


1.优秀的英文版自我介绍 篇一

Good morning examiners, dear examiners.

Im very glad to have this opportunity to interview here today. I hope we can show you this interview.

Im a senior at _ University. Im going to go to society and Im full of expectations for the future. I believe “Well begun is half done”, (a good beginning is half the success). I hope your company is the starting point for my success. I am very fortunate to work with you to create tomorrows brilliant future.

Today, the society is full of competitive society, and the requirements for the ability and quality of talents are getting higher and higher. Since I enrolment, I have been the branch book of the class. The busy work not only trains and exercises my ability to work, but also exercises my ability to solve the problem, so that I can analyze and think carefully when I face problems. All of these have a profound impact on my professional choice.

The construction of socialist modernization requires a comprehensive quality of management personnel. So while I am learning professional knowledge, I mainly focus on English and computer. In English, I strengthen my ability to listen, speak, read and write. On the computer, I get in the basic knowledge and master the OFFICE. I also participated in the accounting computerization study in order to serve the inauguration business better.

Besides, I know that after entering the workplace, we should not only play its own advantages, but also improve our quality through learning from others experience. In order to enable myself to enter the society, I am able to work well. I actively participate in various activities organized by the school and class, and deal with the relationship between students. To actively participate in social practice, many times for some companies do propagandists and the salesman.

These activities not only provided me with the opportunity to show myself, to exercise myself, but also to exercise some of my organizational and planning skills, to coordinate management skills, to cultivate my team spirit. In practical social practice, I formed a calm and confident character and a practical and rigorous style of work, and gave me the participation. The courage of social competition.

If I have passed the interview and become a member of a large number of elite teams, I will continue to study hard and work hard to contribute to the development of the company. I will never fail to live up to your choice today. Thank you.

2.优秀的英文版自我介绍 篇二

EQ-5D (欧洲五维度健康量表) 作为一个普适性量表, 具有标准化、能做跨文化比较、测一般性健康相关生存质量的特性, 目前包括EQ-5D-3L和EQ-5D-5L版本。EQ-5D-3L量表的效度和信度已经经过了很长时间的验证, 而且量表测量的效果允许不同疾病之间进行成本-效用的比较。然而, 随着人民生活水平的提高, 人们越来越关注自身的生存质量, 即不仅要延长寿命, 而且要生活的健康, EQ-5D-3L作为EQ-5D量表的最初版本相比其它的健康量表虽然有一定的优势, 但存在很严重的天花板效应。因此, EuroQol的研究人员在EQ-5D-3L问卷的基础上设计了EQ-5D-5L问卷。本文主要介绍EQ-5D-5L的构成和特点, 同时通过其在国际上的研究进展, 概述EQ-5D-5L的主要应用方面, 旨在推广其在中国的使用。

1 EQ-5D-5L的简介

欧洲五维健康量表分为EQ-5D-5L健康描述系统和EQ-VAS两个部分。EQ-5D-5L健康描述系统包括五个维度:行动能力 (Mobility) 、自己照顾自己能力 (Self-Care) 、日常活动能力 (Usual Activities) 、疼痛或不舒服 (Pain/Discomfort) 、焦虑或抑郁 (Anxiety/Depression) , 这些与EQ-5D-3L没任何差别。但是, EQ-5D-5L每个维度包含了五个水平:没有任何困难、有一点困难、有中等困难、有严重困难、有极其严重困难。EQ-VAS是一个长20厘米的垂直的视觉刻度尺。顶端为100分代表“心目中最好的健康状况”, 底端为0分代表“心目中最差的健康状况”。调查对象要在这个垂直“温度计”上标出最切合自己当天健康状况的一点, 也就是给自己当天的总体健康状况打分。五个维度的测量与EQ-VAS联合使用, 能够更全面的反映人群的健康状况。

由上述可知, EQ-5D-5L可测量55共3125种可能的健康状况组合。通常调查人员还会将调查对象得基本信息问卷纳入EQ-5D-5L测量体系, 这个部分主要是对调查对象的年龄、性别、从业状况、婚姻状况、文化程度、病史等资料进行采集, 以用于健康影响因素的分析。

目前, 包括中国在内的很多国家的EQ-5D-3L官方版本均已发布。但是, 国内关于EQ-5D-5L方面的研究还未曾开展。本文通过介绍EQ-5D-5L中文版组成及特点, 从而能够更好的用于研究健康人群或疾病人群的健康评价、疾病的负担评价、临床疾病研究与医药研发、健康影响因素分析等。

2 EQ-5D-5L的性能特点

2.1 信息性

EQ-5D-5L的信息性, 就是指其辨别能力。根据天花板效应的原理, EuroQol的研究人员为了尽量减小天花板效应而设计了EQ-5D-5L问卷。所谓天花板效应是指在影响指标有效性的各种因素中, 反应指标的量程不够大, 而造成反应停留在指标量表的最顶端或最低端, 即EQ-5D-3L问卷在两个极端水平上的选择数量增多从而使指标的有效性受到影响, 辨别力下降。那么如果要使因变量对自变量的效果准确反映, 就应该尽量避免设计上的极端反应, 增加每个维度水平上的量程分布, 使得EQ-5D能够更可靠的区别对待不同层次的健康。所以, EQ-5D-5L是在EQ-5D-3L的基础上每个维度再增加两个水平, 这样就能够很好的提高它的灵敏度并降低EQ-5D-3L所带来的天花板效应。EQ-5D-5L的信息性可以用Shannon指数 (H') 和Shannon均匀度指数 (J') 来评估。

Shannon指数 (H') 和Shannon均匀性指数 (J') 计算公式:



说明:H'-捕获信息的绝对值;J'-信息效用值;C-EQ-5D不同版本水平的数量;ni-第i水平受试者的数量;N-总样本的数量;Pi=ni/N-第i水平受试者的比例 (i=1, ..., C) 。

H'max=log2C在EQ-5D-3L问卷中最大值为1.58, 而在EQ-5D-5L问卷中最大值为2.32。H'max值的增加代表着问卷各维度水平数量的增加, 其辨别能力也相应的增加。

2.2 EQ-5D-5L指数

ISPOR第17届会议在美国举行, 来自国际上知名专家在会议中探讨了EQ-5D-5L的使用和发展。根据会议的研究结果表明, 有四种模型可以计算得出EQ-5D-5L价值集, 从而计算指数值, 但是最终选择了非参数统计模型, 其值的计算主要是获得EQ-5D-3L和EQ-5D-5L之间的转移概率矩阵, 通过EQ-5D-3L的指数值乘以每个效用权重之后再加和, 即可得到EQ-5D-5L的指数值。通过EQ-5D官方网站, 目前我们可以计算10个国家的EQ-5D-5L指数值。

另外, 根据会议讨论已开发了一款新的软件-EuroQol Group’s Valuation Technology (EQ-VT) , 主要是利用计算机帮助人们完成健康测试。目前, 此软件中文版正在翻译之中, 在以后的研究中我们将继续进行探讨。

2.3 可行性、结构效度、信度

可行性、结构效度与信度通常是衡量健康状况测量量表优劣的重要指标。在可行性方面, EQ-5D-5L延续了EQ-5D-3L的优势, 具有简单、方便的设计, 用户能够独立回答这些问题, 很容易被人理解和掌握, 所以在可行性上具有明显的优势。

在效度方面, 据国外研究显示, EQ-5D-5L和EQ-VAS能灵敏、完整、客观地反映受试者在不同健康状况下的生存质量的差异, 两者具有较强和较稳定的相关性, 具有良好的结构效度。Spearman等级相关系数对这些研究进行了验证, 作者也将在后续进程中给出实证研究。

信度是量表可靠性分析的重要方面, 所采用的方法是分析两次测量选项频率分布是否一致, 如果两次测量选项百分比分布一致, 说明信度较高。用定量指标来反映的话, 可采用Kappa一致性系数。

2.4 敏感度分析

敏感度分析 (sensitivity analysis) 是药物经济学评价中最广泛采用的处理不确定性的方法, 是用来评价改变假设和某些关键变量在一定范围内的估计值是否会影响到结果或结论的稳定性。不同文化背景的人群对生存质量的偏好有所不同, 所以我国在应用其他国家关于EQ-5D-5L的研究结果时, 应进行敏感度分析。

3 EQ-5D-5L的应用

3.1 国内外的研究进展

3.1.1 国内研究综述

通过数据库检索文献能够发现衡量中国居民健康相关生存质量的文献约有上万篇, 其中使用EQ-5D-3L来衡量的文献约有几十篇, 而目前还没有关于EQ-5D-5L中文版的研究, 但是Luo Nan和Li Minghui等已通过定性定量方法对EQ-5D-5L的内容进行了研究。

3.1.2 国外研究综述

目前, 据研究显示, EQ-5D-5L在国外已经得到了很广泛的发展, 并且进行了多项社会实践调查, 研究结果显示EQ-5D-5L已经被证明能够更好的区分不同的健康水平, 并且逐步被各个国家所接受。例如, A.Simon Pickard等于2007年完成了424例11种类型的美国癌症病人生命质量的测量, 阐述了EQ-5D-5L所具有的优越性。Seon Ha Kim等在韩国于2011年完成了893例30种不同类型的癌症病人的生命质量的测量, 结果显示EQ-5D-5L与EQ-VAS有更好的相关性, 因此推广其在韩国的应用。而Dominik Golicki等完成了443例年轻健康人群的生命质量的测定, 此次研究的对象是波兰药学方面的学生, 研究者分别对天花板效应、辨别能力、结构效度等方面做出了比较, 同样认为EQ-5D-5L在健康人群的生命质量的测量中具有可行性, 而且得到了学生们的广泛支持。

3.2 主要应用方面

3.2.1 用于健康人群或疾病人群的健康评价

使用此量表可以获得EQ-5D-5L指数和Shannon指数 (H') 得分, 通过比较可以测量健康人群或疾病人群的健康相关生存质量。在国外的研究中, 已被证明具有很好的信度与效度。在我国, 还没有此种研究。另外, 利用EQ-5D-5L量表还可以测量某一时期人口健康状况, 以及不同时期人口健康的变化, 可以评估与监测卫生服务的质量与效果, 进而为卫生资源的合理配置提供信息。

3.2.2 用于疾病的负担评价

疾病负担给我们整个社会带来了很大的经济负担和健康压力。而健康相关生存质量是评价疾病负担的重要指标, 美国、韩国等相继采用了EQ-5D-5L调查癌症病人对生命质量带来的负担。所以我们可以通过此类研究获得EQ-5D-5L指数评价一种疾病不同时期或不同疾病的负担状况。

3.2.3 临床疾病研究与医药研发

利用EQ-5D-5L和VAS, 可测量个人或特定人群健康状况, 通过对不同疾病患者群组之间的测量结果进行比较, 或测量同一疾病人群在不同时间、有无医疗干预等不同情况下的健康变化, 从而可以确定特定疾病在不同时期的症状反应, 并为测定新药、新诊疗技术的临床效果提供信息。

3.2.4 健康影响因素分析

将EQ-5D-5L五个维度、VAS和单一指标值等测量结果与调查对象基本信息相结合, 可用来进行健康影响因素分析。比如, 利用EQ-5D-5L进行健康调查, 我们可以发现不同人口结构健康结果具有显著差异, 影响健康的因素主要包括性别、年龄、民族、婚姻状况、文化程度、从业状况、病史等, 这些需要我们在以后的研究中继续进行探索。

4 总结

本文着重介绍了EQ-5D-5L中文版的构成, 使用Shannon指数和天花板效应来评价它的信息性以及应用EQ-5D-5L指数得分对健康状况进行衡量。通过研究EQ-5D-5L在国际上的进展, 介绍应用它来描述人们的健康相关生存质量, 为以后的研究提供了技术支持。另外, 此次研究是国内较早提出使用EQ-5D-5L量表来衡量用户的健康状况。

据国外研究显示, EQ-5D-5L具有更合理的健康区分能力, 能更好地跟踪调查用户的健康变化。例如EQ-5D-5L有更好的辨别能力和较低的天花板效应, 此外, EQ-5D-5L还表现出了良好的结构效度和更合理的可靠性。因此, 我们不难发现EQ-5D-5L比EQ-5D-3L更有优越性, 值得我们推广与借鉴。

当然使用EQ-5D-5L也存在一定的局限性。不同人群对于健康相关生命质量的偏好具有一些共同点, 但表现出来的差异也很大。首先, EQ-5D-5L的天花板效应并未完全消除, 它只是相比EQ-5D-3L有了一定的改善。其次, 中西方不同文化背景下社会结构与价值体系不同, 生存质量的含义也存在差别, 因此在使用国外量表时通常需要考虑受试者文化水平的影响等。第三, 量表及测量方法在翻译过程中可能产生的干扰;所以, 一方面, 我国在应用其他国家的研究结果时, 应进行敏感性分析, 另一方面应及早建立适合我国人群的EQ-5D量表效用值积分体系, 因此开展此类研究有助于推动国内药物经济学的应用与发展。


[1]李明晖, 罗南.欧洲五维健康量表 (EQ-5D) 中文版应用介绍[J].中国药物经济学, 2009, (1) :49-57.

[2]A.Simon Pickard, PhD, Maria C.De Leon, BBA, Thomas Kohl-mann, PhD, David Cella, PhD, and Sarah Rosenbloom, PhD.Psy-chometric Comparison of the Standard EQ-5Dto a5Level Ver-sion in Cancer Patients[J].Medical Care, 2007, 45 (3) :259-263.

[3]Seon Ha Kim, Hwa Jung Kim。Sang-il Lee, Min-Woo Jo.Compa-ring the psychometric properties of the EQ-5D-3Land EQ-5D-5L in cancer patients in Korea[J].Qual Life Res, 2011, (9) .

[4]A.Simon Pickard, PhD, Thomas Kohlmann, PhD, Mathieu F.Janssen, MS, Gouke Bonsel, MD, PhD, Sarah Rosenbloom, PhD, and David Cella, PhD.Evaluating Equivalency Between Response Systems Application of the Rasch Model to a3-Level and5-Level EQ-5D[J].Med Care, 2007, 45:812-819.

3.职场新人英文自我介绍优秀 篇三

I would like to inform you of my situation in those aspects:

First of all, I take much pride to say that I acted brilliantly in study.Of the economics major, I ranked 1.Besides, I have won many prizes, such as the first prize in Mathematics Contest in 20xx and the second prize in Mathe Good morning, dear profeors! It is great honor for me to be here for the interview.My name is Wangyi.I am a graduate of HaiNan university, majoring in materia science and engneering.I am open-minded, pratical and kind-hearted.Furthermore, I have lots of interests, such as reading, writing, swimming, basketball and so on 。So far, I have read nearly 300 books in my spare time.

During my half and three years in college life, I have accompished allmy courses and won many scholarships.What’s more,I have finished my graduate project which is done all by myself.I have broad interests and grasp the eential knowledge of the major,and that is the very reason why I choose to have my further education in XiaMen university.I think further study is still urgent for me to realize self –value.

I plan to concentrate on study and research in this filed in my graduate time.And if poible, I wish that I can continue my position as a P.H.D student.

4.英文版求职自我介绍的 篇四



有些人喜欢在做英语自我 介绍时夸张地表现自己的优点,甚至把根本没有做过的事情也说出来,其实这是 一种很冒险的行为。虽然你的自我介绍会给面试官留下重要的第一印象,但是过 度浮夸或者失实,会让面试官对你的个人诚信产生怀疑从而断然淘汰你。 一般情况下,在外企英语面试的时候,往往已开始面试官就会让你做自我介绍, 他会问: Can you sell yourself in two minutes? (你能用两分钟做个自我推荐吗?) 对于这一两分钟的自我介绍,你完全可以提前准备好。

5.三分钟演讲自我介绍英文版的 篇五

Hello everybody!My name is ***, ** years old this year. In July I *** ** Normal School Art Teacher Fine Arts graduate program at their own expense. As from 97 countries no longer their own expense since health package distribution, so that I and “the most brilliant career under the sun” missed. Fortunately, at River West Malaysia factory complete lack of small teacher, was introduced, small as I completed one year of the temporary supply teachers. Recall that period of time both sweet and really good, although substitute low wages, but listening to students around the side of “teacher”, “teacher” is called a stop, looked full of confidence which both eyes, then draw a childish little face, all the unhappiness in life have suddenly vanished. I wanted, if not to positive, as long as the school needs, that is, when the life I willingly substitute teachers. But then, countries started in and return of temporary and substitute teachers, the school received an oral notice,I harbored feelings reluctantly and quietly left the school.

Today, I would like to re-examination by the aspirations of the rostrum is so urgent! My family a total of three sisters, two sisters who work, in order to take care of the elderly parents, I have to stay around them. I have held a shop, first operational craft, then garments. But no matter how the business is handy, when a teacher is always glorious people yearn for and I would like to make every effort to pursue life-long career. I have to take the test several times, but for various reasons are unable to realize their dreams, but I secretly determined, given the chance, I have been test continue until the ideal realized.

6.自我介绍英文版 篇六

Hello, everyone! It is really my honor to have this chance to introduce myself. My name is Pu Yufan. I am an eleven-year-old boy. Now I am studying in Shehong Taihe No.4 Primary School. I am in Class Five, Grade Six. My favorite subject is Chinese because it is a beautiful language. In my spare time, I like playing football with my friends. What’s more, I also like singing. I am eager to be a computer programmer when I grow up. I hope my dream will come true. So I must study hard from now on. Thanks for your listening.


7.教师的英文自我介绍 篇七



I am a third year master major in automation at shanghai jiao tong university,p。r。china。with tremendous interest in industrial engineering,i am writing to apply for acceptance into your ph。d。graduate program。


8.新人英文的自我介绍 篇八

Hi, my name is liu xx. Im from hefei Marketing Department. I graduated from the English major of anjiang jianghuai college. Its been half a month since I came here in early November. This is the deepest feeling in this place. The green trees are green and green, the first thing that strikes me is the beauty of this place, and the strangeness of other places is quietly diluted. Then there is anticipation and unease about the unknown. With full of doubt and curiosity, I came to the department for an internship. I think I have a lot to learn. The managers voice was pleasant and intimate; The atmosphere here is also harmonious and warm and soft.

9.个性的英文自我介绍 篇九

Now,I will start introduce myself. I can summarize who I am in three words.Diligent、motivated、good interpersonal skills.Im incredibly diligent; Ive always taken a great deal of pride in my work 、study and am always looking for ways in which I can improve what I do.

I have a high value for efficiency, and it shows in my work. Im also motivated; you dont have to micromanage me to see whether or not Im on task. Im highly adept at time management and have no issues staying on top of my work so that deadlines are met. I have good interpersonal skills.; I have exceptional interpersonal and communication skills and am honest, and effective when communicating with others. OK,let me say something about my name. My name is Mayunhai. Needless to say, Ma is my family name,yun is according to my seniority. As for hai, there is a little story: When I was born, there was a fortune teller. The fortune teller said to my mother : “This child is lack of water in his destiny”, So my mother In order to change my fate, give me a name ----hai. I was born in a small village, Growing up in a small city called Jining, Start my college life in Jinan.

10.个人自我介绍英文版 篇十

My name is 。 There are 4 people in my family。 My father is a Chemistry teacher。 He teaches chemistry in senior high school。 My mother is an English teacher。 She teaches English in the university。 I have a younger brother, he is a junior high school student and is preparing for the entrance e_am。

I like to read English story books in my free time。 Sometimes I surf the Internet and download the E- books to read。 Reading E- books is fun。 In addition, it also enlarges my vocabulary words because of the advanced technology and the vivid animations。

I hope to study both English and puter technology because I am interested in both of the subjects。 Maybe one day I could bine both of them and apply to my research in the future。

11.自我介绍英文版 篇十一

I am Sravani, I am from Secunderabad. My hobbies are listening to music most of the time and playing badminton, indoor games such as caroms , cheetc.

My strengths are, I am optimistic in nature, and my parents. Coming to my family background house Keyes high school in the year 20xx, I finished bipc from srichaitanya in the year 20xx, i have completed B.Sc. Nursing from Yashoda institutions under NTR university in the year 20xx. The e a person at any educational level munication skills and ability to handle customers.
