


1.说服性演讲 篇一

演讲论题: 同性恋婚姻

homosexual marriage should be banned according to the international investigation, by 2004, the proportion of gay is around two to five percent of the whole population.and this ratio has been on the rise ever since, especially in the last few years.we know, many countries, such as the us, china, russia, india and so on, are now confronted with the problem of aging population caused by low birth rates.once it’s allowed to get married with someone of the same sex, they don’t have their own kids, and then the birth rates may even be lower.and what’s more, once homosexual marriage is legalized, many potential gays will join the rank without scruple.then the situation will be more serious than now.if this is the case, a series of social problems may be created following the aging-population problem, such as heaver social burdens, greater demand for expenditure for social security and so forth„.life will be more difficult for our son.some may say there are ways to solve the problem of children.by adopting, going to a sperm bank or borrowing uterine, or doing whatever can be done with science and technology.but not to mention moral problems or traditional conceptions, the technology is far from mature.and it increases the risk of variation.even if they have a healthy baby ultimately, will the kids turn out to be well? will the kids accept the fact that both his parents are men or women? will they feel it abnormal to grow up in a strange family and be able to endure the pressure of public opinion? or will they turn out to be homosexuals, either, because their growing environment tells them it is normal.the truth is it is not decent, not right, not normal.the present homosexual population is already plagued by the sick disease;how can we risk our next generation? some may also say true love should not be repressed.everyone is entitled to true love regardless of gender.true love is not guilty: this may be the reason why some people are in favor of homosexual marriage.but are you sure you really know this kind of love? the american sexologist junky said that many homosexuals resulted from the mental distortion.homosexuality,more often than not, is a result of psychological problems, which may have stemmed from the unfortunate experience in childhood, having been hurt in a heterosexual love, wrongly pursuing the sexual pleasure or some other psychological problems.legalization of homosexual marriage will mean our tolerant attitude to a mental disease like depression.we will be leaving this sickness to luck.then it is inhumanity and brutality.could we just stand by and watch it die its own course? of course not.for all of these reasons, how could we ignore the mental illness of homosexuals to legalize homosexual marriages? how could we disregard the happiness and health of our next generation to legalize homosexual marriages? how could we leave the development of our society to legalize homosexual marriages? as long as we have sense of responsibility, the answer should be definitely not.篇二:persuade speech 劝说性英语演讲范文 stop the rumor with wisdom dear classmates, i believe most of us have heared about at least 3 internet rumors.such as: the world would end in 2012, the iodine in salt can protect people from nuclear radiation.in fact, we may have seen more rumors than we thought, that is because on the one hand, with the help of internet, rumors are increasing sincemaking and spreading them is getting more and more convenient.on the other hand, some of them were disguised withauthority or science or even friendly reminder, which make it more difficult to see through.firstly, we should never be the source of rumors.i know most of us won’t make rumors on purpose, but we can’t ensure what we said won’t be used by other individuals intentionally, or our original meaningswon’t be misinterpreted.although the internet is open and free, that doesn’t mean we can say whatever we want without a second thought.secondly, we shouldn’t help the spread of internet rumors.because the wilder the rumor spreaded, the more damage it will cause.we all know thatthree people spreading reports of a tiger make you believe there is one around.thanks to the internet, now we can spread the rumor with only one share button.even though we didn’t take the rumor for real when we push the button, it is possible for others to believe these rumors because they trust us.in the worst situation, our reputation may be destoried by this reckless behavior.last but not least, we should try our best to terminate the rumor.and that depends on our wisdom.in most cases, the rumors always pretend to be the truth,(有图有真相)for that most of us would rather believe than not.but in fact, that doesn’t benefit anyone.the right way is keepingsuspicious about what we seeand hear, especially ofthose shocking or illogical.and using our professnial knowledge to make the right choice.as the old saying goes, the wise men ended rumours.i believe as graduate students, we have enough wisdom to be the terminators of rumor.so, let’s stop the rumor with wisdom.篇三:说服型演讲稿 116721019 劝服型演讲 谢婧妤 沟通大纲 中国民歌是中国人民唱歌走调的重要因素





2、为实现这一结果,听众需知: 1)唱歌的音准是与一个人找音距的能力有关的,音距就是一个音到另一个音的距离; 2)从小学开始我们的音乐课本就充斥着各种高难度的中国民歌,而中国民歌的音域跨度都比较大,让还处于学习阶段的我们难以找到准确的音距,导致了后来的音准问题; 3)外国的民歌大部分为比较简单的音调,难度较小,容易找到音距,比如像在国内很红的《送别》的曲子也是从国外传进来的,简单易学朗朗上口。


1)学习中国民歌对于普通人来说是感到困难的; 2)不要因为自己唱歌走调而感到自责,难过。










感受过我们大中国的小学音乐课本,我们再来看一下人家外国小朋友都是在唱一些什么歌。当我们在唱《走向新时代》的时候,人家唱的是“一闪一闪亮晶晶,漫天都是小星星”,仔细看一下人家音调“11 55 66 5 44 33 22 1”跨度比较小,也在小朋友可以掌控的音域范围内,不用憋的半死才唱到那个音。《送别》这首歌大家应该都听过吧,“长亭外古道边芳草碧连天”,其实呢,这首歌的曲子也是从外国传进来的,然后用中文填词,这首歌的音调也是比较简单易学,朗朗上口,听一两遍就能记住了,唱起来比较不那么吃力,基本都是普通人能到达的音域范围内。这时候就不得不提起,红遍我们大江南北的中国民歌《茉莉花》了,虽然曲调也算得上是朗朗上口,但是它的跨度也是很大的,“好一朵美丽的茉莉花,好一朵美丽的茉莉花”,九曲十八弯的音调,唱着唱着就要跑偏了,也是普通民众驾驭不了的大歌。想一想,我们从小就开始学习超过我们音域范围的中国民歌,各种高音各种唱不上去,整天



现在,我们也这么大了,唱歌走调一时半会儿也是治不了了,但是这也不是我们的错,只能说从小就学这么高难度的中国民歌又有几个人是真的能唱好的呢?我们还是可以继续当我们的浴室歌王,歌后,ktv麦霸,唱歌嘛,最重要的就是开心。篇四:介绍性英语演讲稿 morning everyone, ifeel excited to have the chance to give you a short speach here.let’s see a phenomenon,we can’t live for a minite without it,cellphone.just as a fish can’t live without water.but why is cell phone so attractive? iguess that it is software applications that makes it.nwhether you acknowledge or not,smart phone has changed our lives in the past ten years.sincerely speaking,softwaer applications make our lives more and more colorful.they cover almost every aspects of our lives,such as clothing,eating,travelling,payingand entertaining.these kinds of software applications makes us approach to everything.we can order take out even in dormotory.they give us a moving map when we are travelling.what’s more.,they provide us with quantities of games,which occupys almost all our free time.it’s a tendency that everything is to develop into mobile one,which truly makes room for software applications.people rae accustomed to paying on phone.and other people have the desire to do everything by their smart phone.since the software applications are used so frequently,safty and pravicy truly catch our attention.so what’s the tendency of requirement of market today?or what’s the development of software applications in the future? maybe the inventors are supposed to focus on the tendency of the development of the world,pay attention to the requirement of users.what’s more,what’s the most important is safty.only follow the tendency can they develop well.that’s all my speech.thank you for listening.1篇五:说服型演讲稿

话题:我在2012-2013学在思想工作学习等方面的表现 演讲类型:说服型


标题: 领袖人物,非我莫属!






模拟招聘大赛的主题“勇往职前·模拟招聘”,得到了老师和同学们的一致好评;曾当“模拟招聘大赛”主持人、“系十大歌手”礼仪先生。并任蓝天助学创业社人力资源部部长,能对部下做到宽严公道,赏罚分明。积极参加社会实践活动。例如,2013年1月参加 “穗港澳台青年创业比较研究”成果发布会。在其中,吸取了许多青年创业经验。想方设法为勤工助学学生减少任务、谋福利,如组织成员清除牛皮癣活动等。和社员们一起举办了院首届勤工助学总结表彰大会、院首届大学生职业规划大赛、大学生礼仪风采大赛等,并获“院优秀工作者”称号; 学习方面:始终将学习放在首位,续读专升本,任专升本班班长,曾被评为专升本“优秀学生干部”、“三好学生”等;专业成绩、综合测评均名列前茅;


生活方面:我始终保持着乐观、健康的生活态度,热爱运动,曾获“院篮球赛季军” 等。现任蓝天助学创业社社长。在社员面前拥有威严和亲和力,既可以领导下属又可以和下属保持友好关系。了解自己每位社员的长处和短处,合理的分配工作给他们,扬长避短提高社员的工作效率。总而言之,本人具有领袖人物的亲和力、统治力、洞察力、沟通能力、执行能力、组织能力等特征,故申请成为学院“领袖人物”。

2.说服性演讲 篇二


1 Introduction

It is found that religion has been influenced by the internet.Churches build up their websites, through which the beliefs are widely broadcast.Lightsource.com is a website which shares many Christian videos, including live broadcasts of the church services, featured video podcasts, and Bible study tools.Bishop Horace E.Smith, M.D.’s video Eternal Intercessor is a video broadcast of preaching.The purposes of the video includes persuading audiences to believe the importance of God in their lives, to make a donation to the church and to buy the products such as Christian books and videos.This video is special in two aspects.For one thing, it is a new form of broadcasting religious beliefs.Traditionally, people go to church every Sunday.However, nowadays internet provides a platform for the religious groups to make greater influences on their disciples and other audience.Preaching videos on the website provide more opportunities for them to engage in the Christian community and develop their knowledge of the Bible (Baab:2007) .For another, this video is more than a preaching video.Both in the middle and at the end of the video, the Bishop calls for donation and advertisements of the Christian books and videos are shown.Additionally, on the web page around the video, there are similar advertisements and links to make a donation.Therefore, through this video, both the power of preaching and the power of marketing strategies can be experienced by the audience.In this essay, this religious speech video will be analyzed with rhetoric theories.First, rhetorical devices applied in the speech will be figured out.Second, the preaching text will be analyzed with Aristotle’s notions of persuasion.

2 Analyzing the rhetorical devices in the preaching

Just as Plato said“rhetoric is speech to please the gods”, rhetorical devices such as rhyme, anaphora, alliteration and rhetorical questions are the most salient feature of this sermon.

After watching the video, some words impressed me a lot, such as“Faith works all the time”, “If you don’t inspire us, our words are vain words, if you don’t touch our hearts, our hearings are in vain.If you don’t breakup the heartless of our spirit, we will never receive what we need to live.”, “You need God all the time”, “You gotta build God an altar”.Then, I found these words are those the Bishop repeated many times.The rhetorical device used here is anaphora or parallelism, which means the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses.By doing so, the speakers or writers can attract people’s attention effectively (Hamilton:2012) .For example, at the beginning of the praying, the priest said“If you don’t inspire us, our words are vain words, if you don’t touch our hearts, our hearings are in vain.If you don’t breakup the heartless of our spirit, we will never receive what we need to live.”These words express the importance of god in their lives and show their loyalty.By using the same sentence structure, the Bishop strengthens the tone of the sentence increasingly.In this way, audience’s attention can be drawn at the beginning of the preaching.

Except anaphora, rhyme can be figured out in the speech.Rhyme means using the“correspondence of sounds between words or the endings of words”to make the text more poetic and more impressive.In this sentence, “What a blessing to know him is Lord had challenge him to altar which come together so wonderfully when the holy spirit saying to those who have ear to hear and heart to receive to build god an altar is a privilege.”Words altar and together share the sound/ә/at the end of the words, wonderfully and holy rhyme at/li/, while ear and hear both have the vowel/iә/.This poetic language sounds like a beautiful music, which makes the religious idea more acceptable to the audience.It softens the didactic purpose of the speech, while enhances the emotional power of the language.

The sentence“We are going to do that in god’s time with good leadership.”sounds beautiful because going, god, and good all have the same consonant/g/at the beginning of the words (Hamilton:2012) .This is the application of alliteration.The repetition of the consonant/g/in this sentence emphasized“be going to do”, God, and good leadership.Thus, the commitment sounds more reliable and the words appeal audience’s loyalty to God.

Additionally, epanalepsis is applied frequently in the speech.It means repetition after intervening words.For instance, “God does not dwell everywhere, but he will dwell somewhere.Both rhyme and epanalepsis appeared in this sentence.Dwell is repeated in the two phrases and it became the center of the sentence.In the sentences before, the Bishop mentioned an altar is what God wants.Therefore, in this sentence dwell stresses the God’s intention and transfers the Father’s purposes to the audiences.

Last but not least, in this preaching, questions such as“Can you imagine that Lord standing outside of my heart and just knocking to get in?”and“Hath this been in your days or even in the days of your fathers?”have been asked by the Bishop, but not required to be answered.This type of questions is rhetorical question, which is actually the speaker’s statements, while it has much stronger emotional effects.The first question describes the picture of God knocking at the door of a person’s heart.It seems their hearts are knocked, when audiences listen to this question.Thus, their feeling can easily be touched by this question, and God will get into their hearts.

3 Analyzing the preaching with Aristotle’s Notion of Persuasion

According to Aristotle (1932/1960) , there are three primary means of persuasion:ethos, logos and pathos.Ethos is the use of persuader’s credibility and expertise to appeal to the audience.Logos depends on the evidence and logic of the message.Pathos is largely due to the emotions of the audience (Biber et al:2007) .This religious speech is a very good example of application of all three strategies.

3.1 Analyzing the preaching with ethos

In this video, the authority of the Bishop Horace E.Smith, M.D.is applied as source credibility or ethos, which can influence the audience’s attitude.It is reported that high-credibility source created greater attitude change than low-credibility source (Hovland&Weiss:1951) .People may show more trust in God because of the credibility of the Bishop.Therefore, in the video both verbal and visual methods are used to shape the positive image of Bishop Smith.

As is shown in the video, the Bishop’s name is repeated many times in the video before the preaching.We can hear that“The power to touch and transform life, faith work ministries with Bishop Horace E.Smith, M.D.Today’s message by Bishop Horace E.Smith”.It seems to tell the audience that Bishop Horace E.Smith has the power to touch and transform life, which builds up the credibility at the beginning of the speech.In the middle of the video, there is a short section in which the Bishop Smith calls for the audience to make a donation for the Christian development project.The Bishop emphasized his authority by mentioning his name and representing the church to call for the audience’s action.At the end of the video, an advertisement of Bishop Smith’s book is shown, which shapes the image of a knowledgeable priest.It effectively enhances the reputation of the Bishop.

Moreover, every time the Bishop’s name is read, his picture is also shown on screen.In these pictures, the Bishop wears priest frock, smiling, with his arms folded in front of his chest.This kind of image carries the connotation of prestige and friendly.However, when he calls for people’s donation, the Bishop wears a suit with shirt inside and sits in the sofa with an open and relaxing posture.His suit reveals the seriousness of the topic, while his smile and open posture narrow the distance between him and the audience.

Additionally, the Bishop’s name appears three times in the video, at the beginning, at the end and in the middle of the video.The repetition of the source credibility is to weaken the sleeper effect which means the effect of high-credibility message on audience’s attitude change may decrease over time.Therefore, persuaders often repeat the message in the texts.Although the effects can just last for a short time, the repeated message representations can produce a relatively long-lasting attitude change (Stiff&Mongeau:2003) .

3.2 Analyzing the preaching with pathos

The Bishop delivers the sermon passionately.Pathos is used frequently and skillfully in his preaching to echo with the audience’s emotion in cognitive, affective, physiological and behavioral levels.As we can see, the audiences listen to the preaching attentively.Sometimes they smile.Sometimes they nod their heads.Some of them even burst into tears.To make the audience engage deeply in the preaching, the Bishop use fear appeals and guilt appeals in his sermon.For example,

“Jesus, he is able also to save them to the uttermost, he will save you completely, he will save you overwhelmingly.”

“We’ve earned something, but in fact, we are more deeply in sin before.”

Obviously, the guilt appeals are applied in these two sentences.When a person feels that his or hers behavior is wrong, the feeling of guilt arises.The guilt appeal not only points out the audience’s mistake but also provide a solution to make up their wrong behaviors.The audience is told they are in sin;they need God to save them to the uttermost.Before God save them, they need to bring what God wants, which is to build an altar for God.In this way, the importance of God has been emphasized.

In addition, fear appeals can be found at the end of the sermon.A story is told by the Bishop,

Oh, wait a minute, you might go in...and it was nothing get in the braise altar, who fall down there is the Denisly, so they tag a roll on the ankle of the priest, before he went into the holy place, and onto the roll it has bells.The bell is to make music?Not really.The bell were very practical cause if you went in without braze in the altar to wash your sins, he will died easy.You couldn’t go inside cause you’ll died too.When you go inside, the bell do the service“wing, wing, wing”Dead.He died and they pulled him out.They pulled him out because he could not go to the golden altar, if he had not have his sin committed in the braze altar before he went into the holy place.

This story contains gruesome content, which is if we don’t wash our sin before we get into the holy place, we will die.This message may arouse fear in the audience’s mind because they may be frightened by the terrible consequence.Here, the use of negative outcome in the story to appeal the audience is called perceived threat.

Both guilt appeals and fear appeals create negative feelings of the audience, while only arousing the bad feelings in the audience can frighten them away.The Bishop appeal the audience’s positive feelings, such as hope.In the persuasive perspective, hope means people believe they have a chance to make up the wrong behavior and produce positive results (Frederick:2011) .Specifically, in this sermon, the Bishop mentions“if you bring God what he wants, you’ll get needs from God.Every single time, if you bring God what he wants.”The audience will understand that if they devoted themselves to God, God will save them from sadness and help them fulfill their dreams.

3.3 Analyzing the preaching with logos

The strategy of logos is applied in this preaching in the following aspects:information availability, textual rationality, and the message sidedness.

Throughout the text, the main ideas of building God an altar can be figured out.This message appears after they pray together at the beginning of the video in the middle and at the end of the video.This is the increasing of the availability of the information which includes the law of primacy and law of recency (Lund:1925) .It is said that human brain remembers the early and recent messages better.Therefore, the important message“build God an altar”is repeated at the beginning and at the end of the preaching, so that the audience can remember the message for a longer period.

Further more, in this preaching, a comparison of man and god is made.“We need god more than a man in my life.Many women come to church say that they are lonely even with men in their lives cause that a man is just a man.”The Bishop emphasized the supernatural capability of God, while at the same time he pointed out the limited ability of human being.This argument is a two-sided message which not only contains the supporting arguments but also the opposing view points.Although god does not exist in reality, the use of two-sided message is reasonable when people listen to the argument at first.Besides, textual rationality is embodied in the Bishop and the audience in the video reading the verses in Hebrews together.For instance,

Bishop:Hebrews Chapter 4, verse No.14, “seeing then that we have a great high priest that is passed into the heavens, Jesus the Son of God.Let us hold fast our profession and our confession.For we have not an high priest which can not be touched with the feeling of our infirmities, we have not an high priest which can not be touched with the feeling of our weaknesses, we have not an high priest which can not be touched with the feeling of our failureness.Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, say mercy


Bishop:and grace, say grace


Bishop:to help in time of need.

According to De Certeau said“Only what is written is understood” (1984:133-134) , in Christendom, Bible has great influence of words, ideas, propositions creeds and doctrines on the followers.Bible can be treated as evidence or justification for the Christian because they believe what Bible says is truth.Therefore, reading the verse in Bible has“a powerful ruler able to work god-like deeds of persuasion.” (Braun:2005)

4 Conclusion

In this article, the persuasive strategies in a Christian preaching video are analyzed with rhetoric theories.Various rhetorical devices such as rhyme, anaphora, alliteration and rhetorical questions greatly polish the sermon to increase its poetic effects.The classical Aristotle’s persuasive strategies are widely used in this internet preaching.First, the Bishop can be treated as a source of ethos.The repetition of his name and the demonstration of his images in the video builds up his authority which may win the audience’s trust more easily.Second, the sermon demonstrates a systematic usage of pathos.The appeal of guilt, fear and hope effectively enhances the audience’s belief in God.Third, the preaching not only appeals to the audience’s sensitively but also rationally.Textual rationality, message sidedness, information availability in the notion of logos increase the credibility of the sermon.

However, the great persuasive power of the preaching not only comes from various rhetorical devices used in the text, but also results from the effective speech delivery and the positive audience’s feedback.Showing the video broadcasts on the internet intensifies the persuasive effects of the preaching, in that the preaching is accessible to more people.The creation of Christian website is the trend of the development of Christianity.Therefore, further studies can be carried out in comparing the traditional and new forms of church services.


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[5]De Certeau, Michel.The practice of everyday life[M].Stevenrendall Trans.Berkeley:University of California Press, 1984.

[6]Frederick P.Persuasive writing:how to harness the power ofwords[M].New York:Person Business, 2011.

[7]Hamilton C.Essentials of public speaking[M].5th ed.Boston:Wardsworth Cengage Learning, 2012.

[8]Hovland C, Weiss W.The influence of source credibility oncommunication effectiveness[J].Public Opinion Quarterly, 1951, 15:635-650.

[9]lightsource.Apostolic Faith Church with Bishop Horace E.Smith, M.D.[EB/OL].[2014-01-18].http://www.lightsource.com/ministry/apostolic-faith-church/.

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3.说服性演讲 篇三


1、概括情况 “概括情况”的头一个目的是保证我们能够瞄准买主的购买动机。因此,我们必须确定买主的下列情况:——需要?——爱好?——条件?——限制?——机会?这个步骤的第二个目的是引起和验证买主的兴趣——向买主介绍一种能够为他提供他需要/需求/爱好的具体好处。为了保证我们能够瞄准买主的需要,我们必须考虑买主目前正面对的条件(例如现金流量、货架空间和竞争等)。





2、陈述主 意陈述主意时要注意:——简单、清楚、明确;——满足需要/机会;——建议行动。向买主讲述你的想法,清楚而简明地告诉该买主你推荐什么样的行动。显然,你是在那儿卖东西。向买主讲清楚你有一个想法或牌子,能够满足他的需要,或能够产生你在概括情况时提出的好处,从而使他理解你要做的事情。在讲述你的想法时,要注意简单、清楚和明确。通常,用一两句话就可以容易地把想法讲清楚。这种主意的陈述应当也是一种使买主采取行动的邀请,这种邀请是通过让买主知道你正在那儿向他出售东西而表达出来的。

3、解释主意是怎样起作用的 “解释主意是如何起作用的”的目的是表明/告诉/证明(制定)你的想法将如何产生你在“对情况的概括”中向买主承诺的好处。到了这个时候,如果买主仍然未请求你把更详细的情况告诉他,那么,你没有必要把你的计划全部细节向他解释。这些细节包括:谁做什么,产品什么时候送到以及付款方式等。你可以在作出销售演示之后再和买主讨论这些细节。

4.说服别人献血的演讲稿 篇四

Donating Blood

By Anita Huang If I say you can easily save another person’s life, you may think I’m joking.But I’m not.Then you may say, you are not superman, you don’t have super power, and you don’t even have muscles.But that’s perfectly fine.You don’t need magic powers, you don’t need muscles, all you need is a warm heart craving to help others.Yes, what I’m talking about, is donating blood.In America, there is a sentence used widely for donating blood:” send you a gift, life.” I think this is really touching.You don’t even need to pay much, but you can silently give somebody the hope to live on.There is no other gift that is comparable to life.I still remember a teacher of mine when I was still in junior high school.She was a lovely, sweet and caring old lady, and she always wore a warm smile.She once talked with me about donating blood.She says she goes to the hospital to donate her blood every month.Yes, every month, never stopped.She told me it was important for her to do that because she possessed a very rare kind of blood type: Positive Rh.I could never forget what she said to me: “If I stop going one month, one more person may die because of not being able to find a match.” Donating blood was never an extraordinary task for her, even though she is quite old already.She did it just like we brush our teeth every day.It seemed simple, and was a must-do to her.Her strong will to help others in need and her superior responsibility for the society moves me ever since.I hope everyone here today may have a brand new idea about blood donation.Don’t be afraid, and start today.Always remember, helping others in need today shall pave the way for others to help you one day when you are in need.Thank you for listening.

5.说服性演讲 篇五



















6.说服性演讲 篇六








7.也谈“说服教育” 篇七

什么时候需要说服呢?所谓说服, 就是动之以情、晓之以理, 在学生不知道事情该怎么办或者在学生做错了事情还不自知的时候, 还有如果学生认为你说得不对时出现对峙的局面, 性格倔强的孩子还会拧着脖子红着脸, 满脸的不服气, 可以说这些时候需要“说服教育”。

但是如果学生知道其中的道理, 或者知道对错, 但是他偏不这样做, 还有的学生自己管不住自己, 总是不自觉地犯错的时候, 这种情况下需要的就是管教, 而不是说服了。

我很赞同说服和必要的处理分开的见解, 实质上这是一种很重要的原则, 即在说服中不动用权力, 也就是平等的原则。既然是说服, 就应该站在平等的位置上, 不能因为自己是老师, 就用老师的权力压人, 威胁人。教师要注意说话的语气及每一个用词。有的老师见到学生的第一句话往往是:“过来, 站这儿来。你老实给我说, 今天你是怎么回事?”问到性急处, 老师的话就是这样的:“你再不说, 我就把你交给学校, 通知你的家长, 在全校通报……”我们的语气可能是轻蔑, 可能是猛烈。说到底这些话都是我们的权力在作怪, 我们的师道尊严在作怪。也许, 学生本来打算好好地给你说一下, 你这样一问, 他一害怕一紧张或者一反感你就什么也问不出来了, 你也就谈不上说服他了。所以, 平等地和学生交谈是说服学生的前提和基础。

如果学生的错误必须要有一个处理, 那就要等到把道理给学生讲通以后, 真正地说服了他, 才好处理。不能简单地把处理过程当成说服的过程。如果学生没有搞清楚其中的道理你就要处理, 学生心中不服, 窝着火, 有时学生就会用一些极端的方式发泄出来, 造成更大的错误或者意外。这说明简单直接的处理是不能教育好学生的, 只会适得其反。

说服教育的第二个原则是公正, 就是不论教师怎么着急, 都不能口不择言, 一定要站在公正的立场上讲话。但是在实际的工作中, 我们很多老师往往会有这样的话:“犯错的怎么老是你?怎么每次都是你给我们班摸黑?”这样的话很容易引起学生的反感和顶撞, 容易激发更大的矛盾。我们应该就事说事, 不能老是旧事重提, 一有新错就把旧错算上, 总用旧眼光看人。

8.怎样才能说服学生 篇八






































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