


1.译林6bunit7教学反思 篇一

译林版英语四年级下册Seasons 教学反思本课时所包含的知识点是让学生能用学过的一年四季的单词来描述一年四季的特征。





2.译林6bunit7教学反思 篇二

ⅠTeaching contents:Checkout time&Ticking time

ⅡTeaching objectives (略)

ⅢTeaching focus and difficult points:

1. Teaching focus:

(1) Students can use the words and sentences to talk about friends.

(2) Students can evaluate themselves through the teacher’s guide.

2.Difficult points:Students can use the words and sentences to talk about friends.

ⅣTeaching aids:PPT masks pictures

ⅤTeaching procedures:

Step1:Warm-up热身 (略)

【分析】这一环节中教师出示了本节课的四个任务, 让学生带着目标去学习, 对要掌握的内容会更加明确, 学完后评价有无实现目标, 以便及时调控自己的学习行为。

Step2.Song time.

(1) Sing the song Goodbye together.

(2) Brain storm.

表示“再见”的常见说法:Bye.Bye-bye.See you.See you next time.See you later. (待会儿见。) 88和CU是网络用语.

(3) Ticking time.


T:Good job!Three stars means very good.Two stars means good.One star means not so good.Please stick the paster on your hand.How many stars have you got?

【分析】在这一个环节中, 通过演唱歌曲复习了“再见”的常用语句。然后学生在老师的引导下进行自我评价。

Step3.Fun time.

(1) Quick respond.

Rules:When you see the picture, say out the sentence———He’s/She’s…

(2) Chant.

He’s, he’s, he’s Liu Tao.

Friend, friend, he’s my friend.

She’s, she’s, she’s Yang Ling.

Friend, friend, she’s my friend.

(3) Point and say.There are many classmates in the screen.Students point and say———He’s/She’s…

(4) Talk about your friends.Students take out the drawings and discuss with partners.He’s…He’s my friend.She’s…She’s my friend, too.

(5) Ticking time.

T:Great!Three stars means very good.Two stars means good.One star means not so good.Please stick the paster on your hand.How many stars have you got?

【分析】在这一环节中, 通过快速反应、诗歌、指和说等教学活动复习了He’s…He’s my friend.She’s…She’s my friend.句型。其中, 学生拿着自己绘制的朋友图像来介绍朋友的环节最能激起学生的兴趣, 这种活动充分调动了他们的主动性和积极性。

Step4.Letter time.

(1) Match the letters.

T:Big letter and small letter are good friends.Please take out your letters, look for your friend, then you can shake hands and say the sentences:He’s/She’s…He’s/She’s my friend.

(学生进行4人小组活动, 头饰上写有一个大写或者小写字母, 迅速找到戴着对应的大写或小写字母头饰的同学, 两人握手, 宣布成功)

(2) 字母滚雪球:把学生分成若干组或男女两组。游戏开始, 第一位学生说一个字母 (如:B) , 第二位学生在后任意加上一个字母 (如:BE) , 然后依次进行 (如B…BE…BEX…BEXG…BEXGL…) , 说错了就被淘汰, 说得多而准确的小组为胜。

(3) Write the letters A-K from memory.

(4) Ticking time.

T:Ticking time again!Please evaluate yourselves and stick the paster on your hand.Show me your stars.

Step5.Show time.

(1) Try to recite.

Students recite the sentences.

Students read together.

(2) Keep in order.Students number the pictures and say the contents.

(3) Act it out.Students act the story out.

(4) Ticking time.

I can understand the cartoon and act it out.

T:Ticking time!Please stick the pasters on your hand.We have finished four tasks, right?Let’s count the number of your stars.If you have 8 stars or more, today you can get a“Super Kids Club”card.Congratulations!

Step6.A proverb.

A life without a friend is a life without a sun.人生没有朋友犹如人生没有太阳。

help each other互相帮助

learn from each other互相学习

【分析】在这一环节中, 通过排序、背诵和表演等教学活动, 让学生充分展示自己, 享受学习英语的乐趣;同时出示的谚语能让学生认识到朋友的重要性, 学会去包容理解和帮助朋友;最后学生通过ticking time来清点自己获得的五角星, 得到八颗星以上的学生都能换取“超级明星俱乐部”卡片一张。


1.Finish the content of Unit3 in the workbook.

2. Review Unit3 and prepare for the test.

【教学反思】通过自我评价, 引导学生了解自己对本单元所学主要内容的掌握情况, 体验进步与成功, 反思和调控自己的学习过程。通常每堂课都有教学目标, 但都写在教案里, 学生并不明确。本人觉得每堂课应该让学生明确自己的学习目标, 让其带着目标去学习, 对要掌握的内容会更加明确, 学完后评价有无实现目标, 以便及时调控自己的学习行为。

3.译林6bunit7教学反思 篇三

1. distinction (Line 2) n. 分类区别,不同之处,差别,荣誉



2. boundary n. -- the edge (Line5) 边界,分界线





3. historic: adj. -- having importance in or influence on history (Line 6)






4. choke (Line8) v. 窒息;堵塞;阻塞

choke off 中止,放弃;批评,责备,训斥



引申: chock back 忍住,抑制

choke down 硬咽,压制

chock up 哽咽,因激动而未做好;阻塞,充满,长满

During the rush hours the roads are usually _____ up with traffic.

A. chocked B. crowded C. blocked D. checked

5. link up (Line21): to form a connection, especially in order to work or operate together: 联系,连接






6. function as: serve as ( Line42)





7. honor (Line50) n. a quality that combines respect, pride and honesty:



in honor of sb./ sth. in order to celebrate or show great respect for someone or sth.为了纪念





My sister was against my suggestion while my brother was ______ it. (陕西)

A. in favor of B. in memory of C. in honour of D. in search of

A collection of some phrases beginning with “in”:

in honour of in need of in memory of

in search of in favor of in charge of

8. permit (Line57) v. -tt- [T] to allow sth.:

1). + ing/ n.





2). ~ sb. to do sth.






3). ~ of sth. 认可,容忍



I. 翻译短语

1. 城市的远郊 ____________________________________

2. 对……造成损失 ____________________________________

3. 古建筑 ____________________________________

4. 阻塞交通 ____________________________________;

5. 加快……的速度 ____________________________________

6. 对……负责 ____________________________________

7. 售票处 ____________________________________

8. 旅行卡 ____________________________________

II. Fill in the blanks with proper words according to the text.

1. Welcome to the London Underground, or as it is ________ known, The Tube. (common)

2. This problem with traffic led to the ________ of the underground system. (develop)

3. It has the ________ of being the oldest and most complex underground system in the world. (distinct)

4. However, most trains into London only went to the ________ (distance) boundary of the city because building railway tracks into the city would have caused damage to many ________ (history) buildings.

5.Passengers were transported in carriages without windows, which were pulled through ________ narrow tunnels by steam engines. (compare)

6. As more ________ ways of digging tunnels were developed, the first railway tunnel under the River Thames was dug in 1884. (advance)

7. Over the next twenty-five years, six ________ deep underground lines were made.(depend)

8. Travelling on these lines was ________, though, as each line was separately owned and many were very far from each other. (convenience)

9. After his ________ of the lines, each one was given a name and most of the names are still used today. (acquire)

10. Between 1918 and 1938, there was much ________ as new connections were built between train lines, and new stations were built. (expand)

11. The last line added was the Jubilee Line in 1977 in honour of the twenty-fifth ________ of Queen Elizabeth’s crowning. (annual)

12. The London underground system is working to transport millions of people ________ as it has done for many years. (effect)

III. Rewrite the following sentences with the phrases and expressions in this article

1. During the rush hours the increased number of vehicles often block Ganjiang Road.

During the rush hours the increased number of vehicles often ________ Ganjiang Road.

2. The last line added was the Jubilee Line in 1977 in honour of the twenty-fifth anniversary of Queen Elizabeth’s crowning.

The last line ________ added was the Jubilee Line in 1977 in order to ________ the twenty-fifth anniversary of Queen Elizabeth’s crowning.

3. Do you know who is in charge of the design for the Three Gorges Dam Project?

Do you know who is ________ the Three Gorges Dam Project?

4. This new sofa can also serve as a bed.

This new sofa can also ________ a bed.

5. The government held this conference to speed up the pace of educational reforms.

4.译林6bunit7教学反思 篇四

Unit 1

1) 突然大笑起来 burst out laughing; burst into laughter

2) 取笑,拿。。。。。。开玩笑 make fun of

3) 玩得高兴 have fun; enjoy oneself; have a good/wonderful time

4) 对。。。。。。做出反应;答复。。。。。。 in response to…

5) 对。。。。。。的反应 (one’s) response/reaction to…

6) 排队等。。。。。。 queue/line up for…

7) 至关重要 of vital importance; vitally important

8) 对。。。。。热情 be enthusiastic about…

9) 呈现新面貌 take on a new look

10) 承担额外工作 take on extra work

11) 推卸责任 shift the responsibility/blame for sth onto sb

12) 发生;进行 go on

13) 过着舒适安逸的生活 live/lead a cosy life

14) 引起公众对。。。。。。的注意 raise public awareness of…

15) 出洋相 make a fool of oneself

16) 筹集资金 raise/collect money

17) 减肥 lose weight

18) 绊倒 trip over

19) 在电视上直播 be broadcast live on TV; a live broadcast of…on TV

20) 刷牙 brush one’s teeth

21) 打开(电器等) turn on/switch on

22) 虚构,捏造;组成,构成,占;弥补,补偿 make up

23) 受。。。。。。喜爱 be popular with…/popularity with…

24) 效仿 follow in the footsteps of…

25) 对。。。。。。有影响 have an effect/influence on…;

26) 战胜疼痛 fight pain

27) 查生词 look up a new word

28) 被分成。。。。。。 be divided into…

29) 为。。。。。。腾出地方 make room for…

30) 做。。。。。。是某人的责任 it’s one’s responsibility/duty to do…

31) 与。。。。。。相撞 bump/ knock/ run/ crash into…

32) 把。。。。。。一撕为二 tear sth in two; tear sth into halves

33) fool sb. into/out of doing… 哄骗某人干/不干某事

34) sb. be torn between…and… 左右为难

35) tear oneself away from… 依依不舍地离开;把。。。。。。拿走

36) in an emergency 在紧急情况下 40)raise sb to sb’s feet 将某人扶起

37) howl with laughter 狂笑 41)be supposed to …被期望;应该

38) in charge 负责;掌管 42)do fine 干得不错

39) take sb. on 雇佣某人

Unit 2

1) 在。。。。。。方面取得成功 achieve success in…

2) 实现目标 meet/reach/achieve/accomplish one’s goal

3) 以防(万一);如果 in case

4) 把。。。。。。描述成。。。。。。 describe…as…

5) 投身于,献身于 devote/dedicate one’s life/oneself to…

6) 使某人失去。。。。。。 cost sb sth

7) (使某人)振作起来,高兴起来 cheer (sb) up

8) 情绪高涨,兴高采烈 in high/good spirits

9) 以。。。。。。而自豪 be proud of…/take pride in

10) 适应。。。。。。 adjust/adapt (oneself) to…

11) 一系列 a series of…

12) 特别注意。。。。。。 pay special attention to…

13) 只要。。。。。。 so/as long as; if only

14) 充满 be full of; be filled with

15) 对。。。。。。满意 be content/pleased/satisfied with

16) 对。。。。。厌倦 be tired of/be bored with/be fed up with

17) 提高成绩 improve one’s grades

18) 放弃做。。。。。。 quit doing sth; give up doing

19) 回顾 look back on

20) 在阳光下 in the sun/sunshine

21) 保证所有人的健康和快乐guarantee good health and happiness for all

22) 做兼职 do/work part-time jobs

23) 简化生活 simplify one’s life

24) 花最多的时间做。。。。。spend the maximum amount of time doing…

25) 享受生活 enjoy one’s life

26) 为自由而奋斗 struggle/fight for freedom

27) 克服困难 overcome one’s difficulties; smooth away one’s difficulties

28) 令某人失望的是。。。。。。to one’s disappointment

29) 对。。。。。。乐观 be optimistic about…

30) 对。。。。。。表示同情 express/feel/have sympathy for…

31) 安排某人做。。。。。。arrange for sb to do…

32) 生动描述。。。。。。 give a vivid description/account of…

33) 与。。。。。。交流 communicate with sb

34) 做。。。。。。的动机 the motivation to do…

Unit 3

1) 上网 go online; log on

2) 收集信息 accumulate/gather/collect information

3) 一直,始终 all the time

4) 每当涉及到/提到。。。。。。时whenever it comes to…

5) 参与 participate in; take part in; join in

6)习惯于。。。。。。 be used to (doing)sth; be accustomed to (doing) sth

7) 满足几个目的 serve several purposes

8) 燃放爆竹 set off firecrackers

9) 与。。。。。。有联系/有关be connected with/to…; be linked/related to…

10) 在某人年轻时 in one’s youth

11) 尽可能。。。。。。 as…as possible; as…as sb can

12) 领某人参观。。。。。。take sb around; show sb around

13) 相关的人 the people concerned

14) 分发 give out; hand out

15) 与某人握手 shake hands with sb.

16) 与某人联系/接触 in contact/touch with sb

17) 使某人能够做。。。。。。enable sb to do…

18) 与众不同的 with a difference

19) 乐器 musical instruments

20) 是。。。。。。的家园 home to…

21) 属于 belong to…

22) 信仰;信赖 believe in

23) 养成。。。。。。的习惯 form/be in the habit of…; get/fall into the habit of…;

24) 改掉坏习惯 kick/quit/get out of/get rid of the bad habit(s)

25) 一般来说,。。。。。。 generally (speaking); in general

26) log off 关机;下线

27) go through the proper procedure 履行正确的程序

28) hold up 延迟,阻碍;搀扶,支撑;举起,抬起

29) hunt for 追猎;搜寻,寻找

30) make a(no/some)difference有(没有/有一些)关系/影响/区别

31) native speakers of English 英语是其母语的人

32) meet with 偶然遇见/碰见;开会

33) settle down 定居,过安定的生活;安下心来,平静下来

34) adjust (oneself) to…调整,调节;适应

35) settle differences 消除分歧

36) as far as I’m concerned,… 就我而言

37) take sth into account 考虑。。。。。。

38) account for…解释,说明;了解,查明;占(比例)39)in plain clothes穿着便服

Unit 4

1) 生活在贫困中 live in poverty

2) 由。。。。。。组成 be made up of; consist of

3) 解决问题 settle/solve a problem

4) 在。。。。。。方面进行合作 co-operate in…

5) 提升人们对。。。。。。的意识 increase/raise people’s awareness of…

6) 吸引某人对。。。。。。的注意力draw/attract one’s attention to…

7) 一笔钱 a sum of money

8) 缺乏。。。。。。 (a )lack/shortage of…; lack…

9) 让某人可得到。。。。。。 …be available/accessible to sb

10) 使某人意识到。。。。。。 make sb aware of…

11) 帮助需要帮助的人 help people in need

12) 被强迫做。。。。。。 be forced to do…

13) 给。。。。。。捐钱 donate money to…

14) 改善生活条件 improve living conditions

15) 出故障;抛锚; sth break down

16) 患(某种疾病) suffer from…

17) 提出(方案、建议等) put forward; come up with

18) 体重增加 put on weight; gain weight

19) 开展活动 conduct a campaign

20) 使某人想起。。。。。。 remind sb of sth

21) 做自愿者工作 do voluntary work

22) 从。。。。。。中吸取教训 draw lessons from…

23) 代表。。。。。。 on behalf of…

24) 生活舒适 live in comfort; live a comfortable life

25) volunteer for sth/volunteer to do sth自愿做。。。。。。

26) make an urgent request for sth 紧急要求得到。。。。。。

27) if only 只要;但愿,要是。。。。。。就好了

28) by means of/by no means/by all means凭借/决不/当然可以

29) on purpose 故意地 36) at the expense of… 以。。。。。。为代价

30) flood-stricken areas 洪泛区 37) refer to谈及;涉及;指;参考;查阅

31) bring sb. closer together 使。。。更团结 38) apart from…除了……(还有)

32) bring people’s attention to… 使人们注意。。。 39) in chaos/in a mess处于混乱状态

33) bring up children 教育/抚养孩子 40) promote respect for…增进对。。。的尊重

34) fresh water 淡水 41) look out for…留神;提防

5.译林6bunit7教学反思 篇五

To give a brief introduction to attributive clause

To teach students the functions of relative pronouns and relative adverbs in attributive clauses

To develop students’ cognition in grammar, especially the basic elements of sentences

Teaching Important & Difficult Points:

The basic usage of the relative pronouns and learn to use them in different situations

How to apply relative clauses to situational use

Teaching Methods:

Introduction, task-based in-class activities; explanations of some rules of the attributive clause

Teaching Aids: a multimedia classroom

Teaching Procedures:


1. Check students’ homework in writing on page 93. Ask some students to read their note of Part B on page 93.

2. Choose some words and expressions in Period 3 and dictate them before grammar is staged.

Step Ⅱ Lead-in

1. Ask Ss to recall what can be used to modify a noun in English and write down the following phrases on the blackboard.

a happy moment

blue sky

a girl student

bus station

a monkey in the tree

the article about your experience in the UK

T: A noun, an adjective or the prepositional phrases can be used to modify a noun.

2. Summarize the rules of the order in the examples above.

We put adjectives or nouns before nouns to modify them while we put prepositional phrases after nouns to modify them.

More examples(P8):

Adjective: the green team

Prepositional phrase: the team in green

Attributive clause: the team who are wearing green

T: The last sentence is an attributive clause. That means a sentence is used to modify a noun in the same way that an adjective or prepositional phrase does. The nouns they modify are called antecedents.

Step Ⅲ Introduction to attributive clause

Give some examples of AC on the screen and ask Ss to fill in the form below.

1. The girl who/that is standing next to our teacher is her daughter.

2. The girl whom/who /that my mother is talking to is my classmate.

3. The girl whose name is Rose sits next to me.

4. I can’t find the book which/that is borrowed from you.

5. I can’t find the book which/that you lent to me.

6. I can’t find the book whose cover/the cover of which is red.

Example Antecedent Attributive clause Function of the relative pronoun

1 the girl who/that is standing next to our teacher subject

2 the girl whom/who /that my mother is talking to object

3 the girl whose name is Rose possessive

4 the book which/that is borrowed from you subject

5 the book which/that you lent to me object

6 the book whose cover/the cover of which is red possessive

T: The nouns or the antecedent usually refers to a person /people or a thing/things, for example a story, a cake, books and so on. We use which/that as a relative pronoun to refer to things, while we use who/whom/that as a relative pronoun to refer to people. Which/that is used as the subject or object in the AC. Who/that is used as the subject and whom/who/that is used as the object in the AC. And they will know when which, that, whom, who can be left out if it refers to an object in the AC.

Step Ⅳ Identifying the attributive clause

1. Let students to read the guidelines in Point 2 on page 8.

2. Ask students to read the example sentences in Point 2 and let them say what function of the bold part in each sentence is. Then ask them to point out the attributive clause in sentence and put the whole sentence into Chinese, so they can compare the different ways in which the attributive clause is expressed in English and in Chinese.

Step ⅤPractice

1. To test how well they understand AC, the teacher is to give them a timely self check ---- tick the sentences with AC in C1 on P88. Puzzles like 3, 8 may be ignored for the time being, left to be thought over after class and solved in the next period.

2. Ask students to identify the attributive clauses in the article on P9. Show their findings on a screen, and ask them to mark “antecedents”, “relatives” and translate the sentences into Chinese. Explain some key words and expressions such as “upon”, “develop an interest in”, “donate”, “display”, “make a speech” etc. What’s more, students are asked to classify these marked relatives into “relative pronouns” and “relative adverbs”. As for relative pronouns, they are also required to tell the functions they play in each attributive clause.

1) David was one of the most important helpful students that we ever had. ( object )

2) In , he went to Oxford where he got interested in Chinese culture.

3) Some of the cities in China which he likes most are Beijing, Shanghai, Harbin and Nanjing. ( object )

4) Most of the students that he taught have become his friends. ( object )

5) Some of the books were gifts that he got from his Chinese friends and students. ( object )

6) The paintings that David donated to the school are being displayed in the assembly hall. ( object )

3. Learn the new words from page 9 to page 11.

Ask students to turn to page 68 and study the new words (former-please).

Step Ⅵ Homework

Ask students to read the article on page 9 again and again

Ask students to finish C1 on page 88. Get them to point out the antecedent, the relative pronoun or relative adverb in the sentence with an attributive clause.

Period 6§Grammar and usage (2-2) Introduction to attributive clauses§

Teaching Aims:

To consolidate what’s learned the day before

To focus Ss’ attention on the usage of relative pronouns

To teach Ss in which situation who, whom, which or that can be left out.

Teaching Important & Difficult Points:

How to choose the right relative and use it properly

Teaching Methods:

Introduction, task-based in-class activities; explanations of some rules of the attributive clause

Teaching Aids: a multimedia classroom

Teaching Procedures:


1. Check the homework with the students. Make sure that students know what an attributive clause is and the function of each relative word.

2. Have a dictation to go over the words we learnt last period.

Step Ⅱ Presentation

Question: What does a noun usually refer to?

(Students should know a person/people or a thing/things. For example, story, cake, and book are things, while friend, teacher and monitor are persons.)

Step Ⅲ Using relative pronouns

1. Ask students to read Point 1 on page 10 and point out the antecedent and the attributive clause in each sentence. Then ask: What does that/which function in each clause?

Ask students to read the tip box, so the student will know the difference between that and which.

2. Ask students to read Point 2 and point out the antecedent and the attributive clause in each sentence. Then ask: What does who function in each clause?

Ask students to read the tip box, so the students will know that can also be used to refer to a person/people.

3. Ask students to read Point 3 and Point 4, and point out the antecedent in each sentence.

4. Ask students to read the following sentences:

Bb: She has a bother. I can’t remember his name.

Question: What does his refer to? (His refers to a brother’s.)

Bb: She has a brother whose name I can’t remember.

Questions: Which part is the antecedent here? (a brother)

What is it used as in the attributive clause? (attribute)

Ask students to read Point 5 and point out the antecedent in each sentence. Then ask: What does the relative pronoun whose refer to in the two sentences.

5. Show the following table on the screen and ask students to fill in.

Antecedent Subject Object Attribute Note

For persons who/that whom/who/that whose A relative pronoun can be omitted when it is used as the object in an attributive clause.

For things which/that which/that whose/of which

Step ⅣSupplementation

注意that which在代物时常常可以通用,但有时只宜于用that ,不用which.

(1) 当先行词为不定代词all, much, little, only, just, every, last, one of, no, little, few, any, something, everything, anything,nothing, none, the one......及the very, the last, the next, the only或被不定代词修饰时

e.g.: Is there anything (that) I can do for you? You should hand in all that you have.

All that can be done has been done. In this factory I saw little / much that was different from ours.

The only thing that I want to do is to have a rest. This is the very book that I’m looking for.

We heard clearly every word that he said. She is the only person that understands me.


e.g.: He was the first person that passed the exam. This is the most interesting film that I have ever seen.

The first thing that should be done is to get the tickets. Is that the best that you can do?

That’s the most expensive hotel that we’ve ever stayed in.

This novel is the second best one that I have ever read.

When people talk about Hang Zhou, the first that comes to mind is the West Lake.


e.g.: Do you know the things and persons that they are talking about?

The film star and her film that you have just talked about is really well-known.

She described in her compositions the people and places that impressed her most.

The guests spoke highly of the children and their performances that they saw at the Children’s Palace.


e.g.: Which is the bike that you lost? Which is the car that killed the boy?

Who is the boy that won the gold medal? Who is the man that is reading the newspaper over there?


e.g.: Shanghai is no longer the city that it used to be. He is not the person that he used to be.

c.f.: Shanghai is no longer what it used to be.

(6)如果两个从句,其中一个关系代词用which, 另一个用that以避免重复。

e.g.: He built up a factory which produced things that had never been seen before.

Step ⅤPractice

1. Complete a conversation with “who, whom, which, that or whose” on P11. There might be more than one answer for some blanks.

2. Learn and consolidate by correcting errors in sentences.

1) My brother who is in the army he came to see us. 去掉he

2) A small amount of money was all which was taken in the robbery. which改为that

3) The path was made by walkers who crosses mountains each summer. crosses改成cross

4) The difficulties of living near a volcano are well understood by the people farm the land there.


5) The danger of driving is something which worries me each time I travel. which改为that

6) The park which I usually go running is across from the road. which改为where

7) I bought the present that I gave him it for Christmas in Japan. 去掉it

8) It’s one of the most interesting books which I have ever read this year. which改为that

Step Ⅵ Consolidation

Students are encouraged to conclude the usage of relative pronouns. Afterwards, the teacher gives a brief conclusion as follows.

She is the teacher who taught us English Literature.

I am going to see a friend who has just come back from the UK.

In attributive clauses, we use who to refer to people. that is less usual.

I sat next to a girl whose name is Diane.

The club whose members are music fans meet in the school garden every Saturday afternoon.

We use whose to mean possession. It usually relates to a person, but it can also relate to things.

I don’t know the name of the teacher who / whom I saw in the computer room the other day.

The student who / whom we saw at the school gate is from America.

When ‘who’ functions as the object, it can be replaced by whom. In this case, whom is more formal than who.

The girl (that/who/whom) you have just seen is very good at English.

I’ll tell you something (that) I have heard.

We can leave out who, whom, which and that when they are the objects.

All my classmates enjoyed the cake that / which I made.

The book that / which I borrowed from the library is very interesting.

In attributive clauses, that and which are used to refer to things. that is more usual but less formal.

Step Ⅶ Homework

◆ Ask students to make five sentences, each with an attributive clause.

◆ Do Part C2 on page 88 and do the first five exercises in their exercise-books.

6.译林6bunit7教学反思 篇六



1. 在新单元知识点的讲授中,教师的教学重点一般都放在对新单词、新语言点的讲解上,没有对这些新单词与语言所涉及到的文化内涵进行拓展延伸,学生只能通过死记硬背的方式来加深记忆,会导致出现记忆混乱的问题。

2. 在语篇知识点的讲解中,教师仅将文化视作语言的堆砌材料。在学生集中进行语篇朗读后,对全文进行分解,仅深入分析所涉及到的各个知识点,却造成了段落与语句之间所存在东西方思维差异的分析未在教学活动中加以落实的问题。

3. 当前高中英语教学的焦点完全集中在对单元内容的授课上,只关注重复性的练习,较少涉及到与教材内容所对应的背景知识以及文化内容,没有将教学内容与英美国家地区的政治文化、经济基础、风土人情等文化内涵结合起来。

4. 教学人员自身在英语文化素养水平方面还存在一定局限性。在讲授相关文化知识与背景时,常会因为害怕讲错或其他内容准备过多,而刻意忽略这方面的知识,导致文化内容的教学流于形式,教学效果不尽如人意。



1. 在当前牛津译林版高中英语教材中,含有大量与文化背景相关的语言材料。但这些材料在分布方面却存在不均匀性的特点,因此教师必须深入挖掘这些具有文化特点的语言材料,并进行精心划分,以因材施教,采取最佳的教学方式。如,在有关国家表达方式单元的教学中,针对荷兰的表达词组很多都具有贬义性的色彩,如Dutch Act(自杀)、Talk Dutch(讲让人无法理解的话)等。为了方便学生理解这些词汇,教师可以在课堂导入的环节中引导学生了解荷兰与英国在争夺海上霸权时的各种战争与历史,通过观看视频等影像资料的方式,让学生对这些词汇形成的历史背景进行了解,从而加深印象。

2. 教师可以每学期安排2~3次的文化学习讲座,以专题讲座的方式向学生集中讲解有关英美国家的文化知识以及社会背景,特别是教材中所涉及到的一些谚语、典故、惯用语等。突出这些词汇、词组在联想意义上与我国传统文化之间存在的差异,让学生通过讲座,集中获取大量的文化知识,达到理想的文化渗透效果。

3. 在涉及到英美国家各种典故以及习语的学习时,由于这些词汇本身就蕴含有大量且丰富的文化内容,因此可将其作为文化渗透教学的重点与难点进行讲解。例如,在牛津译林版教材中所涉及到的Wateroo(滑铁卢)、Pandora’s Box(潘多拉的盒子)、Archille’s hell(阿克勒斯的脚踵),单独看这些词语,学生往往难以理解其意义。这时,教师就可以利用课堂上5~10 分钟的时间,为学生讲故事或播放电影片段,让学生了解这些词组的出处、形成的背景以及当代意义,从而加深学生的印象。除此以外,教师也可以选择其中一些具有代表性的典故,提前给学生布置任务,如利用各种工具查找相应典故的产生背景、来源等,并准备一个短小的报告,利用课前的时间抽取学生在全班进行交流。在这一过程中,不仅能够丰富学生对英美文化的了解与认知,还能够达到活跃教学氛围的效果。


7.译林版五年级英语上册教学计划 篇七
























8.译林6bunit7教学反思 篇八

Part One: Important Words and Phrases

1. be (well ) worth sth / doing (只用主动); be worthy of sth / being done;

be worthy to be done

2. get along / on (well) with sb: 与sb 相处(好)

get along/on with sth: 在….进展

How are getting along with your English study?

3. betray sb, feel betrayed by sb; betray secret to sb

4. feel like doing sth I was so upset that I felt like crying.

feel like+ 从句 I didn’t feel like I was overlooking my studies.

5. overlook a fact; overlook the city from air

6. admit doing sth / 从句:承认I admitted how badly I had done.

He admitted having broken the window

admit sb into/to sp: 允许…进入… be admitted into a college:被一所大学录取

7. keep one’s word / promise / secret ; make a promise

8. stare at sb:盯着 glance at sb: 盯一眼 glare at sb: 怒视…

9. forgive sb for …. be forgiven for…

10. I have a dilemma. I am in a dilemma.

11. focus one’s mind/attention on…

12. as a result = so as a result of…= because of…

13. be mean with money; be mean to sb, say mean things to hurt me

14. be guilty of murder: 有罪的 be guilty about telling a lie: 内疚的

15. be cruel to sb

16. bitter taste, bitter memory, bitter enemy

17. apologize (to sb) for … make an apology (to sb) for….

18. have the/no right to do sth

19. embarrass sb, be embarrassed about…

20. be to blame (for…): 应该对…负责

注: 无被动语态 You are to blame for the accident.

比较: blame sb for sth, be blamed for sth

The boy was blamed for breaking the window.

21. avoid/escape/miss doing sth

He is lucky to avoid being hurt. 注: 常用被动形式

22. be gifted at football

23. ruin our friendship

24. delay the sports meet, delay doing sth; without delay

25. persuade sb to do sth / into doing sth 注: 强调 “ 说服了”这种结果.

比较: advise sb to do sth, try to persuade sb to do sth

26. take care (of…), look out / watch out (for…)

27. in everyday/daily life

28. stay up (late) at night

29. discourage sb from doing sth, encourage sb to do sth

30. for sure/certain:肯定 One thing is for sure-It is easy.

No one knows for sure what happened

31. Moving to a new town or area can be a trying time.

32. be anxious about her safety., be anxious to study abroad

33. suffer heavy loss / hunger and cold / pain, suffer from a headache

34. for free = free of charge

35. get through ( to sb): I tried calling you, but I couldn’t get through.

get through the exam: 通过考试 get through with the task= finish/complete sth

36. hesitate to do sth, without hesitation

37. be consistent with…与…一致

The results are totally consistent with our earlier research.

be consistent in…:在 … 一致

She is not consistent in the way she treats her children.

38. respond to…, in response to

Part Two: Sentence Patterns

1. Other children say we are no fun, but we like it that way.

It is great fun. 注: fun为不可数名词

2. I must have sounded proud of myself, saying loudly how easy the test was.

Hannah must have deliberately told everyone about my mark.

注: 情态动词+ have done: 可表示对过去或已发生的事的猜测

3. I was determined to be cheerful.

I was determined to win. “坚定/决地要做某事”

比较: I determined to go there on my own (= I decided to go….)

4. I don’t think I can ever forgive her. 注: 否定前移

I don’t think your plan will work.

5. Football is very important to me, but so is our friendship.

注:so表示 “也…”要倒装; 表示 “的确如此”不倒装

– You made a mistake. – So I did.

6. I can’t stand seeing our team lose. ( 不能忍受做某事)

7. I can’t help wondering if he wants Peter to be his best friend instead of me.


比较: I am busy with my work, so I can’t help clean the house. (不能帮助做…)

8. He seemed absent-minded and as a result of his careless playing, we lost the game.

(= because of…)

9. You have every right to feel betrayed by your friend if she did tell (的确告诉过)your secret to others, but it seemed unlikely that she did.( It is unlikely that从句= sb/sth is unlikely to do sth)

10. Did you feel jealous of your friend’s mark? If so, the problem lies with you, not her.

注: 是 “if it is so”的省略形式; 又如: “ if not, if possible/necessary”

11. I have no doubt(=don’t doubt) he will succeed.

注: “ I don’t doubt +陈述性的从句”; “I doubt+疑问性的从句”

比较: I doubt whether he can succeed.

There’s no doubt + (that )从句, There is no doubt about sth

12. Maybe one day he will make it to the Olympics. (成功做到/及时赶到)

13. Speaking of friends(“说到/起朋友”, 现在分词短语作状语),

I’ve met some nice people here in London and I think we might become close friends.

14. I decide to write rather than email you. (而不是,常接动词原形)

prefer to do sth rather than do sth

15. We have been friends ever since. (= since then, 与现在完成时连用)

16. They are still sitting on the sofa, absorbed in conversation. (“沉浸/专注于…中”, 分词短语表伴随)

17. What in the world do they have to talk about? (= on earth “到底/究竟”)

18. Boys and girls have / hold different attitudes towards friendship.

19. It has also been shown that many boys can’t name a single best friend.

20. When asked, they usually hesitate before responding.

注: when (they are) asked的省略, 当从句主语与主句主语一致时,从句中的 “主语+ be” 可省略 Unless invited, I won’t go to the party.

When spoken to, he kept silent.

21. Friendship between girls are based on / upon (以…为基础)

shared feelings and support.

22. When a boy is said to have( sb/sth + be said to do ) a best friend, it’s likely that they two share little about their feelings with one another.

23. Boys share activities, while girls share feelings. (表对比, “然而”)

While (尽管)cloning human is illegal in some countries, some scientists are pushing ahead with research.

24. Regardless of (无论/不管)what friendship are based upon, the important is both of them are friendship.

★ 人教版英语7年级下第六单元复习教案 (人教版英语七年级)

★ 人物描写一组教学设计

★ 七年级语文下第三单元 建筑艺术3

★ 人物描写一组教学设计一等奖

★ 单元教学设计

★ 大单元教学设计

★ 二年数学下第二单元-与复习设计

★ 理想(七年级选修) 教案教学设计

★ 春(七年级必修) 教案教学设计

9.译林6bunit7教学反思 篇九


笔者在使用这边教材时, 总体而言教材的设计满足学生个性化发展需求, 符合新课程教学理念, 注重了学生的多元化发展, 但是在使用过程中还是有如下几点觉得不够完美的地方:

1.教材的输入性材料过多, 与之相比, 我们当前的高中英语所安排的课时就比较紧张了, 笔者在教学中时常可以看到, 英语教师为了讲授教材和追赶教学不得不压缩学生互动、交流、探究的实践, 导致学生的自主性、探究性学习不能完全放开。

2.配套给教师的教师参考用书中列举的教辅、材料满足教师实际的备课需要, 当然也可以理解为给教师的自主备课留下了想象空间, 不过笔者认为备课资源不足有待进一步完善。

3.教学不可偏离了高考的轨道, 教材的许多练习无法满足应试的要求, 虽说教学不是通向大学的手段, 但是练习设置与高考脱节, 势必导致教师重新去补充例题和习题, 导致学生课业负担的加重。

4.教材的词汇量太大, 这给学生的课前自主预习加大了难度。

5.纵观整套教材, 教材对语法的安排逻辑性不强, 忽视了语法的体系构建。

6.教材中出现的课文都是较为流行的文章, 与传统的教材相比, 缺少了经典的、语言优美的文学名著阅读, 看似体现时代感的同时不利于学生语感和语言素养的提升。


1.研究《新课程标准》, 以此为准绳

《新课程标准》是伴随着新课程改革而生的, 它对我们的教学提出了具体的要求, 而且对于如何实现课程目标提供了教学建议, 并附有七个附录, 分别从发音、语法到课堂教学均给出了全面的建议, 我们的教学必须以此为准绳, 教学前必须认真研读, 并指导我们的英语教与学。

《新课程标准》给我们处理教材的建议是:“教师应该根据学生的学情, 教学条件等实际情况对教材的内容做适当的补充、删减, 结合教学实际的需要, 从优化教学的角度可以适当地调整教学内容的顺序、教学方法和教学途径”。为此, 笔者认为, 我们在使用教材时, 要反思几个问题, 借此提高学生英语学习的效率。


问题2:“本一单元有哪些有趣的内容, 能够充分调动学生的学习情感?”


问题4:“这个内容我要不要改一改, 怎么改, 才很方便学习?”


语法教学让一部分感到“traditional”、“out of date”, 中国的学生英语学习语法重要么?由于高考对语法考查的淡化, 导致我们有些教师和学生都认为语法教学可有可无, 其实这是错误的, 语法是学好英语不可或缺的一块内容。

从《牛津高中英语》的教材来看, 语法教学是不成体系, 在教材的各个单元中语法知识零散地存在着, 因此语法教学需要我们教师有一定的整合能力, 在对整套教材语法的呈现结构有一定了解后, 可以采用滚动式学习的方式引导学生自主归纳和总结, 提高语法学习的系统性和有效性, 即在语言阶段性学习后, 我们教师停下来和学生一起简单地回顾前一阶段学习到的语法点, 引导并帮助学生完成语法点的总结与整理, 在学习的过程中形成定期总结语法知识的习惯。


词汇是构成语言大厦的基石, 词汇量的提升是语言素养提升的基础, 面对当前教材语篇中生词量过大的问题, 我们如何科学地学习词汇呢?

我们在教学中要借助于多元化的教学手段来帮助学生学习词汇, 教学注重图片、实物、幻灯片等辅助教学方式的应用, 给学生提供更为丰富的感性认识, 借此来提高词汇教学的效果。注重在语境中学习词汇, 而不是孤立的死记硬背, 鼓励学生在Project或者其他任务中使用新学的生词, 提高词汇有意义的结连。

例如, 教材模块五第二单元, 这一单元的出现的词汇与“环境”相关, 在Project中, 学生通过阅读相关含有很多环境方面词汇的材料来找有用的信息。在写报告时, 他们理所当然地会充分利用这些词汇, 并且在呈现报告时他们也练习了说这些词汇。通过Project和其他课内的任务和活动学生的词汇学习能得到很好的巩固。

此外, 从遗忘规律出发, 引导学生及时地对已学单词进行阶段性复习, 提高记忆的效果。


每个单元后都设有评价 (self-assessment) 部分, 不过笔者在使用教材时发现, 这一部分的可操作性不强, 对教学缺乏科学性的指导, 因此而被相当一部分教师所忽视, 其实这是评价学生学习成果和过程并将信息反馈给教师的过程, 我们要重视, 更要注意科学性, 借此保护学生英语学习的积极性。

摘要:凡事都具有两面性, 译林版《牛津高中英语》用了近9年了, 总体说来是一套很不错的教材, 不过发现其不足才能更好地用好教材。本文首先分析其不足之处, 接着从笔者的实践出发谈几点教学建议。



[1]程晓堂.英语教材分析与设计[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 2003

[2]王艳娥, 陈海蛟.英语教材评估标准述评[J].齐齐哈尔大学学报 (哲学社会科学版) , 2003, (5)

10.译林6bunit7教学反思 篇十

Teaching aims:

Improve the students’ ability of practice.

Important points & difficult points:

Read the two passages about drama.


Step 1 lead-in

Have you ever seen dramas either on TV or in a theatre?

Do you enjoy seeing dramas?

Have you imagined acting in dramas?

Step 2 the first drama “The invisible bench”

Read the first drama and answer the following questions:

Is there a bench in the courtyard?

What does the word “invisible” mean?

Is this a comedy? Why or why not?

What do you think the playwright wants to tell us?

Step 3 the second drama “The important paper”

Go through the second drama, and answer the following questions:

How many characters are there in the play?

Who do you think is the main character/ hero in the play?

What does the King actually want?

Why are the others unable to understand him?

In what style of stand-up comedy is this play?

How does the playwright make the play funny?

Step 4 language focus

Useful expressions:

as if / crossing and uncrossing legs / mind / wander over / must have done / Your Majesty

a stack of / glare at

Step 5 exercises: fill in the blanks

1. We are sitting on an _______ bench. 2._____ if I sit down?

3. Mike stands up and __________ to the middle of the stage.

4. I _____________(forget) to tell you.

5. The ________ group fell down to the ground.

6. The King raises one eyebrow and looks _________ at the servant.

7. Servant enters ___________official-looking papers.

8. The servant bows and _________.

9. _________ to bring them to the King.

10. Queen tears a page from her book and _____ it _____ the King.

Step 6 homework:


1. Do Part D1 and D2 on page 103 in workbook.

11.译林6bunit7教学反思 篇十一




Down fell the rain.



Never have I heard such a thing.




What an interesting talk they had!

The more you listen to English, the easier it becomes.


1. There be 句型(be可换成 live, stand, lie, come, exist, seem, appear 等).

There are so many cars coming and going on the road.

There still exist some problems.

句型 There is no need to do…

There is no doubt that…

There is no knowing telling …

2. 在here, there, now, then, thus引导的句子里, 要全部倒装

Here comes your head teacher.

Here he comes.主语是人称代词不用倒装

3.当in, out, down, up, over, away, off, back等副词作状语置于句首时,谓语常用动词有come, go, rush, be, lie, run,等不及物动词。

Up flew the bird.

Out rushed the students.


Under the tree __ sits a beautiful girl, reading. ___

South of the city ___ lies a paper-making plant. ____

Eventually they arrived at a cave, in front of which __ stood a tree. __



Among the goods are Christmas trees, flowers, candles and toys.


Present at the meeting were Professor White and many other guests.


Seated on the ground are a group of young people.


Lying on the floor was a boy.

Standing beside the desk was a teacher.

Growing along the road are some wild flowers.

6. Such 置于句首时,such和be连用作表语,也常用倒装语序,如:

Such are the facts.

Such a great scientist is Yuan Longping.

此句型中的such 多被认为是表语,所以such后的be动词应与其后的“真正的主语”保持一致。如:

Such are the facts; no one can deny them.


把be/助动词/情态动词 提前到主语的前面

Is am are was were

do does did

can could would may will might 等

1.only所修饰的副词、介词短语或状语从句放在句首时, 要进行部分倒装,如:

Only then did I realize the importance of learning English.

Only in this way can you hope to improve the situation there.

Only after he came back was I able to see him.


Only socialism can save China.



(F) Only after the war learned he the sad news.

(T) Only after the war did he learn the sad news.

(2) only修饰状语从句时,从句不可倒装。如:

(F) Only when did he return did we find our the truth.

(T) Only when he returned did we find our the truth.

(3)Only 修饰主语时,句子不可倒装。如:

(F) Only can he answer the question.

(T) Only he can answer the question.

2. 否定副词 never ,nor, not, seldom, hardly, little, scarcely, rarely nowhere及表否定意义的介词短语 by no means, at no time, under/in no circumstances, in no case, on no condition等置于句首时 。


I have never seen such a beautiful place.

Never have I seen such a beautiful place.

Not a single mistake did he make= He didn’t make a single mistake

Hardly do I think it possible to finish the job before dark

=I hardly think it possible to finish the job before dark.


(1)… so+be/助动词/情态动词+主语 “……也是如此”

They love having lots of friends; so do I


A. 此句型也可写成“it is the same with….”, 或“so it is with….”.如:

They love having lots of friends; it is the same with those with disabilities/so it is with those with disabilities.

B.如果句意不是 “……也是如此 ”,而仅是对前面内容的肯定或附和(此时的so=indeed),那么,句子不可使用倒装。试比较:

a. I was afraid (句中的I指的是a)

b. So was I(I 指的是b, 此句意为:I was afraid, too)

a. I was afraid (I指的是a)

b. So you were (you 指的也是a。此句意为: Indeed you were afraid.)

(2) …neither (或nor)+ be/助动词/情态动词+主语,“…….也不这样”

Lily can’t ride a bicycle; neither (或nor)can Lucy.


A.此句型也可写成“it is the same with…”,或“so it is with…”

Lily can’t ride; it is the same with Lucy/ so it is with Lucy.

B.此句型中的neither (或nor)不可用so….not 替代,但可用not…either改写。如:

(F) I have never been abroad. So hasn’t he

(T) I have never been abroad. Neither/ Nor has he.

(T) I have never been abroad. He has never/not been abroad, either.


So +adj./adv. ….that….“ 如此…..以至于…..”。

So clearly does he speak English that he can always make himself understood.


在这个句型中,so 后面的句子要倒装,而that引导的句子不倒装。

(4)Neither…., nor….. “…..不…., …..也不…..”。

Neither do I know it, nor do I care about it.

由于neither 和nor 都是否定词,所以它们后面分句均需倒装。


前句是肯定句用SO 某人/某事也是

前句是否定句用neither ,nor 某人/某事也不是


(5)Not only…., but also “不仅…..而且….”。

Not only will help be given to people to find jobs, but also medical treatment will be provided for people who need it .

此句型也可写成Not only…but ….或Not only….but….as well的形式,但but (also)引导的句子必须用正常语序。

(6)Not until…. “直到…..才……”。

Not until he returned did we have supper.


A.这句话可以改写成:We didn’t have supper until he returned. 再如:

Not until 4:00 in the morning can he fall asleep.

=He can’t fall asleep until 4:00 in the morning.

B.如果not until 引导的是句子,until从句的主谓不可倒装,只是主句需要倒装。

4、If 虚拟条件从句中. if省略时,had/ were/should等要与主语倒装。从句有(were/should/had)

(1)If I were you, I would work hard.

Were I you, I would work hard.

(2) If it should rain tomorrow, we would put off our meeting.

Should it rain tomorrow, we would put off our meeting.

(3)If he had followed my advice, he would have succeeded.

Had he followed my advice, he would have succeeded.

If it were not for his teacher’s help, he would never graduate from this high school.

Were it not for his teacher’s help, he would never graduate from this high school.

注意:我们可以说Were it not...或者Had it not been..., 但不可以说Weren’ t it... 或者hadn’t it been...

5.在 hardly/scarcely/…when; no sooner…than; not only … but also;so...that; such…that 的倒装句中,前倒后不倒.

hardly/scarcely/ no sooner后句子的谓语用had done, when/than后句子的谓语用一般过去时

(1) Hardly / Scarcely had he fallen asleep when a loud knock at the door awaked him.

(2) No sooner had I reached the station than train moved.

(3) Not only is he interested in football but also he plays it well.

So hard does he work that he has made great progress in English.

6.在以often, always, once, many a time, now and then,等作状语的频度副词位于句首时。

Often did I speak of him before.

Many a time has he helped me with my experiment.




What an interesting talk they had!

How interesting their talk is !



2、the more…..the more….句型

The more you listen to English, the easier it becomes.



The harder you work, the greater progress you will make.

(2)此句型中的第一个the more 引导的部分相当于一个条件状语从句;第二个the more引导的部分相当于一个主句。所以,上面例句的意思实质上就是: If you work harder, you will make greater progress.


However difficult the problem may be, we must work it out this evening.


Whatever 后面常接名词;用however时常构成以下形式:


Whatever reasons you have, you should carry out your promise.

4、as, though引导让步状语从句时采用倒装形式的情况

名词形容词副词分词+as hough+主语+其他



Tired as/though he was, he still went on with his work.

Strange as/ though it seems, it is true

Exhausted as/ though she was, she wasn’t able to sleep.

Child as he is, he has to make a living



Try as he might, he didn’t pass the exam.

Search as they would here and there, they could find nothing in the room.

(3) 状语的倒装

Much as he likes the bike, he doesn’t want to buy it .

Hard as I studied, I could not catch up with them.


Surrounded though he was by the enemy, he was not afraid.


Youngest as he is in our class, he speaks English the best.


May you succeed!

May you be happy!

May peace return to the troubled land!

Long live the People’s Republic of China!



“Very well,” said the French student.


