


1.现代大学英语精读1课后答案 篇一

Lesson 1 Key to explanation 1.It is no easy job to educate a people who have been told over centuries that they were inferior and of no importance to see that they are humans, the same as any other people.2.If you break the mental shackles imposed on you by white supremacists, if you really respect yourself, thinking that you are a Man, equal to anyone else, you will be able to take part in the struggle against racial discrimination.3.The liberation of mind can only be achieved by the Negro himself/herself.Only when he/she is fully convinced that he/she is a Man/Woman and is not inferior to anyone else, can he/she throw off the manacles of self-abnegation and become free.4.Power in the best form of function is the carrying out of the demands of justice with love and justice in the best form of function is the overcoming of everything standing in the way of love with power.5.At that time, the way to evaluate how capable and resourceful a person was was to see how much money he had made(or how wealthy he was.)6.A person was poor because he was lazy and not hard-working and lacked a sense of right and wrong.7.This kind of work cannot be done by slaves who work because the work has to be done, because they are forced to work by slave-drivers or because they need to work in order to be fed and clothed.8.…when the unfair practice of judging human value by the amount of money a person has is done away with.9.Those who harbor hate in their hearts cannot grasp the teachings of God.Only those who have love can enjoy the ultimate happiness in Heaven.10.Let us be dissatisfied until America no longer only talk about racial equality but is unwilling or reluctant to take action to end such evil practice as racial discrimination.Key to Translation 1.一个无关紧要的谎言总比一个恶意的谎言要好。






7.事实上,人们从事改善人类处境的工作,从事传播知识、增强实力、丰富文学财富以及升华思想的工作并不是为论文谋生。8.······它能够花费几十亿美元帮助上帝的孩子自立于这个世界。9.除非主张暴力的少数人得到大多数人的同情与支持,不和他们对抗,否则,暴力革命很少或者说几乎没有成功的。10.我们要懂得道义的苍穹长又长,但它终将落向正义。Lesson 2 Key to Explanation 1.I imagined myself as different types of prodigy, trying to find out which one suited me the best.2.I had new thoughts, which were filled with a strong spirit of disobedience and rebellion.3.The girl was Shirley Temple-like, slightly rude but in an amusing way.4.When I said those words, I felt that some very nasty thoughts had got out of my chest, and so I felt scared.But at the same time I felt good, relieved, because those nasty things had been suppressed in my heart for some time and they had got out at last.5.I could feel that her anger had reached the point where her self-control would collapse, and wanted to see what my mother would do when she lost complete control of herself.6.When the lid to the piano was closed, it shut out the dust and also put an end to my misery and her dreams.Key to Translation A.Phrases 1.几乎不用首付现款 2.过高的希望和达不到的期盼 3.短路

4.我家起居室的唯一摆设 5.不自然的微笑 6.力气大得吓人 7.自行其是 B.Sentences 1.我的头发没有做出我要的大卷花,而是给我弄成一头乱蓬蓬的黑色小卷毛。





8.我第一次,或好像感觉是第一次,注意到右边的乐曲,它的名称是“心满意足”。我也试着弹这首曲子。它的曲调比较轻松,但节奏同样流畅,不是很难。“祈求的孩子”较短、较慢,而“心满意足”更长、更快一些。在我弹了几遍之后,我意识到,原来这两个曲子是同一首歌的两个组成部分。Lesson 3 Key to explanation 1.Yet globalization is not something that you can accept or reject, it is already a matter of life which you will encounter and have to respond to every day.2.Political groups with broad support have come into being to take advantage of existing worries and uneasiness among the people about foreign “cultural assault”.3.…in China, the two trends of closed-door and open-door policies have long been struggling for dominance.4.The Chinese people should continue to live a backward life while we live comfortably with all modern conveniences.5.…westernization is a concept full of self-contradiction and held by people of very different backgrounds or views.6.In trying to find out what will be the future trend, you do not need to be fashionable yourself.All you need is awareness, that is to say, you need to be on the alert, to be observant.7.He was moving around, playing a game through the Internet with people living in different time zones, thus their activities on the computer broke down time zone limits.8.The Gucci store did not expect that in the first two weeks of its opening in Shanghai business could be so good.9.From the very beginning I know I need some theory as guideline to help me in my study of global cultures as globalization, to guide me through such a variety of cultural phenomena.10.The way of showing repentance might be peculiar to the Jews, but he strong desire of gaining forgiveness from God is common, shared by all.Key to Translation 1.我们今天正经历着一种世界范围文化剧变的阵痛,一种习俗与追求的结构性变化,用社会科学家奇特的词汇来称呼这种变化,就叫“全球化”。






7.他们从当地文化吸收了不少东西,但仍然保持了自己的本色。8.相互联系是人类自有的欲望,是其共同的命运。9.这种连接靠的是强有力的心灵的纽带。Lesson5 Key to explanation 1 I think follow the fads is the lack of rational performance.2 One afternoon I saw Petey lying on his bed with a derpressed look,so I draw a conclusion that he got appendicitis at once.3 My brain, which is as precise as an instrument, began to work out at high speed.4 She was beautiful and attractive enough to arouse the desire and passion of men, but I would not let feelings or emotions get the upper hand of reason or good sense.I wanted Polly entirely for a carefully thought out reason.She was not yet fully development like pin-up girl but I felt surer that ,given time, she would fill up and become just as glamorous.6 In fact, she went in the opposite direction.This is a sarcastic way of saying that she was rather stupid.7 If you stop dating with Polly, I will get the chance date with Polly.8 He turned around his head again and again.When he thought this problem time after time ,his eager of getting raccoon coat become stranger than before and his determination become weaker than before.9 To teach her to think appeared to be a rather big task and in the beginning I would like to return her to Petey.10 Human capacity is limited.Key to Translation 1 查尔斯 兰姆是一个你很久都不会遇到的开朗的有进取心的人。他通过其著名的〈古忠〉和〈梦中的孩子〉解放了随笔。阅读,然后接下来的文章会展示所谓的逻辑,这远远不只是干瘪的,迂腐的,而是有活力的有生机的,充满了美感,热情和创伤的事物。3我的大脑像发动机一样强大,像药剂师一样精确,像手术刀一样精锐。4

2.现代大学英语精读3课后翻译 篇二

P.16 4.Translation.1)She intends to apply for that academic position.2)He is so devoted to his research that the idea that he will soon have to retire never occurs to him.3)Many people have observed that, without effective checks, we have a tendency to abuse our power.4)Students must observe carefully how good writers use words.5)Some countries refuse to get involved in this dispute and they resent any foreign interference.6)How do you think we should handle the drug problem? 7)According to the agreement, all business policies should apply to everybody without any prejudice.8)The control of the sand storms will involve a tremendous amount of work and money.9)You have to take into consideration the local conditions when you apply these technologies.10)All applicants will have to fill out this form and mail in an application fee of 50 dollars.11)Based on his careful observation of children’s behavior he came to the conclusion that learning is a natural pleasure.12)In a country of many nationalities, ethnic harmony requires very careful handling.13)The government is determined to punish all the corrupt officials involved.14)Cheating at exams does not occur very often.But when it does, the school takes a very tough potion.Lesson Three

P.77 3.Translation.1)The mission was put off minutes before the rocket was launched.2)Scientists are trying to develop a more effective way of using solar energy.3)Sport is important because it concerns the health of the people of a nation, and not because it is a profitable business.4)The project was launched last year, and when it is completed we can bring the gas from the west to the east.5)The survival of a company depends on how fast it can develop new products to meet the needs of the market.6)He developed a theory that human progress has been largely due to cooperation rather than competition.7)For many people in China who used to worry every day where their next meal was to come from, today their biggest concern is being overweight.8)It is believed that they will launch an attack sooner or later.It is only a matter of 9)10)11)12)13)14)15)16)17)time.Ok, you make me an offer.How much would you pay? One lesson we have drawn from the 20th century is that human resources are more important than natural resources in the development of a nation.Many teachers are concerned about a lack of communal spirit among some young people.It was a very generous offer.He said that he would pay me $ 100, 000 a year as personnel manager.Today the corruption problem has become a matter of international concern.She suddenly walked out of the room without offering any explanation.These tough competitions can drive young people crazy.I’m sorry I can’t let you use my car now.I have to drive my wife to the airport.What he said the other day sounded very vague.I don’t really know what he was driving at.Lesson Seven

P.209 3.Translation.1)Our school sports meet is due to take place next Saturday.2)Due to the repeated floods and droughts, farming has been very unstable in this area.3)She suddenly realized that their rent was due the next day.4)They finally identified the object flying due north as a swan.5)Many people believe that in due course Chinese farmers will learn to compete successfully in international markets.6)With due respect, I don’t think we should adopt a wait-and-see policy.7)According to this agreement, the two countries should inform each other of their major military actions.8)He was criticized because he did not take immediate action when he was informed that the submarine had sunk.9)Although he had lived in this little hut all his life, Zhu Geliang was extremely well-informed.10)During the “Cultural Revolution”, people were not only encouraged but also forced to inform on each other.11)At that time scholars strongly advised us to preserve the city wall.But we were not far-sighted enough to adopt their proposal.12)To see how he loved his mother, you would never guess that he was adopted.13)This classical novel describes a group of people in the Song dynasty, who, like Robin Hood, robbed the rich to help the poor.14)They robbed her of everything she had and threw her out of the car.15)Don’t ever reach out for things that do not belong to you, because sooner or later you will be caught.16)Our goal is to build a society that is rich, free and just.But we can’t reach that destination without pain and suffering.17)I had a terrible dream.I dreamed that I was running after something I wanted.But it was always beyond my reach.18)At that time, Cao Cao believed that final victory was within his easy reach.He didn’t know that a terrible defeat was waiting for him.Lesson Ten

P.301 3.Translation.1)How do you account for his strange behavior? 2)Let’s form a circle so that we can see each other when we talk.3)He appointed five people to handle the case.4)She claims to possess an unusual ability — the ability to cure disease simply by her magic hand.5)In the story, this evil spirit often appeared in the form of a pretty lady.6)Where can I get a roll of film?

3.现代大学英语精读1课后答案 篇三


1.Get the students to read and understand the text and help them master the structures of the patterns;2.Get the students to master the words and the prefixes and suffixes presented;3.Help them master the grammatical rules presented;4.Help them finish off all the exercises both in vocabulary and in grammar.Main Points: Understanding the text and learning the words and grammar.Difficult Points: The structures of difficult sentences.Teaching Methods: Discussion, interpretation and explanation.Teaching Course: I.Pre-class Task: To read and get familiar with the new words in the lesson.Previewing the text.Every student should go over the whole text so that they can get the main idea and write the gist.II.Detailed study of the text.1.to be fresh out of: be having recently finished 2.body: a group of people who work together 3.to reach for: try to obtain

To read: to have … written on it 4.Question: What’s the difference between training and education? 5.… be around long enough for it to matter.Paraphrase: stay at college very long to understand my words, so it would not be important whether or not I told him all this.6.to average out to/at…:(informal)to result in an average amount 7.to hold: to remain the same 8.to see to it that: to make sure that 9.… doesn’t go to the electric chair…

Paraphrase: is sentenced to death not because you are not a competent lawyer.To go to the electric chair: to be punished or killed on the electric chair.10.along with: in addition to;as well as

Sentence meaning: In addition to all other things the professional skills offer.11.… may it always suffice.I hope your income will always be enough.12.reasonably: to a degree that is fairly good 还好的,尚可的 13.to maintain some contact with…: to keep in touch with…

14.Will there be a painting a reasonably sensitive man can look at without shuddering?

Paraphrase: Will you have a painting in your house that shows your taste? 15.to be out to do/be out for… : be trying to do 16.to be stuck for sth.: not knowing what to do 17.signing checks: paying for what you’ve bought by signing checks.18.the best human minds: the best philosophers, scientists and writer.19.If you have no time for…have no business in college.Paraphrase: If you don’t want to study a little literature, philosophy and the fine arts and history, you shouldn’t be here at college.20.You are on your way … button Neanderthal.You’ll soon become a new type of humans who are uneducated and can only operate machines by pushing the buttons.21.…rather the college went through them—without making contact.Paraphrase: It’s more accurate to say that they pass through the college without learning anything.22.…being unaided: without the help of others 23.There is not time enough … in order to be a civilized human.Paraphrase: One lifetime is too short to create an environment for a person to become civilized.24.…there cut into the stones are the names of the scientists.Paraphrase: The names of the scientists are carved into the stone there as memorials.25.the chances are: it is likely III.Assignment: Exercises after the text.IV.Checking the exercises.V.Dictation of the new words in the lesson.Lesson 2 Maheegun My Brother Aims:

1.Get the students to read and understand the text and help them master the structures of the patterns;2.Get the students to master the words and the prefixes and suffixes presented;3.Help them master the grammatical rules presented;4.Help them finish off all the exercises both in vocabulary and in grammar.Main Points: Understanding the text and learning the words and grammar.Difficult Points: The structures of difficult sentences.Teaching Methods: Discussion, interpretation and explanation.Teaching Course: I.Pre-class Task: To read and get familiar with the new words in the lesson.Previewing the text.Every student should go over the whole text so that they can get the main idea and write the gist.II.Detailed study of the text.1.… spring was late in coming.Paraphrase: it was so cold that it seemed that it were the weather of winter.In fact, it was spring.2.to get: to put … into a place or state 3.not that: although it is not true that

4.ever: that I had ever known of.5.upset:(v.)knock over, knock down 6.…waiting for things to quiet down.Paraphrase: waiting until my grandma wasn’t angry 7.half grown: on the way of becoming an adult wolf.8.Gone was the puppy-wool… black mantle.Paraphrase: His fur changed from the puppy-wool to beautiful and black hair.(Here the author uses metaphor.He compares the wolf’s skin to a coat and mantle.)9.after:(adv.)later

10.It all served to fog my mind with pleasure … one night Maheegun unchained.Paraphrase: I was so happy with Maheegun that my alertness slacked and forgot to chain him one night.11.The following morning in sailed Mrs.Yesno, wild with anger Wild with anger: very angry 12.start:(n.)a sudden uncontrolled movement 13.wild cry: natural and strong cry 14.for life: all one’s life 15.(all)for the best: best for the long run 16.I was as busy as … for the winter.Paraphrase: I was busy with preparing myself for a future career.(The author uses simile here.)17.It was not long after that I found the answer.Paraphrase: Soon I found Maheegun still remembered me.18.to slip into: to put on 19.I circled to my right … creek bed.Paraphrase: I move around to the right and fell into a creek bed that was filled with snow.20.… the snow had made a blank … have been no creek there.Paraphrase: it was snowing heavily, and the air was so thick with big snow flakes that I couldn’t see through them.But I realized that I had taken the wrong direction, because there was no creek where I should have moved to.21.to blow itself out: to lose force and stop entirely 22.A great white stillness had taken over and with it, biting cold.Paraphrase: The storm had stopped.The white world was quiet and very cold.23.… freeze the world with fear.Paraphrase: seemed to terrify all the living creatures and make them become still.24.Suddenly the world exploded in snarls.Paraphrase: Suddenly with terrible snarls, the wolves began to attack.25.to work one’s way: to move difficultly and gradually 26.… reached out: stretch out his tongue.27.Maybe it was relief or weakness or both.Paraphrase: Maybe I cried because I was now out of danger, or maybe because I was weak, or because of both of the two reasons.28.… fanned it into life.Paraphrase: caused it to burn by blowing the fire.29.… my eyes came … by my bed.Paraphrase: my eyes adjusted themselves to be able to see clearly my grandfather sitting by my bed.30.He is with his own kind.Paraphrase: He is living among his fellow wolves.III.Assignment: Exercises after the text.IV.Checking the exercises.V.Dictation of the new words in the lesson.Lesson 3 More Crime and Less Punishment Aims:

1.Get the students to read and understand the text and help them master the structures of the patterns;2.Get the students to master the words and the prefixes and suffixes presented;3.Help them master the grammatical rules presented;4.Help them finish off all the exercises both in vocabulary and in grammar.Main Points: Understanding the text and learning the words and grammar.Difficult Points: The structures of difficult sentences.Teaching Methods: Discussion, interpretation and explanation.Teaching Course: I.Pre-class Task: To read and get familiar with the new words in the lesson.Previewing the text.Every student should go over the whole text so that they can get the main idea and write the gist.II.Detailed study of the text.1.households: people living together 2.to amount to: to add up to;to be equal to 3.… have arrest records for nontraffic offence.Paraphrase: have been arrested because of illegal actions which don’t include breaking traffic rules.4.correctional supervision:(a euphemism)a kind of punishment, such as reform school

5.to lock sb.away: to put sb.in prison 6.This is why the certainty and … the crime rate goes up.Paraphrase: This is why not all crimes are punished and the punishment is less severe although the crime rate increases.7.to give out: to announce, to enforce

8.property crimes: crimes of stealing, mugging(打劫)or robbery 9.… but it just might be the other way around.the other way around/round: the opposite situation

Paraphrase: but the opposite might be true: crime prevents punishment.10.Our current crop … who were once imprisoned in Alcatraz.Paraphrase: The present prisoners are much more serious law-breakers than the prisoners of the country in the years between 1930s and 1960s.11.… it makes little/no sense… : it is not sensible or reasonable.12.… answer the TV message: It’s 10 o’clock!Do you know where your children are?”

Paraphrase: make sure they are all home at 10 o’clock in the evening.13.The other are rejected or dismissed … instead of punishment.Paraphrase: The other three arrested criminals’ cases are refused or stopped because there isn’t sufficient evidence or no witness can be found.Or instead of being put into prison, these criminals are sent elsewhere for medical treatment(when they can produce proof for illness of some kind.)14.the select few: the few criminals who are carefully chosen 15.to be easy on: to treat … in a gentle way and not too severe 16.Yet when measured against the lower crime rates …

To measure sth./sb.against sth./sb.: to judge sb./sth.by comparing them with another person or thing

Paraphrase: But when longer prison sentences are compared with the lower crime rates.17.… are not worth the cost to state and local governments.Paraphrase: are not worthwhile because state and local governments have to pay much money for this.18.given: specific 19.… we do know the extent … major crime convictions.Paraphrase: We do know how many of those people under parole are convicted and put into jail again for serious crime.20.… only 15000 crimes prevented.Paraphrase: If those prisoners were kept in prison for another year, only 15000 crimes would be prevented.21.a drop in the bucket: an amount of sth.that is too small to be important.22.This works out to more than $100, 000 per crime prevented.Paraphrase: This means that it costs more than $100, 000 to prevent one crime.III.Assignment: Exercises after the text.IV.Checking the exercises.V.Dictation of the new words in the lesson.Lesson 4 The Nightingale and the Rose Aims:

1.Get the students to read and understand the text and help them master the structures of the patterns;2.Get the students to master the words and the prefixes and suffixes presented;3.Help them master the grammatical rules presented;4.Help them finish off all the exercises both in vocabulary and in grammar.Main Points: Understanding the text and learning the words and grammar.Difficult Points: The structures of difficult sentences.Teaching Methods: Discussion, interpretation and explanation.Teaching Course: I.Pre-class Task: To read and get familiar with the new words in the lesson.Previewing the text.Every student should go over the whole text so that they can get the main idea and write the gist.II.Detailed study of the text.1.for want of: because of a lack of 2.lover: a person who loves 3.ball: a large party with dancing 4.to: according to;while sth.else is happening 伴随着 5.something of: to some degree 6.plot: a small piece of land used for a special purpose 7.… nipped my buds.Paraphrase: stopped the growth of the buds 8.… and what is the heart of a bird compared to the heart of a man?

Paraphrase: The heart of a bird is nothing compared to the heart of a man.(The sentence is a rhetorical question.)9.to ask … of sb.: to ask sb.for …

10.… he could not understand what the Nightingale was saying to him.Question: Why couldn’t he understand? 11.to sing of:(formal)to mention sth in a song or a poem, especially to praise it 12.spray:(n.)a small branch having buds or flowers

13.girdle: a band of red color round the middle of the petals 14.… a film came over her eyes.Film: a thin layer or covering of sth.15.to choke: to make sb.unable to breathe 16.all over: all parts of one’s body III.Assignment: Exercises after the text.IV.Checking the exercises.V.Dictation of the new words in the lesson.Lesson 5 Say Yes Aims:

1.Get the students to read and understand the text and help them master the structures of the patterns;2.Get the students to master the words and the prefixes and suffixes presented;3.Help them master the grammatical rules presented;4.Help them finish off all the exercises both in vocabulary and in grammar.Main Points: Understanding the text and learning the words and grammar.Difficult Points: The structures of difficult sentences.Teaching Methods: Discussion, interpretation and explanation.Teaching Course: I.Pre-class Task: To read and get familiar with the new words in the lesson.Previewing the text.Every student should go over the whole text so that they can get the main idea and write the gist.II.Detailed study of the text.1.to pitch in:(Here in is an adverb.)to start to work eagerly 2.somehow:(adv.)in some way not yet know 3.to get onto: begin to talk about 4.“Oh boy” is used to show annoyance 5.to take my word for it: to believe what I say 6.She was piling dishes on the draining-board at a terrific rate.Question: Why at a great speed? 7.“Not the same, like us.”

Paraphrase: They don’t have the same background, and they are not like us.8.to resort to : to adopt, use

Trick: method 9.He’d acted out of concern for her,Paraphrase: He had done so because of concern for her.10.… he thought that it would be a nice gesture on her part not to start up that conversation again, Paraphrase: he hoped his wife would show her concern in return by not continuing the unpleasant conversation.11.For Christ’s sake: The expression is often used to show annoyance, like “Oh boy”.12.Let’s say: Let’s suppose 13.cornered: forced into a difficult position 14.Let’s not move too fast on this.Paraphrase: Let’s not rush to a decision.15.“Thank you.”

Question: Thank you for what? 16.snap through the pages: turn the pages suddenly and quickly 17.While he was at it, Paraphrase: While he was cleaning dishes.18.In another thirty years…

Question: What does the word “another” suggest? 19.What would all that stuff matter then?

Paraphrase: What is the sense of arguing about these problems? 20.I’ll make it up to you.Paraphrase: I’ll do something good for you.21.“We’ll see” is used when you don’t want to make a decision right now.22.His heart pounded the way… the house, a stranger.Question: What does the sentence show? III.Assignment: Exercises after the text.III.Checking the exercises.IV.Dictation of the new words in the lesson.Lesson 6 The Man in the Water Aims:

1.Get the students to read and understand the text and help them master the structures of the patterns;2.Get the students to master the words and the prefixes and suffixes presented;3.Help them master the grammatical rules presented;4.Help them finish off all the exercises both in vocabulary and in grammar.Main Points: Understanding the text and learning the words and grammar.Difficult Points: The structures of difficult sentences.Teaching Methods: Discussion, interpretation and explanation.Teaching Course: I.Pre-class Task: To read and get familiar with the new words in the lesson.Previewing the text.Every student should go over the whole text so that they can get the main idea and write the gist.II.Detailed study of the text.1.as persons/things go: compared with the average persons/things

As businessmen go, he is considered pretty honest.2.There was the unusual element of … high traffic.Paraphrase: One thing that was unusual about this disaster was that the plane hit the bridge when the traffic was heavy.3.Then, too, there was the location of the event.Paraphrase: Besides, the location of the event was also unusual.4.… a blast of real winter…: a sudden strong and really cold winter 5.… a single slap of metal on metal: the plane’s colliding/collision on the bridge, both of which was made of metal 6.And there was the aesthetic clash as well—blue-and-green Air Florida, Paraphrase: When the air crash occurred, it was not just a clash of metal against the bridge, but also a clash between colors: the blue-green color of the plane and the gray and black color of the ice and river.7.… while always special…

Paraphrase: although it is always special 8.… bring millions to tears or to attention.Paraphrase: make millions of people cry or attract their attention 9.Why, then, the shock here?

Paraphrase: Why was there such a shock, then? 10.the elements: the bad weather 11.indifferent as ever: unconcerned about the consequences as always 12.to rise to the occasion: to deal successfully with a difficult situation 13.a park police: police whose job is to look after a park 14.in the line of duty: part of one’s duty

15.… lines that is no less admirable for being repeated.Paraphrase: words that have been said before by many heroes, but the words are still admirable.16.to stick in the mind: to be remembered 17.But the person most responsible for … “the man in the water”.Be responsible for: be the cause for 18.lifeline: a rope used to save people at sea

19.mass casualty: large numbers of people hurt or killed 20.commitment: a strong sense of responsibility 21.his anonymity another.Paraphrase: The fact that he did not leave his name was another reason why the story held national attention.22.… gave him a universal character.Paraphrase: make him have a universal quality and make people feel that it could have been anyone.III.Assignment: Exercises after the text.IV.Checking the exercises.V.Dictation of the new words in the lesson.Lesson 7 The Greatest Invention Aims:

1.Get the students to read and understand the text and help them master the structures of the patterns;2.Get the students to master the words and the prefixes and suffixes presented;3.Help them master the grammatical rules presented;4.Help them finish off all the exercises both in vocabulary and in grammar.Main Points: Understanding the text and learning the words and grammar.Difficult Points: The structures of difficult sentences.Teaching Methods: Discussion, interpretation and explanation.Teaching Course: I.Pre-class Task: To read and get familiar with the new words in the lesson.Previewing the text.Every student should go over the whole text so that they can get the main idea and write the gist.II.Detailed study of the text.1.rough: not exact

2.to turn out: to happen to be in the end 3.… Like liquid tropical sunlight,Question: What does the sentence show? 4.to aim at: to direct one’s efforts towards 5.War is no longer a matter of armies;

Paraphrase: War doesn’t depend on how many armies you have.6.…west of the Atlantic: Latin American countries.7.… he was not at all what one would regard as the figure of a soldier.Paraphrase: He was not at all the kind of person one would regard as a soldier, because he was not tall and strong.8.charge: a rushing forceful attack

9.get rid of him: remove him from office 10.to let loose: to free 11.to have sth.within one’s grasp: to be able to achieve or attain sth.12.to keep sb.at sth.: to force sb.to continue to do 13.… for I thought it very likely in a hot country like that.Paraphrase: Because people usually think hot weather can make one become listless(无精打采的)and lazy.14.to drive: to force sb.to work hard 15.… he was more than content: he was very content;he was very satisfied 16.… drove him away: made him work on another thing or sth.else.17.drugged: addicted to drugs 18.And the splendor of our position faded like dreams.Paraphrase: The glory of our country disappeared like dreams.19.fancy: a new idea 20.… he gave me every facility, showing me the entire process…

Paraphrase: He used every facility to show me the whole process.III.Assignment: Exercises after the text.IV.Checking the exercises.V.Dictation of the new words in the lesson.Lesson 8 Psychologically Speaking


1.Get the students to read and understand the text and help them master the structures of the patterns;2.Get the students to master the words and the prefixes and suffixes presented;3.Help them master the grammatical rules presented;4.Help them finish off all the exercises both in vocabulary and in grammar.Main Points: Understanding the text and learning the words and grammar.Difficult Points: The structures of difficult sentences.Teaching Methods: Discussion, interpretation and explanation.Teaching Course: I.Pre-class Task: To read and get familiar with the new words in the lesson.Previewing the text.Every student should go over the whole text so that they can get the main idea and write the gist.II.Detailed study of the text.1.What is it?

Paraphrase: What is it on your mind? What are you thinking of?

2.to fool around/about: to waste time 闲逛 3.Out with it.Paraphrase: Tell me about it.4.up:(adv.)to the place in the north.5.garage: a place where motor vehicles are repaired 6.delicate: very sensitive to what is proper

7.… unless he was.Paraphrase: unless he was respectable.8.… not when I’m working for you.Paraphrase: I won’t go out with him when I’m working for you.9.to behave yourself: to do things in a way that people think is correct or polite 10.impulsively: suddenly without thinking of the consequences 11.If it works out.Paraphrase: If it succeeds.12.under cover: pretending to be sb.else in order to do sth.secretly 13.be on your honor: be trusted to do sth.14.We’re putting you and Dad on your honor.Paraphrase: We respect you and believe in you.15.… Bessie Waring once.Explain: In some western countries, when a woman gets married, she will use her husband’s family name as her family name.16....it was a fool’s paradise!

Paraphrase: It was an imaginary and unreal beautiful world.17.to open one’s eyes to: to make sb.realize 18.to claim: ask for or demand because you think it is your right to have it 19.for all you know: you really don’t know III.Assignment: Exercises after the text.IV.Checking the exercises.V.Dictation of the new words in the lesson.Lesson 9 Quick Fix Society Aims:

1.Get the students to read and understand the text and help them master the structures of the patterns;2.Get the students to master the words and the prefixes and suffixes presented;3.Help them master the grammatical rules presented;4.Help them finish off all the exercises both in vocabulary and in grammar.Main Points: Understanding the text and learning the words and grammar.Difficult Points: The structures of difficult sentences.Teaching Methods: Discussion, interpretation and explanation.Teaching Course:

I.Pre-class Task: To read and get familiar with the new words in the lesson.Previewing the text.Every student should go over the whole text so that they can get the main idea and write the gist.II.Detailed study of the text.1.fix:(n.)solution to a problem, especially an easy and temporary one 2.consist of: be formed from 3.half the fun: the largest part of fun(of our trip to West Virginia)4.… had tried to take on another hot July afternoon.Question: What does “another” suggest? 5.to crowd: to make … move close together 6.… no little dots this time.Paraphrase: This time they didn’t seem like little dots.7.… refreshed, revitalized, and reeducated.Paraphrase: We felt energetic and fresh, and had experienced a new way of life.8.… not just to get from Point A to Point B.Paraphrase: not just to travel from place to place, but also in many other aspects of life.9.Americans understood the principle of deferred gratification.Paraphrase: Americans knew it took time for their desires to be satisfied.10.We put a little of each paycheck away “for a rainy day”.Paraphrase: We save a little money from our income in case we might need it in the future.11.to save(up)for: to save money because of 12.to help sb.out: to help sb.in a difficult situation 13.relax now: buy what we want now 14.ready-made: able to be used at once 15.off the rack: ready-made 16.to warp up: to complete or finish 17.… doesn’t agree with us.Paraphrase: make us feel sick.18.… you guessed it.Explain: This sentence shows that the readers know what the writer would say next.19.minutes: a summary of a formal meeting 20.Cliff’s Notes: a series of reference books which contains the summary and comment of the work

21.… especially if we are students.Question: Why? III.Assignment: Exercises after the text.IV.Checking the exercises.V.Dictation of the new words in the lesson.Lesson 10 The Richer, the Poorer Aims:

1.Get the students to read and understand the text and help them master the structures of the patterns;2.Get the students to master the words and the prefixes and suffixes presented;3.Help them master the grammatical rules presented;4.Help them finish off all the exercises both in vocabulary and in grammar.Main Points: Understanding the text and learning the words and grammar.Difficult Points: The structures of difficult sentences.Teaching Methods: Discussion, interpretation and explanation.Teaching Course: I.Pre-class Task: To read and get familiar with the new words in the lesson.Previewing the text.Every student should go over the whole text so that they can get the main idea and write the gist.II.Detailed study of the text.1.Bess had lived each day as if there were no other.Paraphrase: Bess seized every minute to enjoy herself as if she would die next day.2.lean:(adj.)small in amount 3.Bess had the clothes on her back.Paraphrase: All of Bess’s clothes was what she was wearing.4.wordly:(adj.)of the material world

5.… her child’s mouth watered for ice cream and candy.Paraphrase: As a child, she wanted ice cream and candy very much.6.to clerk:(v.)to keep records or accounts

7.But her freshman year found her unable to indulge this fantasy.Paraphrase: But in her first year at high school, she found that she couldn’t allow herself to spend her money on clothes.8.to put one’s mind to sth.: to concentrate on;to set one’s mind on sth.集中精力做 9.Lottie expected to be settled with a home and family.Settled:(adj.)comfortable and happy

Paraphrase: Lottie wanted to get married and lead a comfortable life.10.… a homemaking job: being a housewife 11.in rags: wearing old torn clothes 12.to go to ruin: to become damaged 变破旧 13.… trapped by the blood tie.Paraphrase: closely related to Bess.14.be through with sth.: finish 15.to go about doing: to begin working at 开始着手做 16.She worked her way from kitchen to parlor.Paraphrase: She worked hard to improve one room after another.17.At night she slept like a child after a long and happy day of playing house.Playing house: a children’s game in which children pretend to be mom and dad and to be housekeeping 18.She was living each hour for itself.Paraphrase: she was doing something just to pass the time, not to prepare for old age.19.She went on a spending spree from the specially shops to beauty salon.Paraphrase: She began to spend money wildly and wastefully in specialty shops and beauty salons.20.At the lavish table, top-heavy with turkey.Paraphrase: There was a lot of food on the table and the main dish was a turkey which was too big and lavish for two old ladies.III.Assignment: Exercises after the text.IV.Checking the exercises.V.Dictation of the new words in the lesson.Lesson 11You Have to Get Me Out of Here Aims:

1.Get the students to read and understand the text and help them master the structures of the patterns;2.Get the students to master the words and the prefixes and suffixes presented;3.Help them master the grammatical rules presented;4.Help them finish off all the exercises both in vocabulary and in grammar.Main Points: Understanding the text and learning the words and grammar.Difficult Points: The structures of difficult sentences.Teaching Methods: Discussion, interpretation and explanation.Teaching Course: I.Pre-class Task: To read and get familiar with the new words in the lesson.Previewing the text.Every student should go over the whole text so that they can get the main idea and write the gist.II.Detailed study of the text.1.… Rocky Mountain blue.Paraphrase: the kind of blue that you can find above the Rocky Mountain 2.soft-spoken: having a gentle and quite voice 低声和气的 3.Its sheer granite face juts up hundreds of feet.Paraphrase: The cliff is several hundred feet high.Its surface is all hard rock.4.to pair sb.with sb.: to put sb.into the group of two people 5.Katie allowed the peace of the gorgeous spring day to embrace her.Paraphrase: Katie enjoyed the peace of the wonderful spring day.6.… crashing: moving and causing noise 移动,发出巨响 7.… threw her five-feet into the air.Paraphrase: sent her flying into the air, five feet high above the ground 8.… a matter of minutes: only a few minutes

A matter of something: a situation that involves something or depends on something 9.Forcing pain off from her mind.Paraphrase: Making great effort to forget about the pain.10.to straighten sth.out: to deal with sth.清理

4.现代大学英语精读1课后答案 篇四

Unit 1 Growing Up Part II Language Focus Vocabulary Ⅰ1)、1.respectable 2.agony 3.put…down 4.sequence 5.hold back 6.distribute 7.off and on 8.vivid 9.associate 10.finally 11.turn in 12.tackle 2)、1.has been assigned to the newspaper’s Paris office.2.was so extraordinary that I didn’t know whether to believe him or not.3.a clear image of how she would look in twenty years’ time.4.gave the command the soldiers opened fire.5.buying bikes we’ll keep turning them out.3)、1.reputation, rigid, to inspire 2.and tedious, What’s more, out of date ideas 3.compose, career, avoid showing, hardly hold back Ⅱ.1.composed 2.severe 3.agony 4.extraordinary 5.recall 6.command 7.was violating 8.anticipate Ⅲ.1.at 2.for 3.of 4.with 5.as 6.about 7.to 8.in, in 9.from 10.on/upon Comprehensive Exercises Ⅰ.Cloze 1.1.hold back 2.tedious 3.scanned 4.recall 5.vivid 6.off and on 7.turn out/in 8.career 2.1.last 2.surprise 3.pulled 4.blowing 5.dressed 6.scene 7.extraordinary 8.image 9.turn 10.excitement Ⅱ.Translation 1.1.As it was a formal dinner party, I wore formal dress, as Mother told me to.2.His girlfriend advised him to get out of/get rid of his bad habit of smoking before it took hold.3.Anticipating that the demand for electricity will be high during the next few months, they have decided to increase its production.4.It is said that Bill has been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules./Bill is said to have been fired for continually violating the company’s safety rules.5.It is reported that the government has taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage./The local government is reported to have taken proper measures to avoid the possibility of a severe water shortage.2.Susan lost her legs because of / in a car accident.For a time, she didn’t know how to face up to the fact that she would never(be able to)walk again.One day, while scanning(through)some magazines, a true story caught her eye /she was attracted by a true story.It gave a vivid description of how a disabled girl became a writer.Greatly inspired, Susan began to feel that she, too, would finally be bale to lead a useful life.Unit2 I.Vocabulary 1..1)absolutely 2)available 3)every now and then 4)are urging/ urged 5)destination 6)mostly 7)hangs out 8)right away 9)reunion 10)or something 11)estimate 12)going ahead

2.Rewriting 1)It seemed that his failure in the examination was still on his mind.2)He was completely choked up by the sight of his team losing in the final minutes of the game.3)She was so lost in study that she forgot to have dinner.4)Something has come up and I am afraid I won’t be able to accomplish the project on time.5)The cost of equipping the new hospital was estimated at $2 million.3.Complete the sentences.1)were postponed the awful is estimated 2)reference not available an kind of 3)not much of a teacher skips go ahead

II.Collocation 1.to 2.for 3.at 4.from 5.in 6.to on 7.on 8.with

III.Usage 1.more or less 2.kind of/ sort of 3.something 4.kind of/ sort of 5.more or less 6.or something

Comprehensive exercises I.Cloze 1.text-related

1)choked up 2)awful 3)practically 4)neighborhood 5)correspondence 6)available 7 destination 8)reunion 9)Mostly 10)postponing 11)absolutely

2.Theme-related 1)how 2)savings 3)embarrassment 4)phone5)interrupted 6)touch 7)envelop 8)signed 9)message 10)needed

II.Translation 1.Translate the sentences.1)Half an hour had gone by, but the last bus hadn’t come yet.We had to walk home.2)Mary seems to be very worried about the Chinese exam because she hasn’t learned the texts by heart.3)Since the basketball match has been postponed, we might as well visit the museum.4)He stayed in Australia with his parents all the way through WWⅡ.5)Since I graduated from Nanjing University in 1985, I have kind of lost touch with my classmates.2.Translate the passage.It is not easy to keep in touch with friends far away.This is true in my case.It has been a couple of years since I left my old neighborhood and all the friends there.I have been meaning to write to them but things come up and I just don’t seem to find the time.They are always on my mind, however, and I think I will certainly make an effort to keep up correspondence with them in the future.Unit 3 I Vocabulary 1

1)brief 2)in terms of 3)cut off 4)tend

5)anyway 6)precise 7)in the form of 8)initiative 9)convey 10)in two minds 11)concept 12)grasp 2 1)has ensured their team a place in the Cup final.2)medical workers’ responsibility to heal the wounded and rescue the dying.3)entertain as well as educate the learner.4)can do without air and water.5)is likely to be held in June.3 1)lies in contact between

2)basis of is likely sufficient at the moment 3)the steady will be highly II Word Formation 1 regained 2 undecided 3 undersupplied 4 disabled 5 precondition 6 foresight 7 mispronounced 8 enrich IIIAntonyms

1)majority 2)accepted 3)increased 4)weaknesses 5)local 6)late 7)wrong 8)false Comprehensive exercises I Close 1.Text-related

1)highly 2)bring about 3)evident 4)rate 5)sufficient 6)put across 7)proportion 8)Hence 9)ensure 2.Theme-related

1)understand 2)travel 3)practical 4)use 5)Another 6)likely 7)affect 8)developments 9)supply 10)Someday II Translation 1)As is predicted by scientists, global pollution has become one of the most serious problems humans are faced with.2)Competition for these jobs is very tough –we have five times as many applicants this year as we did last year/ there are five times as many applicants this year as there were last year.3)As the facts show, educational programs need to fit into the national plan for economical development.4)The car burns too much gas, and moreover, the price is almost twice as much as I intend to pay.5)To understand a great international event, we, first of all, need to consider the historical and political background to it.2 It is hard to imagine how our forefathers could do without so many conveniences that modern technology has brought about.Back then only a small proportion of the population enjoyed the comforts of life.The majority didn’t even have sufficient food, not to speak of/ let alone the privilege of being educated.However, many people blame modern technology for creating so many problems.They want to slow down the rate of progress.But no one can put the clock back.Unit 4 Vocabulary 1)wreck 2)balance 3)approaching 4)handle 5)discard 6)Above all 7)diet 8)do with

9)checked on 10)cleaned up 11)weekly 12)principles 2.1)to look for survivors were abandoned after it had been/was determined that all the people in the sunken ship had died.2)was amazed that Bob left a well-paid job travel around the world.3)for a loan has been turned down by many a bank as her business is small and she could provide no guarantee.4)express her thoughts with precision, so people often misunderstand her.5)will weaken our determination to modernize our country in the shortest possible time.3.1)for sale hunting for be amazed by 2)become skilled handle their loans 3)character by calling on he passed away II Confusable words 1.1)personal 2)personnel

2.1)sometime 2)Sometimes 3)some time 4)sometime III Euphemism de hcgabf

Comprehensive Exercises I Close 1.Text-related

1)sponsored 2)determination 3)turned away 4)assumed 5)capacity 6)skilled 7)loan 8)character 9)hunting 10)for sale 11)send for 2.Theme-related

1)save 2)recent 3)modest 4)grow 5)dream

6)immigrants 7)business 8)engineering 9)invest 10)rich III Translation 1)It is reported that UN mediators have worked out a plan which they hope will be acceptable to both sides.2)Doris walked in the forest cautiously, afraid of being attacked by giant snakes.3)Earthquakes, typhoons and other natural disasters cannot be prevented, but action can be taken to protect life and property.4)I bought a new issue of my favorite sports magazine and hurried home, anxious to amuse myself reading it.5)Helen lacks confidence.I’ve never known anyone so unsure of herself.2.After graduating from college, Tony decided to start his own business.At the beginning, many a bank turned down his request for a loan.But he was not a bit discouraged, and continued to call on one banker after another seeking help.Impressed by his determination and optimism, one banker finally agreed to loan him the money.Now he has become a wealthy businessman.Talking about his amazing achievement, Tony says that it is important to create rather than wait for opportunities.Unit 5 Vocabulary I.1

1)monthly 2)acquaintances 3)classic 4)look;in the eye 5)manufactured 6)options 7)finance 8)replacement 9)survived 10)pick out 11)married 12)grabbed at 2.1)survived a car crash that killed both her parents.2)almost embarrassed to death when Sarah read my poem out to the whole class.3)of the Children’s Hospital will care for the seriously injured pupils.4)several phone calls making inquiries about the position of the Chief Financial Officer.5)straighten out all your financial problems if you join our club.3.1)inquiry;died of hunger;people survied 2)Instantly;give up his;retire;replace him;executive 3)his beloved;odd jobs;and all that II Word Formation 1.embarrassment 2.survivors 3.newly 4.marketable 5.monthly 6.competition 7.conceivable 8.respectable III.Usage 1.the poor 2.The deceased/The dead 3.the disabled 4.the French 5.The accused 6.the young 7.the unemployed 8.the latter…the former… Comprehensive Exercises I.Cloze 1.Text-related 1)died of 2)instantly 3)classic 4)ask around 5)surviving 6)retire 7)executive 8)replacement 9)stock 10)look…in the eye 2.Theme-related 1)impressed 2)diligence 3)Instead 4)Contrary 5)professionally 6)perform 7)personal 8)balance 9)commitment 10)revealed II.Translation 1.1)I’m not sure where you can find a good carpenter---you’d better ask around.2)Feeling a little embarrassed, he quickly cleared his throat and looked up at the painting on the wall.3)Michael was survived by three sons, two daughters, and his wife Elizabeth.4)As a financial expert, William advised us to invest our money in the stock market.5)We small retailers can’t compete with supermarkets in pricing and sales.2.My dad is a hard-working executive of a manufacturing firm.He works six days a week.Every day he has to straighten out various kinds of problems so that he often stays up late/nights.However, he tries his best to balance/maintain balance between work and family.On Sundays my dad usually stays at home and cares for us as much as he can.To my greatest joy, he cooks our favorite dished and plays ball with us.Unit 6 Homework Vocabulary Ⅰ

1.1.Fertile 2.Reflected 3.Overseas 4.Slim 5.Split 6.Sustained 7.Glow 8.Thrust 9.Keen 10.Bud 11.Previous 12.Whichever 2.1)The sickly smell of carpets and furniture in the bedroom disgusts me.2)Mary stopped corresponding with Henry after the death of her mother.3)A radio transmitter is best located at an isolated place far from cities.4)I was so absorbed in the game on TV that I didn’t hear Martin come in.5)The rough surface of the basketball helps players grip the ball.3.1)to broaden;make their way 2)disgusts;take a chance on 3)the grand;and overseas;reflected Ⅱ

1.1)frightened 2)afraid/ frightened 2.1)alike/similar 2)similar 3.1)alive 2)living 4.1)sleeping 2)asleep Ⅲ

1)disappointed 2)disappointment 3)disappointing 4)disappoint 5)disappointingly 6)disappointing 2.1)attractive 2)attract 3)attraction 4)attractively 5)unattractively 6)unattractive Comprehension Exercises ⅠCloze Text-related 1)Identifying 2)gripped 3)margins 4)corresponding 5)overseas 6)little 7)hesitate 8)grateful 9)made my way 10)going my way 2.Theme-related 1)first 2)ring 3)Nor 4)another 5)threw

6)deliberately 7)reasoned 8)himself 9)restaurant 10)matter ⅡTranslation 1)Before I went off to university, my grandfather gave me a few words of wisdom which impressed me deeply.Never tell my parents about my injuries and I’ll be very grateful to you(for it).At the meeting some of our colleagues put forward sensible suggestions about improving our working environment.The management has/have agreed to grant the workers a 10% pay rise in response to union pressure.It was very thoughtful of the hostess to give the house a thorough cleaning before we arrived.Not rich himself, Uncle Li never hesitates to help others.Previous to/Before his retirement, through Project Hope he located the addresses of two country kids who grew up in poor families but had a keen desire to study.From then on he sent them money regularly.Later the two made their way to college, and even got a chance to study overseas.Unit 7 Content Questions Pair Work 1.He thinks animals will probably do their best thinking when it serves their own purposes, not when scientists ask them to.2.Because he believes they may encounter animal intelligence in their daily life.3.He regards them as a new window on animal intelligence.4.She wanted to get more pineapple.5.He expanded the money supply by breading chips in two.6.It shows he is clever and sly.He ate up the fruit leaving nothing but stems to share with Miles.7.They say that animals cooperate when they learn it is in their interest to do so.8.The author thinks that what behaviorists say is right, but he doesn’t think their explanation is satisfactory enough.9.Because Orky was the most intelligent animal she had worked with.10.Corky is a female whale because she is Orky’s mate and delivered a baby whale.11.Because she thought the orange must have rolled off somewhere inaccessible.12.Towan hid his orange underneath his foot.The act reveals some animals are intelligent enough to know how to deceive.Text Organization 1.Eugene Linden wants to tell the reader that animals do have, at least, some limited intelligence, and the personal experiences of those who are in close contact with animals are more convincing evidence than that any experiments can provide.2.Let’s Make a Deal: Some animals are intelligent enough to know how to bargain with people.Tale of a Whale: Animals like whales can assess a situation and act accordingly.Primate Shell Game: Animals can attempt to deceive.Language Sense Enhancement 1.(1)controversy(2)consciousness(3)explore(4)serves their own purposes(5)encounter(6)lack of it(7)convinced(8)mental feats(9)captivity(10)humans Language Focus I.Vocabulary 1.1)go(very)far 2)has expanded 3)in the interest(s)of 4)only to 5)encountered 6)has cooperated 7)assessed 8)(had)switched 9)horizons 10)gaze 11)disaster 12)wiped out 2.1)… a long/long running controversy over whether the book should be published or not 2)… felt relieved after her first meeting with Tom had gone smoothly 3)...suddenly went wrong with my computer when I was in the middle of writing the essay 4)… is obvious that our company is still maintaining its composition as market leader in software.5)… give in until they give her a pay rise 3.1)have undertaken, original, to explore 2)evidence convinced, underneath, extending to 3)to negotiate, encounter, to figure out, explore II.Confusable Words 1.firstly 2.first, first 3.At first 4.First/Firstly 5.first 6.First 7.at first 8.first III.Usage 1.animal intelligence whose 2.zoo keeper where 3.eye contact through what 4.money supply of what 5.killer whale what kind 6.baby whale how old 7.family member of what 8.sea turtle what kind/where Comprehensive Exercises I.Cloze 1.(1)emergency(2)evidence(3)original(4)sizing up(5)negotiates(6)reveal(7)make a deal(8)dominant(9)in their interest(s)(10)deceiving(11)controversy(12)judgment(13)explore 2.(1)protect(2)However(3)type(4)situation(5)sights(6)together(7)rang(8)associate(9)without(10)environment II.Translation 1.1)A local business undertook the project but went bankrupt before it was completed.2)Let’s make a deal—you wash my car, and I’ll let you use it tonight.3)We got to the village which we thought must have been wiped out in the severe earthquake, only to find it slightly damaged.4)My garden is dry and shady—few plants thrive in that condition 5)Mystery still surrounds the exact truth behind the film star’s death/exact circumstance of the film star’s death.2.When I was young I used to visit the zoo in my hometown.There what attracted me most was a couple of tigers, especially the male.They were dept in a huge iron cage at first, but later were released from it and moved to a place called Tiger Hill.Twenty years later I revisited the zoo and was relieved to find Tiger Hill was still there, but greatly extended.Moving around now were six tigers, old and young, instead of two!Unit8 Pair work

1.She was amazed at the author’s ability to do mental calculation.2.Children can’t spell correctly;their knowledge of word history and geography is non-existent 3.He didn’t want to compete with the hard-working Asians at U.C.L.A.He preferred a less intellectually challenging life.4.A modern industrial state cannot function with an idle, ignorant labor force.5.To use the media to dramatize and drive home the message to today’s teenagers.6.He is fed up with the book he is forced to red.7.They can’t read or write.They place their hopes on their children.8.He works as a cleaner in a factory owned by the Japanese.9.Because he has no education, no useful skill, and no discipline.10.Americans stop demanding good education foe children.Machines do all the complex work and there is little manual work to be done.America is poorer than Japan and European countries.11.Hard work education, saving and discipline help a nation rise from the ashes.12.He finally comes to realize the importance of study.Work on your own 1.Part one paras.1-10 Teenagers’ idleness and ignorance will produce serious effects on all concerned and society as a whole.Part two paras.11-24 Kevin 1990 comes to realize in his dream how greatly lack of education costs his forebears, himself, his children and the society they live in, and how important it is to study hard.2.Part one Teenagers’ intellectual laziness and ignorance Part two Kevin 1990, his forebears(with the exception of his intellectual father),and his children lead a poor, miserable life.America is on the decline.There is no law and order in the country.America children have no chance to receive a good education.Businesses in America are owned by wealthy Europeans and Asians.Language sense enhancement Indifference(1)Summed up(2)Preferred(3)Financial(4)

Accumulated(5)Intellectual(6)Affect(7)Industrial 8)Idle(9)Break down(10)Vocabulary I 1.1.industrial 2.idle3.is functioning4.intellectual5.scared6.handful 7.luxury 8.private 9.work up 10.slice 11.miracle 12.was jammed 2.1.to be seriously affected by the rise in gas prices。2.is a matter of total indifference to me.3.drove home the point that they needed extra people 4.was found after they searched for it for a long time 5.had run out of water by the time they got to the camp 3.1.manual and complex its financial 2.was very upset make a living by swore was/became much better off 3.handful ignorant of paintings/ works summed up II 1.The young man made $5 an hour in his summer job.2.What made you change your mind? 3.I’m sure Jason will make a good lawyer.4.The vet put something down the dog’s throat to make it vomit.5.The story makes interesting reading.6.Five and five make ten.7.On foot they can only make about 20 miles a day.8.I don’t think she’ll ever really make it to the top III 1

(1)developing(2)develo p(3)development(4)develop(5)developing developed 2(1)amazed(2)amazes(3)amazingly(4)amazing(5)amazement Comprehensive exercise I.CLOZE 1.TEXT-RELATED(1)complex(2)idle(3)make a living by(4)accumulated(5)affect(6)function(7)faculties(8)ignorant(9)wake up 2.THEME-RELATED(1)dormitory(2)passing(3)leaping(4)department(5)burned(6)destroyed(7)seriously(8)marriages(9)report(10)perspective

II TRANSLATION 1)Without his personal file, an applicant can hardly expect to get/ be employed as a teacher.2)With enough ice, we would be able to chill the drinks.3)In my humble opinion, reading us the most pleasant way to spend one’s leisure.4)Some people said it was simply a miracle that the American athlete Michael Phelps won eight gold medals at the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.5)The washing machine has broken down, so we have to wash our clothes by hand.This morning I heard an interesting piece of news over my portable radio: a man of 36 and his son of 10 attend the same class competing with each other for high marks.The story goes/ It’s like this: The man, Li Wei by name, was too idle to learn anything when young.With little education, with no useful skills, he could hardly earn an adequate living wage.His life experiences drove home to him the point that he had to acquire knowledge before he was able to accumulate wealth.So Li Wei swore that he would go to school with his son, determined to learn.翻译: 第一单元


课文A 我们写作时常常被告诫,脑子里要有读者,笔者所云一定要符合读者的口味和兴趣。但有一位读者特别不该忘记。你能猜出是谁吗?当拉塞尔·贝克找到这个问题的答案时,他自己和别人都感到大为惊讶。










于是他开始念了。是我写的!他给全班大声念我写的文章。更不可思议的是,全班同学都在听着他念,而且听得很专心。有人笑出声来,接着全班都笑了,不是轻蔑嘲弄,而是乐乎乎地开怀大笑。就连弗利格尔先生也停顿了两三次,好抑制他那丝拘谨的微笑。我尽力不流露出得意的心情,但是看到我写的文章竟然能使别人大笑,我真是心花怒放。就在十——年级,可谓是最后的时刻,我找到了一个今生想做的事。这是我整个求学生涯中最幸福的——刻。弗利格尔先生念完后说道:“瞧,孩子们,这就是小品文,懂了没有。这才是一知道吗——这才是小品文的精髓,知道了没有。祝贺你,贝克先生。”他这番话使我沉浸 在十全十美的幸福之中。












“我看大家写信都不那么勤快,”我说。“我自己笔头就很懒。我看,你认识他挺久了吧?” “差不多认识了一辈子了。我俩小时候就一起玩,所以我俩的友谊确实很长了。” “一起上的学?”.

“都一起上到高中呢。事实上,我俩从小学到高中都在一个班里。” “保持这么长久友谊的人可真不多见啊,”我说。

“其实呢,”司机接着说,“近25到30年来,我跟他一年只见一两次面,因为我从原来住的老街坊搬了出来,联系自然就少了,虽说你一直放在心上。他在的时候可真是个大好人。” “你刚才说他‘在的时候’。你是说——?” 他点了点头。“前两个星期过世啦。”

“真遗憾,”我说。“失去朋友真不是个滋味,失去个真正的老朋友更让人受不了。” 他开着车,没有接话儿。我们沉默了几分钟,可我知道他还在想着老埃德。他又开口时,与其说是跟我说话,还不如说是自言自语:“我真该一直保持联系。真的,”他重复道,“我真该—直保持联系。”







“你要知道,”我对他说,“信里说我们这些人当中留下的不多了,说得一点不错。比如说,每次我去参加老同学聚会,来的人总是越来越少。” “时间不饶人啊,”司机说。



“这一处写得好,”我说。“这里写道:‘你多年的友谊对我非常重要,远比我能说出来的重要得多,因为我不擅长说这样的话。,,我颔首称是。“这话准让你听着开心,是吧?” 司机说了句什么,可我没听明白,因为他似乎哽噎得厉害。于是我接着说:“我也真想收到这样一封老朋友的来信。”




他神情有点悲伤,似乎想看清远处什么东西。“我想我真该早些写这封信。” 我进了旅馆房间之后,没有马上打开箱包。首先我得写封信——而且要寄出去。



课文A 霍金教授认为使每个人都了解科学是干什么的非常重要。在这篇文章中,他对其中的缘由作了解释。










课文A 美国梦对不同的人有不同的意义。但对许多人,尤其是对移民而言,它意味着改善自己生活的机会。对于他们,美国梦的含义就是才能与勤劳能让你从小木屋走向白宫。托尼·特里韦索诺并没有爬到那么高,但他成功地使自己的梦想成真





“我割你的草坪,”他又说道,随后便走开了。我走进屋子,心里有点不快。没错,眼下这大萧条的日子是不好过,可我怎么能把一个上门求助的人就这么打发走呢? 等我第二天晚上下班回到家,草坪已修整过了,花园除了草,人行道也清扫过了。我便问太太是怎么回事。






夏去秋来,凉风阵阵。“克罗先生,快下雪了,”有天晚上托尼跟我说。“等冬天到了,你让我在厂里干扫雪的活。” 啊,对这种执着与期盼,你又能怎样呢?自然,托尼得到了厂里的那份活儿。几个月过去了。我让人事部门送上一份报告。他们说托尼干得挺棒。一天我在汽车库后面我们以前见面的地方看到了托尼。“我想学徒,”他说。,我们有个挺不错的培训工人的徒工学校。可我怀疑托尼是否有能力学会看图纸、用千分尺,是否胜任做精密加工工作。尽管如此,可我怎么能拒绝他呢? 托尼减了薪水当了徒工。几个月之后,我收到报告,他已从徒工学校毕业,成了熟练磨工。他学会了在千分尺上辨识一百万分之一英寸,会用镶嵌着金刚石的工具制作砂轮。我和太太都挺高兴,觉得他的事总算有了个令人满意的结局。




“哎,等等,”我应道。“有个人干活勤勉,人品端正,这一点我担保。他有个好工作。眼下,你从你那块地上—分钱也得不到。那块地空在那儿要好多年呢。至少他会付你利息嘛。” 那位银行家勉强开了两干美金抵押贷款,没要托尼首付就把房子给了他。托尼乐不可支。从那以后,只要我家附近有什么被人扔弃的零星杂物,坏了的屏风啦,五金器具啦,包装纸板啦,托尼都要收起来拿回家,看他这个样子真是有意思。


“克罗先生,我卖房子!”他得意地说。“我得了八千美金。” 我非常吃惊。“可是,托尼,没了房子你住哪儿呢?” “克罗先生,我买农庄。”











课文A 一个你从没有见过的人给你寄来一封信或打来一个电话,而你不知不觉地想象着这个人是个什么样儿,赋予这个隐秘的声音一张面孔。这事儿你干得来吗?有时候是很容易搞错的。





在接下来的一年当中,两人通过信件来往增进了了解。每——封信都如—颗种子撒入肥沃的心灵之土。浪漫的爱情之花就要绽开。布兰查德提出要一张照片,可她拒绝了。她解释道:如果你对我的感情是真实的,是诚心诚意的,那我的相貌如何并不重要。设想我美丽动人。我将会——直深感不安,惟恐你只是因为我的容貌就贸然与我相爱,而这种爱情令我憎恶。设想本人相貌平平(你得承认,这种可能性更大)。那我一直会担心,你和我保持通信仅仅是出于孤独寂寞,无人交谈。不,别索要照片。等你到了纽约,你会见到我,到时你可再作定夺。且记,见面后我俩都可以自由决定中止关系或继续交往——无论你怎么选择……” 他从欧洲回国的日子终于到了。他们安排了两人的第一次见面——晚上七点,纽约格兰德中央车站。








妇女的脸上绽开了笑容。“我不知道是怎么回事,孩子,”她回答说,“可是刚才走过去的 那位穿绿色套装的姑娘,她央求我把这支玫瑰插在衣服上。她还说,要是你请我吃饭的话;我I 就告诉你,她就在街对面那个大饭店里等你。她说这是一种考验!”




























课文A 初看上去像是一个旧盒子或破衣裳。可紧接着他们就明白过来到底是什么了。




“就呆在这儿,”凯特说。“妈妈去把食品放好,然后我们进屋吃午饭,好吗?” “好!”托德一面说,一面竖起大拇指,做着他以前看他父亲做的这个手势。“好!”斯科特随声应和,试着模仿他哥哥的样子。他们望着母亲提着几个袋袋走进屋子。





“唉,不干什么。大多是瞎混——看点儿电视,然后睡觉。还能干什么?” 坎普纳笑了。“嘿,你最好悠着点,安东尼——你都快成派对狂了。”


“那前面是什么?”司机问道。安东尼没回答。他日不转睛盯着前方看,试图辨识前方铁 轨上那怪形怪状的东西。是盒子?还是旧衣裳? 猛然间,两个人都明白过来那是什么东西。里奇用尽全力猛地紧急刹车,并拉响了汽笛。汽笛嘶鸣,与此同时安东尼大声嚷道:“铁轨上有孩子!”
















课文A 本杰明.斯坦编了一个故事,以使美国青年彻底认识他们必须改变对教育的态度。读一读这个故事,看看你是否认为它对我们大家同样也有教育意义。



去年一个秋日,我文件夹用完了,便去杂货店买。我拿了一大把文件夹搁在柜台上,问一个十几岁的售货员多少钱。“不知道,”她回答说。“反正单价12美分。” 我数了数文件夹。“二十三个,单价12美分,总共2.76美金,不含税,”我说。“你心算的?”她惊奇地问道。“你怎么会算出来的?” “靠魔力,”我说。“真的?”她问。















“美国在战争中打败日本?”凯文2050问道。他惊讶之极。这听起来就像说巴西在1990年打败美国一样不可思议。凯文2050发誓,如果他有孩子的话,他一定要让他们工作、上学、学习并约束自己。“能凭自己的脑力,而不是靠偷窃为生,”他说,“那将会是个奇迹。” 凯文1990醒了过来,身旁放着他的那本《各国的财富》他打开书,跳入眼帘的第一句话就是:“一个不能恰当运用人类智力的人极可能比懦夫更可鄙。” 凯文的父亲走了进来。“好了,儿子,”他说。“咱们去看耳机吧。” “抱歉了,爸爸,”凯文1990说。“我得看书学习了。”


Chinese Translations of Text B(Units 1-8)参考译文 第一单元


课文B 夏天打工时,作者常常替巴卢先生修剪草坪。惟一的问题是,巴卢先生似乎从来没钱支付工钱。然而,他实际上所给予的却远比工钱珍贵。





到了一年中最热的七月中旬,一天傍晚前,我走过他家,他开了门,示意我进去。门厅里凉凉的,帘子遮去了阳光,过了一会儿我的眼睛才适应室内的暗淡光线。“我欠你工钱,”巴卢先生开口道,“不过……” 我想省得他费神找新的借口了,就说,“没事。别放在心上。”







他眉一抬,头一侧,望着我,就像是在给我量体裁衣似的。过了片刻,他略—“点头,便在一堆书中搜寻,然后递给我一本暗红色封面的精装本,挺厚的。“《最后的正义》,”我念道。“安德烈·施瓦兹巴特著。是讲什么的?” “你来告诉我,”他说。“下个星期。”

晚饭后我坐在室外一张不舒服的餐椅里打开了书。(3)读了几页,院子就消息了,夏夜也消失了;我一下子就进入了二战期间纳粹对犹太人的大屠杀这一令人悲痛的惨剧中,进入了以一个正派人物为代表的善与恶之间非同寻常的冲突中。书译自法文,译文优美朴素,令人不忍释手。天色终于暗了下来,我回到室内,读了一个通宵。时至三—卜年后的今天,我仍清晰地记得当时的经历。那是我初次有心地接触世界文学,我被一部小说所能包含的集聚的力量深深震撼。但我缺乏足够的词汇表达我的情感,因此,第二个星期,当巴卢先生问我“怎么样”时,我只回答说:“书真好。” “那就留着吧,”他说。“要不要我再介绍一本?”





课文B 如果我不能挺住的话,我的朋友就会死在那里,老猎手比尔·麦金托什一次又一次地告诫自己。








