1.初三年级英语考试卷 篇一
Ⅳ.46-50 BDFGC
V. 51. was weak in 52. changed 53. was afraid of 54. were made 55. sending
Ⅵ.56. difficult/ hard; to 57. when; to 58. were; taken 59. worried; found 60. makes / made; of
Ⅶ. 61. how; 62. arrive; 63. it; 64. rang; 65. again;66. least; 67. nobody; 68. shouted / screamed; 69. was; 70. else
Ⅷ. One possible version
One day Han Lei went to a park with his friends. He saw a man drawing pictures on the wall, so he ran up to him and told him not to do it like that. When they arrived at the center of the park, he saw that many people were stepping on the grass while they were taking photos. Han Lei got very angry. He said to his friends angrily, “We should tell them that it’s everybody’s duty to protect the environment. ”
2.初三年级英语考试卷 篇二
在人机对话听力训练过程中, 往往是通过教师反复播放录音, 学生听完后答题来训练听力。由于听力内容深浅不一, 学生基础参差不齐, 他们理解句子和听力材料的速度存在时间差。而在听力播放过程中, 教师只是对学生进行监督, 很难及时发现学生听力过程中存在的问题, 导致不少学生“掉队”, 对听力失去兴趣甚至开始反感。
口语方面, 在实际教学中, 由于农村教师自身口语水平的局限, 又担心学生听不懂, 课堂上多以英文中夹杂着中文的方式进行授课, 平时对口语的训练力度不够, 大部分学生口语发音不准, 说话不流利。加上多数农村学生学习英语只是为了应付考试, 平时很少甚至从不跟读录音, “开口难”成了农村学生的一大难题。
第一, 教师自身英语素质有待提高。按照新课标的要求, 英语老师在课堂上要尽量用英语来组织教学, 用英语教英语应当成为英语课堂教学要求之一。这对英语教师, 尤其是农村或偏远地区的教师来说, 自身的素质是否过硬, 能否用英语组织课堂教学, 语音、语调是否准确优美, 都是一个巨大的挑战。这点上, 作为青年教师的我在口语方面是有优势的, 我每堂课尽量用英语讲课, 每天课前进行热身对话, 把学生带入轻松活跃的教学活动中, 让学生远离了怕开口的毛病。刚开始学生不太适应, 但坚持下来后, 学生的听说能力、语言运用能力逐渐增强。这点我深有感触, 我所任教的两个班级, 学生的听力口语成绩平均比其他两个班高了一分。
第二, 对学生适应能力的挑战。人机对话虽可以避免由于人为因素造成打分的偏差, 非常公平客观, 但是这也会给考生带来意想不到的困难, 在测试过程中如果学生注意力不够集中, 错过或没有看清、听清就会给自身造成更大的压力。而在以前的“人人对话”口试中, 学生对老师的语音、语调、语速是非常熟悉的, 即便没听清, 也可以请老师重复一遍。突然要换一个环境, 戴上耳麦, 对着电脑屏幕做题、说话、录音等, 都是一种全新的适应。农村学校设备不如城市齐全, 学生缺乏适应性训练, 都直接影响到学生的考试成绩。为克服这些困难, 农村学生得从自身方面努力, 多听录音, 熟悉机器播放时的语音语调, 培养注意力, 避免人机对话时因听不懂而手足无措。
(一) “听”的策略
第一, 培养学生良好的心理素质。基于学生对人机对话的恐惧心理, 教师要纠正学生的错误认识, 引导他们明白人机对话和人人对话性质相同, 只是转变了形式。我明确告诉学生, 听是学好英语的重要途径之一, 听力理解虽然有一定困难, 但只要正视它, 经过持之以恒的努力是可以克服的, 以此帮助学生树立信心, 提高他们对听力训练的积极性。
第二, 对常见的答题技巧、线索进行说明。比如, 碍于听力水平的局限性, 农村的学生经常会一听到某个单词或者某句句子就开始沾沾自喜, 以为听到了答案, 便开始答题, 却不知根本是所答非所问。因此, 我指导他们在听前快速浏览, 对题目做到心中有数, 这样也能降低在听力过程中出现慌乱的可能性。
第三, 打好词汇基础, 很多学生因为记不住词汇而错过了听力中的关键信息, 听得出单词却不知其意, 结果只能在听力选项中瞎蒙一个。词汇教学过程中, 我采用了小组合作的形式, 进行优差生互助学习。我班共有45人, 根据学生的成绩和能力, 我把学生分成了A、B、C三组。A组16人, 学习成绩较好, 学习主动性较强;B组19人, 学习成绩一般, 能按时完成任务;C组10人, 学习能力较差, 自控能力也较差。然后把各组学生平均分配到各小组, 使每个组都有A、B、C三个层次的学生。最后小组合作学习, 小组内互相督促, 各小组间互相监督, 每周一次评比出“词汇默写优胜组”, 每月总结出“当月明星组”。经过一段时间的实践, C组学生词汇量明显增长。
(二) “说”的策略
第一, 要培养学生完整的语言表达习惯。在教学实践中, 我经常会遇到学生在表达时“卡壳”的情况。此时如果立即救助, 常常会使其产生依赖心理, 导致学生无法独立完整地表达自己的思想。因此, 教师应该在了解学生知识水平的前提下, 采取问题的方式, 引导他们集中注意力, 给予他们时间将自己的思维完整地表达出来。
第二, 结合多种方法训练。
1. 以话题为基础的训练。《江苏省初中英语听力口语自动化考试纲要 (试行) 》 (以下简称《纲要》) 中提供的二十个话题都是与学生的学习、生活、兴趣爱好等密切相关的。有些教师会采取默写的方式要求学生强行记住, 这种方法一方面内容量大, 学生靠死记硬背得来的记忆是短暂的, 很快便会遗忘, 另一方面有违人机对话中口语考查的初衷, 不利于学生动口表达。事实证明, 很多默写全对的学生, 说起来却是错漏百出, 一点都不流畅。对此, 我要求学生根据话题, 首先在脑海里积累相关词汇。如话题五简述“饮食Diet”, 学生随即会想到vegetable、fruit、fish、bread、hamburger、coke等与食物相关的词汇以及unhealthy、improve等与diet搭配的词汇。如此一来, 学生再根据中文要点进行英语口述会顺畅很多。
2. 注重早读, 加大朗读力度。一日之计在于晨, 清晨的朗读不仅高效, 这朗朗读书声也在不经意间营造了校园浓厚的英语学习气氛。《纲要》中的30篇短文基本来源于牛津英语教材中和模块, 学生已有一定的熟悉度, 通过对个别难读生词的强化训练, 加之录音播放跟读, 学生读起来更是朗朗上口。如今, 我校早晨英语朗读已成了一种无法丢弃的好习惯。
3. 课前问答。人机对话口语中有情景问答环节, 学生在10秒钟之后听到两个问题, 根据情景提示的内容用英语进行回答。针对这一环节, 我没有刻意向学生说明要跟他们进行该题型的训练。相反, 我将训练穿插在每日的课前热身交流中。我制造的话题基本与生活密切相关, 比如, 有一次课前我对学生说:“昨天我妈妈给我买了一条新的连衣裙, 但是我没穿。”学生马上问:“Why?”我答:“Because it’s too short.”在这样一个情景中, 人机对话考试中电脑屏幕上的提示基本会是这一行字:“昨天××的妈妈给她买了一条新连衣裙, 但××没穿, 因为裙子太短了。”而耳机里将听到的问题之一很可能和学生的提问一致, 即“Why doesn’t××wear the newdress?”如此一来, 学生无形间知道了这样一个情景中会有什么类型的问题出现。至于需要用英语回答的部分, 基本都是简单用语, 学生自然会表达。
3.浅谈如何上好初三英语试卷讲评课 篇三
All the banks in our city at weekends.
A. do not open B. is not open
C. opened D. are opened
4.武汉市初三英语四月调考试卷 篇四
C 武汉市部分学校九年级调研测试
第一部分 听力部分
1. A. My classmate. B. Friendly. C. Sixteen years old.
2. A. Very dirty. B. A note. C. It?s brown.
3. A. It?s fast. B. At 8:00 am. C. It?s crowded.
4. A. It?s heavy. B. Too big. C. The one on the bed.
5. A. I?m nodding. B. A lot of hair. C. Better, thanks.
6. What is Kate?s mother?
A. A doctor. B. A nurse. C. A patient.
7. Where is the man?
A. In the cinema. B. On the farm. C. At a store.
8. How is the man going to the museum?
A. By bike. B. On foot. C. By bus.
9. What are the- two people?
A. Teacher and student. B. Father and daughter. C. Doctor and patient.
10. What does the woman think of the dress?
A. The color is a bit light. B. The size is not OK. C. The dress is too short.
11. What is the man going to do?
A. Go to swim. B. Buy some paper. C. Do some work.
12. What does Mary mean?
A. She agrees with the man. B. She has a better idea. C. She doesn?t care.
听下面一段材料,回答13 -15题。
13. What can we know about the woman?
A. She knew the man well.
B. She worried about the bike.
C. She repaired the bike.
14. What happened to the bike?
A. It was knocked down.
B. It was badly broken.
C. It was sold to the woman.
15. Who checked the bike?
A. Nobody did.
B. The woman did,
C. The man did.
听下面一段材料,回答16 -18题。
16. What is the woman going to do?
A. To have lunch.
B. To ask about time,
C. To buy two tables.
17. How many people will be at the restaurant?
A. Two. B. Three. C. Eight.
18. What is the woman?s first name?
A. Kate. B. Rose C. Green.
听下面一段材料,回答19 C 22题。
19. What are these two speakers mainly talking about?
A. New Year?s Day. B. Christmas Day. C. Chinese Spring Festival.
20. Where-do children hang their stockings?
A. Over the fireplace.
B. In the Christmas tree.
C. Beside the fireplace.
21. Who do the children think will fill their stockings?
A. Father Christmas. B. Their parents. C. Their friends.
22. What will David do on Christmas?
A. Study at home. B. Watch TV. C. Visit a foreigner?s family.
听下面一段材料,回答23 C 25题。
23. Where does Dashan study now?
A. At a university in Germany.
B. At a university in China.
C. In a Chinese school at his home city
24. When does Dashan have some difficulty understanding Chinese?
A. When talking with Chinese people.
B. When listening to Chinese talk to him.
C. When listening to Chinese talk to each other.
25. How many Chinese cities has Dashan visited?
A. Just a few. B. Three. C. Quite a lot.
26. C We?ll travel to different places in this summer vacation. Enjoy your trip!
- ______.
A. Me, too B. Yes, I?d love to
C. The same to you D. Very well, thank you
27. Tom?s a taxi driver, _____ he really wants to be a singer.
A. or B. and C. so D. but
28. C Do you know if Jack will drive to New York this weekend?
- Jack? Never! He ______ driving so far.
A. has hated B. will hate C. hated D. hates
29. - A nice shirt! A present?
- Yes, it is. My aunt ______ it to me for my last birthday.
A. was sending B. had sent C. will send D. sent
30. C Is Mr. Smith in the office?
- No, He______to the library.
A. goes B. had gone C. has gone D. would go
31. C Excuse me, can I park my car here?
- Yes, you can park on ______ side of the street.
A. another B. both C. either D. neither
32. - Oh you sound just like an Englishman.
- ______, I still have trouble expressing myself.
A. Yes, you?re right B. Well, not quite like that
C. I don?t mind D. You?re welcome
33. C We?d better invite Tom and Kate to the party tonight.
- Yes, ______ ? I?ll give them a call right now.
A. why B. why not C. what for D. how
34. Although he failed this time, he didn?t give up and ______studying hard.
A. stopped B. continued C. succeeded D. finished
35. - Why are you so ______, Helen?
- I thought I had lost my purse, but I didn?t. I found it in my study!
A. angry B. happy C. sad D nervous
36. - Is there any ______ for two chairs in the office?
- Yes, I think so.
A. ground B. floor C. space D. area
37. - How was the performance last night?
- It was so good. Though it ______ nearly four hours, few people left early.
A. covered B. reached C. lasted D. played
38. I was late for school because my alarm clock didn?t ______this morning.
A. go on B. go off C. go away D. go up
39. -______ you leave so soon?
-Yes. I have to catch my plane.
A. Can B. Would C. Should D. Must
40. C What did that lady ask you just now?
- She asked me______.
A. who was I waiting for
B. whether could I help her
C. how she could get to the bus stop
D. what has happened
阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从41 C 55各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。
Luke says, “At first I was shocked that somebody would do such a thing, but then I saw Jenifer?s (41) and knew that I had to do something. I jumped up and started chasing him down the street and calling‘Thief, stop !’but nobody seemed (42) in stopping him. They were too busy staring, like it was a (43) or something. Luckily, I play soccer for the school team, so I?ve been training all year and I?m in pretty good shape, so I (44) to catch up with him on Third Avenue and knocked him down. Once he was on the (45) I sat on top of him and waited for the police to come. I know that people say you shouldn?t do that kind of thing, (46) you never know what the person can do to you, but I didn?t think about that at the time. I was too (47).”
However, Jennifer is not the only one who?s grateful for Luke?s bravery. After police had arrested(送签捕) the thief, they (48) his apartment and found over a hundred stolen cell phones and, perhaps more (49) , an address book full of names of various criminal contacts(犯罪联络), most of whom have now been brought in for (50) as police try to break a growing ring of cell phone criminals.
Cell phone theft(盗窃)is only one of a number of technology C related crimes that police say are on the rise. Businesspeople have been told to be extra (51) with their notebook computers, which are an easy target(目标) for criminals, and new police apartments are being set up to (52) crimes. In the last week alone, the New York Police Department has (53) over six hundred calls from people relating to one of the above crimes.
Thanks to Luke?s bravery and quick thinking, Jennifer didn?t (54) one of those victims (受害者) , and she knows (55) she?s going to thank Luke - by taking him for another meal at the same Indian restaurant. This time, however, she?s going to keep her cell phone in her purse.
41. A. purse B. phone C. head D. face
42. A. pleased B. frightened C. interested D. excited
43. A. game B. movie C. story D. joke
44. A. managed B. tried C. hoped D. meant
45. A. floor B. grass C. ground D. bed
46. A. because B. so C. if D. although
47. A. nervous B. sad C. brave. D. angry
48. A. broke B searched C. sold D. discovered
49. A. important B. common C. similar D. dangerous
50. A. questioning B. testing C. pretending D. stealing
51. A. serious B. safe C. patient D. careful
52. A. care for B. deal with C. think about D. belong to
53. A. made B. checked C. received D. refused
54. A. trouble B. offer C. become D. believe
55. A. why B. how C. when D. whether
56. We can read the above material mostly______.
A. on TV B. in the newspaper
C. in a school report D. in the hike factory
57. From the reading we know the shop sells______.
A. only bikes B. only the parts of bikes
C. bikes and other items D. only car parts besides bikes
58. It?s clear that‘WILCO? refers to (指) ______;
A. the boss of the main shop B. the main shops
C. the brand of the bike D. the summer sale
59. If you go to any of WILCO shops on Sundays, you have to______.
A. call number 012223 414825
B. pay more than &69.99 for one bike
C. visit www. wilcomall@ wilco-fastlift. co. uk
D. arrive at it before 4:00 p. m.
60. In this advertisement we cannot know______.
A. the information about bikes
B. the e-mail address of the main shop
C. the time the shops open on weekdays
D. whether customers can easily park at all WILCO shops
There is a saying, “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Although eating properly is important, being kind to others is also good tor your health. Studies show that people who perform kind acts are more relaxed, happier, and healthier than other people.
In one study at Arizona State University researchers, found that many volunteers experienced a sudden feeling of joy, followed by a long period of calm, after performing a kind act. This feeling, called “a help?s high” may actually help reduce stress (压力) as the body releases (释放) naturally painkillers.
Stress can cause? serious health problems, and heart depression, and .sleeping problems. However, the study found that volunteers had fewer *stress-related health problems when they did helpful things for other people.
The study also found that people who did nice things for others felt better about themselves as well. They had higher self-esteem (自尊), and were? happier. Many believe this is because volunteers spend more of their time with other people. People who are more outgoing are often healthier.
Another study at the University of Michigan?s Survey Research Center confirmed the health benefits of volunteering. A ten-year study showed that people who volunteered live longer than those who didn?t. Although you shouldn?t need a reason to be helpful, it is nice to know that kindness may help you live longer.
61. The reading is mainly about ______.
A. healthy people are kind because they have more energy
B. one has to eat an apple every day to become healthy
C. kind people can be stressed because they are always helping
D. doing kind things can make you feel good and help you he healthier
62. According to the reading ______.
A. it is better to be kind than to eat well
B. kindness can help you feel healthy
C. an apple a day can keep doctors away
D. eating correctly makes one happy and healthy
63. You can get a help?s high ______.
A. by volunteering your time
B. by taking painkillers
C. by eating properly
D. by sleeping well
64. The study found that people who help others can have ______.
A. sleeping problems and stress
B. less natural painkillers
C. overeating and depression problems
D. fewer health problems
65. Another study of almost 3 ,000 men showed that people who volunteered _____.
A. lived longer B. needed a reason to be helpful
C. wanted to live longer D. had lower self-esteem
Sarah ran in, shouting, “Look what I found!” Over the top of the paper I was reading; came a terrible thing that caused me to jump. It was a snake skin found in our garden.
“Isn?t it beautiful?” said my seven-year-old daughter.
I opened my eyes widely and looked at the snake skin in fear. I didn?t think it was beautiful, but I learned never to appear nonchalant(冷漠的)with children. Everything they see for the first
time 武汉市初三英语四月调考试卷is important to their sense of beauty; they see only excellence in the world.
“Why does it do this?” Sarah asked.
“Snakes shed(蜕) their skins because they need to renew themselves,” I explained.
“Why” Sarah asked.
“We often need to shed our skins, those coatings that we cover ourselves with,” I said to my daughter. “We leave some things and find other thing unwanted or unnecessary. This snake no longer needs this skin. It is probably too little for him, and he probably doesn?t think he looks as smart in it as he once did. “
As we talked, I knew that she began to understand. Although she couldn?t understand clearly, she would know that renewal is part of progress; that we need to take a good look at ourselves, our rooms, schoolwork and spirit, and see what we need to keep and what we need to leave. I was careful to tell that this is a natural way, not one to be forced.
“Snakes don?t peel off their skins when they like them. “I explained. “It happens as a natural thing of their growth. “
“I see, Dad,” said Sarah as she held the snake skin, and then ran off.
I hoped she would remember this; we need to throw some away because they are worthless or unnecessary. Then we can store them as memories m our deep hearts.
66. Father jumped up when her daughter came to him with a snake skin because ______.
A. he didn?t want to read any more
B. he was in great fear of it
C. he wanted to praised her daughter
D. he hated snakes
67. Father?s patient explanation shows that ______.
A. his daughter didn?t want to listen to him at all
B. he knew children saw only excellence in the world
C. his daughter couldn?t follow him at all
D. he wanted to teach everything to her
68. In this reading the underlined word ?renew? means ______.
A. to begin to do something again
B. to make something newer than before
C. to replace something old with something new
D. to cover something old with something new
69. We learn from the reading that______.
A. the girl seemed to understand what her father said
B. the girl wasn?t interested in the explanation
C. the father was good at raising snakes
D. the father liked the snake skin better
70. Which of the following titles is the best for the reading?
A. Snake Skin B. Renew Ourselves
C. Father and Girl D. Great Discovery
71. The best way to improve your English is to ___ an English club.
72. Be quiet please, class. I?m going to__ your test papers.
73. Mr. Tan makes the best noodle in town. They?re _____!
74. There?s a __smell in the house. Do you know what it is?
75. Could you ___ me with information about student exchange programs?
In 1993, Greg Mortenson took a trip to Pakistan to climb K2, the second tallest mountain in Mortenson found a small village. The people there saw that he was in and helped him. While in the village, Mr. Mortenson the children write in the dirt for their school Before he left, Mr., ?s plan and helped him. That was the beginning of the Central Asia Institute, an organization that has succeeded in building or helping to build more than 130 schools in small villages in Pakistan and Afghanistan With the help of journalist David Relin, Mr. Mortenson wrote the famous book Three Cups of Tea. It is about his work with villages in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Some people have criticized him, however, Mr. Mortenson was given a 七、书面表达(本大题15分)
1. 乘2号线地铁到洪山广场,你们在那里见面;
2.词数:60-800 .
参考词汇: the subway(地铁)square (广场)sports shoes (运动鞋)
Is Smith there? Hi, this is Li Ming.-I?d like to invite you to Wuchang to get relaxed tomorrow.
5.初三形成测试英语试卷0910 篇五
1.Computer is one of the most useful ____________(发明)in our life.2.The mother was____________(自豪的)of her daughter for her success.3.What you said was already___________(记录)by the nurse.4.You’d better practice more to __________(改善)your spoken English.5.Do you know colors can _________(影响)our moods(心情)?6.It’ wise of you to bring your___________(伞), boys and girls.7.There is a lot of ___________(可获得的)information here.Anyone can get some if he needs.8.The students are doing an ______________(实验)in the chemistry laboratory.9.Simon told us a __________(幽默的)story and made us laugh.10.Scientists are all interested in _____________(克隆)every living thing in the future.二.词形变化:(10%)
1.People in South China live ___________ on rice.(most)
2.Without any help, the work seems even ______________.(tough)
3.Look!How _____________ those boys and girls are doing things!(different)
4.Max will go to the USA for ____________ education after finishing high school next year.(far)5.---Do you know the ___________ on TV?(interview)
----Of course.They’re Shui Junyi and Bai Yansong from CCTV.6.How many___________(operate)does an OBIS doctor do on the plane? 7.The sick man needed ____________(medicine)treatment badly.8.He is such an_____________(patient)doctor that no patients like him.9.Peter has ______________(probable)gone to Beijing.10.The boy is so___________(energy).He never stops running around 三.单项选择:(20%)
1.Yesterday ____ 8-year-old boy fell into the river._____ boy was saved by _____ policeman.A.an, A, aB.an, The, aC.a, The, theD.a, An, the 2.The old man _________in the county, but now he _________in the city.A.is used to living, used to liveB.used to live, is used to livingC.is used to living, was used to livingD.used to living, is used to live 3.All the walkers have to finish _________within 48hours without any rest.A.an 100-kilometre trailB.a 100 kilometre’s trailC.an 100 kilometres’ trailD.a 100-kilometre trail 4.The workers____________ their work until midnight.A.carried on doB.carried on withC.carried on with doingD.carried with doing 5.It’s silly __________ him _________others________ their mistakes.A.for;not to forgive, forB.of;not to forgive, ofC.of;not to forgive, forD.for, not forgive,of
6.Who ___________ by the doctors last night?
A.was operatedB.was operated onC.operate onD.operate 7.---Don’t worry, Tom.I think you will be the best chairperson.---_________.A.I’m sure.B.All right.C.I don’t mind.D.Thank you.I will do my best.8.The students spent ______________ the composition.A.more two hours to writeB.another two hours to writeC.two more hours writingD.two another days writing 9.The river is too wide for the swimmers_________.A.to swimB.to swim inC.to swim acrossD.swimming10.It was __________hard work that __________many people failed.A.such, soB.such a, soC.so, suchD.so, so
11.You will find __________to learn to search the Internet.Most of people learn it all by themselves.A.that easilyB.that easyC.it easilyD.it easy 12.When________the sports meeting _________? In half a month.A.will, take placeB.will, be taken placeC.was happenedD.did happen
13.This bad news made all of them.The sentence element of the underlined word is _____? A.Indirect ObjectB.Direct ObjectC.PredicateD.Object Complement 14.The girl is __________ worried about her study.To worry __________is good.A.too much, much tooB.much too, much tooC.too much, too muchD.much too, too much 15.My mother is ___________ to listen to my long story.A.too patientB.patient enoughC.enough patientD.impatient enough 1 16.Is there __________________________ in China Daily?
A something important enoughB anything important enoughC.enough important somethingD anything enough important 17.Nothing can _________ us __________the work.A.keep, finishingB.prevent, to finishC.prevent, finishingD.stop, finish 18.The children can____________ a team of six according to their ages.A.group, into.B.be grouped toC.be grouping intoD.be grouped into 19.We should start at once,________, we will miss the train.A.soB.otherwiseC.thoughD.but
20.Do you mind my__________ on the radio?__________.The baby is sleep.A.turning ,Never mind.B.turn,Not at all.C.turning , Better not.D.to turn, Of course.四.动词填空:(10%)
1.Can they afford __________(travel)to foreign countries by plane?
2._________you____________(forgive)him for his mistakes if he says sorry to you ?3.He always tries what he can ____________(help)others.4.What nice photos!Where did you have them______________(take)?
5.The number of the Chinese speakers in the world _____________(become)bigger and bigger now.6.Did you go out that morning? No, never.I _____________(write)a letter the whole morning.7.Do you have a dictionary? Yes, but it mustn’t______________(keep)for a long time.8.He is worrying about______________(not have)close friend.9.My father ______________(give)up___________(smoke)recently.五.完成句子:(10%)
We think ___________________ of him not to _______________________..2.当我进来的时候你在和他争什么?
What _______________________________________with him when I came in? 3.我们没有足够的时间做额外的工作了,我们发现你是最合适的人选。
We don’t have ___________________________and we find you are _________________ person.4任何人都不能看不起残疾人。The disabled mustn’t ______________________________by anyone.5.这是对雷锋精神进行研究的一次极好机会。
It’s __________________to study_________________________ of Lei Feng.6.我希望你不介意给我们提供更多的帮助。
I hope you won’t mind ____________________________________ some more help.7.如果他想参加慈善行走,他需要注意些什么?
What does he ________________________________if he wants to join the charity walk? 六.完形填空:(10%)
Some people believe that same star signs get along better with each other than other star signs.Perhaps we should first start with those signs that are incompatible(合不来的).Aries and Leo are not a is strong and confident.Also, Pisces and Taurus are not a good pair.Taurus is practical and will not be Taurus can be stubborn and Capricorn is patient and would be prepared to wait for Taurus to change his likes beautiful things.The perfect pair are Libra and Scorpio.Libra does not like to and loves peace.Libra will never ask Scorpio about his or her secrets.In addition, Libra will be quite happy to watch Scorpio things.Sagittarius and Gemini are also a perfect match.Sagittarius Virgo and Aquarius are a good match too.Sometimes, however, there can be problems in theirA B C D()1 All Both One Each
()2 enough impatient impatient enough patient enoughenough patient()3 dream dreams to dream dreaming()4 mind secret name details()5 bad badly well good()6 save time argue dream doing()7 to do does did doing()8 look at look discover look after()9 listen
listen to
listening tolistening()10 a lot of lots ofmany a lot
Jenny felt more confident about her day after reading about her star sign.She always followed the advice the newspaper recommended for her sign: Virgo.One morning, it said: “Be careful not to answer any phone calls you get this week, or you could miss a great opportunity!” “I think I am patient enough not to answer the phone for a week,” thought Jenny.Twenty minutes later, Jenny’s mobile phone rang.It was the company that she worked for.They were calling to tell her that she needed to go into the office early that day, but Jenny did not answer the phone.When she arrived at work, her boss was angry that Jenny, his only secretary, was four hours late.Her boss became even angrier when he noticed that she did not answer the phone all day.When the same thing happened the next day, Jenny’s boss became impatient and told her to go home!During the rest of the week, Jenny did not answer a single preson on her birthday.On Monday morning, Jenny rushed downstairs to read her star sign’s advice for the week.She felt very silly after reading an apology for a mistake the newspaper made in last week’s issue.Virgo’s advice should have been: “Be careful to answer any phone calls you get this week”.“Not” was put in by mistake.()1.Why did Jenny always do what the newspaper recommended?
A.Because it made her feel more confident about her day B.Because she did not like to talk on the phone C.Because she could not make decisions by herself D.Because it made her feel impatient
()2.Why did Jenny arrive at work later than her boss wanted her to?
A.Because she did not like her boss
B.Because her star sign told her to be late to work
C.Because she did not know her boss wanted her to be early D.Because her phone was broken
()3.Why did Jenny not answer her phone all week?
A.Because she could not hear it
B.Because she did not like speaking to anyone C.Because the newspaper told her to
D.Because the newspaper had made a mistake
()4.Why did her star sign’s advice make her feel sad?
A.Because she made her boss angry B.Because her boss made her go home
C.Because the newspaper had made a mistake
D.Because she did not speak to anyone on her birthday
()5.What is the correct information on Jenny’s star sign?
A.Answer any calls you get
B.Answer as many phone calls as you want
C.Do not answer any calls you get D.Do not answer your phone all week
In 1816, there were no schools for the deaf in America.Several people started a few schools, but in the end all of the schools closed.There were too many problems.The first people to succeed were Laurent Clerc and Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet.They opened their school in 1817, and the school didn’t close.At that time it was the only school for the deaf children in America!4他也富有创造力,常为班级想出好点子。
5.他也很慷慨……(请用一到两句来举例说明)Dear Principle,I’d like to recommend Peter as the new chairperson of the Students’ Union._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
__________________________________________________________________________________Clerc and Gallaudet did not know what would happen after they opened their school.They worked very hard.The school grew, and many more studentsThese new students were from all over the country.People thought the school would be big enough for all of the deaf children in America.The school is still open today, but the name was changed.Today it is called the American school for the Deaf.It is in West Hartford, Connecticut.After Clerc and Gallaudet established(成立)their school, many others were opened.Before Gallaudet’s death in 1851, 15 other schools for deaf children were built!Many of the teachers at those 15 schools used Gallaudet’s teaching methods(方法).Many had even studied with Gallaudet and were deaf themselves!
()1.Laurent Clerc and Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet were the first people who _______.A.wanted to build a school for the deaf in the USA
B.succeeded in opening their school for the deaf in America
C.succeeded in opening their school for the deaf all over the world D.succeeded in making the deaf speak as ordinary(普通)people
()2.The underlined word “enroll ” in the second paragraph may mean _______.A.入学B.辍学C.招工D.工作
()3.Which of the following is TRUE about Clerc and Gallaudet’s school?
A.Its students were from all over the USA.B.Its students were from all over the world.C.All deaf children in America were their schools.D.Its students were only from Connecticut, the USA.()4.What was the name of the school when it was opened in 1817?
A.The American School for the Deaf.B.The Connecticut School for the Deaf.C.The West Hartford School for the Deaf.D.The passage doesn’t tell us.()5.When Gallaudet died in 1851, there were ______ school(s)for deaf children in the USA.A.only oneB.fifteenC.sixteenD fourteen.八.书面表达:(10%)
假设你是Millie,要给校长写信,推荐Peter当学生会新主席,词数80左右,内容如下: 1.Peter是我校最优秀学生之一,有着很多良好的个人品质。2.他乐于助人,也有耐心,常花许多时间为我们讲解难题。3.他勤奋聪明,考试经常取得好成绩。Yours sincerelyMillie
1.The blue wall looks so nice.When__________ it _________(paint)?.2.China is the third country _____________(send)the spacemen into the space.3.An e-mail address should_____________(need)when you want to send an e-mail.4.This is the best film that I ________________(see)so far.5.While they______________(discuss)how to prevent accidents, another accident happened.6.Letters _____________(collect)from his postbox at 4:00 every afternoon.7.What do you think made the girl _______________(cry)yesterday?
6.初三年级英语考试卷 篇六
3. 试题内容符合学生的认知水平和新课程标准的基本要求,关注学生的基础知识、基本技能和基本素质,目的是使学生掌握广而浅的知识。
4. 具体试卷分析概况:
7.初三年级英语考试卷 篇七
1. 得分率最低5道题目状况分析。
第75题是关于how old特殊疑问句的回答,其实很简单,答语用年龄即可。可大部分学生只知道在原文中直接找答案,而忽略了原文中给的是间接答案(序数词),需要变序数词为基数词。可见,学生不善于动脑筋,灵活运用。
2. 最有创新价值的两个题目的详细评价。
(2) 多做能力题, 提高英语水平。
3.本套试题既注重知识考查, 又兼顾了综合能力应用。
4. 编制每套试题要注重科学性、基础性、综合性、区分性和适切性。
(3) 综合性:加强学科之间的综合, 知识与技能的统一。
(4) 区分性:以基础为主, 加深难度为辅, 平中见优。
例2:根据以下Li Mei的个人信息和一天的作息时间表 (空缺部分,可以发挥你的想象) ,请用60~80字对她的一天做一简要介绍,题目自拟,要求两种时态。
例3:Kangkang is a Chinese boy, He and his three friends go to the zoo.Kangkang’s favorite animals are monkeys.He thinks they are so clever.Michael is from the U.S.A, he likes pandas very much, he thinks they are cute.Jane is a girl from Canada, her favorite animals are elephants, they are kind and they have long noses.Maria is from Cuba, she likes tigers, she thinks they are very strong.They are very happy.
Jane is my good friend.She 66 from Canada.She speaks67.We are in the same class.Many 68 in our class likeEnglish a lot, but I don’t like it at all.My English is 69, so she often helps me 70 it.And I help her study Chinese.We help each other.
Hi!My name is Jhonson.You can call me John.I’m thirteen.I’m an English boy.I’m in Class One, Grade Seven, San Ming No.2 High School.
We have 23 girls and 28 boys in our class.Our English teacher is Mr Chen.He is from Longyan.He is 32.He is a good teacher.He can speak English and Chinese very well.I can’t speak Chinese very well.I can speak only a little Chinese.He often helps me with my Chinese.We like him very much.
I have a good friend here.His name is Jiang Maoji.He comes from Taining.He’s 13, too.The classmates are very kind (友好的) to me.We help each other.
8.初三年级英语考试卷 篇八
“Hello!boys and girls! How are you? Are you happy?学习了几年的小学英语,你们肯定收获不小吧!让我们一起来听听做做,好吗?
一、 选择单词的正确拼写
Mary likes English very much. She works hard. She reads English every morning. She likes speaking English. She often listens to the radio. She watches TV only on Saturday evening. Does she like dancing? No , she doesn’t. But she like drawing and singing. Her parents like her and all the teachers and her friends like her, too.
1. In the morning , Mary ___________.
a. writes Englishb. reads English
c. drawsd. sings
2.She often listens ____________.
a. TVb. to TV
c. the radio d. to the radio
3.Mary watches TV ___________.
a. in the morning b.in the afternoon
c. every morning d. on Saturday evening
老师评 AB C
初三年级英语作文my hobby06-09
初三上学期英语教案Lesson 23(新课标版九年级英语上册教案教学设计)07-25