1.一个HR的面试问题 篇一
2.一个HR的面试问题 篇二
笔者就此以国有水务投资企业初创阶段HR管理为例, 就其存在的问题和对策作以下分析和探讨。
国有水务投资企业是近期由国有资产监督管理委员会、国有大型企业共同出资、相关科研院所提供技术支持, 经政府批准成立的。面对国内外企、央企、民企等老牌同行业公司三分天下的市场格局, 国有水务投资企业希望凭借与国际接轨、具有自身特色的现代企业管理体系逐步占据市场份额。同时, 企业计划通过公开招聘吸引水务工程专业技术人才和高级投融资管理人才, 通过借鉴与创新, 逐步形成国际化与本土化相结合的经营管理体制。逐步打造出一支专业化的水务工程投资、建设、运营的专业技术人才及高素质的管理经营团队, 以较高的工程建设及运营管理水平作为企业的核心竞争力。
然而, 自企业创立以来, HR管理体系与企业的发展战略、目标出现了严重偏差, 主要体现在以下几个方面:
国有水务投资企业创立初期, 在企业经营发展规划尚未形成, 组织框架未能明晰的情况下, 组建工作相关负责人便匆匆根据同行业企业所设职能, 将设想中所需的岗位通过招聘渠道发布出去。但是经过近半年的停滞、筛选、面试、再停滞, 虽有部分人员给面试团队留下较好印象, 但最终也未有实质性的进展, 一方面是由初创工作中不确定因素造成的, 另一方面也说明管理层意识到了企业HR需要量体规划的重要性。
但是, 这次招聘已造成一定负面影响, 部分应聘者认为企业的招聘目的不明确、面试团队专业度不高、HR缺乏规划等等, 不但未能招揽人才, 反而使企业形象受到了损伤。
国有水务投资企业拟计划在创立初期以区域性水务一体化项目作为突破口, 通过BT、BOO、BOT、TOT、股权投资等方式, 与2~3个县级以上城市合作, 并争取在1~2个地级以上中心城市项目上取得重大突破。
然而, 由于创立初期时间紧、任务重, 企业在未对部分人员进行系统评测的情况下, 采取“先入职, 后评价”的方式填补人才缺口, 无法保障此类入职者对工作的胜任程度, 包括与工作相关的知识、技能及个性特点、行为特征、职业发展取向等。另外, 企业综合管理部门人员数量占员工总数近60%, 业务部门人员严重不足, 企业人员配置呈现“本末倒置”的局面。
国有水务投资企业在向社会广泛征集优秀专业人才之外, 也意识到对现有非业务部门人员进行专业基础知识普及, 和对业务部门人员进行专业知识提升的的必要性。由此, 培训工作开展起来。但是, 在业绩指标和成本控制的双重压力下, 培训机制出现了以下问题:
(1) 临阵磨枪遇事培训
企业在初创阶段, 经营团队及业务骨干的主要精力都放在市场开拓工作中, 加上短期成本的考虑, 只会在遇到技术瓶颈或者经营运转不畅的时候才会下定决心寻求技术支持或者咨询师的帮助, 致使培训严重滞后, 缺乏系统性, 甚至无效。
(2) 为了培训所以培训
企业HR管理部门职能不清, 加上初创阶段工作相对繁杂, 在未对培训对象进行精准分类、定位的情况下, 便对全体员工进行标准化的培训, 高标准便是耗费综合管理部门员工的时间, 低标准又不能提高专业人才的技能。
(3) 重视业务培训忽视管理培训
说到培训, 企业管理者和HR部门首先想到的是业务培训, 比如岗前培训、在职技能培训等等, 忽视了对高层管理人员的管理培训, 而这类人员作为企业的决策层, 对企业经营发展具有决定性作用。
建立符合国有水务投资企业特色的HR管理体系, 是成功进行HR管理的基础和保证。
(一) 进行理性的HR规划
在HR管理体系中, HR规划最具有战略性和主动性。HR管理部门必须对企业未来的HR供给和需求作出科学预测, 以保证在需要时就能及时获得所需要的人才, 保证组织战略目标的实现。
国有水务投资企业总部设总经理办公室、人力资源部、财务部、投资管理部、工程管理部、招投标部、运营部、审计法务部、设计院, 共九大职能, 在项目需要时, 各部门抽调人员成立临时项目小组;项目公司作为投资主体的下属子企业, 主要负责项目的日常运营管理工作。企业总部按项目区域外派财务总监, 负责对项目财务工作进行指导和审计监管。
企业初创阶段, 框架已搭建完成, 接下来要做的就是根据项目开展情况思考和明确以下几个问题:
8、如果为了使人员配置效率更高而需要裁减人员, 应采取怎样的措施。
通过对以上问题的思考、梳理和解决, 企业将逐渐建立一套符合自身特点的HR规划模型。
(二) 制定科学的人员招聘与配置流程
(1) 招聘计划的制定
根据企业战略目标和短期经营目标的要求, 企业各部门应在项目正式开展之前, 汇总下一阶段的用人计划, 经分管领导审核后交HR部门, HR部门审核并汇总后制定企业的年度用人计划, 报总经理办公会审批。
HR部门根据审批通过的年度人员需求计划拟定招聘计划, 经批准后组织实施。
(2) 外部招聘渠道
HR部门根据审批通过的招聘计划发布招聘信息, 根据企业性质及所属行业特点, 适用的信息发布渠道有:主流/行业媒体 (网络、报纸) 登载招聘广告、参加专场人才招聘会、通过“猎头”机构推荐等。另外, 企业可以鼓励内部员工推荐合适的人选。
(3) 应聘人员测评与选拔
HR部门负责对应聘人员资料进行初选, 初步考察应聘人员的任职资格是否适合岗位需求, 并对筛选出的人员资质、证件、经历、成果的真实性进行审核。初选合格的人员, 由HR部门推荐给需求部门进行第二次筛选。
通过第二次筛选的应聘人员由HR部门负责组织面试, 必要时可进行笔试。面试前, 由应聘人员填写《应聘人员信息表》。应聘一般岗位的人员面试由需求部门经理和HR部门相关负责人共同参加, 需求部门负责考察应聘人员的专业技能水平、个人工作潜质等, HR部门负责考察应聘人员的受教育情况、个人专长、沟通协调能力等, 并根据考察结果确定岗位及薪酬标准;应聘中层管理职位的候选人, 由企业管理层及HR部门负责人共同面试。应聘核心技术岗位的候选人, 由用人部门负责人、技术分管领导、HR部门负责人、总经理及有关专家共同面试。面试完毕, 由面试组代表填写《面试评价表》。
根据面试评价的结果, 由HR部门统一向通过面试的人员发《面试通过 (体检) 通知》。
(1) 入职审批
体检合格的人员, 由需求部门填写《拟聘人员申报表》, 报分管领导和HR部门审核, 总经理审批。
(2) 入职准备
经审批确定入职的人员, 由HR部门确认入职报到时间后, 通知需求部门做好接收新员工的准备。
(3) 入职报到
新员工入职报到时须交验相关证件、与原单位解除劳动关系证明等原件, 社保关系资料等。由HR部门负责与之签订劳动合同。
(三) 推进特色人才培训计划
现代经营管理之父———法国工业家亨利·法约尔曾指出:对所有需要培训的各级工作人员进行持续的、有步骤的培训是管理工作良好的一个标志。同样, 实施具有企业特色的人才培训, 也是国有水务投资企业实现预期目标的关健。
国内水务市场起步较晚, 业内具有项目投资、工程建设管理及实施经验的人才相对稀缺, 企业投资部成员也许拥有丰富的投资管理经验, 但未必了解水务项目的特点, 存在业务经验满足而行业经验欠缺的问题, 综合管理部门也同样如此。所以, 企业要想在短期内培养、组建出一支专业团队需要进行全员业务培训。
培训对象虽是全体员工, 但培训内容还需根据应用领域、涉及面、专业度进行划档分级, 因需施教。
(下转第82页) (上接第94页)
静态培训指的是课堂式的培训, 适用于基础知识普及、新技术介绍、新理念的传导等;动态培训指的是对项目进行实地调研、分析问题、解决问题的过程。这两种培训模式缺一不可, 密不可分, 静态培训获得的理论知识在动态培训的实际演练中得以应用, 受训人员在动态培训中发现自身不足, 再在静态培训中弥补, 循环往复。这种培训模式的最大受益群体是企业的业务和技术部门的工作人员。
国有水务投资企业作为国内环保水务市场后起之秀, 可以采取走出去的方式, 把企业管理者、经营骨干派往国际、国内优秀同行业企业考察学习, 收集领先行业资讯、开拓经营管理思路, 为企业未来的发展做好“思想”准备。
在知识经济主导的影响下, 尽管国有企业在HR管理意识转变和理念提升过程中会遇到挫折, 但国有水务投资企业作为十二五规划中朝阳产业的一份子, 已经认定人才是企业发展的关键。因此, 建立企业特有的HR管理理念, 制定科学的人才招聘与配置流程, 完善和健全对经营者及业务、技术骨干的培训计划是国有水务投资企业创立初期工作的重中之重, 同时推动企业向更高、更远的目标发展。
摘要:国有企业HR管理的功能大多被视为聘请员工、发放工资和应付劳资纠纷等行政工作, 尽管是投资型企业, 同样也存在一些问题, 包括:HR管理没有长远规划, 甄选、用人机制不健全, 人才培养计划不完善, 人才流失率高等等。建议国有水务投资企业建立国有投资企业特有的HR管理理念, 制定科学的人才招聘与配置流程, 完善和健全对员工以及经营者的培训规划。
3.一个HR的面试问题 篇三
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4.外企HR面试问题提问 篇四
section 1 启动
1. did you have any trouble finding us?
2. how do you know about this job and organization?
3. what kind of work do you want to do?
4. how would your friends describe you? your professors?
5. what else should i know about you?
6. what are your expectations of your future employer?
7. what two or three things are important to you in your new position?
8. what goals have you set for yourself and how are you planning to achieve them?
9. who has had the greatest influence on the development of your career interests?
10. would your supervisor be surprised to learn that you are seeking new employment?
11. how long have you been looking for a job?
12. why do you want to leave your current position?
13. have you received any offers so far?
14. how far can you advance with your current employer?
15. if you are so happy where you are, why are you looking for another job?
16. do you know much about our company, department, team?
17. why would you like to work for us?
18. how does this job compare with others you’ve applied for?
19. what is the ideal position for you in any company?
20. based on what you know about our industry right now, how does your ideal job stack up against the description of the job you’re applying for?
21. if you could make a wish, what would be you perfect job?
22. what causes you to lose your temper?
23. what two adjectives best describe you?
24. what are your best professional skills?
25. if you were in my position, would you hire you?
section 2 历史
1. in your capacity as a _____ at _____ company, what did you actually do? please provide details.
2. what do you feel are the biggest challenges facing this field? this industry?
3. tell me about your last (or present) job.
4. what do you think it takes for a person to be successful in your particular area?
5. how long have you been looking for a position?
6. how have previous jobs equipped you for greater responsibility?
7. what aspects of your current job would you consider to be crucial to the success of the business? why?
8. what was the least relevant job you have held?
9. how long will it take for you to make a contribution?
10. what did you enjoy most about your last job?
11. what did you enjoy least about your last job?
12. what was the biggest pressure on your last job?
13. have you held other positions like the one you are applying for today? if yes, describe how you expect the positions to be the same.
14. in what ways do you expect them to differ?
15. what is the most important thing you learned from your previous experience that you would bring to this job?
16. if there were two things you could change in your last job, what would they be and how would you change them?
17. why did you leave your last job?
18. why do you think you were successful in your last job?
19. how has you r last job changed since you’ve held it?
20. please describe your last supervisor’s management style.
21. if you could make one constructive suggestion to your last ceo, what would it be?共19页,当前第1页12345678910111213141516171819
22. of all the work you have done, where have you been the most successful?
23. describe to me how your job relates to the overall goals of your department and company.
24. what are the most repetitive tasks in your job?
25. to what extent have you automated your last job?
26. what technical decisions did you have to make?
27. what decisions or judgment calls did you have to make in these areas?
28. what were the most important projects you worked on at your last job?
29. can you give a ratio for the amount of time you worked alone to the amount of time you worked with others?
30. how effectively did your boss handle evaluations?
31. tell me about a method you’ve developed to accomplish a job. what were its strengths and weaknesses?
32. how many hours a week, on the average, do you find it necessary to work to get your job done?
33. can you describe a situation where a crisis occurred and you had to shift priorities and workload quickly?
34. how do you feel about your present workload?
35. how do you feel about your manager contributed to your choosing to leave your present job?
36. how do you think your supervisor will react when you tender your resignation?
37. describe the most significant report or presentation you had to prepare.
38. what idea have you developed and implemented that was particularly creative or innovative?
39. take me through a project where you demonstrated_____ skills.
40. tell me about a team project of which you are particularly proud and your specific contribution.
41. tell me about a difficult decision you had to make.
42. what made it difficult? what did you learn?
43. describe the way your department is currently organized.
44. what was the hardest decision you ever had to make, and how did you handle it?
45. what are the most difficult aspects of your current job, and how do you approach them?
46. what has been your most important work-related innovation or contribution?
47. what caused you the most problems in executing your tasks?
48. how do you organize and plan for major projects? recall for me a major project you worked on. how did you organize and plan for it?
49. what would you say are some of the basic factors that motivate you in your work?
50. you’ve had little experience in _____, how do you intend to learn what you need to know to perform. well in this job?
1. please take me through your professional career.
2. why have you chosen this particular field?
3. what aspects of your education do you rate as most critical?
4. what would your greatest business champion say about you?
5. what would your greatest business adversary say about you?
6. what are your long-range goals?
7. if we hired you, what are the top three goals you would like to see this company achieve?
8. what can you do for us that someone else cannot?
9. have you done your best work yet?
10. what do you like most about this job?
11. what aspect of this job is the least appealing?
12. how do you plan your time?
13. what are three reasons for your success?
14. what kind of leader are you? please provide an example.
15. what is the title of the person you report to and what are his or her responsibilities?
16. think back to a time when you trained a new employee. tell me exactly what you did to train that employee and bring the person up to the job’s performance standards.
17. what were the biggest decisions you made in the past six months?
18. how did you go about making them and what alternatives did you consider?
19. can you describe a major project with which you encountered problems?
20. how did you resolve them and what were the results?
21. describe one of the best ideas you have ever sold to a peer or supervisor. what were your approach and result?
22. what kinds of obstacles to completing assignments on time do you most frequently encounter at work?
23. what strategies have you devised to handle such obstacles?
24. how do you know you are doing a good job?
25. how do you prefer to measure performance?
26. can you recall a time when you were less than pleased with your performance?
27. can you describe some projects that were a result of your own initiative?
28. what prompted you to begin such projects? how did they end up?
29. what qualifications do you have to make you successful in this field?
30. do you prefer to speak with someone or send a memo?
31. how do you motivate people?
32. give an example of a situation in which you failed, and how you handled it.
33. what characteristics are the most important in a good manager? how have you displayed these characteristics?
34. what two or three accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction?
35. describe a leadership role of yours and tell me why you committed your time to it.
36. have you been in charge of budgeting, approving expenses, and monitoring departmental progress against financial goals?
37. what suggestions did you make in your last job to cut costs, increase profits, improve morale, increase output, etc.?
38. what results did you get? how do you know? how did you measure results?
39. what would you like to have done more of in your last job?
40. what specifics strengths did you bring to your last job?
41. what would you consider the three most significant accomplishments in your business life?
42. think of something that you consider a failure in your career. what did you learn from it?
43. can you think of an example of a lesson you learned from someone else’s mistake?
44. what risks did you take in your last few jobs? what was the result of those risks?
45. what languages do you speak?
46. what do you think differentiates you from the other applicants for this job? why?
47. why do you think you’d be a good fit for this job?
48. what do you do when you are having trouble solving a problem?
49. what interests you most about this position?
50. have you ever hired anyone?
51. on what basis do you select a new hire?
52. describe the people that you hired on your last job. did they work out(工作进展)? how long did they remain at their jobs?
53. have you ever fired anyone? on what basis did you fire them?
54. how would you describe your management philosophy?
55. what kind of references do you think your previous employer will give you? why?
56. if you have complaints about your present employers, and they think so highly of you, why haven’t you brought your concerns to their attention?
57. the successful candidate for this position will be working with some highly trained individuals who have been with the company for a long time.
58. what is the most difficult situation you have faced? how did you handle it?
59. how did your supervisor get the best performance out of you?
60. how do you use deadlines in your work?
61. how would you do this hob differently from other people?
62. what personality traits do you think are necessary to succeed in this field?
63. have you thought about why you might prefer to work with our firm as opposed to one of the other firms to which you’ve applied?
64. when some managers make a decision, they often feel a need to defend it. can you describe a time when you changed a stated decision or opinion because you were persuaded you were wrong?
65. what would you do differently in your life? your career?
66. if you could eliminate one responsibility from your last job, what would it be?
67. after being with the same company for so long, do you think it will be hard to adapt to a new organization?
68. some people feel that spending so much time at one job demonstrates a lack of initiative. how do you respond to that?
69. what are the advantages of staying at one job a long time/
70. since you were in the same job for such a long time, you’ve probably grown very comfortable in it — maybe even a bit stale. how would you cope with a new job in a company such as ours?
71. you’ve changed jobs quite frequently. how do we know you’ll stick around if we hire you?
72. how do you explain the diversity of jobs you’ve had? the positions don’t seem to be in a logical progression.
73. you’ve been with your current employer for only a short amount of time. is this an indication that you’ll be moving around a lot throughout your career?
74. how long will you stay here at this company?
75. what strategies have you found to be successful in managing unfair criticism?
76. can you describe a time when you pushed too hard for a project to the detriment of the project?
77. give me some examples of different approaches you have used when persuading someone to cooperate with you.
78. how do you cope with the inevitable stresses and pressures of any job?
79. worked effectively under pressure.
80. handled a difficult situation with a coworker.
81. were creative in solving a problem.
82. were unable to complete a project on time.
83. persuaded team members to do things your way.
84. had to take a stand on an unpopular position.
85. wrote a program (or report or strategic plan) that was well received.
86. anticipated potential problems and developed a proactive response.
87. had to make an important decision with limited facts.
88. were forced to make an unpopular decision.
89. had to implement an unpopular decision.
90. were tolerant of an opinion that was radically divergent from your own.
91. were disappointed in your behavior.
92. used your political savvy to push through a program you really believed in.
93. had to deal with an irate customer.
94. delegated a project effectively.
95. surmounted a major obstacle.
96. set your sights too high.
97. set your sights too low.
98. prioritized the elements of a complicated project.
99. lost (or won) an important contract or sale.
100. hired (or fired) the wrong person.
1. tell me about yourself using only one-word adjectives. the first question cuts through the creative writing of the resume and the stage acting of the interview (none of which is bad, merely obfuscating). the order of the adjectives is as much of a window as the adjectives themselves. the candidate will hit a very detectable pause after he or she has offered up the pertinent ones (usually three to six) and them it’s time to move on to a discussion of “why” to each one of those adjectives. follow-up questions might include: have you always been that way? for example (name one of the adjectives), have you always been like that? if not, what caused you to change? what are the highs and lows that each of those adjectives have brought you?
2. what have been the biggest success and biggest mistake of your career?
3. what was the most useful criticism you ever received?
4. describe the best person you ever worked for or who worked for you.
5. if your last boss were able to wave a magic wand over your head, what aspect of your performance would he or she fine-tune?
6. if you had the opportunity to do the last ten years of your career over again, what would you do differently?
7. describe the most difficult decision you ever had to make. reflecting back, was your decision the best possible choice you could have made? why or why not?
8. if i were to speak with your current supervisor, what would he or she say are your current strengths and weaknesses?
9. take as a given that you got this job, and that you have been doing it for three to six months, but things are just not working out. we are sitting here discussing the situation. what do you think you would say about what went wrong?
10. when you’ve had a really good day at work and you go home and kick back and you feel satisfied, what was it about that day that made you feel really good? when you have had a really bad day at work and you go home and feel upset, what was it about that day that made you feel really upset?
第四章 求职动机
1. what motivates you to put forth your greatest effort?
2. describe your “dream” job.
3. what is the most important feature to you in a job?
4. please rank the following from most important to least: job duties, hours, distance from work, pay, work environment.
5. what has been your greatest accomplishment in a work environment and why?
6. how important are external deadlines in motivating you?
7. how do you feel about your present workload?
8. give me an example of a situation where you had to go above and beyond the call of duty to get something done.
9. what do you do when things are slow at work?
10. what have you learned from your mistakes?
11. what two or three accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction? why?
12. how can we best reward you for doing a good job?
13. why do you think you’ll be successful in this job?
14. what makes you proud of your work?
15. tell me about a time when you went “out on a limb” in a job.
16. how do you like to be managed?
17. what kind of supervisor is likely to get the best performance out of you?
18. how important is it for you to learn new skills?
19. what new skills would you like to learn?
20. do you consider yourself successful?
21. what are the most important rewards you expect out of your career?
22. what is more important to you: the salary or the challenge?
23. what do you think determines a person’s success in a firm?
24. tell me about a project that really got you excited.
25. do you generally cleat your desk at the end of each day?
1. what distinguishes a great employee from a good one?
2. do you set performance standards for yourself?
3. how do you cope with stress on the job?
4. how do you know if you’re doing a good job?
5. what do you need from your supervisor?
6. how will you communicate your frustration when those needs go unmet?
7. would you rather formulate a plan or carry it out?
8. what was the last business or management book you read and what did you learn?
9. where or to whom do you turn for help? what resources do you look for in completing a task?
10. what strategies do you use when you have a great deal of work to accomplish and not much time to do it?
11. describe a time when you used your intuition to good result in support of a project.
12. where would you like to go from here in your career, and how do you plan to accomplish your goals?
13. in what ways do you and your supervisor think alike?
14. how did you handle a relationship important to your organization when it was threatened?
15. how do you react when someone criticizes you?
16. what do you do when you have to make an important decision?
17. what does the word “success” mean to you?
18. what does the word “failure” mean to you?
19. how do you of about making important decisions?
20. what have you learned about working well under pressure?
21. do you anticipate problems or react to them?
22. would you describe yourself as a risk taker or someone who plays it safe?
23. what problems do you have getting along with others?
24. rate yourself on a scale of one to ten.
25. what is your greatest strength?
1. define cooperation.
2. what kinds of people do you prefer to work with?
3. what kinds of people do you find it difficult to work with?
4. tell me about a time when you said no to someone who asked you to drop everything to help them out.
5. tell me about a time when a team fell apart. why did it happen and what did you learn?
6. tell me about a job or project where you had to gather information from many different sources and then synthesize the information in support of a business challenge.
7. how do you operate as a team player?
8. how do you deal with people with different backgrounds and value systems different from your own?
9. how do you schedule and commit to quiet time?
10. do you prefer working with others or working alone?
11. what good or bad work habits did you pick up from your first job?
12. how do you know when a team has met its objectives?
13. describe your approach to evaluating risk.
14. what is one thing a teammate can say to you that are guaranteed to make you lose confidence in him or her?
15. how do you get along with superiors?
16. how do you get along with coworkers?
17. how do you get along with people you’ve supervised?
18. what are your team-player qualities? please be specific.
19. what have you learned about guarding against “group-think”?
20. have you developed any special techniques for brainstorming?
21. are you able to predict a people’s behavior. based on your reading of them?
22. tell me about a specific accomplishment you have achieved as a participant in a team.
23. tell me about a time when your team made emotional decisions about the project. what happened and how did you handle it?
24. tell me about an occasion when the team objected to your ideas. what did you do to persuade the team of your point of view?
25. as a team leader how much tolerance do you have for mistakes or false steps? in other words, if a team member wanted to do something in a way you were convinced were mistake, how would you weigh the team member’s learning experience against protecting the project?
26. have you ever been in a team where people overrule you or won’t let you get a word in edgewise? how do you handle it?
27. in any team, there will always be a range of aptitudes. not only is the spread of talents obvious, but also team members are in remarkable agreement about the distribution. put any tem people in room and they will sort themselves out from top to bottom in short order. my question is, do you believe it is useful to the organization to formally rank team members?
28. as a member of a team, how do you see your role?
29. as a member of a team, how do you handle a team member who is not pulling his or her weight?
30. tell me about a time when you had to confront a team member.
1. what cherished management belief have you had to five up in order to get where you are?
2. tell me about a time when your employer was not happy with your job performance.
3. who is the toughest employer you ever had and why?
4. have you ever had to work with a manager who was unfair to you, or was just plain hard to work with? please give details.
5. what’s more important to you, truth or comfort?
6. at what time is it better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission?
7. have you learned more from your mistakes or your successes?
8. is honesty always the best policy?
9. how has your tolerance for accepting mistakes from your subordinates changed over the years?
10. you want to go swimming in a pool. the water is a little colder than comfortable. are you the type of person who jumps in or do you wade in?
11. where do you think the power comes from in your organization? why?
12. how will you handle the least interesting or least pleasant tasks of this job?
13. what have you heard about the company or department that you don’t like?
14. if you were going to be fired, how would you like your supervisor to handle it?
15. on what occasions are you tempted to lie?
16. how have you been an agent for change in your current (or last) position?
17. your supervisor tells you to do something in a manner you are convinced is dead wrong. what would you do?
18. what would you do if everyone in your department called in sick?
19. say your supervisor left an assignment for you in your in-box, then left town for a week, you can’t reach him and you don’t fully understand the assignment. what do you do?
20. there are two applicants for one job. they have identical qualifications is every respect. how do you decide?
21. what do you want to hear first, the good news or the bad news?
22. what are some of the things your supervisor did that you disliked?
23. if you were on a magazine cover, what would the magazine be and what would the headline say?
24. what kinds of things do you worry about?
25. finish this sentence,” i know i an taking a risk when…”
1. what cherished management belief have you had to give up in order to get where you are?
2. what’s more important to you, truth or comfort?
3. have you learned more from your mistakes or your successes?
4. is honesty always the best policy?
5. how has your tolerance for accepting mistakes from your subordinates changed over the years?
6. where do you think the power comes from in your organization? why?
7. on what occasions are you tempted to lie?
8. is the customer always right?
9. if you could organize the world in one of three ways—no scarcity, no problems, or no rules—how would you do it?
10. should all business relationships have fixed terms, that is, expiration dates?
1. what was the last product or service you saw that took your breath away?
2. what’s the most significant compliment anyone has ever paid you?
3. how has your perspective of quality evolved over your career?
4. is the customer always right?
5. how would you finish this sentence: “most people are basically…”
6. if you could organize the world in one of three ways —no scarcity, no problems, or no rules—how would you do it?
7. who has been a major influence in your life?
8. how has your tolerance for accepting mistakes from your subordinates changed over the years?
9. have you learned more from your mistakes or your successes?
10. what’s the unwritten contract between you and the people who report to you?
11. how have you benefited from your disappointments?
12. can you suggest three reasons why manhole covers are round?
13. we are sending you on an assignment in santa barbara, california. you have an unlimited expense account. what kind of car are you going to rent?
14. are you the type of person who likes to make lists or strike items off lists?
15. what would you do if your boss gave you a direct order to pursue a policy that you disagreed with?
16. what if the board of directors was reviewing a policy that would make such an activity improper but hadn’t ratified it yet?
17. what would you do if you saw a peer taking office supplies home?
18. describe a situation where your work or an idea was criticized.
19. the business world is full of euphemisms. what’s your current favorite?
20. should all business relationships have fixed terms, that is, expiration dates?
21. is there anything positive to be said about conventional wisdom?
22. what did you accomplish at work the day before yesterday—in detail?
23. what’s the difference between a manager and a leader?
24. what is your philosophy of mentoring?
25. this is a role-play question. you are a consultant hired to assess me and the organization. based on your observations at this interview, describe my operating style. and those of all the other people you have met. finally, tell me how i could improve the organization.
1. can you review your salary history for me?
2. what salary, excluding benefits, are you making now?
3. how can we best reward you?
4. what kind of salary reviews or progress would you expect in this company?
5. in your professional opinion, how much do you think a job like this should pay?
6. what do you think you’re worth?
7. why do you think you’re worth that?
8. how do you think your compensation should be determined?
9. what value can you add to our organization?
10. how much money do you want to be making five years from now?
11. how much did you make on your last job?
12. what sort of salary are you looking for?
13. would you be willing to work for less?
14. what was the last raise you got? were you satisfied?
15. how would you justify a raise to your current supervisor?
16. the salary you’re asking for is near the top of the range for this job, why should we pay this much?
17. how would you feel if a person reporting to you made more money than you?
18. is money the most important aspect of the job for you?
19. what do you think of a process where subordinates have a say in the compensation of their supervisor?
20. what salary do you expect to make in this position? what do you base that figure on?
21. have you ever worked on commission? tell me about it?
22. why aren’t you making more money at this point in your career?
23. on what criteria do you believe you should be evaluated and compensated?
24. how important are stock options or deferred payment plans to you?
25. what noncash aspects of your compensation are important to you?
1. what extracurricular activities were you involved in? what made you choose those? which of them did you most enjoy, and why?
2. what led you to select your major? your minor?
3. which of your courses did you like the least?
4. was there a course you found particularly challenging?
5. if you were to start college over again tomorrow, what is the course you would take? why?
6. in college, how did you go about influencing someone to accept?
7. based on what you know of the job market, which of your course were the most useful? the least?
8. what advice would you give to a college student intending to go into your field?
9. what are your most memorable experiences from college?
10. why don’t i see internships or work-study experiences on your resume?
11. in what courses did you get your worst grades? why? how do you think that will affect your performance on the job?
12. why did you decide to go to college?
13. how was your college education funded?
14. what percentage of your college did you pay for and what sort of jobs did you have while you were in school?
15. what percentage of your college did you pay for and what sort of jobs did you have while you were in school?
16. tell me a little about some of your extracurricular activities that would assist you in this job.
17. why are you working in a field other than the one in which you have a degree?
18. what have you done to stay current in your field?
19. are you satisfied with the grades you received in school?
20. do you think your grades accurately reflect your ability?
21. have you ever received a grade lower than you expected? if so, what did you do about it?
22. have you ever been put on the spot by a professor or adviser when you felt unsure of yourself? how did you handle it?
23. what competitive activities have you participated in? what did you learn from participation in competitive activities?
24. has competition had any positive or negative impact on your accomplishments? how?
25. what’s one management lesson you learned in college?
26. why do you want to get into this field?
27. i see that you do not have very much organizational work experience. what qualities do you have that especially qualify you for this position?
28. your resume does not list any job experience in the past few years. why not?
29. why would you want to leave an established career at your present employer for an essentially entry-level position?
30. what specifically have you done that shows initiative?
31. what are the reasons for your success?
32. what are some of your pet peeves?
33. which of your skills can stand improvement at this time?
34. who (what) has been a major influence in your life?
35. are you a self-starter? can you give me an example?
36. can you think of a challenge you faced? how did you deal with it?
37. under what conditions have you been most successful?
38. tell me about a time when you had to pull a team together quickly.
39. how, specifically, do you contribute toward an environment of teamwork?
40. what can you do to build teamwork here?
41. what has been the employee turnover in your department over the past two years?
42. how do you define employee morale?
43. what programs have you implemented to build morale among those reporting to you?
44. how do you keep your staff informed of new developments and organizational decisions?
45. describe the relationship you feel should exist between a supervisor and those reporting to him or her.
46. have you ever had to make an unpopular management decision? tell me about one of those decisions and how you handled it?
47. how do you go about assigning and scheduling projects and assignments?
48. describe your leadership style. for me.
49. how do you measure your success as a leader?
50. how do you determine which individual’s need additional training?
51. what training have you offered other people? how do you measure its impact?
52. if you are hired for this job, how will you approach the first thirty days?
53. do you believe in the value of strategic planning?
54. what is the most intellectually challenging thing you are looking for in a job and why?
55. how did you prepare for this interview?
56. what do you do when you know you’re right and others disagree with you?
57. finish this sentence: “successful managers should…”
58. what are the advantages of diversity in the workplace?
59. what does the term “ time compression” mean to you?
60. what does the term “ total quality management ”mean to you?
61. other than money (which is a given), what do you believe motivates people?
62. can you give me three elements of your personal code of ethics for the workplace?
63. what experiences do you have in your background that show you are capable of creative risk taking?
64. what were your most memorable accomplishments in your last job?
65. did you inaugurate any new policies (or systems) in any of the positions you’ve held?
66. what is the most difficult thing you ever tackled? how did you approach the problem?
67. what work is the most monotonous for you?
68. what does the term “global competition” mean to you?
69. tell me what you think would be some good approaches to developing overseas markets during the next three years, especially considering the state of the dollar in today’s international markets.
70. describe the most significant internal control weakness you ever identified and what you did to remedy it. what were the results?
71. describe the most significant accounting operations reengineering project you have led. what were the results?
72. do you perform. employee salary reviews? if you do, what is your approach?
73. tell me how you go about creating an annual budget.
74. what problems do you have in staying within your budget?
75. distinguish between planning for the short, mid, and long term.
76. how do you quantify the results of your activities as a manager?
77. have you ever completed a formal return-on-investment calculation on a strategic investment? please provide details.
78. which spreadsheet programs do you prefer to work with?
79. how do you deal with unanticipated expenses? can you give an example?
80. how do you evaluate the budget in your present position?
81. tell me about a time when you underestimated a budget and had to ask for additional moneys?
82. did you ever have to restructure your budget in the middle of the fiscal period? what approach did you take?
83. how would you create a budget in the position for which you are applying?
84. if we adopt a 401 plan, how often would you perform. discrimination tests?
85. what’s the hardest thing about being a leader?
86. are you a mentor to anyone? who? what is your philosophy of mentoring?
87. what does the word “success” mean to you?
88. what does the word “failure” mean to you?
89. describe a problem that you solved using employee involvement.
90. tell me about the most difficult employee situation you ever had to handle. what did you do and what was the result?
91. tell me about an employee who became more successful as a result of your management.
92. describe your system for controlling errors in your own work and the work of your staff.
93. which management gurus do you find most interesting?
94. what do you want to be doing five years from now?
95. what are your most important long-term goals?
96. describe the people that you hired on your last job. were they successful? how long did they stay with the company?
97. what has been your experience with major expansion or reduction of force?
98. how many immediate subordinates have you selected in the past two years? how did you go about it? any surprises or disappointments?
99. how many immediate subordinates have you removed from their jobs in the last few years?
100. how do you feel your subordinates would describe you as a delegate?
101. some managers keep a very close check on their organizations.
102. what have been the most important surprises you have noticed from things getting out of control?
103. let’s talk about standards of performance. how would you describe your own standards? what would your subordinates say? what would your boss say?
104. sometimes it is necessary to issue an edict to an individual or the entire staff. do you have any examples o recent edicts you have issued?
105. what specific behaviors do you think contribute to your effectiveness as a supervisor?
106. from an opposite viewpoint, what behaviors do you think might interfere with your effectiveness as a supervisor?
107. in what respects do you feel you have improved most as a supervisor during the last few years?
108. some managers are quite deliberate about such things as communications, development, and motivation. do you have examples of how you addressed these areas?
109. how would you characterize your relationships with your last three supervisors? any patterns?
110. some managers are short-fused and impatient in their reactions. how would you describe your own patience?
111. most of us can look back upon a new idea, a new project, or an innovation we feel proud of having introduced. would you describe one or two such innovations you are particularly proud of?
112. what are the legitimate uses for office gossip or the rumor mill?
113. how would you handle a subordinate who deliberately went about a task in a way that contradicted your instructions yet were wildly successful?
114. your boss is going on vacation for a month, and although it isn’t in your job description to do so, she asks you to work for another manager in her absence, what would you say and do?
115. are you prepared to fill in for someone who has different, even lower-level, responsibilities?
116. describe a time when you unfairly got caught up in office politics.
117. can you sell me on our product or service?
118. what strategies do you employ fro finding common ground with your customers?
119. can you give an example of how you are able to be positive about a product even when discussing a negative?
120. have you found it helpful to take motes when talking to a customer? how?
121. if i were a prospect, what clues about me does this office give?
122. what strategies do you use to repeat the customer’s key concepts back to him or her during a sales pitch?
123. how do you turn an occasional buyer into a regular buyer?
124. have you ever taken over an existing territory or desk? what was the volume when you started? what was it when you left?
125. what have you learned about using sales incentives to promote sales?
126. what strategies do you use to plant questions in your customer’s mind?
127. when is it appropriate to ask a prospect, “how much do you want to spend?”
128. tell me about a time you adjusted your approach to a prospect based on their body language.
129. tell me about a time when you followed up with a reluctant prospect and still failed to get the order.
130. talk about a time when you overcame your own mental block or prejudices to make a sale.
131. can you talk about a sales incentive program that motivated you?
132. who are the motivation gurus you find most interesting?
133. when was the last time you sent a thank-you note to a customer?
134. how do you try to show each customer that he or she is important?
135. this job requires a large amount of travel. do you think you have the ability and willingness to keep up?
136. when you cold-call a prospect, what obstacles do you expect the clerical staff to put in your way?
137. when you telephone a prospect, what strategies do you use to get past the secretary or receptionist?
138. where do you find your telephone leads?
139. what do you despise about telephone sales?
140. how do you qualify a prospect?
141. how do you overcome the difficult periods that face everyone in sales?
142. how long does it usually take you from initial contact to sales closing?
143. what is your ratio of initial contacts to actual sales presentations?
144. what percentage of your sales calls result in sales?
145. how would you go about identifying customers in a new market?
146. what do you think about prospecting for customers or developing new markets in cyberspace?
147. tell me about a time when you almost lost a sale and worked hard to get it back.
148. what are the five most common objections you face and how do you deal with them?
149. what was the most surprising objection you have ever received, and how did you handle it?
150. what’s your definition of customer service?
151. can you tell me about a time you took the steps necessary to resolve a problem although it wasn’t technically your responsibility?
152. name one way in which you have provided extraordinarily good service — above the call of duty — to a customer or client.
153. describe a situation where you had to go an extra mile for customers.
154. give me an example of a time when you went out of your way to meet an agreement.
155. in your current job, who are your customers?
156. if you had a customer who was complaining about poor service, how would you handle it?
157. at your last job, how often did you take a survey of customer satisfaction?
158. tell me about your worst customer service dilemma and how you overcame it?
159. what strategies have you learned to encourage customers to pay on time?
160. can you tell me about a difficult collection problem and how you dealt with it?
161. what strategies have you evolved to listen to emotional customers without getting hooked?
162. speak about the customer’s “personal zone” and how you use it.
163. how do you deal with customers who think they are right even when they are wrong?
164. what is the customer service attitude at your present organization?
165. how have you handle customers who take advantage of sales support staff?
166. what is the most significant improvement in customer service that you have achieved in the last year?
167. what’s one thing we at this company could do to make our customers even more satisfied with us?
168. what experience have you had in making oral presentations? how do you rate your skills in this area?
169. at what times do you have trouble communicating with people?
170. how would you compare your oral skills to your written skills?
171. when you are assigned to work with new people, how do you go about getting to know them, how they work, and what their strengths and weaknesses are?
172. tell me about a work situation that required excellent communication skills.
173. can you recall a time when you persuaded someone who initially disagreed with you of the correctness of your position?
174. how often of you communicate with the person who receives the output of your work?
175. what’s one thing that should never be communicated in a memo or e-mail?
176. what are some examples of important types of decisions or recommendations you are called upon to make?
177. would you describe how you went about making these types of decisions or recommendations? with whom did you consult?
178. tell me what you have learned about reducing employee turnover.
179. what organizations do you see as this company’s chief competition? can you compare and contrast the organizations?
180. what do you do to make the people around you fell important, appreciated, and respected?
181. how do you prioritize your time?
182. what decisions are easiest for you to make and which ones are more difficult?
183. most of us can think of an important decision, which we would make quite differently if we made it again. any examples from your own experience?
184. most of us become more astute decision makers as the base of our experience broadens. in what respects do you feel you have improved as a decision maker?
185. describe a situation that required you to use fact-finding skills.
186. tell me about a complex problem you had to deal with.
187. tell me about a time when you failed to reach a goal.
188. how many projects can you handle at a time?
189. think of a crisis situation where things got out of control. why did it happen and what was your role in the chain of events?
190. give me an example of a time when management had to change a plan or approach to which you were committed. how did you feel and how did you explain the change to your team?
191. do you sue an activity chart to track the flow of the activities necessary to reach your goals?
192. what project management methodologies have you found most effective?
193. i’m interested in how you do your planning. what planning processes have you found useful, and how do you do about implementing them?
194. in what ways have you improved in your capacity for planning?
195. tell me about a job or project where you had to gather information from many different sources and then create something with the information.
196. what do you do when there is a decision to be made and no procedure exists?
197. what have you learned about using deadlines to motivate people or teams?
198. tell me about a time when, rather than following instructions, you went about a task in you own way. what happened? would you do it the same way if you had to do the task over again?
199. can you think about a specific situation where you prevented a problem before it occurred?
200. what do you do to welcome and orient new hires into your department or team?
201. if you were hiring someone for the job you are interviewing for, what three qualities would you look for?
202. what questions would you ask, or what techniques would you use, to establish that the person was willing to do the job?
203. how many people have you hired in the past two years?
204. do you have a favorite interviewing question?
205. tell me about how you would budget for recruiting.
206. what has your experience been with retaining recruitment firms?
207. how do you handle personnel evaluations?
208. what’s the first thing you look for no a resume or application?
209. how do you go about checking references?
210. tell me about your biggest hiring success.
211. tell me about your biggest hiring mistake.
212. how could we improve the hiring process we are using to select a person for this position?
213. to what do you attribute turnover?
214. is turnover always detrimental?
215. what programs have you found to be successful in retaining employees?
216. what is your concept of discipline?
217. what are the typical problems and grievances that your staff brings to you?
218. how do you handle them?
219. how do you maintain discipline within your department or team?
220. tell me about a time when you had to discipline a subordinate.
221. what was the most common cause of termination at your last organization?
222. have you thought about violence in the workplace? what strategies have you evolved to address this problem?
223. how do you keep abreast of new developments in information technology?
224. describe a situation in which you were able to enhance the usefulness of information in an existing mainframe. system and increase your employer’s productivity.
225. how has your conception of information systems quality evolved over the years?
226. describe successful strategies for software testing that you have employed.
227. what metrics can be used to measure user satisfaction with it?
228. what strategies do you recommend for organizations facing the year problem?
229. how would you reinvent our business from an it perspective if you had a blank piece of paper and no resource constraints?
230. we know that fourth generation languages have many benefits. which of these benefits do you find most compelling? why?
231. how can you tell a good program from a bad one?
232. info world magazine recently suggested that client/server computing is dead. do you agree, and if so, what killed it?
233. what is the future of the mainframe. in a world of distributed desktops?
234. describe the most significant business process reengineering project you have led. what were the results?
235. distinguish between the internet and the intranet.
236. what is the chief benefit of an object-oriented application development paradigm?
237. describe the central attributes of the object paradigm. how does encapsulation or polymorphism contribute to the technology’s effectiveness?
238. why has computer-assisted software engineering (case), a technology which offered so much promise, generally not met the high expectations set for it?
239. which rapid application development (rad) methodology do you find most interesting or effective?
240. describe a data migration project you led. what were the results?
241. i see that you have listed java, pascal, cobol, and c++ as the programming languages with which you’re familiar. would you take a moment to rank them according to your skill level?
242. what structured programming methodologies have you found most effective?
243. please describe the most difficult task you ever had to perform. using tool x, and describe how you managed to accomplish it.
244. which computer trade shows do you regularly attend and what do you get from them?
245. have you ever presented at an industry trade show or seminar?
246. have you published anything on it?
247. describe your participation on an it steering committee. what was the challenge? what was your role? and what was the outcome?
248. with respect to the it steering committee, what technology did you choose? why? how did it work out?
249. do you have any experience with rapid application development? tell me about an application developed using this approach.
250. have you participated in the design and deployment of a web site?
251. do you have an e-mail address or a personal website?
1. well, based on what we have discussed, how do you feel about this job?
2. do you have any questions?
3. is there anything else i should know about you?
4. i’ve interviewed several very good candidates, and i will admit that you are one of them. what single message would you like me to remember that will convince me that you are the one we should hire?
5. how do you feel you performed during this interview?
6. what have you been able to learn about our firm and our senior management?
7. what implications have you drawn from the information?
8. when can you start?
9. are you willing to travel?
10. are you willing to relocate?
11. may i contact your present employer and references?
12. is there anything you’d like to know about the job that would help you to do it better than anyone else could?
13. if there were one reason why we should select you over the other applicants, what would that be?
14. our time is about up. is there a final point you would like to make?
15. do you want this job? then why, through our entire discussion, have you not asked for it?
1. how would you finish this sentence: “most people are basically… ”
2. tell me about a time when your employer was not happy with your job performance.
3. have you ever had to work with a manager who was unfair to you, or was just plain hard to work with?
4. how would you define a difficult manager?
5. have you ever been in a dispute with a supervisor? what was it about and how was it resolved?
6. can we check your references?
7. what kind of references do you think your previous employer will give you? why?
8. how do you deal with coworkers or supervisors who do not show you proper respect?
9. what cause you to lose your temper?
10. how do you dandle rejection?
11. what are some of your pet peeves? (经常抱怨的问题)
12. which of your skills can stand improvement at this time?
13. what problems do you have getting along with others?
14. what are some of the things your supervisor did that you disliked?
15. were you ever dismissed from a job for a reason that seemed unjustified?
16. what kinds of things do you worry about?
17. what are some of the things that bother you?
18. if i were to call your supervisor today, how would he or she describe you?
19. can you identify some weaknesses for which you need to compensate?
20. can you name three new skills, techniques, or methodologies you learned in the past 12 months?
21. what do you do when your boss loads you down with a great deal of work and not enough time to do it in?
22. what do you do when there is a decision to be made and no procedure exists?
23. are you generally lucky or unlucky?
24. what aspect of your performance in your last job were you the most proud of?
25. if you were going to be fired, how would you like your supervisor to handle it?
1. by what criteria will you select the person for this job?
2. why is the position open?
3. what happened to the last person holding this position?
4. what duties and responsibilities does this job entail?
5. where does this position fit into the organization?
6. what kind of person are you looking for?
7. when was the last person promoted?
8. what are the ideal experience and skill set for this position?
9. to whom would i report?
10. what problems might i expect to encounter on this job?
11. what is the normal salary range for this job?
12. tell me about promotions and advancement in this company.
13. why are you not filling this position from within?
14. what are your expectations of the person hired for this job?
15. what are the three most significant things that need to be accomplished in this position in the first year and what are the major hurdles?
16. what is the work environment like day to day?
17. how many people will i supervise? what are their backgrounds?
18. who has the final say in this hiring decision?
19. is there anything else i should know about this company?
20. are there any aspects of my background or skills that you would like to hear more about?
21. is there a job description? may i see it?
22. how much freedom would i have to determine my work objectives and deadlines?
23. what kind of support does this position receive in terms of people and resources?
24. how would my performance be measured and how is successful performance usually rewarded?
25. can you describe your organizational culture?
1. based on what you know of the job market, which of your courses are directly transferable to this job?
2. do you feel your grades are an accurate reflection of your work? if not, why not?
3. in college, how did you go about influencing someone to accept your ideas?
4. have you ever been put on the spot by a professor or adviser when you felt unsure of yourself? how did you handle it?
5. what competitive activities have you participated in? what did you learn from participation in competitive activities?
6. what’s one management lesson you learned in college?
7. why do you want to get into this field?
8. what are your career goals and how do you plan to achieve them?
9. i see that you do not have very much organizational work experience. what qualities do you have that especially qualify you for this position?
10. what specifically have you done that shows initiative?
1. would you mind if i took notes during the interview?
2. what are your plans for company expansion?
3. how many employees would i supervise?
4. can you tell me why this position is available? what became of the person formerly in this position?
5. what management style. is most prevalent here?
6. how many employees have held this position in the last three years?
7. is this a newly created position?
8. what have you liked most about working for this company?
9. how much supervision will i get as a new employee?
10. can you briefly tell me about the people i will be working with most closely?
11. does this company typically have a reactive or proactive strategy for dealing with problems?
12. let’s say that i excel in this position. where would i go from there?
13. what are the company’s plans for the next five years?
14. how would you describe the corporate culture at this location?
15. describe the performance evaluation procedures you use?
16. what tasks will occupy a majority of my time?
17. what challenges do you think i will face in this position?
18. describe for me the staff i will supervise?
19. could you show me a formal job description?
20. does this position involve any travel?
21. what will be my first assignment?
22. does this company typically promote from within?
23. how does this position/department fit into the organizational structure?
24. you said i could expect to make more money down the road. when will i get a review and what exactly will i need to do to be successful?
5.一个HR的面试问题 篇五
一个公务员面试考官的建议(zmt jy)09-13