


1.四六级新题型复习技 篇一


听力长对话(long conversations)的长度一般在6-20句之间,字数在120-250字之间。针对每篇长对话的问题可能会有2-5个。与短对话相比,长对话涉及的内容更深入,人物态度,语气,情感变化更复杂,一般不能简单依赖某个关键词来判断整篇对话的含义。一人一句的短对话涉及的只是一个“点”,而长对话涉 及的是一个“面”。短对话的答案一般是“显而易见”的,而长对话有时更依赖于推断和判断。尽管如此,长对话必然有一个中心议题,中心议题正是该“面”的凝聚点,对话双方都是围绕该中心而展开话题,对于长对话而言,做出正确选择的关键就是把握住对话的中心思想。

由于对话较多,长对话的场景就显得格外重要,准确判断对话的场景(situation),对把握对话的中心思想是非常有帮助的。这里所谈到的场景,是指人物,身份或职业,议论的问题,时 间,地点等等的综合概念。清晰的场景会在考生头脑中形成氛围,容易把握对话的发展脉络,使对话情节的发展更加顺理成章。






解题思路:教务人员总是细致地描述各项事务的细节问题,时 间,地点,计划推迟或变更的原因往往是考查的重点。


q: who is the speaker?

a: teacher, professor, instructor, advisor

q: when does the talk take place?

a: at the beginning(in the middle, at the end of the semester)

q: where does the talk take place?

a: classroom, lecture hall

q: what is the topic?

a: changes in the schedule

常用的词汇和词组:midterm, finals, count for 50% of your score, class discussion, seminar, workshop(讲习班), take attendance(点名), elementary, intermediate, advanced等。





常用的词汇和词组:required, compulsory, elective, selective, optional, course, description, catalog, bulletin, prerequisite course(预修课程), preliminary course(预备课程), such a heavy load, excellent reputation, drop a course(退修课程)等。






q: why was the man late for class?

a: he overslept(was sick, had some trouble with his car, had to go to see the doctor, dentist, had an emergency)

q: what confused the man?

a: 专业课的内容。

q: what does the man promise to do at last?

a: he will not be late again(oversleep again)

常用的词汇和词组:fill sb. in (暂代某人), you‘ve really lost me there(你真的让我糊涂了), make sense, miss a pretty important class, clarify the misunderstanding, check the notes等。





常用的词汇和词组:explore the topic, published resources, bibliography/reference, intellectual dishonesty, plagiarism(剽窃), get an early start, gather materials等。





场景涉及的内容:往往是一些热门的运动,如cycling, rock climbing, skiing.

解题思路:目的不在于比赛,而是好玩,健身,交友。一些运动,如cycling,往往是以team, club或association的形式存在的。

常用的词汇和词组:ski, boots, pole, outdoors, get in great shape, ensure the safety, first aid(急救), check the trails, physical education, belts, patience, mental discipline, expert riders, starting line, relay station等。




解题思路:一般说到娱乐,常见的项目有go on a picnic, hiking trip, camping trip, go to a concert, see a movie, play the ball, ski, traveling等。

常见的词汇和词组:enjoy, good day, take a break, relax, reserve a court(预定一个球场), a night-out, take your mind off your test, fair weather等。





常用的词汇和词组:roommate, dormitory, deposit, live on, off campus, utilities, heating costs, temporary accommodation, landlord, apartment, sublet, dishwasher, messy, a leaky faucet(漏水的水龙头), tenant, afford等。




场景涉及的内容:对于某种工作的态度和评价,应聘该工作的条件,如何办理相关手续,工资待遇和工作环境,工作时 间等。

解题思路:应聘者介绍自己的情况,如:教育背景,特长等,聘方人员一般要介绍工作的性质,工资待遇以及上下班时 间。

常用的词汇和词组:teaching assistant, research assistant, lab assistant, administrative assistant, waiter, waitress, nanny/babysitter, dishwashing, formalities, application procedure, reference, salary, wage, demand physical endurance, precareer training(岗前培训), permanent employment, stipend, bonus, part-time job等。





(3)把握做题的节奏。做题的节奏在听力中比在其他部分要重要得多,每一项提问的时 间间隔都是相同的,这就暗示着答题的节奏感。做到答题的节奏与提问的节奏相一致,一旦答题的节奏落后了,就会手忙脚乱,出错的几率大大增加。




听力长对话(long conversations)的长度一般在6-20句之间,字数在120-250字之间。针对每篇长对话的问题可能会有2-5个。与短对话相比,长对话涉及的内容更深入,人物态度,语气,情感变化更复杂,一般不能简单依赖某个关键词来判断整篇对话的含义。一人一句的短对话涉及的只是一个“点”,而长对话涉 及的是一个“面”。短对话的答案一般是“显而易见”的,而长对话有时更依赖于推断和判断。尽管如此,长对话必然有一个中心议题,中心议题正是该“面”的凝聚点,对话双方都是围绕该中心而展开话题,对于长对话而言,做出正确选择的关键就是把握住对话的中心思想。

由于对话较多,长对话的场景就显得格外重要,准确判断对话的场景(situation),对把握对话的中心思想是非常有帮助的。这里所谈到的场景,是指人物,身份或职业,议论的问题,时 间,地点等等的综合概念。清晰的场景会在考生头脑中形成氛围,容易把握对话的发展脉络,使对话情节的发展更加顺理成章。






解题思路:教务人员总是细致地描述各项事务的细节问题,时 间,地点,计划推迟或变更的原因往往是考查的重点。


q: who is the speaker?

a: teacher, professor, instructor, advisor

q: when does the talk take place?

a: at the beginning(in the middle, at the end of the semester)

q: where does the talk take place?

a: classroom, lecture hall

q: what is the topic?

a: changes in the schedule

常用的词汇和词组:midterm, finals, count for 50% of your score, class discussion, seminar, workshop(讲习班), take attendance(点名), elementary, intermediate, advanced等。





常用的词汇和词组:required, compulsory, elective, selective, optional, course, description, catalog, bulletin, prerequisite course(预修课程), preliminary course(预备课程), such a heavy load, excellent reputation, drop a course(退修课程)等。






q: why was the man late for class?

a: he overslept(was sick, had some trouble with his car, had to go to see the doctor, dentist, had an emergency)

q: what confused the man?

a: 专业课的内容。

q: what does the man promise to do at last?

a: he will not be late again(oversleep again)

常用的词汇和词组:fill sb. in (暂代某人), you‘ve really lost me there(你真的让我糊涂了), make sense, miss a pretty important class, clarify the misunderstanding, check the notes等。





常用的词汇和词组:explore the topic, published resources, bibliography/reference, intellectual dishonesty, plagiarism(剽窃), get an early start, gather materials等。





2.四六级新题型复习技 篇二

1 英汉语言差异概述

英语属于印欧语系, 是拼音文字, 汉语属于汉藏语系, 是表意文字。英语有屈折变化, 汉语没有屈折变化, 英语词义比较灵活多变, 汉语词义相对稳定严谨。英语是重形合的语言, 主要靠语言本身的语法手段联系。汉语是重意合的语言, 主要靠句子内部逻辑联系。换言之, 汉语句子的根据在语义, 英语句子的根据在语法。汉语造句以名词为重心, 以词组、散句和分句为手段, 习惯按照时间、逻辑顺序进行横排式表述, 其内部逻辑关系“含而不露”, 甚至断句不严, 外形松散, 因此汉语常被称为时间型的动态结构, 主要体现为形式自由、富于弹性。汉语句子的内部成分常常一一罗列, 呈现并排式结构, 外形上没主从之分, 层面之间没有明显的逻辑标记。有人形象地把这种句子称为“板块”式结构。英语则以“主——谓”的主干结构为中心来统领各语言成分, 句界分明, 外形严谨, 主干结构突出, 只有一个谓语动词, 是句子的中心, 借助如, 分词、介词、连词、关系代词、关系副词等的连接手段, 把句子的其他各个语法成分层层搭建, 英语句子的“主谓结构”为句子主干, 其它成分则通过各种连带附加关系附着在这条主干上, 犹如树枝与树干的关系。人们把英语句子的这种结构称作“多枝共干”型。 (郝丽萍、李红丽、白树勤, 2006)

2 英汉语言差异特点及翻译真题解析

2.1 汉语多短句, 英语多长句

汉语是以意合为特征的语言, 英语是以形合为特征的语言。这就意味着汉语中会有大量的短句并用, 这些短句靠意思连接在一起, 中间可以没有任何连接词;英语句子则有严格的语法结构, 有脉络衔接。在汉译英时, 考生要利用英语的从句、非谓语动词结构、短语等形式将汉语中的短句合并译为英语中的长句。例如:“‘结’在中文里意味着爱情、婚姻和团聚, 中国结常常作为礼物交换或用作饰品祈求好运和辟邪。” (2013年12月大学英语四级真题。) 这句话由两个分句组成, 暗含因果关系, 前句为“因”, 后句为“果”。但这种因果关系没有依托连词 (如“因为”) 来体现。如果翻译成英文, 考生可以用表示因果关系的连词来连接两个句子, 如since、as、because等。例如:“Since the‘knot’symbolizes love, marriage and reunion in the Chinese language, Chinese knots are exchanged as gifts or used as decorations to bring good luck and drive away evil spirits.”英译文使用了“since”这个连词, 将句子内部逻辑关系明确地表现出来。再例如:“中文热词通常反映社会变化和文化, 有些在外国媒体上愈来愈流行。” (2014年6月大学英语六级真题。) 这两个汉语短句都是在谈“中文热词”, 译成英语时可利用非限制性定语从句结构合并成一个复合句, 比简单译成两个英文短句, 显然更地道更符合英语表达习惯。因此, 译为:“The Chinese hot words usually reflect the social changes and culture, some of which are increasingly popular with foreign media.”

2.2 汉语多用动词, 英语多用名词

汉语重动态描写, 动词使用比较频繁, 而且汉语里的动词不像英语里的动词那样有时态变化和非谓语动词的约束, 动词甚至可以充当句子的任何成分, 使用起来相当灵活、便利。英语里的动词使用受到形态变化规则的严格限制。一个句子往往只有一个谓语动词, 大量原本应该由动词表达的概念, 常需借助于名词, 而且英语里也有大量表示动作概念的名词。例如:“为了促进教育公平, 中国已经投入360亿元, 用于改善农村地区教育设施和加强中西部地区农村义务教育。” (2014年6月大学英语四级真题。) 句中含有“促进、投入、改善、加强”等动词, 然而译成英语时, 只需选取“投入”一个动词充当谓语动词, “促进”作非谓语动词不定式处理, 表目的, “改善”和“加强”则直接转换为英语里的名词“improvement”和“enhancement”。全句可译为:“In order to promote the equality of education, China has invested 36 billion yuan for the improvement of the educational facilities in rural areas and the enhancement of the rural compulsory education in the midwest.”

2.3 汉语多主动, 英语多被动

汉语里, 主动和被动的句法非常模糊, 虽然也有通过“被”或“把”等词体现的, 类似英语那样被动语态, 但其使用范围远远小于英语中的被动句型的使用范围。因为汉语中有很多句子在形式上是主动句, 但在意义上却是被动的, 所以翻译成英语时必须用被动句型才能表达其意义。例如:“这些资金用于改善教学设施、购买书籍, 使16万多所中小学受益。” (2014年6月大学英语四级真题。) 资金从逻辑关系看, 施动的对象, 是被人们使用, 暗含被动关系, 因此译成英语时应该用被动语态。参考译文如下:“The funds were used to improve educational facilities and to purchase books, benefiting more than 160, 000 primary and middle schools.”。再例如:“换句话说, 核能是可以安全开发和利用的” (2014年6月大学英语四级真题。) 原句中虽然不是有“被”字明显标记的被动式句, 但还是很容易看出是一个典型具有被动意义的句子, 甚至我们在原句中加个“被”字, 句子都是合理的, 如“换句话说, 核能是可以安全被开发和利用的。”因此译成英语时必须用被动语态。如:“That is to say, nuclear power could be developed and utilized without accidents.”

2.4 汉语多重复, 英语多省略

重复是汉语常用的一种语篇衔接手段, 汉语为了追求音节的平衡和句法的完整性, 往往需要重复, 而英语以简洁为宗旨, 尽量避免词语的重复。也就是说, 汉语以重复见长, 英语则以省略见长。所以汉语中如果在一句话里或相连的几句话里重复出现某个词语, 汉译英时要千方百计避免重复。例如:“烹饪不仅被视为一种技能, 而且也被视为一种艺术。” (2013年12月大学英语四级真题。) 汉语中出现两次“被视为”, 翻译成英语时, 第二个“被视为”可以省略, 译为:“Cooking is considered as not only a skill but also an art.”。如果按汉语重复结构译成:“Cooking not only is considered as a skill, but also is considered as an art.”就显得很累赘, 不合乎英语表达规范。再例如:“系列报告包括三部分:科学发展报告, 高技术发展报告, 中国可持续战略报告。” (2014年6月大学英语六级真题。) 虽然句中一共重复出现了4次报告, 但从汉语表达习惯看, 仍觉自然、通顺, 并无不妥, 但是译成英语就要避免重复了, 译成:“The report consists of three parts:science development, high-tec development and China’s sustainable development strategy.”

3 结束语

英汉语言对比知识的学习是做好翻译的基础, 考生应该多下功夫了解英汉语言的结构差异、文化思维差异、各种词类及语态的使用特点等, 只有这样才有助于考生在面对四六级考试的翻译新题型, 能够准确把握两种语言转换的语言特点, 翻译出表达地道的译文, 不仅能顺利通过考试, 更能提高自身英语能力的“真功夫”。

摘要:大学英语四六级考试最新改革中翻译题型做了非常大的调整, 由原单句汉译英改为段落汉译英, 旨在考察考生的英语应用能力, 被考生视为最难的题目类型。该文拟从英汉语言差异的角度, 以改革后的两次考试的真题为例, 探讨在语言差异方面汉译英的翻译技巧, 帮助考生提高段落翻译能力, 从而顺利通过考试, 也能提升英语综合应用能力。



[1]郝丽萍, 李红丽, 白树勤.实用英汉翻译理论与实践[M].北京:机械工业出版社, 2006:39-41.

[2]李明.汉英互动翻译教程[M].武汉:武汉大学出版社, 2009:1-6.

[3]刘宓庆.新编汉英对比与翻译[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 2006.

3.论四、六级备考之各题型交叉运用 篇三



四级阅读考过一篇文章,讲的是美国人对于制服(uniform)的看法。文章开篇先提出制服在美国流行这一现象,并引出将要讨论的问题:“Why are uniforms so popular in the United States?”接下来,作者列举了正反两方面的观点。有人支持穿制服,并且提出了相应的理由:“Among the arguments for uniforms, one of the first is that ... Uniforms also have many practical benefits.”有人反对穿制服:“Primary among the arguments against uniforms is ... Uniforms also give rise to some practical problems.”


如果将上述阅读文章的框架应用于六级写作当中,就可以解决很多考生字数写不够、框架不合理等问题。下面笔者就以2012年6月六级写作题目The Impact of the Internet on Interpersonal Communication为例,来演示如何将上文阅读篇章的框架应用于写作中。考生可以将原来阅读篇章的主题词uniform替换为写作题目的主题词internet,得出此次六级写作的基本框架。首段提出将要讨论的问题:“Why is the internet so popular in modern society, especially among the young?”在主体段,考生可以分正反两方面来写。其一,有人认为网络可以给人际关系带来很多益处:“Among the arguments for internet usage, one of the first is that ... The internet also has many practical benefits.”其二,反对者不认同网络在人际交往中的作用,认为网络的使用产生了很多实际问题:“Primary among the arguments against internet usage in interpersonal communication is ... The internet also gives rise to some practical problems.”这样一篇六级写作的基本框架就产生了。至于个人观点,考生可以参照这两个对立观点选取一方来论述,言之有理即可。




2013年新六级大纲样题的翻译部分是一段关于中国春节的描述。有些考生不会用英文表达“放鞭炮”,其实1995年6月的六级写作题目就是关于放鞭炮的。如果考生熟悉这道题目,就会知道“放鞭炮”的地道英语表达是set off firecrackers。

新六级大纲样题的翻译段落提到了春节和元宵节这两个节日。此外,2013年12月六级考试有一套试卷的翻译部分介绍了中秋节,还提到了北美的感恩节。细心的考生会发现,这些节日的表达完全可以从2006年12月的六级写作真题中延伸出来。2006年12月的六级写作真题The Celebration of Western Festivals就涉及中国传统节日与西方节日的比较。如果考生在备考时练习过这篇文章的写作,就会了解一些节日的正确表达。

下面来看2006年12月六级写作高分范文的一个片段。文章开头提到了西方节日在中国的流行,包括圣诞节、感恩节和情人节等。另一方面,越来越多的中国人忽视了中国的传统节日,包括春节、中秋节等:“Western festivals are gaining ever-increasing popularity in China. However, a growing number of Chinese people are immersed in the thrilling atmosphere of western festivals including Christmas, Thanksgiving Day and Valentine’s Day, without paying any attention to Chinese traditional festivals, such as Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and the like.”考生可以做个有心人,积累范文中出现的节日名词,甚至由此进一步引申,了解中国其他传统节日的表达方法,如端午节(Dragon Boat Festival)、元宵节(Lantern Festival)等,这些对考生今后的翻译备考都会有所帮助。



改革前的六级翻译大纲样题中出现了这样一句话:“It was essential that we should sign the contract before the end of the month.”这句话考查的是虚拟语气中的建议类句型,句子结构为it is essential that we should do something。这种句子除了在翻译和阅读中常会出现,也可以用在写作中。在谈及重要事项时,考生常常需要表达“这是根本”“这很重要”的意思,这时就可以使用it is essential that we should do something的句型。如上文提到的2006年12月关于西方节日的六级写作题目,考生可能想要表达“牢记并庆祝中国传统节日是很重要的”,这时就可以说:“It is essential that we should bear in mind our traditional festivals and celebrate them.”又如,2013年6月六级写作的一道题目要求考生评论下面这句话:“A smile is the shortest distance between two people.”考生在写作时就可以说:“It is essential that we should smile to others, even strangers.”

虚拟条件句在改革前的翻译题目中也经常出现。2007年12月六级翻译考到了这样一句话:“But for mobile phones, our communication would not have been so prompt and convenient.”其中,but for相当于without,整句话意思上相当于一个虚拟条件句。这句话经过改写就可以用到写作中。如2012年6月的六级写作考查网络对人际关系的影响,考生只需要把这句翻译题目中的mobile phones替换成the internet,把communication替换成写作题目中的interpersonal communication,就可以得到下面这句话:“But for the internet, our interpersonal communication would not have been so prompt and convenient.”此外,在2013年12月的四级写作题目中,有一道题涉及手机对人们生活的影响,也就是当下很流行的“手机依赖症”问题。考生在论述手机在日常生活中的作用时,就可以直接用上面提到的翻译题目中的这个句型,表明手机对人们日常通讯的影响。这样一来,考生就可以避免使用常见的because或because of句型,用but for虚拟条件句使整个句子显得更漂亮。

倒装句也是改革前的四、六级翻译中常考的句型。2010年12月六级翻译考到了下面这句话:“Only when I reached my thirties did I realize that reading cannot be neglected.”这个句子的考点在于副词only置于句首的倒装句结构。考生如果在四、六级写作中恰当运用倒装句也能给文章添色不少。以2013年6月的一道六级写作题为例,题目要求考生评论下面一句话:“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed.”在写这道题目时,考生可以从人类的贪欲和不恰当行为着手进行分析,并提出一些解决措施。最后,考生就可以仿照上面提到的翻译题目的倒装结构,写出这样一句话:“Only with these effective measures taken can we expect a more harmonious world.”这样一个倒装句用在文章末尾会使文章熠熠生辉。



2013年6月六级写作的一道题目要求考生评论下面这句话:“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed.”考生在写关于环境污染、谴责人类过度开发行为等主题的文章时,就可以引用这句话。

再如,2013年12月的三道六级写作题目都可以用于其他考试的写作中。“A wealth of information creates a poverty of attention”这句话可以用在与网络、信息有关的写作题目中;“Happiness is not the absence of problems, but the ability to deal with them”这句话可以用在关于幸福、挫折的写作题目中;“The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it”这句话可以用在与奉献、人生价值相关的写作题目中。


4.四六级新题型复习技 篇四

人民网武汉6月18日电 记者田豆豆报道:记者今日从湖北省教育考试院获悉,凡自愿参加大学英语四六级考试新题型试点的考生,自2006年1月考试起,试用四级新题型,6月考试时试用六级新题型;其他考生的考试题型不变。


试卷构成 测试内容 测试题型 分值比例

第一部分:听力理解 听力对话 短对话 多项选择 35%

长对话 多项选择

听力短文 短文理解 多项选择

短文听写 复合式听写

第二部分:阅读理解 仔细阅读理解 篇章阅读理解 多项选择 35%

篇章词汇理解 选词填空

快速阅读理解 是非判断+句子填空或其他

第三部分:综合测试 完型填空或改错 多项选择 15%


篇章问答或句子翻译 间断回答


5.六级翻译题的新题型训练 篇五

宫保鸡丁(Kung Pao Chicken)由鸡丁、花生和红辣椒做成,是著名的传统川菜。这道菜以晚清时期的官员丁宝桢的名字命名。据说,丁宝桢很喜欢吃,尤其是 “爆炒鸡丁”。丁宝桢在四川做巡抚(governor)时,他常常以爆炒鸡丁宴请宾客。为了迎合四川宾客的口味,丁宝桢改良了他最爱的“爆炒鸡丁”,加入了红辣椒。结果, 辣的鸡丁比以前更美味。丁宝桢后来被授予“太子少保(Palace Guardian)”的官衔, 也就是“宫保”。为了纪念丁宝桢,人们把他最爱的这道菜命名为“宫保鸡丁”。

1.…是指…:可译为refers to...


3.兴起:即“形成”,可译为was formed。

4.深植于:可理解为“生根于”,译为deeply taking root in。

5.分为三大类型、400个曲种:此处可理解为“曲艺大致分为三大类,又细分为 400种”,译为the art is divided into three styles and subdivided into 400 parts。subdivide意为“再分,细分”。

6.在口音或音乐方面:可译为in either its accent or music。


6.四六级新题型复习技 篇六

Part II Listening Comprehension(30 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations.At the end of each conversation, you will hear some questions.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1with a single line through the centre.Conversation One

Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1.A)He invented the refrigerator.C)He was admitted to a university.B)He patented his first invention.D)He got a degree in Mathematics.2.A)He started to work on refrigeration.B)He became a professor of Mathematics.C)He fell in love with Natasha Willoughby.D)He distinguished himself in low temperature physics.3.A)Discovering the true nature of subatomic particles.B)Their explanation of the laws of cause and effect.C)Their work on very high frequency radio waves.D)Laying the foundations of modern mathematics.4.A)To have a three-week holiday.C)To patent his inventions.B)To spend his remaining years.D)To teach at a university.Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations.At the end of each conversation, you will hear some questions.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1with a single line through the centre.Conversation One

W: Hello.M: Hello, is that the reference library? W: Yes.Can I help you? M: I hope so.I rang earlier and asked for some information about Denys Hawtin, the scientist.You asked me to ring back.W: Oh, yes.I have found something.M: Good.I’ve got a pencil and paper.Perhaps you could read out what it says.W: Certainly.Hawtin, Denys.Born: Darlington 1836;died New York 1920.M: Yes.Got that.W: Inventor and physicist.The son of a farm worker, he was admitted to the University of London at the age of fifteen.M: Yes.W: He graduated at seventeen with a first class degree in Physics and Mathematics.All right?

M: Yes, all right.W: He made his first notable achievement at the age of eighteen.It was a method of refrigeration which arose from his work in low temperature physics.He became professor of Mathematics at the University of Manchester at twenty-four, where he remained for twelve years.During that time he married one of his students, Natasha Willoughby.M: Yes.Go on.W: Later, working together in London, they laid the foundation of modern Physics by showing that normal laws of cause and effect do not apply at the level of subatomic particles.For this he and his wife received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1910, and did so again in 1912 for their work on very high frequency radio waves.In his lifetime Hawtin patented 244 inventions.Do you want any more? M: Yes.When did he go to America? W: Let me see.In 1920 he went to teach in New York, and died there suddenly after only three weeks.Still, he was a good age.M: Yes.I suppose so.Well, thanks.Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1.What do we learn about Denys Hawtin when he was 15? 2.What did Denys Hawtin do at the age of 24? 3.For what were Denys Hawtin and his wife awarded the Nobel Prize a second time? 4.Why did Denys Hawtin go to New York? Conversation Two

Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.5.A)The injury of some students.B)A school bus crash on the way.C)The collapse of a school building.D)A fire that broke out on a school campus.6.A)Teaching.C)Having lunch.B)On vacation.D)Holding a meeting.7.A)A malfunctioning stove.C)Violation of traffic rules.B)Cigarettes butts left by workers.D)Negligence in school maintenance.8.A)Sent a story to the local newspaper.B)Threw a small Thanksgiving party.C)Baked some cookies as a present.D)Wrote a personal letter of thanks.Conversation Two

W: This is Lisa Meyer in the WBZ newsroom, talking with Mike Bassichis, who is the director of the Gifford School, about the cleanup from last week’s fire and what the possible cause of that blaze may have been.M: We’re getting ready for our entire staff to return early from vacation tomorrow whereupon we are going to move into temporary classrooms.And the other buildings that did not burn are being de-smoked.As to the cause of the fire, all we know is that we were having trouble with the pilot lights since we bought the stove in July and it had been serviced three times.Well, as a matter of fact, we think it was a malfunctioning stove that may have caused the fire.Nothing definite yet has been determined.W: Have you heard from other schools or other institutional users of this stove that have had the same problem? M: No.I wouldn’t know anything more about the stove itself.All I know is that this fire went up so quickly that there’s been a suspicion about why it went up so quickly.And it may be that there was a gas blast.But, again, this has not been determined officially by anybody.W: I got you.When do kids come back to school? M: Next Monday, and we will be ready for them.Monday January 4.We’re just extremely thrilled that no one was hurt and that’s because of the fire fighters that were here, nine of them.They’re wonderful.W: And I’m sure you send your thanks out to them, uh?

M: Well, we’re sending out thanks to them in a letter or in any other way we can.I heard a story today where one of our kids actually baked some cookies and is taking it to the fire department, to give it to them.Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.5.What were the speakers talking about?

6.What were the school staff doing at the time of the accident? 7.What was supposed to be the cause of the accident? 8.What did one of the kids do to show gratitude? Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear two passages.At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Passage One

Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.9.A)It is a trait of a generous character.C)It is an indicator of high intelligence.B)It is a reflection of self-esteem.D)It is a sign of happiness and confidence.10.A)It was self-defeating.C)It was the essence of comedy.B)It was aggressive.D)It was something admirable.11.A)It is a double-edged sword.C)It is a unique gift of human beings.B)It is a feature of a given culture.D)It is a result of both nature and nurture.Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear two passages.At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1with a single line through the centre.Passage One

In today’s personality stakes, nothing is more highly valued than a sense of humor.We seek it out in others and are proud to claim it in ourselves, perhaps even more than good looks or intelligence.If someone has a great sense of humor, we reason, it means that they are happy, socially confident and have a healthy perspective on life.This attitude would have surprised the ancient Greeks, who believed humor to be essentially aggressive.And in fact, our admiration for the comically gifted is relatively new, and not very well-founded, says Rod Martin, a psychologist at the University of Western Ontario.Being funny isn’t necessarily an indicator of good social skills and well-being, his research has shown.It may just as likely be a sign of personality flaws.He has found that humor is a double-edged sword.It can forge better relationships and help you cope with life, or it can be corrosive, eating away at self-esteem and irritating others.“It’s a form of communication, like speech, and we all use it differently,” says Martin.We use bonding humor to enhance our social connections, but we also may employ it as a way of excluding or rejecting an outsider.Though humor is essentially social, how you use it says a lot about your sense of self.Those who use self-defeating humor, making fun of themselves for the enjoyment of others, tend to maintain that hostility toward themselves even when alone.Similarly, those who are able to view the world with amused tolerance are often equally forgiving of their own shortcomings.Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.9.How do people today view humor according to the speaker? 10.What did the ancient Greeks think of humor? 11.What has psychologist Rod Martin found about humor? Passage Two

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.12.A)She is a tourist guide.C)She is a domestic servant.B)She is an interpreter.D)She is from the royal family.13.A)It is situated at the foot of a beautiful mountain.B)It was used by the family to hold dinner parties.C)It was frequently visited by heads of state.D)It is furnished like one in a royal palace.14.A)It is elaborately decorated.C)It is very big, with only six slim legs.B)It has survived some 2,000 years.D)It is shaped like an ancient Spanish boat.15.A)They are interesting to look at.B)They have lost some of their legs.C)They do not match the oval table at all.D)They are uncomfortable to sit in for long.Passage Two(female voice)

And now, if you’ll walk this way, ladies and gentlemen, the next room we’re going to see is the room in which the family used to hold their formal dinner parties and even occasionally entertain heads of state and royalty.However, they managed to keep this room friendly and intimate and I think you’ll agree it has a very informal atmosphere, quite unlike some grand houses you visit.The curtains were never drawn, even at night, so guests got a view of the lake and fountains outside, which were lit up at night.A very attractive sight.As you can see, ladies and gentlemen, the guests were seated very informally around this oval table, which would add to the relaxed atmosphere.The table dates from the eighteenth century and is made of Spanish oak.It’s rather remarkable for the fact that although it is extremely big, it’s supported by just six rather slim legs.However, it seems to have survived like that for two hundred years, so it’s probably going to last a bit longer.The chairs which go with the table are not a complete set—there were originally six of them.They are interesting for the fact that they are very plain and undecorated for the time, with only one plain central panel at the back and no arm-rests.I myself find them rather uncomfortable to sit in for very long, but people were used to more discomfort in the past.And now, ladies and gentlemen, if you’d like to follow me into the Great Hall … Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.12.What do we learn about the speaker? 13.What does the speaker say about the room they are visiting? 14.What is said about the oval table in the room? 15.What does the speaker say about the chairs? Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear recordings of lectures or talks followed by some questions.The recordings will be played only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.参考答案

Part II

Listening Comprehension Section A 1.C 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.B 7.A 8.C Section B 9.D 10.B 11.A 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.D Section C 16.B 17.D 18.A 19.C 20.A 21.B 22.C 23.D 24.A 25.B 1.段首段尾句:任何一个篇章第一句话往往是重点


3.总结性质的词汇:in brief, in particular, in short, all in all, generally speaking, conclude, conclusion, in a word, so , you see, in fact, we can say, ok, anyway 4.重复性质的信息:指实词重复

5.首段转折:在第一段中出现but,however, yet, instead, today 后往往是正确答案


Although, though, even though, despite, in spite of, however, but, yet, well, not…but…, instead, on the other hand, unexpected, unexpectedly, unfortunately, fortunately 7.因果关系:重因轻果

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