


1.仁爱版英语八年级上册第一单元知识点小结 篇一

Topic1 I’m going to play basketball.


1. healthy(同义词)fit(名词)health

2. win(过去式)won(名词)winner

3. ski(现在分词)skiing

4. famous(比较级)more famous

5. arrive(同义词)reach

6. leave(过去式))left

7. popular(最高级)most popular


1. during the summer holidays在暑假期间

2. between…and…在两者之间

3. cheer sb. on为某人加油

4. prefer doing sth.更喜欢做某事

5. quite a bit/a lot很多

6. plan to do sth.计划做某事

7. have a skating club举办滑雪俱乐部

8. go skating/skiing/bicycling/climbing/hiking去滑雪/滑冰/骑车/爬山/远足

9. arrive in/at到达

10. play against…与……对抗/较量

11. for long很久

12. leave for…动身去…

13. the day after tomorrow后天

14. China’s national team中国国家队

15. play baseball打棒球

16. at least至少

17. What a shame! 多羞愧!

18. be good at善于做某事

19. take part in参加

20. all over the world全世界

21. be good for对……有益

22. a good way一种好方法

23. keep fit/healthy保持健康

24. relax oneself放松某人自己


1. What’s your favorite sport? = What sport do you like best? 你最喜爱的运动是什么?

2. Which sport do you prefer? = Which sport do you like better?你更喜欢什么运动?

I prefer skating. = I like skating better. 我更喜欢滑雪.

3. Do you skate much? = Do you often skate? 你常滑雪吗?

4. She spends at least half an hour in the gym every day. 每天她至少花半小时在体育馆.

5. She plays baseball pretty well and she is also good at jumping. 她棒球打得相当好而且擅长于跳.

6. What kind of sports do you like? = Which sport do you like? 你喜欢哪种运动?

7. Would you like to come and cheer us on? 你愿意来为我们加油吗?

8. What are you going to be when you grow up? 当你长大后做什么?

9. There is going to be a school sports meet next month.下月有一场运动会。


1. see sb. do sth “看见某人做了某事” 强调动作的全过程;

see sb. doing sth. “看见某人正在做某事” 强调动作正在进行。

如:I saw her go across the street. 我看见她过了马路。

I saw her going across the street. 我看见她正在过马路。

2. join sb. 表示 “加入某人的行列”“和某人在一起”

join + 组织 表示 “加入某个组织”

take part in 表示 “参加某个活动”

如:Will you join us?

I will join the skiing club.

She is planning to take part in the high jump.

3. arrive in + 大地点

arrive at + 小地点

get to + 地点 = reach + 地点

如:My uncle arrived in Beijing yesterday.

I arrived at the Great Wall. = I got to the Great Wall. = I reached the Great Wall.

注意:reach here/there/home = get here/there/home = arrive here/there/home

4. leave… 离开……

leave for… 动身去…/离开到…

如:They are leaving Beijing tomorrow. 明天他们要离开北京。

They are leaving for Japan the day after tomorrow. 后天他们要前往日本。

5. a few“几个,一些” 修饰可数名词

a little“一点点” 修饰不数名词

如:There are a few eggs in the basket.

There is a little water in the bottle.

6. how long 表示“多久(时间)”; 提问时间段.

how often 表示 “多常; 多久一次”; 提问时间的频率.

如: They will stay in Beijing for a week. → How long will they stay in Beijing?

He plays basketball twice a week. → How often does he play basketball?

7. be good at (doing) sth. = do well in (doing) sth. 擅长于(做)某事 如:She is good at (playing) baseball. = She does well in (playing) baseball.

8. make sth/sb + adj. 使某物(某人)在某种状态

keep …sth/sb + adj. 保持某物(某人)在某种状态

如:Playing soccer can make your body strong.

Swimming can help to keep your heart and lungs healthy.



1. be going to 结构

① 表示主语计划、打算做某事。这种打算常经过预先考虑并含有自己做好某些准备的意思,因此通常认为用be going to表达的行动很可能会见诸实践。

I’m going to play basketball with my classmates this Sunday.


She is going to buy a sweater for her mother.



Look at those clouds. It’s going to rain.


2. will + 动词原形

表示单纯的将来事实,常与表将来的时间状语如:tomorrow, soon, later, next time(week/month/year…)等连用。will not = won’t; 缩略形式为’ll.

① 表示作出立即的决定。这种意图并未经过事先的考虑或计划,是临时的一种决定。

---Please put your things away, Tom. 汤姆,把你的东西收拾好。

---I’m sorry. I’ll do it right away. 对不起。我马上就去做。

② 表示预测。指说话人对于将来的看法、假设和推测。

I’m sure our team will win next time. 我确信下次我们队会赢。

Maybe she will go to the gym. 也许她会去体育馆。

③ 表示许诺。

I’ll do better next time. 下次我会做得更好的。

I’ll visit you tomorrow. 明天我会去看你的。

句式:肯定句:I/She/He/They will go to play baseball soon.

否定句:I/She/He/They won’t go to play baseball soon.

一般疑问句:Will you/she/he/they go to play baseball soon?

回答:Yes, I/she/he/they will. No, I/she /he/they won’t.

3. 动词plan, come, go, leave等瞬时动词用现在进行时表示将要发生的事。

I’m coming. 我就来。

He is leaving for Shanghai. 他将到上海去。

We are going to Beijing. 我们将去北京。

2.仁爱版英语八年级上册第一单元知识点小结 篇二

T 1

一、常用词组 Pour…into 倒入 My goodness 我的天啊 Cut down 砍到 In a bad mood 心情不好 By the way 顺便提一下 Write to…… 给某人写信 Care for 关心 Be harmful to 有害的A kind of 一种 Go deaf 变聋 Quite a few 不少的 Hearing loss 听力丧失

No better than 和……(几乎)一样坏 65-year-old people 65岁的人 In public 在公共场合

Do great harm to 多……有很大的伤害 Try to do 尽力做某事

Be bad for 对……有很大的伤害 High blood pressure 高血压 As well 也


1.Oh, what a ________!2.There are several chemical factories_____ waste water into the stream.3.What’s______, the factory makes too much noise…… 4.Noise is_____, to human’s health.5.People who work and live in noisy conditions often_______ deaf.6.…many teenagers in America can hear no ______ than 65-year-old people do,… 7.…does great_____to people’s hearing.三、语法知识 1.一般过去时:

I went there two years ago.2.Lots of=a lot of 3.Sounds great!听起来不错!4.What a mess!真糟糕!

5.Go vi.不复存在,不见了,丢失,失窃 The flowers and grass here gone!My new bike has gone!6.What a shame!=what a pity!真遗憾!

7.There be+sb/sth+doing sth 有某人或某物正在做某事 There be sth/sb to do sth 有某人/某物做某事 There are two people waiting outside.There is no time to think.There were few machines to help us to do farm work in the past.8.Waste adj.废弃的,无用的,丢弃的 n.浪费,废弃物

A waste of time 浪费时间

waste one’s words 白费口舌 9.Breathe v.呼吸

breath n.Breathe in 吸入

breathe out 呼出

hold one’s breath 屏住呼吸

take a deep breath 深深地吸一口气

10.How long 多久以后


How soon 多久以后


How often 频率

once/twice a week

How far



11.Produce 产生,造成,引起,表结果(侧重工业生产,农产品,也包括创造脑力劳动产品)Make含义广泛,没有具体限制生产任何产品 12.What’s worse 更糟糕的是

13.Too much 太多+un.There is too much water left

Much too 14.Bear v.承受,忍受

She can’t bear to watch them suffer.Bear n.熊,鲁莽的人

He is a perfect bear.他是一个十足的鲁莽汉。Bear with 忍受……;对……有耐心 Please bear with me while I ask some questions 15.Hope 希望 Hope+从句

Hope to do 希望做某事 Wish sb to do 希望某人做某事

16.Not all 不是所有的都……,部分否定 Not all people are interested in English.Not与all.every,以及every派生词连用表示部分否定。Not everybody likes watching TV.17.You’d better do sth 18.Lose one’s hearing 丧失听力

hearing loss 听力丧失 19.It is/was reported that 据报道 20.No batter than=Almost as bad/badly as

和……(几乎)一样坏,不比……好 21.Try to do 尽力做某事 try doing sth尝试着干某事 22.Do harm to=be harmful to sb/sth 对某人/某物有害 23.All sorts of=all kinds of/different kinds of 各种各样的 24.Including 介词,包括某人或某物在内

This band played many songs, including some of my favorites.四、单项选择

1.-----How long have you been like this?


------__________.A.Yesterday before

B.Yesterday C.Before yesterday

D.Since yesterday 2.----_________ something wrong with my bike.Can I use yours?----sure.A.There are.B.There were

C.There is.D.There was 3.The noise pollution is too serious,and lots of workers in this factory_____ deaf so far.A.go



D.have gone 4.----have you ______ china for a long time?----yes, I______ here three years ago.A.come to;came

B.come to;have come

C.been in;came

D.gone to;come 5.---what are you doing,Tom?

---I’m _______ my father.I haven’t seen him for a long time.A.write to

B.writing to

C.writes to

D.going to write

6.I can’t sleep well at night because the factory makes ________ noise every day.A.too much B.too many


D.little 7.----People can’t almost breathe because of air pollution in this area.----______________.A.You’re right.B.That’s good

C.That’s too bad

D.I don’t like it.8.The hard rain caused us________ working.A.stopping


C.to stop

D.to finish 9.---The chemical plant here produce terrible gas.Do you still want to have the picnic here?---______ I hate to stay here.A.Yes, of course.B.Of course not.C.I’d love to.D.Yes, I do.10.---what’s wrong with you ,Michael?---I caught a cold, and I’ve got a ____ in my throat.A.pain



D.sore 11.At present, many countries____solve all kinds of environmentproblems.So I believe people will have a better life.A.is trying to

B.were trying to C.was trying to

D.are trying to 12.My sister_______ thisMP5 for a year.But it broke now.A.has bought

B.has had

C.has taken

D.buy 13.---I hear that noise pollution can cause people to lose___.Is that true?----of cause,quite a few people living near airports have_____.A.hearing loss;their hearing B.their hearing;hearing loss C.hearing losses;their hearings D.their hearing;hearing losses 14.---Jane has gone to China since 2001.---you mean she_ there three years ago? A.went

B.has gone



left 15.There are many teachers and students having a party in the hall,____ our head teacher.A.include



3.仁爱版英语八年级上册第一单元知识点小结 篇三



1. during the summerholidays


2. between…and…在两者之间

3. cheer sb. on为某人加油

4. prefer doing sth.更喜欢做某事

5. quite a bit/a lot很多

6. plan to do sth.计划做某事

7. have a skating club举办滑雪俱乐部

8. goskating/skiing/bicycling

9. /climbing/hiking去滑雪/滑冰/骑车/爬山/远足

10. arrive in/at 到达

11. playagainst…与……对抗/较量

12. for long 很久

13. leave for…动身去…

14. the day after tomorrow后天

15. China’s national team 中国国家队

16. play baseball 打棒球

17. What a shame!多羞愧!

18. be good at善于做某事

19. take part in参加

20. all over the world全世界

21. be good for对……有益

22. a good way一种好方法

23. keep fit/healthy保持健康

24. relax oneself 放松某人自己


1.What’s your favorite sport? = What sport do you like best?


23.Which sport do you prefer? = Which sport do you like better? 你更喜欢什么运动? I prefer skating. = I like skating better. 我更喜欢滑雪.

4.Do you skate much? = Do you often skate? 你常滑雪吗?

5.She spends at least half an hour in the gym every day. 每天她至少花半小时在体育馆.

6.She plays baseball pretty well and she is also good at jumping.


7.What kind of sports do you like? = Which sport do you like? 你喜欢哪种运动?

8.Would you like to come and cheer us on ? 你愿意来为我们加油吗?

9.What are you going to be when you grow up? 当你长大后做什么?

10.There is going to be a school sports meet next month.下月有一场运动会。



(一)be going to 结构:

①表示主语进行某一将来行动的打算、意图。这种打算常经过预先考虑并含有自己做好某些准备的意思,因此通常认为用be going to表达的行动很可能会见诸实践。

如:I’m going to play basketball with my classmates this Sunday.


She is going to buy a sweater for her mother.



如:Look at those clouds. It’s going to rain. 瞧那些乌云!快要下雨了!

(二)will + 动词原形:表示单纯的将来事实,常与表将来的时间状语如:tomorrow, soon, later,

next time(week/month/year…)等连用。will not = won’t; 缩略形式为’ll.

① 表示作出立即的决定。这种意图并未经过事先的考虑或计划,是临时的一种决定。


a. ----Please put your things away, Tom. 汤姆,把你的东西收拾好。

----I’m sorry. I’ll do it right away. 对不起。我马上就去做。

b. ----Would you like coffee or tea? 您要咖啡还是茶?

----I will have a cup of tea, please. 我要一杯茶。

c. Don’t worry. I’ll help you. 别担心。我会帮你的。

② 表示预测。指说话人对于将来的看法、假设和推测。

如: I’m sure our team will win next time. 我确信下次我们队会赢。

Maybe she will go to the gym. 也许她会去体育馆。

③ 表示许诺。如: I’ll do better next time. 下次我会做得更好的。

I’ll visit you tomorrow. 明天我会去看你的。

④句式 肯定句:I/She/He/They will go to play baseball soon.

否定句:I/She/He/They won’t go to play baseball soon.

一般疑问句:Will you/she/he/they go to play baseball soon?

回答:Yes, I/she/he/they will. No, I/she /he/they won’t.

(三)动词plan, come, go, leave, fly等用现在进行时表示将要发生的事.

如:I’m coming. 我就来。

He is leaving for Shanghai. 他将到上海去。

We are going to Beijing. 我们将去北京。

二. 要点点讲评

1. see sb. do sth “看见某人做了某事” 强调动作的全过程,常与every day; often等连用.

see sb. doing sth. “看见某人正在做某事” 强调动作正在进行.

如: I saw you play basketball almost every day during the summer holidays.

I often see him draw pictures near the river. 我常看见她在河边画画.

I saw her go across the street. 我看见她过了马路

I saw her going across the street. 我看见她正在过马路.

类似结构:watch,hear,feel 等这类感观动词.

2. join sb. 表示 “加入某人的行列” “和某人在一起”

join + 组织 表示 “加入某个组织”

join in/take part in 表示 “参加/出席某个活动”

如: Will you join us?

I will join the skiing club.

She is planning to take part in the high jump.

3.arrive in + 大地点 arrive at + 小地点

get to + 地点 = reach + 地点

如: My uncle arrived in Beijing yesterday.

I arrived at the Great Wall. = I got to the Great Wall. = I reached the Great Wall.

注意: reach here/there/home = get here/there/home = arrive here/there/home

4.leave… 离开…… leave for… 动身去…/离开到…

如: They are leaving Beijing tomorrow. 明天他们要离开北京.

They are leaving for Japan the day after tomorrow. 后天他们要前往日本.

5.a few “几个;一些” 修饰可数名词 a little “一点点” 修饰不数名词

如: There are a few eggs in the basket.

There is a little water in the bottle.

6.how long 表示“多久(时间)”; 提问时间段.

how often 表示 “多常; 多久一次”; 提问时间的频率.

如: They will stay in Beijing for a week. → How long will they stay in Beijing?

He plays basketball twice a week. → How often does he play basketball?

7.be good at (doing) sth. = do well in (doing) sth. 擅长于(做)某事

如: She is good at (playing) baseball. = She does well in (playing) baseball.

8.make sth/sb + adj. 使某物(某人)在某种状态

keep sth/sb + adj. 保持某物(某人)在某种状态

如: Playing soccer can make your body strong.

Swimming can help to keep your heart and lungs healthy.


( )1.-_______ do you prefer, walking or running?

-I like running better.

A. What B. How C. When D. Which


( )2.-Are you going to _______ our English club?

-Yes, I am.

A. take part in B join C. took part in D. joined

分析:B--be going to do表明只能选动词原形。同时要求成为club成员,而不是“参加”某项活动,故不能选A。

( )3.The foreigners arrived _______ Shanghai _______ night.

A. at; at B. in; at C. in; in D. at; in

分析:B--arrive in/at 到达,in后的宾语为大地点,at后的宾语为小地点。在晚上用at night,故选B。

( )4. Xu Xia and her teammates are _______ the U.S.A. next week.

A. leaving for B. leave for C. to D. left

分析:A--leave for表示“动身去某地”,同时要考虑时态关系。非延续性动词,如go, leave用现在进行时表示将来。

( )5.Mr. Xiang is the best teacher in our school. He is good _______ teaching.

A. for B .to C. with D. at

分析:D--词组be good at善于……

( )6.I want to be a doctor when I _______.

A. grow up B. talk about C. get up D. was born

分析:A--grow up 意为“长大,成人”。

( )7.I see Wei Han _______ English almost every morning.

A. reads B. reading C. read D. to read

分析:C--考查see sb. do sth. 注意句末的every morning,故不能选B。(see sb. doing sth. )

( )8.-Which team are you going to play _______ the day after tomorrow?

-A team from No.7 Middle School. I hope we will win.

A. about B. with C. for D. against

分析:D--play against表示比赛活动的对抗性,而不是共同参与某项活动,故不能


( )9.Sam spends two hours _______ his homework every day.

A. to do B. doing C. do D. does

分析:B--spend some time doing sth. /on sth. 结构,意为“某人花时间做某事”,故选B。

( )10.There _______ an English Party in our class next week.

A. is going to have B. is going to be C. will have D. have

分析:B--there is going to be结构,there be与have不能同时用。


I. 单项选择。

( ) 1. Many children like ________ TV.

A. watching B. seeing C. reading D. looking

( ) 2. English is not so ________ as Chinese. We must study harder.

A. easier B. easy C. easiest D. easily

( ) 3. The teacher came in with a big smile. She was so ________ with our results in the exam.

A. friendly B. worried C. pleased D. proud

( ) 4. The man didn’t know the way to the bus stop. He’s ________ here.

A. stranger B. lonely C. surprised D. new

( ) 5. The news was so exciting that we all felt ________.

A. excited B. sad C. bored D. unhappy

( ) 6. -I’m not feeling very well today. -Why not ________?

A. go to see a doctor B. go to school on time

C. to have a rest D. go swimming

( ) 7. -My son is lost in the zoo.

-________. The police are looking for him everywhere.

A. I hope so B. Take it easy C. That’s great

D. Thanks for telling me this news

( ) 8. Don’t worry. We can ________ these problems.

A. calm down B. ask C. deal with D. not solve

( ) 9. Xiao Hua is my uncle’s son. He is one of my________.

A. relatives B. brothers C. classmates D. grandsons

( ) 10. Talking with others can make you feel ________.

A. more lonely B. loneliest C. lonelier D. less lonely

( ) 11. Kate is really friendly. She is never ________ others.

A. pleased with B. angry with C. please D. blame

( ) 12. Tomorrow we’ll go to the city park ________ it is sunny.

A. as soon as B. when C. as D. if

( ) 13. -________ -I felt unhappy. I broke my glasses.

A. What do you think of it? B. What’s the matter with you?

C. Why not go to see a movie? D. How do you like the film?

( ) 14. My grandma lives in a ________ house, but she doesn’t feel ________.

A. alone; lonely B. lonely; alone C. lonely; lonely D. alone; alone

( ) 15. -What do you think of the film The Sound of Music? -It’s ________

A. wonderful B. pretty C. lively D. helpful

( ) 16. -We missed a chance to win a goal. -________

A. Well done! B. Good luck C. What a shame! D. How lucky!

( ) 17. The doctors and nurses were very tired, ________ they still went on working.

A. so B. and C. or D. but

( ) 18. -These roses ________ lovely.

-I want to send them to my teacher on Teachers’ Day.

A. look B. taste C. feel D. see

( ) 19. Remember ________ softly when we are in the reading room.

A. talk B. to speak C. not speak D. not to talk

( ) 20. -The man killed the little elephant. -How ________!

A. brave B. silly C. excited D. cruel


Doctors tell us that holidays are necessary. We should rest from 1 for one week or two weeks every year. If it is possible, they say, we should 2 our homes and go to another 3 of the country. We should go 4 for a holiday. Then, after the holiday, we 5 home and we’re fresh and ready for another 6 of work.

This seems to be true for most adults(成年人)but not for 7 . Some people do not like leaving their homes to stay in strange 8 . For young children this is usually true. They do not like a sudden change in their 9 . They like their homes 10 of all.

( ) 1. A. work B. study C. doing D. job

( ) 2. A. stay B. leave C. live D. go

( ) 3. A. city B. town C. village D. place

( ) 4. A. after B. up C. away D. down

( ) 5. A. reach B. return C. arrive D. get

( ) 6. A. year B. month C. week D. day

( ) 7. A. child B. all C. women D. both

( ) 8. A. countries B. homes C. world D. places

( ) 9. A. home B. houses C. life D. live

( ) 10. A. best B. better C. well D. good



All around the world, people drink tea. But tea doesn’t mean the same thing to everyone. In different countries people have different ideas about drinking tea.

People in China like to drink tea with nothing in it, and they often have it with their friends or by themselves. They have two kinds of tea-green tea and black tea. They may drink tea at any time of the day anywhere. But they don’t drink tea just before they go to bed, for tea makes them awake.

In England, people like to drink tea with milk and sugar in it, and they often have it in the afternoon with their friends.

In Japan, people also like drinking tea very much. It is very popular there. They drink tea every day. They have it in different ways from that in China. Some young Japanese girls are good at making tea. They can do it beautifully.

In the U.S.A., people drink tea at breakfast or after meals. They usually use tea bags to make their tea. Making tea with tea bags is faster and easier than making it with tea leaves in teapots.

( ) 1. People in ________ like to drink tea with milk and sugar in it.

A. England B. China C. the U.S.A. D. Japan

( ) 2. Why don’t people often drink tea before they go to bed in China?

A. Because they are full. B. Because they may not sleep well.

C. Because there is nothing in the tea. D. Because there is some milk and sugar in it.

( ) 3. In which country do people usually make tea with tea bags?

A. In England. B. In China. C. In the U.S.A. D. In Japan.

( ) 4. Chinese people like to drink ________.

A. tea with anything in it B. milk and sugar in it

C. tea with tea bags in it D. tea with nothing in it

( ) 5. What does “black tea” mean in Chinese? It means ________.

A. 浓茶 B.黑茶 C. 红茶 D. 绿茶


A few years ago, Joe Smith, the coach(教练) of a football team, and his family were spending holiday in a small town. One rainy afternoon, it was impossible(不可能) for them to go out to do something interesting, so the family decided to go to the cinema. Joe, his wife and their three children walked down to the town’s only cinema, bought the tickets and went into the hall. The lights were still on, and there were just six other persons there. As Joe entered, some of them saw him and started clapping(鼓掌).

Joe gave them a smile and turned to his wife, “Aha, I can’t believe they know me and I’m getting a warm welcome here,” he said, “I guess they saw my game on TV.”

They sat down and then a young man came up and gave out his hand. “Thanks a lot,” said the coach, “I just can’t believe you know who I am.”

“All I know is that they would not show the movie until at least(至少) ten people bought tickets,” replied(回答) the man.

( ) 6. Joe and his family couldn’t go out for anything interesting that day because ________.

A. the town was too small B. it was in the afternoon

C. there was an interesting movie D. the weather was so bad

( ) 7. When Joe and his family got to the cinema, ________.

A. there were no tickets left B. the lights were still on

C. there were so many persons in the cinema D. the movie was over

( ) 8. Joe was ________ when the people in the cinema gave him a warm welcome.

A. pleased B. worried C. disappointed D. unhappy

( ) 9. Now with Joe and Joe’s family there were ________ people in the cinema.

A. nine B. eleven C. ten D. twelve

( ) 10. In fact the people in the cinema welcomed the coach because ________.

A. they often saw the coach on TV B. they could shake hands with him

C. with his family they were able to see the movie themselves

D. his family also joined them in seeing the interesting movie

IV. 句型转换。

1. Could you tell me how I can get on well with my classmates? (改为同义句)

Could you tell me _________ __________ get on well with my classmates?

2. Noisy nights make me angry so I hate them. (改为同义句)

Noisy nights make me _________ angry _________ I can’t like them.

3. I can decide what I should wear. (改为否定句)

I _________ _________ what I should wear.

4. The old man is still in good health because he is always in a good mood . (对画线提问)

_________ _________ the old man still in good health?

5. He does well in playing the piano. (改为一般疑问句)

_________ he _________ well in playing the piano?

V.综合填空。用方框内所给词的正确形式填空,每词只用一次。( 15分)

in, shop, be, solve, worry, stay, lonely, good, have, she

Mary is 14 years old. Yesterday 1 Saturday. She 2 in her room and didn’t go out. Her mother asked her to have lunch. She said ,“No, I don’t want to have lunch.” Her mother was 3 , “Tell me, dear. What’s the matter?” Mary said with tears 4 her eyes, “One of my 5 friends went to another school. She’s Sally. I always want to talk with 6 . But now I feel 7 .” Her mother said, “Mary, everyone 8 problems in their life. We must face them and find ways 9 them. Well, let’s go 10 and go to a movie after lunch.” Mary said “OK” with a smile on her face.

1.__________ 2.__________ 3.__________ 4.__________ 5.__________

6.__________ 7.__________ 8.__________ 9.__________ 10.__________

VI. 书面表达。





I. 1~5 ABCDA 6~10 ABCAD 11~15 BDBCA 16~20 CDABD

II. 1~5 ABDCB 6~10 CBDCA


IV. 1. how to 2.so; that 3.can’t decide 4. Why is 5. Does; do

V. 1. was 2. stayed 3. worried 4. in 5. best

6. her 7. lonely 8. has 9. to solve 10. shopping

4.仁爱版八年级英语上册短语汇总 篇四

Unit 1 Topic 1短语听写

play basketball 打篮球 cheer sb on 为某人打气 quite a bit 相当多 of course 当然 grow up 长大 arrive in 到达

play against 与……比赛 for long 长时间

the day after tomorrow 后天 leave for 动身往…… twice a week 每周再次 be good at 擅长于

break the record 打破纪录 half an hour 半小时 take part in 参加 go hiking 远足

all over the world 全世界 be good for 对……有好处 keep healthy 保持健康

prepare for sth 为某事做准备 in the future 在未来

win the first place 获得第一名 write back soon 尽快回信 keep fit 保持健康 pretty well 相当好

Unit 2 Topic 2短语听写

do sb a favor 帮某人一个忙 fall ill 生病

throw about 乱扔东西 right away 立刻 be far from 远离

make one’s bed 铺床

be angry with sb 生某人的气 do one’s best 尽力

say sorry to sb 向某人道歉

miss a good chance 错失一个好机会 be sorry for sth 为某事感到难过、遗憾 be sure to do sth 确信做某事

with the help of sb 在某人的帮助下 in a minute 立刻 be late for 迟到

be important to sth 对某事是重要的 take a seat 就座;坐下 as well 也

follow the rules 遵守规则 in the beginning 在开头 get tired 累了 instead of 代替

build sb up 强壮某人的体魄 do well in 在……做的好 shout at sb 朝某人喊叫

Unit 1 Topic 3短语听写

talk about sth 谈论某事

make friends with sb 与某人交朋友 be/get ready for sth 为某事做准备 take photos 照相

be able to 能够,有能力

do badly in sth 在某方面做的差 for the first time 初次

every four years 每四年;每隔三年 stand for 代表 at least 至少 take part in 参加 at once 立刻

pass sth to sb 把某物传给某人 enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事

improve the environment 改善环境 make it six o’clock 定在六点钟 at the school gate 在校门口 on the right side of 在右侧 take place 发生 pick apples 摘苹果

place of interest 名胜古迹 in history 在历史上

do morning exercises 做早操 be fond of 喜欢 next time 下一次

Unit 2 Topic 1短语听写

take a rest 休息一会 see a doctor 看医生 have a cold 感冒 at night 在晚上 stay in bed 卧床

have a good sleep 睡个好觉 have a fever 发烧

day and night 日日夜夜

feel like doing sth 想要做某事 have a good rest 好好休息 take some medicine 服药 brush teeth 刷牙

hot tea with honey 加蜜的热茶 too much 太多

on the Internet 在网上

take good care of 好好照顾 lie down 躺下

check over 仔细检查 take some pills 服些药片 have an accident 发生事故 ask for a leave 请假 after that 然后 worry about 担心 had better 最好 plenty of 大量

Unit 2 Topic 2短语听写

stay up 熬夜

play sports 做运动 in the sun 在阳光下

be bad for 对……是有坏处的 give up 放弃

walk on the lawn 践踏草坪

be necessary for 对……是必要的 during the day 在白天 work hard 努力工作

exercise on an empty stomach 空腹锻炼 get into 进入

in public 在公共场合 as we all know 众所周知 in the same day 在同一天 more than 超过 less than 少于

need to do sth 需要做某事 what else 其它的什么 tidy the room 整理房间 sweep the floor 扫地

Unit 2 Topic 3短语听写

hurry up 快点

go ahead 开始吧;前进

take one’s advice 听从某人的建议all the time 一直 keep away from 远离 right now 立刻

ring sb up 打电话给某人 get through 接通某人的电话 leave a message 留个口信 call sb back 回打电话给某人

give sb a message 给某人一个口信 take a message 捎个口信 come back 回来 have a party 开晚会 care for 关心;照顾 teach oneself 自学

long time no see 好久不见 by oneself 独自

change clothes often 勤换衣服 enjoy oneself 玩得开心

do some cleaning 清洁;做卫生 a kind of 一种

take an active part in 积极参与 next time 下一次

think of 考虑;认为;想起

Unit 3 Topic 1短语听写

by mistake 错误地

in the old days 在旧时候 get lost 迷路

see sb off 给某人送行 put sth away 把……收好 must be 一定是 used to 过去常常

be interested in 对……感兴趣 listen to music 听音乐

in one’s spare time 在某人空闲时 in the past 在过去

in front of 在……的前面 keep pets 养宠物 get well 恢复健康 take a bath 洗澡

be of great value 有极大价值 play soccer 踢足球 go shopping 购物 collect stamps 集邮

do some outdoor activities 做些户外活动

Unit 3 Topic 2短语听写

go on 继续

set up 建立,创立 come on 来吧,赶快

give a concert 举办音乐会

in one’s free time 在某人空闲时 at last 最后

be famous for 以……而闻名 look for 寻找

all over the world 全世界 on the Internet 在网络上 everyday life 日常生活 according to 依据

at the concert 在音乐会上 come with sb.跟着某人

take English lessons 上英语课 listen to music 听音乐 hate to do sth.讨厌做某事 make music 创作音乐

teach sb.to do sth.教某人做某事 continue to do sth.继续做某事

Unit 3 Topic 3短语听写

knock at the door 敲门 stop doing sth 停止做某事 the day before yesterday 前天 make a face 做鬼脸

answer the phone 接电话 take a shower 淋浴 hold the line 别挂断 at this time 在这一刻

agree with sb.同意某人(意见)give sb.a lesson 给某人上课 be angry with 生某人的气 come back 回来 do the dishes 洗盘子

in different ways 以不同的方式 speak to sb.对某人说 do some washing 洗衣物 do some cleaning 做卫生 have fun 获得乐趣 all day 整天

climb a mountain 爬山

Unit 4 Topic 1短语听写

think about 思考

on the farm 在农场上

share sth.with sb.和某人分享某物 talk about 谈论

play with sb.和某人一起玩 as we know 众所周知 thousands of 成千上万

be important to 对……是重要的 control the climate 控制气候 and so on 等等,诸如此类 on the ground 在地面 feed on 以…..为食 in danger 处于危险中 in fact 事实上

make up 组成;化妆

plenty of 大量的,充足的

be necessary for 对……是有必要的save water 节约用水

in the south of 在……的南部

think of 想起;想出

Unit 4 Topic 2短语听写

take the place of 取代 of course 当然 instead of 代替

lose one’s job 失业 be sure of sth.确信某事 call for help 求救 wake up 苏醒,醒来 for example 举个例子 find a job 找工作

mistake…for… 误认……为…… such as 比如,例如 look like 看起来像 come out of 出来 be late for 迟到

say to 对某人说,告诉 get up 起床

try to do sth.尽力做某事 be good for 对……有好处 look up 查找;向上看 pay attention to 注意 give it a try 试一试 begin with 以……开始 plug in 接通电源 write to 写信给

in alphabetical order 按字母表顺序 with the help of 在……的帮助下

Unit 4 Topic 3短语听写

worn out 破旧的;磨损的 pull down 推倒,拆毁 be made up of 由……组成 from then on 从那以后

regard…as… 把……当作…… at the same time 同时

do one’s best 尽某人最大力量 order sb.to do sth.命令某人做某事on earth 在地球上;究竟

long ago 很久以前

join…together 把……连接起来 in the future 在未来

have a good time 过得愉快 pass by 经过

think of 想起;想出 bad luck 倒霉 more than 超过

in the 1960s 在20世纪60年代 learn from 学习

5.仁爱版英语八年级上册第一单元知识点小结 篇五

The Big Move ——— 大迁移







6.八年级下册仁爱版英语知识点总结 篇六

1.a seven-day holiday三天的假期

2.go on a visit to sp.去某地参观

3.decide (not) to do sth. 决定(不)做某事

decide on sth.决定某事

make a decision 做一个决定

4.the best way to do sth.做某事最好的方式

5.over the phone 通过电话

6.book the train tickets预订火车票

7.the hard/soft sleeper 硬/软卧

8.raise money 筹集钱

9.borrow(借入) sth. from sb.从某人那借某物

lend(借出) sth. to sb.=lend sb. sth.把某物借给某人

10.look forward to doing sth.期望做某事

11.hear from sb.

=get a letter from sb

=receive a letter from sb.收到某人的来信

12.on the first day of在……第一天

13.on the top of 在……顶部

14.total cost 总花费


①Sb. spend some time/money (in) doing sth./ on sth.

②Sb. pay some money for sth.

③It takes sb. some time/money to do sth.

④Sth. cost sb. some money

16.interesting places= places of interest


17.set/start out/off 出发

18.be in trouble 有麻烦,处于困境


1.comfort v.安慰,抚慰


comfortable adj.舒服的,安逸的

2.Canada n.加拿大

Canadian adj.加拿大的,加拿大人的


3.proper adj.正确的,恰当的

properly adv.适当地。正确地

4.difficult adj.困难的

difficulty n.[U]困难



1.I have some exciting news to tell you.


2.It will take us a few days to get there by bike.


3.I’ d like to book some tickets to Mount Tai.


4.Why don’t we put on a show to raise money .


5.We’re going on a three-day visit to Mount Tai.


6.How much does a standard room cost?


7.When are you going to start out?


8.How long does it take to take a train to Mount Tai?


9.When do you want them?


10.I’m looking forward to hearing from you.


11.May I have your name and telephone number, please?

7.仁爱版英语八年级上册第一单元知识点小结 篇七

1.spend...(in)doing sth花费...做某事 2.spend...on sth花费...在某事上 3.be good at doing sth擅长于做某事,be good for sb/sth对某人/某事有益

4.the day after tomorrow后天 5.keep healthy/fit 保持健康

6.a good way to do sth一种做某事的良好方式 7.arrive in Beijing=get to Beijing= reach Beijing 到达北京

8.play against China’s national team 与中国国家对比赛

9.stay for long 待很久

10.leave for Japan 动身去日本

11.during the summer holidays 在暑假期间 12.see sb do sth(句中常有often,just now等)看见某人做某事

see sb doing sth(句中常有now,when等)看见某人正在做某事

13..have a basketball game against Class Three 与三班进行一场篮球赛

14..cheer him on 给他加油

15.prefer doing sth 更喜欢做某事 16..quite a bit/lot 许多,大量,经常

17.join the school rowing club 参加学校的划船 18.play volleyball 打排球 19.play for 为......效力 20.grow up 长大

21.all over the world 全世界 22.go cycling 去骑车

23.go mountain climbing 去爬山 24.do exercise 锻炼

8.仁爱版英语八年级上册第一单元知识点小结 篇八


2.______________ 我会说点中文。



Speak 还有发言、演讲之意 _________________他明天要在班上发言。

What does he say in the letter?________________________


Kate saw a card in her table, it said:”Happy Birthday”!_______________________

Look!Our teacher is talking to(with)our parents._______________ talk 常与to/with/about等介词连用,表示一般的日常谈话

He will tell everyone the good news in our class.=__________________ 递给某个人或向别人讲述一件事一个故事 tell sb sth = tell sth to sb

3.I like it very much/a lot.(非常喜欢)

I like it a little.(有点喜欢)

I don’t like it at all(一点也不喜欢)not „„at all一点也不

我非常喜欢弹吉他。___________________ 我有点喜欢打篮球。___________________ 我一点也不赞同你的看法。____________________ 4.Could you help me with it?

help sb with sth.=help sb(to)do sth.帮助某人做某事 ___________________你能帮我做数学作业吗? 5.没问题______________ 6.But my Chinese is not very good._____________________ 7.Who is the letter from?_____________________

__________________是莉莉。8.But he knows a lot about China.Know(a lot)about„„ 对„„了解(很多)他了解很多历史知识。__________________ 9.He wants to visit Beijing.___________________ Visit +地点 参观某地

visit + 人 拜访某人


Want to do sth.想要做某事

我想马上买一瓶水。______________________ 10.He lives in Beijing.对加粗部分进行提问_______________________

Live in +大地点

live at+小地点

苏珊住在巴黎。________________________ 麦克住在小村庄里。____________________________ 11.We often help each other.___________________________ 12.These letters are in English.______________________

Unit3 Topic2 1.Glad to meet you.____________________ 相同意思的句子还有____________________________ Be glad/happy to do sth.很高兴做某事

tell指把一件事传 2.What does your mother do ?=What’s your mother ?=what’ your mother’s job? 她是一名家庭主妇。_______________ 模仿上面三个句子,翻译“你的父母是做什么的?” _________________________________________________ 3.She works ___ home/___ a hospital/___ a farm/ ___ a restaurant.(填介词)对加粗部分提问______________________ 4.Maria shows a photo of her family to KangKang.=Maria shows KangKang a photo of her family.Show sth to sb=show sb sth.向某人展示某物

玛利亚个我看了她的新铅笔盒。_____________________________ A photo of her family _____________________ 改成名词所有格:_____________________ 5.She teaches us English.Teach sb sth/to do sth.爸爸教我要诚实。_____________________ 6.那个穿着黄衣服的年轻女人是谁?(in+颜色)_____________________




7.Kangkang has a big family.此处family是“家庭”,看作一个整体。

His family like each other.这里family是集体名词“家人”,做主语谓语动词用复数。8.He likes to play with Kitty.=_____________________ Like to do sth = like doing sth.Unit3 Topic3 1.Help yourselves(to sth)!随便吃!2.I would like some eggs.对划线部分提问:______________________ Would like sth = want sth would like to do sth.3.How about you?=What about you ? 你呢? 4.I usually have milk and bread for breakfast.对加粗部分提问:_______________________ 5.May I take your order?_________________________ 6.Would you like something to drink? 是的,我要一杯橙汁。______________

不要了,谢谢。________________ 7.你想和我一起吃晚餐吗?________________________ Yes,I’d love to.I’d love to ,but„„(拒绝)

8.Why not = why don’t you„„用于提建议,为什么不„„

9.仁爱版英语八年级上册第一单元知识点小结 篇九

本课是义务教育课程标准实验教科书北京仁爱八年级上册Unit 2, Topic 2, Section A内容,所需课时为一课时;新单词有cause,health,tonight,sleepy,medicine,fingernail,meal,without,主要句型有Is……good or bad for your health? Doing …… is good/bad ……. 本课主要联系学生日常生活,以上一话题所学的表生病就医、描述身体不适以及表建议的一些句型等为基础,通过discussion,listening,making dialogues,picture talking等多种活动使学生复习旧知,联系新知,延伸话题内容,能使用两两对话完成一个较简单的话题,提高学生的语言交际能力,并有利于学生养成健康的生活习惯。



1. 知识与技能



(3)能够借助key points进行看图问答或综合说话;










1. 学生是漳浦第三中学八年级的学生

2. 学生在上一个话题中已经掌握表述身体的种种不适、“生病”与“看病”的基本句型。

3. 学生已经学会使用should/shouldn’t/had better/had better not 表达建议和劝告的句型。

4. 八年级的学生比较活泼、乐于发言,宽松、活泼的课堂气氛有利于展开小组讨论、情景对话等。

5. 学生整体水平较低,词汇量较差,要设计易于学生开口的情景,预测学生可能使用的单词、短语并呈现出来以供参考。以师生、学生两两对话示范以带动“说”的氛围、激发学生的表达欲望。





歌曲激趣策略:通过学生的chant、sing a song,有利于形成宽松活泼的课堂氛围,同时借助chant和歌曲来培养学生良好的个人卫生习惯及健康生活观念。






Step1:Warm up

1. Greetings(师生问候);

2.Sing a song(多媒体播放Chant课件,让学生听、说、做、演进行律动,活跃气氛,营造一个良好的学习英语的氛围)Wash your hands, have a bath. Open the window, take a fresh breath …….

3. Leading-in : (T) In our daily life, there are some good living habits and bad living habits. Good living habits can make a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

Now let’s look at 3a and discuss whether it’s good or not . After discussion,

make dialogues after the example using the sentence pattern “ Is doing …… good or bad for your health?” Do 3a.

例如: A: Is going to bed early good or bad for our health?

B: It’s good..

Going to bed early is good for your health..

( 注意选择疑问句回答时不能用Yes或 No,而要作出具体回答。朗读时or前用升调,or 后面用降调,句末用问号。强调动词或动词短语不能做主语,但可以在动词后面加上ing变成动名词或动名词短语,其作主语时,谓语动词用单数。)


4. 语法归纳:选择疑问句句型

【句型一】一般疑问句 + 一个供选择的对象 + or + 另一个供选择的对象?

Are you from America or Australia? 你是来自美国还是澳大利亚?

Will you give us a talk, or Jim? 是你给我们做演讲,还是吉姆?

句型二】特殊疑问句 + 一个供选择的对象 + or + 另一个供选择的对象?

Which do you prefer, tea or milk? 你喜欢喝茶还是喝牛奶?

Who teaches you English, Miss Li or Miss Wang? 谁教你们英语,是李老师还是王老师?

5. 根据图片内容两两对话。

Step 2 : Presentation

(1) 教师用多媒体播放1a图片,请学生预测对话内容:

T: What’s wrong with Kangkang?

Ss: He has a headache.

T: What caused it?

Ss: He stayed up late watching TV .

T: Is staying up late good or bad for his health?

Ss: It’s bad.

T: What should he do?

Ss: He should have a good rest.

(2) 播放1a录音,让学生跟读并模仿语音语调。


Is staying up late good or bad for his health?

Staying up late is bad for your health.

I must have a good rest tonight.

(4) 让学生再读1a,提供关键词,以短文形式复述康康困倦的原因并给出建议。如:

Kangkang feels tired today, because he watched a soccer game on TV last night and went to bed very late. Staying up late is bad for his health. He should go to bed early and have a good rest.

Step3. Consolidation:


Ex. :

A: I feel sleepy because I went to bed very late last night..

B: Oh, staying up late is bad for your health. You should……

2. 听2 录音,完成2,核对答案。学习并掌握单词medicine; 再听录音,复述Wang Junfeng应该做什么。

Now listen to the tape and find out whether Wang Junfeng’s habits are good or not. Do listening exercise. Check what Wang Junfeng did and what he should do.

Step 4 : Practice

.1.- Do you go to school by bike or ____ ?

- I go to school ________ .

2. – Would you like apples or ________ ?

- I’d like _______ .

3.- Is Jim in the classroom or ___________________? (在操场)

.4. Who _____________________________ ?(谁今天早上没来上学,汤姆还是吉姆?)

5. _____________________(打篮球)is a good sport.

6. Swimming in the river with no others ____ dangerous.

7. Eating too little or much _____________________. (对健康不好)

8. _________________________(吃一顿丰富的早餐)can keep you energetic all the morning.

9. ________________ (熬夜)makes him feel sleepy.

10. If you don’t feel well , __________________________________. (你最好去看医生)

Step 5: Homework

10.八年级上册英语的教学计划仁爱版 篇十












