


1.english英语 篇一

Nowdays,almost everyone in the world learn English.Why we learn English? The reason is that English is the world language, and being widely used everywhere.For example,most International meetings use English as their main language,scores of important books are been translated into English.

Knowing better English can help us understand the world better.whatever you do in the future ,English is important for us.It is hoped that all the students should pay more attention to the study of English and make good use of it.

2.english英语 篇二

0 Introduction

Personal names are the products of the historical development of human society.They reflect the ancient civilization and splendid cultures from different perspectives.The choice of names tells us about human thought processes at that time and reflects the social reality.Therefore the personal names cannot be divorced from the social culture.On the one hand, personal names are restricted by culture.On the other hand, as a kind of social reality, personal names exert its influence and action on society and culture.In short, personal names and culture influence each other, restrict each other and act on each other.So making a study of personal names helps us to know better about a culture.

1 Definition of Names

Ernst Pulgram in his“Theory of Names”offers a more detailed definition of a name as following:“A proper name is a noun used in a non-universal function, with or without recognizable current lexical value, of which the potential meaning coincides with and never exceeds its actual meaning, and which is attached as a label to one animate being or one inanimate object for the purpose of specific distinction from among a number of like or in some respects similar beings or objects that are either in no manner distinguished from one another or, for our interest, not sufficiently distinguished.”

From the definition, we can see a name is basically functioned as a“label”, with the purpose of“specific distinction”.The article in the following will focus on personal names, which makes up of a special branch in the system of names.Personal names are people’s names--the names that they inherit at birth and the other names that are given to them.

2 English Names and Their Culture Reflection

2.1 The structure of English names and its culture reflection

English names are also mainly made up of two components as Chinese ones are:surnames and given names.But in English given name comes first and the surname is at the end.Therefore, the surname to English native speakers is also called the last name and given name the first name.For example, John Taylor, John is the given name and Taylor is the surname.First name is also called baptized name or Christian name, because most English native speakers believe in Christianity or Catholicism, and their babies who are born around one week should be baptized and named by the priest or parents in the church.

The different order of English names from Chinese ones reflects the different culture of English native speakers.English people put their family names, which represent their ancestors, clans and groups, after their given names, the symbols representing individual and individuality.That means the western people attach much importance to individuals and individuality and they value the independent personality and selfconsciousness.They think the given names are life and soul of a person, so they highly value them.Contrary to the high esteem of given names, they think family names are not very important.Incidentally, as mentioned above, the given names in English speaking countries are also called Christian names.The phenomenon reflects the important role of religion in people’s life.

2.2 The source of English surnames and its culture reflection

English surnames are unlimited in number, but generally speaking, English surnames can be grouped into 8 sources.1) Use given names and the affix indicating blood ties as family names.For example:the suffixing represents the descendants of the family, such as Browning, Pauling.2) Occupational names.Such as:Goldsmith, Blacksmith.3) Use the names of nationality as family names.For example:Angles, Dane.4) The names of official position.Such as:Chancellor (a judge) , Chamberlain (the close servant of a king) .5) Place names.For example:Hill, River.6) Family names from nature, like Bird, Flower, Frost, etc.7) Use the description of personal features or human body parts as family names.For instance:Strong, Grand.8) Use names in the Bible as family names, for example, James, John.

English family names coming from the names of saints and Bible reflect the religious influence in people’s life.Christianity became important social power in Rome in about the 3rd century.Then it was spread to other European countries and Bible became foundation of western culture.English culture is inevitably influenced by Christianity and the influence can be seen from the names.

Among English family names, many came from Greek, Latin or Hebrew languages.Most of these family names came into English with the Bible and Christianity.They became a part of English culture, for example, Michael (like God) from Hebrew language, Andrew (manly) from Greek, Theodore (a gift from God) from Latin and Devil (a man of a town) from French.This reflects the accommodation of English culture.

2.3 the naming of English given names and its culture reflection

The phenomenon that the members of younger generation use members of older generation’s given names as their own names is very common in Britain or America, for example, British politician William Pitt and his son William Pitt.It’s also the tradition of naming that he naming of a child in Britain or America is totally decided by the parents.In western countries, the individual thought is emphasized and advocated.This idea is embodied in the respect for individuals and all members are equal.This is the reflection of individualism orientation in English culture.

3 Conclusion

Names are an inseparable part of culture and the inevitable outcome of the cultural evolution.Culture infiltrates into every aspect of human social lives and exerts an imperceptible influence on people’s behavior.In this paper the phenomena of personal names is studied in the scale of culture with the purpose of getting the deep-going culture information reflected in English names.Through the analysis of the structure of personal names, origin of English surnames and the given names we can see English culture reflected in English names:religion, individualism and equality.It is hoped that their culture reflection helps us to have a better understanding of English language and English people, thus in the intercultural communication we can communicate more effectively and successfully.


[1]程裕祯.中国文化要略[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社, 1998.

[2]黄维合.英语姓名与文化[J].山东师大外国语学报, 2001 (1) .

[3]李忠华.英汉姓氏初探[J].解放军外国语学院学报, 2001, 24 (5) .

3.english英语 篇三

关键词:Daily English 形式 要求 作用

“好的开端是成功的一半”。这句话也同样适用于课堂教学。课前五分钟安排是否合理是一堂课成功与否的关键所在。“英语课前5分钟”常可以影响整个课堂的教学效果,它的合理安排是创设良好教学情境的有力手段,可大大激发学生的求知欲望,起到“一石激起千重浪”的作用。实践证明,它能够很快地使学生集中精力,进入上课状态;它可以锻炼学生的胆量,开阔他们的视野,活跃他们的思维;它还可以激发学生学习的兴趣,使其养成良好的自学习惯,学会倾听,真正做到学以致用。在多年的英语教学实践中,我一直致力于这方面的探索,并把它纳入到备课的环节中,有计划、有步骤地开展。下面谈谈我在英语教学中是如何安排课前5分钟的“Daily English”的。

一、Daily English的形式安排

1. Free Talk (自由会话)

教师只提示围绕所学内容的某一话题,引导学生根据不同的情景和话题自由会话,不规定,也不提供交谈讨论时用到的单词或短语以及具体的表达方式。因为语言学习虽然要模仿,但不仅仅是模仿,语言的使用过程也是再创造的过程。这样既培养了学生‘创造性’说的能力,又在很大程度上激起学生积极参与练习的兴趣。在初三阶段,我经常采用这种课前5分钟的free talk。

2.Tell stories (讲讲故事)

对于那些程度稍差的学生可降低要求, 只要求他们摘抄新闻、故事、谜语等,这些内容不仅能活跃课堂气氛,而且也丰富了学生的课外知识,拓宽了学生的思维空间。这一环节要注意:故事不宜太长,讲完之后要求汇报者根据内容提问1-2个问题。对于这些同学,只要他们肯开口,能大胆地站在讲台上就行。因为开口是中学生学英语要过的第一关,也是最最关键的一关。

3. Enjoy Music (英文歌曲欣赏)。

在下午上英语课时,学生们往往精神不够集中, 课前播放同学们自己喜爱的英文歌曲,或者请会唱英文歌曲的同学到台前为大家演唱,可使学生们减轻学习疲劳,减少学习压力,使学生思维集中,较快地投入到课堂学习中。(5)班的王少鹏同学演唱英文歌曲时,总会赢得同学们的阵阵掌声,使整个班的课堂氛围异常活跃。另外,也可全班齐唱一首英语歌,或者大家一起动口翻译一首当今流行的中文歌曲。实践证明,学生们很喜欢这项活动。但歌曲选择要慎重,不能太难,可以是其中一段,但一定要符合学生的英语水平。

4. Question chains (问题连环扣)。

由老师开始这个活动,老师问A同学一个英语问题, A快速回答后,把问题转向B,同时快速问B同学另一个问题,以此类推。这是训练句型问答的一种活动,锻炼听力、口语和反应速度。我们一般采用小组竞争的形式,看哪个组在最短的时间内完成任务。这样不仅练习了口语,而且调动了学生学习英语的积极性,也是训练学生用英语思维的重要一环。

5. Team Debating (小组辩论赛)



二、对Daily English的要求与操作


每天的演讲者要站到讲台上用标准英语面向全班同學娓娓道来,必要时可借助肢体语言并能根据报告内容创设情景。其特点是将言、行、情融为一体。其作用是:激起学生情趣,培养学生兴趣,提高学生能力。 中学生表现欲强,大部分同学都会事先精心准备,不负重望。



3. 总结评价,定期评比


三、Daily English在素质教育中的作用


我们常常会遇到公共场合讲话的场面,如何以落落大方的姿态,流畅标准的表达,声情并茂的表演吸引听众呢?这取决于一个人的心理素质和表达能力。Daily English给全班同学提供了演讲的舞台,让他们面对几十双眼睛的注视而不紧张并以自己出色的表演引起大家的赞赏。


Daily English中可根据需要创设情境,启发联想与想象并应用于语言交际中。在学习八年级下册Unit 5 If引导的条件状语从句时,我要求各小组以“If I study hard, I will…”为题,从每一组的第一位同学开始,进行“链锁”式口语表达比赛,看哪一组说的又快又好。整个活动中同学们大胆想象,群情激昂,每个小组都积极发言不甘示弱,极大的发挥了学生们的想象力,发扬了小组合作的精神。

3.寓思想教育和情感教育于Daily English

Daily English 因其内容丰富,题材多样,可容思想、情感教育于其中。如在我校举办完春季运动会之后,第二天田杨同学做了“My happiest day”的报告,他这样陈述:“I think yesterday was my happiest day in my life. Because I saw our class team were very brave. They were not afraid of difficulty or danger. And they never gave up. They are winners. They are great. At the same time, our class is great, too. I’m proud of it.”

这个报告激发了同学们强烈的集体荣誉感与顽强拼搏的精神,我在与学生们分享这种情怀时及时归纳总结:“Yes. How proud we are! Because there are many students we should learn from in our class. We are proud of them. No matter What we do, never give up. Believe in yourself, and you’ll be the winner.”在这篇 Daily English中,学生的集体荣誉感得到了加强,不畏困难的精神意志也得以提升,师生产生了共鸣,起到了积极的教育作用

4. 极大地促进听说读写能力的发展

《英语课程标准》指出:“语言技能是构成语言交际能力的重要组成部分。语言技能包括听、说、读、写四个方面的技能以及这四种技能的综合运用能力。听和读是理解的技能,说和写是表达的技能;这四种技能在语言学习和交际中相辅相成、相互促进。学生应通过大量的专项和综合性语言实践活动,形成综合语言运用能力,为真实语言交际打基础。因此,听、说、读、写既是学习的内容,又是学习的手段。这不仅有利于调动学生的学习积极性,促进学生语言运用能力的提高,也有利于科学、合理地评价学生的学习结果。” Daily English可具体呈现这四种技能的最佳结合。一人或一组在做汇报时,要求其他学生认真听其内容并迅速记下要点,以便于“有问可发”,有时还可以让听者质疑报告内容并能陈述自己的观点,提出辩驳性的意见,这无形中提高了听说的实际交流能力。

综上所述,课前五分钟进行Daily English,不失为一种有效的训练方法。它对于学生英语口语表达能力、听力理解能力和英文写作能力以及综合应用能力的提高,都有很重要的作用。一首美妙的乐曲,总少不了优美动人的前奏。课前五分钟,充分开发利用,巧妙创意,有效训练,就犹如奏响了课堂教学主题曲的前奏。它不仅给学生提供了一个展现自我的平台,提高了口语表达能力,而且激发了他们的求知欲,使他们在亢奋的最佳状态下进入学习,同时这也是教师提高自身素质及口语水平的有效途径。Daily English 是一块无尽的宝藏,只要我们合理地开发利用,就可以发掘丰富的知识财富来为我们所用,小小Daily English 即可成为我们进行素质教育的大舞台。课前5分钟尚且如此,更何况课堂内外的大天地呢!

4.english英语 篇四

活动口号:待定(bell the cat)(it’s your stage tonight)(交院英语GO!GO!GO!)

活动目的:我们要找到一个兴趣点才能在英语方面施展 活动时间:

主办单位:路桥工程学院 承办单位:路桥学院团总支理学部 活动地点:第一食堂三楼




选定主持人(两名)活动场地及设备的申请 邀请相关嘉宾

购买装饰场地所需的物品如气球彩带等 购买奖品


宣传组:仇家骏,侯冰,陈岸林,颜光宏 现场布置:理学部全体成员,陈贺主负责人 采购:郑劼,徐程



灯光控制:谢俊,颜光宏 电脑控制:仇家骏,宁雄志 音响控制:吴彦阳,陈贺 活动前期总负责人:彭敏 活动现场总负责人:侯国强 活动总负责人:胡培青




活动流程:(安排八个节目)1.开场舞 {it’s ok}

2.舞蹈结束后主持人马上出场亮相(介绍到场嘉宾及活动主 题)注:主持人出场尽量与舞蹈衔接好不要出现延时 控制好音乐

3.演讲(气势要足够雄浑 要有震撼力 最好演讲一段某届美国总统竞选或任职的演讲 还可以是马丁路德金的I have a dream)



 猜单词

两人一组 分两三个组 一人看单词 一人表演 规定时间内猜出单词最多的胜出 可以用手机词典等查单词,因为规定了时间的,词汇量大的肯定胜出 可以猜的单词有:

Animal: bird

fish duck rabbit pig dog sheep cow snake cat horse mouse frog Sports:

Ping-Pong basketball football badminton volleyball swimming


long jump

high jump boxing拳击


singing dancing mahjong麻将 playing card, skating,color:颜色类的red yellow green blue purple white black orange pink 粉色的

body:head 头 face 脸 nose 鼻子 mouth 嘴 eye 眼睛 ear 耳朵 arm 胳膊 finger 手指

leg 腿 foot 脚

把这些词容易表达的跟难表达的搭配合理 再分给每个组去猜单词(准备好四组翻页牌 每页牌上记上一个单词 每轮游戏限时one min)记分牌如下制作:第一组:green frog swimming horse running foot 脚mouth 嘴

singing snake orange

boxing拳击skating 第二组:arm 胳膊

blue dog finger 手指

long jump rabbit leg 腿

fish dancing white

football mouse 第三组:cow bird

ear 耳朵

basketball head 头 mahjong麻将red

face 脸

purple duck volleyball


第四组:cat black

eye 眼睛high jump

pink 粉色的pig badminton

nose 鼻子 yellow playing card,sheep


 仙人指路

同学A被蒙住双眼,由仙人B来指路,只能通过英语沟通,不能搀扶,被蒙住双眼的A必须按照设定的路线,越过路障,到达目的地,如果在行进过程中碰到路障,每碰一个路障加十秒的时间,在最后计算时间时计入总时间,到达目的地用时最短的为胜出,如果不慎用中文指路的 只能中场淘汰哦。(障碍路线的设计:……)

 一反常态

上场的成员听主持人的号令,作出与号令相反的动作。Turn left

turn right

Raise your right/left hand

Nod shake head 摇头

Stamp your left/right feet 跺脚

Go forward 向前走 go backward 向后走

如果担心有些指令同学们听不懂 就提前把难点的指令用大白纸和粗笔(猜单词环节中也要用到)写出来 告诉大家中文意思

补充:如果大黑板也不行 就要做成一个幻灯片给观众看

7.抽奖活动:在活动前期,事先要给到场观众发放号码牌 然后抽奖(一个号码抽奖箱)我也想了一下 这里要不要安排一个抢答来获取奖品 因为我怕观众积极性不够 干脆也就舍了。8.合唱(未定)社团 9.经费预算: 10.注意事项



3、上一个节目演出时,其后的两个节目在后台准备,若前一个节目由于各种原因无法按时演出时,下一个节目及时跟进(作为以学习英语为目的的话 我觉得还是要请外教来帮忙安排一个节目)

5.english英语 篇五

Dear teacher:

The new year is coming. The Student Union is going to hold an English evening party in the hall of our school at 5:00 p.m. on December 30. At the evening party. We are going to have an English competition. We will sing and dance. You are welcome to take part in the party. And we will very glad you perform some wonderful programs, Then. Please come on time.

Thanks a lot!

6.english英语 篇六

For a fairly long time, English learning is very popular in china, but it’s not easy to learn another language under the Chinese cultural environment and Chinese learners are likely to use English in Chinese pattern. “We two who and who” (咱俩谁跟谁) , “You give me stop” (你给我站住) . It’s funny and may be a little exaggerating, but it shows the English of Chinese pattern, i.e. "Chinglish". Apart from this, people may make such and such mistakes while communicating with English-speakers because of different cultural backgrounds.

Intercultural communication (or Cross-cultural communication) refers to the communication between native speaker and non-native speaker or the communication between any peoples under different linguistic and cultural backgrounds. The different natural, material, social and religious environments of different nations lead to different linguistic habits, natural conditions, social customs and so on. People under different backgrounds will interpret and understand the same discourse with their own ways which may arise some linguistic conflicts and obstacle. So it is necessary to know the different cultural backgrounds during intercultural communication.

Ⅱ English learning in China

English as a subject has existed in China for a long time, but in fact English is mainly taught as a common subject in China. Teachers are busy teaching grammar and students are busy learning the grammar and preparing for the exam. Students are not able to open their mouths and communicate with each other, so it is of little meaning to learn English.

Knowing that English as a language is a tool of communication, it is teachers' duty to cultivate students' intercultural consciousness and help them know the cultural backgrounds, natural conditions, and living habits of the foreign countries.

Ⅲ Intercultural communication and English teaching

It is undeniable that students can learn more native English if they have more chance to talk with native English speakers. By this way, students can not only learn basic skills, but can also share the foreigners' experience of communicating with people under different cultural backgrounds. However, foreigner teachers are not enough for all the English learners actually, so other measures should be taken to a large range. By implanting cultural tips into basic skills learning, teachers enable students to know the differences between Chinese culture and English culture and enhance their consciousness of intercultural communication.

1.Intercultural communication and reading skill learning

First, it is doubtless that reading more can improve students' English learning, but reading does not mean pronouncing every word only. Unfortunately a lot of students just read every word out without knowing the meaning of what they are reading, not to mention knowing the underlying meaning of what they are reading. Reading is not so simple as it appears. English reading materials are written according to English custom, so there is a lot of underlying knowledge. To understand the English materials clearly and truly readers not only need know the language but also the custom, culture, religion and so on. When the material is about American country music, teachers can introduce the history and some singers (John Denver, Carpenter) ; or play some songs of this kind, e.g. Country Road Take Me Home, Yesterday Once More in order to let students learn more about American country music. In this case, students will show more interest in English class, and obviously the class can not only be livelier but the students can also enhance their knowledge variously and actively.

2.Intercultural communication and speaking skill learning

Second, a language can take two forms: writen form and spoken form. Spoken form can be seen easily in the daily life, and communication takes the spoken form more, so the knowledge of intercultural communication reflected on speaking should be paid more attention to. According to the western custom, the income must not be asked; the age of the females must not be asked and so on. There is a saying in English: A man's home is his castle. That means that a man's home is sacrosanct and nobody else can enter freely without his permission. They attach more attention to their privacy, so such silly questions as "How old are you", "What's your income", "Are you Catholic" are just like attacking their castles and must be avoided. If you really want to know these, you can first talk about yourself and then ask the foreigners politely. From this we can realize that every detail in the intercultural communication should be considered. For the close relation between intercultural communication and oral English, teachers and students can make every effort to broaden their knowledge and try to communicate more with the foreigners as possible as they can.

3.Intercultural communication and grammar learning

While speaking is a big problem for the Chinese students, grammar can be regarded as an advantage for them, but grammar is also closely related to intercultural communication, so it's more complex than simple. Every language has its grammar and we should not only learn the rules in the grammar but also the implications lied under the grammar. For example, in English the word “bread” is an uncountable word, so we should say “ a piece of bread” instead of “ a bread”; but in Chinese “面包” can be seen as a countable word. According to the western custom, the bread is usually knifed into slices (片) , so they take “bread” as an uncountable word. Apart from that, in the sentence “My knife and fork is in the table”, the predicate verb takes the single form instead of plural form even if the subject is "knife and fork". That is because the westerners is used to using knife and fork while they are having their dinner and they take knife and fork as a whole. If teachers can insert some cultural tips into grammar explaining, students will feel that grammar is interesting and they can also learn and use it more efficiently.

4.Intercultural communication and vocabulary learning

When a learner begins to learn a language he must first meet the vocabulary and then he can organize sentences with the knowledge of grammar. It's true that the relation between the form and the meaning of a word is arbitrary in every language, however, the meaning of a word can be influenced by the development of culture. Such different cultural consciousness as living conditions, religious backgrounds and psychological factors in different cultures can endow different implications with a word in different languages. In English a lot of words are related to religion, e.g. "Adam's apple” does not mean “亚当的苹果” but mean “喉结”. This meaning comes from a well-known Christian story: the story of Adam and Eve. “Friday’s face” means “愁眉苦脸” and “black Friday” means “灾难的一天” because Jesus experienced suffering on Friday. Instead Jesus relived on Sunday, so "Sunday" are always connected with "holy", "merry", and "Sunday" or "Sunday best" mean beautiful clothes. Therefore the simple words are endowed with complex meaning under different cultural environment. Students can avoid a lot of misunderstandings in the intercultural communication after they know the underlying meaning relating to culture.

5.Intercultural communication and translation learning

It's true for the English learner that translating is one of the skills one should possess after learning English. For the difference between Chinese and English, translation is not just translating every English word into Chinese word; cultural background should also be taken into consideration. Take a common example; "lucky dog" in English can not be translated into "幸运狗”, but into “幸运儿”, and “Every dog has his day” should be translated into “人人都有得意时”. In English culture a dog is regarded as a loyal friend of human and so “dog” is usually endowed with commendatory meaning, which is contrary to Chinese culture. There are also some expressions which only exist in English culture or only exist in Chinese culture, in which case, learners should translate the expressions freely or put some necessary notes after literal translation. Under the influence of religion a lot phrases are from the Bible or Greek mythology, e.g."God helps those who help themselves" (上帝帮助自助的人) 、“Penelope’s web” (永远完不成的工作) .Translation can only be better but not be perfect no matter how fluent and elegant it is. The more knowledge of intercultural backgrounds we have, the better translation we can achieve.

Ⅳ Conclusion

With the increase of international communication, Chinese people have more and more chance to contact with foreigners, so English teaching is not so simple as before; new and heavy burden has been put on both teachers and students. Students not only have to learn English as a language, but also have to learn English as a cultural carrier, i.e. students not only have to learn another language, but also have to learn another culture. Intercultural communication should be penetrated into English teaching and the knowledge of cultural tips should be paid more attention to in order to enable students to communicate with people under different cultural backgrounds.


[1]何自然.用学与英语学习[M].上海外语教育出版社, 1995.

[2]胡文仲.跨文化交际学概论[M].外语教学与研究出版社, 1999.

[3]胡文仲.文化与交际[M].外语教学与研究出版社, 1994.

[4]王才仁.英语教学交际论[M].广西教育出版社, 1996.

[5]熊咏萍.英语教学中的跨文化教育[J].黄冈职业技术学院学报, 2005, 1

[6]杨平泽.非英语国家的英语教学中的文化问题[M].北京外语教学 出版社, 1995, (1) .

7.english英语 篇七














从印度回来以后,我看了一部宝莱坞电影,叫English Vnglish。宝莱坞电影近年愈发地大片化,去拉达克拍外景简直是最小的格局了,现在动不动就喋血伦敦,情迷波士顿。男女主角衣着的暴露程度也越来越胜以往,印地语夹杂英文越来越多,颇符合现在的印度价值观。唯独吻戏还是个禁忌。

这部戏的女主角是Sridevi,是宝莱坞演了几十年的大劳模资深明星。戏里她是个被中产阶级家人嘲笑英文不好的主妇,为求简爱风格的自尊,在去纽约帮姐姐筹备外甥女婚礼的时候,偷偷去上英文补习班——自然会安排一个法国俊朗厨师爱慕她以满足欧巴桑观众的幻想。 这部戏不但毫无吻戏,在一段可笑的,赞美第五大道有很多欧洲名牌的印地语混合英语Rap后,女主角披了一件时髦风衣走在纽约大街上,然后她依然从头到尾地纱丽不离身,以表示她对资本主义的藐视和对家庭,以及鬼知道是什么的印度价值的尊重。


8.english英语 篇八

项目名称:英语俱乐部(English Club)

策划人:顾雯雯 杨素玉策划时间:2012.4.20



项目主题:英语的适用与提高(English Practice and Improvement) 目标人群:华东政法大学国际法学院一年级5位学生

 项目期限:2012年4-6月

 希望解决的问题:培养学生对英语的自信及兴趣,增加英语锻炼机会,切实提高英语能力

 计划的活动:由三项活动组成,英语咖啡厅(English Cafe),英语小组(Teamwork),共享与交流(Share and Communication)


 学生缺乏自信:往常我们学英语都是在课堂上,很多学生不仅要承受跟不上老师节奏的压力,而且因为自认英语不好,上课总是不自信地保持沉默。而此项目在学生之中开展,学生没有压力,能敢于开口说英语,互相交流问题,让学生在轻松的环境下提高英语。

 学生学英语多年,输入远大于输出:不论是口语还是笔头英语,我们总是以一种听课的形式不断接受知识,却很少有在英语方面的锻炼,尤其是口语和写作。导致学生很会做选择题,却不会用英语表达主观内容。此项目提供学生锻炼英语的环境与机会,和任何大学课堂或培训机构都不同。


总目标:参加此项目的所有学生能有80%以上的人达成自己在这3个月内的目标 分目标:1.在英语咖啡厅活动中,提高日常交流方面口语流利人数80%



 英语咖啡厅

 每周围绕一个主题(如交通,饮食),分发该主题相关口语资料,让成员进行课前学习。

 邀请有丰富的出国经验或以英语为母语的学长或学姐,大家坐成一桌,由学长或学姐带领,以全英文的形式交流聊天。时间大约两小时。



 英语小组

 每周轮流,由五人中的一人担任组长,为其他小组成员印发一套四级卷子。

 周末大家都做完后,到楼下电视房讨论卷子,并由组长担任主讲人,为大






 共享与交流(用于上述两个活动时间之外的任意时间)











9.english英语 篇九

In my life, Ms. Wang is the most important person to me. Her teaching skills are diverse. In class, she usually uses games and posters. She works hard for us. When other teachers rest, she still keeps working and working. When we are mischievous, she is good at giving systematic guidance.

We are really grateful for what she has done for us. We want to say ”thank you” to her.



10.english英语 篇十

She is not tall or short. She is thin. She has short hair. I think she likes short hair because short hair is in fashion now. She has two big eyes and a small nose. She often wears red clothes.

Miss Zhang is good to (3) singing. She can also plays (4) the piano very well. She looks very cool. She is very kind to us. In class, she is like our mother. She often reads stories to us in English.

After class she has many things to do. There are always many exercise books on her desk. She has to correct them for us. So she is very busy all day. We learn from her the old saying “No pains, no gains”. But sometimes she plays games with us.

This is our English teacher, a good teacher. We all like her very much.



1. is she应改为she is。 宾语从句应用陈述语序,即主语在前,谓语在后。 2. for应改为to。 表示“向某人介绍某人”,应用introduce sb to sb, 其中的to不能改为for。 3. to应改为at。 “擅长……”的表达法是“be good at ...”。 at不能改作to。 4. plays应改为play。 can是情态动词,后面应接动词原形。

11.english英语 篇十一

I Error Analysis

Error analysis is the systematic study of language learners’ errors and the resources of these errors to reveal language learners’ interlanguage system in order to understand the procedure and regular of second language acquisition.

1. Procedures of Error Analysis

(1) Collection of samples of learner language.

(2) Identification of errors. It needs to be carried out from the aspects of grammar and communication.

(3) Description of errors. This step refers to reconstruct the sentence of target language from the meaning of interlanguage the learners wanted to express and make a comparison of these two sentences.

(4) Explanation of errors.

(5) Evaluation of errors. This step is mainly from the perspective of listeners and readers to tell the degree of the errors influence the understanding.

2.Error Types

There are two types of errors: errors of competence and errors of performance. In the aspect of errors of competence, intralingual errors and interlingual errors are included. In the division of errors, the difference between errors of competence and errors of performance is based on the linguistics theories. Richards (1971) proposes developmental errors when accepting intralingual and interlingual errors. He points out that the developmental errors are the hypothesis of all kinds of language rules under the limited knowledge of target language.

3.Sources of Errors

The sources of errors are reflected in six aspects according to the classification of the errors by Corder. They are in the following:

(1) Interlingual interference. Interlingual interference refers to the native language affecting the learning of a foreign language.

(2) Intralingual interference. Intralingual interference refers to make an incorrect hypothesis according to the acquired, limited and incomplete language knowledge and experience of language learners and induce the structure of divergent rules.

(3) Cultural interference.

(4) Communicative strategies.

(5) Cognition and personality.

(6) Errors by teaching. The external factors mainly refer to the classes, the teaching materials and the teachers.

II Theory of Interlanguage

The definition of interlanguage is " Interlanguae is a transitional language between native language and target language which is set by the second language learners." It is developmental on the process to target language. There are five cognition processes of setting interlanguage: language transfer, transfer of training, second language learning strategies, second language communicative strategies and overgeneralization. There are three natures of interlanguage:

(1) Permeability. It refers that interlanguage is permeated by the rules or forms of language learners’ native language and target language, which includes positive and negative transfer and overgeneralization;

(2) Fossilization. It refers to the state that interlanguage can not reach the level of target language exactly in general;

(3) Repeatability. This nature means that the process of interlanguage to target language is repeated and intricate.

III Implications for English Teaching

Some findings of IL error distribution analysis have instructional value in English language teaching. The analysis of IL errors here has certain instructional value in teaching for English majors.

First, L2 learners' language knowledge should be reinforced in English teaching. L2 learners still need to strengthen their language basics which are closely related to lexical learning.

Second, L2 learners' writing skill should be reinforced.

Third, L2 teachers should distinguish "mistakes" from "errors". When recognizing an error or errors in students' work, L2 teachers should strengthen the knowledge involved by referring to the tactics or techniques if applicable. Mistakes reflect occasional lapses in performance, they occur because, in a particular instance, learners are unable to perform what they know. In this case, L2 teachers should consciously create much more contexts of performance.

In short, error analysis yields insights into the language learning and teaching processes. On the one hand, English teachers can know about error sources and error types of L2 learners made in their interlanguage production, find the weak points in L2 learners’ learning process and then help L2 learners adopt better learning strategies and methods.


[1]Cook V. Second Language Learning and Language Teaching[M]. Bei- jing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000.

[2]Ellis R. Second Language Acquisition[M]. Shanghai: Foreign Lan- guage Education Press, 2000.

[3]Yule G. The Study of Language[M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000.

[4]Zamuner T. S. Input - Based Phonological Acquisition[M]. New York, NY: Routledge, 2003.
