unit 11 语法(新课标版高一英语教案教学设计)


unit 11 语法(新课标版高一英语教案教学设计)(精选5篇)

1.unit 11 语法(新课标版高一英语教案教学设计) 篇一

Period 1. Warning –up and Listening

Teaching Aims and Demands:

1. To learn some expression of apologies and response properly to apologies.

2. To listen focusing on key words and important sentences

Step 1 warming up

1. To invite two pairs to play two short plays.

First, Situation 1

Because today is A’s birthday, she wants to invite B to her birthday party. In the morning, A meets B on the way to the school. A invites B, but B’s father have told B that he must look after B’s younger brother at night. So B can’t go to A’s party. B apologizes for it and wish A happy birthday.

Between class, A is running around the classroom. At that time, B drops his pen and A steps on it and breaks it.

Step 2 Talking

Look at the 4 pictures on the page 36.

1) What do you think is happening in every picture?

2) Can you make a dialogue for every picture?

Complete the dialogues with proper words according to the situation given.

Step 3 Discussion

Discuss in groups, What are good manners?

After discussion, fill in the next table

Good manners Bad manners

Ask Ss:

Do you think you are a person with good manners? Can you tell us a story as an example?

Step 4 Listening.

1) Listen to the tape with this question

How many times does Bill apologize?

2) Listen to the tape for the second time, summarize two problems

3) Listen to the tape for the last time and fill in the blanks. Check the answers and exercise the expressions of apology.

4) Workbook: Listening

Homework: Make two dialogues with your partner about apologies.

Period 2. Speaking and Talking

Teaching Aims and Demands:

1. To use the expressions of apologies and possible answers freely through some situations.

2. To distinguish what good manners are and what bad manners are

Ⅰ.Step 1 Speaking. Practice different expressions.

For example:” Forgive me, I’m very sorry!” is quite formal. While “Oops, Sorry about that” is a very informal way.

To help students understand that in what situations they should use formal expression and in what situations they should use informal expressions.

In these exercise, Ss have to imagine themselves at a party. Everyone is very polite. They should talk to each other politely and make excuse when troubling others. Then ask Ss to work in groups and consider the following three situations.

Sample: Dialogue 1

A: Aren’t you going to introduce me to him?

B: Oh, forgive me. I didn’t know you hadn’t met. Danna, this is Alex.

A: Hi, Alex. Nice to meet you!

Choose three groups to reports.

Step 2 Talking

1) Read the following situations carefully

2) Divide the whole class into 6groups. Every two groups make a dialogue. One is Pros and the other is Cons. Every group should list their opinions to try their best to persuade the other group. Discuss in groups.

3) According to their opinions, two groups make a dialogue. They should be against the opinions of the other group and give their opinions.


1) Choose one of the situations in Talking to write a dialogue

2) Preview Reading

Period 3. Reading ⑴

Teaching Aims and Demands:

1 To get to know the western talk manners

2 To compare Chinese table manners with western table manners

3 Improve the reading ability of the Ss, especially the skills of summarizing and scanning.

Step 1 Warming up

1) Teacher tells a story of a Chinese at a western dinner party who made a fool of himself due to the lack of cultural background.

The story is: Once a Chinese was invited to an American dinner party. When he saw the napkin on the table, he tied it around his neck just as Chinese parents do to their children when they’re fed. As a result, he made a fool of himself.

2) Teacher then presents the tools on the table and shows how to put these knives and forks and how to use them. Then ask one student to imitate.

3) Brainstorming Judge these manners. Which are good and which are bad.

Can you speak with your mouth full?

Can you use your hand to take food from the plate?

Is it polite to touch the glasses when you toast?

Is it polite to persuade others to drink up after toasting?

Do Pre-reading, discuss in groups

Situations Rules for being polite in Chinese culture

At a dinner party

Greeting your teacher

Receiving a birthday present

Paying a visit to a friend’s house

Ask three Ss to finish this table.

Step 2 Reading

1. Ss do scanning for exercise 2( 3minutes for scanning)

In what order will the following dishes be served at a western dinner party

dessert drink main course starter soup

summarize the main idea of every paragraph

2. With following questions, listen to the tape and read carefully.

1). Instead of a hot, damp cloth, napkin is often seen at the Chinese dinner party nowadays. What sign do you think it implies? How can you use it?

2). What do soft drinks refer to? Is white or red wine a soft drink?

3). Do people say anything or keep silent when drinking to one’s health or drinking a toast? What do you usually do if you drink a toast?

Ask some Ss to answer these questions and do exercise 3


1). Do practice on P116-117

2). Preview languages study and grammar

Period 4. Reading ⑵

Teaching Aims and Demands:

1. To learn some useful expressions about table manners.

2. To learn some useful words and sentences

Step 1 Carefully Reading

1). Explain some words and expressions( apologize, table manners, impression)

2). Analyze some complex sentences( In China, you sometimes get a hot, damp cloth, to clean your face and hands, which, however, is not the custom in Western countries).

3). Sum up the text

Finish the exercise 2 on P40

①custom A.. long, thing, curly strips of pasta; usually used in Chinese and Italian cooking

②toast B. a pair of thing sticks which people in China and Far East use to eat their food with

③breast C. slightly wet

④dishes D. center.

⑤middle E. a practice followed by people of a particular group or region

⑥damp F. a utensil consisting of a small, shallow bowl on a handle, used in preparing, serving, or eating food

⑦chopsticks G. the supper part of your chest; the front part of a bird’s body

⑧tender H. the hard parts inside your body and all the animals’ which together form the skeleton

⑨spirits I. Food that is prepared in a particular style

⑩noodles J. easy to cut or chew; sb.or sth that is tender expresses gentle and caring feelings

⑾spoon K. the act of raising a glass and drinking in honor of or to the health of a person or thing

⑿bones L. strong alcoholic drinks such as whisky and Chinese Maotai

Step 2 Post-reading

1. Discussion:

We are very familiar with table manners in China. But in those years, table manners are slowly changed. Can you point out which manners are also changed? Give some examples.

2. Ask some groups to report

Step 3 Workbook

1. Finish the exercise 2 on P40 and check the answer (ask one student to show his answer).

2. Check the answers on P116-117


Write a short passage about the discussion.

Period 5 Language Study and Grammar

Teaching Aims and Demands:

1 To learn word formation and the meaning of prefixes, such as in-, im-, un-, non-

2 To consolidate the Attributive Clauses, both restrictive and non-restrictive through some exercises.

Step 1. Word study

① Explain the formation of the word and the function of prefixes.

② Do exercise on P40 to point out which of the following words have negative prefixes.

Nonstop unfold incorrect important understand

Invite unlucky impossible uniform interesting

③ Matching exercise

Un- smoking

Non- possible

Dis- able

Im- like

Answer: unable, non-smoking, dislike, impossible

④ Blank- filling with the above words( using Restrictive Attributive Clauses for example)

1). This is a nonsmoking room. You’d better go to the smoking room, which is ten meters on your right.

2). The boy who is unable to finish his work on time felt a bit sorry for himself.

3). Tom and Jack are the only ones in theirs class who dislike football.

4). It sounds impossible that the little boy who looks so shy in class would be so brave to catch a pick-pocket on bus yesterday.

Step 2. Grammar

Give some examples of Restrictive Attributive Clauses and Non-restrictive Attributive Clauses.

① Let Ss distinguish which of the following sentences are Attributive Clauses and Non-restrictive Attributives Clauses.


Lijiang, where I was born , is beautiful.

John, who speaks Spanish, works there.


The village where I was born is beautiful.

People who speak Spanish work there.

② Explain the differences between Restrictive and Non-restrictive Attributive Clauses.

③ Fill the blanks of this passage with Restrictive and Non-restrictive

In Great Britain today good manners at table include eating with the mouth closed; not letting any of the food fall off the plate; using the knife only for cutting; and not trying to take food across the table. In other parts of the world there are also rules⑴________,but they are not the same as those of Britain. Indeed, the things⑵________are the things⑶________.In Arabia, for example, the people at a feast take pieces of food with their fingers and belch loudly⑷______.

In the Western countries there are differences between table manners⑸________.In North America it is polite to eat up meat and then put the knife down, take the fork in the right hand and eat with it. Most European people, like the British, keep the fork in the left hand and the knife in the right all the time when they are eating food⑹_____. In the British Isles and Scandinavia(Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland)special knives and forks are used for eating fish. In France, Belgium and Italy, however, it is correct to keep the same knife for every course⑺______.

Table manners of course have changed with time. The earliest meals were also the simplest⑻_______, and everyone took his food from the animal or bird⑼______.The women waited on the warriors and afterwards ate the food⑽______.

Table manners did not always include quiet behavior. Quarrels often took place at table, an in the 17th century King Louis XIV of France ordered that only the knives⑾_______should be used to prevent people from stabbing each other while they were eating.

Homework: Finish the exercise On P41 and grammar on P118.

Period 6 Language Study and Grammar

Teaching Aims and Demands:

1 To learn word formation and the meaning of prefixes, such as in-, im-, un-, non-

2 To consolidate the Attributive Clauses, both restrictive and non-restrictive through some exercises.

Step 1.

① Explain the formation of the word and the function of prefixes.

② Do exercise on P40 to point out which of the following words have negative prefixes.

Nonstop unfold incorrect important understand

Invite unlucky impossible uniform interesting

③ Matching exercise

Answer: unable, non-smoking, dislike, impossible

④ Blank- filling with the above words( using Restrictive Attributive Clauses for example)

1). This is a nonsmoking room. You’d better go to the smoking room, which is ten meters on your right.

2). The boy who is unable to finish his work on time felt a bit sorry for himself.

3). Tom and Jack are the only ones in theirs class who dislike football.

4). It sounds impossible that the little boy who looks so shy in class would be so brave to catch a pick-pocket on bus yesterday.

Step 2. Give some examples of Restrictive Attributive Clauses and Non-restrictive Attributive Clauses.

① Let Ss distinguish which of the following sentences are Attributive Clauses and Non-restrictive Attributives Clauses.


Lijiang, where I was born , is beautiful.

John, who speaks Spanish, works there.


The village where I was born is beautiful.

People who speak Spanish work there.

② Explain the differences between Restrictive and Non-restrictive Attributive Clauses.

③ Fill the blanks of this passage with Restrictive and Non-restrictive

Homework: Finish the exercise On P41 and grammar on P118.

Period 7. Integrating Skills

Teaching Aims and Demands:

1. Deepen the format of letter

2. To know the structure of a thank-you letter

3. To enable the Ss to write a thank-you letter by studying the samples.

Step 1. Warming-up

Lead-in. Writing a thank-you also conveys someone’s politeness or good manners, so when we receive other’s help or gifts, we should write him a thank-you letter.

Step 2. Reading

1. Scanning

1). Ask Ss to read the text quickly, and then answer this question:

Why does Amy Zhang thank Sam and Jenny?

2). Ask one student to answer this question

2. Carefully reading

1). Ask Ss to listen to the tape, and imitate the intonation

2). Explain language points: (some important phrases and sentence structure)

think of:

I thought of my hometown when I saw the beautiful scenery.

Be busy with…

I am busy with drawing from Monday to Friday.

It is time to…

It is time to go to bed.

After explanation, finish the exercises on P42

Structure of a thank-you letter

Paragraph 1 Thank the people of what they did for you. Give some details about what you liked.

Paragraph 2 Tell the people something about yourself and the things you are doing now.

Paragraph 3 Ask the people for some details about themselves and what they are doing now. Close the letter by repeating your thanks.

Step 3 Listening

How many countries are mentioned in this passage?

Give Ss five minutes to read the passage and fill the blanks on P119. Answer other questions.

Homework: Read the information on P119-120. Write a thank-you letter to the boy. Pay more attention to the structure of the thank-you letter.

2.unit 11 语法(新课标版高一英语教案教学设计) 篇二


1. Talk about friends and friendship

2. Discuss problems occurring in a friendship and suggest solutions

3. Practise talking about likes and dislikes

4. Learn to make apologies

5. Learn to use Direct Speech and Direct Speech

6. Learn to write an e-mail

Useful expressions:

1. Like and dislike

He / She likes / loves … He / She is fond of …

My interests / favourite hobbies are reading and singing.

He / She doesn’t like …

He / She doesn’t enjoy … He / She hates …

He / She thinks … is terrible / boring

2. Making apologies

You said that you would … Why did /didn’t you …?

You promised to … Why did /didn’t you …?

Please forgive me.

I’m very sorry. … It won’t happen again.

I’m sorry I forgot.

Useful phrases:

fond of hunt for in order to care about such as drop sb a line

Grammar: Direct Speech and Direct Speech

Teaching plan I

I. Warming up

Step 1: Ask the Ss: Do you have any friends? What is your friend like? And draw the picture below:

Step 2: Let the Ss speak relevant vocabulary as many as they can, for example: kind, happy, strong, funny, etc.

Step 3: Ask the Ss to describe their friends with at least six adjectives.

Step 4: Make sentence with the words(honest, brave, loyal, wise, handsome, smart), using the model “Sb is…; Sb is…, because…”

II. Listening

Step 1: Draw a table on the picture:

Group one think

Peter is always___________________________________

Group two think

Peter is always___________________________________

Group three think

Peter is always___________________________________

Group four think

Peter is always___________________________________

Step 2: Tell the students that friends sometimes have problems and that it is important to know how to solve the problems. The students will hear three arguments between friends. And let the Ss to listen to the tape for the first time and to write down the problem.

Step 3: Ask the Ss to discuss the problem in their groups, then let the representative of each group to write down the result on the blackboard.

Step 4: Analyze the results and comment on their answers.

Ps: the processes of Situation 2 and Situation 3 are the same with the steps above.

III. Speaking

Step 1: Ask the Ss to listen to the tape to get the main idea of the text.

Step 2: Tell the Ss to work in pairs. Ask them to complete the chart on SB page 3.

Step 3: Use the answers to talk about who could be friends and what they like or dislike. Ask each pair to decide who could be friends and give reasons for their decisions.

Useful expressions:

I’m sure that…

I think that…


Well, maybe not.

I’m not sure about that.

But what about…

IV. Homework

1. Finish doing the listening exercise on workbook.

2. Prepare for the reading text.

Teaching plan II for Reading


Step 1. Explain the situation to the students, through brainstorming, ask questions as many as possible according to the use of things listed in the book. For example: What do you need if you want to make fire? What do you use if you want to see your own face?

Step 2: Tell the Ss to work in groups. Ask them to decide on three most useful ones. Encourage the Ss to use the structure I think… because… /I could use it to…/it could be used to…/…would be more important than… because…

Step 3: Ask one student from each group to write their answers on the blackboard. Compare answers from different groups and have a short discussion.


Step 1: Tell the students to read the text silently without using a dictionary. Mark the word or phrase if they can’t guess the meaning of it.

Step 2: Ask them to look at the picture and ask one student to point to the picture and retell the main idea of the text.

Step3: Ask the students to list words or phrases that they don’t know. Explain important ones if necessary.

1. play 扮演(角色)

play the part/role of, act, act the part/role of, take the part of

2. crash (1) vt. & vi. (使)猛撞;(使)撞毁。例如:

Last night he was so drunk that he crashed his car into the iron railings.

A plane crashed near the South pacific, killing 24 passengers on board.

(2) n. (汽车)撞车事故;(飞机)失事。例如:

We survives although others died in the air/plane crash.

3. desert v. 遗弃;抛弃;离弃。例如

He is so selfish that his friends have deserted him.

Many people hurriedly deserted the city before the war broke out.

deserted adj. 无人的;被抛弃的;被遗弃的。例如:

deserted island 荒岛;deserted street 空无一人的街道

4. alone与lonely的区别

alone adj. 独自一人(只能作表语,不能作定语,无感情色彩)

adv. 独自,单独(用于名词,代词之后时,意思是“只有only”)

lonely adj.(人)孤独的,寂寞的;(地方)荒凉的,人烟稀少的(既可作表语,也可作定语,有感情色彩)

I am alone, but I don’t feel lonely. 虽然我独自一人,但我并不感到孤独。

Chuck Noland lived alone on the lonely island for four years.查克.诺兰德独自一人在荒岛上呆了四年。

We have no idea why he left the company. Tom alone knows the secret.我们不知道为什么他要离开公司。只有汤姆一个人知道这件事。

5. in order to…引导一个表示目的的状语,意为“为了”。

so as to同上,但不能放在句首

He hurried though his homework in order to play football with other boys.

有时可省略in order,直接用不定式表示目的状语,如:

He hurried though his homework to play football with other boys.

in order to的否定形式是:in order not to

He left school early in order not to be late for school.

in order还可以带不定式逻辑主语for sb to do。例如:

He stepped aside in order for me to pass. 他往旁边挪了一下,为的是让我过去。

in order that和so that句型引导的是目的状语从句。

6. even if, even though即使,纵然(引导让步状语从句)。例如:

We can’t get the work done even if/though we stay up all night.

It would not matter even if he should refuse.

7. share常用于下面短语中:

(1) share (in) sth分享;分担

True friends share (in) your sorrows as well as (in) your joys.

I’ll share (in) the cost with you.

(2) share sth (out) among/between sb: 将某物平均分配

(3) share sth with sb与别人共有或合用某物;将某事告诉某人

8. should have done指的是过去的动作,常含有责备的意味,意为“本该……”。如

You shouldn’t have gone to bed so late last night. 昨天晚上你不该睡得这么晚。

A: The fish has gone bad. 这条鱼变质了。

B: You should have kept it in the refrigerator. 这条鱼早该就放在冰箱里了。

Step 4: Ask the students to answer questions about story. (1) How can volleyball become Chuck’s friend? (2) What does Chuck learn about himself when he is alone on the island?


Discuss the questions on page 4 in groups, and finish doing them one by one.


1. Ask the Ss to remember to new words and phrases learned in class.

2. Finish doing the vocabulary exercises both on student book and workbook.

3. Prepare for the part of Grammar.

Teaching plan III for Language study

I. Word study: Help the students to finish doing the blanks(有意识的引导学生在一定的上下文中找出有关情景。如第一题,下文的never tells lies对上文的honest起到解释作用)。

II. Grammar: Direct and Indirect Speech

1. explain the meaning of Direct and Indirect Speech.

when you change a sentence from Direct Speech to Direct Speech, you sometimes need to change the verb tense. You may also need to change the pronouns in order to keep the meaning.

Direct Speech ←→ Indirect Speech

present past

past past or past perfect

present perfect past perfect

past perfect past perfect.

e.g. “I’ll take care of you,” Chuck said.→

Chuck said he would take care of him.

“Did you get e-mails from your friends?” she asked.→

she asked if I had got e-mails from my friends.

When you use Indirect Speech to report what someone said, you can sometimes change the exact words without changing what the speaker actually said.

e.g. Wilson asked, “How long have we been in this place?”→

Wilson asked how long have you been here.

2. Statements

1) He said, “You mustn’t smoke in the room.”

He said (that) I mustn’t smoke in the room.

2) She said, “This house is very expensive.”

She said that house is very expensive.

3) He said, “We’re spending next weekend at home.”

He said (that) they were spending the next weekend at home.

3. Questions

1) “Is it your book?” She asked.

She asked me whether/if it was my book.

2) “Shall I open the window?” He asked.

He asked whether/if he should open the window.

3) “Which chair shall I sit in?” He asked.

He asked me which chair he should sit in.

4) “Why didn’t you stop her?” He asked.

He asked why I hadn’t stopped her.

4. Ask the students to finish doing Grammar Exercise 1 & 2. Then give them the correct answer.


1. Ask the students to finish doing Grammar Exercise on workbook.

2. Prepare for integrating skills

Teaching plan IV for Integrating Skills

Step 1. Introduction

An e-mail is less formal than a letter and more formal than speaking. A good response to the e-pal ads should include information about who you are and where you are from.

Step 2. Reading

1. Ask the Ss to listen to the tape, then grasp the meanings of the two e-mail.

2. Ask the students to choose one to reply to. Before the students start writing, they should think about what they want to write.

Note: drop sb a line 给某人写信

e.g. Please drop me a line tomorrow.

Step 3. Ask the Ss to turn to page 88 and learn the reading text Many-flavoured Friends.

1. Ask the Ss to listen to the tape to get the main idea.

2. Let the Ss read the first paragraph and answer question 1-3

3. Ask them to think of words that can be used to describe the different kinds of friends.

4. Let the Ss read the second paragraph and answer question 4 & 5.

5. Let the Ss read the last paragraph and answer question 6 & 7.

6. Answers to question 8 may vary. One possible interpretation is that all the people around us could be our friends; friendship is a two-way relationship and it takes work and patience to develop a good friendship.

7. Explain some difficult sentences and phrases to the Ss.

Step 4. Homework:

Ask the students to reply the e-mail on page 90 and write it in their exercise books.

Teaching plan V for Exercises and Revision

Step 1. Check the Ss’ work to make sure if they have finished their homework.

Step 2. Proofread the answers of the exercises on workbook.

Step 3. Let the student ask questions if they get problems while doing the exercises.

Step 4. Review the useful expressions:

1. Like and dislike

He / She likes / loves … He / She is fond of …

My interests / favourite hobbies are reading and singing.

He / She doesn’t like …

He / She doesn’t enjoy … He / She hates …

He / She thinks … is terrible / boring

2. Making apologies

You said that you would … Why did /didn’t you …?

You promised to … Why did /didn’t you …?

Please forgive me.

I’m very sorry. … It won’t happen again.

I’m sorry I forgot.

Step 5. Review the useful Phrases:

fond of hunt for in order to care about such as drop sb a line

Step 6. Review the grammar: Direct Speech and Direct Speech (1)

1. 转述他人的叙述----陈述句

“I like reading adventure stories,” said

Step 7. Homework

1. Remember the new words and phrases of this unit.

3.unit 11 语法(新课标版高一英语教案教学设计) 篇三

Restrictive Attributive Clause and Non-restrictive Attributive Clause

(二)Words and Expressions

1. Complete


① The railway is not completed yet .


② He is a complete stranger to me .

※ finish , end , completed

③ I have finished the book .

④ I have completed the book .

⑤ The highway hasn’t been completed yet .

2. for a moment

(1)For a moment I thought of playing truant .

※ at the moment

(2)I’m busy at the moment .

※ for the moment

(3)Stop discussing for the moment , please .

※ in a moment

(4)You go first . I’m come in a moment .

3. apologize

(1)He apologized for the relay in replying to the letter .

(2)The waiter was made to apologize to the guest .

4. fault

correct / mend / repair a fault

cover up faults

find fault(with)

(1)Don’t find fault with others .

※ fault , shortcoming , mistake , wrong

(2)It’s his own fault that he failed in the examination .

(3)Though he has a lot of shortcomings , he is a good student .

(4)I took your book by mistake .

(5)You should know right from wrong .

5. introduce

(1)make known by name

① She introduced me to her family .

(2)bring sth. into use or into operation for the first time .

② The boss introduced new ideas into the business .

6. none

(1)Trees were cut but none were planted .

※ no one , none

(2)No one wants to go .

(3)He gave me three books , but one of them is interesting .

7. for the first time , the first time

(1)The girl was criticized by her teacher for the first time .

(2)The first time I met her , I knew we would be friends .

※ time

I went to Zhang Jiajie , I was shocked by its beauty , I’d say it was the most beautiful place I saw .

A. The first time , for the first time B. For the first time , the first time

C. The first time when , at first D. A second time , for the second time

8. surprise


① He looked at me in surprise .


② The stranger surprised us .


③ He was surprised at the surprising news .

9. manner


① I don’t object to what she says , but I really don’t like her manner of saying it .

※ manner , way

(2)Is there a better manner of solving the maths problem ?


apologize to sb. for sth. drink to …

make an apology to sb. for sth. mean to do sth

make / leave a good impression laugh at

a pair of stare at

on the left / on the right make jokes about sb.

start with leave out

keep silent / quiet wish sb. sth.

ask for may sb. do sth

all the time keep in mind


道歉 应答

Excuse me . Oh , that’s all night .

Forgive me . Oh , well, that’s life .

I’m / very / so / terribly /sorry . It’s OK .

I apologise for … No problem .

I’m sorry . I didn’t mean to … Never mind

Oops . Sorry about that .


1. *I’m sorry . I didn’t mean to …

A : mean to do :有…意图,打算,想…

(1)I mean to go , and nothing is going to stop me .

(2)I’ve been meaning to write to you for weeks .

(3)I had me out to go on Monday but have stayed on .

*Having good table manners means knowing how to use knives , and forks , when to drink a toast and how to behave at the table .

B : mean doing 意味着……

Missing the train means waiting for another one hour .

2. Knowing them will help you make a good impression .

A. 动名词作主语

(1)Going to the movies is a popular pastime .

(2)Being lost can be an unforgettable experience .

B. make / leave / create a … impression on …留…印象

(1)I didn’t want to give you any false impression .

(2)The school made a bad impression on the parents .

3. It is polite to finish eating everything on your plate , so don’t take more food than you need .

这是一个不定式做主语的句型,其中to finish eating everything是主语,it是形式主语。

(1)It would be a pity to miss the opportunity .

(2)It was his duty to take care of the baby .

(3)It is necessary for a foreigner to get some knowledge about the country he is going to visit .

4. *When drinking to someone’s health , you raise your glasses .

*Although good manners always make you look good , you do not need to worry about all the rules while having dinner with your friends or family .

(1)While hading the apple on the top of the tree , you need to be careful .

(2)Once begun , the machine will run its own way .

5. I wish you all the best .

A. 用wish来表示祝福的结构是wish sb. sth

此外,还可以用may来表示:may sb. do sth.

Wish you good luck .

Wish you a safe journey .

May you succeed .

B. wish表意愿,希望

I don’t wish to leave my mother .

You know I wish you to be happy , don’t you ?

I wish you wouldn’t smoke any more .

6. After the starter you will get a bowl of soup but only one bowl of soup and never ask for a second serving .

ask for:要求得到或给予(常有灵活译法)

(1)May I ask for a photograph of the popular singer ?

(2)Did you get the post card I sent you asking for John’s address ?

(3)She entered it , asked for a cup of coffee and sat down .

ask sb. for sth. 向…要,请…给

4.unit 11 语法(新课标版高一英语教案教学设计) 篇四


Cars and the United States

Cars are an important part of life in the United States.Without a car most people feel that they are poor.And even if a person is poor,he doesn’t feel really poor when he has a car.

Henry Ford was the man who first started making cars in large numbers.He probably didn’t know how much the car was going to affect American culture.The car made the United States a nation on wheels.And it helped make the United States what it is today.

There are three main reasons that the car became so popular in the United States.First of all,the country is a huge one and Americans like to move around in it.The car provides the most comfortable and cheapest form of transportation.With a car people can go anyplace without spending a lot of money.

The second reason that cars are popular is the fact that the United States never really developed an efficient and inexpensive form of public transportation.Long-distance trains have never been as common in the United States as they are in other parts of the world.Nowadays there is a good system of air-service provided by planes.But it is too expensive to be used frequently.

The third reason is the most important one.The American spirit of independence is what really made cars popular.Americans don’t like to wait for a bus,or a train or even a plane.They don’t like to have to follow an exact schedule.A car gives them the freedom to schedule their own time.And this is the freedom that Americans want most to have.

The gas shortage has caused a big problem for Americans.But the answer will not be a bigger system of public transportation.The real solution will have to be a new kind of car,one that does not use so much gas.




(1)I’m going to…(表示“我计划、打算……”,事先有考虑)

Are you going to…?(询问“你的打算是什么”)如:

I’m going to see a film.


Are you going to leave for Beijing?


(2)I will…(我将要……)

What will you…?(表示“你的意愿是做什么”)如:

I will write a letter to a friend in Beijing.


What will you do at the weekend?


(3)I intend/mean/plan to…(表示“我打算/计划……”)

Do you intend/mean/plan to…?(询问“你打算/想要……”)如:

I plan to travel in Europe this summer.


I mean to wait for the next bus.


Do you intend to take the driving license test this year?


Do you mean to put off the appointment?


(4)I’d like to…/I feel like…/I’m ready to…(强调“我想要/乐意……”)如:

I’d like to stay at home doing my homework.


I feel like going out for a walk.


I’m ready to visit my uncle.


(5)I want to…(表示意愿和欲望,语气较强烈)

I hope to…(表示希望做某事,语气较委婉)

I wish to…(表示不能达到的愿望,也指愿意做某事)

Do you hope to…?(询问“你希望……”)

What do you wish to…?(询问“你希望……”)如:

I want to go to college.


I hope to be a teacher.


I wish to see you.


Do you hope to stay and work in Shanghai after graduation?


What do you wish to do after you come back from Canada?


(6)I would rather not…(我宁愿不……)表示当别人邀请你做某事而你又不太愿意时,语气较委婉;I don’t feel like…(我不想……)表示当别人邀请你做某事而你又不太愿意时,语气较委婉。如:

I would rather not tell you.


I don’t feel like going swimming today.


(7)I hope that…(表示希望实现的可能性大)I wish that…(表示希望实现的可能性很小)如:

I hope that you will visit China next year.


I wish that I knew the latest news.



I’ve dreamed of…(我渴望……)

I’ve been looking forward to…(我一直盼望……)

I’m thinking of…(我正在考虑……)

I’ve decided to…(我已决定……)

I will be glad to…(我乐意……)

I’m considering…(我在考虑……)

Have you decided to…?(你已决定……?)

I would rather…(我宁愿……)

I think I will…(我想我会……)

I haven’t made up my mind whether to…(我还没决定是否……)


(1)AFAIK as far as I know 据我所知

(2)ASAP as soon as possible 尽早地

(3)BTW by the way 顺便问一下

(4)BRB be right back 马上回来

(5)DIY do it yourself 自己动手做

(6)DL download 下载

(7)FAQ frequently asked questions 常见问题

(8)FTF face to face 面对面

(9)IC I see 我明白

(10)ICQ I see you 网上寻呼机(我找你)

(11)L&R later 后来

(12)IOW in other words 换句话说

(13)MOF male or female 男士或女士

(14)OTOH on the other hand 另一方面

(15)POV point of view 观点

(16)RUOK? Are you OK? 你好吗?

(17)THX thanks 多谢

(18)TTBOMK to the best of my knowledge 据我所知

(19)TTUL talk to you later 回头再谈

(20)UL upload 上传



get burnt 被烧/烫伤

get broken 破碎了

get hurt 受伤了

get lost 迷路

get damaged 遭到破坏

get paid 拿工资

get drunk 喝醉

get married 结婚

get killed 被杀死

get drowned 被淹死

get painted 油漆,粉刷

get caught in the rain 被雨淋湿

get caught on a nail 被钉子挂住


1.possible,probable,likely adj. 可能的


e.g.He is a possible choice.


possible (反义词 impossible)作表语时,前面通常不能用表示人的名词或代词作主语,常用句式为:

It is possible for sb. to do sth.

It is possible that-clause.

e.g.He is possible to finish the work.(×)

It is possible for him to finish the work.(√)


e.g.It was probable that Tom told his father all about the matter.



It is probable that-clause.

sth. be probable.

不能用It is probable for sb. to do sth.的结构。

e.g.It is probable that the winner will get a prize.(√)

It is probable for the winner to get a prize.(×)

Colder weather is probable.


It is likely/probable that we shall meet with some opposition.



e.g.This looks a likely field for mushrooms.


The probable winner is Tom,not Jack.



e.g.What is the most likely time to find him at home?


likely(反义词为unlikely)前面可以用表示人的名词或代词作主语,也可以用表示物的名词或代词作主语。但非人称代词it作形式主语时,不能用于“it is likely for sb. to do sth.”句式,此时它与probable一样,后面接that从句。

It be likely that-clause.

e.g.不能说It is likely for him to come.

应说He is likely to come.

or:It is likely that he will come.



luggage是英国英语,baggage是美国英语,表示随身携带的各种行李的总称。询问有多少行李时用how much。

e.g.How much baggage/luggage do you have?

指多少件行李用a piece of 或an article of。

e.g.He had three pieces/articles of luggage(baggage).




e.g.I caught him by the ear.


The police caught the thief as he ran.



e.g.Tom grasped his gun and rushed out.


She grasped the rope tightly with her hands.



e.g.The policeman seized the thief by the sleeve.


He seized the gun from the enemy soldier.



e.g.The thief snatched her handbag and ran off.


He snatched the letter from me.




(1)He’s in the wool businesses.


(2)She’s treated now;she should be back to normal health in a few weeks.


(3)Their whole life was a constant battle for poverty.


(4)Do you think that impossible for us to go there by water?


(5)Half us are on the night shift.

答案:在Half后加of。在人称代词前,要用half of这个结构。



Teachers’ words and deeds ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ their students.

答案:have a great effect on


______ ______ my friends smoke.

答案:Not all


This misprint ______ ______ great confusion.

答案:let to


It ______ ______ ______ that he will succeed.

答案:is highly likely


It’s like a dream ______ ______.

答案:come true


1.(全国)Don’t be afraid of asking for help ______ it is needed.






2.(2003上海)One of the consequences of our planet’s being warming up is a(n) ______ in the numbers of natural disasters.





简析:选D。result “结果”;account “理由”;reason “理由,原因”;increase “增长”。根据句意可知,D项为最佳答案。

3.(全国)Sarah,hurry up.I’m afraid you won’t have time to ______ before the party.

A.get changed

B.get change

C.get changing

D.get to change


4.(2004全国)-The window is dirty.

-I know.It ______ for weeks.

A.hasn’t cleaned

B.didn’t clean

C.wasn’t cleaned

D.hasn’t been cleaned

简析:选D。根据时间状语for weeks可确定用现在完成时,表示“已经有好几周没擦窗户了”。

5.(2004全国)-What’s that terrible noise?

-The neighbors ______ for a party.

A.have prepared

B.are preparing


D.will prepare

5.unit 11 语法(新课标版高一英语教案教学设计) 篇五

I. 单元教学目标

技能目标Skill Goals

Talk about different types of humour; a taste of English humour

Learn how to express one’s emotions

Learn the -ing form as the Predicative, Attribute && Object Complement

Learn to write humorous stories

II. 目标语言

功 能 句 式 情感(Emotions)

I enjoy this very much because ...

I laugh at that kind of thing because ...

This is fun because ...

How wonderful/ surprising!

It surprises me that ...

I’m pleased we were both amused at ...

I felt happy because ...

It’s amusing that ...

词 汇

1. 四会词汇

slide, skin, cruel, content, astonish, particular, entertain, failure, entertaining, throughout, homeless, worn-out, overcome, difficulty, boil, fortunate, snowstorm, bottom, chew, mouthful, direct, star, outstanding, Switzerland, fortune, swing, pancake, mountainous, whisper, vast, sense

2. 认知词汇

verbal, nonverbal, mime, farce, Charlie Chaplin, Edward Lear, bump, poverty, charming, tramp, lace, enjoyment, Oscar, costume, Sherlock Holmes

3. 词组

be content with, badly off, pick out, star in, knock into

语 法 构词法:名词与形容词之间的转化 动词的-ing形式作表语、定语和宾语补足语的用法(The -ing form as predicative, attribute and object complement)

重 点 句 子 Do you find it funny to see someone sliding on a banana skin, bumping into someone else round a corner, or falling down a hole in the road? P17

Perhaps it makes us feel more content with our life ... P17

He became famous for using a particular form of acting, including mime and farce. P17

But he was lived by all who watched the films for his determination in overcoming difficulties and being kind even when people were unkind to him.


Imagine you are hungry and all there is to eat is a boiled shoe. P18

That was the problem facing Charlie Chaplin in one of his most famous films. P18

He solved it by using nonverbal humour. P18

Their job is “panning for gold”. P18

Finally he tries cutting and eating the bottom of the shoe. P18

Ⅲ. 教材分析与教材重组



1.1 WARMING UP中提出了三个问题:How many kinds of humour do you know?Do you know these kinds of humour? Do you have other kinds of humour in China?这三个问题直指本单元中心话题,为下一步的阅读理解作了准备。

1.2 PRE-READING在WARMING UP 的基础上提出了另外三个问题:What do you like to laugh at? What does humour mean? Is humour always kind?这三个问题进一步让学生了解幽默的含义,即把缺陷与完美、荒唐与合理、愚笨与机敏等两极对立的属性不动声色地结合起来,在对立统一中见其深刻的意义。

1.3 READING以美国著名喜剧大师Charlie Chaplin的表演为例,为学生展示了幽默的内涵。第一段以常见的踩香蕉皮滑倒为例,指出了幽默的内涵之一:“Perhaps it makes us feel more content with our life because we feel there is someone else worse off than ourselves”.从第二段开始介绍卓别林以其独特的表现方式成为著名的幽默大师,文中列举了两部他的喜剧片,一部是The Little Trump,另一部是The Gold Rush。前者以其穿着及行为而受到了人们的喜爱;后者通过吃皮鞋这一片段,让人领略了他的无与伦比的想象力与幽默感。卓别林将滑稽的相貌、夸张的穿戴和离奇的想象完美地结合起来,出于现实而又超脱现实。令人在捧腹大笑的同时,感到了他对待苦难的积极态度,和对下层小人物的同情。这篇文章揭示了幽默的内涵,给学生留下了思考的余地:Is humour always kind?

1.4 COMPREHENDING分为两部分。第一部分以填写表格的形式让学生练习写阅读笔记,同时提示他们人物传记的写法,让学生了解文章结构。第二部分练习课文中出现的生词。

1.5 LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE包括词汇和语法两部分。词汇部分强调用英语来解释词汇,并在实际情景中使用所学词汇。 语法部分主要通过大量的例句和习题来实现让学生自主学习的目的,总结-ing形式在句中作表语、宾语和宾语补足语的用法。

1.6 USING LANGUAGE部分, 从听、说、读、写四个方面来学习和巩固所学语言知识,全面体现语言运用能力。

2. 教材重组

2.1 将WARMING UP(P17), READING(P22)与SPEAKING(P23)整合在一起上一堂口语课。

2.2 将PRE-READING,READING (P17), COMPREHENDING (P18)及LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE中的练习一和练习二整合在一起上一堂阅读课。从字、词、句、和篇章几个方面掌握目标语言。

2.3 将LEARNING ABOUT LANGUAGE (P20)中的剩余练习及USING LANGUAGE (P56)中的所有练习整合成语法课来练习ing形式在句中作表语、宾语和宾语补足语的用法。

2.4 将LISTENING(P23), LISTENING(P55) 和LISTENING TASK(P58)整合在一起上一堂听力课。


2.6 将USING WORDS AND EXPRESSIONS(P56),READING TASK(P59),PROJECT(P61)和 SUMMING UP(P24)整合在一起上一堂复习课,总结这个单元所学全部内容。

3. 课时分配

1st period Speaking

2nd period Reading

3rd period Grammar

4th period Listening

5th period Writing

6th period Summary

Ⅳ. 分课时教案

The First Period Speaking

Teaching goals 教学目标

1. Target language 目标语言

a. 重点词汇

verbal, nonverbal, mime, farce, pancakes, mountainous, whisper

b. 重点句型

I think how short life is and how long the universe has lasted. P22

2. Ability goals 能力目标

Enable the students to talk about some types of English humour and Chinese humour.

3. Learning ability goals 学能目标

a. Help the students learn how to talk about some types of English and Chinese humour, and then find their differences.

b. Let the students listen, read, and then imitate the jokes, so that they can realize that humour is to let people to be optimistic about everything around.

Teaching important points 教学重点

Help the students learn how to understand and enjoy English humors.

Teaching difficult points 教学难点

Help the students know the differences between English and Chinese in humours.

Teaching methods 教学方法

Using pictures, discussion, reading and imitation.

Teaching aids 教学准备

A recorder and a projector.

Teaching procedures & ways 教学过程与方式

Step ⅠRevision

Have a dictation about the words and expressions that appeared in Unit 2.

Step Ⅱ Warming up

Start the new unit by showing the students a picture:

T: Look! What do you think of the picture?

Ss: It’s very funny! A wolf or a dog is jumping across the back of a sheep!

T: Yeah! It’s so funny that we cannot help laughing about their acting. It makes us feel nice. Today, we are going to learn something about humour. The title is A taste of English humour. Do you know something about English humour?

S1: I’m sorry.

S2: I know an English humour.

T: Really? Please read it to us.

S2: I’ll try. One day a patient went to see his doctor. He said to the doctor: “Doctor, I see double.” The doctor said: “Sit on the chair please.” And then the patient asked the doctor: “Which one?”

T: That’s really interesting! Thank you! In fact this is a kind of English humour, which we call verbal joke. Ok, here are some pictures. Look, who are they?

(1) (2) (3) (4)

S3: It’s Charlie Chaplin. And I know picture one is from a film called The Gold Rush.

T: Right. Who know the man in picture 3?

S4: I dare say that everyone know him. He’s Mr. Bean, one of the most famous and successful British actor.

T: You are right. He’s now recognized as the most popular British comedy expert. And how about the last one?

S5: It’s difficult to say. I guess he’s an American because the picture behind him looks like an American flag.

T: Right. He is Mark Twain, the famous American writer. Do you know something about him?

S6: He liked to make jokes with other people.

T: Have you once read some?

S6: Only a few.

T: Can you bring us some next time?

S6: Let me try.

T: OK, now, let’s look at the chart on Page 17. What does it tell us?

S7: From the table we can see that Charlie Chaplin is good at nonverbal humour; Mr. Bean is famous for his mime and farce; while Mark Twain was good at tell some funny stories. But I don’t know Edward Lear.

T: Right. Edward Lear is a famous British poet. His poems are funny. But they were all from daily life. Until now people also read them and enjoy them. Here is one of his short poems. Please look at the screen:

There was an old Man with a bread

There was an old man with a bread,

Who said, “It’s just as I feared!

Two owls and a hen,

Four larks and a wren,

Have all built their nests in my bread!”

T: In these two poems we can see that Edward Lear used a kind of magnification to make his poem funny. But because the sense of humour of English and Chinese is different, sometimes what they feel funny would not sound funny to us. But if you want to make fun of one of your friends, you can send them to him/her. They will be surprise to see these. Well, do you know these persons in the pictures? What are they good at? Nonverbal, mime and farce, funny stories or funny poems?

(1) (2) (3) (4)

S8: Picture 1 is Chen Peisi. I think he is famous for his mime and farce.

S9: Picture 2 is Zhao Benshan. He is famous for his Xiao pin. And he is also for his mime, I think.

S10: The two persons in picture 4 are Liu Quanhe and Liu Quanlin. They are good at Ya ju (哑剧).

T: Do you know the third person? No? He is the famous cross talk actor-Hou Baolin. When he was living, he was the most popular actor. Many of his works are the classic. OK, now can you finish the last column of the chart?

The Suggested answers:

English humour


Mime and farce

Verbal jokes

Funny stories

Funny poems Chinese humour

Pantomime (哑剧) 刘全和、刘全林

Funny plays 陈佩斯、赵本山

Cross talk 侯宝林、马季


Doggerel (打油诗)

Step Ⅲ Reading on P22

The purpose of this reading is to introduce the kind of humour we can laugh at -verbal jokes. They use a “play on words” to be funny. Let the students read the three jokes and then match the joke with the explanation.

T: Well, boys and girls, just now we learned something about English and Chinese jokes. Now let’s read some English jokes on Page 22. I’ll give three minutes for you to read them and then match the joke with the explanation. If you like, you may have a discussion. And then we’ll check the answer. OK, read them.

The students read and finish their task, and the teacher can show some other jokes on the screen. After they have finished the task, check the answer and ask them to enjoy the jokes on the screen.

T: Have you finished the reading? Are the jokes funny?

Ss: Yes, they are very funny. We’ve never found that English jokes so funny.

T: What’s the answer?

S11: The answer is 1 to B, 2 to C and 3 to A.

T: Good. Now, please look at the screen. Here are more jokes on it. Read them and enjoy them. If you have some troubles in understanding, discuss, or ask me.

Give the students some time to read the jokes.

Patient: Doctor, I’ve lost my memory.

Doctor: When did this happen?

Patient: When did what happen?

Anisha: Thank you doctor. My fever is gone.

Doctor: Don’t thank me. Thank god.

Anisha: Then I’ll pay the fees to god.

A man with two red ears went to see his doctor.

Doctor: What happened to your ears?

Man: I was ironing a shirt and the phone rang but instead of picking up the phone, I accidentally picked up the iron and stuck it to my ear.

Doctor: Oh Dear! But ... what happened to your other ear?

Man: The scoundrel (恶棍) called back!

T: Funny?

Ss: We’re laughing to death!

T: Don’t do that, another joke is waiting for you. Please read the neat joke on Page 22. And then finish the question followed.

Give the students three minutes to do it.

T: Now decide which of these two kinds of jokes you like better. Give your reason.

S12: I find the first kind jokes are easier to understand.

S13: Those jokes on the screen are the funnies ones, I think.

S14: We must understand the background of the funny story at first, and then we can know what a humor Sherlock Holmes was. I think to understand this kind of jokes needs wisdom to understand. We must know that he was a detective, so he was always thinking of the things such as stealing.

T: What you said is reasonable. Now let’s listen to the tape, pay attention to the intonation, and try to bring out the humorous meaning.

If time permits, the teacher can ask some students to act out the jokes.

Step IV Speaking

T: Now, we’ve learned some jokes and listened to some too. How about speaking out what you feel funny in class? I’ll give you five minutes to prepare this task, and then ask some of you to tell us your story. There are some steps for you to finish the task. If you think they are useful, follow them.

Five minutes later.

S15: My story is one day Lian Hong was standing by the window, talking with other students. Ren Xinglian came up. She wanted to make a joke with Lian and gave her a surprise. So she rushed towards Lian and kicked her at the same. But to all of us surprise, Ren slipped on the floor! Everybody laughed to bend their backs, me too.

T: Me too! OK, this class is full of joy. We know that in our life, there are full of happiness, sorrows, boredoms, and joys. When we meet with sorrows or boredoms, don’t forget to read these jokes. Maybe they can bring you sunshine. Am I right?

Ss: Yes. Thank you.

Step V Homework

T: Today’s homework is to preview the Reading material and finish the Comprehending ahead. And I have a wish that at the beginning of each class, one of our classmates can give us a joke, to bring smile into the classroom. Do you agree?

Ss: That’s a good idea.

T: Let’s begin from Group one. One of you will tell a joke to us at the beginning of next class. Don’t forget it. Ok, class is over. See you next time.

Ss: See you.

