1.关于教育的英文诗朗诵 篇一
I never teach my pupils; I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.”— Albert Einstein, Physicist
我从不教我的学生;我只试图提供能让他们学习的条件。– 爱因斯坦 (物理学家)
A child is not a vase to be filled, but a fire to be lit.”— François Rabelais, Writer
孩子不是一个等著被填满的瓶子,而是被点燃的火焰。– 弗朗索瓦‧拉伯雷 (作家)
What’s done to children, they will do to society.”— Karl Menninger, Psychiatrist
对孩子做的事,他们也将对社会这么做。– 卡尔‧梅宁哲 (精神科医师)
Don’t tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you with their results.”— George Patton, General
不用告诉别人怎么做事,告诉他们要做什么,他们的结果将令你感到讶异。– 乔治‧巴顿 (将军)
Do not train a child to learn by force or harshness; but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each.”— Plato, Greek Philosopher
不要以威势或严厉来训练孩子学习,借由让他们感到快乐的事物引导他们,好让你更能精准的发现每一位天才独特的才华。」– 柏拉图 (古希腊哲学家)
Education comes from within; you get it by struggle and effort and thought.”— Napolean Hill, Motivational writer
教育源自于内心;你经由挣扎、努力、及思考而学习。– 拿破仑‧希尔 (励志作家)
Education is an ornament in prosperity and a refuge in adversity.”— Aristotle, Philosopher
教育是兴盛时的点缀物及逆境时的避难所。– 亚里斯多德 (哲学家)
Education has produced a vast population able to read but unable to distinguish what is worth reading. (George Macaulay Trevelyan British historian)
教育造就了一大批人,他们会读书,但是不会区别什么书值得读。(英国历史学家 特里维廉 G M)
Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire. (William Butler Yeats, lrish poet)
教育不是注满一桶水,而且点燃一把火。(爱尔兰诗人 叶芝 B W)
Education is the chief defence of nations. (Edmund Bruke, British statesman)
教育是国家的主要防御力量。(英国政治家 伯克)
Education is the transmission of civilization. (Will Drant, American historian and essayist)
Education makes a people easy to lead, but difficult to drive easy to govern but imposible to slave. (Brougham, British statesman)
教育使一个民族容易领导,但是难于驱使;容易管理,却不可能奴役。(英国政治家 布罗马汉姆)
Every person has two education, one which he receives from others, and one , more important, which he gives himself. (Edward Gibbon, British historian)
每个人都受两种教育,一种来自别人,另一种更重要的是来自自己。(英国历史学家 吉朋 E)
2.关于教育的英文诗朗诵 篇二
(1) 英文摘要须在中文摘要修改的基础上进行撰写, 内容应与中文摘要一致。
(2) 英文摘要应与中文摘要中的格式一致, 必须包括目的、方法、结果及结论四部分。
(3) 英文摘要的文字应注意语法严密、准确, 符合英文科技语言的语法习惯。字母拼写正确无误, 大小写、正斜体、上下角标明确, 同时附3~5个关键词 (Key words) 。
(4) 英文摘要中应尽量少用缩略语, 需要时, 必须在该缩略语第一次出现时注明全称。
3.关于教育的英文诗朗诵 篇三
关键词 服装广告 全英文 教学
中图分类号:H319 文献标识码:A
服装广告学(Fashion Advertising)是一门具有极强实践性的交叉专业课程。它集市场营销学、心理学、美学等为一体。全英文课程的开设,不论对于专业教师或是学生都是个很大的挑战。如何不让全英文课程沦为单纯的翻译课程,是全英文教学中需要直面的问题。
1 课程目标
2 教材选择
选择教材是一门课程的开课基础。目前市场上出现了一批针对广告学的英文教材,通过一段时间的筛选,我们锁定了《当代广告学精要》(Essentials of Contemporary Advertising)。这本教材,让我们真切地感受到了它对课程教学的莫大帮助。好的双语教材选择要点,总结如下:
(2)具有国际视野。作为市场经济的产物,广告在国外经历了数百年的发展历程,总结了一整套完整理论体系。全英文课程开设的一个重要目的就是为了汲取国外专业课程的精华,体会理解先进的教学思维模式和方式方法。国外的教材,索然在结构框架和内容编排上与教师一般的授课习惯不尽相同;但是一些经典教材,仍然具有非常大的优势。首先,国外经典教材的逻辑严密完整。比如我们选用的《当代广告学精要》(essentials of contemporary advertising),它对当代广告的基本理论、沿革、经济社会与法规层面的思考直至理解广告目标受众、广告策划、广告创意过程、接触受众、整合营销传播等一系列理论进行了精细的梳理,体现了最新国际的广告学的研究成果。
3 教学方法
(3)利用数字化手段拓展课堂空间。适时地拓宽网络课堂和虚拟课堂,利用新型教学方法打破传统课堂时间、地理上的限制。比如建设课程网站,设置包括主题讨论、广告资料链接、优秀作业在线展示 、有问必答等互动板块,打破传统课堂45分钟的界限。加强学生与教师的沟通,利用飞信将每个班级编组,学生如有任何问题可以随时通过飞信提问。同时教师的教学要求和教学补充资料可以通过飞信及时传递给学生。通过拓展课堂空间、共享资源,使之成为“活”的课堂。
4 结语
[1] 王霞.关于高校双语课程教学的几点思考[J].知识经济,2012(5).
[2] 崔淼.专业实践应用课程的双语教学反思:以“广告心理学”为例[J].消费导刊,2009(8).
[3] 顾永琦,董连忠.香港双语教学尝试的经验教训及启示[J].现代外语,2005(1).
[4] 戴烽.《广告心理学》网络双语教学新探索[J].南昌高专学报,2009(6).
4.英文诗歌朗诵 篇四
there’s a spot in my heart
which no colleen may own;
there’s a depth in my soul
never sounded or known;
there’s a place in my memory
my life that you feel;
no other can take it
no one ever will;
every sorrow or care
in the dear days gone by;
was made me bright by the light
of the smile in your eye;
like a candle that’s set
in a window at night;
your found love has cheered me
and guided me right;
sure i love the dear silver
that shines in your hair;
and the brow that’s all furrowed
and wrinkled with care;
i kiss the dear fingers
so toilwarm for me;
oh! god bless you and keep you
mother machree!
today and tomorrow
yesterday's tomorrow is today,
tomorrow's yesterday is today,
today ,as a bridge,is more important,so do cherish today!
today is the first day of new week.not a good begin i think ,
i lose something and feel so sad, i know i am growing up.
never look back ,cherish what i have now and make my future brighter!!
i should learnt how to live how to deal with thing and learn to do everything as a infant. the world changes so quickly!!
people change so quickly, just find i am so puerility that didn't know how to deal well with the relationship between people and made myself so hard.
i think i am a simple boy but frankly i find i think too much and most of the thing i thought will never happen.
anyway! don't worry be happy!! you have so many great friends!!
5.7年级英文朗诵8 篇五
Earth Hour
Earth Hour started in Sydney at 7:30 p.m on March 31,2007.More than 2.2 million homes and businesses turned off their lights for an hour.A year later, on March 29, Earth Hour 2008 become a global activity and was supported by 50 million people from 35 countries.This year, on March 28, over 2100 cities in 88 countries took part in it.And Earth Hour came to China.The activity aims to save energy and improve climate.We have save different ways to spend the dark hour such as having dinner with our family in the candlelight and sharing stories with our friends.We can also have parties or take a walk in the parks.Come on!Join us in Earth Hour 2010!
6.7年级英文朗诵2[定稿] 篇六
Dear Sir or Madam,I am a middle school student.I have recently learned from the newspaper that you are going to build a factory here in my hometown.There is no doubt that it is good for the development of my hometown and it will provide us with more jobs.Most of us stand by the program.However, some of us are worried that the factory will make much noise and pollute the environment of the area.I would like to know whether you have any plans for the environment protection.Would you please offer us more information about it?I’m looking forward to hearing from you.Yours faithfully,Zhang Hua
7.关于中英文摘要的书写要求 篇七
摘要是以提供文献内容梗概为目的, 不加评论的解释, 简明确切地记述文献重要内容的短文。摘要应具有自明性和独立性, 并拥有与一次文献同等量的主要信息。即不阅读全文就能获得必要的信息。通常中文摘要以不超过400字为宜。应以第三人称的语气书写。不要使用“本文”“作者”“我们”等作为陈述的主语。
摘要一律采用四要素式, 即: (1) 目的 (objective) :简要说明研究的目的, 说明提出问题的缘由, 表明研究的范围和重要性。 (2) 方法 (methods) :简要说明研究课题的基本设计, 使用了什么材料和方法, 如何分组对照, 研究范围及精确程度, 数据是如何取得的, 经何种统计学方法处理。 (3) 结果 (results) :简要列出研究主要结果和数据, 有什么新发现, 说明其价值及局限。叙述要具体、准确。并需给出结果的置信值、统计学显著性检验的确切值。 (4) 结论 (conclusion) :简要说明经验证、论证取得的正确观点其理论价值或应用价值, 是否可推荐或推广等。英文摘要的内容与中文摘要的内容大体相一致, 英文摘要四要素的小标题应根据实际情况确定单复数。
在英文摘要内容前仍需附英文文题、作者单位 (包括邮政编码) 及作者姓名。中、英文摘要具体书写格式同前。敬请广大读者、作者周知, 并遵照此要求投稿, 力求杂志更加规范化、标准化。
8.教育领域标志英文译写现状探究 篇八
9.关于教育的英文诗朗诵 篇九
I saw you toss the kites on high, And blow the bird about the sky;And all around I heard you pass, Like ladies’ skirts across the grass---O wind, ablowing all day long, O wind, that sings so loud a song!
O you that are so strong and cold, O blower, are you young or old? Are you a beast of field and tree, Or just a stronger child than me? O wind, a-blowing all day long, O wind, that sings so loud a song!
我看你把风筝向上抛 吹得小鸟飞得高 我听你走过我身旁 像女士的裙子在草地上响 风啊风啊,你整天唱 风啊风啊,你歌唱多嘹亮
我看你做的事真多 可你自己总爱躲
我总觉得你在推,我听见你在叫我要看你却看不到 风啊风啊,你整天唱 风啊风啊,你歌声多嘹亮
10.关于爱校的诗朗诵 篇十
女:在优美的水杉林旁, 在肃穆的文化广场上,我的记忆力纷至沓来。是美丽的校园给了我力量,收获知识的喜悦,激励我进步成长。
11.关于教育的英文诗朗诵 篇十一
The story of"The Horse Dealer's Daughter"by D.H.Lawrence is usually interpreted as about the redeeming power of love.It is only partly true as one of its themes.It is more than the power of love.If we pay attention to its title,we may find it is also about seduction.Mabel,the daughter of the horse dealer,picks out Dr.Fergusson,an eligible doctor,and exerts all her forces to seduce him.She discovers and uses all her sexual power to get her a husband successfully.
Mabel,the daughter of the horse dealer,remains an unmarried woman of twenty-seven at the beginning of the story.Her life has just been turned upside down because her father has died and left the family in debt.She and her three brothers have sold their last horses and their house,so they must leave the family home soon.Her three brothers all can find a way to support them instead of the horse business.She,however,face only two possibilities:to be a skivvy or to live with her married sister,none of which is what she desires.In despair of her prospects,she commits suicide and is rescued by Dr.Fergusson who falls in love with her.Finally the story ends with promises of marriage.
A few researchers have written some research papers about this short story.They interpret it from different perspectives,such as the nature ideas and blood consciousness of D.H.Lawrence(Li Jinkui),the psychological description(Jin Zhaoxia)and the cultural oppression and the rebirth of the human nature(Yong xiaolin).What I have found is that it is not simply a love story,but a story about tricks—a whole bag of them.
Let's briefly consider the title first.It is a major clue to understand the story and also the one always neglected.Since her father has been dead from the very beginning,his appearance in the title deserves attention.Horse traders,in order to get rid of unsatisfactory horses and make profits,sometimes use tricks to dupe or sting a buyer,such as having drugs,applying Vaseline and spraying paint Mabel is her father's daughter.It is not surprising that maybe she has learnt a few tricks of his trade and makes good use of them.In"A Doll's House"Ibsen asks if the children of Krogstad and of Nora be like their parents,as well as asking if Nora is like her slightly shady father.Like father,like daughter is the idea.
The horse business declines as the replacement of horses with automobiles and tractors,the horse dealer's family,therefore,has slipped into poverty.Mabel's father has taken another step to try to fend off poverty:"The old man had married a second time to retrieve his fortunes."However,with his death,"there was nothing but debt and threatening."Mabel,not only loses her father to depend upon and feel secure in,but also loses her job as the manager of her house.What's worse,none of her three brothers really cares what she can do,only asking her dutifully.She doesn't know wha to do and where to go.She is very close to despair.She has experienced fairly good times,then hard times,having had to"demean herself,going into the shops and buying cheapest food."Even though she thinks it is an end,"she would follow her own way jus the same.She would always hold the keys of her own situation."
No one cares what happens to her except Dr.Fergusson who comes to say goodbye to her brothers.Certainly when he asks"what are you going to do then,Miss Pervin?"It is with genuine concern and with sincere human sympathy.It is not impossible for Mabel to have the idea crossing the mind that he may be a good"buyer"for her since he is kind and lonely in town.He is a bachelor too Seemingly impossible,she still can have the dream if she is lucky enough,she can find herself a husband,which is certainly better than being a paid skivvy in someone's household or a babysitter without pay in her sister's house.Moreover,Dr.Fergusson's circumstances are no better than her.He is sad as he is going to miss his buddies;he is weak as he has a cold and feels rotten;he is a relatively newcomer in town,"a mere hired assistant"and"slave to countryside."Another thing noticeable is that"the doctor's house was just by the church."Therefore,when she is cleaning her mother's grave in the churchyard,it is possible for her to catch his movement as he hurries to attend to the out-patients out of her eyes and looks up when he approaches.On the grey,wintry day,while he sees"the girl at task at the grave,so intent and remote,""some mystical element was touched in him";when their eyes meet,he can'forget the slow,large and portentous eyes and her face.There is a kind of special feeling,partly sympathy,partly unknown.Later tha afternoon,exactly before the teatime,Mabel decides she has no choice but to jump into the pond to join her mother.However,she does it at the very time when the doctor passes by.There is the possibility that she might know the route he takes and know the time he goes out of the surgery since it is in a small town.It is no secre there.If she wants to know it,she can have the answer easily.She plays the game with price of her own life.After all,she has nothing to gamble but herself.Fortunately and definitely,she is rescued.
Mabel revives.Thanks to Dr.Fergusson's efforts and a little whisky,she becomes conscious and vital now.Then the story is about how girls behave when they flirt."The house was empty.The fire was burning in the grate."Perfect environment it is.They both drink a little whisky.She is naked in the blankets.He knows her who is the sister of his buddies,a helpless girl.He feels sorry for her,or great sympathy for her,still remembering their meeting tha afternoon in the graveyard.She looks at him fixedly all the time which makes him have another desire and feel warm inside.He even doesn't have the power to move out of her presence.She sits up,presses her breasts against his knees and thighs and kisses his knees passionately.How can a man resist!He looks down at the we hair and bare shoulders.Shoulders are sexy.Though"he had never thought of loving her"and"had never wanted to love her",at tha time,"he had not the power to break away".It is animal instinct Her eyes are full of powerful love and her face is shining beautifully,which are also strong weapons of women.Grasping her bare shoulder,he feels the touch wonderful."With an inward groan he gave way,and let his heart yield towards her."He is conquered a last.Lawrence depicts it without any omission so we can have a detailed picture in mind.Step by step,Mabel relies on her usua charms,the powerful eyes and shining face to allure Fergusson,no her good looks or good nature.And she makes it.
Here Mabel is active,passionate and bright,totally differen from the impressive,stubborn"bull-dog"appeared before.She is also proud,mindless and persistent,so she conquers.When Dr.Fergusson drops in to say goodbye to her brothers,when he politely asks her what she is going to do,she has realized that he is suitable for a husband.He is a doctor,kind and sympathetic.He happens to have a cold that day,so he is very weak.With such a weak body,he still walks into the cold pond to save Mabel,which makes her further believe that he is eligible.She offers herself on his knees and depends upon him and he doesn't refuse;she notices the change o his voice and uses the ultimate weapon of her tears;she asks for love and kisses from him,all of which shows she has made good use of her tricks to seduce him gradually.Mabel's dependence,vulnerability and gratitude make him an easy conquest.
Lawrence believes in love-at-first-sight,which is more or less showed in this story.After romance,however,practical daily life is in front of them,since Fergusson also worries"how they would al jeer if they knew!"They both come from different world,one as a doctor and one as a farmer,but still they need each other.Fergusson wants to come into the lives of the working people as he feels excited and gratified to contact with the rough,strongly-feeling people.He feels life back to him twice when he looks into Mabel's eyes.One is in the cemetery and the other is in the house.She wil be a good wife,a good housekeeper and a manager—she has done that for ten years.He will be the good husband she needs to get ou of the plight.He will be a good provider as well who will not only keep her financially secure but also give her social status.Moreover,sexual awakening occurs there.Perhaps Fergusson rescues Mabel from the dead pond is out of duty,as he is thinking he is a doctor and she is a patient,but when they are in the house,with fire burning and no one disturbing,what happens clearly shows tha they realizes he is entirely male and she is entirely female.
Mabel has made a good deal for her.Dr.Fergusson has made a good deal too.He has traded her brother's company for hers.All the deal comes from the doctor's question,which shows interest in her as she thinks so that she seduces him with all the trading tricks she knows.Her knowledge of these things is innate.Her feminine power is instinctive.The equally needy man falls in love with her.Al sales are final,no refunds and no exchanges here,just as the horse deal.
[1]Mallett,Sandra-Lynne J.Some Men's Daughters:Teaching D.H.Lawrence's"The Horse Dealer's Daughter"[EB/OL].www.eric.ed.gov/ERICWebPortal/recordDetail?accno=ED414592-20k
12.关于教育的英文诗朗诵 篇十二
我们的意志是不可磨灭的 我们的信念是不可摧毁的 我们拼搏奋进坚韧顽强
13.关于励志的朗诵稿 篇十三
鹰翔山巅 俯瞰尘世变迁
诚心登攀 何惧山高路险
只要拼搏 人生就没难关
梅开时 树枝不再孤寒
星眨时 银河不再寂寥
希望在 人生不再孤单
人人都有五个球:健康 家庭 朋友 心智和工作
只有一个球是橡胶做的 那就是工作
其它都是玻璃 掉了就碎了
回避现实的人 未来将更不理想
世上没绝望的处境 只有人对处境的绝望
人生有许多不想做却不能不做的事 这是责任
有许多想做却不能做的事 这是命运
释怀 看开 一切都会慢慢变好
14.关于教育的英文诗朗诵 篇十四
China has a population of 1. 3 billion, of which, around 66% are rural residents ( China Statistical Yearbook, 2010) . Elderly care of rural residents is a heavy burden for Chinese government. In China, elderly care, including economy sup- port and service support, can be divided into informal system, such as family support elderly care and self - support elderly care, and formal system, such as endowment insurance, wel- fare and social assistance ( Huang and He, 1998) . The histo- ry of China social security shows that the elderly care system is transforming continuously from informal to formal. However, the development of formal elderly care system in rural area is slower than in urban area. Commonly, in rural area, family - supported elderly care ( traditional mode) is the most effective mode. Because there is a reciprocal relationship between the family members, they will help and support each other. But the dual processes of rapid industrialization and urbanization may have a detrimental effect on the ability of the family to offer support to the more vulnerable members. The older people in the rural areas left behind by the migration of the young to ur- ban areas in search of employment are most at risk ( Cheng, 2006) . The traditional elderly care mode, which is based on family support, cannot handle the social risks; thus a more ef- fective and adequate elderly care system is needed, that is the reason why the gradual transformation from the informal mode to the formal mode.
China is now in the process of completing this transforma- tion. As families get smaller, the group of rural residents breaks up; land resource gets scarce, the surplus value of ag- riculture becomes limited; aging in rural area grows faster than in urban area. All of these issues lead to the inadequacy of fam- ily support and the inability of the traditionally informal elderly care system to meet rural residents' need ( Wang, 2006) . As such, the academia and the Chinese government both realized that it's very important and necessary to set up a formal elderly care system.
For a long time, the main focus of Chinese social security reform is urban area. In the planned economy system, China took “low wages, high welfare ” policy to develop heavy in- dustry ( Lin, 1999) . In 1951, China issued Labor Insurance Regulation, in which the workers of state - owned enterprise and collective - owned enterprise business were covered, and the items include disability, death, disease, elderly, child- birth and support for relatives ( Labor Insurance Regulation, 1951) . Because of the labor insurance and land reform, Chi- na was approved by workers and farmers ( Gao, 2006) . After the economic reform was issued, social insurance system in- cluded elderly care, medical care and unemployment was re- formed from 1985 in urban areas. Social assistance system, which based on basic living standard security system, was set up as well. Owing to the limit of financial and material re- sources, self - support and family support elderly care were the main parts of rural elderly care system, five guarantees family system and cooperative medical care system did not make the investment yield well. This situation lasted 25 years after the e- conomic reform started. In the 21st century, as the leading role, the government changed the programs of rural social se- curity. In 2003, new type rural cooperative medical care sys- tem was set up; 2007, rural basic living standard security sys- tem was set up; but there is still no social old - age security system. Thirty years had passed since the economic reform com- menced, the huge variations of Chinese entire society have changed the old circumstance and supply condition of rural so- cial old - age security system, and rural residents' appeal for an elderly system have become stronger as well.
The Delphi Technique is a structured communication tech- nique, originally developed as a systematic, interactive fore- casting method which relies on a panel of experts ( Linstone and Turoff, 1975) . From the 1970s, the Delphi technique began to be used in public policy - making, which caused some methodological innovations.
The need to examine several types of items leads to intro- ducing different evaluation scales which are not used in the standard Delphi. These often include desirability, feasibility and probability, which the analysts can use to outline different scenarios: the desired scenario, the potential scenario and the expected scenario.
The complexity of the issues posed in public policy - mak- ing leads to give more importance to the arguments supporting the evaluations of the panelists; so these are often invited to list arguments for and against each option item, and sometimes they are given the possibility to suggest new items to be submit- ted to the panel.
For the same reason, the scaling methods, which are used to measure panel evaluations, often include more sophis- ticated approaches such as multi - dimensional scaling.
2. 1 The Instrument of Delphi Method
The experts answer questionnaires in two or more rounds. After each round, a facilitator provides an anonymous summary of the experts' forecasts from the previous round as well as the reasons they provided for their judgments. Thus, experts are encouraged to revise their earlier answers in light of the replies of other members of their panel. It is believed that during this process the range of the answers will decrease and the group will converge towards the “correct”answer. Finally, the process is stopped after a pre - defined stop criterion and the mean or median scores of the final rounds determine the re- sults ( Rowe and Wright, 1999 ) . The flow of Delphi tech- nique is presented as Fig. 1.
2. 2Kendall's Coefficient of Concordance ( w)
When the third round of Delphi technique is complete, the Kendall's W will be computed for the scored ranking to measure the level of consensus among the experts for the factors proposed with respect to both rounds.
Kendall's W is a measure of the agreement between several judges who have rank ordered a set of entities ( Field, 2005) . If the test statistic W is 1, then all the survey respondents have been unanimous, and each respondent has assigned the same order to the list of concerns. If W is 0, then there is no overall trend of agreement among the respondents, and their responses may be regarded as essentially random. Intermediate values of W indicate a greater or lesser degree of unanimity among the various responses.
A four - round Delphi Technique were designed to answer what are the areas for improvement that can be proposed forNew Pension System for Rural Residents in China and how are the areas of improvement ranked.
There are 18 experts who are identified through their expe- riences and fields of interest participated in the first round sur- vey. The experts are comprised with academicians and officers of social security authorities. The list of experts who participated in the expert opinion assessment ( EOA ) is shown in Table 1. In the panel of experts, 11 are academicians in universities and most of them have teaching or researching experience of so- cial security; and 7 officers from Human Resource and Social Security Bureau of different provinces, they know well of cur- rent social security policies and existing problems.
In the first round of the EOA, 15 experts participated in the survey and provided 21 responses. The 21 responses were synthesized and categorized into 6 factors ( including the con- tents of New Pension System for Rural Residents, financing a- bility and level, fund operation, management mechanism, in- centive mechanism and macro management system) . They are collected as the areas for the improvement of New Pension Sys- tem for Rural Residents in China, refer to Table 2.
Due to the multiplicity of rounds conducted, the EOA in- strument was considered to be valid as the experts were continu- ously provided with the outcomes of the previous rounds. Some experts requested that the findings of the whole study be shared, a request which was fulfilled upon completion of this study.
There are 12 experts responded to the survey both in round 2 and round 3. Kendall's coefficient of concordance was used to measure the level of consensus among the experts for their rank- ing of the factors proposed in round 1. For the second round of the EOA, the Kendall's coefficients of concordance is 0. 128, and p - value is 0. 53 ( refer to Table 3) . It means that in the second round the experts are not quite agree with each other, and the findings are deemed to be insignificant because of the p - value is more than 0. 05. Thus, it is necessary to conduct the third round of expert opinion assessment. For the third round of EOA, with reference to Table 5, the Kendall's Coefficients of Concordance and p - value for scored ranking is 0. 480 and 0. 000 respectively which implies that the study is statistically significant and the ranking of the 12 experts are consistent.
Therefore, based on the mean ranking of the areas that need to be improved for New Pension System for Rural Resi- dents, the order is: The contents of New Pension System for Rural Residents, Fund Operation, Financing ability and lev- el, Macro management system, Management mechanism, and Incentive mechanism. This finding implies that the experts view that the contents of New Pension System for Rural Resi- dents is the most urgent aspect that needs improvement, while the incentive mechanism is the least urgent aspect.
Contents of New Pension System for Rural Residents are the major issues stressed by the respondents in deal with the improvement of New Pension System for Rural Residents. About 45% of the items expressed by the interviewees were about the adjustment of the contents of New Pension System for Rural Residents, and it was almost the first factor came into the interviewees' minds. Most of the interviewees suggested that the benefit need to adjust to a higher level.
From the respective of urgent, complete rural old - age social security system and increase the level of benefits of the pension should be the first concern of the government.
The family members of the senior citizens ( who are over 60 years old ) should participate in the scheme voluntarily, rather than compulsively. On one hand, the elderly can be pro- tected, on the other hand, the young generation can take time to get to know New Pension System for Rural Residents and accept it slowly.
Financing ability and level is the foundation of rural old - age social security system. 60% of the interviewees have men- tioned financing problem when talking about the improvement of rural old - age social security system. They have proposed sev- eral way of improve the financing abilities and levels.
There are special fund for supporting agriculture develop- ment and helping the poverty in our country, we should also establish a special sponsor fund for rural social pension insur- ance. Encouraging domestic and foreign enterprises, township enterprises, the urban citizens with high level of income and other individuals donate money to pension insurance fund of some poor regions. It will promote the development of rural so- cial pension insurance.
There are four kinds of expenditure of financial support for agriculture development, namely expenditure on supporting farming, expenditure on rural fundamental establishment, ex- penditure on rural technology development, and on rural subsi- dies. With the economic development, it is necessary to pro- vide subsidies for rural social pension insurance.
Fund operation includes two important aspects, namely maintenance and appreciation of values of the fund and supervi- sion system of the fund. And for current situation, the inter- viewees suggest putting more concern on the maintenance and appreciation of the values of the fund.
Maintenance and appreciation of the values of the fund is a vital aspect for realizing the healthy and sustainable development of rural old - age social security system.
To improve earning rate , the most important approach is to apply market - driven operation. Only if the capital freely invests in financial assets , can we obtain the average earning rate of society.
The improvement of management mechanism includes establish and improve a managing team with professional knowledge, decline managing cost and using information management system.
Allow farmers to exchange land for social security. In the process of the development of agriculture , farming and farmers has a decreasing trend. It has generated a huge threat for the farmers who take land and farming as the way of living. In order to address these specific issues , the system of trading land for social insurance should be established.
Incentive mechanism is the approach of encourage rural residents take part in the rural old - age social security sys- tem. It includes encouraging participates select higher contribu- tion level; strengthen the incentive function of personal ac- counts; conduct propaganda among the masses; and dynami- cally adjust government subsidy.
The migration of rural residents should be fully considered in the design process of New Pension System for Rural Resi- dents. A dynamic personal account of New Pension System for Rural Residents will insure that rural residents can keep their account, pay contribution and get benefit wherever he is. At the same time, speed up national social insurance information network construction, and provide technical support for inter - provincial account transfer of New Pension System for Rural Residents and other social security systems.
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