


1.雅思口语考试:如何描述一个人 篇一







练习发音最好的方法就是跟读。任何native speaker发音的语音材料都可以作为跟读材料。刚开始只要跟读一句话,模仿达到的程度要和录音一模一样,之后再慢慢加量。每天跟读半小时,坚持半个月就有奇效!





资料来源:教育优选 http:///








这个部分要根据题库里的一些话题准备好相应的单词和表达。比如问你喜欢什么类型的电影,至少你要用英语会说一些电影类型的单词(如喜剧片)。我认为Part 1是非常重要的,考官阅人无数,基本上你一张嘴,大体的分数范围就定了。如果前两句话你能在流利、词汇、语法、语音这四个方面里的1-2个方面有突出表现,印象分至少会增加1分。尤其是口音方面,如果你有很强的Chinese accent,印象分就会打折扣。


资料来源:教育优选 http:///




这个部分考察你能不能用英语较长时间谈论一个事情。备考的方法就是按照雅思口语题卡去准备,一道一道的过。注意其实很多问题都可以回答相似的答案,例 如“谈论一个让你放松的地方”,“谈论一次特殊的旅行”,“谈论一个色彩丰富的地方”,“谈论一次有教育意义的旅行”“谈论一个让你印象深刻的公园”“谈 论一个你喜欢的靠近水的地方”,这些题目都可以一起准备,只是回答的侧重点不同而已。



在Part3,考官往往会以Part 2为背景问一些学术性的或者抽象的问题,有些问题听起来会有点无厘头。例如“和中国把18岁定为法定成年年龄相比,其它国家是不是也应该把18岁作为进入 成人的年龄?”,还有的同学被问到“一个人在快乐的时候为什么会笑?”问这些问题的目的只有一个,就是把你问蒙圈,因为一个人在不知所措的情况下最容易 “原形毕露”,平时注意的口音语法问题可能全都顾不上了。所以提前要做好心理准备,回答的时候要淡定,记住问题的答案没有对错,考官只是想看看你在有压力 的情况下能说出什么。有问即答,只要沾边的就可以说,不要慌!

最后,还有一个小tips:如果在考场没听懂考官的问题,不要直接说pardon。用一些提问的方式,比如“Do you mean…..”或者“Do you want me to talk about…”去check一下问题,考官一般都会再重复一遍或给你解释一下问题,这样回答既体现了你理解了部分问题,又展示了口语能力,比生硬的pardon要好多了。

资料来源:教育优选 http:///


资料来源:教育优选 http:///

2.雅思口语:描述一个建筑 篇二

You should say:

where it is

what it is used for

what it looks like

and explain why you think it is unusual


Describe a modern building

Describe a historic building







1.电视塔:TV tower

2.小蛮腰:slender waist



5.摩天轮:ferris wheel






Here I would like to talk about the Canton Tower in Guangzhou, which is oneof the local landmarks and famous for its unique design and architecture. I’vebeen there for several times and I will recommend it to every visitor to thiscity.

The Canton Tower is actually an astronomical and sightseeing tower designedby Dutch architects, located on Haixinsha Island, which was originally the venuefor the Asian Games. It made its name and be known of the whole Asiabecause of its unusual and special structure shown in the opening and closingceremony of the Asian Games on TV. Locals give it a nickname as “the slenderwaist” because of its twisted structure. Its exterior form is generated by twoellipses, one at foundation level and the other one at top. These two ellipsesare rotated relative to another, and the tightening caused by the rotationbetween the two ellipses forms a “waist”; so I think that’s the reason why ithas such a vivid local name.

I’ve visited the interior of the tower, which is pretty amazing as well.Inside, it is subdivided into different zones with various functions, includingTV and radio transmission facilities, you know, as it is supposed to be, andobservatory decks for you to admire the view of the whole city, the revolvingrestaurant, which I heard is pretty classy but I failed to try last time,horizontal ferris wheel, recommended as the best venue for proposal in the city,exhibition spaces, shops, and 4D cinemas etc.

3.雅思口语:描述一个好朋友 篇三

Who he/she is?

How long you have known each other?

How you got to know each other?

What you usually did together?

Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. I am sure you will find my talk interesting and informative.


a) I have many good friends, but my best friend is called _X.

b) I am sure you have a best friend too.


a) I met _X about _X years ago at the school that we attended together, and we soon became best friends.

b) Our friendship has lasted to this day.


a) Our friendship has grown a great deal over the past three years.

b) These days, for example we share all our secrets with each other.

There are several reasons as for why I would like to talk specifically about _X as my best friend. Allow me to explain by mentioning some of them briefly.


a) I guess the main reason why _X and I became best friends, is that we have the same interests.

b) For example, we both love listening to music, and we spend many hours together listening to our favorite CD`s.


a) Another reason why we have become best friends is that we both would like to go and study abroad in the near future.

b) So we often chat about what possible majors we would study, and what university we would like to attend.


a) A third reason why s/he is my best friend is that we share many principles.

b) For example, we both believe that we should not damage our health by smoking cigarettes.


a) Lastly, I believe that _X has had a positive influence on my life since we have met.

b) _X is always friendly, cares about his/her family and friends, and is always willing to listen to others.

So now you know why _X is my best friend.


1. Do you have many close friends?

Well, I have several lifelong friends who are very dear to me. Actually, we have been good friends since we were in primary school and we hit it off immediately.


2. Do you think friendship is important?

Sure, definitely, a friend is someone who gives a hand in an emergency. On top of that, friends can also give you valuable and helpful advice and comfort you to overcome problems. Actually, I think real friends never separate from each other and never blow you off.


3. Which do you prefer to spend time with friends or spend time alone?

Well, I enjoy spending a great deal of time with friends, not only because it’s a good way to kill time but also we can learn from each other. Actually, my close friends are able to nurture my spirit and make me feel positive.


4. What kind of people do you like to have as friends?

Well, I would say, someone who has high moral standard as me is likely to be my friend. I suppose, I think of a friend who is trustworthy, honest and loyal, is the right guy. A true friend should be the person who can help you deal with the ups and downs of life and encourage you to pursue your dream and achieve your goals.


5. How do you keep in contact with your friends?

Well, usually, I call them to make contact. I’m tired of using those online devices, which can hardly express my emotions. To be honest, I love to hear their voice, which makes me feel kind and friendly.


6. Do you like face-to-face conversations with people?

Yes, face-to-face communication is the most efficient way to exchange ideas with others, because you can use body languages to express your views. One more thing, people can see the facial expression and vivid hand gestures when you’re talking, so it’s easy for them to know whether you are in good mood or not.



Describe one of your best friends.

You should say:

Who this person is

How you became friends with this person

What kinds of things you like to do with this person

And explain why he/she is your best friend.






Sample answer:

I met my best friend while I was at university. He was in the same class. At first, he scolded(责骂) me for leaning(倾斜) back on my chair but, after a while, we began to become good friends. I used to meet him regularly at an Internet café. He went there regularly. We would spend hours there together. He would always lend a hand to me because I didn’t know much about computers at that time.

He’s a humble(谦逊的) guy, never shows off his knowledge, even though he can. He’s sincere and doesn’t mind mildly(和善地) scolding you or even himself in all the same sentence. . He is usually very sociable, but sometimes he can also be a bit shy. He is good at soccer and volleyball and used to be on the school team. He’s quite muscular(强壮的) and his hair is frizzy(卷曲的). He has very droopy(无精打采的) eyes, like a puppy(小狗) and a very wide mouth.

4.雅思口语描述事件和感觉的形容词 篇四

 描述事件和感觉的形容词

 Interesting: funny, amusing, interesting, fascinating, curious, stimulating, thought-provoking, enlightening. Srange: unusual, bizarre, weird, mysterious, peculiar, random, crazy, wild, Surprising: amazing, astounding, astonishing, awe-inspiring, incredible, breathtaking. Good: inspiring, life-changing, enjoyable, wonderful, fun, refreshing, encouraging, moving. Bad: horrible, terrible, awful, depressing.Unpleasant, frustrating , disappointing, embarrassing. embarrassed, irate, incredulous, moved, pleased, delighted, thrilled, over the moon, enthusiastic, reassured, satisfied.
