


1.2015考研英语写作必背24句型 篇一

1.thoughts of…flashed through my mind我想到了… 人们对…很感兴趣

2.There are few people who feel anything but a great interest in…



If I did/were …, I would do…


If I had done, I would have done



4.Many children have the idea/opinion that internet is significant, while their parents think differently.…

2.2015考研英语写作必背24句型 篇二

1.There is no sport I enjoy more than swimming.2.Nothing is more important than perseverance in achieving success.3.I don’t imagine anything we cannot do so long as we persist.4.There is no denying that our economy is developing by leaps and bounds.5.It is universally acknowledged that what he has done was a mistake.6.It is conceivable(可想而知的)/ obvious(明显的)/ apparent / that there will be a new economic crisis throughout the world, but we hope it won’t happen.".7.It goes without saying(不言而喻)that we have to work hard if we want to learn a foreign language well.8.Science to the human mind is what air or water is to the body


9.Crisis is to us what illness is to our body.10.A life without a friend is a life without a sun.人生没有朋友,犹如人生没有太阳

11.General Lee is everything General Grant is not.12.Great changes have taken place since our country entered WTO.13.On no account can we lie.14.Under no circumstances should we reveal our secret.15.There is no one but longs to communicate with others

16.So precious is time that we can’t afford to waste it.17.It is high time we did something to change the situation.18.The situation will worsen unless some steps are taken to stop it.19.The reasons why I am the most partial to blue are threefold.20.We should spare no effort to make a success of our career.21.It pays to take part in social works in order to know the outside world better.22.Listening to music enables us to feel relaxed.23.We should bring home to people the value of working hard.24.Taking exercise is closely related to health.25.The condition of our traffic leaves much to be desired.26.…change the course of history…

…turn over a new leaf…

…shape the destiny of a nation…

…shape the world…

…break a new ground…

3.考研英语作文 满分必背句型 篇三

1.There be结构

1) There are other techniques that might help you with you studying.

2) There is more entertainment in a good book than is a month of typical TV programming.

3) Most curious of all, there was no quality control whatsoever.

4) There were no breaks in the day to relieve the boring work.

5) In the past 50 years there has been a great increase in the amount of research being done on the brain.

6) There are so many of thee paths and so many metal particles that it is impossible to land a flying saucer without is being smashed by one.

7) There is much that we can learn from him today.

8) There are two sides to every question. If you take one side with decision and act on it with effect, those who take the other side will of course resent your actions.

9) There is no sense(道理)in leaving important decisions to inexperienced people.

10) There is little sense in treating the child so severely. After all he is too young to know that he was doing wrong.

11) There is no surgical patient I cannot treat competently, treat just as well as or better than any other surgeon.

12) There were still situations in which I couldn’t be certain my decision had been the right one.

13) There’s no right or wrong in the situation. There’s just luck.

14) There’s no way to prepare for the next time—no intelligent response to a gun.

15) There is no way to stop the process of aging. In fact, we can only delay it.

16) There are other indications that high school cheating may be on the rise (还有一些迹象表明……)

17) There is some evidence that dishonesty may ebb and flow(起伏波动)

18) Today there is evidence that the time between each of the steps in this cycle has been shortened.

19) There can be on doubt that he is the right person for the job.

20) There is no doubt that their support will make a difference in out cause .

21) There is no doubt that these measures will contribute to the solution of the problem.

22) There is no doubt that Jim had more talent than anybody who ever played football.

23) There’s no substitute(替代物) for practical experience.

24) There is urgent need to debate this issue openly

25) There are tow ways in which one can own a book.

26) There have been some small fluctuation(波动) in the past year, but by and large prices have remained stable.

2.It 结构

1) It is advisable to exercise(拥有) patience in dealing with such complicated situations.

2) It is advisable to place important telephone numbers nest to the phone in case of an emergency.

3) It is biologically reasonable for deer to reduce their cost of living to increase their chances of surviving in winter.

4) It is essential that the increase in production should be geared to (适应) the increase in public demand.

5) It is necessary that young and old people should communicate more with each other.

6) It is thoughtless of some parents to allow their children to watch whatever program is on television.

7) It is incredible(不可思议) that he ate the big cake just in tow bites.

8) It was obvious to everyone that the marriage would sooner or later end in separation if not diverce.

9) It was clear that Dad could do no more than he was doing already.

10) It is certain that fresh air and exercises are more valuable than medicine.

11) It is certain that with determination and hard work you will succeed eventually.

12) It was quite apparent that both sides were making a great effort to win the prize.

13) It was almost impossible for an Indian to gain even a fair education an extremely difficult, as a result, for an Indian to rese high in life.

14) It is easy to fall into bad habits but very difficult to break away form them.

15) It’s not easy to size up (估计) the situation right now. For we are not well informed on recent developments.

16) It is not easy to say exactly what each part of the brain does.

17) It is not wise to change you money into U . S. currency.

18) It was not until about 1600B.C. when the chariot (马拉战车) was invented that the maximum speed was raised to roughly twenty miles per hour.

19) It is only recently that science has begun to give us some idea of how the brain really works

20) It was not until the century that man realized that the whole of the brain was involved in the working of the mind.

21) It is conflict and not unquestioning agreement that keeps freedom alive.

22) It was in times of crisis that I finally found out what he was really like.

23) It took the human race millions of years to attain that record.

24) It took a mere twenty-year flick(一瞬) of time to double the limit again.

25) It takes (took) sb. some time to do sth.

26) If it takes less time to bring a new idea to the marketplace, it also takes less time for it to sweep through the society.

27) It will take the council a few weeks to judge the situation before it takes any further action.

28) It is well known that many of our problems are caused at least in part by failure to communicate.

29) It is fairly well known that wild animals survive form year to year by eating as much as they can during times of plenty.

30) It is probably less well known that even with their stored fat, wild animals spend less energy to live in winter than in summer.

31) It remains unknown whether there are intelligent beings outside the solar system.

32) It has been pointed out that in 6000B. C. the fastest transportation available to man over

33) It is now thought that the more work we give our brains, the more w** able to do.

34) It can be argued that such a response may not mean much (有人认为……)

35) It is reported that the electronic industry is going on rapidly in recent year.

36) It is reported that there has been a decrease in the annual birth rate over the last two decades.

4.小学生必背英语句型 篇四

1. A: Nice to see you again. B: Nice to see you, too.

2. A: Where are you from?

B: I’m from China./America/Canada/ PRC/ USA/ CAN/ UK

3. A: I’m sorry.B: It’s OK.

4.有人敲门你说:Come in, please.

5.怎么用英语欢迎同学回校:Welcome back to school.

6. A: Who’s this(that) man(boy)? B: He’s my father(brother).

7. A: Who’s this(that) woman(girl)? B: She’s my mother(sister).

8. A: 当你要鼓励你的朋友一起和你玩时,英语怎么说: B: Come on!

9. A: Let’s watch TV. B:OK!/Great!

10. A: Is she your sister?

B: No, my mom.(Yes, she is.)

11. A: 怎么用英语表达“多大的.一条鱼啊!”B: What a big fish!

12. A: 怎么用英语介绍自己的家庭: B: This is my family

13. A: How many kites can you see? B: I can see twelve.(Twelve.)

14. A: How many crayons do you have? B: I have 16.(Sixteen crayons.)

15. A: 怎么用英语集合:B: Line up.

16. A:“对的”、“正确的”英语怎么说:B: That’s right.(You’re right.)

17. A:“我有一些巧克力”怎么说:B: I have some chocolates.

18. A:“有些什么在盒子里面”怎么说: B: What’s in the box?

19.你想知道盒子里装些什么东西?怎么用英语叫对方打开它? Open it and see.

20. A: Do you like pears?

B: Yes, I do.(No, I don’t.)(Sorry, I don’t like pears.)

21. A: What about grapes? B: Yes, please.

22. A: Have some juice, please. B: Thanks.(No, thank you.)

23. A: I’m hungry.(我肚子饿。) B: I’m hungry, too.

24. A: Can I have an apple, please? B: Certainly.(Sure, here you are.)

25. A: Have some more.B: No, thank you.

26. A: Where is my ruler?

B: It’s under(in/on ) the book.(Under(in/on) the book.)

27. A: Where is Zip? B: Ha! Ha! I’m here.

28. A: 怎么用英语提醒别人“小心、当心、留神”:B: Look out!/Watch out!

29. A: 怎么用英语说“对不起,打扰了!” Excuse me.

5.初中英语学习必背的62个句型 篇五

句型1:There+be +主语+地点状语/时间状语

There’s a boat in the river.


句型2:What’s wrong with+sb./sth.?

What’s wrong with your watch?


句型3:How do you like...?

How do you like China?


句型4:What do you like about...?

What do you like about China?


句型5:had better(not)+动词原形

You’d better ask that policeman over there.


句型6:How+adj. / adv. +主语+谓语!

What a/an+adj. +n. +主语+谓语!

How cold it is today !


What a fine picture it is!


句型7:Thank+sb. +for (doing) sth.

Thank you for coming to see me.


句型8:So+be/ 情态动词/ 助动词+主语

He is a student. So am I.


句型9:... not ... until ...

He didn’t have supper until his parents came back.



The baby cried harder and harder.


句型11:the +比较级,the +比较级

The more one has,the more one wants.


句型12:... as +adj./ adv.+as ...

…not as/so+adj/adv. +as...

Do you think that art is as important as music?


Last Sunday the weather was not so wet as it is today. 上个星期天的天气不如今天的天气潮湿。

句型13:more/ less +adj.+than...

I think art is less important than music.


句型14:stop sb/sth from doing sth.

The Great Green Wall will stop the wind from blowing the earth away.


句型15:both ... and ...

Both you and I are students.


句型16:either ... or...

Either you or he is wrong .


句型17:neither ... nor ...

Neither he nor I am a student.


句型18:... as soon as ...

As soon as I see him,I’ll give him the message.


句型19:... so+adj. / adv.+that ...

I was so tired that I didn’t want to speak.



Though I like writing to my pen-friend,it takes a lot of time.


句型21:be going to do sth

This afternoon I’m going to buy an English book.


句型22:be different from

I think this is different from Chinese names.


句型23:Welcome(back) to...

Welcome back to school !


句型24:have fun doing

We’re going to have fun learning and speaking English this term.


句型25:... because ... / ...,so ...

I don’t know all your names because this is our first lesson.


句型21:be going to do sth

This afternoon I’m going to buy an English book.


句型22:be different from

I think this is different from Chinese names.


句型23:Welcome(back) to...

Welcome back to school !


句型24:have fun doing

We’re going to have fun learning and speaking English this term.


句型25:... because ... / ...,so ...

I don’t know all your names because this is our first lesson.


句型26:Why don’t you do...  = Why not do...

Why don’t you come to school a little earlier?


句型27:make it

Let’s make it half past nine.


句型28:have nothing to do

They have nothing to do every day.


句型29:be sure that...

be sure of/ about sth.

be sure to do sth.

I think so, but I’m not sure.


I was not sure of / about the way,so I asked someone.我对于怎么走没有把握,所以我问别人了。

句型30:between ... and ...

There is a shop between the hospital and the school.


句型31:keep sb. / sth. +adj/doing/介词短语/adv

You must keep your classroom clean.


Sorry to have kept you waiting.


Can you keep him in the room ?


Keep them here.


句型32:find +宾语+宾补

He finds it very hard to travel around the big city .


句型33:... not ... any more/ longer

The old man doesn’t travel any more.


He isn’t a thief any longer.


句型34:What’s the weather like...?

What’s the weather like in spring in your hometown ? 在你们家乡春天天气怎么样?

句型35:There is no time to do sth

sb have no time to do sth

There was no time to think.


I have no time to go home for lunch.


句型36:Help oneself to...

Help yourself to some fish.


句型37:used to do sth

I used to read this kind of story books.


句型38:borrow ... from...

I borrowed an English book from him.


句型39:lend sb. sth.= lend sth. to sb.

He lent me a story book=He lent a story book to me.


句型40:have been to...

Have you ever been to Hawaii?


句型41:have gone to...

---Where’s he?

---He’s gone to Washington.



句型42:be famous for...

Hawaii is famous for its beautiful beaches.


句型43:No matter +疑问句+主句

No matter when you come,you are welcomed.


句型44:be afraid of / to do / that...

I’m afraid not.


Don’t be afraid of making mistakes when speaking English. 当说英语时不要害怕犯错误。

句型45:... as ... as possible

... as ... as sb can

I hope to see him as soon as possible.


He ran here as fast as he could.


句型46:practise / enjoy / finish doing

A young man practised speaking English with Mr Green. 一个年青人和格林先生练习说英语。

Tom enjoys playing football very much.


He finished reading the story book.


句型47:It’s said that ...

It’s said that one of the most dangerous sharks is the Great White Shark.


句型48:Not all / everyone ...

Not all sharks are alike.


Not everyone likes dumplings.


句型49:be based on

His argument is based on facts.


句型50:... so that ...

Put the tree in the hole so that it is straight.


句型51:be+num. +metres /kilometres / years...+long / wide / deep / high / old...

The Great Green Wall is 7,000 kilometres long.


The river is about 2 metres deep.


The boy is about 12 years old .


句型52:keep ... from doing

The heavy rain kept us from starting out.


句型53:with one’s help...

With Tom’s help,I’ve come to America to study further.在汤姆的帮助下,我来美国深造。

句型54:I don’t think ...

I don’t think any of them is interesting.


句型55:What’s the population of ...?

What’s the population of Germany ?


句型56:prefer to do … rather than do

They prefer to buy a new one rather than repair it.


句型57:be worth (doing) …

This book is worth reading.


句型58:regard … as...

They regarded their pets as members of their families.


句型59:be confident of

I’m confident of success.


句型60:seem to do

seem +adj

seem (介词短语)

He seems to be angry.


The house seems too noisy.


句型61:be angry with / about / at(doing)

We’re all very angry with ourselves.


I was angry about his decision to build a factory here.


I was angry at being kept waiting.


句型62:pay for / pay … for

He paid for the book and went away.


I paid him £200 for the painting.

6.2015考研英语写作必背24句型 篇六


look forward to doing 盼望做…

keep on doing 坚持做…

dream of doing 梦想做…

can’t help doing 情不自禁地做…

keep / stop / prevent sb.from doing 阻止某人做…

be busy(in)doing be busy with + 名词 忙于做…

spend time / money(in)doing spend time / money on + 名词 花费时间做…have fun / have a good time / enjoy oneself doing 玩得开心

7.高考英语必背语法句型有哪些 篇七

1). I was walking along the river, when I heard a drowning boy cry for help.

2). I was about to leave when it began to rain.

3). I had just finished my test paper when the bell rang, announcing the exam was over.

2. It was (not ) + 时间段+before +一般过去时 过了一段时间就……

It will (not )be+ 时间段+before +一般现在时 要过一段时间才会…

It is/ has been +时间段+ since…..

It was +点时间+ when…..

It was +时间状语+ that …..(强调句)

1). It was not long before he sensed the danger of the position.不久他就意识到他处境危险 (动作已发生)

2). It will be half a year before you graduate from the school. 还有半年你才从这个学校毕业(动作未发生)

3). It is 3 years since he worked here.=he left here.(since从句中的谓语动词若是延续性动词,要从这个动作结束的时候算起)

4). It was 3 o’clock when they received the telephone.

5) It was at 3 o’clock that they received the telephone.

3. once…..一旦….., 表示时间和条件

1)Once you understand what the teacher explained, you will have no difficulty doing the work.

2). Once you have decided to do something, you should finish it and do it well.

4. The +比较级…….,the +比较级……..越……, 越……

1) The more books you read, the more knowledge you will get.

5. whether….or…. 无论是….还是….

1). Whether the weather is good or bad, they will set off as they planned.

2). Any person, whether young or old, has his own worth.

6. 祈使句+ or/otherwise +结果句 或 祈使句+ and +结果句

1). Stop doing such foolish thing, or you will be punished in time.

2). More effort, and the problem would have been settled.

7.every time/ each time/ next time/ the first time/ any time等短语引导时间状语从句,表示“每当….., 每次…..,下次…..”

1). Every time you meet with new words while reading, don’t always refer to your dictionary. (When you meet with new words every time…..

2) Next time you come , do remember to bring your son here.

3) You are welcome to come back any time you want to.

8. There is (no) need to do…../ for …. (It is( not )necessary for sb. to do….

There is( no )hope/ chance / possibility of doing….

There is( no )difficulty/ trouble/ point/ delay( in )doing

1). Is there any chance of us/ our winning the match?

2). There is no point in discussing the problem again.

There be 句型:there be 之后如有几个并列主语,be 动词的选择要取决于第一个主语,即就近原则。

1). There is a pen and two books on the desk.-->There are two books and a pen on the desk.

There be 句型中,be动词还有其他变化形式,常见的有:There seem to be,

There happen to be, There used to be, There is likely to be, There have been/has been 等

1). There seems/ appears to be much hope of our team winning the match.

2). There happened to be nobody in the room when I came in.

3). There have been great changes in my hometown since 1978.

4). There used to be a bus station at the corner of the street.

5). There are likely to be more difficulties than expected while we are carrying out the plan.

9. it 强调句:基本构成形式:It is/ was +被强调部分+ who/ that+原句剩余部分

e.g.: I met him in the street yesterday afternoon.

( It was I who/ that met him in the street yesterday afternoon.(强调是我,不是别人)

( It was him who/ that I met in the street yesterday afternoon.( 强调我遇见的是他,不是别人)

( It was in the street that I met him yesterday afternoon.( 强调是在大街上,不是在别 的地方,强调的是地点,但不用where)

( It was yesterday afternoon that I met him in the street (强调是 昨天下午,不是在别 的时候, 强调的是时间,但不用when)

10.do, did, does 用于强调谓语动词,加强语气

1). He is a good student.-->He does be a good student

2). He helped us yesterday. ( He did help us yesterday.

3). Be careful! ( Do be careful!

11. not/ never ……. until 直到…..才

1). The villagers didn’t realize how serious the pollution was until all the fish died in the river.

(It was not until all the fish died in the river that the villagers realized how serious the pollution was. (强调句)

(Not until all the fish died in the river did the villagers realize how serious the pollution was.(倒装句)

12. not only….. but (also)…..


1). Not only the teacher but also the students have their eyes examined regularly.

2). They suggested we should not only attend the party, but give a performance.

( They suggested we should give a performance as well as attend the party

not only….. but (also)…..引导并列句时,not only引导的部分置于句首时要部分倒装

1). Not only was everything he had taken away, but also his German citizenship was taken away.

2). Not only should we students study hard, but also we should know how to enjoy ourselves in our spare time.

13. would rather +从句(从句要用虚拟语气,即从句中谓语动词用一般过去式, 表示现在或将来的愿望;从句中谓语动词用过去完成时,表示对过去的愿望)

1). I’d rather you posted the letter right now. 我想让你现在就把信寄出去。

2). ---A friend of yours will come to see you today. 你的一位朋友今天要来看你。

--- I’d rather he came here tomorrow. 我倒情愿他明天来。

3). I’d rather you were not a celebrated actor. In that case, we could spend more time together. 我倒情愿你不是什么名演员,这样我们可以有更多的时间在一起。

4). I’d rather I hadn’t seen her yesterday. 我情愿昨天没见到她。

14. so, neither/ nor 引导得倒装句

表示“另一者也如如此”及前者的情况也适用于后者,用so, neither/ nor 引导得倒装句,助动词的选择依据前一句的谓语动词。

1). He has finished his homework, so have I.

2). My sister prefers coffee, so do I.

3). John can’t ride a bicycle, neither/ nor can I.

若前句的谓语动词既有肯定又有否定形式时,或谓语动词不属于一类时,用It is /was the same with sb. 或 So it is/ was with sb.

1). He is a worker and he works hard, so it is with John.


1). ---It is cold today. ---Yes. So it is

2). ---He visited Tokyo last week. --- Yes. So he did.

15. 倍数表达法:

A + 谓语+倍数+the +n.(size/ height/ length……)+of B

A + 谓语+倍数+as + abj. + as B

A + 谓语+倍数+adj. 比较级+than B( A + 谓语+adj. 比较级+than B+by+倍数

1).This square is twice the size of that one.

( This square is twice as large as that one.

( This square is once larger than that one.

2).This factory produced three times as many cars as they did 10 years ago.

3).He is 3 years older than I-( He is older than I by 3 years

16.as/ with表示“随……进展”,as 后面接句子,with后面接短语

1). With the industry developing, the pollution is becoming more and more serious.

(As the industry develops, the pollution is becoming more and more serious.

17. with 的复合结构(作状语或作定语)

with+ n. +adj. (with可以省略)

1).(With) the street wet and slippery, we had to ride our bikes slowly and carefully.

(Because the street were wet and slippery, ……….

2). The students were listening to the teacher, (with)their eyes wide open.

( The students were listening to the teacher, and their eyes were wide open.

with+ n. +adv. (with可以省略)

1). He put on his coat hurriedly, (with) the wrong side out

with+ n. +prep-phrase (with可以省略)

1). The old man was seated in the sofa, (with) a pipe in his mouth.(Also: pipe in mouth)

with+ n.+ to do/ to be done (动词不定式的动作还未进行)

with+ n.+ doing/ being done (动词不定式的动作正在进行)

with+ n.+ done (动词不定式的动作已经完成或指n. 所处的状态)

1). With so many problems to settle, the newly-elected president is having a hard year.

2). He was lying in bed, with his eyes fixed on the ceiling

3). With the temple being repaired, we can’t visited it.

18. 以here, there, in, out, up, down等副词开头的倒装句(多用一般现在时表示正在进行的动作。)

1). Here comes the bus! (=The bus is coming here! )

2). Away he went. 他走远了(若主语是代词则主语与谓语不倒装)


1). In front of the house stopped a police car.

2).Under the tree sat a boy, with a book in his hand.

20. 具有否定意义的副词或短语位于句首时句子要部分倒装。常用的此有:little, never, seldom, hardly, rarely, no sooner, in no time, by no means, in no case 等

1). Not a single mistake did he make in the exam.

2). In no time did the man realize what was happening.

3).In no case can you tell him the truth.

4). Hardly had the train left when he remembered he had left his suitcase on it.

No sooner had the train left than he remembered he had left his suitcase on it.

21.the moment, the minute, immediately, directly, on doing…表示“一….就”

1). On arriving (his arrival )at the airport, he was surrounded by the reporters .

2). ---Have you give John the book? ---Yes, the moment I saw him.

22. while/ but :while侧重两者之间的对比,but 多指一件事的两个对立面。

1). He likes listening to music while I like watching TV.

2). I badly wanted that book, but I haven’t enough money.

23. only to do 作结果状语,多用来表示出人意料、结局令人沮丧的结果。动词多是终结性的词,如:find, learn, to be told, to be caught等

1). His father disappeared, never to heard from again.

2). He hurried to his office, only to be told that he was dismissed.

24.only +状语的结构放在句首,主句要部分倒装

1). The teacher told me that only in that way, could I learn English well.

2). I received my mother’s call at 11a.m., only then did I remember it was my birthday today.

25. taste, smell, look, sound, feel等感官动词作为系动词后面要接adj.作表语。

1). Apple of this kind taste very nice.

2). Smelling nice, this kind of bread sells well.

26.有些动词常用作不及物动词与well或easily连用,表示某物具备的某种特征。常用的词有sell, cut , wash, last, burn等。

1).His latest work sells well

2). Dry wood burns easily.


1).I have never seen a better film.

2).I can’t agree you more. 我非常同意


①. 不定式作主语,it作形式主语:

It +系动词+adj./ n..+ for sb. to do (for sb.表示动词不定式动作的执行者)

It +系动词+adj.+ of sb. to do (of sb.既表示动词不定式动作的执行者有表示人所具备的性质或特征)

1). It’s important for us to have a good knowledge of English.

2). How rude of him to treat a child like that!

3). It’s thoughtful of him to fix us up for the night.


主语+think/ consider/believe/ make/ feel+ it +adj./n. +for sb./ of sb. +to do

1). I feel it foolish of him to believe such a man.

2). The timely rain had made it possible for the crops to grow well.

It is said/ thought/ hoped/ believed…..that……

Sb. is said/ thought/ hoped/ believed to do…..

1). It is said that he is studying abroad.-->He is said to be studying abroad.

2).It is considered that many countries highly value China’s role in helping world’s peace.

( Many countries is considered to highly value China’s role in helping world’s peace.

It is time to do/ It is time that +主语+动词的一般过去式 该是做…..的时候了

1).It is time that we ended the discussion.

29. 虚拟语气中的重点句型

If +were/ did (动词过去式), 主语+情态动词(would, could, might, should)+do(用


①. I don’t have a cell phone. If I had one , it would be convenient for me to contract others.

If +had done (过去完成式),主语+情态动词(would, could, might, should)+have


②. If I had gone to the concert, I would have seen the famous singer.

If +were/ did (动词过去式), 主语+情态动词(would, could, might, should)+ do

were to do should do (用来表示对将来情况的假设)

③. If I were not to take/ should take/ took the exam tomorrow, I would go shopping with you.

虚拟语气条件句的倒装:在虚拟语气条件句中,如果出现助动词were, should, had,

可省略if, 把这些词提到主语前面,变成倒装句。

①.Should he act like that again, he would be fined. (If he should act like that again, ……

Were he to act like that again, he would be fined. (If he were to act like that again, ……

______If he acted like that again, ……(不可以倒装)

②. Had the doctor come in time last night, the boy would have been saved.

( If the doctor had come in time last night, ………..

③. If I had time now, I would go to the film with you. (不可以倒装,因为句中的had不是助动词)

But for….-->If it were not for…../ If it hadn’t been for

①. But for the determined captain, all the passengers on board wouldn’t have been saved.

(If it hadn’t been for the determined captain, all the passengers on board……

②. But for your rich parents, you wouldn’t live such a easy life.

( If it were not for your rich parents, you wouldn’t live such a easy life.

再suggest, insist, demand, require, request, order, advise, propose等表示建议、要求、命令、主张的动词引导的名词性从句中,从句的谓语动词要用(should )do的形式

①. Mother insisted that John (should) go to bed before 9 o’olock.

对比:He insisted that I had taken away his dictionary.(不是建议、要求、命令或主张)

②. His suggestion that Tony (should) be invited to the party was refused.(同位语从句)

对比:His words suggested that he was very angry with me.(不是建议、要求、命令或主张)

30. as if/ as though…..(表示与事实相反,用虚拟;若表示即将成为事实或有可能成为事实,则用陈述语气)

1). He was in great trouble, but he acted as if nothing had happened.

2). Although they just met for the first time, they talked as if they had been friends for many years

3). The clouds are gathering. It looks as if it is going to rain.

31. n. /adj. / adv. / v. + as / though +主语+谓语,…… 尽管……,…….引导让步状语从句

1).Child as he is, I already know what career I want to follow.

2). Try as he might, he couldn’t solve the problem.

3). Much as I respect him, I can’t agree with his idea.

32. rather than

1).It is better to ask for help at the beginning rather than to wait until a busy period when everyone is rushed off their feet.

2).It is the boss who is to blame rather than the workers.

33. 疑问词+ever = no matter +疑问词, 引导让步状语从句或名词性从句

1). Whichever(=No matter which) you like, you can take it away .( 让步状语从句)

You can take away whichever(=any one that) you like ( 名词性从句)

2). Whenever you comes, you will be welcome. ( 让步状语从句)

3). Whatever happens, I will support you. ( 让步状语从句)

4). Whoever breaks the law, he will certainly be punished. ( 让步状语从句)

Whoever breaks the law will certainly be punished. ( 名词性从句)

5). However great the difficulty is, we can overcome it. ( 让步状语从句)

34. if/ as long as/so long as/ providing that/ provided that/ supposing that/ on condition that 假如…..

1). I will lend you money on condition that you can return it within 3 months.

35. given that/ considering that 考虑到….., 鉴于……

1). Given her interest in children/ Given that she is interested in children, I’m sure teaching is the right career for her.

2). Considering his age and his experience, he has done well.

36. in case that/ in case of….. 万一….., 以防…..

1). In case of fire, please dial 119 at once.

2). In case that John comes/ John should come, tell him to wait.

37.can never/ can’t 与too, too much, enough, over- 搭配表示“无论怎样….都不过分”

1). While you are doing your homework, you can’t be careful enough.

2). He is such a great man that we can’t praise him too much.

3). William Hartley was handsome, determined and hardworking, in a word, I couldn’t speak too highly of him.

4). The development of society has made it necessary for us to have a good knowledge of English, so we can’t overemphasize the importance of learning English.

5). Since it is a good thing, we can’t do it too soon.

38. 表示过去原打算干,却未曾实现的愿望、打算或意图

had hoped to do=hoped to have done.。类似的词还有:expect, think, intend, design, plan, mean, suppose等

would like/prefer/ love to have done

was/ wee to have done

was/were supposed to have done

1).--- Did you go to see the film “Titanic” last night?

---I’d like to have, but I had an unexpected guest.

2). The plane was to have take off at 7 this morning, but was held up by the heavy fog.






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