1.小汽车的英文是什么 篇一
So you got a new shirt.You wear it around.But when it comes time to wash it, you haven’t a clue how toclean it.Everyone just tells you to follow the directions on the tag, but then you find some puzzling hieroglyphics (难懂的文字或符号) .
Now let’s go over what each of these little characters means.
This symbol indicates which wash temperature you should use—if you canwash it at all.For a quick guide:30 is wash on cold, 40 is warm, and 60 ishot.
You may also see dots in lieu of (替代) numbers.One dot equals cold, two is warm, and three is hot.Should you be in Canada, you might encounterclothes with six dots.That means you can basically boil them.
A triangle refers to bleach (漂白) .A plain triangle—like the one to theright—means any bleach can be used, including chlorine-based bleach (含氯漂白剂) .One with lines dividing it means only oxygen-based, non-chlorine bleach-es should be used.
Everything you need to know about drying is indicated by this square.Ifthe square has a circle in it, that means the article of clothing is dryer-safe.If it’s just a square then you need to line dry (挂干) it.Like with washing, the number of dots indicates how much heat the article in question can toler-ate.Three dots means that some like it hot, and one dot means it should berelatively cool.
Although it looks like a bent paperclip, this is the symbol for ironing.Like with everything else, more dots indicate higher heat tolerance.
2.为什么是“汽车+互联网”? 篇二
7月1日,北京77剧场,一家崇尚“极客”精神的车联网科技公司——飞驰镁物向各界人士隆重端出他们盛夏的果实——新一代车联网理念暨飞驰镁物品牌理念——“智能汽车即服务”以及旗下汽车共享服务品牌“Soda”。与上个世纪的大工业化时代不同,移动互联时代重新让“人”回归了主导地位,显而易见,这一时期的各种服务最终都是围绕“人”展开的。“智能汽车即服务”(Smart x Vehicle as a Service)这一理念就是面向车和人两个对象。飞驰镁物创始人兼CEO王强在发布会现场进一步解释说,对车来讲,相当于给车装载了远程大脑从而实现其智能化,这是“智能即服务”,对人来讲,把车的属性上升到一种位移公共服务,为人提供一种随时随地使用的出行服务,这就是“汽车即服务”。综合来说,就是“智能汽车即服务”。未来作为公共出行服务的汽车一定是面向未来的智能汽车,智能和共享是相辅相成而非简单叠加关系。
Telematics Service Provider的简写,它在服务提供者,在汽车、车载设备制造商、网络运营商、与内容提供商中间起到连接作用。在车载电脑系统产业链中居于核心地位。目前能够从TSP切入车联网的国内公司数量很少。
3.回报的英文是什么 篇三
1. My skill in such matters might redound to my advantage.
2. Her efforts will redound to the general good.
3. This will redound to his credit.
4. His actions redound on his parents.
5. His praises redound upon himself.
6. This work will redound to his credit.
7. Your academic achievements will redound to the fame of the research institution.
8. Your achievement will redound to the good name of the whole school.
9. Your practical jokes will redound on you / your own head one day.
10. Any help you can give us will redound to your credit.
11. The sins of the fathers do not redound to the children.
12. I believe the measure would redound to our mutual benefit and reputation.
13. His dishonesty will redound on him.
14. Any help you can give us will redound to your own good name.
15. His achievement will redound the good name of the whole school.
4.耳朵的英文是什么 篇四
Apollo promptly transformed his depraved pair of ears into those of an ass.
She devotes one ear to the paper and the other to the magazine.
She drew me aside and whispered in my ear.
He stuffed up his ears with earplugs before diving.
When they began to talk about him he pricked his ears.
The dog cocked its ears suddenly.
He stuffed his fingers into his ears.
“No, ” he whispered in her ear.
I fixed her hair like they do in the circus with the bright blanket across her backand a flower behind her ear.
Then go up and shout in its ear.
I have his ear in my pocket.
Say it in his ear, then.
Then, I need to check your ears and throat.
Who gave me the ears?
His ears are hurting. What should I do?
“Knowledge goes from my ears to my brain, not from my finger to my brain, ” shesays.
Do not roll the brim as this will highlight the ears.
Clerk: Yes, you can apply this ointment on their ears and lips for protection.
Your eyes and ears should work equally at this stage.
It flashed to her ear.
作为语音程序员,一个主要的目标应该是让用户通过语音与计算机的交互更简单 —尤其是对那些除了用语音和耳朵之外别无选择的人。
As voice programmers, a primary objective should be to make it simpler for usersto interact by voice—particularly for those who have no choice but to use voiceand ears.
5.凳子的英文是什么 篇五
A folding or small desk stool at which worshipers kneel to pray, especially one on which the British sovereign kneels at the time of coronation.
My uncle carpenter a table and a few stool for his needy neighbor.
The fox needs a stool to reach his grapes.
The stool was as tall as he was.
A short man needs no stool to give a great lubber a box on the ear.
The little dog jumped over the short stool.
6.我是老板(英文) 篇六
A boss was complaining in a staff meeting the other daythat he wasn’t getting any respect.Later that morning he went toa local sign shop and bought a small sign that read, “I’m theBoss”.He then taped it to his office door.
Later that day when he returned from lunch, he found thatsomeone had taped a note to the sign that said:“Your wife called, and she wants her sign back!”
7.什么颜色的汽车最安全 篇七
其实黑色最怕脏 不少人都认为黑色会更耐脏更干净。其实,由于洗車和日常驾驶时难免会对车身带来摩擦和擦碰,黑色车漆就很容易显现一条条小划痕,在阳光的照射下尤其明显;尤其是对于内陆地区来说,黑色其实最怕尘和土,落在漆面上会显得非常明显,给人雾蒙蒙、脏兮兮的感觉。颜色较浅的车身就可以避免这种问题,比如白色和银色都会显得很整洁,长久如新。
汽车安全和颜色有关 汽车行车安全性不仅受车况、驾驶操作等因素的影响,还受到车身颜色的视认性影响。据相关调查数据显示,黑色汽车在白天与黑夜的事故率均高居榜首。在白天,黑色汽车比最安全的白色汽车事故率高12%,在黎明前和黄昏后则高47%,暗色车型看起来觉得小一些、远一些和模糊一些。除黑色外,相对不安全的汽车色依次为灰色、蓝色和红色,而相对安全的汽车色依次为白色、金色、黄色、银色。
颜色关乎未来保值率 除了品牌与车型对二手车保值率有着密切影响,车身颜色和保值率也有很大关系。一般情况下,银色、黑色、白色三种颜色的汽车相对最为保值,这主要是因为这三种颜色受众群体最高。而对于一些个性颜色,您就得谨慎选择了。比如粉色和绿色这类个性颜色,用户群体相对小一些,市场小导致整车价格稍低。摘自《华西都市报》
8.“我想知道小汽车为什么会跑” 篇八
9.2012年,中国汽车比什么 篇九
2 0 1 2年, 中国汽车依然困难重重, 国际经济、政治、战事、油价充满变数;通货膨胀、成本上涨、资金紧缺、库存积压等问题短期内难以扭转;外资、合资车企双重挤压。面对严峻考验, 自主品牌是抱怨命运不济, 还是韬光养晦、厚积薄发?参考吉利帝豪和长城腾翼, 还要看自己努力的方向和力度如何了。外因固然影响不小, 内因才是质变的根本。
汽车比技术、龙, 集各种动物于一身, 既有兽的野性也有神的灵性。2012的龙年, 绝非末日来临, 当是龙腾虎跃之时。我们期待2012年, 也许2013年、2014年, 中国汽车比的不再是产销量, 而是技术、质量、品牌和利润。当中国“智”造汽车开遍世界各地时, 汽车强国还仅是一个梦想吗?
期待2012年, 中国汽车比的不再是产销量, 而是技术、质量、品牌和利润。
10.这些是什么的英文 篇十
It raises the question what are these other sources and are they like UDFy-38135539 or not?
What are these? How you detect them? Is it possible to change them?
Now, you think you can make a mistake on your exam, take a look at this up here at tell me whatthat all is. I have no idea.
“The art market has changed,” Coulson says. “It has gone from professionals only to a kind ofluxury retailing where you have no idea who you are dealing with.
What are these? They are dolls.
11.小汽车的英文是什么 篇十一
ECIPS system is a complex nonlinear dynamic system,with uncertainty(e.g.change of system parameters arising from factors like temperature&humidity changes,and aging),unmodeled dynamics(e.g.accurate systematic model is unavailable,or it is unable to make accurate models;then a simplified reduced-order model is chosen,to lead to the loss of some dynamic characteristics of the system),measurement noise(e.g.torque sensor and current sensor measurement noise)and interference(e.g.pavement high frequency excitation interference and unknown bounded disturbances)[3,4].And its operation involves many factors and the condition is complex and changeful,automotive steering has high controlling requirements for power condition,return condition and damping condition,so the traditional control strategy can not cover ECIPS system’s operating characteristics and its steering performance requirements for coordinating different conditions;on the other hand,the ECIPS,with complex environment and complex controlling process,is a hybrid control system including both discrete event and continuous dynamics,capable of dealing with external contingencies(e.g.the start and stop of ECIPS system’s operation arising from the changes in engine speed or the start and stop of the engine)[5],fault and monitoring(e.g.the start and stop of ECIPS system as a result of the occurrence and the elimination of the internal fault),dynamic change of the system(system error,state changes of subsystems,sensor and actuator’s failure,external disturbances and parameter variations and the control mode change due to the operation condition change,etc.)[6],rather than dealing with the traditional control problems(such as slow or timevarying parameters)[7].And the traditional control strategy can not reflect the coexistence of discrete event and continuous dynamics in ECIPS system,the discrete event’s effect on continuous dynamic behavior and the integration and transformation of various control modes.
ECIPS system,a hybrid dynamic system,including both discrete event and continuous dynamics,has the typical characteristics of hybrid control system[8].Since it is a complex dynamic system containing discrete event and continuous dynamics[9],according to the multi-state characteristics of ECIPS system and to coordinate the steering requirements under different conditions,this paper aims to establish dynamics model and vehicle steering dynamics model for ECIPS system,analyze motor performance and control structure,its system control structure,and the mixed characteristics to establish an ECIPS hybrid dynamics system controller[10].
1 Dynamic behavior of RE-EV ECIPS system
The structure and working principle of distributed electric drive vehicle ECIPS system are shown in figure1,and it is mainly composed of a vehicle speed sensor,a steering wheel torque sensor,a motor armature current sensor,a controller,a power driving circuit,a fault indicating lamp,a clutch and a direct current motor[11].
The ECIPS dynamic equation is established by the following.
Adopt the state variable,the input variable u1=[ThTmFδ]T,the output variable,the state space equation is established by
Where,Jsrepresents the inertia of steering-column shaft;Bsrepresents the damp coefficient of input column;θsrepresents the angle of input column;Threpresents the steering torque of the steering wheel;Tsenrepresents the reverse torque;Ksrepresents the rigidity coefficient;Jmrepresents the moment of inertia of the motor and clutch;Bmrepresents the damp coefficient of motor;θmrepresents the angle of motor;Tmrepresents the torque of motor;Kmrepresents the rigidity coefficient of the motor and reduction gear;G represents the ratio of worm wheel-worm reduction gear;xrrepresents the rack displacement;rprepresents the radius of steering column pinion;Fδrepresents the random force of road.
Adopt the state variable X2=[ωrβωpφ]T,the input variable U2=[δ]T,the output variable Y2=[ωrβωpφ]T,the state space equation is established by
Where,M represents the mass of the vehicle;Bsrepresents the mass of the chassis;IZand IXrepresent respectively the moment of inertia of z-axes and x-axes;ωrrepresents the yaw rate;IXZrepresents the product of inertia;Py1and Py2represent respectively the lateral force of the front wheer and the rear wheel;a and b represent respectively the distance between front wheel and rear wheel and center of the mass;Cφ1and Cφ2represent respectively the rolling angle stiffness of the front chassis and rear chassis;Dfand Drrepresent respectively the rolling angle damp of the front chassis and rear chassis;Efand Errepresent respectively the roll steering coefficient of the front chassis and rear chassis;2k1and 2k2represent respectively the effective lateral rigidity;2N1and 2N2represent respectively the return-to-center torque rigidity;h represents the lateral arm of the force;φrepresents the angle between the center of gravity and the absolute coordinate;u represents the vehicle speed;βrepresents the slip angle of the center of the gravity;ωprepresents the roll angel velocity.
2 Hybrid control dynamics of ECIPS system
ECIPS system,in accordance with different running conditions,provides different control algorithms,in order to get the control effect in line with actual situation.ECIPS system control structure is shown in figure 2.Within the scope of the working conditions,the whole system is divided into several intervals of working conditions;and in each interval,local model and controller structure are established,then the whole system is further analyzed to obtain control performance better than that of the single model and controller.
As shown above,ECIPS system has typical hybrid system characteristics[12].
The input signals of ECIPS system are mainly divided into three categories:the first category is“working input signal of steering torque Tsen,speed uvehicleand armature current of motor Im”,and this kind of signal functions as the input of ECIPS system control strategy,to output the appropriate motor armature voltage and control the rotation direction and output torque of the motor;and the signal is continuous analog signal.The second category is“switch input signal of uvehicle&Tsen,and engine speed uengine”,and this kind of signal functions as the start signal of ECIPS system,and it starts and works only when the above three meet certain conditions respectively;and this type of signal is a continuous analog signal,but in working process it is used as control signal,so it could function as the discrete control signal.The third category is“monitoring input signal of motor end voltage Vm&Im”,and this kind of signal functions as monitor signal of ECIPS system,when the two meet certain conditions,they will stop the work of ECIPS system;and this type of signal is a continuous analog signal,but in working process it is used as the control signal,so it could function as the discrete control signal.
The output signals of ECIPS system are mainly divided into two categories:the first category is“working output signal of Vm”,and this kind of signal functions as the output of ECIPS system’s control strategy(motor’s armature voltage),to control the motor’s rotation direction and output torque;and this type is continuous analog signal.The second category is“monitoring output signal of clutch control voltage Vtorqueand fault protection voltage Vfault”,and this kind of signal functions as monitoring signals of ECIPS system:Vtorquecontrols the clutch on and off,while Vfaultcontrols the operation of the motor when it is switched on and off,to protect the direction safeguard;this type of signal is a continuous analog signal,however,when working,it is used as a monitoring signal,thus plays the role of discrete control signal.As can be seen,ECIPS system not only has continuous working process,but is affected by discrete processes like switch input and control input,and it shows the switching-control dynamics behavior.
ECIPS system has a variety of different running conditions,any of whichcalled ECIPS control mode.There are four categories:power control mode,return control mode,damping control mode and pure mechanical steering mode(when ECIPS stops working,it is switched into the mode),and they are represented as M={m1,m2,m3,m4}correspondingly.
The discrete events of ECIPS hybrid control system refers to the occurringconditions of working condition during ECIPS’s operation,thereby shaping the driving situations’evolution driven by discrete events.ECIPS system’s discrete event is all kinds of control mode jump arising from its state parameters or operational evolution,each control mode are represented as following:
c1refers to Td<Td,0,means input torque of steer-ing wheel within the dead zone scope Td,0,and Td,0=1N·m;c2refers to┐c1,means input torque of steering wheel over the dead zone scope;c3refers to uengine>uengine,0,means the current engine speed higher than the limit value uengine,0,and uengine,0=100 r/min;c4refers to Vm>Vm,min,means motor armature voltage higher than the minimum threshold value Vm,min,and Vm,min=2V;c5refers to Im<Im,max,means motor armature current below the maximum threshold value,that is Im,max,and Im,max=45 A;c6refers to|Tsen,1+Tsen,2-5|<ε,means the difference between sum of main&auxiliary torque sensors and 5 V is satisfiedε=0.1 V;c7refers to Vtorque(on),means the clutch in a combination state;c8refers to c3∧c4∧c5∧c6∧c7,means"And"operation of e3~e7,that is e3~e7occur simultaneously;c9refers to┐(c3∧c4∧c5∧c6∧c7),means nand operation of e8,that is any one dosen’t occurred in e3~e7;c10refers to uvehicle<uvehicle,max,means the current speed lower than the damping control threshold value uvehicle,max,and uvehicle,max=80 km/h;c11refers to┐c10,means the current speed over than the damping control threshold value;c12refers to,means the steering wheel torque and speed in the same direction;c13refers to┐c12,means the steering wheel torque and speed in the reverse direction.
The escription of control mode are:c2∧c8∧c10∧c12refers to currently in assistance condition;c1∧c8∧c11refers to currently in damping condition;c2∧c8∧c13refers to currently in return-to-center condition;┐(c3∧c4∧c5∧c6∧c7)refers to currently in purely mechanical working[13].
ECIPS hybrid control system’s state trajectory,refers to the system’s running track under all working conditions and it ispiecewise and continuous.And the description of logical relationship between each control mode and the continuous dynamic of all models makes it possible to fully describe the dynamic behavior.
The contro lmode change is represented as a directed graph C={M,E},where M is a control mode set,E={e=(i,j):mi,mj∈M}is a set of control mode changes,and e=(i,j)C shows the change from control mode mito control mode mj.
The change of control mode is described as follows:at the initial moment t0,the control mode is mi;before the occurrence of discrete event e=(i,j)(before the time t1),the continuous dynamic behaviorshould be followed;at the moment t1,the discrete event e=(i,j)occurs,and the control mode jumps to mj,i.e.the occurrence of the event e=(i,j)leads to the control mode change from mito mj,and the continuous dynamic behavioris followed.
ECIPS hybrid control system,refers to a closedloop hybrid system obtained by the hybrid controller designed to meet the ECIPS hybrid system control objectives;it is a complex control system covering discrete event dynamic and continuous variable subsystems:the system state contains both discrete and continuous states,its evolution is driven together by the time and events,and the system dynamic behavior is described together by a set of motion equations based on continuous variables and discrete ones[14].
Considering the implementation of ECIPS hybrid control system,its implement model structure is shown in figure 3.
This structure is a Trinity structure consisting of a discrete decision-making layer,a continuous charged layer and an interface conversion layer between the two,and it could be represented as a fourteen-tuple,that is
Discrete decision-making layer is described by
It describes the occurrence of ECIPS hybrid control system’s discrete event,recognition of control pattern and choice of control strategy.ΣM={m1,m2,m3,m4}is a finite control mode set of ECIPS hybrid control system;ΣE={e1,e2,…,eM}is a finite discrete event set;ΣS={s1,s2,s3}is a finite control strategy set of ECIPS hybrid control system and against different control modes,flexible PID control strategy,Fuzzy-PID control strategy and Bang-Bang-PID are adopted respectively;XS(tk)∈Rsis a monitoring parameter space of vehicle ECIPS system,XSis an s-dimensional discrete monitoring parameter sequence space through the monitoring parameter converter,and xs(tk)is the corresponding discrete monitoring parameter sequence;XP(tk)∈Rlis a l-dimensional sequence space composed of PWM duty cycle of each bridge-arm of H-Bridge and produced by control strategy;and xp(tk)is the corresponding sequence of each bridge-arm’s PWM duty cycle,i.e.xp(tk)=[pLH(tk),pLL(tk),pRH(tk),pRL(tk)]is the sequence made of PWM duty cycle of up left bridge-arm,of down left bridge-arm,of up right bridge-arm and that of up down bridge-arm of the corresponding H-Bridge;ECIPS system control strategy is implemented in essence for the H-Bridge power driver circuit design,namely,the control strategy implementation plan.
ε,according to the monitoring parameter sequence XS(tk),through the discrete event analyzer,control pattern recognizer and control strategy generator,generates the corresponding control strategy,i.e.
Underε,monitoring parameter sequence xs(tk)generates the corresponding control strategy si,represented as
λ,according to the strategy,generates the corresponding sequence made of each bridge-arm’s PWM duty cycle,i.e.
Underλ,the control strategyΣSgenerates the corresponding sequence composed of each bridge-arm’s PWM duty cycle xp(tk)represented as
The continuous charged layer C'=(XE,YE,UE,XS,g)describes the evolution of continuous state variables.XE∈Rnis an n-dimensional state space of continuous dynamic,and xe(t)∈XEis the corresponding state vector,that is
It is the system state parameter vector,and they refers to the output torque of ESP torque sensor,vehicle current speed,engine speed,motor speed,steering angle,steering wheel angular velocity,motor armature voltage and motor armature current component respectively;UE∈Rris an r-dimensional control input space of continuous dynamic,ue(t)∈UEis the corresponding input variable,UE=(Um,Uv),um(t)∈Umis a motor control input vector,and uv(t)∈Uvis an ECIPS system input vector,that is
It is the continuous state input vector of ECIPS system.
The ECIPS motor input vector is
It refers to the output torque oftorque sensor,vehicle current speed,steering angle and steering wheel angular velocity component respectively.
is an ECIPS system input vector,and they refers to the motor output torque,the driver’s output torque and pavement random force component respectively;XS∈Rsis an s-dimensional ECIPS system monitoring parameter space,i.e.xs(t)=xe(t)∪ue(t)∪ye(t)is a monitoring parameter vector of ECIPS hybrid control system,and it serves as the set collection of all the above parameter vectors;xs(tk)=[Tm(tk),Th(tk),Fδ(tk)]is the corresponding discrete monitoring parameter sequence;YE∈Rtis a t-dimensional output space of ECIPS system,and ye(t)∈YEis the corresponding output vector,i.e.
is the output vector of ECIPS system;is the output vector of ECIPS system,and they refers to the restoring torque of torsion bar,motor output torque,input shaft rotation speed,motor angular velocity and rack displacement component respectively;[ωr(t),β(t),ωp(t),φ(t)]R4is vehicle system output vector,and they refers to the vehicle yaw velocity,vehicle sideslip angle,body roll angle speed and body roll angle component respectively.
g is a continuous state change mapping,and it describes the dynamic behavior of continuous system,i.e.
The dynamic behavior is represented as
Interface conversion layer I'=(ρ,ξ)describes the information extraction process,and completes the expression and processing of two kinds of dynamic behavior-response relationship signals;it is the key to the entire system in design,while it is also the bottleneck.ρconverts the monitoring parameter vector of continuous vehicle ECIPS system XSto the discrete monitoring parameter vector sequence XS(tk)to serve as a signal converter,converting analog continuous signal to discrete digital sequence signal,i.e.
ξ makes the sequence composed of each bridgearm’s PWM duty cycle go through four bridge-arms of H-Bridge,then the signal is driven and amplified,and the sequence is converted into the analog continuous input voltage signal of the motor;andξserves as not only a converter to convert discrete digital signals to continuous analog signal,but a power-driven amplifier,i.e.
3 Switching control of ecips system
Based above,switching-control of ECIPS hybrid system including assistance condition,return-to-center condition and damping condition is designed shown in figure 4.And flexible PID control strategy,fuzzy-PID control strategy and Bang-Bang-PID controlstrategy are designed for assistance condition,return-to-center condition and damping condition respectively[15].
The pylon course slalom test is executed as the lane changes in high or middle speed and low steering angle condition[11],the switching-control stateflow is established by figure 5.
Some parameters are listed by the flowing,Mass of vehicle M is 900 kg,Total mass Msis 1 330 kg,Distance between front wheel and center of the mass a is1 360 mm,Distance between rear wheel and center of the mass b is 1 355 mm,Moment of inertia of z-axes Izis 1 591.2 kg·m2,Moment of inertia of x-axes Ixis293 k·gm2,Front wheel lateral rigidity 2k1is 35 000N/rad,Rear wheel lateral rigidity 2k2is 35 000 N/rad,Heeling lever h is 0.5 m,Torque coefficient of motor CTis 0.02 N·m/A,EMF constant of motor Kbis 0.02 V·s/rad,Transmission ratio G is 16.5,Restiance of motor R is 0.1Ω,Inductance of motor L is0.01 H,Moment of inertia of steering wheel Jsis0.001 2 kg·m2,Damp coefficient of steering wheel Bsis 0.261 N·ms/rad,Rigidity coefficient of column Ksis 90 N·m/rad,Pinpion radius rpis 0.007 8 m,Moment of inertia of motor Jmis 0.000 47 kg·m2,Damp coefficient of motor Bmis 0.003 34 N·ms/rad,Rigidity coefficient of motor output axis Kmis 90 N·m/rad.
The simulation speeds are 25 km/h and 45 km/h respectively and the simulation results are shown in figure 6 and table 1.
At 20 km/h speed condition,the peak vaule and standard deviation of steering torque are 6.79 Nm and3.35 N·m under no control condition,and 3.96N·m and 1.95 Nm under Switching-control condition.The steering portability is improved 41.68%and41.79%respectively.At 40 km/h speed condition,the peak vaule and standard deviation of steering torque are 5.11 N·m and 2.25 N·m under no control condition,and 3.53 Nm and 1.56 Nm under hybrid condition.The steering portability is improved30.92%and 30.67%respectively.
4 Conclusions
Electric vehicle industry becomes one of the national strategic emergingindustries while ECIPS system is one of the key components of electric automobile in its design and assembly.And the system is controllerswitching hybrid dynamic behavior,including both discrete and continuous dynamic;study of the system's structure,function and behavior features as well as specialized tools and methods,enables us to fully characterize the ECIPS system dynamic behavior and operation characteristics,to provide a new way for solving the complex ECIPS control problem.
ECIPS hybrid system model structure reflects the system’s operating characteristics,provides premise for the design of ECIPS hybrid control system and its implementation;and it can not only effectively can help to solve the problem that the separate use of neither continuous variable dynamic system nor discrete variable dynamic system can well reveal the insufficient dynamic behavior,but provide effective method for solving the complicated problems concerning the switch of ECIPS system controller.