


1.高二哲学月考前模拟题 篇一

Part one Writing

Directions : For this part , you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Sounds in three paragraphs You have been given the first sentence of each paragraph .You should write at least 100 words .


1)The world is filled with many sounds _____________

2)Some sounds are useful __________

3)But some sounds are harmful _________

Part threeReading Comprehension ( 35 minutes )

Directions : There are 4 passages in this part .Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements .For each of them there are four choices marked A) , B) , C) , D) . You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center .

Question 21 to 35 are based on the following passage .

The beat generation mainly referred to the youth who were born and brought up around the Second World War . They showed their disdain ( ) for almost everything traditional , such as government authority , respect for parents , one’s duty , moral standards , and traditional customs . They developed a kind of absolute individualism and liberty. They preferred long hair , minidresses or close-fitting clothes to show off the figure . They advocated freedom of sex and cohabitation ( ) . Their influence could be seen from the fact that about one third of the American couples living together were not married by law . And the divorce rate was very high . The endless U.S wars abroad and sharp class struggle at home caused many American youths to develop a kind of cynicism . They doubted the existing social system , possibility of harmonious human relations , and the long-honored standard for correct behavior . They felt society overlooked their needs . Therefore , they refused to do any duty that was required of them by society . They declared “Don’t believe anyone over thirty .” All this came from the sick society . It’s wrong to imagine they all fought against capitalism in support of revolutionary things . Some of their ideas were even more decadent and impractical . It was an abnormal phenomenon in an abnormal society.

21. Based on the passage , how many of one hundred and twenty American couples of the beat generation practiced cohabitation .

A)about 20 couples B) about 40 couples C) about 60 couples D) about 30 couples

22. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage ?

A)The beat generation refused to do any duty

B)The beat generation was in support of almost everything traditional .

C)The beat generation believes no one except that he is over thirty .

D)The beat generation’s ideas were not impractical .

23. “Cynicism” in this passage most probably means ______.

A)a state of mind against realism

B) a state of mind doubting everything in existence.

C)a theory advocating mutual help

D)a theory advocating individualism

24. The reason why the beat generation refused to cooperate with society was ____.

A) they had no interest B) they found hard to cooperation with it

C)the laws block their way to do so . D) they thought their need was neglected .

25. This passage is mainly about _____.

A)the young Americans B) the generation gap .

C)the education of the young D) an American social phenomenon

Question 26 to 30 are based on the following passage .

Tress should only be pruned when there is a good and clear reason for doing so and , the number of such reasons is small . Pruning involves the cutting away of overgrown and unwanted branches , and the inexperienced gardener can be encouraged by the thought that more damage results from doing it unnecessarily than from the tree to grow in its own way .

First , pruning may be done to make sure that trees have a desired shape or size . The object may be to get a tree of the right height , and at the same time to help the growth of small side branches , which will thicken its appearance or give it a special shape . Secondly , pruning may be done to make the tree heavier . You may cut out diseased or dead wood , or branches that are rubbing against each other and thus cause wounds . The health of a tree may be encouraged by removing branches that are blocking up the center and so preventing the free movement of air . One result of pruning is that an open wound is left on the tree and this provides an easy entry for disease , but it is a wound that will heal . Often there is a race between the healing and the disease as to whether the tree will live or die , so that there is a period when the tree is at risk . It should be the aim of every gardener to reduce that risk of death as far as possible . It is essential to make the area , which has been pruned smooth , and clean , for healing will be slowed down by roughness . You should allow the cut surface to dry for a few hours and then paint it with one of the substances available from garden shops especially for this purpose . Pruning is usually done in winter , for then you can see the shape of the tree clearly without interference from the leaves and also it is very unlikely that the cuts you make will bleed . If this does happen , it is , of course , impossible to paint them properly .

26. Pruning should be done to _____.

A)make the tree grow taller . B) does not protect them form the wind

C)get rid of the small branches D) make the small branches thicker .

27. Trees become unhealthy if the gardener_______

A)allows too many branches to grow in the middle

B)does not protect them from the wind

C)forces them grow too quickly

D)damages some of the small side branches.

28 . Why is a special substance painted on the tree ?

A)to make a wound smooth .

B)to prevent disease entering a wound .

C)to cover a rough surface .

D) to help a wound to dry .

29. A good gardener prunes tree ____

A) at intervals throughout the year

B) as quickly as possible

C) occasionally when necessary

D) regularly every winter

30 . What was the author’s purpose when writing this passage ?

A)to give practical instruction for pruning a tree

B)to give a gardener description of pruning

C)to explain how trees develop disease

D)to discuss different methods of pruning

Question 31 to 35 are based on the following passage .

On Thursday afternoon Mrs.Carke , dressed for going out , took her handbag with her money and her key in it , pulled the door behind her to lock it and went to the over 60s Club . She always went there on Thursdays . It was a nice outing for an old woman who lived alone .

At six o’clock she came home , let herself in and at once smelt cigarette smoke in her house ? How ? Had someone got in ? She checked the back door and the windows . All were locked or fastened , as usual . There was no sign of forced entry .

Over a cup of tea she wondered whether someone might have a key that fitted her front door-“a master key” perhaps . So she stayed at home the following Thursday .Nothing happened . Was anyone watching her movements ? On the Thursday after that she went out at her usual time , dressed as usual , but she didn’t go to the club . Instead she took a short cut home again , letting herself in through her garden and the back door . She settled down to wait .

It was just after four o’clock when the front door bell rang . Mrs.Clarke was making a cup of tea at the time . The bell rang again , and then she heard her letter-box being pushed open . With the kettle of boiling water in her hand , she moved quietly towards the front door . A long piece of wire appeared through the letter-box , and then a hand . The wire turned and caught around the knob on the door-lock Mrs.Clark raised the kettle and poured the water over the hand . These was a shout outside , and the skin seemed to drop off the fingers like a glove . The wire fell to the floor , the band was pulled back , and Mrs.Clarke heard the sound of running feet . 31.Mrs.Clarke looked forward to Thursday because ___________. A)She worked at a club on Thursday B) She had visitors on Thursday C) She visited a club on Thursday D) a special visitor came on Thursday

32. If someone had made a forced entry ______.

A)Mrs. Clarke would have found a broken door or window .

B)He or she was still in the house

C)Things would have been thrown about

D)He or she would have needed a master key

33.On the third Thursday Mrs. Clarke went out _____.

A)because she didn’t want to miss the club again

B)to see if the thief was hanging about outside

C)to the club but then changed her mind

D)in an attempt to trick the thief

34.The lock on the front door was one which _____.

A)needed a piece of wire to open it

B)could be opened from outside without a key

C) couldn’t be opened without a key

D) used a knob instead of a key

35. The wire fell to the floor _______.

A)because Mrs. Clarke refused to open the door

B) when the man’s glove dropped off

C) because it was too hot to hold

D) because the man just wanted to get away

Question 36 to 40 are based on the following passage .

Disney World , Florida , is the biggest amusement resort in the world . It covers 24.4 thousand acres , and is twice the size of Manhattan .It was opened on October 1 , 1971 , five years later Walt Disney’s death , and it is a larger , slightly more ambitious version of Disneyland near Los Angeles . Foreigners tend to associate Walt Disney with Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs , and with his other famous cartoon characters , Mickey Mouse , Donald Duck and Pluto , or with his nature films , whose superb photography is spoiled , in the opinion of some , by the vulgarity of the commentary and musical background .

There is very little that could be called vulgar in Disney World . It attracts people of most taste and most income groups , and people of all ages , from toddlers to grandpas . There are two expensive hotels , a golf course , and forest trails for horseback riding and rivers for canoeing . But the central attraction of the resort is the Magic Kingdom .

Between the huge parking lots and the Magic Kingdom lies a broad artificial lake . In the distance rise the towers of Cinderella’s Castle , which like every other building in the Kingdom is built of solid materials . Even getting to the Magic Kingdom’s is quite and adventure . You have a choice of transportation . You can either cross the lake on a replica of a Mississippi paddle-wheeler , or you can glide around the shore in a streamlined monorail train .

When you reach the terminal , you walk straight into a little square which faces Main Street is late 19th century . There are modern shops inside the buildings ,but all the decades are of the period . There are hanging baskets full of red and white flowers , and there is no traffic except a horse-draw streetcar and an ancient double-decider bus . Yet as you walk through the magic Kingdom , you are actually walking on top of a network of underground roads . This is how the shops , restaurants and all the other material needs of the Magic Kingdom are invisibly supplied .

36. In which year did Walt Disney die ?

A)1971 B)1976 C)1966 D)1900

37. The main attraction of Disney World is _____.

A)the Severn Dwarfs B) Mickey Mouse C) Donald Duck D) The Magic World

38. Reaching the Magic Kingdom is _______.

A)Adventurous B) dangerous C) difficult D) easy

39. When one visits the biggest amusement in the world , one will find _____.

A)it is relatively cheap B) it is very expensive C) it just wastes his time D) it is vulgar

40 .Why is Disney World the most famous amusement resort ?

A)It is funny B) It is interesting C) It is the biggest one D) It is the most expensive

2.高二哲学月考前模拟题 篇二


(三)(2011·河北正定中学第一次月考)17.The professor devoted all his life ____the treatment of AIDS.

A to research B.in researching C.to researching D.at researching C考查短语devote to的用法。此处to为介词,其后用动名词。

(2011·河北正定中学第一次月考)15.They experimented _____the new medicine _____animals.

A.on;to B by;on C.with;on D with;to C考查介词的用法。句意:他们用机器在动物身上做实验。

(2011·唐山市摸底)20.You had better not discuss the problem at the meeting.You may discuss it tea A.in B.at C.for D.over D考查介词的用法。此处over意为:在。。期间。句意:你最好不要在会上讨论这个问题。你可以在喝茶的时候讨论。

(2011·重庆师大附中第一次月考)35.To save the drowning child, the boy plunged into the icy water without hesitation, ____ his own safety.A.despite of B.regardless of C.unaware of D.because of B考查介词短语的含义。此处regardless of his own safety意为:不顾个人安危。(2011·浙江温州十校联考)19.We may be going skiing at Christmas, but it’s still all up __________.We’ll probably make the decision the day after tomorrow.A.in the wild B.in the distance

C.in the air D.in the long run C考查短语的含义。此处up in the air意为:悬而未决。

(2011·浙江温州八校返校联考)27.Some classmates are against my plan while the majority are ________ it.

A.in view of B.in favor of

C.in honor of D.in memory of B考查介词短语的用法及含义。句意:一些同学反对我的计划然而大多数人赞成它。

(2011·浙江学军中学第一次月考)30.Many of the scientists and engineers are judged how great their achievements are.A.in spite of B.in charge of C.in favor D.in terms of D考查介词短语的用法。句意:许多科学家和工程师是根据他们贡献的大小来判断的。此处in terms of意为:依照;根据。

(2011·广西玉林、南宁二中9月联考)29.---Shall we visit Jim tonight?---OK.To make sure that he’s in, we’d better call him up.A.in exchange B.in return C.in brief D.in advance D考查介词短语的含义。语境:---今晚我们拜访Jim好吗?-----好吧。为确保他在家,我们最好提前给他打个电话。此处in advance意为:提前,预先。

(2011·广西玉林、南宁二中9月联考)30.---I’ll take it if you reduce the price by 30%.---But it’s my power to sell it cheaper.A.beyond B.without C.off D.against A考查介词的含义。此处it’s beyond my power意为:超出我的能力。(2011·云南昆明一中第一次月考)6.The fridge produced by Haier is high quality




and is not expensive either.A.in B.for C.to D.of D考查介词的用法。此处考查be of +抽象名词的用法,其相当于该名词的形容词。

(2011·云南昆明一中第一次月考)9.Once made out, the law must be carried out ______ any difficulty.A.regardless of B.instead of C.because of D.in need of A考查介词短语的用法。句意:法律一旦被制定出来,不管有什么困难都必须执行。regardless of 不管;instead of取而代之的是;because of 因为;in need of需要。

(2011·浙江杭州西湖中学检测)33.The coach, because of the driver’s carelessness, was __________ and crashed over the cliff on such a cold December morning.A.in support

B.out of control C.in charge

D.at the mercy B考查介词短语的含义。根据because of the driver’s carelessness选B.in support

支持;out of control失去控制;in charge管理;at the mercy怜悯。

(2011·湖南长沙一中第一次月考)32.She is being pleased about it;she is very angry.

A.free from B.free of C.out of D.far from D考查介词短语的含义。此处far from意为:远非。句意:她对此一点儿也不满意,她很生气。

(2011·四川成都市摸底)34.These toys are not suitable for children four years old, who are too young.A.outside B.beyond C.under D.within C考查介词的含义。此处under four years意为:四岁以下。(2011·湖南雅礼中学第一次月考)35._________ the extremely hot weather, we continued having classes.

A.Thanks to B.In addition to C.In defence of D.Regardless of D考查考查短语的用法。句意:不管天气多热,我们仍继续上课。

(2011·湖南雅礼中学第一次月考)21.What do you mean _________ saying that I’m lucky? A.at B.on C.by D.of C考查介词的用法。此处考查句型what do you mean by。。意为:。。是什么意思。25.We are not prepared to compromise _____ the price of the computer.A.with B.between C.on D.in C考查介词的用法。解题关键:compromise on意为:在。。上妥协。(2011·四川成都外国语学校9月考)25.Barack Obama has taken personal blame ________ the security failures which led ________ the attempt to blow up a plane on Christmas Day.A.of;to B.for;to


D.in;on B考查介词的用法。此处blame for意为:因。。受责备;lead to意为:导致。

(2011·河南实验中学第一次月考)26.The boy talked his mother ________ buying him a home computer.A.of B.over C.to D.into D考查介词的用法。此处talk sb into。。意为:劝说某人做某事。

(2011·河南实验中学第一次月考)24 To enjoy the scenery, Sara would spend long hours




on the train ______ travel by air.A.as to B.other than C.instead of D.rather than D考查固定句型的用法。此处考查would。。rather than。。的用法。句意:为了欣赏美景,Sara宁愿长时间坐火车而不乘飞机。

(2011·河南实验中学第一次月考)31.In China, all the students work hard at school _________ going to university for future..w.^w.k.&s.5*u.c.#om.高.考.资.源.网




the A.in the habit of B.in the hope of C.in search of D.in honor of B考查介词短语的用法。句意:在中国,所有的学生在校努力学习希望将来上大学。in the habit of 以。。的习惯;in the hope of抱住。。的希望;in search of 寻找;in honor of对。。的尊敬;用来。。纪念。。

(2011·广西桂林中学第一次月考)32.His best-known work that is ___ all praise can be seen in the museum.A.with B.beyond C.without D.within B考查介词的含义及用法。解题关键:掌握短语beyond all praise意为:怎么表扬都不为过。(2011·贵州遵义四中第一次月考)11.—Are you free after school? —Sorry: I’ve planned to treat a friend of mine to dinner for his help.A.in terms B.in honor C.in turn D.in return D考查固定短语的含义及语境。语境:----放学后你有空吗?---对不起。我本计划请我的朋友吃饭以答谢他的帮助。此处in return应为:回报。

(2011·宁夏银川一中第一次月考)34._____ money, the man was very rich, but he was not happy at all.A.In spite of B.In favor of C.In terms of D.In need of C考查短语的含义。此处In terms of意为:提到,谈到。句意:说到钱,那人很富有,但他根本不幸福。

(2011·桂林十八校第一次月考)23.This stranger is familiar _________this area.A.to B.for C.with D.in C考查介词的用法。解题关键:掌握短语be familiar with„ “对。。熟悉。”

