


1.六年级下牛津英语试卷 篇一


(八)根据句子意思和所给首字母写出单词:.them on, please.in my family.job??

are these trousers? They’re 400 yuan.to the park?..man is your father? The tall one.this red car? It’s very nice.? They’re in the toffice.there.and I are students..game.we clean the classroom ? 19.Yto the cinema.flowers in the park.the numbers? in the morning.is 12 Taihu Garden.26.Jim has a new watch.It’s f his parents.27.Don’t w.I can help you.29.All Lucy’s friends are in her home.friends.my book., please.Yes, one, two…to me.here?

yourto go to bed.? China.him?your parents, please.

2.六年级下牛津英语试卷 篇二


当我们获得一本新书时,你会如何阅读?显然,“How to read a book?”成为开启阅读之旅要解决的首要问题。教材亦是如此,当我们接手一个新的年级,拿到一本全新的教材时,我们要从哪个入口走进教材?从哪个部分解读教材?读封面(扉页)—读目录—速读内容—合书小结,想必这是我们大多数人常走的路径,其实这条看似普通的路径,同样适用于我们的教材解读,而且对于我们宏观把握教材有着很大的帮助。然而,不少教师,尤其是老教师,在面对教材时,往往抱着“备课”的态度对待教材,以单元为中心,集中备教材,准备教案,为上课做好“烹饪准备”,有的教师甚至以“课”为中心,上一课,备一课。这样教学看似没有什么问题,实际上却犯了致命的错误。古话说得好,“擒贼先擒王”,对待教材也是如此,我们要善于从大处着眼,善于抓主要矛盾,做到教材在心中,教学胸有成竹。

因此,在新学期开始前,我们就应该仔细阅读本学期所使用的教材,同时还应利用专门的课时,组织学生们一同走进教材,认识教材,跟我们的新教材说一声“Hi!”如在四年级下学期的第一课,我就设计了“走进教材,和它交朋友”主题活动课。在这堂活动课中,我首先以“Say hello!”活动,带领学生们读封面及编者的话,引导学生们畅所欲言,帮助学生们挖掘封面中的小细节,从编者的话中,认识我们本学期的“朋友吗”,如主要任务,话题等。接下来,以画思维导图活动,带领学生们读目录,并以“速读目录及内容”完成图表的探究活动方式,引领学生们认识本单元所学的话题,了解我们这学期主要探讨的话题内容是什么。最后,以组间讨论、集体小结的方式,帮助学生们在心中勾勒出四年级下册教材的轮廓,让学生心中有数,明确将要学的是什么。


单元是教材综合又独立的教学个体,如果说教材是一棵树,那么我们先前所认识与了解的封面、序言、目录与总结就是它的主干,而单元则是它旁逸斜出的分支,撑起了这棵参天大树,令其枝繁叶茂。由此可见,在把握主要矛盾的情况下,如何学会“弹钢琴”,直击教材内的各个单元,从“微”处见天地,是我们教学是否能够出奇制胜的关键。在实际教学中,我坚持以三个步骤直击单元,解读教材,即“常规阅读—职业阅读—审视阅读”。首先,“常规阅读”,就是整体感知我们教材的单元内容,基于内容,尝试寻找单元话题与实际生活的连接点,不带教学包袱,而是立足于学生的内心需求及发展诉求,寻找教与学的纽带,搭建课堂与生活的桥梁。紧接着,我们要进行角色转换,站在教师专业的角度,开展“职业阅读”,从教的角度,深挖教材内容、单元板块设计中所包含的教学价值,并从培养学生的综合语言应用能力出发,开展更加具有针对性的教学活动。在教材的基础上,进行单元板块的优化整合,如Story time板块和song time的联袂上演,提高教学的趣味性。最后一步,便是“审视阅读”,这主要是基于情感态度价值观的再次探索与挖掘。在实际教学中,我们既要关注知识与技能、过程与方法,也要关注学生们情感态度价值观的培养,如学生英语思维能力的开发,英语素养的陶冶,跨文化交际能力的培养,英语审美能力的渗透等,真正实现素质教育的育人目标。


精准的目标定位不仅是我们开展教学活动的神兵利器,能使我们的教学事半功倍,而且也是我们个性化解读教材、特色化开展教学活动的必要条件。在解读教材的过程中,我们要善于当教学的“有心人”,在研读教学内容,根植学生们实际英语水平及发展需求的基础上,对我们单元教学的各个板块进行精准的目标定位,在确保教材共性的基础上,发挥我们课堂教学的个性,使得每个学生都有获得发展的机会。如在设计第六单元的“Fun time”板块时,我考虑到,这个板块的功能以输出为主,在教学实际时,我先思考了两个问题:(1)这个板块重点解决什么问题?与是Story time板块是什么关系?(2)采用什么形式进行重点词句的操练?在确定好输出目标后,我尝试进行目标定位,该板块与第一课时中story time相衔接,起到承上启下,巩固故事内容,培养学生语言表达能力的教学作用,它主要采用课文情境或课文情境变式进行操练。因此,在教学活动中,我们可以尝试借助趣味性、互动性的语言实践活动,如游戏等操练重点词句,让学生进一步强化并能够比较熟练地运用Whose...?特殊疑问句进行询问物品的主人,同时学会用一般疑问句Is/Are...’s?进行猜测,从而强化学生们的语言输出,把Story time的输入迁移到这个板块的输出,达到教与学的收放自如、学与用的收支平衡,促进学生们语言个性化的成长。


3.六年级下牛津英语试卷 篇三





单选题一共10题,所测知识点全部为六年级重点内容。考查Be +比较级+than 2题,动词的过去式4题,课本知识点2题,词汇1题、常见句子1题。可见,比较级和动词过去式为重点。单选容易提高,但在复习单选时,复习时间靠前,导致学生临近考试遗忘,所以以后复习应当把平时侧重和考前热身相结合,适当回顾复习较好。

选词填空做的较差。原因是平时相关题型练习较少,很多学生对此类题较生疏,学生词汇掌握较好,也有一定阅读能力,却没能把这道题做好,所以考前做相关题型的练习也很重要。第五题的选句子完成对话,做的非常好,基本都是全对。因为平时一直在不断做和讲,而且这类题,有很大的技巧性,学生们熟悉也上手,正确率很高。问句主要以wh词引导的特殊疑问句为主,平常时常口头复习,结果也很有效。但接下来的选择 每句的答语就答的没那么好看了。句型涉及3-5年级的简单问句,平时练习过,但复习不多。这是本张试卷涉及之前学过的只是的部分。给学生们复习过3-6年级的内容,但是内容太多,没有重点,所以,复习不明显还占据了时间。






今后教学中,除了平时做好训练和讲课时,也应该注意复习技 巧。比如,在平时教授新课时,应该慢慢让学生接受写作,让写作成为一项常态作业,在临近期末考试时,最好将作文归纳成短语、句子和篇章的形式,让学生学习。比如,针对错误率较多的选词填空,可以搜集资料,做成专项练习。关于语音题,可以将近几年的考过的语音题放在一起,总结一下常考的子母和字母组合的发音。

4.六年级下牛津英语试卷 篇四

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )



1. 2.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

3. 4.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )



1、A.I can sing . B.I can read.

2、A. He has got a bicycle .

B. She has got a balloon.

3、A. Give me a rubber .

B. Give me a ruler.

4、A. This is my brother .

B. This is my sister.

5、A. I like to eat mooncakes.

B. I like to eat apples.




r t a r o y


l t m e o y


p t f a c e


o s w i n g


h j u m p y


s l i d e y








1. mother father write

2. pear dance peach

3. leaf taro autumn

4. pen ball doll

5. mooncake one two

6. pencil dance bag

7. nose ear swing

8. bean swing slide

9. one jump sing

10. melon lemon write


1.peach 2.sing 3.book 4. six

5.jump 6.melon 7.five 8. bag


1. ( )I can read.

( ) I can sing.

2. ( ) I can write

( ) I can dance.

3. ( ) I can jump.

( ) I can draw.

4. ( ) I can draw.

( ) I can write.

5. ( ) I can dance.

5.牛津英语六年级知识点 篇五

1. thousand 一千

2. hundred 一百

3. wild 野生环境;野生的

4. South China tiger 华南虎

5. blue whale 蓝鲸

6. way 路;方式;方法

7. die 死;死亡

8. rhino 犀牛

9. learn 学会;学习

10. send 安排去;寄;送

11. in danger 面临危险

12. in the past 在过去

13. take care of 照顾;照料

14. go for a walk 去散步

15. drive away 赶走


图片Unit 5 单词听写

2. 句型

In the past, there were many pandas, but now there are only about one thousand si- hundred pandas in the wild.



图片Unit 5 Lisen and say 听写

图片Unit 5 Read a story 听写

3. 重难点



1.整百数由one~nine 加hundred构成,并且用单数。如:

100:one hundred

900:nine hundred


132:one hundred and thirty-two

3.整千位数由one~ nine加thousand构成,并且用单数。如:

4,000:four thousand


4,891:four thousand eight hundred and ninety-one

1,005:one thousand and five


10,000:ten thousand

6.六年级下牛津英语试卷 篇六

小学六年级下英语教学质量评估试卷 听力材料 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。

1.How tall is it? 2.The monkey is shorter than the dinosaur.3.The dog runs fast.4.I’m heavier than her.5.My mother washed clothes yesterday.二、听录音,选择图片。

1.The elephant is stronger than the monkey.2.The bag is bigger than the eraser.3.The girl played the computer games at home.4.W:Did the boy go boating yesterday? M:No,he went fishing.5.W:Is the nurse taller than the doctor? M:Yes,she is.三、听录音,选择正确答语。

1.What size are your shoes? 2.Whose shoes are bigger? 3.What did he do last weekend? 4.When did you see a film? 5.John’s shoes are size 15.My shoes are bigger than his.What size are my shoes? 四、听录音,补全句子或对话。

7.六年级下牛津英语试卷 篇七

Module 1 Family and relatives


Unit 1 My family tree


Ask and answer问一问,答一答

S1:This is my brother(s).这是我的兄弟(们)。These are sister(s).这些是我的姐妹(们)。



S2: How many brothers do you have? 你有几个兄弟? Sisters 姐妹

cousins 表弟妹 uncles 叔叔 aunts 姑姑

S1:I only have one „/I have(number)„


Ask and answer问一问,答一答

S1:What do you do with your„? 你和你的„干什么?

S2: I always play games/football with my father.总是 做游戏/踢足球 我的爸爸 usually go shopping/swimming/cycling mother.通常 去购物/游泳/骑自行车 妈妈

sometimes go to the park/the zoo.brother(s).有时 去公园/动物园 兄弟(们)

watch TV/see a film sister(s).姐妹(们)看电视/看电影节 uncle(s).叔叔(们)Play badminton/go cycling aunt(s).姑姑(们)打羽毛球/去骑自行 cousin(s).表弟妹(们)

grandfather(s).爷爷(们)grandmother(s).奶奶(们)S1:What else do you do with him/ her/ them? 你和他(她、他们)还干别的什么? S2: I always „with him.我总是和他„„ usually her.常常和她„„ sometimes them.有时和他们„„

Language语言 ◆ relatives ◆ family members grandfather/grandmother father/mother grandson/granddaughter孙子;外孙/孙女;外孙女 son/daughter uncle/aunt brother/sister cousin ◆ How many uncles do you have? ◆ What do you do with your aunt? I always play games with my aunt.usually sometimes

Unit 2 I have a good friend


Ask and answer问一问,答一答

S1:Have you been to „(place)yet? 你去过„„(地方)吗? S2: Yes,I have already been to „(place)是的,我已经去过„„(地方)。

just been there.刚刚去过那儿。

No,I haven’t been to „(place)yet.不,我还没去过„„(地方)been there




如:I have already seen the film.我已经看过这部电影。

Have they been to Beijing?他们去过北京吗?

Language语言 ◆ They like to play together.他(她)们喜欢一起玩耍。be 他(她)们喜欢在一起。◆ He/She is always friendly.他(她)总是很友好。never naughty.他(她)从不淘气。◆ They always walk(s)to school together.他们总是一起步行去学校。He never work(s)hard.他从不努力工作。She tell(s)lies.她从不说谎。◆ Have you been to Ocean Park yet? 你已经去过海洋公园了吗? there 你已经去过那儿了吗? 此名为现在完成时态,句中yet意为“已经,仍然”,常用于否定句和疑问句中,置于句末。

Yes,I have just been to Ocean Park.是的,我刚去过海洋公园。already there.我已经去过那儿。No,I haven’t been to Ocean Park yet.不,我还没去过海洋公园。there 我还没去过那儿。◆ What about Water World? 水上世界怎么样? =Have you been to Water World?

Unit 3 Spending a day out together


Ask and answer问一问,答一答

S1:What do you usually do at weekends?你通常在周末干什么? S2: I usually„in„(place)我常„„在„„(地方)如

I usually go shopping in Wangfujing Street.S1: Is „ near or far away from„? „„离„„近还是远?

Language语言 ◆ Where have you been(in Beijing)?你去过北京哪儿? I have been to Tiananmen Square.我去过天安门广场。

◆ How are we going to get there?我们怎么到达那儿?

Let’s go by bus.我们乘公共汽车去。◆ When are we going to come back?我们什么时候准备回来?

We are going to come back at six o’clock.我们六点钟回来。◆ Which place shall we visit? 我们将参观哪个地方? Let’s go to the Great Wall.我们去长城。◆ How much does it cost? 它要花多少钱? ◆ How about nine o’clock in the morning?早晨九点怎么样? 如

Is Wangfujing Street near or far away from Tiananmen Square? S2: It’s near/far away from„ 它离„„近/远。

Ask and answer问一问,答一答

S1:Where have you been? 你去过哪儿?

S2: I’ve been to „(place)with my„ 我和我的„„一起去过„„

This is a photograph of my … and me.这是我和我的„„的一张照片。S1: What are you and your „ doing together?你和你的„„一起干什么? S2: We are „ together.我们一起„„ Activity活动

8.六年级下牛津英语试卷 篇八




1.Gao shan is thiner than his brother.2.Are your hair as long as hers? 3.Yang Ling’s uncle is stronger and tall than her father.4.There are a little dog and two cats under the tree.5.My mum say Jimmy is also her child.6.I am three months older than he.7.Go along the street, and turn left at second crossing.8.You can take bus No.2 and got off at the third stop.9.I want to buy a interesting book about football.10.Where’s Nanjing and Suzhou? In Jiangsu.11.He is asking YangLing how to get to there.12.It’s about two kilometer away.13.Sorry.How can I get to the History Museum? 14.We are same age.15.He is on holiday in china.16.They play the football every day.欢迎登录《100测评网》进行学习检测,有效提高学习成绩.17.How many building are there in the street? 18.I told him to took bus No.3 in front of the cinema.19.Su Yang’s and Su Hai’s cousin is thinner than them.20.Last week, there is a Sports Festival at our school.21.Christmas is on 25th of December.22.She reads as better as us.23.Shall we started our lesson now? 24.It’s about a kilometer way.25.The weather in winter is as colder as in spring.26.It often rain in spring there.27.I very much like autumn.28.How many green watch can you see on the shell? 29.Which season are you like best? 30.It is half past then in Sunday morning.31.The boys and girls are talk about the football match.32.Are you still in the bed? 33.Nancy is going to play piano at the concert.34.I see a Beijing opera show last year.35.What are you go to do tomorrow? 欢迎登录《100测评网》进行学习检测,有效提高学习成绩.36.There are some orange juice in the glass.37.Tom is going to play basketball and his friends.38.The weather in New York is cold than in Nanjing.39.You need buy a new school bag.40.Peter likes make model planes at home.41.There are a hill, a lake and many trees near our house.42.I would like to know many about you.43.David and Mike likes watching football games.44.Mike’s parents are all doctors.45.What are you going to do in Sunday morning? 46.Do you have breakfast at six? Yes, I have.47.I’m going to play the game and some friends.48.I read English for a hour every morning.49.There are two windows on the wall.50.The woman in black is old than Mrs.Black.51.We want to met Miss Gao on Sunday.52.How many maps are there in the study? There’s two.53.Is Tom ride a bike? Yes, he is.54.My brother is good in Chinese.欢迎登录《100测评网》进行学习检测,有效提高学习成绩.55.He like playing football very much.56.Do you have any problems of your homework? 57.How about go for a walk with us? 58.Your mother looks young than her mother.59.Jim is not as stronger as the other boys.60.Is Yang Ling’s kite higher than Liu Tao? 61.Helen is doing well in PE than Nancy.62.I want to buy some presents to my friends.63.One of us are in the room.64.This is their plans for the weekend.65.I like read books about music.66.He often do homework at home.67.The girl in the yellow bowl is watching the snow.68.Gao Shan is siting by the window.69.I have some writing paper an a envelope.70.My favourite subject are Maths and Science.71.Do he have any cousins? 72.Who goes to school earlier, you and David? 73.My mother look younger than my aunt.欢迎登录《100测评网》进行学习检测,有效提高学习成绩.74.David swims fast than Jim.75.Please turn right at the five crossing.76.I would like to do your penfriend.77.I usually go rowing and fish.本卷由《100测评网》整理上传,专注于中小学生学业检测,练习与提升.============= 适用版本:

人教版,苏教版, 鲁教版,北京版,语文A版,语文S版,冀教版,沪教版,北大师大版,人教版新版,外研版,新起点,牛津译林,华师大版,湘教版,新目标,苏科版,粤沪版,北京版,岳麓版 适用学科:

语文,数学,英语,科学,物理,化学,生物,政治,历史,地理 适用年级:

一年级,二年级,三年级,四年级,五年级,六年级,七年级,八年级,九年级,小一,小二,小三,小四,小五,小六,初一,初二,初三,高一,高二,高三,中考,高考,小升初 适用领域及关键字:

100ceping,51ceping,52ceping,ceping,xuexi,zxxx,zxjy,zk,gk,xiti,教学,教学研究,在线教学,在线学习,学习,测评,测评网,学业测评, 学业测评网,在线测评, 在线测评网,测试,在线测试,教育,在线教育,中考,高考,中小学,中小学学习,中小学在线学习,试题,在线试题,练习,在线练习,在线练习,小学教育,初中教育,高中教育,小升初复习,中考复习,高考复习,教案,学习资料,辅导资料,课外辅导资料,在线辅导资料,作文,作文辅导,文档,教学文档,真题,试卷,在线试卷,答案,解析,课题,复习资料,复习专题,专项练习,学习网,在线学习网,学科网,在线学科网,在线题库,试题库,测评卷,小学学习资料,中考学习资料,单元测试,单元复习,单元试卷,考点,模拟试题,模拟试卷,期末考试,期末试卷,期中考试,期中试卷

9.六年级英语试卷分析 篇九



本次考试六年级英语试卷共有9道大题,分值100分,包括5分卷面分。没有听力题,题型有“给单词排序、根据提示补充句子、写同类单词、选择题、问答题、阅读题、判断题、写作题”,学生到熟悉,难度不大。“what are you going to be in the future ?what can you do for your dream now.”一题,有点难度,学生没学过“future(将来的)”这个单词,会影响对句子的理解。


学生英语考试的平均成绩为77.5分,最高分95分,没有满分。第一题根据字母顺序给单词排序学生失分不少,有好多单词第一个字母都一样,第二个也一样,学生没有比较出来。平时我说过这样的题,但没有以具体的例题认真讲解。“what are you going to be in the future ?what can you do for your dream now.”一题有好多学生由于对单词的不理解没有做,其实认真看看后一句,讲一句意思基本上就明了了。还有一些选择题做错,究其原因是没有认真的翻译。很多学生做题就凭自己的记忆储备,不动脑筋,也不去认真的翻译翻译,理解之后再做。错题主要出在不理解,没有思考。



1、引导学生灵活学习。知识是死的,人是活的,活的人要动脑去学习,积王红兵文档 1 极思考,不能死记硬背,把自己当做一个书橱。在学习中引导学生去把握英语学习的规律,积极思考、举一反






10.六年级英语试卷分析 篇十













(三)、渗透了能力考查的要求 学习语言是为了交际。小学英语教学不仅要教给学生一些最基本的语言知识,而






四题,整体来看,听力部分得分率相对来说比较高,失分较多的是第三、四题。失分 的主要原因是学生心理紧张,听的技巧掌握不好,学生不能领会录音内容中的关键信





1、语音训练,是属于基础知识,主要考查学生的对语音的辨析能力对于初学英 语者来说,一定要加强听说训练。这题的错误率比较高。










单词的能力。对话内容与教材中学过的内容类似,大部分来自练习册,但是得分率并 不高,同时从答题情况来看,学生不会从上下文来连贯地思考问题,也不会从语法的









力,逐步启发引导学生用英语思考。单词教学一定要做到词不离句,这样,学生在学 会了单词的同时,也学会了词的一些基本用法。






说,“这类题目已讲过x遍, y个学生不会做。”这不是因为学生没有听懂老师所讲的





11.六年级下牛津英语试卷 篇十一



I. Choose the best answer. (选择正确的答案)

( ) 1. He had a brochure in one hand and travelling maps in his __________ other hand.

A. a B. an C. the D.

( ) 2. At the customs house I showed __________ passport, and my wife showed __________.

A. mine, hers B. my, her C. my, hers D. mine, her

( ) 3. __________ the morning of Jan. 20, , Barack H. Obama was sworn in (宣誓就职) as the 44th President of the United States of American.

A. In B. ForC. At D. On

( ) 4. The price of the maglev is very ___________, isn’t it?

A. high B. cheap C. expensive D. dear

( ) 5. There are _________ more swans on Kunming Lake than on Daoxiang Lake.

A. very B. a lot C. great D. so

( ) 6. Ben is very excited _____________ he hasn’t seen his cousions before.

A. because B. so C. but D. when

( ) 7. Hainan Province is ___________ the south of Guangdong Province.

A. in B. to C. on D. from

( ) 8. The other day Mary___________ her cousions around the Summer Palace.

A. show B. shows C. showed D. has showed

II. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.(用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空)

1. The railway station is crowded with___________ (travel) during the holidays.

2. You look ___________ (love) than before in this skirt, Cathy.

3. Have you ___________ (plan) your journey?

4. Food, clothing, light and heating are necessary ___________ (expensive).

5. But the _______________ (interest) students stayed on until the lecture(讲座)ended.

III. Rewrite the following sentences as required. (按要求改写句子)

1. The train ticket for Hong Kong cost me 40 dollars. (改为反意疑问句)

The train ticket for Hong Kong cost me 40 dollars,___________ ___________?

2. It took the Lis 20 hours to travel to Beijing by train. (对划线部分提问)

___________ _________ did it take the Lis to travel to Beijing by train?

3. My journey to Beijing was very pleasant. (就划线部分提问)

_____________ ___________ your journey to Beijing?

4. Let’s go to visit the Bund first. (改为反意疑问句)

Let’s go to visit the Bund first, _____________ ____________?

5. This ferry has space for more than 400 people. (保持句意基本不变)

This ferry ___________ _____________ more than 400 people.

IV. Reading


The Haungpu River is a must-see for most tourists. We offer different boat tours along the river every day. On the boat you can enjoy the “museum of international architecture on the Bund” and the skyline of Lujiazui in Pudong. You can have a close look at the famous Shanghai Radio and TV Tower and the magnificent Jinmao Building. You also can see videos, sing songs or watch wonderful performances. Tea and coffee are served during the trip. The tour guide will tell you something about Shanghai’s today and yesterday both in Chinese and in English. You are sure to have a good time on the boat.

True or False.

( ) 1.We have no boat tour on Friday night.

( ) 2.The boat will take you to Shanghai Museum.

( ) 3.You can enjoy great buildings of both Pudong and Puxi on the boat.

( ) 4.But you should bring a bottle of water with you.

( ) 5.If you want to know further information about Shanghai’s history, you may ask the tour guide on the boat.


Choose the words or expressions to complete the passage.

A golden wedding anniversary is a celebration of fifty years of marriage. Usually there is a big party for all the friends and relatives of the married couple. Just think 1 those people can be! There are sons and daughters, nieces and nephews, brothers and sisters, cousions, grandchildren---

even great –grand children. Of course many old friends come, too. Usually members of the family from 2 towns don’t see each other very often, so they are glad to come to an anniversary party.

But it can be a time of confusion(混淆) for the children. It’s 3 for them to remember the name of all their relatives. “Albert,” one mother will say, “this is your cousion George. He’s really your second cousion because he’s Dorothy’s son. Dorothy is my first cousion. Her mother is Aunt Helen, my father’s 4. ”

At times there are stepsisters, half-brothers and nieces-in-law. There are “aunts” and “uncles” who aren’t relatives at all, but good friends of the family! It can be very confusing, 5 everyone has a good time.

( ) 1. A. why B. how C. what D. who

( ) 2. A. the same B. every C. both D. different

( ) 3. A. easy B. a pleasure C. hard D. fun

( ) 4. A. sister B. mother C. niece D. daughter

( ) 5. A. so B. but C. and D. for


I. 1. D 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. A 7. B 8. C

II. 1. travelers 2. lovely 3. planned 4. expenses 5. interested

III. 1. didn’t it 2. How long 3. What about 4. shall we 5. can carry

IV./ (A) 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. T
