1.商务英语常用会议口语用语 篇一
1. thank you for the present. it’s just what i wanted.
2. thank you so much for the homemade cake.
3. i don’t know how to thank you for such a beautiful flower.
真不知道要如何谢谢你, 这么漂亮的花。
4. i received your gift. thank you for the lovely bracelet.
1. you’re welcome.
2. not at all.
3. it’s my pleasure.
4. don’t mention it.
5. that’s all right.
6.no trouble at all.
7.i’m glad you enjoyed it.
2.商务英语常用会议口语用语 篇二
例1:Customer: I’d like to reserve a table for dinner.
Restaurant Staff: Certainly.How many in your party?
Customer: Eight.
例2:A: What do you usually have for lunch?
B: Pizza and hot dog.
第一个例 子里 , 当问到有 几个人时 , 回答就是“eight”,第二个例子中问到午餐吃什么的时候,回到的就是“pizza and hot dog”很简短,言简意赅。口语里人们从过去的“I beg your pardon.”也逐渐简化成“pardon?”很多问题也是由“ok”、“yes”、“no”来回答不会重复问题。
例3:Waiter: How would you like your steak?
Woman: I like my steak well-done.
例4:Professor: Do you finish your work?
Student: Already done.
例5:Customer: I think that’s a bit too expensive.Can yougive me a discount?
Salesperson: Let’s say $80.
Customer: Done!
Done是动词do的过去分词,在这三个例子中都用到了done ,但是他们的意思却不尽相同。有的是表示“食物熟了”,有的表示“完成”,也有感叹词表示“成交”。Done这个“小词”不仅仅是这三个意思,还有更多灵活的用法。在口语中,类似于这样的词语还有很多,例如“get”、“make”、“have”等,使用很广泛,在交流的过程中,更侧重于使用这样的简单词汇而避免繁琐词汇以免沟通有障碍。
对英语学习者而言,包括绝大部分的英语留学生,很多人学习英语若干年,结果对英语只会听却不能自由灵活表达。虽然了解很多专业词汇,但对俗语俚语掌握十分有限。有些英语专业的学生英语作文写得十分流畅,但是却不知如何用英语点菜,只能指着菜单说:“I want this.”“Can yougive me that?”目前社会和经济的发展,决定了英语日常基本交际是必须得到重视的部分,我们不能只是会用英语表达抽象的事物。例如表达“我的梦想”“My dream”而不会表达最简单实际的东西。英语口语表达能力不强一直是很多英语学习者的短板,笔者发现,英语口语生活用语的一些特点及现状决定其学习需要一定的方法。
学习英语的各类人群中甚至有一定英语水平的人,在日常生活中都存在“开口难”的问题。很多人日常生活中的英语口语生活用语在语音、语调、语法、词汇等方面都有不足,口语学习是需要不断开口练习的,如果只是一味的听别人讲,对我们自身英语水平的提高是无益的。同时口语的学习是一个模仿、记忆再转化为自己灵活运用的过程。原于这些特征,情景学习法学习英语口语生活用语就是行之有效的方法,学习英语时我们可以通过角色扮演的方式来记忆对话,模仿交流场景,先分别练习与进行展示,掌握了一定的对话再列出实用句型。例如“Could you tell me how to get to this place?”意为“你能告诉我怎么去这个地方吗?”“Excuse me, how can I get to the hospital?”意为“我想知道去医院的路怎么走?”,经过这样的总结升华训练,就可以替换场景,练习“我想知道去水果店的路怎么走?”我们可翻译成“How can I get to fruits store?”或者“请问去公司的路怎么走?”就可译为“How can I get to the company?”经常做这种形式的练习,可以达到活学活用,熟练掌握句型的目的。
英语口语的学习过程是复杂的,对一门语言的掌握不仅仅是词汇一个方面,同时还包括文化、经济、宗教信仰、社会习俗等多个方面。所以要日积月累的同时 ,要结合英语日常生活用语的特点不断丰富充实自已,提高英语水平。
3.商务英语常用会议口语用语 篇三
9、Asking for Repetition 请求重复
I’m afraid I didn’t understand that. Could you repeat what you just said?
I didn’t catch that. Could you repeat that, please?
I missed that. Could you say it again, please?
Could you run that by me one more time?
10、Asking for Clarification 要求澄清
I don’t quite follow you. What exactly do you mean?
I’m afraid I don’t quite understand what your are getting at.
Could you explain to me how that is going to work?
I don’t see what you mean. Could we have some more details, please?
11、Asking for Verification 请求确认
You did say next week, didn’t you? (’did’ is stressed)
Do you mean that...?
Is it true that...?
12、Asking for Spelling 请求拼写
Could you spell that, please?
Would you mind spelling that for me, please?
13、Asking for Contributions 请求赐教
We haven’t heard from you yet, (name of participant).
What do you think about this proposal?
Would you like to add anything, (name of participant)?
Has anyone else got anything to contribute?
Are there any more comments?
14、Correcting Information 更正
Sorry, I think you misunderstood what I said.
Sorry, that’s not quite right.
I’m afraid you don’t understand what I’m saying.
That’s not quite what I had in mind.
That’s not what I meant.
15、Keeping the Meeting On Target (time, relevance, decisions) 转入正题
We’re running short of time.
Well, that seems to be all the time we have today.
Please be brief.
I’m afraid we’ve run out of time.
I’m afraid that’s outside the scope of this meeting.
Let’s get back on track, why don’t we?
That’s not really why we’re here today.
Why don’t we return to the main focus of today’s meeting.
We’ll have to leave that to another time.
We’re beginning to lose sight of the main point.
4.商务英语常用会议口语用语 篇四
大会 convocation
作开幕致辞 give an opening address
荣誉主席 honorary president /ˈɒnərərɪ/
各国政要 dignitary /ˈdɪɡnɪtərɪ/
贵宾 honorable guests
尊敬的各位来宾 respectable guests
校长 Vice-chancellor(英国高校校长)
副校长 pro-vice-chancellor
工信部部长 Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
the People’s Government of Guangdong Province
省长 Governor
阁下 Your Excellency
论坛 symposium
座谈会 seminar
在此 hereby
圆满成功 complete success
宣布·····开幕 declare open ···
做开幕致辞 give an opening address
I am very overwhelmed with joy to I am delighted to I am proud to I feel extremely honored to I count it a great privilege to
I take great pleasure in I give me great pleasure to I am very pleased and honored to I find it a pleasure and honor to
I owe a great debt of gratitude to I wish to thank I deeply appreciate ···
We are extremely grateful to My special thanks go to
It is our earnest hope that I sincerely hope that
交流思想 exchange ideas
知名的/闻名遐迩的 renowned
商贸中心 center of business and trade
古城 old city
丰富文化遗产 rich cultural heritage
良好祝愿 warm greetings
请允许我再次 Please let me once again
致以诚挚的欢迎 express/extend/convey my sincere welcome
友谊和热情 friendship and hospitality
盛情好客的 gracious /ˈɡreɪʃəs/
热情邀请 cordial invitation /ˈkɔːdɪəl/
周到的安排 meticulous arrangements /mɪˈtɪkjʊləs/
光临 attendance
美好的回忆 fond and happy memories
非常需要 It is highly desirable that
bring out a growing reputation and influence
greater economic and social benefits
筹备阶段 the planning stage
得到···的大力支持 obtain support from
我们将探讨 we plan to explore
尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾 Distinguished officials and guests
Your Excellencies, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen
会议代表及与会人员 Delegates and attendees
Thank you for your presence
First of all, let me introduce the major officials and guests present at today’s ceremony.They are:
Madam Zhao Yufang, Vice Governor of Guangdong Province
Please join me in a round of applause to welcome all our distinguished officials and guests.我们今天的议程非常紧凑
We are running on a rather tight schedule today
For the sake of time, we ought to begin now
Now, I would like to invite Mr.Ge Changwei, Secretary of the CPC Qingyuan Municipal Committee, to give us a speech.Welcome!
On behalf of the organizing committee, I wish to express our sincere appreciation to all of you who have made this conference such a great success.今天的会议为各界探讨ABC 省经济发展和商业进步提供了一个很好的平台
Today’s conference is an important occasion for all sectors to share insights for the economic development and commercial advancement in ABC Province.今天对于ABC来说,是一个值得纪念的日子。For ABC, this is indeed a memorable day.我谨向各位致以ABC 市政府和人民的良好祝愿。
I would like to bring to you the warm greetings from the government and people of ABC.今天,我们高兴地迎来ABC世界历史会会议的隆重召开。
Today, we are very delighted to gather here for the grand opening of ABC World Council Meetings.文化节自2005年创办以来成功举办了七届,在推介旅游资源、丰富旅游产品、推动旅游惠民、促进旅游发展方面发挥了重要作用。
Since its inauguration in 2005, the festival has been successfully held for seven consecutive sessions, and has played an important role in promoting tourism resources, enriching tourism products, benefiting the people through tourism, and boosting the development of tourism.我们非常荣幸地邀请到剑桥大学的ABC教授。
We are especially honored today to have with us Professor ABC from Cambridge University.非常感谢大家前来与我们共同庆祝这个特殊的时刻。
I deeply appreciate your coming here to celebrate this unique moment with us.希望本次重要会议将创造机会,让我们讨论和增进在ABC及相关领域研究和开发的合作努力。
It is much hoped that this important conference will create the opportunity to discuss and promote all the collaborative efforts in research and development of ABC and related fields.我谨此向东道主表示祝贺,他们开展了出色的工作,精心策划,设计出如此全面的会议安排。I would like to congratulate out host on the wonderful work they have done in putting things together to make this well-rounded program for the conference.召开此次XYZ研讨两会的想法开始于两年前。那时候,我在巴黎的一次重要会议上很荣幸地见到ABC先生和EFG女士,并和他们进行了有趣的对话。
The idea of having an international seminar on XYZ arose two years ago when I have the pleasure of meeting Mr.ABC and Madam EFG and having an interesting dialogue with the at an important
conference in Paris.我们一行感受到了盛情款待,由衷感谢你们为推进两国间更加紧密关系所付出的努力。The warm hospitality accorded to our party has made us feel highly appreciative of your efforts to forge closer ties between our two countries.下面,举行合作签约仪式。
Now we will hold the Signing Ceremony.请各方交换合约文本,让我们以热烈的掌声对签约各方表示热烈祝贺,祝大家合作愉快。Please exchange your agreement copies.Now let’s congratulate the signing parties with a warm round of applause an wish them a smooth and successful cooperation.我们诚挚地希望各位在本次国际会议期间心情愉快,不虚此行。
It is our earnest hope that this international conference will prove most pleasant and rewarding to all of you.祝愿第二届ABC国际研讨会取得圆满成功,愿本次会议给各位与会者留下美好回忆。
May the 2nd International Symposium of ABC be a great success and may all the participants look upon this event with fond and happy memories.祝大家回程顺利平安。
I wish everybody a good journey home, wherever you live.祝大家在这里度过一段美好时光。We wish you a pleasant stay here.祝大家身体健康,家庭幸福,事业成功,万事如意!
I wish all of you good health, happiness and success in your career.为此 to this end
来自世界各地 from different parts of the world
本次会议的目的是 This conference is designed to ···
本次研讨会主要讨论的是··· This seminar will be devoted primarily to the issues of ···
今天的会议将针对 ··· Today’s meeting will address itself to the ···
必将 will surely
人类共同繁荣和进步 common prosperity and progress of mankind
我希望 It is my wish that
我相信 I am confident that
提供重要的启示 shed substantial light on
我热切期待 I look forward with great excitement and anticipation to
我们期待第六届···论坛将成为本市有史以来举办过的最成功和富有成果的会议。We trust the 6th ··· forum will be one of the most successful and fruitful conferences that have ever been held in this city.汉语中的最,最好以为 one of the most,更符合实际情况(不易引起反感)
It is much hoped that this conference···
合作努力 collaborative efforts
Symposium 的复数形式是 symposia
-um 结尾复数 变-a 的类似用法
datum→ data medium → media stratum→ strata bacterium → bacteria curriculum→ curricula
ABC 省长今后的发展中,将坚定不移地把扩大对外开放摆在突出位置,进一步优化国际合作格局
In its future development,ABC province will unswervingly give priority to opening wider to the outside world, further optimize its international cooperation pattern.主题报告 keynote presentation
知名学者 eminent scholars
我们可以了解 we can get some insights as to···
听众提问 questions from the floor(观众席 floor)
简单陈述自己的观点 state his or her position briefly
邀请到 have sb.with us
宣布会议开始 call the session to order
I would just like to go over the format briefly
如果一切顺利 If all goes well
携手打造 jointly organized
国际旅游文化盛会 a grand event of international tourism and culture
自创办以来 since its inauguration
并不是经常有机会 There haven’t been many opportunities to ···
在 ABC 对外交往的历史上
In ABC’s history of international exchanges
难得的机会 an invaluable opportunity
畅叙友情 renew or forge friendship
a national comprehensive demonstration area for tourism
旅游大省建设 development of our province into a tourism power
探讨··· share insights for
表达看法 lend some brief thoughts(谦逊、正式)
It is a pleasure for me to be in the chair for the afternoon session.很遗憾地向大家报告
I am very sorry to report to you···
due to some emergent issues
左手边第一位的是··· on my immediate left
非常高兴··· it is a real pleasure
ABC 博士欣然同意代替 XYZ 教授···
Dr.ABC has been so kind as to agree to deputize for Professor XYZ as ···
I think it‘s about time to start
我们已经延迟了 20 分钟开始
We are 20 minutes late in getting started.下面开今天论坛的第二部分
We will now proceed with the second part of our seminar
会务通知 housekeeping announcement
5.高考英语常用句型:课堂用语 篇五
16.Come in,please.请进!
17.Sit down.坐下!
18.Stand up, please.请站起来。
19.Open your book, please.请把书打开。
20.Close your book, please.请把书合上。
21.Don’t open your book.别打开书。
22.Do you understand? 你明白了吗?
23.Yes,I understand.是的,我明白了。
24.No,I don’t understand.不,我不明白。
25.Listen and repeat.先听,然后再重复一遍。
26.Now read,please.现在请大家读。
27.That’s fine.好得很。
28.It’s time to begin.到开始的时候了。
29.Let’s begin now.现在让我们开始。
30.This is Lesson One.这是第一课。
6.常用商务谈判用语一 篇六
A: I don’t believe we’ve met.
B: No, I don’t think we have.
A: My name is Chen Sung-lim.
B: How do you do? My name is Fred Smith.
A: 我们以前没有见过吧?
A: Here’s my name card.
B: And here’s mine.
A: It’s nice to finally meet you.
B: And I’m glad to meet you, too.
A: 这是我的名片。
B: 这是我的。
A: 很高兴终于与你见面了。
B: 我也很高兴见到你。
A: Is that the office manager over there?
B: Yes, it is,
A: I haven’t met him yet.
B: I’ll introduce him to you .
A: Do you have a calling card ?
B: Yes , right here.
A: Here’s one of mine.
B: Thanks.
A: Will you introduce me to the new purchasing agent?
B: Haven’t you met yet?
A: No, we haven’t.
B: I’ll be glad to do it.
A: I’ll call you next week.
B: Do you know my number?
A: No, I don’t.
B: It’s right here on my card.
A: Have we been introduced?
B: No, I don’t think we have been.
A: My name is Wong.
B: And I’m Jack Smith.
A: Is this Mr. Jones?
B: Yes, that’s right.
A: I’m just calling to introduce myself. My name is Tang.
B: I’m glad to meet you, Mr. Tang.
A: I have a letter of introduction here.
B: Your name, please?
A: It’s David Chou.
B: Oh, yes, Mr. Chou. We’ve been looking forward to this.
A: I’ll call you if you give me a name card.
7.英语书信写作的常用语 篇七
Pardon me, though a stranger to you personally, for taking liberty to address you these few lines.
As I have not heard of you for long, I feel anxious.
I must apologize for not having written to you previously.
Please pardon my long in writing to you.
Pardon me for neglect when you honored me with a visit the other day.
Having mislaid your address, I have not been able to reply sooner.
Your letter of the 4th this month was duly received.
I have the pleasure to tell you that.
I have just received your kind letter.
Your kind letter of Saturday arrived this morning.
Please notify me soon.
Looking forward to a prompt reply.
Please do not fail to write to me.
I shall feel obliged by a reply at your earliest convenience.
I look for your answer in a few days.
Let me hear if you receive the parcel safely.
As the season grows colder, I hope you will take good care of yourself.
With kind regards to your family.
Please give my compliments to your family.
Pray give my best remembrances to Mr. Brown.
My parents ask also to add their best thanks to mine.
Adieu till then.
Thanking you for the past favour.
I think you for the trouble you have taken.
Hoping you will have a pleasant trip.
Wishing you a pleasant journey.
The help you sent is sincerely valued.
The bearer of this letter, Mr. Chen, professor of ..., (an esteemed friend of mine), is desirous of being introduced to your acquaintance.
I am very grateful for your kindness in permitting me to...
I respectfully acknowledge your note and will wait upon you as proposed.
Should an interview be desired, I shall be happy to call at any hour you may appoint.
I have some important business matter to communicate to you.
Anything further will be discussed when we meet.
I regret that a prior engagement will prevent me from a tending.
I think you for your kind entertainment last evening.
I shall have great pleasure in accepting your invitation.
Accept my thanks for our handsome present.
I wish you a happy New Year.
Pray accept my best and sincerest wishes for the New Year.
Presenting the compliments of the season.
With every good wish.
Pray allow me to congratulate your most heartily on your success in your examination.
I am glad to hear that you were appointed..., on which I congratulate you most heartily.
I congratulate you upon your success.
8.校园英语常用语500句 篇八
162. we’re the best,we can beat the other classes.我们可以胜过所有班级。
163. you had better go over these ancient chinese units.大家最好复习一下文言文单元。
164. you may listen to the tapes of them quickly.大家可以较快地听一听这些文章的磁带。
165. and first, let me analyse our double-bases exercise-books.首先,我们一起分析一些双基练习。
166. you may look through the notes and other study materials.大家看一下笔记和相关资料。
167. we gotta(have got to) review these ancient articles we have learnt.我们要把学过的文言文内容复习好。
168. we’ll get ready for the final exam.我们要为这场期末考试做准备。
169. now, our examination paper has been made up.现在,我们已经完成了试卷出题。
170. these content is in our four revision books: text-book,exercise-book,and our other two study materials.考试内容就在我们四本书里:课本、练习和其它两本学习资料。
171. i’ll introduce them to you if you’re interested in .如果大家感兴趣,我就为大家介绍一下这些材料
172. he spent two hours in going over the old lesson.为复习旧课,他用了两个小时。
173. he spent a lot of money on literature books.他花了不少钱,用于买文学书籍。
174. this class, i’ll promote a monitor,and you may take a election for it.这节课,我想提拔一名班长,大家可以选举。
175. do you understand(is it understood)?大家明白吗?
176. everyone,you’re doing a great job.大家都干得不错。
177. don’t cry over spilt milk.不要过于计较。
178. let’s give the classroom a good cleaning.让我们打扫一下教室卫生。
179. would you just look at the place?怎么打扫的卫生?
9.商务英语常用会议口语用语 篇九
to inform one of;to say;to state;to communicate;to advise one of;to bring to one’s notice(knowledge);to lay before one;to point out;to indicate;to mention;to apprise one of;to announce;to remark;to call one’s attention to;to remind one of;etc.1.we are pleased to inform you that
2.we have pleasure in informing you that
3.we have the pleasure to apprise you of
4.we have the honour to inform you that(of)
5.we take the liberty of announcing to you that
6.we have to inform you that(of)
7.we have to advise you of(that)
8.we wish to inform you that(of)
9.we think it advisable to inform you that(of)
10.we are pleased to have this opportunity of reminding you that(of)
11.we take the advantage of this opportunity to bring before your notice
12.please allow us to call your attention to
13.permit us to remind you that(of)
14.may we ask your attention to
15.we feel it our duty to inform you that(of)
1.the purpose of this letter is to inform you that(of)
2.the purport of this line is to advise you that(of)
3.the object of the present is to report you that
4.the object of this letter is to tell you that
5.by this letter we purpose to inform you that(of)
6.through the present we wish to intimate to you that
10.英语上课打招呼常用语 篇十
2. No. Mine is blue. 不是。我的是蓝的。
3. Which is your bag? 哪个是你的包?
4. The bigger one. 大些的那个。
5. The one on your right. 你右边的那个。
6. Are these books all yours? 这些书全是你的吗?
7. Some of them are mine. 一部分是我的。
8. It’s Kate’s. 是凯特的。
9. I get up at 8 every morning. 每天早上我8点起床。
11.常用打招呼英语用语 篇十一
2. What would you like to eat? 你想吃点什么?
3. Are you ready to order? 你要点菜了吗?
4. I’d like some steak and bread. 我要牛排和面包。
5. What would you like for dessert? 你要什么甜点?
6. I’ll have some ice cream. 我要冰淇淋。
7. Do you want some fruit? 你要水果吗?
8. Yes, please. I want an apple. 是的,我要一个苹果。
9. Anything to drink? 喝点什么?
10. A small glass of whisky, please. 请来一小杯威士忌。
11. Here is your food. 你的菜来了。
12. Bring me the bill please. 请买单。
13. Can I pay by check or credit card? 我能用支票或信用卡吗?
14. Sorry, we only take cash. 对不起,我们只收现金。
15. Here you are. 给。
16. Here is your change. 找您的钱。
17. I’m free tonight. 我今晚有空。
18. Shall we go to the cinema? 我们去看电影好吗?
19. Do you know what’s on tonight? 你知道今天上演什么?