


1.沧州市中英文简介 篇一



Italy Sidano(Internatioal)Hometextile & Technology Co.,Ltd is a prior manufactory in hometextile area,it’s a professional enterprise which is combined with developing, designing, manufacturing and marketing, besides, it has formed its own brand-advantage.With its corporate headquarters set in Hongkong, Nantong Sidano Hometextile Co., Ltd is authorised of charging manufacturing and marketing affairs in Greater China.Meanwhile, Sidano Hometextile has invested 50 million RMB to built a new manufacturing base in the most well-known home textile center-Nantong Dieshiqiao World Hometextile Center, which includes 4000㎡ workshop, warehouse, 500 ㎡ classical new products exhibition room, living district, entertaining district, etc.Basing on this, it echoes with Wuhan manufacturing base in Central

China and has formed a leading industry zone in hometextile area which owns a full inductry chain includs developing, designing, manufacturing, physical distributing ,marketing and training.

2.沧州市中英文简介 篇二

1 体裁定义及体裁分析理论概说

19世纪以前, 体裁一直属于文学研究领域和修辞学的范畴。最早将这一概念引入语言学研究的是人种学家, 他们想揭示某一话语社团是如何对其成员的交际行为进行分类和标识的。总体上看, 近年来的体裁研究和体裁分析可分为两个主要学派:以Swales和Bhatia为代表的“Swalesian School”和以Martin为代表的“Australian School” (秦秀白, 2000) 。Swalesian School通常以语步 (move) 和步骤 (step) 为语篇分析的出发点, 并且多以学术语篇作为分析对象, 尤其重视学术论文撰写方面的引导。在对学术论文引言部分的体裁特征做过研究后, Swales在1990年提出了修订后的CARS (Create a Research Space) 语篇原型模式 (prototypical model) :establishing a territory—establishing a niche—occupying the niche, 这三个语步又各自包含一个或多个步骤 (Swales, 1990) 。

2 中英文公司简介分析

本文将对60篇中英文公司简介进行体裁分析, 其中30篇中文简介选自2012年中国企业500强的公司简介, 30篇英文简介选自《财富》评选的2012世界500企业的公司简介。

2.1 中文公司简介分析

2.1.1 中文公司简介的语步分析

首先, 我们以中国移动有限公司的中文简介为例进行语步分析, 得出中文公司简介基本的语步结构为:






当然, 并不是每一篇公司简介都包含所有的语步, 通过对这30篇中文公司简介的分析, 我们将其语步结构出现的频率如下表1所示。

从上图中我们可以看出, 并不是所有这五个语步都是一定存在的。在某些公司简介中, 有一些语步是缺失的, 但是有些语步却在所有公司简介中都存在。总的来说, 第一语步, 第二语步, 第三语步是必选语步, 因为几乎所有的公司简介中都有着四个语步。第三语步和第四语步是选择性语步。

2.1.2 中英文公司简介的词汇特征

文章的的词语特征和句型特点很大程度上是由其内容和功能决定的。在公司简介中, 其词语和句型的正确使用对说服其潜在的客户和合作伙伴有重要的作用。

1) 褒义词

在中文公司简介中, 公司大量运用褒义词来试图说服客户来购买其产品或服务, 同时, 用这些褒义词也可为自己建立正面的公众形象。

在中文公司简介中, 公司使用褒义的名词, 形容词和动词来增强公司简介的说服力。例如, 出现在这30篇公司简介中的褒义词有:优质的、最大的、快速地、卓越的、灵活的、先进的、得天独厚的、享有、增长、发展, 享誉、满足、骨干企业、优势品牌等等。

在公司简介里很少使用贬义词, 但也会出现, 比如“一般的”, 但是这种贬义词其实也是用来表示褒义的含义, 例如“红塔好运烟草有限公司成立, 标志着红塔集团的国际化发展战略, 已从“一般”贸易向境外实体运作转型”。

2) 使用具有中国特色的复杂的名词、动词或者短语

在中文公司简介里出现了很多复杂的名词或者名词性短语, 和中国的国家政策结合起来, 用来概况本公司的指导方针或者指导思想。例如:中国石化将全面贯彻落实科学发展观, 继续秉承竞争、开放的经营理念, 扩大资源、拓展市场、降本增效、严谨投资的发展战略, 公司利润最大化和股东回报最大化的经营宗旨, 外部市场化、内部紧密化的经营机制, 规范、严谨、诚信的经营准则, 努力把中国石化建设成为主业突出、资产优良、技术创新、管理科学、财务严谨、具有较强国际竞争力的跨国公司。 (中国石油化工集团公司)

在这个例子里, “科学发展观”是中国的国家政策, “……化”其实表达的意思并不是很清晰, 但是中国的读者依然可以明白作者的意思。并且在这个例子里使用排比的动词和形容词, 使整句话读起来朗朗上口, 又感觉富有文采。

3) 有关政治的一些词汇

除了使用复杂的名词, 动词, 形容词以及短语外, 有关政治的词汇出现的频率也非常的高, 尤其是国有企业的公司简介里。例如:集团公司组建以来, 全系统上下以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导, 深入贯彻落实科学发展观, 坚持以科技创新和改革调整为动力, 抓住机遇, 迎难而上. (中国兵器工业集团公司)

从这个例子里我们可以看出, 这些词语都跟中国最近的国家政策和经济政策有紧密的联系。它反映了公司能够根据政治环境的变化立即做出正确的反映。

2.1.3 中文公司简介的说服策略

1) 经过政府授权

一般情况下, 中文的公司简介总是通过和政府的联系来证明本公司的信誉和优势。

如海信是国家首批创新型企业, 国家创新体系企业研发中心试点单位, 中宣部、国务院国资委推举的全国十大国企典型. (海信)

用这样的表达方式的原因是, 在中国, 政府就是权威和可信性的代表。如果一个公司和政府有关或者是经过政府授权的, 那么客户就会对这个企业更有信心。因而, 公司也总是用这种方式来展示它们的能力, 并用来说服它们的客户。

2) 使用数字

数字可以更直观地向其潜在的客户表明公司的发展状况。例如:2011年末各项存款达9.62万亿元, 各项贷款5.63万亿元左右, 资本充足率为11.94%, 核心资本充足率为9.75%, 均处较高水平。 (中国农业银行)

2.2 英文公司简介的分析

2.2.1 英文公司简介的语步分析

在这一部分我们将对英文公司简介的语步结构进行分析。和中文的公司简介相比, 英语的公司简介的结构更加灵活多变。这些公司想通过不同的结构来展示自己的特色, 甚至还有些公司直接用简单的图表来展示其基本信息, 这样更加直观。有些公司则用很长的句子来阐释其概况。所以我们不能用一个特别的例子来说明英文公司简介基本的语步结构。所以我们只能从这30篇材料中提取出英文公司简介的结构。

从本图中可看出来, 没有一个语步是出现在所有的公司简介中的, 频率超过50%的语步有Company Overview (公司概况) , Introducing the Offer (公司业务范围介绍) 和Market Share and Performance (公司所占市场份额和表现) 。我们可以把这三个语步看作是必选语步, 其他的是选择性语步。

2.2.2 英文公司简介的词汇特征

1) 褒义词

分析过英文公司简介的语步结构之后, 我们来看看它们的语言特点。和中文公司简介一样, 在英文公司简介中依然使用了很多褒义词来提升公司的形象。它们使用褒义的名词、动词和形容词来增强公司简介的说服力。例如:largest, global, high, satisfy, broaden, expand, high quality, pioneer等等。文章中也出现了贬义词, 例如lowest, 但其实也是为了表达褒义的含义, 因为lowest后面加的名词是price, 显示了公司产品价格低廉, 为公司建立了正面的形象。

2) 主语清晰明确, 经常重复

英语是一种主语突出性语言, 除了一些祈使句之外, 大部分英语句子都有主语。在公司简介中, 句子的主语经常是公司的名称, 代词“we”或者“our”后面加名词, 公司不停地用主语来重复公司的名称可以使读者记清楚公司的名字, 用“we”可以缩短公司和读者之间的距离。

例如:We support initiatives in local communities where our employees live and work as well as from where we source our tobacco.We focus our giving mainly in the fields of human and social needs, agriculture and the environment. (Philip Morris International)

从这个例子可以看出公司名称和“we”做主语在英语公司简介中出现的频率很高, 这样可以给读者留下深刻的印象, 使他们记住公司的名字, 并对这个公司产生亲切感。

2.2.3 说服策略

首先, 英文公司简介经常使用标题、数字、首字母大写、粗体、斜体等使公司简介更具有可读性。甚至有些公司使用简单的表格向客户提供必要的信息。这样, 客户可以快速的抓住重点。

其次, 公司经常使用公司的名字和“we”做主语, 以加深客户对公司的印象, 并缩短客户和公司的距离。

最后, 公司经常使用数字来表明公司的能力, 以说服客户购买他们的产品。例如:The company recorded revenues of$42905 million during the financial year ended September 2009 (FY2009) , an increase of 14.4%over 2008.The operating profit of the company was$11, 740 million in FY2009, an increase of41%over 2008.Its net profit was$8, 235 million in FY2009, an increase of 34.6%over 2008 (Apple Inc.) 在这个例子中, 苹果公司使用一系列的数据向客户表明公司的经营状况良好, 产品非常受消费者的欢迎。

3 中英文公司简介的异同及原因

通过以上对中英文公司简介的分析, 我们可以得出他们之间的异同点。

3.1 中英文公司简介的相同点

1) 中英文公司简介都使用语步结构来增强公司简介的说服力。并且它们还有共同的语步结构, 即公司概况和公司业务范围介绍。

2) 它们都使用大量的褒义词来提升公司的形象, 贬义词的使用频率非常低。

3) 它们都通过数字来显示公司具有竞争优势, 以此来吸引消费者和潜在客户。

3.2 中英文公司简介的不同点

1) 中文公司简介的语步结构比较固定, 相比之下英语的语步结构比较灵活。

2) 英文公司简介常用标题, 斜体, 首字母大写等方式使简介更具有可读性, 但中文公司简介很少会使用这种方式。

3) 中文公司简介总是通过和政府的联系和授权来显示其公司的信誉和地位, 这种情况在英文公司简介中并未出现。这是因为在中国, 政府是权力的中心, 具有最高的威信。若得到政府的授权或者奖励, 就意味着这个公司的信誉是有保障的。

4) 英文公司简介中出现了一些语步, 像innovation (创新性) , sustainability (持续性) 和customer admittance (客户通道) 等, 在中文公司简介里是未出现的。这是因为在西方, 公司比较重视创新, 产品或服务的创新就意味着公司可以不断地满足客户新的要求, 也可以使公司实现可持续发展。同时西方是一个“顾客至上”的社会, 因而专门的客户通道可以给客户带来方便, 留下美好的印象。

4 结论

Klein (2005) 认为公司简介不仅能让其客户了解本公司, 也可让其潜在的员工和合作伙伴评估其是否是他们想要合作的公司。因此, 公司简介在贸易往来中起着重要的作用。本文通过对60中英文公司简介进行体裁分析, 总结出中英公司简介不同的宏观结构, 发现中外公司在进行公司简介写作时存在着一些认知差异, 并分析了存在这些差异的原因。这些研究结果对国内公司撰写更地道的英文公司简历提供了参考。


[1]SwalesJ M.Genre Analysis:English in Academic and Re search Settings[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Foreign Language Edu cation Press, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 1990:181, 38, 58, 141, 144, 141.

[2]Hackett, Ann.How to Develop an Effective Company Profile—and Why.Retrieved on Dec20, 2006.

[3]Klein K.Company Profiles.Retrieved on Dec20, 2006.URL:http://www.WebForging.com

3.沧州市中英文简介 篇三



4.通安中英文简介 篇四

Tong An Chinese Restaurant




Tong An Chinese Restaurant has a capacity of about 500 people and 13 private rooms,among them,the biggest one with a capacity of 16 people.The restaurant lies by river,so it has fine scenery.It mostly provides delicious local food such as fresh river fish and self-grown vegetables.The material is fresh and cooking is delicate.It offers service for big group,bouquet and high standard buffet.Since its grand opening,the restaurant is quite popular because of its creative dishes and real flavor of south of Yangtze River.特色美食

Recommendation Food


Steoed Lamb,Duck en Casserole,Steamed Vegetables


Business Hour



Water Market Restaurant




The Water Market Restaurant lies at east of Scenic Bridge and by the water market.It covers an area of about 140square meters oith a capacity of 90 people.It mainly provides Wuzhen flavor dishes.What’s more,there are sppecial snacks at listen to local opera at night while taste the delicious food there.特色美食

Recommendation Food


Special Made Crayfish,Steamed Lamp,Steamed Chicken with Lotus Seeds,Braised Crucian with Brown Sauce,Spring Rolls,Braised Lamp with Rice Wine and Brown Sauce.营业时间

Business hour



Stone Oven Bakery




Decorated with old wood,the bakery ia natural and bright.It invites senior pastry cook.The main material is local fine wheat flour and it also imported top level oven.It provides tasty bread,cake,pastry and so on.It also provides high standard coffee break for conference group.特色美食

Recommendation Food




Business hour



Scenic cafe




This cafe was rebuilt from an old building in Qing Dynasty.The natural decoration shows people its leisurely and carefree mood,like a bay for a wondering heart.The roof is decorated oith old wood,and the floor is paved by black bricks.Visitors will be attracted by Italian coffee and delicate dessert.If you prefer the open-air feeling,you can sit under old trees,enjoying sunshine,soft wind and the life.开放时间

Business hour



Tong An Outdoor Swimming Pool




Tong An outdoor swimming pool is located at the west side of Tong An Hotel.Swimming pool is surrounded by ancient buildings,with an area of 300 square meters,and depth of 1.6 meters.In front of brick door and white wall,under black tiles,beside blue water,you will enjoy the modern life style in an ancient town.特色



Water surrounded by ancient buildings


Business hour

5.杨振宁中英文简介 篇五









Chen Ning Yang, English names Frank, born in 1945 in Hefei city,Anhui Province, the famous Chinese-American scientist, winner of the

Nobel Prize in physics.When Yang primary school, math and language achievement is good.Secondary schools have not yet graduated, got into the Southwest,it was in 1938, he was only 16 years old.In 1942, aged 20, Chen Ning

Yang graduated from the University, then entered the Southwest

Research Institute.Kunming National Union University, 1942, in 1944

the school graduate.In 1945 he studied in publicly funded study

abroad to the United States, studied at the University of Chicago,PhD.In 1957, Lee and Chen Ning Yang jointly made parity conservation

theory and won the Nobel Physics Prize, the first Chinese Nobel Prize

he won United States National Medal of science and a number of

honorary degrees.Being praised as a “well-rounded human beings one

of the three theoretical physicist”.At the same time, is also a

Professor Emeritus of many famous universities at home and abroad.In 2005, he married with 28-year old Weng fan, caused a sensation

6.天津京剧院中英文简介 篇六

天津京剧院早建于一九九五年,是由前天津京剧团、天津市京剧TianjinPekingOperaTheatre 三团合并而成。现剧院下辖三个演出团,包括一团、二团、实验团。2006年,天津京剧院被中国文化部评为“国家重点京剧院团”。剧院名角荟萃,行当齐全,文武兼长,拥有一批造诣极深并在海内外享有盛名的表演艺术家,如老一辈的名家杨宝森、厉慧良、张世麟、周啸天、丁至云、杨荣环、杭子和、周子厚、杨宝忠等;正值盛年的骨干演员有杨乃彭、邓沐玮、李经文、李莉、康万生、王平、张幼麟等;以及新秀演员王艳、吕洋、凌珂、闫虹羽、黄齐峰、王嘉庆、李宏、陈嫒等。剧院先后有七人获得梅兰芳金奖和梅花奖。剧院经常上演的剧目有一百多出,获国家级演出剧目奖的有二十六个,近年来剧院排演的大型新剧目《华子良》、《妈祖》也令全国文艺界瞩目。

The Tianjin Peking Opera Theatre was formed in 1995 formthe former Tianjin Peking Opera Troupe and Tianjin City Peking Opera Troupe(No.3).The company now has three performing groups under its management,including the No.1 Troupe,the No.2 Troupe and the Experimental Troupe.In 2006, Tianjin Beijing Opera Troupe was elected “National Key Beijing Opera Troupe” by the Ministry of Culture of the People’s Republic of China

It boasts a cast of talented actors who are capable of performing all the stock roles in the literary and the military categories and are famous in China as well as overseas.They include venerable veterans such as Yang Baosen,Li Huiliang,Zhang Shilin,Zhou Xiaotian,Ding Zhiyun,Yang Ronghuan,Hang Zihe,Zhou Ziho,Yang Baozhong etc.,leading actors and actresses who are in their prime and form the backbone of the company such as Yang Naipeng,Deng Muwei,Li

7.温州市藤桥水厂取水头部简介 篇七

温州市藤桥片由藤桥镇、临江镇、上戍乡、岙底乡、双潮乡、鹿城轻工特色园区组成,总人口约6万人。该片区目前仅有一座供水能力为10 000 m3/d的藤桥水厂。随着人口的增加和经济的发展,该水厂的规模远不能满足现有用水需求。2008年鹿城轻工产业园区将有四五十家生产企业投入生产,届时生产用水将大幅度增加,增加供水量已迫在眉睫。

根据当地地形情况,从市区引水需要建设约5 km长的隧洞,规划中20万t/d的石鼓山水厂还未立项。为保证该片区近期的供水需求,对藤桥水厂进行改扩建是唯一的办法。为加快进度,藤桥水厂改扩建工程采用直接购买3套一体化净水设备方式,拟增加供水1.5万t/d。同时需要对原有取水头部进行改扩造,以达到取水2.5万t/d的能力。

2 水文地质

藤桥水厂取水头部位于温州市鹿城区西部山区的玉林溪,上游集雨面积约30 km2,属于亚热带海洋性季风气候,雨量充沛,但分布不均,每年10月~次年2月为枯水期,2月份以后雨水增加,4月~6月为梅雨季节,7月~9月为台风季节。4月~9月河道内经常有山洪暴发,工程施工相当危险。河床以砂卵石为主,具有强透水性,地下水相当丰富。河水全年大部分时间浊度不大于3 NTU,山洪期间可达5 000 NTU以上。

3 原有取水头部运行情况

原有取水头部在河道内建设了一道拦水坝,坝顶比河床高30 cm,坝体正下方为取水廊道,取水廊道迎水面侧壁设置两处底栏栅,底栏栅高4 m,宽1 m,其迎水面为干砌石和0.5 cm~3 cm卵石反滤层,从运行经验看,河床具有强透水性,枯水季节,水大部分往河床底下流,采用侧壁底栏栅取水,是比较成功的,但是也存在一些问题,主要有:由于洪水的冲击,干砌石位移,顶住底栏栅,底栏栅无法拉起清洗;表层石块年年被洪水冲走,采用大块石干砌,则进水量满足不了要求;卵石反滤层时间长了容易堵塞,进水量会明显减少;坝体上的泻洪处设置了两处人孔,洪水期间预制板经常被洪水掀起。

4 设计


4.1 取水廊道

取水廊道为地下结构,与原有取水廊道垂直且相通,长为12 m,宽4.4 m,高3 m,底板采用预制钢筋混凝土板,挡墙采用浆砌和干砌块石结合的形式。挡墙干砌块石处设置了底栏栅,共12处,每处底栏栅外层设格栅,里层设格网。格栅具有抵挡外部干砌石位移的作用,格网具有阻拦粗砂的功能。格栅采用ϕ12和ϕ6的圆钢间隔制作,圆钢之间净距1.2 cm,格网设两层,面层采用ϕ1的不锈钢网,网格2 mm×2 mm,为保护面层受到水的冲击,底层采用ϕ3不锈钢网,网格25 mm×25 mm;格栅格网边框均采用角钢制作,导轨用槽钢制作,挡墙上部0.6 m采用钢筋混凝土压顶,槽钢上部固定压顶内,下端与预制底板的预埋铁焊接。格栅迎水面的墙体为干砌石。挡墙外围设宽为1 m的沟槽,沟槽从内往外填上三层粒径分别为50 mm~150 mm,15 mm~20 mm,5 mm~10 mm的卵石反滤层。该反滤层在平时溪水比较清澈时细砂可以通过,山洪暴发时可以阻挡夹杂的泥砂,具有一定的过滤效果,可以减轻高浊度原水对厂内处理设施的冲击负荷。运行时间较长可以挖出进行清洗(约3年一次)。沟槽反滤层外面3 m范围内全部用0.5 m~1 m大块石抛石,犹如一个较大的地下水池。为增加进水面积,表层1 m厚全部采用粒径为0.25 m~0.3 m的块石干砌,为防止表层石块被山洪冲走,将石块装在一种特制的合金丝网袋里,网格为0.2 m×0.2 m,网袋尺寸为2×2.5×1。一个网袋就相当于一块嵌入河床的大长方体石块,重达10 t以上,足以阻挡山洪的冲击。人孔边上预埋螺栓,扁铁将预制盖板压住。

4.2 吸水井和沉砂池

为了加快进度,减小水下施工难度,吸水井和沉砂池用温州珊溪供水工程遗留下来的2根6 m长的DN3 200钢管制作。12 m长钢管中间被钢隔板分成两部分,6.8 m长为吸水井,5.2 m长为沉砂池,为了增加水流在沉砂池内的停留时间,沉砂池中间增设了一道钢隔墙,尺寸3.17 m×3.5 m。取水廊道与沉砂之间设DN800的钢管,水流流经DN800钢管后进入沉砂池,在沉砂池内经过U字形的路线后流到吸水井。吸水井内设DN800的圆闸门,人口井,池内设有排砂泵,可随时启动对沉砂进行排除。

5 施工

5.1 围堰

为了施工时不影响现有水厂的正常供水,在施工区上游90 m处设置一道围堰,围堰两侧面均采用土袋砌筑,中间用防水布和青泥挡水。围堰与原有取水口用一根DN600的HDPE管连接。HDPE管重量轻,易安装,且可以二次作为厂区内的排水管。

5.2 取水廊道



吸水井和沉砂池采用大口径钢管,施工时必须注意运输、组对、就位、抗浮等各个环节。为减少水下作业时间,钢管焊接、沉砂池、隔板、阀门等均在岸上完成。钢管埋深5 m,重达24 t,在基坑边吊装是个大问题。采用浮管法,在基坑与焊接地点之间挖了一条1 m深的沟槽,沟槽内满上水,利用水的浮力,钢管漂浮到了预定地点,水抽掉后钢管就沉到了基坑中,前后只需几个小时。与铺路吊装相比,节省财力物力,缩短工期。






8.沧州市中英文简介 篇八


EIMAN Import & Export Trading Co., Ltd., founded in May 2005,is a professional manufacturer and exporter that is concerned with the design development and production of cable equipment.We are located in GUANGZHOU CITY, with an advantageously geographical location and convenient transportation.We boast state-of-the-art automatic production lines of wire industry, domestically advanced production technologies and complete testing equipment and quality systems.It gives us a broad development space.All of our products comply with international quality standards and are greatly appreciated in a variety of different markets throughout the world.In addition, all our product are high quality and low overhead and have passed the certification of ISO9001:2000.我们的主导产品包括两大部分,第一部分是线材,铜包钢(CCS),铜包铝镁(CCAM),铜盖铝(CCA),铝镁合金丝5154,所有这些都广泛使用等领域的通信,电子,电力,军事。这是纯粹的铜导体的理想替代产品,不仅节约了成本,同时也为客户创造巨大的价值。

第二部分是专业生产电线电缆设备,为客户提供整厂规划,配套设备,售后服务等一站式全程优质服务,让客户购买到最具性价比的设备,享受到最优质的售前,售中及售后服务。Our leading products include two part :

(1)Copper Covered steel(CCS),Copper Clad Aluminum Magnesium(CCAM),Copper Covered Aluminum(CCA),AL-Mg alloy wire 5154, all of which are widely used in such fields as communication, electronics, electric power and military.It’s the ideal alternative products of pure copper conductor, not only save the cost, but also create great value for customers.(2)the second part is the production of professional wire and cable equipment , to provide

Whole plant planning, corollary equipment, after-sales and in providing one-stop service.we are committed to enable customers to buy the most cost-effective equipment, enjoy the best quality pre-sale and after-sale service.该公司坚持的政策“质量第一,信誉第一,合理的价格,最好的服务”提供最好的有竞争力的产品,赢得更大的市场。如果贵公司对我们任何一款产品有意或有订单意向,欢迎随时联系我们。我们期待与全球客户携手合作,共创未来。

The company insist on the policy of ‘quality first, credit first, reasonable price, best service’ supply the best competitive products, win the bigger market.If you are interested in any of our products or would like to discuss a custom order, please contact us any time.We are looking forward to forming successful business relationships with new clients around the world in the near future.口号:严管理,高品质,讲信誉,重服务

9.英文小说简介 篇九
















10.沧州市中英文简介 篇十

通用技术实验室葙面宜州市一中坐落在广西壮族自治区著名壮族歌仙刘三姐的故乡宜州市宜州市一中, 是自治区绿色学校、自治区文明单位、自治区示范性普通高中和全国教学科研先进学校学校有雄伟的教学楼、实验楼、电教楼, 有标准的物理、化学、生物实验室和仪器室, 有计算机网络教室和电教多媒体功能厅, 有体育馆、田径场、篮球场等运动场所学校图书馆现有藏书16万册:宜州市一中现有在校学生4200多人, 专任救师185人, 其中高级教师71人, 21世纪园丁工程学员A类6人、B类15人, 市级学科带头人30人, 教育硕士20人, 自治区级以上优秀教师、先进教育工作者4人学校以“一切为了学生的明天”为办学理念, 秉承“励志笃行”的校训, 营造“求实创新”的校风和“勤学善思”的学风, 提倡“博学善导”的教风, 坚持德、智、体、美、劳全面发展的育人方针, 全面推进素质教育, 教育教学质量得到稳步提高近年来, 学校会考优秀率保持在30%以上, 连年被评为会考综合质量优秀学校。2005—2丨U3年, 考上本科9065人 (其中有丨137人考上一本分数线) , 本科上线率达到82%多人考上了北京大学、清华大学等重点大学。同时, 学生参加数学、物理、化学、生物、英语、语文等学科的全国奥赛或联赛, 有上百人次获得了各级别的奖项;学生体育运动队和文艺队, 在各类比赛中也取得了优异的成绩八十余年的风雨兼程, 八十余年的骄人成绩, 铸就了宜州市一中一路的辉煌, 伴随着改革开放的步伐, 宜州市一中这艘航船正直挂云帆、乘万里长风, 破浪前进, 直济沧海体育馆田径场网络教室

11.企业简介英文 篇十一



Fushan Suko Precision Machinery Co..Ltd(the former Fushan Huaxinyi Machinery Plant)was founded in 2008.By now, the company has been refined and integrated after being developed for many years, transformed into a modernized enterprise integrating research, manufacture, sales and service.At present, our company has developed more than ten series of production which are widely applied to food, chemical industry, medicine, hardware, commodity, industrial and agricultural products, etc.The company implements automatic metering, feeding,filling, bag making, date printing and transmission, thus improving immensely the production efficiency of industries and saving quantities of labor and cost for enterprises.Products of high quality and intention of service are favorable and reliable to clients.Our products are stable in performance, rational in price, which are popular domestically as well as are exported to Europe, Southeast Asia, etc.Suko Precision Machinery Co..Ltd advocates positively and strives to implement modernized enterprise

12.英文自我简介 篇十二

Respected Professors,Good morning.I am glad to be here for this interview.First let me introduce myself.My name is duganggang, I am 23 years old ,my hometownis tianshui.I come from the chemistry and environment department of Lanzhou city University.my major is chemistry.During the four years in my university.I have been study organic chemistry.physical chemistry.inorganic chemistry and analytical chemistry.I enjoy them very much, espasally organic chemistry.i spend more time in studying chemistry and I was granted the scholarship two semesters.through the four years’ study, I have mastered both basic and professional skills of chemistry ,I appreciate my teachers to impart knowledge to me.Last,my personalitiesI like sport ,it can bring me good mood ,in my spare time I paly basketball and table tennis, but not very well.generally speaking I am independment person I like challenges in my lifeIcome from country , I must make money to supply my living expensesI always do work for others in my vacation, during the four years ,I have the spring festival only once in my home.i know I am on the way ,Ishould walk forever

Ok that’s all ,thanks for giving me the chance and thank you for your attention

13.沧州市中英文简介 篇十三

China has witnessed a rapid growth in tourism industry and the number of overseas visitors coming to China is increasing every year.For overseas visitors,historical scenic spots and museums are always the first choice for sightseeing,since the various cultural relics there offer them a good opportunity to learn Chinese history and culture.Therefore,the translation of the introductions of displayed exhibits serves the bridge of effective communication between cultures.

The translation of cultural relics has always been attracting experts’attention in researches.However,most of them study from the perspective of foreignization and domestication,the criteria of“faithfulness,expressiveness and elegance”or Theory of Adaptation,and the analysis of cultural relics usually focus on the lexical level.For example,Shi Xinmin examines the criteria for translating the cultural relics and lists some English translations of bronzes unearthed in Shannxi province[1].Liu Qingyuan[2]studies the translation of the names of cultural relics in Hunan Provincial Museum with the principle of expressiveness and faithfulness.This paper,therefore,will concentrate on how to mind-shift between cultures when translating the introduction of cultural relics,which covers both the lexical and textual level.

2 The Theoretical Frames of Analysis in This Paper

Since translation and culture are closely related with each other,how to deal with the cultural issues in cultural relic’s translation has become the focus of this paper.Jin Huikang[3]points ou that translation is difficult in that language reflects culture,is loaded with cultural connotation and influenced by culture.It is the same case with translating introductions of cultural relics,for these valuable exhibits excavated from the earth usually conveys culturespecific features and information,which are difficult to communicate across cultures.

Translating is never a decoding-encoding model,which cop-ies the surface information from the original text to the target text.Instead,translators are suggested to take frame-driven approach,in which the mediator will be able to understand the frames of inter-pretation in the source culture and will be able to produce a textwhich would create a similar set of interpretation frames to be ac-cessed in the target reader’s mind[4].Here in the case of translat-ing cultural relics,we are not looking for linguistic equivalence be-tween English and Chinese,but how reality is constructed betweendifferent languages so that the overseas visitors can understand andappreciate the cultural relics as Chinese do.Therefore,translation studies should be explored in the broad

context of cultural studies,for translation aims to exchange cul-tures and concerns culture rather than language[5].In order toachieve this goal,translators should be good at mind-shifting be-tween cultures in practice,and three ways will be discussed intranslating cultural relics:generalization,deletion and distortion.Generalization is often employed when there is no equivalence be-tween languages or cultures.What’s more,we can turn to chunk-ing up,chunking down and chunking sideways to find a possible so-lution in translating culture-specific images between different lan-guages.Deletion,in a broad sense,includes both adding and delet-ing in translation,so that we can bring the implicit information toexplicit.This method is widely used in translating cultural relicsbecause such texts usually contain persons,times,poems or eventswhich cannot be understood by target readers through literal trans-lation.As for distortion,it is a way of directing addressee to whatthe speaker or writer considers is important[4].Peter Newmark cate-gories texts into three types:expressive type,informative type andvocative type[6].The introductions of cultural relics fall into the in-formative type,as they offer visitors the basic information and back-ground information about the valuable objects in museums or sce-nic spots.Therefore,translating informative texts usually adopt acommunicative approach,which are reader-oriented.In practice,sometimes it is acceptable to leave behind some words or evensome sentences when translating these texts[7].

3 Case Study of Cultural Relics Translation in Yun-gang Grottoes

By far we have discussed various ways of mind-shifting between different cultures in translation.In this chapter,the ChineseEnglish translation of the cultural relics in Yungang Grottoes will be analyzed in details.

Yungang Grottoes is located near Datong city,Shanxi Province.They are one of the three most famous ancient Buddhist sculptural sites of China(the others are Longmen Grottoes in Luoyang and Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang).The 252 caves and 51,000 statues in Yungang Grottoes represent the outstanding achievements of Buddhist cave art and stone carving in China during the 5thand 6th centuries[8,9].These masterpieces of Chinese ancient caves therefore have attracted tens of thousands of visitors both from home and abroad every year.In order to promote visitors’understanding of these excellent ancient works,a brief introduction is displayed outside of each cave,both in Chinese and English version.However,these English versions are not always without problems.On one hand,the English versions of caves are full of grammatical mistakes;on the other hand,even if the English version is grammatically acceptable,the cross-cultural awareness is weak in translation.These problems will surely pose obstacles in appreciating the marvelous works of the overseas visitors.The following analysis will only deal with the culture-related problems in C-E translation which is collected in 2012,and adapted versions will be provided.

3.1 Generalization

Example a.第十四窟



...In the square niche on the lower level of the west wall arecarved with Vimaiakirti on the left side,and Majusri on the right...A standing bodhisattva between them hold an alms bowl in theright and a lotus in the left.

“维摩”(full name“维摩诘”),“Vimalakīrti”in Sanskrit,is a central figure in the Buddhist and originally refers to those who are clean and pure.“文殊”is also a bodhisattva in Chinese Buddhism,who represents the soul of wisdom and intelligence.The English version“Vimaiakirti”and“Majusri”are the exact literal translation from Chinese,but this kind of translation does not always make sense to overseas visitors,especially those who come from America and European countries and share a totally different reli-gious system with the Orientals.

Therefore in this case,where there is no equivalence of“维摩”and“文殊”in English,translators should perform generalization so that the foreigners can understand who these two persons are and why they are significant figures in religion.Firstly we chunk up“维摩”and“文殊”to a higher level in Chinese culture,that is“two important figures in Chinese Buddhism”;and then we chunk sideways to find the English equivalences at the same level,that is“two bodhisattvas”.There is no need to chunk down and dig out some important figures in western religions,who have the same significance as“维摩”and“文殊”in Chinese Buddhism,so we just stop chunking here.The whole procedure of chunking up and sideways chunking can be shown in Figure 1.

Here is the suggested translation:

“Cave No.14

494-525 A.D.

...In the square niche on the lower level of the west wall,thereare two carved bodhisattvas,who are the important figures in Chi-nese Buddhism...”

3.2 Deletion

In the introductions of caves in Yungang Grottoes,there are numbers of poems and religious stories which are strange to Chinese people,not to mention the overseas visitors.Therefore,when translating the cave introductions into English,the absent informa-tion should be added to facilitate visitors’understanding of the cul-tural relics.Here are some examples in terms of addition or dele-tion of information in the C-E translation.

Example b.石鼓洞(第一窟)



Stone Drum Cave(Cave No.1)

471-494 A.D.

Cave No.1 and Cave No.2 are a set of stupa shrine typedcaves.On both outsides of one cave still remained a square pagodaseparately.Zhu Tinghan,the poet of Qing,whose poem“Visit Yungang Grottoes”is inscribed on the eastern side of hamming windowoutside of Cave No.1....The primary image on north wall is cross-ing feet Maitreya.On the bottom of east wall depicted a Jataka story of Samaka in relief.According to the textual research,Cave No.1and Cave No.2 are Hu Guo Temple before Liao Dynasty,is one often temples in Yungang,it is named“Stone Drum Cool Spring”during Ming and Qing,belong to one of eight sights of Yungang.

When translating“清代朱廷翰《游云冈石佛寺诗》”,thetranslator adds the additional information“the poet of Qing”afterZhu Tinghan.This is a good example of addition in translation,be-cause both Zhu Tinghan and his poems are not familiar to foreignvisitors.However,the English version of“‘晱子本生’故事”(“a Jataka story of Samaka”)is too simple and overseas visitors willshow blank comprehension when facing such strange words.Mean-while,the translator literally transfers“护国寺”into“Hu GuoTemple”,which makes no sense to foreigners.Therefore additionalinformation about this story and the temple should be added to en-hance the effectiveness of the translation.What’s more,translating“辽代”into“Liao Dynasty”is not enough and therefore the time ofreign should be given.

A suggested English version would be“On the bottom if theeast wall,there depicted a Jataka story of Samaka in relief,the sto-ry of a dutiful son.Archeological evidence has shown that CaveNo.1 and Cave No.2 were built as Hu Guo Temple(a temple for theblessing of the nation)before Liao Dynasty(around 901-1125 A.D.)”

Apart from these,it is unnecessary to translate expressionslike“云冈十寺之一”、“云中八景之一”in English.“one of tentemples in Yungang”and“one of eight sights of Yungang”will en-tail greater efforts for visitors to understand and may confuse theminstead.Therefore,it is suggested that this kind of information inChinese should be deleted when translating into English.

3.3 Distortion

Example c.寒泉洞(第二窟)



Cool Spring Cave(Cave No.2)

471-494 A.D.

The words of“landscape has clear sound”and“the deep of the cloud”are inscribed on the top and western side of hamming win-dow outside wall of the cave.The central pillar is three levels...

The translation of“山水有清音”、“云深处”(“landscape has clear sound”and“the deep of the cloud”)is acceptable literally.But judging from the perspective of cultural communication,thistranslation is far from satisfactory.As a matter of fact,the inscrip-tion on the wall is in Chinese.If we translate the inscription intoEnglish words,it leaves visitors an impression that the inscriptionwas originally in English,which is full of absurdity.Therefore,thetranslation should be distorted somehow and present the truth tothe public.A suggested version would be“The words of‘山水有清音’and‘雲深處’are inscribed on the top and western side ofhamming window outside the wall of the cave.”

Example d.释迦佛洞(第六窟)



Cave of Sakyamuni(Cave No.6)

471-494 A.D.

This is a cave with a central column,also known as a stupa temple cave”.It is richly decorated and is praised as the most spectacular one in Yungang.The square column in the center is 15 meters high and was divided into two levels.Each side of the upper level enshrines a standing Buddha and two Bodhisattvas.The elephant at the four corners carries a nine-story square pagoda on its back which is depicted in hollow relief.Each side of the lower level has a niche with one sitting Buddha.Eleven standing Buddhas are depicted on the upper portion of the four walls.The ceiling of the cave is decorated with a checkered pattern.Some celestial beings with many heads and many arms are riding in animals in each checkered square.There are about 30 plots from the story of Buddha’s life.These tell the entire story from the birth of Buddha to how he became a monk and the Buddha,forming a series of magnificent scenes,the carvings of the story are properly composed,simple and plain,it is a new creative work of Eastern Gandhara Bud-dhist art,and is rare in existing Buddhist art.

The above English version of the Chinese introduction of Cave No.6 is a very loyal translation,for the translator nearly puts every word into English and no information is left behind.However,setting aside the grammatical mistakes,this loyal translation will not always work for overseas visitors as expected.Actually Cave No.6in Yungang Grottoes is famous for its stone carvings,which vividly shows visitors the life story of Sakyamuni,and it is this part of introduction(words in italics)that should be highlighted in translation Therefore the translator is responsible for manipulating and distorting the original text.It is a way of directing addressee to what the speaker or writer considers is important and functions like a zoom lens allowing the reader to focus on certain aspects,leaving other aspects in the background[4].What’s more,introductions of caves,as a kind of public signs,convey information in a clear and effective way.Therefore,the translation should follow the principles of consistency,conciseness and comprehensibility[10].

The adapted version suggests giving a general description of the decoration and carving in the cave and putting much more emphasis on the carving of the life story of Sakyamuni.

“Cave of Sakyamuni(Cave No.6)

471-494 A.D.

Cave No.6 is richly decorated and is praised as the most spectacular one in Yungang.The square column in the center is 15 meters high and there are numerous animals and Buddhas carved on each side of the column.Eleven standing Buddhas are depicted on the upper portion of the four walls.The ceiling of the cave is decorated with a checkered pattern.There are about 30 scenes of Buddha’s life,which covers the entire story of Buddha such as his birth,how he became a monk The carvings of the story are properly composed in a simple and plain way.It is a new creative work of Eastern Gandhara Buddhist art and is rare in the existing Buddhist art.”

4 Conclusion

From the analysis of translation in Yungang Grottoes,we can see that grammatical mistakes are not the only factor that results in confusion and misunderstanding of the Chinese cultural relics.It is the loss of cross-cultural awareness and the absence of creating frames in translation that lead to the less effective translation of cultural relics.The above-mentioned examples show us how to employ generalization,deletion and distortion when translating the introduction about cultural relics in details,which may also offer some guidelines to the practitioners so that they can mediate be-tween languages and cultures effectively.







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