


1.高三英语好题错题回顾 篇一




1. I can never believe you. It is not like her father, who is a gentleman, such impolite remarks.

A. to address B. addresses C. addressing D. addressed

2. Much to my surprise, the interviewer was other than the man he shared the same taxi with.

A. none B. nothing C. not D. nobody

3.- Has Mr. Wang returned from Arab yet?

- Yes, but he here for only three days before his company sent him to Australia.

A. was B. has been C. will be D. would be

4. Every time I wanted to relax, I would some classic music.

A. put on B. put up C. turn on D. turn to

5. In wild, some animals have developed partnerships to help instruggle for survival.

A.不填;the B. the; the C. the; a D. 不填;不填

6. A terrible earthquake struck Sichuan Province on May 12, , tens of thousands of lives.

A. claiming B. claimed C. causing D. caused

7. - When did you staying up so late?

- When I entered this company two years ago, and worked as a director.

A. take in B. take on C. take down D. take to

8. It is beyond my to approve your leave, for I haven’t got permission from my superior.

A. energy B. power C. force D. ability

9. Not until on TV that a Chinese ship was hijacked by Somalian pirates.

A. did I turn; did I know B. did I turn; I know

C. I turned; did I know D. I turned; I had known

10. Overpopulation is a terrible threat to the human race. Yet it is probably a threat to the human race than environmental destruction.

A. no more B. not more C. even more D. little more

11. Vitamin D helps our bodies make a special chemical, and this special chemical,, affects our brains, making us feel happy.

A. in turn B. in particular C. in advance D. in short

12. I’m told that languagepractising. com is a free website learners can not just learn various languages but also chat online.

A. where B. which C. that D. what

13. Madonna a straight-A student, but it was dancing that she was really crazy about.

A. must be B. could be C. must have been D. could have been

14. that the government can lead them out of the financial crisis, people are optimistic about the future of the country.

A. Covincing B. Convinced C. To convince D. Having convinced

15.- Now more and more Chinese senior students are applying for admission to American universities through SAT.

- . But taking an SAT may cost one more than 10, 000 yuan.

A. I hope so B. Not really

C. That’s the case D. That sounds reasonable


1.- It took 10,000 people more than 10 years to build the Great Pyramid.

- Oh, that a very hard task.

A. must be B. should be C. must have been D. should have been

2. He was seriously injured in the accident, but the doctors were sure that he couldwith careful nursing in the hospital.

A. go through B. get through C. push through D. pull through

3. - Where is your new company?

- In the new high- tech development zone, but I downtown for 4 year.

A. worked B. was working C. shall have worked D. had been working

4. Only by eating the correct foods and exercising regularly be able to keep fit and stay healthy.

A. can you B. will you C. you can D. you will

5. - Some people believe that robots will take over the world one day.

- that is the case?

A. What about B. What if C. So what D. What when

6. The government spared no effort to create employment, but it made little .

A. good B. sense C. result D. difference

7. The hospital has an additional electricity supply in case of a power .

A. drop B. lack C. failure D. absence

8. If I had enough money, I would buy a house of my own, with a large garden in front.

A. one B. the one C. it D. that

9. - Lucy has lost her job again.

- Neither experience nor training as a typist her for the job.

A. applied B. qualified C. provided D. supplied

10. My watch3 minutes every day and I have to adjust it now and then.

A. gains B. wins C. obtains D. earns

11. The population of the world keeps growing and, , we have to give priority to agriculture and make the earth support more people.

A. therefore B. however C. meanwhile D. otherwise

12. - I’d love to invite you to dinner tonight, Jack.

- I’m sorry, I have already had another appointment.

A. for B. but C. and D. then

13. It was with great joy he received the news that his daughter had been admitted to a key university.

A. that B. when C. where D. since

14. The church, which the 13th century, was destroyed in an earthquake two years ago.

A. date from B. dating from C. was dated from D. was dating from

15. Who do you think the boss would like to as his secretary, a boy or a girl?

A. have to work B. have worked C. have work D. have working


1. Have you gone beyond the stage you wanted to stop smoking but you couldn’t?

A. what B. how C. when D. that

2. - Look, Jane has a perfect figure!

- Yeah. She half an hour each day to do shaping exercises.

A. sets out B. sets about C. sets aside D. sets off

3. I’m moving to the countryside becaus

2.高三单选错题集 篇二

Class_____________ Name_______________

1.The expansion of Versailles began in the 1660s, ________ Louis XIV was king.A.wereB.whenC.asD.which

2.With so many workers _______ off, the British government knew it was time that it had to do something.A.to layB.to be laidC.laidD.laying

3.I appreciate the saying: Life is like a long race________ we complete with others to go beyond ourselves.A.whyB.whatC.thatD.where

4.It was not until dark _______ he found what he thought was the correct way to solve the problem.A.thatB.whenC.asD.which

5.Do me a favour------__________ me the Readers’ Digest, will you?

A.passingB.to passC.passD.by passing

6.It seems water ________ from this tap for some time.We’ll have to take it apart to put it right.A.had leakedB.is leakingC.leaksD.has been leaking

7.-----I thought you were going to call on me last night.------Sorry, I ________.But I had to finish the report.A.wouldB didC.would like toD.would have

8.After ten years of hard work, she changed a lot and looked different from _______she used to be.A.thatB.whomC.whatD.who

9.John ________ in the woods near his home in Milkovica when a bear attacked him from behind.A.was huntingB.had huntedC.huntedD.has been hunting

10.______ our school uniforms, all of us feel a sense of pride being a student of this school.A.WearB.To wearC.WearingD.Wore

11.English is a language that many people around world ________ not speak perfectly but at least ________ understand.A.may;canB.would;mightC.will;mustD.could;might

12.It remains a mystery________ the world is going to end on Dec.21st, 2012, which seems to be the end of the Mayan calendar.A.ifB.whetherC.thatD.when

13.He _______ to go to Beijing today, but he postponed the trip when he heard that there would be a downpour at noon.A.was intendingB.would intendC.had intendedD.intended

14.------Did you hear about a teacher----Zhang Lili who saved the kids from being run over by a school bus?

------Yes.What do you think most people _____ if they were in a similar situation?1

A.will doB.will have doneC.would doD.would have done

15.Despite the rule ________ mobile phones are forbidden in class, my deskmate can’t help playing phone games occasionally.A.whichB.whatC.thatD.where

16.I have promised that my daughter_______ get a new electronic dictionary on her next birthday.A.shouldB.mustC.shallD.would

17.________ global temperature rising, the UN Climate Conference was held in Cancun, Mexico last year.A.PretendedB.PreventingC.Having pretendedD.To pretend

18.The new CRH train between Beijing and Shanghai _______ speed has been limited to 300 km/h focuses more on the safety of the passengers.A.whereB.whoseC.thatD.which

19.The headmaster will not permit the change in the course, nor _______ it a thought.A.does he even giveB.he even gives

C.will he even giveD.he will even give

20.New technologies have made ________ possible to turn out new products faster and at a lower cost.A.thatB.thisC.oneD.it

21.There is little doubt in your mind that he is innocent, ________?

A.is thereB.isn’t thereC.is heD.isn’t he

22.It suddenly occurred to him ______ he had left his keys in the office.A.whetherB.whereC.whichD.that

23.The basketball coach, as well as his team, _______ interviewed shortly after the match for their outstanding performance.A.wereB.wasC.isD.are

24.If my car ________ more reliable, I would have driven to Lhasa instead of flying last summer.A.wasB.had beenC.should beD.would be

25.If you’re buying today’s newspaper from the stand, could you get ______ for me?


26.Close the door of fear behind you, and you ____the door of faith open before you.A.sawB.have seenC.will seeD.are seeing

27.Maria has written two novels, and both of ______ have been made into television.A.thatB.themC.whichD.what

28.The children were jumping on the new sofa, ______ I had paid a large amount of money the day before.A.whichB.whereC.for whichD.with which

29.Bicycling is a good exercise;________, it does not pollute the air.A.neverthelessB.besidesC.otherwiseD.therefore

30.Hot ________the night air was, we slept deeply because we were so tired after the long journey.A.althoughB.asC.whileD.however


Class_____________ Name_______________

1.Mark could refuse to answer _______ questions, but he never said no to his father’s questions.A.someone else’sB.anyone else’sC.anyoneD.no one

2.------Are you surprised at my improvement on the tests, Dad?

------Yes.I _______ you would get such high marks.A.didn’t expectB.wouldn’t expectC.don’t expectD.haven’t expected

3.If I criticize someone, I will do it with great patience as if I were the one ________.A.to criticizeB.criticizingC.having criticizingD.being criticized

4.The detective inspected the room for fingerprints, wondering if someone ______ the room.A.enteredB.entersC.had enteredD.has entered

5.It’s her cleverness not her appearance ______ makes it difficult for her to work with others.A.whatB.asC.whichD.that

6.How close parents are to their children ________ an influence on the character of the child.A.haveB.hasC.havingD.to have

7.Children should be taught to leave things ________they can find them again.A.whereB.whenC.thenD.there

8.The village students brought ______ they could-----a sack of ground meal or a pig to pay for the tuition.A.wheneverB.whereverC.howeverD.whatever

9.Denis has made it known that he _______much of his collection to the nation when he retires.A.has donatedB.is to be donatedC.is to donateD.donates

10.In the past few months, many practice exams _________ to sharpen the students’ examination skills.A.have heldB.have been heldC.are heldD.are being held

11.People in many places, ________ had been pulled down by estate developers, were not paid enough money.A.their housesB.whose housesC.which housesD.of whom houses

12._________ in 1898, Beijing University is one of the most famous universities in the world.A.Being foundedB.It was foundedC.FoundedD.Having founded

13.Remember that you can reach success if you actually love what you________.A.have doneB.didC.had doneD.are doing

14._______ our life is like, we should be brave to face it.A.WhateverB.HoweverC.WhicheverD.Whenever

15.-----Could you tell me how to get to the station?

------Well, this is the road ______ the station.A.ledB.led toC.leading toD.leading

16.Before you quit your job, _________ how your family would feel about your decision.A.considerB.consideringC.to considerD.considered

17.-----What happened to the postman?

------I don’t know.He _________ around here for a long time.A.didn’t seeB.wasn’t seenC.doesn’t seeD.hasn’t been seen

18.As we all know, it is the media such as the Internet and TV that keep us _______ with the latest news from all over the world.A.informingB.informC.informedD.to be informed

19.We’re having a meeting in half an hour.The decision _________ at the meeting will influence the future of our company.A.to be madeB.being madeC.madeD.having been made

20.I’m wondering ____ he expects will win the English Talent Competition next year.A.whoB.whetherC.thatD.what

21.------You didn’t go the party last night, did you?

------I do wish I ________ there.A.wasB.wereC.had beenD.went

22.I have only completed one-third of the work, so the rest_________ to be done next week.A.haveB.hadC.areD.is

23.________ excited his parents most that he had passed the entrance exam and was admitted to his dream college.A.ThatB.WhatC.WhichD.It

24.I love my school.Growing in the garden in front of our classroom________ the flowers of different kinds.A.isB.areC.wasD.were

25.There happened to ________ a chance to go travelling because our grade allowed us students half a month off school.A.isB.haveC.getD.be

26.-----How much do you know about the 3D film technology?

-----A little.Not until _______the hot movie Avatar _______ some about it.A.did I see;did I begin to learnB.I saw;I began to learn

C.I saw;did I begin to learnD.did I see;I began to learn

27.Do you expect ________ to be a possibility that we shall be able to afford the particular furniture we need?


28.South of our school and the stadium _______, known as Taozi Lake.A.lie a lakeB.does a lake lieC.lies a lakeD.do a lake lie

29.It is only when you nearly lose someone _______ you become fully conscious of how much you value them.A.whichB.whenC.thatD.who

30.-----What about the two pairs of glasses?

------Well, this pair is not so good for me and, er, __________.A.neither is that pairB.neither that pair isC.so is that pairD.so that pair is


Class_____________ Name_______________

1.Helping others is a habit, ________ you can learn even at an early age.A.itB.thatC.whatD.one

2.The Hengxin Square is located in________ used to be our canteen.A.whatB.whereC.whichD.the place

3.Mr.Li is very happy because the clothes made in his factory have never been ______.A.popularB.more popularC.most popularD.the most popular

4.He is writing a novel, so he shuts himself up, _______ to receive guests.A.refusesB.to refuseC.refusingD.refused

5.Only when I read the Frog a second time _______ to appreciate the writer’s magic realism.A.did I beginB.I beganC.had I begunD.I have begun

6.I have told you the truth.______ I keep repeating it?


7.The girl arranged to have piano lessons at the training centre with her sister ________ she would stay for an hour.A.whereB.whoC.whichD.what

8.Bob would have helped us yesterday but he _______.A.is busyB.had been busyC.has been busyD.was busy

9.The fact has worried the people across the world_______ the earth is becoming warmer and warmer these years.A.whatB.whichC.thatD.where

10.The international agreement, _______ to help people kick off the habit of smoking, was signed two years ago.A.intendedB.intendingC.intendsD.to intend

11.Peter was so excited ________he received an invitation from his friend to visit Chongqing.A.whenB.whereC.whyD.that

12.Being exposed to loud music too much________ caused hearing loss in some teenagers.A.isB.hasC.areD.have

13.________ everything a shot because you never know what will change your life.A.GivingB.To giveC.GiveD.Given

14.By the time you have completed the essential training, you ________ exposed to every new feature of the course.A.areB.will have beenC.have beenD.will be

15.If nature does not provide man with the necessary material, it is the laboratory ________ he will turn to for it.A.whereB.thatC.whichD.what

16.Some women ________ a good salary in a job instead of staying home, but they decided not to work for the sake of the family.A.must makeB.should have madeC.would makeD.could have made

17.I’m really hungry.Let’s eat at _________ restaurant has a free table.A.whicheverB.whateverC.whichD.what

18.Turn on the television or open a magazine and you _______ advertisements showing happy families.A.will often seeB.often seeC.are often seeingD.have often seen

19.-----You’ve got your flat furnished, haven’t you?

------Yes.I _______ some used furniture at the Sunday Market and it was a real bargain.A.will buyB.have boughtC.had boughtD.bought

20.________ the green hills are there, one need not worry about firewood.A.Even ifB.WhileC.UnlessD.As long as

21._______with a sudden job loss, would you consider it as a failure, or an opportunity for a new start in your career?

A.FacingB.FacedC.To faceD.Face

22.The development of China’s economy _______ since the 80s of the last century.A.has been increasingB.had increasedC.is increasingD.increased

23.Whenever a natural disaster happens, we should offer ________ help we can to the victims.A.howeverB.whateverC.wheneverD.whichever

24.The weather in the south is generally warm, but it _______be very cold sometimes.A.mayB.shallC.willD.can

25.The food, _______ good, was soon sold out when it was taken to the market.A.tastedB.tastingC.being tastedD.having tasted

26.------Where did you get to know the famous writer?

-------It was on the farm _______ we used to work together.A.whereB.whichC.thatD./

27.________ your letter, I would have set off two days ago.A.If I could have receivedB.If I received

C.Should I receiveD.Had I received

28._______ on the mirrior, and you’ll find little drops of water on the glass.A.BlowingB.To blowC.BlowD.If you blow

29.Kelly, as well as her little son, ________ present at the meeting last Friday.A.wasB.areC.isD.were

3.高三英语好题错题回顾 篇三

摘 要:高三学习的主要任务就是做题和反思并总结,特别是高三物理复习中学生对有些题目是一错再错,尽管教师认真分析过,学生似乎也懂了,可实际不然。不少学生总觉得有劲无处使,如何让学生在宝贵的时间里提高复习效率就成了高三首要的课题,错题本是解决这个问题最有效的方法。从错题本的作用以及高三如何快速建立利用有效的错题本提出了看法。






























吴纪。改变学习方式,获得更大发展.物理教学探讨, (20)。
