

2. Because she loves the pretty colors.

3. She’s been collecting for three years.

4. Yes, she would.

5. She’d like to collect rare stamps.


(a) Would she like to collect anything else?

(b) Does Gabriella have a hobby now?

(c) What else would she like to collect?

(d) Why does she do it?

(e) How long has she been collecting?

Ⅵ.Look at the pictures and complete the article.看图完成下列短文。

Meals are more important than just eating food. They are social occasions and are sometimes business occasions as w____. It is d____ to know how to deal w____ every food but a good tip is to f____ your host. In a formal western meal, it might be uncommon to have a variety of forks and spoons beside the plate. If you are not sure, simply wait until someone else starts and follow their e____. H____, sometimes this is not the best a____. Once, the King of England had a dinner party for twenty g____. After the meal, c____ was served at the table. The King took his coffee cup off the saucer and his twenty guests followed his example. He then poured some cream into the saucer and his guests did the same. However, he then put the saucer on the floor…he was merely giving a treat for his d____.

4.七年级英语上册unit6课件 篇四

本单元的核心项目是“喜欢和不喜欢(like and dislike)”。围绕着这一中心项目,课文中设计了各种食物及水果的插图和不同形式的表格,让学生进行听、说、读、写等各种学习活动。通过本单元的教学,使学生学会询问对方与了解别人喜欢与不喜欢的食物,学业会谈论自己与他人早、中、晚餐喜爱吃的食物,为其今后能在交际中恰当地表达自己的情感、灵活运用已经学过的常用功能项目、进一步学习并掌握新的语言功能奠定了坚实的基础。






















第一课时Section A la –lc

第二课时Section A 2a –4

第三课时Section B la –2c

第四课时Section B3a –4 Self-check

Period One




Step One: New words.

① Present the new words.

T:Let’s play a aguessing game. Is it an apple in my bag?Touch and tell me the answer.

S1: (Touch and say)Yes, it’s an orange.

T:I like oranges. Like means”喜欢”. Read after me .L-I-K-E,like.

Ss: L-I-K-E,like.

T:Do you like oranges?

S2:Yes,I do.

T: Do you like oranges?

S3:No, I don’t.

(Teacher writes the title on the blackboard.)

T: Now today I have a lot of delicious food. First let’t look at some fruit. Look!(Show a picture of a banana.)

T:What’s this in English?It’s a banana. Read after me,B-A-N-A-N-A,banana.


T:Whtat color is it?

Ss:It’s yellow.

(Then look at some pictures and teach the other fruit words in the same way such as strawberry,apple.)

(Next go on learning the vegetables and the other food in the sme way with the pictures.)

T:Look at the pictures and fill in the chat according to the category.

Step Two:Grammar.

① Present the countable nouns and the uncountable nouns.

T:Look!What are these? (Show a picture.)

S1:They are oranges.

T:How many oranges are there?Let’s count. One,two.


T:And what are these? (Show another picture.)

S2:They are apples.

T:How many apples are there? Let’s count them. One,two,three.


T:What’s this?

S3:It’s broccoli.

T:Can we count it”Can we say a broccoli?

S3:Sorry, I don’t know.

T:We can’t say a broccoli because it is the uncountable noun. Nouns contain the countable nouns and the uncountable nouns. Countable nouns can be counted with number ,and we add –s or –es to make the blural. For example,we can say an apple, two apples,three eggs. Uncountable nouns can’t be counted with number,and they don’t have plurals. For example, we can say salad, broccoli,but we can’t say salads,broccolis.

T:Look at the pictures. Fill in the chart.(Show some pictures of fruits and vegetables.)

T:Check the answers.

② Present the rules of noun plural forms.

T:look at the pictures,can you say them?

S:Yes,three tomatoes,two oranges, three strawberries.

T:Look at the three rules of plural forms. Are they the same?

S:Of course not.

Step Three: Drills.

① Present the new drills “Do you like…? Yes, I do/ No, I don’t.”

T:Oh,we have lots of delicious fruit. I like apples best.

(Holding apples)

Do you like them?

S1:Yes, I do.

S2:No, I don’t. I like salad.

T:Do you like salad?

S3:Yes, I do./No, I don’t.

(Ask some more students to practice like this.)

② Practice the drill.

T:Work in pairs.Ask and answer with your pictures.

(Before class the students have drawn some pictures of the food.)

Sa:Do you like…?

Sb: …

(Then ask more pairs to practice.)

T:Let’s open your books and do 1b.Listen and number1-3.

(The students listen and then check the answers.)

Step Four: Task.

T:Let’s make a survey.You can ask eight friends what they like and dislike. Then fill in the chart.

(Then ask some students to report.)

S1:Five of the students like…, two of them like…


Step Five :Summary.

In this class,we’ve learnt the names of foods, fruit and vegetables and practiced asking and answering questions about likes and dislikes. Please remember the rules of noun plurals.


Make a survey about your parent’s likes and dislikes using Do you like…?

Period Two





Step One: Review the drill.

② Review the drill “Do you like…”?

③ The girl and the boy are talking about their likes and dislike.Let’s open your books and listen. Try to finish 2a and 2b as quickly as you can.


Step Two: New drills.

① Present the new drills “Does she/ he like…? Yes, she / he does./ No, she / he doesn’t”using the chart above.

T:Kate, do you like tomatoes?

S1:Yes, I do.

T:Do you like ice cream?

S1:No, I don’t.

(The teacher points at Kate and asks the class.)

T:Does Kate like tomatoes?

Ss:Yes, she does.

T:Does Kate like ice cream?

Ss:No,she doesn’t.

(The teacher goes on asking Kate using the chart.)

T:Does your best friend Sue like tomatoes?

S1:Yes, she does.(Kate looks at her chart in her hand.)

T:Who is your best friend?

(The teacher points at Jane.)

S1:Sally is.

T:Does she like tomatoes?

S1:Sally is.

(The teacher points at Tony and Maria.)

T:Do your best friends like tomatoes?

S1:Yes, they do./No, they don’t.

(The teacher asks two more students to answer his/ her questions according to the chart in their hands. Then the teacher writes down the drills “Does she/he like… ?Do they like…?” on the blackboard.)

T:Work in pairs and practice the drill “Does he/she…? Do they…?”according to the chart.

(Then the teacher asks some pairs of the students to practice one by one.)

② Practice the drills.

T:Let’s work in pairs .

(Student A looks at Page 33.Student B looks at Page 83.Try to find out what Bob and Bill and don’t like.)

Sa:Does Bill like French fries?

Sb: … Does Bob like French fries?

Sa: …

Step Three: Task.

T:Do you love your parents?


T:How do you show your love to them?

S1:I’ll do as they say.

S2:I’ll buy something for them when their birthday is coming.

S3:I’ll study better and better.

S4:I’ll make a big meal for them.

T:Oh, I think it’s a good idea. Now let’s try to know what they like and dislike. First take out yesterday’s homework,exchange the information in pairs.

(The teacher have asked the students to have a survey last class.)

(Give a sample to the students)

T:Does your father like chicken?(Point to a student)

S1: No, he doesn’t.

T:Does your mother like eggs?

S1:Yes, she does.

T:Do they like bananas?

S1: Yes, they do.

T:Now work in groups and make a food survey.

(The students work in groups.)

S2:Jim’s father likes… He doesn’t like… Jim’s mother likes…very much. She doesn’t like…And they both don’t like…

(Then ask more students to report.)

Step Four:Summary.

In this class, we’ve learnt the Simple Present Tense,including of the third person singular form as subject.


Rewrite your conversation in the form of a passage.

Period Three





Step One: Check the homework.

T:Now let’s cxchange your exercise books and help each other. Try to correct it.(Ask different students to report his/her conversation.)

Step Twp: Review the words.

T:You know we have learnt so much delicious food. Now Let’s play a game with the food. Let’s see who will say the names of the food as many as possible during a minute.

(The teacher will give the students a minute to prepare it.Then ask someone to say.)

S: Salad, apples, bananas, ice cream…

(Choose the three students who said the most and give some food as presents.)

Step Three: New words.

① Present the new words.

T:How many meals do you have every day?


T:What are they?(The students can answer them in Chinese.)

Ss:They are “早餐、中餐和晚餐 ”.

T:Oh, yes. In English “早餐”we can say “breakfast”.

(Show a picture of the breakfast)

Read after me, “breakfast”.


Ss: B-R-E-A-K-F-A-S-T,breakfast.

T:Do you have your breakfast every day?

S1:No, sometimes I get up late, I have no time to eat.

T:I think it’s not good for your health.

(Teach the other two words lunch, dinner in the same way.)

② Practice the words.

T:Which meal do you like best?(Point to a student.)

S:I like breakfast best.


S:Because I like drinking milk.

T:Who also likes breakfast in our class? Please put up your hands.

T:Oh, so many students.You can sit in this team.

(Ask all the students who like breakfast, lunch or dinner to come to the same team. They can talk easily.)

T:We have divided all the class into three groups. One group likes breakfast, the other two like lunch and dinner. But what do you like for your three meals?

(Show a picture of three dinners.)

T:I have three meal plates. What do you want to put on it?

Let’s talk about it. Try to find the food what your group like most and tell us the reason.

(When each group is talking about it, the teacher goes around among the students and helps them if they need. Then ask each group to report.)

S:In our group, we like breakfast best. We all like oranges, eggs, milk and an apple.Because they are good for our health, we choose them.

(When the student is saying, the teacher puts the food onto the plate for breakfast.)

(Do it for lunch and dinner in the same way.)

T:Look at 1a, and write the number in the box next to the correct food.

(Then the students finish off 1a.)

T:How many other food words can you add to the chart?

Try to write them down in the chart.

(The students write them down as soon as possible and then read them. See who will add most.)

Step Four: Practice the listening.

T: Look! There are so many foods. Maybe they are very delicious. Which food do you like? Do you like apples? (Show the picture.)

S1: …

T: How about chicken? Do you like it ?

S1: …

T: Can you guess what food I like?

S1: Do you like…?

T: No, I don’t.

S2: Do you like…?

S3: Do you like…?

T: Yes, you are right. I think you are very lucky. But I have two friends. They are Sandra and Tom. Do you know what food they like? Now, let’s listen and find out the food you hear.

(Play the recording 2a in Section B. The students find out each food mentioned in the conversation on the recording. Then check the answers.)

T: Now open your books and listen again. Fill in the chart.

(Play the recording the first time. Students listen to the conversation and write in the answers on their charts. Play the recording the second time and then the students can check their answers to be sure they are correct.)

T: Does Sandra like salad?

S: Yes, she does.

T: Work in pairs about the chart.

Step Five: Task.

Go on a picnic with a group of friends and make a list of food to buy.

① Divide the students into six groups.

② Talk about what the students in your group like and dislike and make a list.

③ The leader in each group reports to the class.

Step Six: Summary and homework.

Make a survey about “What do your parents like for three meals?” after class.

Period Four





Step One: New words.

T: Do you like sports?

S: Yes, I do. / Of course.

T: What sport do you like best?

S1:I like playing football/ baskball /table tennis …

S2:I like 跑步.

T: Oh, Look! What is he doing?

(Show the students a picture of Liu Xiang.)

Ss: He is 跑步.

T: Yes, he is running. Now, read after me, run.

S: Run.

T: R-U-N, run.

S: R-U-N, run.

T: Do you know him?

S: Yes, he is Liu Xiang.

T: You are very clever. He is Liu Xiang. He’s a runner.


S: R-U-N-N-E-R,runner.

T: Now he is very famous in China. Maybe everyone knows him. He is a sport star. S-T-A-R,star.

S: S-T-A-R,star.

T: Liu Xiang likes sports. He runs every day. He is healthy and he doesn’t like dessert. Do you know Healthy and dessert? Healthy means “健康的”. Can you guess the meaning of unhealthy?

Ss: “不健康的”.

T: Yes, you are clever. Read after me, healthy, unhealthy.

Ss: Healthy, unhealthy.

T: Look at these pictures. (Show these pictures of dessert.)

They are all dessert. In Chinese it means “甜食”.We often eat it after the important dishes.

T: Read after me, dessert, D-E-S-S-E-R-T, dessert.

Ss: D-E-S-S-E-R-T, dessert.

Step Two: Task.

T: Now look at the pictures of these foods. (Show some food pictures.) What kind of food do you think are healthy or unhealthy? Discuss in four people and fill in the chart. (Each group will have a chart)

(Ask some groups to report.)

S: … are healthy food, … are unhealthy food.

T: So we eat more healthy food and less unhealthy food. Healthy food is good for our health, but unhealthy food is bad for our health.

Step Three: Learn to write about what somebody likes for three meals.

① Read the passage.

T: Look at Liu Xiang ! Do you know why he is very healthy?

S1: Maybe he runs every day.

S2: He takes good care of his health.

S3: Maybe he eats very well.

T: Yes, he really eats very well. Every player just eats healthy food. Three is another running star. Her name is Sandra Dlark. Let’s see what she likes eating for three meals. Open your books and read 3a in Section B. First try to fill in the chart.

(The students read the passage and fill in the chart, then check the answers.)

S: Fruits…

T: Sandra Clark has a brother, Tom. He is very clever, but a little naughty. Look at 3b and find out what Tom likes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Complete the following passage.

(The students do 3b and check the answers.)

S: Four lunch …

② Practice.

T: I like eggs and milk for breakfast. What do you like eating for breakfast?(Point to a student.)

S: I like apples and bread.

T: What about you? (Point to another student.)

S: I like hamburgers and bananas.( Ask two more students to answer his/her questions for lunch and dinner.)

T: Who can ask and answer like this?

Sa: What do you like to eat for lunch?

Sb: I like …

Sa: What do you like to eat for dinner?

Sb: I like …

(Then ask the students to work in pairs one by one.)

Step Four: Task.

① Write a passage about you like for three meals.

T: Can you introduce yourself for three meals according to what you talked about just now? Maybe many friends want to know you. (The students write about themselves as quickly as they can. When they are ready, ask them to introduce.)

② Make a survey about your classmates for three meals.

T: Do you have any friends? (Ask a student.)

S: Yes, I do./ Of course.

T: Do you know what they like eating for each meal?

S: No/ Sorry, I don’t know.

T: OK. Let’s ask our friends and try to know what they like. Then fill in the chart.

(Then ask some students to report to the class.)


5.八年级下学期英语课件新目标 篇五

Unit1 Where’s your pen pal from?

Section A

Teacher‘s words: Actions speak louder than words.

Language aims:


1. Words: Canada, France, Japan, the United States, Australia, Singapore, the United

Kingdom, Sydney, New York, Pairs, Toronto,  Tokyo, French, Japanese, pal,

country, live, language, world, like, dislike.

2. Phrases: talk about, be from/ come from, pen pal, speak English, a little与 little 的.区别,

my favorite subject, tell sb. about sth,  like doing sth.

3. Important sentences:

1) --- Where‘s your pen pal from?

2) --- Where does he live?

3) --- What language does he speak?

4) ---- What‘s your favorite subject?






2. come from的用法。










8. 太难______________




1、To show a photo of Sydney and talk about it.

2. To ask the students some questions.


1. The students open the books, turn to Page 81 and read the first letter. After that, the students answer three simple questions.

2. The students read after the tape and go on answering some more questions.


1.The students read the letters that the teacher gives them and then choose one pen pal they like.

2.Do a report.

My partner‘s name is __________. His new pen pal‘s name is __________. He is _______ years

old. He is from __________. He lives in ___________. At school, he likes ______________. His favorite ___________ is __________________.   I think he can be my partner‘s pen pal. Do you think so?

Ⅴ、拓展创新: Groupwork

1、Discussion: In your group, do you like your pen pals? Who likes? Why? ( Tell some reasons )


In our group, ________of us like his pen pal. Because his pen pal … Ⅵ、典型例题解析。

1.Marry, please show ------ your picture.(2008), A. my    B. mine    C. I    D. me


6.新目标英语八年级上册unit6课件 篇六

1.患感冒 2.背痛 3.齐头并进

4.胃痛 5.咽喉痛 6.躺下休息

7.看牙医 8.多喝水 9.加蜂蜜的热茶

10.好主意 11.多休息 12.我不知道

13.筋疲力尽 14.健康的生活方式 15.传统中医

16.阴阳调和 17.均衡的饮食 18.健康食品

19.保持健康 20.玩得高兴 21.练习做某事

22.介意做某事 23.完成某事 24.放弃做某事

25.忍不住做某事 26.坚持做某事 27此刻

28.东道家庭 29.会话练习

























7.新目标英语八年级上册unit6课件 篇七

《英语课程标准》中关于读的五级目标前3条要求:能根据上下文和构词法推断、理解生词的含义;能理解段落中各句子之间的逻辑关系;能找出文章中的主题, 理解故事的情节, 预测故事情节的发展和可能的结局 (教育部2012) 。从阅读教学现状看, 存在着诸多由忽视文本解读或者文本解读不到位而引发的教学失误及低效现象 (顾敏2014) , 如脱离文本讲解语言知识, 文本信息处理零散, 文本中的文化因素被忽略等。教师“包办式”的讲解代替了学生参与式的学习, 学生难以深入文本、挖掘内涵、享受阅读, 从而限制了学生阅读能力的提高 (杨延从2013) 。因此, 这里希望运用“三点一线”的文本解读实践方法, 促进学生阅读能力的提高。


英语阅读文本是教学的载体, 它承载着话题、语言、结构等功能信息, 是作者思想的表现, 对其价值和内涵的发掘是进行有效教学的前提 (钟颖芳2015) 。根据文本话题, 将解读文本分为三大层次:一是教师引导学生与文本对话, 即了解文本知识 (what) 、梳理文本结构;二是学生借助文本与作者对话, 即了解文本内涵, 体验作者用意 (why) ;三是教师引导学生与自我对话, 即如何读写一体化 (how) , 前两个层次是input, 后一个层次是output。下面是“三点一线”的简易示意图 (见图1) , 以帮助我们理解:


(一) 介绍背景知识, 串联文本话题

阅读文本是初中学生学习英语和教师讲解语言点的主要材料。文本处理的方法能够帮助学生建立阅读意识, 即让学生知道在什么样的背景下进行文本阅读。如果在学生尚未了解背景的情况下, 教师就讲解所谓的语言点, 学生不停地做笔记, 不能收到良好的教学效果。在教学的过程中, 虽然学生碰到的语言障碍少了, 但是话题理解对学生来说仍然很突兀。所以, 教师应先介绍文本的背景知识, 通过各种方法引入话题, 唤起学生获得与文本相关知识的热情。教师在帮助学生激活背景知识的过程中, 学生获得了理解文本更充分的信息 (Anderson 2009:12) 。

本文以人教版《新目标英语》八年级下册Unit6 A n old man tried to move the mountains.Section A.3a-3c中的阅读课教学 (Page 43) 为例, 谈谈笔者处理文本的方式。

阅读文本分析:本单元学习中外传统故事, 本阅读文本的文体是记叙文 (描述故事) 。中心话题是讲述孙悟空的故事。学生比较熟悉《西游记》, 因此, 在背景知识介绍和导入话题环节, 笔者采用了以下做法:

Activity 1:Do a survey (见表1)

反思:先以调查问卷的形式激活学生已有的知识储备。学生知道传统故事的中文名, 但英文名就不一定知晓。通过此活动, 让学生快速了解故事的英文名称, 为阅读环节做好准备。

Activity 2:Having an eye test

Students try to say the name of the story as soon as they see the picture.

反思:通过“头脑风暴”的方式进一步激活学生已有的背景知识, 创造气氛, 串联了文本话题。

Activity 3:Watch a short video about Journey to the West and have a Prediction.

(1) Which book is talked about?

(2) Who is the main character?

反思:笔者通过简短视频, 使学生回忆电影、电视及图书等对《西游记》人物的描述, 为文本的阅读做好铺垫。在初中英语阅读教学中, 背景图式非常重要, 尤其当学生接触到节选的或是不够熟悉的文本材料时, 教师要在了解学生先前知识水平的前提下, 提供必要的背景资源。在文本阅读前激活背景知识, 能帮助学生更好地理解文本。

(二) 剖析语篇结构, 梳理文本脉络

经过前面的背景介绍和话题导入, 学生对该文本的话题已有了一定的了解, 教师可以引导学生解读文本, 即以主人公Monkey Kind为主线索, 引导学生寻找作者如何描写这个人物, 从外貌、性格、行为习惯及人们对Monkey Kind的评价等三点进行快速阅读 (Skimming) , 帮助学生获得文章的主旨, 从而快速清楚地梳理文本脉络。

Activity 4:Skimming

(1) Who is the main character?

(2) What can he do?

(3) Why do people like the Monkey King?

反思:阅读是学生掌握语言知识、提高语言应用能力的基础, 也是人们获得信息的主要来源。尤其对于二语学习者, 由于条件的限制, 阅读是其获得信息和培养语感的主要途径。略读的目的是通过梳理文本脉络让学生找到故事的主旨 (观点) , 明确作者的观点。学生通过回答问题, 了解作者的思路, 学习作者的文本结构, 获得该文本故事情节发展的基本要素, 让学生一目了然地了解文本结构及作者的行文方式。

(三) 深挖文本内涵, 升华情感目标

语言是文化的载体, 二者密不可分。在《英语课程标准》的分级标准中, 文化意识为语言综合运用能力的一个重要组成部分。因此, 教师必须帮助学生培养正确的情感态度和文化意识, 提高人文素养。在古典文学《西游记》中, 孙悟空是个机智勇敢、无私无畏、是非分明、目标明确、坚忍不拔、积极乐观、勇往直前的人物。笔者在教学中也深入挖掘文本内涵, 引导学生学习Monkey King的精神, 弘扬正能量。

1.We can infer from the passage that both Chinese and western children are_________when they watch the Monkey King.

A.excitedB.bored C.worried

2.We can learn from the Monkey King: (T or F)

(1) He is clever and brave.

(2) He likes helping the weak.

(3) He never gives up when he meets problems.

(4) He often asks for help from others when he can’t solve the problems by himself.

(5) To achieve your dream, you should keep on working for it.

(6) No one is perfect!Trust yourself!

反思:教师引导学生挖掘文本内涵, 让学生学会独立思考, 不断引导学生树立正确的人生观和世界观, 让学生学会辩证地看待事物, 使其能够理解“No one is perfect!Trust yourself!”学生不仅要读懂文本的内容, 更要读出文本中所蕴含的情感态度, 提高自身的人文素养。

“Unless he can hide his tail, he can not turn himself into a man.”Means:

■If he can hide his tail, he can not turn himself into a man.

■If he can not hide his tail, he can not turn himself into a man.

■If he can hide his tail, he can turn himself into a man.

反思:推断深层含义策略 (Making inference) 是阅读理解的最高层次, 也是训练学生高阶思维能力的重要载体。这要求学生综合理解文本信息, 识别作者的语气、态度、观点等, 从而做出评价性判断 (杨延从2013) , 提高学生对阅读文本信息的深层次理解和分析能力。

(四) 活用文脉思维, 强化语言运用

采用“三点一线”的文本解读法, 学生能较快抓住文章主线。当学生搭建文本框架、明了文本的内容后, 教师应强化学生对语言的运用。教师可以给学生一定的时间快速朗读、理解、背诵并内化, 然后要求学生进行深层次阅读和语言运用。拓展阅读运用, 即找准阅读拓展的切入点, 通过复述课文、角色扮演、辩论、采访、演讲、改写、仿写或续写文本等形式, 激活学生思维, 诱发其表达欲望, 促使其体验、感受、领悟和思考文本 (杨延从2013) 。在输出环节, 笔者设计了几个课堂活动任务 (见图2、图3、图4) :

Task 1:Retell the story

反思:贯穿主线的三个核心话题简单明了, 教师可以引导学生利用关键词来复述文本内容, 作为口语输出的重要载体。教师带领学生体验讲故事的全过程, 学生在深入理解信息、内化文本的基础上, 能更好地体会作者在行文中的逻辑关系, 学会有逻辑地进行思维和表达。

Task 2:Writing

Write another traditional folk story—Nezha Conq uers The Dragon King

1.Who is Nezha?

2.What can he do?

3.What can you learn from him?

反思:通过学习, Monkey King“不畏强权、为民忘我”的精神已深入学生的内心。同样不畏强权的民间故事还有很多, 如哪吒闹海。


采用“三点一线”的文本解读方式是笔者这两年来的研究课题。这种文本解读方式不仅让阅读材料有明确的框架, 学生易于分析、理解并运用, 而且为阅读后的写作做了铺垫。只要学生能在有限时间内学到更多的东西, 就说明提高了阅读能力和课堂效率。当然, 各种文体的最佳解读法也还在探索中, 还应在提升学生的学习能力、思维品质、文化意识和语言能力等方面下工夫。


付薇.2015.初中英语阅读教学与学生思维能力的培养[J].中小学英语教学与研究, (1) :51-54.

顾敏.2014.融入思维导图的高中英语阅读文本解读[J].教学与管理, (5) .

教育部.2012.义务教育英语课程标准 (2011年版) [S].北京:北京师范大学出版社.

莎日娜.2015.以文本解读为基础, 提升英语课堂教学的语言运用能力[N].内蒙古师范大学学报 (教育科学版) , (7) :124-126.

杨延从.2013.运用语篇模式分析促进意义建构的实践[J].基础英语教育, (5) :44-48.

钟颖芳.2015.基于文本阅读的高中英语写作教学研究[J].福建基础教育研究, (1) .

8.新目标英语八年级上册unit6课件 篇八

1.参加某人的聚会 2.在星期六的下午 3.我非常乐意

4.为测验而学习5.去看医生 6.上一堂钢琴课

7.太多家庭作业 8.也许下一次吧 9.有趣得多

10.谢谢邀请 11.参加棒球比赛 12.生日聚会

13.寻找 14.弄清楚 15.和我一起打网球

16.给某人打电话 17.在星期四的晚上 18.在9月1日的早晨

19.加入某人一起 20.保持安静 21.足球比赛












9.新目标英语八年级上册unit6课件 篇九

Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation ? Sectoin B 2b 7月15日,星期一




Unit 2 How often do you exercise? 第五中学的学生们在课余时间做什么?






Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister.25.杰夫.格林:我妈妈告诉我好朋友就像一面镜子。26.我比大多数孩子要安静持重,这便是我喜欢看书而且在班上学习更加努力的原因。27.我的好朋友袁力也不太说话,所以我们喜欢一块学习。28.我比较腼腆,所以我不那么容易交上朋友,但我想朋友就像书籍一样—他们不在多而贵在好。



Unit 4 Where’s the best movie theater?





Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show? 47.当人们说起“文化”这个词,我们(通常)会想到艺术和历史。48.但是在美国文化中有一个非常著名的象征,那就是“卡通片”。49.我们都知道并喜爱那只长着一对又大又圆的耳朵的黑色老鼠—— 米老鼠。50.80多年前,他第一次出现在卡通片《威利号汽船》中。这部卡通片1928年11月28日在纽约上映,成为第一部带有配音和音乐的卡通片。51.米老鼠的幕后之人便是沃尔特.迪斯尼。后来他变得非常富有和成功。在20世纪30年代,他制作了87部米老鼠卡通片。



Unit 6

I’m going to study computer science.Sectoin B 2b




Unit 7 Will people have robots ? Sectoin B 2b

Do You Think You Will Have Your Own Robot ?






Unit 8 How do you make a banana milk shake ?

Sectoin B,2b










Unit 9 Can you come to my party ?

Sectoin B,2b 98.你好,戴维:


荷薇 101.嗨,戴维,非常感谢你策划这个欢送会我很愿意参加,但是我那天没有时间。102.这个月底我们全家要去武汉看我的叔叔和婶婶。103.不过我很乐意帮忙,为聚会做些准备,比如设计些小游戏。如果需要我帮忙,就告诉我吧。

杰克 104.亲爱的同学们:


106.你们能来吗?如果能来,是否能帮忙做下面的事情呢? 1)买些食物和饮料。2)策划一些小游戏。




Unit 10 If you go to the party ,you’ll have a great time!

Sectoin B,2b



10.新目标英语八年级上册unit6课件 篇十


How to you make a banana smoothie?教案 Section A 小寨乡中学初二英语组 Teaching aims: 1. Describe a process. 2. Follow instructions. 3.countable /uncountablenouns. How much/How many questions. Teaching difficult points 1.countable/uncountablenouns. 2. How much/How many questions. Teachingaids: A cup of smoothie fruit salad ingredients of making smoothie and fruit saladtape recorder Teaching steps Step1 Show a cup of banana smoothie, let some students taste it , Ask: How do you like it ?Answer… Ask: Do you knowhow to make a banana smoothie? Let me tell you. Step 2 Presentation 1)Take out a knife some bananas milk yogurt a blender. 2)Write these sentences on the blackboard. Peel the bananas . Cut up the bananas .Put the bananas and yogurt in the blender. Pour the milk in the blender.Turn on the blender. 3) Say: Look at me , Ill make a banana smoothie. Step 3Write ―the smoothie ―the milk in the blender ―the bananas ―the bananas ―the blender ―the bananas and yogurt in the blender fill in the blanks with turn on ,cut up , drink ,peel ,pour ,put. according to the pictures ,then numberthese sentences 1――5. Pair work A: How do you make a banana smoothie? Peel the bananas. …… Step 5 Presentation 1). Say : NowIll teach you how to make fruit salad. You need a teaspoon of cinnamon. a cup of yogurt. 2 teaspoons of honey.3 bananas.1 watermelon. 2 apples and one orange. You need 4 steps to make it .① First cut up three bananas, three apples and a watermelon.② Next put the fruit in a bowl.③ Then put in two teaspoons cinnamon and a cup of yogurt .④ Finally mix it all up. 2) Write the foursteps on the blackboard .Read them loudly. Pay more attention to the words: First . next . then and finally. 3) Let students say how to make fruit salad. Step 6 Presentation Say: look at the four steps above . please answer me?please answer me: How many apples do you need ? (two) How many bananas do you need ? (three) How many watermelons do you need ? (one) How many oranges do you need ? (one How many cinnamon do you need ? (a teaspoon of cinnamon) How many yogurt do you need ? (a cup of yogurt) How many honey do you need ? (two teaspoons of honey) Explain: countable and uncountable nouns. Step 7 Listening 2a 2b Section B Teachingaims: New language: add bread slice mayonnaise turkey relish meat mushroom other sandwich tomato sauce mustard mustard sentences: First… Next… Then… Finally… add… to… Teaching important and difficult. How to make differennt sandwiches. Teaching aids: tape recorder pictures. Teaching steps: Step One Point to the sandwich ingredients in the picture. say each word and ask students to repeat it. say what things do you like in a sandwich? write the words on the board. Ask: How to make this kind of sandwich? Step Two Look at activity 1a. Listen and circle the words that you hear. play the tape the first time. Students only listen play the tape again .This time students circle the words in activity 1a as they hear the words. Step Three. Read the instructions and point out the sample answer. say listen carefully and write the ingredients on the correct lines in the chart. Step Four Read the instructions. Ask students to take a few minutes to write down the things they use to make their favorite sandwiches. Ask students to work in pairs. Ask several pairs to say their conversations to the class. Step Five Read the instructions of 3a to the class. point to the words vegetables meat and others in the chart. say: now read the recipe and write the ingredients under the correct words in the chart. check the answers. Step six 3b.Read the instructions and the recipe to the class. say: now write a word in each blank use the words in the box. Home work: One : write a recipe for your favorite sandwich. Two: Self check 1.

11.新目标英语八年级上册unit6课件 篇十一
























12.新目标英语八年级上册unit6课件 篇十二

新目标英语八年级上册第九单元 Period 1 教案

When was he born?教案 Period 1 Period1教案 TITLE=新目标英语八年级上册第九单元Period1 教学过程: process Students’ activities Teachers’ activities Before--class Do the research Searching for the occupations of different walks(行业) and divide them into various walks Give some help and provide some resources or website for them Choose one kind of way that they can illustrate their results easily and clearly In class List all the occupations Give all the occupations they have found Invite the students to list the occupation in order to enlarge the vocabulary The great people from different walks of work Show the great people from different walks of work and show their experience, personal information and their personalities as well Listen and look. Ask some questions to the students if necessary Choose the best group Choose the group who gives the best researching results Listen to the tape Listen to the tape and write down the birth year of each sports star Walk around and check the answers Answer the questions Check the answers Your future job Group work: What do you want to be in the future? And then record the answers of the group members Give them some advice if they need According to the searching results choose your example Suggest them to find a great person as an example so that students can learn from them Find out the reason why they become so successful Set an example to the students. And lead them to find the reasons from their personalities and educational background. Group work: If we want to be as successful as they are, what we should do? Ask them to tell us their final decision and the measure they’ll take After--class Short passage Write a short passage of what they should do to turn the dream into realities Tell them to write a short passage 教案点评: 在本课时的教学过程中,我感受最强烈的一点是学生在选择自己未来的职业和学习的`榜样上表现出了很强的判断能力。由于教学设计贴近学生的生活,在教学过程的开展中真正做到了主动学习和交流。 这节课是本单元的导入部分,让学生都够有足够的信息输入是决定着是否能够顺利完成所有任务的至关重要的因素。因此我在这个部分中首先让学生在课下对于本单元相关的单词进行了比较系统的学习,对学生自主学习能够进行有效的指导。 除了完成课本上的听力内容外,我还将课本上的内容进行了进一步的拓展。把公众人物与学生的未来发展结合在一起,启发学生从明星身上发现可以学习的优点。从而激发他们不断进步,努力发掘自己的潜力。 当然,作为本单元的第一个引入课任务的设计有些难,所以学生在刚刚开始的时候有一些不适应,对于任务中所需要的句型也不够了解。

13.新目标英语八年级上册unit6课件 篇十三

1.长头发 2.比较外向 3.正如你所看到的

4.在某些地方/方面 5.看起来一样 6.看起来不同

7.……和……是一样的 8.经常参加聚会 9.高一点

10.从某处拿/取出某物 11.将某物放入某物中 12.列出清单

13.穿漂亮的衣服 14.在学校受欢迎 15.擅长体育

16.使我发笑 17.对我来说并不重要 18.举起,抬起

19.相反的观点 20.小学生 21.善于与孩子相处

22.喜欢讲笑话 23.互相帮助 24.在业余时间

25.……其中之一 26.使用……做…… 27.为某事感到同情或难受

28.从……开始 29.向某人道歉 30.因…而著名

31、总计,总共 32.让/ 使某人做某事


















