


1.陶渊明的作文素材 篇一




一、作家简介 ◆人物导语

提到“魏晋风度”,古代士人那高旷雅逸的风采的确令人心驰神往。陶渊明是“田园诗人之祖”、“隐逸诗人之宗”。他的身上,充盈着古代知识分子追求个性价值的信念,激荡着儒、道思想交融的厚重内涵。他是“达则兼济天下,穷则独善其身”信条的最彻底的实践者,是文人高洁品行的万世楷模。带着“猛志逸四海,骞翮思远翥”的大志抑或“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”的情怀,认识陶渊明,才能真正理解中国文人,体悟其“清高”之三味。● 作家档案








二、成名缘由 ▲贡献概述





















三、作品在线 ◆作品概述




赞曰:黔娄的妻子曾经这样述说自己的丈夫:“不因为处境贫困而终日忧心忡忡,不为了追求富贵而到处奔走钻营。”推究她所说的话,五柳先生不就是黔娄那样的人物吗?饮酒赋诗,满足自己的志趣,这不是成了生活在无怀氏、葛天氏时代里的人了吗? 【整体感知】



陶渊明“好读书”,为什么“不求甚解”呢? 【释疑参考】




有人认为,桃花源位于湖南省常德市境内。那里南倚巍巍武陵,北临滔滔沅水,史称“黔川咽喉,云贵门户”,要居衡山、君山、岳麓山、张家界、猛洞河诸风景名胜中枢,特殊的地理位置使桃花源得以吞洞庭湖色,纳湘西灵秀,沐五溪奇照,揽武陵风光。桃花源原为潇湘八景之一,集陶潜文化、秦楚文化、道教文化于一体。桃源县种植的桃花品种达三十多种,春天花开时节,桃红柳绿,繁花似锦。每年都有六十多万海内外游人到桃花源赏花观景,领略令人神往的“世外桃源”。这种盛况恐怕有陶渊明不少的功劳吧? 【正文】










您认为真正的“桃花源”在那里? 【释疑参考】




选文三:《归去来兮辞 并序 》


晨光朦胧,微风吹拂,诗人长发飘逸,衣袂翻飞,伫立在一叶扁舟上。此刻的他,心里也如这飘荡的小舟,既惆怅,又欢快„„ 【正文】












《归去来兮辞》是我国古代“隐逸诗人之宗”陶渊明的传世名篇,北宋文学家欧阳修曾对这篇作品评价甚高:“晋无文章,惟陶渊明《归去来兮辞》一篇而已。”我们若穿越其田园诗清新、淳朴的狭巷,扑面而来的则是一缕中国古代圣洁、飘逸、浪漫、悠游的隐士遗风。思考一下,从这篇文章中,我们可以看到中国古代隐士怎样的传统情怀? 【释疑参考】






















这一下,陶渊明再也忍受不下去了。他长叹一声,道:“我不能为五斗米向乡里小人折腰啊!” 说罢,索性取出官印,把它封好,并且马上写了一封辞职信,随即离开只当了八十一天县令的彭泽。










山西阳城一中267班 何 燕 掬一捧月色,凝成暗夜的菊香 引两怀清风,拂醒南山的曙光

穿过东篱的栏栅,你认清斗米中的昏浊 背负荷月的草锄,你遗忘沾露后的衣裳

踏着落英缤纷,你寻寻觅觅桃源梦境 追着尧舜足迹,你隐隐匿匿南山菊影

没了罗绮华服,你披起晚霞织就的布衣更显高贵 没了轻车香马,你踩着泪光延伸的路途更觉舒畅

勇于放弃 敢于清高

于是你笑了,笑声中你双眸闪亮,眼神滑过一丝哀伤 隐者,不就是一个隐匿疼痛,愿意被遗忘的勇者吗

舞一曲淡泊,遗万世芬芳 山西阳城一中266班 李 珊















2.陶渊明的作文素材 篇二

With the particular sensibility of nature, writers are especially apt at appreciating nature‘s beauty and resorting to literary works to depict it.Having similar experiences of living in isolation, both Tao Yuanming and Thoreau have a particular love of nature.They both appreciate nature’s beauty, sanctity and spirituality, and share the same view of“Oneness of heaven and human”, which is an ancient philosophical teaching yet in which we can still find its post-modernism vitality.

1.1 Nature Aesthetics

1) Observation of Nature:“Transparent Eyes”.

Instead of using fleshly physical eyes, transcendentalists believe in a deeper observation of nature—the“transparent eyeballs” (1) , only with which can human truly appreciate and understand nature.Both Thoreau and Tao Yuanming have this form of observation of nature since they depicted nature as if they felt what nature felt and knew every creature, non-creature, and weather’s deeds and feelings.

Thoreau has romantic imaginations, sensitive feelings and infinite enthusiasm in nature.During his dwelling beside the Walden, Thoreau lies on the frozen pond in winter, watching the pickerel beneath in zero distance, and then wrote in Walden:

“Ah, the pickerel of Walden!When I see them lying on the ice...I am always surprised by their rare beauty, as if they were fabulous fishes, they are so foreign to the streets, even to the woods...They possess a quite dazzling and transcendent beauty...They are not green like the pines, nor gray like the stones nor blue like the sky;but they have...yet rarer colors, like flowers and precious stones, as if they were the pearls, the animalized nuclei or crystals of the Walden water.They, of course, are Walden all over and all through;are themselves small Waldens” (Thoreau 160) .

In Thoreau’s eyes, every being in nature is unique and precious.The pickerel fish possesses its individual color, shape and meaning of existence, transcending over others’.A casual winter fish’s“rare beauty”, involving its unique colors, transcendent state of being, pearl-like grace, and its identity of a crystallized nature, cannot be appreciated without“transparent eyes”which enables Thoreau to sympathize with creatures, to feel as they do, to maximize a creature’s world and to nuclearize the whole nature into a minimized niche—the pond.

Likewise, Tao Yuanming has also been commonly recognized as the very poet who loves nature most and depicts nature best.Beautiful lines about nature observed by his“transparent eyes”are extensive in Tao’s poems:

“The freezing winds roar at the close of year;

A day’s snow makes the weather more severe.

While snowflakes fall without the slightest sound,

The world becomes a stretch of snowy ground” (2) (Wang 198) .

Liang Qichao once said:“Nature is his beloved spouse who smiles at him.” (3) Tao’s Poetry, featuring the absence of observer, is often focused on scenery itself.

2) “Me”, “Oblivious me”and“No-me”

Chinese cultural giant Wang Guowei brings up an aesthetic concept of“3 extents”—“Me”, “Oblivious me”and“No-me”.In terms of appreciating nature, both Thoreau and Tao Yuanming attain“Oblivious me”, even“No-me”.That is, to break the boundary between human and nature.Nature can be personified, or even become the observer itself.

Thoreau pays the highest praise to nature, to the level of selflessness, so that his pictures of nature demonstrate aesthetic values of“Oblivious me”.

“All our Concord waters have two colors at least;one when viewed at a distance, and another, more proper, close at hand.The first depends more on the light, and follows the sky.In clear weather, in summer, they appear blue at a little distance, especially if agitated, and at a great distance all appear alike.In stormy weather they are sometimes of a dark slate-color.The sea, however, is said to be blue one day and green another without any perceptible change in the atmosphere.I have seen our river, when, the landscape being covered with snow, both water and ice were almost as green as grass” (Thoreau 100) .

In Tao’s poetry, “oblivious me”and“no-me”are demonstrated even more apparently.Influenced by Lao Tzu’s Taoism, Tao Yuanming writes pastoral poems that seldom involve man’s presence.The speaker, or the poet, usually appears as a hidden way, as“no-me”;while the hill, moon, plants and animals are almost melted into“me”:

“Behind the west hill sinks the broad daylight;

Above the eastern peak the moon shines bright.

The moon sheds light o’er ten thousand li,

Visible its glow o’er land and sea” (4) (Wang 194) .

“The orchids flourish in the yard ahead,

Whose fragrance are yet waiting for the wind to spread” (5) (Wang 159) .

1.2 Human-nature Relation

The common ground of Thoreau and Tao Yuanming’s view on human-nature relation is oneness of heaven and human.One prominent embodiment of this relationship is that nature always provides inspiration and energy, whilst human should always appreciate that.

1) Oneness of Heaven and Human:Taoism and Transcendentalism

Tao Yuanming is largely influenced by Lao Tzu’s Taoism, one of whose ideas is oneness of heaven and human.Thoreau’s transcendentalism also advocates oneness of heaven and human, which is sharply against the western mainstream idea of dichotomy between the matter and me.Both Taoism philosophy and Transcendentalism refer the religious word“heaven”to nature, which makes nature more than a physical surrounding, but also spiritual presence.Thus, man souls are able to communicate with this spiritual presence and share its bounty:beauty, energy, and wisdom.

“In Thoreau’s transcendental sense, the ultimate connectedness of God, man and nature is a great oneness, and the absolutes and the working of the universe can be grasped by the human mind” (Chang 57) .In Walden, Thoreau appreciates every single part of the niche.He depicts Walden Pond’s limpidity, colorfulness and creatures and plants around in detail, with deep affections:

“A lake is the landscape's most beautiful and expressive feature.It is Earth's eye;looking into which the beholder measures the depth of his own nature.The fluviatile trees next the shore are the slender eyelashes which fringe it, and the wooded hills and cliffs around are its overhanging brows” (Thoreau 105) .

Tao’s poetry consistently presents oneness of setting and feeling.Scenery is more than a physical presence, but an externalized mood.A notable example is“Matching a Poem by Secretary Guo”.By writing the happiness of reading with the company of pleasant wind, he describes his elation of fleeing from official circles and melting into nature:

“In the yard before my house, thick trees

Provide midsummer with refreshed cool breeze.

When in due time the south wind comes apace,

A gust of swirling wind blows loose my lace” (6) (Wang 130) .

2) Home to Spirituality, Source of Energy

This is a reflection of the rapport between man and nature.In both Thoreau and Tao’s works, the emphasis is that nature is home to spirituality and source of energy.Firstly, people gain enjoyments and inspirations from nature;secondly, it relieves personal loneliness in nature.

1) People Gain Enjoyments and Inspirations from Nature

Thoreau regards natural phenomenon as holy and thus a spiritual bounty.For example, he compares the winds to ethereal music:“The winds which passed over my dwelling were such as sweep over the ridges of mountains, bearing the broken strains, or celestial parts only, of terrestrial music...but few are the ears that hear it” (Thoreau 48) .It is as if man, if able to understand nature heart and soul, can gain baptism through enjoying the music of nature.Another example is that he saw the pond as both natural resource and source of wisdom and inspirations:“Who knows in how many unremembered nations’literatures this has been the Castalian Fountain?Or what nymphs presided over it in the Golden Age?It is a gem of the first water which Concord wears in her corenet” (Thoreau 102) .

Tao’s poetry also records how nature gave literary inspirations and pleasure.For example, poem“Reading of The Book of Mountains and Seas”accounts Tao Yuanming’s leisure time to read and write during the spare time from farming.In reading history and myths, pleasant weather and natural sceneries inspire philosophical thinking:

“In early summer, grass and trees grow tall

With profuse foliage sheltering the hall.


When I have ploughed the field and sown the seed

I, now and then, find time to write and read.


When gentle showers from the east draw near,

Now a pleasant breeze approaches here.

On such occasions, I leaf through King of Zhou

And Maps of Hills and Seas of long ago.

Since I can tour the whole world at a glance,

What can be better pastime than this chance?” (7) (Wang 228-229)

2) It Relieves Personal Loneliness in Nature

Living alone in nature does not imprison people in an absolute singularity.According to Liubava Moreva, “Art attempts to overcome the boundaries of personal loneliness and demonstrate the individual’s connections to the world” (Liubava 6) .By creating a satisfying life solely by their hands’labor, Thoreau and Tao’s reclusion in nature involves artistic communication with nature and their literary work that records these experiences.This process would never be lonely:

“In the act of artistic creation, the lonely human voice is saved by the world’s fundamental simplicity and openness:sky and wind, rain and grass, a stone or a bird become symbols of humanity in general.A fugitive, transitory experience and insight is given an eternal dimension by the artist” (Liubava 5) .

2 Similarity in Understanding of Seclusion

Both as renowned hermits, Tao Yuanming and Thoreau have similar understandings of seclusion:to lead a simple life, while there are still slight differences.They both advocate limited materials and criticize pragmatics, while the motivations of the reclusive living are different.Also, much influenced by Chinese Agricultural civilization, Tao Yuanming displays more conservative values on this point.

2.1 Understanding of“Simple”

Both Thoreau and Tao Yuanming desire a simple life in which materials are limited while spirituality is enriched.They both see simplicity, truth and reclusion in nature as an effective approach against human alienation.In action, they make the same choice of reclusion;in idea, they unanimously linked“simplicity”to reclusion.

Tao Yuanming advocate a simple life.In his eyes, “Since man is totally a natural creation, gathering nimbus of nature and essence of universe, he ought to avoid social interference.It best serves humanity to retreat into nature (8) ” (Li 135) .One should not be disturbed by sophisticated surroundings.If keeping the mind clear and calm, one shall be welcomed by“veritable truth”, which is the ultimate form of simplicity.This model of retirement from society and reversion to an idyll is both idealized and practiced in his poems:

“My house is built amid the world of men,

Yet with no sound and fury do I ken.

To tell you how on earth I can keep blind,

Any place is calm for a peaceful mind.


The view provides some veritable truth,

But my defining words seem to me uncouth” (9) (Wang 41) .

Various problems are believed to be caused by worldly desires.Complexity burdens soul heavily.As Lao Tzu said, complexity makes confusion;desire makes devils:

“Color's five hues from th’eyes their sight will take;

Music's five notes the ears as deaf can make;

The flavors five deprive the mouth of taste;

The chariot course, and the wild hunting waste

Make mad the mind;and objects rare and strange,

Sought for, men's conduct will to evil change” (10) (Gu 154) .

Contrary to complexity, simplicity can resist material lures and maintain internal peace.The best way to lead a simple life is to retreat into nature, where man is purely free from the yoke of social sophistication and warmly welcomed by natural sceneries.

With common knowledge of“simplicity”, Thoreau expresses the same idea.Seeing the overwhelming materialism in the whole society, Thoreau writes this cynically:

“Most of the luxuries, and many of the so-called comforts of life, are not only not indispensable, but positive hindrances to the elevation of mankind.With respect to luxuries and comforts, the wisest have ever lived a more simple and meagre life than the poor.To be a philosopher is...to love wisdom as to live according to its dictates, a life of simplicity, independence, magnanimity, and trust” (Thoreau 7-8) .

By saying“Simplicity.Simplicity.Simplicity”, Thoreau advocates to reduce material desires and physical comfort to a minimum level, and to achieve spiritual richness.As he records in Walden, a self-sufficient life in nature is not infeasible:

“For more than five years I maintained myself thus solely by the labor of my hands, and I found that, by working about six weeks in a year, I could meet all the expenses of living.The whole of my winters, as well as my summers, I had free and clear for study” (Thoreau 39) .

Tao Yuanming has a similar statement about his self-sufficient life:

“My kitchen garden yields sufficient stuff;

My barn is storing more grain than enough.

There’s no trouble to meet my daily need;

It is against my hope to be obsessed by greed” (11) (Wang 92) .

2.2 Slight difference

While Thoreau and Tao Yuanming have similar experience of reclusive life, there are slight differences lying in the triggers and motivations of being a hermit.Although similarly, both seclusion lives are essentially caused by their preference of nature, Thoreau is a transcendentalism practitioner, while Tao Yuanming is a runaway from the bureaucratic system.Thoreau’s reclusion is rather an experiment, a model that he intends to popularize outward;while Tao Yuanming’s reclusion is a self affirmation, an inward extolment of his own life.

Thoreau leads a five-year reclusive life as an experiment in which transcendentalism is examined.His reclusion is purposeful and strategical.That is, to prove his ideas of simplicity, spirituality and being close to nature were feasible.As he writes:“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if...when I came to die, discover that I had not lived” (Thoreau 51) .Thoreau intends to better explore himself and to further extend his view, standing on a level of freedom and reason.

Unlike Thoreau, Tao Yuanming turns into reclusion after resigning as magistrate of County Pengze, escaping from any socialization.Therefore Tao’s seclusion has a rather social reason.This is less a purposeful experiment, rather a self-chosen life style.We may well tell that his escape originates from his own preference of nature, while the immediate cause is the frustration in his official career.At this point, Tao is rather driven to escape, while Thoreau’s reclusion is of his own initiative;Tao’s life is rather inward self-approval, while Thoreau is to examine his theory and apply that to help society.

3 Similarity in Self-realization

Both Tao Yuanming and Thoreau believe in fulfillment in nature.Their values of self-realization share three characteristics in common:they resist worldly norms;they seem to escape from society, yet essentially still concerned about society;they put great emphasis on individual freedom.These attitudes have been approved by many post-modernism artists and philosophers.

3.1 Not limited by the worldly norms;emphasis on individual freedom

Escaping from the crowd, Thoreau and Tao Yuanming long for solitude and individuality.Freedom can be their lifelong pursuits.“According to Hegel, a human being satisfies his or her spiritual need for freedom through internal understanding of what exists and external embodiment of an inner world for him or herself and others” (Liubava 5) .For both Tao Yuanming and Thoreau, nature serves as the body of their soul.The experience and understanding of nature helps find their spiritual freedom.

Tao Yuanming feels sick and tired in official circles where the spirit is enslaved by the material (12) , thus chooses a reversion to his free spirit.For example, in poem“Back to Country Life”, Tao describes his elation of regaining freedom in idyll:

“I’ve loathed the madding crowd since I was a boy

While hills and mountains have filled me with joy.

By mistake I sought mundane careers

And got entrapped in them for thirty years.

Birds in the cage would long for wooded hills;

Fish in the pond would yearn for flowing rills.

So I reclaim the land in southern fields

To suit my bent for raping farmland yields.

When I escape from bitter strife with men,

I live a free and easy life again” (13) (Wang 142) .

Influenced by Ralph Waldo Emerson, Thoreau believes in non-conformity, so what he chooses as his lifestyle is also sharply different from the crowd.Like Tao Yuanming, Thoreau abnegates any life style enforced by anyone or any mainstream norm.He does not own a curtain, not travel by train, nor but any commodities including even furniture, for he insists that solely by hands can man live a simple but sufficient life.Any social trends, including commercialism, industries and material possession, cannot impact him.

Escaping from the fancy, corrupted ideas enable Thoreau to realize an ultimate freedom.This freedom will be much more individually liberal, as the conclusion of Walden said:

“I learned by experiment that if one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.He will put some things behind, will pass an invisible boundary;new, universal, and more liberal laws will begin to establish themselves around and within him;or the old laws be expanded, and interpreted in his favor in a more liberal sense, and he will live with the license of a higher order of beings” (Thoreau 181) .

3.2 Essentially concerned about society

Hermits do seem to escape from everything involved in society, especially a corrupted one.However, quite a few in the history, such as Thoreau and Tao, are essentially concerned about society, longing for social justice.

Thoreau is much concerned about social improvement.Once arrested for not paying poll tax as his way against black slavery, he writes Civil Disobedience afterward, discussing relationship between citizens and government.The idea of“non-violence”advocated by Thoreau greatly inspires Gandhi and Martin Luther King.Therefore, we can tell that Thoreau’s state of mind is rather proactive, focused on social advancement.He does not enclose himself with avoidance to the outside world;instead, he sets himself as a model and a guide, to awaken citizens and eventually improve the whole situation, as he wrote:“As I have said, I do not propose to write an ode to dejection, but to brag as lustily as chanticleer in the morning, standing on his roost, if only to wake my neighbors up” (Thoreau 48) .

In the year of 421, Tao writes a satirical poem“Stating Wine”, an ironical allusion to a political corruption case.As Lu Xun comments, “‘Stating Wine’in Tao’s collection refers to politics of the day.It is thus clear that he is not oblivious to, nor indifferent to contemporary affairs” (14) (Lu 97) .

From above, we can identify three similarities in Tao Yuanming and Thoreau’s view on nature:similarity in the love of nature, similarity in understanding of seclusion and the similarity in self-realization.

Today when human civilization has stepped into an advanced horizontal and humankind has in a large sense lost the ability to communicate with nature, Tao Yuanming and Thoreau may offer a helpful hand in saving the spiritual crisis.

摘要:陶渊明是中国一千六百年前久负盛名的归隐诗人, 亨利·大卫·梭罗则是美国十八世纪超验主义思想代表作家、哲学家。二人虽不同国别, 生逢不同时代, 但都以隐逸而被誉为千古名士。二人都钟情自然, 归隐世外, 又有着相似的生活观, 价值观和自然观, 这就激发了对二者作品的比较文学批评。该文试图从三个方面探讨陶渊明与梭罗在自然观上的共通点:对自然的热爱, 对归隐的理解, 以及自我实现的方式。

3.我眼中的陶渊明作文 篇三





4.我心中的陶渊明作文 篇四









5.我心中的陶渊明作文 篇五






6.陶渊明诗歌的艺术特色 篇六



















