


1.外贸英语交货日期句型 篇一

1. 对于延迟交货,我感到非常抱歉。

I am really sorry for delaying delivering your products during transportation.

2. 我们会尽快寄出您订购的货物。

We will send the goods you ordered as soon as possible.

3. 对于此次延迟出货,请接受我真诚地道歉。

Please accept our whole-hearted apologies for delaying delivery of your goods.

4. 为我们出货中的疏忽向您诚心地道歉。

Please accept my sincere apology for our carelessness during the shipment.

5. 延迟您的`出货日期我感到非常抱歉。

I am so sorry for delaying the goods you ordered.

6. 对于延迟交货给您带来的不便我感到很抱歉。

I apologize for the inconvenience caused by the late delivery of goods.

7. 我们保证这样的延迟不会再发生。

We are sure such delay wont happen again.

8. 我们一定会跟守时的运输公司合作。

We will certainly cooperate with a punctual freight company.
