


1.英文广告专题 篇一


事务信函(Business Letter)

私人信件(Private Letter)







缩进式(Indented Version)

齐头式(Block Version)

称呼---the salutation


Dear Sir / Madam,给重要的人写信:

Dear Mr.President John Smith

Dear Mrs.Johns,Dear Professor Middlebrook,Mr.Mrs.Miss后面只用姓氏或全名,不能只写名字。给重要的人写信:

PresidentPres.ProfessorProf.Doctor Dr.给熟人写信:

Dear MichaelDear Joanna

结束语---the complimentary close


Yours faithfully,Yours truly,Yours very truly


Yours respectfully,Very respectfully yours,写给熟人:

Yours sincerely,Yours very sincerely,Yours cordially,写给亲朋好友:

Yours,Yours ever,With love from,Yours loving son,过时的结束语不要用:

Yours obedient servant,(您恭顺的仆人)

Your humble servant,(您卑贱的仆人)



I was glad to receive your letter of May 4 … 我很高兴地听说……With great delight, I learn that ……

我很愉快地告诉你……I have the pleasure to tell you that …… 刚刚收到你的来信。

I have received your kind letter.星期六的来信,今早收到了。

Your kind letter of Saturday arrived this morning.久未通信,悬念之至。

As I have not heard of you for long, I feel anxious.1


 I hope to hear from you soon.盼望下次再见。

I look forward to our next meeting.如蒙即复,不胜感激。

Your kind early reply will be appreciated.可否即予复示?

 Won’t you let us hear from you promptly?


Any other particulars required I shall be pleased to give you.承蒙厚助,有衷感谢。

The help you send is sincerely valued.书信的语言原则


正式文体(formal style)

半正式文体(semi-formal style)






Dear Sir/Madam,I am at present living in a house which I rented through your agency.I am sorry to inform you that the heating system in the house stopped working five days ago.This is very inconvenient---not to mention dangerous to the health---as the weather is starting to get colder.第二种写法是首先说明写作意图,紧接着表明相关性。

例如:你在机场的免税商店买了Walkman。回来以后,你发现机器有问题。你写封信给商店。Dear Sir/Madam,I wish to complain about a Walkman which I bough three days ago in the Duty Free section of your airport.As is my habit, I made a point of trying it out on the spot.It worked perfectly well, and so I went ahead and purchased it.第三种写法是只在信件开头表明写作意图。其他的放到主体段落写。


Dear Prof.Johnson,I am writing to explain my absence

from classes since April 18, 2004.投诉信

















I am writing to complain about / that …

I am writing to express my concern / dissatisfaction / disappointment about …

I feel so sorry to trouble you but I am afraid I have to make a complaint about … I am writing to inform you that I find … unsatisfactory.I wish to draw your attention to the problem / fault that I bought …


I trust you will take my complaint seriously and …

I will appreciate it very much if you could …

I would be perfectly satisfied if you can kindly …

I understand you will give immediate attention to this matter.范文:抱怨房间,要求换到单人宿舍。

Dear Sir/Madam,I am writing to inform you that I wish to move into a new room next term.I would prefer a single room, as I find the present sharing arrangement inconvenient.I must explain that the reason for my dissatisfaction is my roommate’s inconsiderate behavior.For one thing, his friends are constantly visiting him;for another, he regularly holds noisy parties.For another, he sometimes borrows my stuff without asking me.In these situations, I find it difficult to concentrate on my studies, and I am falling behind in my assignments.I am sure you will agree that the only solution is for me to move into a room of my own, where I will be free from such distractions.Therefore, I would be grateful if you could find a single room for me, preferably not in the same building but as near to the college campus as possible.Yours sincerely,Janice Kennedy
















再次感谢,常用套句:“I am sorry for any inconveniences I have caused by this letter.”请求信开头套话:

I am writing to formally request to …

I would like to ask for your permission with this letter so as to allow me to …

I am writing to seek for your assistance in …

Would you be kind enough to … ?


I am looking forward to hearing from you.I do appreciate the favorable consideration you have shown to me.I would like to thank you for your generous help in this matter.询问信






主体段落: 询问具体问题。如果某个问题较为重要,应该单独占一段。结尾段:



I am writing for information about …

I would be most grateful if you could send me information concerning …

I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information regarding …Your prompt attention to this letter would be highly appreciated.Thank you for your consideration.I look forward to your immediate response.寻找失物信










I am sorry to disturb you, but I have to …

I am writing this letter to report the loss of my … when I …

I am writing this letter to request your assistance in finding my … which I have lost during the stay in your hotel.I am writing this letter to see if it is possible for me to have my camera back.寻找失物信结尾套话:

I would really appreciate it if you could …

I would be grateful if you could …

I also suggest that the lost bag be sent to … if possible.感谢信



I am writing to extend my sincere gratitude for …

I am writing to show my sincere appreciation for …

I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for …

I feel deeply indebted to you and I really don’t know how to thank you enough for your help.I am most grateful for your selfless donation.My true gratitude is beyond the word’s description.I feel most obliged to thank you once more.Please accept my gratitude, now and always.缩进式(Indented version)

Dear ______,___________________________________________________





齐头式(Block Version)

Dear ______,_____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _________________________________._____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _________________________________.____________________________________.Yours,Kevin

2.英文广告专题 篇二

1 广告英文常用修辞手法

1.1 双关 (Pun)

双关语是指在特定的言内语境中用一种文字形式表达出一明一暗双重意义。英语的双关分为词义双关 (homograph) 和谐音双关 (homophone) 。词义双关是一词多义, 谐音双关是同音异议。广告英语中的双关语能引人注意, 富于联想, 给人以丰富的想象余地, 体现了广告英语语言的含蓄美。

1) Ask for More.

2) Start ahead.

以上第一个例句是摩尔香烟的广告语, 使用了谐音双关, 其中的More与more发音相同, 但意义不同。广告在宣传香烟品牌的同时, 也暗示“还要更多”, 起到了宣传和劝购得双重效果。第二个例句是飘柔洗发水的广告语, 使用了词义双关, 其中的ahead即指“洗发从头开始”, 又暗含中国文化的“好的开始等于成功的一半”的观念, 意蕴耐人寻味。

1.2 比喻 (Metaphor)

比喻是一种常见的修辞手法, 包括明喻和暗喻。广告语中使用明喻, 能使广告产品的特征一目了然, 形象生动;使用暗喻则可以使人发挥丰富的想象力, 从而巧妙地增强语言的美感。

1) Its sound is as unique as its shape.Its brakes are as u-nique as its engine.

2) Kodak is Olympic colour.

以上第一句运用的是明喻, 这则广告强调保时捷跑车的声音和它的外形一样帅气独特, 而制动与引擎一样性能优良, 令人产生安全感、信任感。第二句运用的是暗喻, 将柯达色彩喻为奥林匹克的宗旨“更快、更高、更强”, 具有很强的感召力。

1.3 拟人 (Personification)

由于拟人手法是把所宣传的事物人格化, 赋予它们人的品格和言行, 所以广告英语中使用拟人的手法会使所宣传的产品更生动形象, 富有人情味, 使消费者产生一种亲切感, 从而激发消费者的购买欲, 也达到了广告宣传的最终目的。

Flowers by BEAUTY spread from the heart.

以上第一句从人的角度来描写手表, 让人感觉手表像人一样, 之后又指出比人更胜一筹。第二句是鲜花广告, 鲜花被描述为能说会道、像有生命的人一样, 这就使读者产生一种亲近感, 引起人们的兴趣。

1.4 反复 (Repetition)

为了表达的需要, 重复使用同一词语、句子等的修辞手法叫做反复。广告语中使用反复的手法, 在语言形式上有承上启下的作用, 在语气上能渲染气氛, 加深读者或听众的印象, 营造一种特殊的情调, 从而增加消费者对宣传产品的印象。

1) Everything is extraordinary;Everything tempts.

2) Double your pleasure.Double your fun.

例句一是卡地亚饰品的广告, 其中Everything进行了反复, 强调了每一件饰品都是做工独特、品质一流。例句二是绿箭口香糖的广告, 通过反复double, 暗示该产品能给人带来比别的产品更多的快乐与享受。

1.5 押韵 (Rhyme)

押韵是诗歌中常用的修辞手法, 而广告中使用押韵可以使其富有节奏感, 读起来琅琅上口, 听起来悦耳动听, 看起来赏心悦目, 一次这一手法可以使消费者从广告中获得美的享受, 而且容易记住产品的效果, 从而也就加深了对产品的印象。

1) For the woman in you, Stylish, Sexy, Smart.

2) Read, remembered, rushed.

例句一是一本女性杂志的广告, 其中连续使用了三个/s/, 使三个形容词分别压押头韵, 读起来既富于节奏感, 又不失柔和甜美, 使人很容易将这份杂志与聪明、性感、有品位的女性联系在一起。例句二中是一则办公自动化系统广告, 运用了三个/d/, 模拟出办公室特有声效, 给人以动态美感, 富有感染力和说明里。

1.6 夸张 (Hyperbole)

夸张是在客观事实的基础上, 为了表达的需要, 故意言过其实, 用来抒发作者鲜明的感情态度, 从而引起读者的强烈共鸣。英语广告中, 通过这种言过其实的夸张表达, 取得强调、幽默或取笑的效果, 语言的感染力得到充分发挥。

Years from now you may have to replace the laces.

这是关于鞋子的广告。其中运用夸张的手法, “不用换鞋, 只须换鞋带”体现了鞋子经久耐穿的品质, 获得了强调、幽默的效果。

2 结束语

为了使广告新颖别致、形象生动、引人入胜, 英语广告常常使用各种修辞手法来增强广告的效果, 唤起人们的审美情趣。广告英语语言修辞美集中表现在广告英语充分使用了英语语言文学的各种修辞手法, 如双关、比喻、拟人、反复、押韵、夸张等, 在实现广告劝购功能的同时, 获得高尚的情趣和精神上的享受。


[1]王春梅.广告英语的修辞魅力[J].安徽工业大学学报:社会科学版, 2005 (6) .

[2]张雨, 王舒雅.广告用语的语用特点[J].安徽文学:下半月, 2009 (6) .

[3]王奕君.英语广告中修辞手法的运用[J].湖北广播电视大学学报, 2009 (9) .

[4]张磊.广告英语的修辞特色与翻译策略[J].黑龙江科技信息, 2008 (36) .

[5]刘海舟.英语广告中的修辞与翻译[J].中国科技信息, 2008 (22) .

3.浅析英文广告的修辞艺术 篇三

【关键词】英文广告 修辞


1.明喻(simile)是一种比较直观的比喻手法,多用like, as来体现本体和喻体的相似性。当消费者对商品不了解时,明喻可以帮助消费者建立清晰的相似性的联想。比如:Regal. It feels like your favorite easy chair. Only faster. (Buick) 这是别克汽车的君威系列广告,把汽车比喻成座椅,让人联想到家的舒适型和亲切感,但此车也具备速度快的优点。

2.暗喻(metaphor)又称为隐喻,指“根据两个事物间的某种共同特征或某种内在联系,把一个事物的名称用在另一个事物的名称上,说话人不直接点明,而要靠读者自己去领会的比喻。”暗喻起到含蓄比喻的效果。例如:We just redid the family room. (Chevy Astro)这是雪佛兰汽车的广告,将轿车内的空间比喻成家中的房间,暗示乘坐在这款车里,全家人在不同座位上都能享受到居家不同房间布局的方便性、多样性、功能齐全性。此车拥有这么多的优点,激发读者跃跃欲试。

3.头韵(alliteration)指两个单词或多个单词的首字母读音相同,从而读起来产生音韵美,朗朗上口,更易记忆。例如:Heavy isnt Healthy. (Purin) 这是一则Fit & Trim系列的狗粮广告,此款产品的特点是有助于减肥的狗粮,通过压头韵的方法既强调了体重和健康的关系,又体现了英语的音乐美。Had enough? Have a nips. (Nips) 这是一则糖果广告,表达的意思是:吃饱了吗?来一块糖吧。通过头韵让这则广告语简洁明快,对称整齐。

4.双关(pun)是“利用词的同音和多义的条件,使词语或句子具有双重含义,言在此而意再彼,又名多义关联”。在广告中巧用双关,不仅体现了英语词汇的丰富内涵,更大大增强了语言的幽默性,让人读来意味深长、妙趣横生、回味无穷。例如:Things always look better after dark. 这是Milky Way品牌的黑巧克力广告。该广告语表层意思为:黑夜朦胧、万物更美,让人想象到浪漫气息。但细细品味,英文中的dark也可形容黑巧克力,这才体现了这则广告巧妙的深层意思:品尝过黑巧克力,一切都变得更美好了。此处dark一语双关的词义,体现了英语语言的艺术性。

Feel free to feel young. (Kraft) 这是名为“free”系列的火腿,初读广告,意为:感受自由,感受年轻。读来让人感觉神清气爽,再细看发现商标名称正是free,因而深层意思为:品尝free牌火腿才能感受年轻。

Which Husky is too husky? (Purina)这是一则带有减肥功效的狗粮广告,广告以哈士奇狗为例,字面意思为:哪条哈士奇狗太过哈士奇了吗?再进一步理解,husky还有“强大的、魁梧的”意思,因此广告的深层意思为:哪一条哈士奇狗太过强壮了?暗示着超重和肥胖的狗,提醒人们注意狗的饮食来克制狗的体重,因此呼应了这则减肥狗粮的销售目的。

5.对比(antithesis)也称“对照”,将结构基本相同、意思相反的语句排列在一起,更加鲜明直观地对比突出了产品的特色和优势,让顾客信服。例如:Full-time van. Part-time baby-sitter. 这是一款汽车广告:全职的车;兼职的保姆。其中full强调了此车的高性能,而part-time则表达了这部车能满足有孩子的家庭的外出需要。


New shade Uvaguard. The biggest breakthrough in sun protection since SPFs. 这是一款防晒霜的广告,此处通过最高级的使用,强调了该款商品的卓越性和优越性是无人可及的。再如:Mentadent introduces the most incredible massage you can get standing up. (Mentadent) 这是一款牙刷广告,同时运用了夸张和暗喻的修辞手法,将用这款牙刷刷牙的过程比喻成为牙齿按摩,强调了刷牙过程的愉悦性和舒适性。同时,这样的“牙齿按摩”还是最美妙和最不可思议的,此处用英语最高级正是夸张的体现,强调相比其他牙刷而言,这款牙刷的舒适性是无以伦比的。

7.反复(repetition)指“为了突出某个意思,强调某种感情,特意连续或者间隔地使用同一词语、句子或段落。”恰当的使用反复可以突出广告的重点,增加节奏感。例如:Feel how it feels to have skin feel like new. (Lever) 这则沐浴露广告中运用了反复辞格,“feel”三次反复出现,强调了该产品给人带来的全新的感觉。




[1]Aubin,Robert J.Readers Digest[J].New York:Readers Digest Association,Inc.,1996.

4.英文广告专题 篇四


A glutton for work 工作狂

Glutton原意是「贪食的人」,贪食的人整天吃个不停,glutton for work是整天工作个不停的人,也可用workaholic。例:My supervisor is a glutton for work.That’s why I can never get off work on time.(我的上司是个工作狂,所以我总是无法准时下班。)

Pull rank(on somebody)拿职位压人

Rank是个常见的字,阶级的意思。Pull rank是摆架子,特别指用位阶压人。例如:

I don’t like to work with somebody who likes to pull rank.(我不喜欢和摆架子的人一起工作。)Don’t pull rank on this poor girl.(别拿职位来压这个可怜的女孩。)

Head cook and bottle-washer 校长兼工友

美国有一句常见俚语叫What’s cooking?,是问人「到底出了什么事?」不是问人在煮什么。Head cook and bottle-washer跟厨子无关,是指什么都管的人。例:In a small company, I have to be the head cook and the bottle-washer.(在小公司里,我必须校长兼工友。)

Work like a plow horse/a horse 马不停蹄地工作

中文说工作是做牛做马,英文有work like a plow horse的说法,意思是不停地工作。例:In order to afford this apartment, I work like a plow horse every day.(为了负担这栋公寓,我每天马不停蹄地工作。)

Dirty work 吃力不讨好的差事

Dirty work并不是真的做像打扫厕所那样髒髒的工作,而是指做一些让人不愉快的,很讨厌的,或者是吃力不讨好的工作。例:My supervisor always asks me to do the dirty work.(我的上司总是要求我去做吃力不讨好的差事。)Rat on somebody 打小报告

打小报告用rat老鼠这个字当动词很传神。Rat当名词也可以当「告密者」。例:Gary ratted on me.That’s why I couldn’t get a promotion this year.(盖瑞打我小报告,所以我今年没有获得升迁。)

Come down on somebody like a ton of bricks 骂得狗血淋头

5.英文招聘广告 篇五

大专: college graduate 职责:responsibility

本科: post-graduate 条件:qualification

研究生:after-graduate 熟练掌握:skilful in-------


擅长于:be good at-------------/ do well in------------

学士学位: Bachelor’s Degree

有*年的**的工作经验:* years work experience as-----

文学学士:B.A 有意者:anyone who interested in


2.Sentences Structure Step 3 Samples(model test 3)

Advanced Office Staff Wanted


-College graduate and at least Band 4 in English;

-Good command in writing, management and social communication.

- Skillful in applying modern office software;

-3 years or more working experience is preferable

Qualified applicants will have interviews. If interested, please send a detailed resume in both English

and Chinese, a photo and a copy of diploma to our company via email.

Address: No.11 Yuangquan Road, Science Developing Zone, Tianjing

Zip Code: 342600

Tel :( 022)5233472

Fax: (022)5233244

Job Vacancy

We are Chinese International Trading Company based in Beijing. Now we have a vacancy to

fill for a secretary to work in our Agency in Changsha. You will need to be quick, accurate and

clean in the way you work. We expect you major in Chinese or English and have at least 3 years

experience. Your working time is often 8:30-11:30 a.m. and 2:00-5:00 p.m. from Monday to

Saturday. If you think you are what we are looking for, call Miss Liu on Tuesday morning on







Words for reference:

聘请:seek for 职责responsibilities 有关的related 日常的routine 学士学位Bachelor’s degree 资历(条件)qualification

A Job Vacancy

6.英文招聘广告 篇六

Excellent ability of systematical management。有极强的系统管理潜力。

Ability to work independently, mature and resourceful。能够独立工作、思想成熟、应变潜力强。

A person with ability plus flexibility should apply。需要有潜力及适应力强的人。

A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable。个性稳重、具高度职责感。 Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force。能够在不一样文化和工作人员的背景下出色地工作。

Bright, aggressive applicants。反应快、有进取心的应聘者。

Ambitious attitude essential。有雄心壮志。

Initiative, independent and good munication skill。用心主动、独立工作潜力强,并有良好的交际技能。

Willing to work under pressure with leardership quality。愿意在压力下工作,并具领导素质。 Willing to assume responsibilities。 应聘者须勇于挑重担。

Mature, self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills。 思想成熟、上进心强,并具极丰富的人际关系技巧。

Energetic, fashion-minded person。 精力旺盛、思想新潮。

With a pleasant mature attitude。 开朗成熟。

Strong determination to succeed。 有获得成功的坚定决心。

Strong leadership skills。 有极强的领导艺术。

Ability to work well with others。 能够同他人一道很好地工作。

Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality。 上进心强又可靠者,并且身体健康、性格开朗。

The ability to initiate and operate independently。 有创业潜力,并能独立地从业。

Strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit。 有很高的领导艺术和很强的群众精神。

Be highly organized and effecient。 工作很有条理,办事效率高。

Willing to learn and progress。 肯学习进取。

7.广告语言与文化差异 (英文) 篇七



Today, with the development of the technology and the diversity of the mass media, advertising has influenced us pervasively in our daily life.

No countries and nations are without their cultures.Since culture is what people do, or“the total life ways of a people, the social legacy the individual acquires from his group”. (O’Guinn1998:137) .The advertisement is a kind of manifestation of culture, it’s under the influence and restrict of local culture while national culture influences and restricts the development and expression of advertising language which is the core content of advertisement.The aim of the paper is to lay out three aspects to illustrate cultural difference in China and Western countries in advertisement.

Ⅱ、Collectivism vs.Individualism

It believed that advertisements that follow the value and belief of people are to be more persuasive.In Chinese ads, Collectivism is a term used to describe any moral, political, or social outlook that stresses human interdependence and the importance of a collective, rather than the importance of separate individuals.Collectivists focus on community and society, and seek to give priority to group goals over individual goals (wikipedia) .The traditional Chinese culture was of an ethical nature and it can be called“morality-worshipping”culture.

This concept is often reflected in advertising language.For example:

走中国道路, 乘一汽奥迪 (一汽)

喝孔府宴酒, 做天下文章 (孔府宴酒)

咱老百姓的好药 (葵花药业)

情系中国结, 联通四海心 (中国联通)

以产业报国、以民族昌盛为己任 (长虹)

海尔, 中国造 (海尔)

孔府家酒, 叫人想家 (孔府家酒)

每喝一杯农夫山泉, 就为中国奥运捐出一分钱 (农夫山泉)

中国平安, 平安中国 (平安保险)

From above, we can see that Chinese strive to achieve unity and compatibility.But this character is radically opposed by westerns who advocate individualism.Individualism refers to a doctrine advocating freedom from government regulation in the pursuit of a person's economic goals (wikipedia) .This doctrine holds that the interests of the individual should take precedence over the interests of the state or social group.This is due to their history different from the Chinese.So they prefer to be unique individual.This concept can also be found in these ads:

Just do it. (Nike)

The only thing like Coca-cola is Coca-cola itself. (Coca-cola)

"Doing what we do best", and later"Something special in the air". (American Airlines)

Obey your thirst. (Sprite)

We lead.Others copy. (Ricoh)

"I'm lovin'it!" (McDonalds)

"The Power to Be Your Best. (Apple)

From the above, we can see that the westerns often regard uniqueness and difference as the best quality of products.They pay attention to diversity and changes of material, emphasis specially on the change and difference of the nature and stress personal freedom self-development and personal enterprise.Compared with Chinese ads, they don’t focus on“society”and“authority”because it takes for granted that individuals know best and the public authority or society has he right to interfere in the person's decision-making process only when a very compelling need to do so arises.

Ⅲ、Past Orientation vs.Future Orientation

The Chinese culture has formed the richest cultural accumulation in the world.Since Chinese cultural has a long history, in the advertisements, esp.in the alcohol advertisements, the emphasis on history is important for customers to accept this product.From the following examples, we can see that:

品味的历史, 430年:国窖1573 (泸州老窖)

千古佳酿, 万代留香, 中华酒宗, 汝阳杜康 (杜康酒中华酒宗系列)

往事越千年, 陈酿白云边 (白云边酒)

回味唐朝 (剑南春)

传奇品质, 百年张裕 (张裕)

The word“old”usually prefer to stress the point that their companies and their products are traditional ones, such as“百年老店” (a shop with a history of a hundred years) , “老字号” (ageold brand) , “老招牌” (age-old shop sign) , “历史悠久” (with a long history) and“祖传秘方” (a secret recipe handed down from generation togeneration) (Shi, 2007) .

The Western countries insisted the short term oriented culture;the main reason is that their history is shorter than China.They don’t do the business like Chinese who often use the factors of history and tradition, but use the strong and direct marketing strategy (hard sale) , a product of the“immediate results”as a selling point.

“True success, ”the young people explained, “is not a matter of money or position.It’s a matter of self-fulfillment.And selffulfillment of reaching one’s goals and achieving happiness in one’s own way without paying attention to rules, duties, or the opinions of others.”This history has cultivated the future-oriented culture, which is different from the Chinese.We can also see that from the following examples:

The choice of a new generation. (Pepsi)

To me, the past black and white, but the future is always color. (Hennessy)

The future's bright-the future's orange (Orange)

Instead of soap, try a whole new way to wash your face.New pond’s leaves your skin feeling soft and smooth.Try it and see (Pond’s)

Ⅳ、Conservativeness vs.Openness in Sex

Chinese are more traditional than Western people.Talking abou sex is controversial because sex has long been a taboo subject in China.Once a report in China Daily Let’s do it, not taking revealed that the Chinese have sex much more often than the global average but are still too shy to talk about it with their partners.

Sexually suggestive ads are banned in China.In daily life Chinese people are not accustomed to express their ideas directly but to use the euphemism, tortuous way to express.Han nationality affected by Confucian ideas is modest, introverted and conservative This is unlike European and American national export and lively personality.In France, for example, a perfume advertisement:“The one drop is to the beauty, two drop is for the lover, three drop is enough to lead to one love affair.” (Zhu, 1999:28) .French people think that this expression is very romantic and attractive, but Chinese consumers think it hard to accept this extreme expression.For the following ads of condoms, most Chinese people will find hard to accept it:

Better Shape, Better Sex.

Good news for your sex life, bad news for beds. (Durex)

There's life after sex. (ad against AIDS)


Culture has a significant influence on advertising.Successful advertisements will be produced on the basis of local culture and advertising culture.As long as we pay attention to the cultural difference between China and western countries, we can draw our customer’s attention, activate their interest, stimulate their desire, strengthen their memory and induce action finally.


【1】Leech, Geofrey N.English in Advertising[M].London:Longman, 1996.

【2】李悦娥、范宏雅.话语分析[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社, 2002.

【3】朱春梅, 从中英文广告看东西方文化差异[J].考试周刊, 2007 (39) .

【4】朱华, 产品广告与民族文化[J].江南大学学报 (人文社会科学版) , 1996 (4) .


8.中英文平面广告劝诱力及其实现 篇八





做诗要“语不惊人死不休”,对于平面广告也是千真万确,其成功很大程度取决于其能否吸引读者眼球。广告力求突破语言现有规律,求新求奇(surprise and novelty),竭力引起读者对广告商品的注意与兴趣,给其深刻印象,激起其欲望,并最终采取行动(即AIMDA)。


广告大量运用修辞可使语言新颖、活泼、生动。压韵,如钻石“Cut,Colour,Clarity and Carat Weight”,啤酒“My goodness!My Guinness!”和清逸“用清逸,更美丽”,柯达广告“Shoot it or loose it”分别含头韵,尾韵和谐元韵,朗朗上口,易于记忆。反复,如“送脑白金,就是送健康,送祝福”和唇膏广告“More than a lipstick.More than a gloss”可加强节奏感和情感力度。象声如燕麦广告“Snap! Crackle! Pop!”传达其口感脆又香甜。隐喻如Opium香水(罂粟情人),突出另类野性诱惑力。拟人如“Flowers by Interflora speak from the heart”,亲切感人。


广告常用非常规表达来打破常规和标新立异。新造词(Neologism和coinage),如Bubblicious口香糖,由bubble和delicious拼成,表明其口感上佳。Skintimate除毛护肤胶,由skin和intimate组成,寓意清爽滋润,“亲近”皮肤。打破语法惯例(parts of speech)的如“The soup that eats like a meal”,“meal”本该用生命名词,效果出其不意。一有趣售蛋广告“We know eggsactly how to sell eggs”,“exactly”被有意改成“eggsactly”,是新造词又是双关,用法奇特诙谐幽默。


广告在句法层面也常尽一切能事突破常规,以达到创新和出人意料之效果。如常用minor clause,disjuctive clause,parallellism和juxtaposition等句子句群,高度简洁省略,体现广告经济性,“惜墨如金”能引起读者注意力,又促使其积极联想。如“我能”广告,包括“我能、你能、大家能”之意,传达达观自信人生态度,体现中国移动开拓创新精神。极简单两个字却有丰富如此的寓意,读者若不积极联想不可能体会得到。再如用parallellism的“Fights Cavities.Fights Tartar.”牙膏广告和用juxtaposition的“Get the most for the least” Sprint Canada广告,前者拟人且语意丰富,后者含对比能激发读者思考。

广告常用设问、祈使等句型,前者可激发其好奇心和心理兴奋感,如乐百氏“今天你喝了吗?”。后者有号召和劝告人们行动的意味,如“Give the Timex to all,and to all a good time”。


广告针对不同目标读者调整语域(register)用不同语言,顺应其语言习惯,可让其感到亲切,产生认同感。带有文体色彩的书面语让人感觉庄严典雅,口语体亲切随和,俚语诙谐而幽默,外来词新颖奇特。若与所宣传商品相匹配,可相得益彰,大大增强广告感染力和劝诱力。如Lexus广告“The Relentless Pursuit of Perfection”明显是书面语。如银行广告“How do you keep your head above water when the…?…we can help you stay afloat with … in solid currency”(龚红霞,2002:235),“keep…above water”,“help …stay afloat”既是隐喻,又是俚语体。



广告修辞如隐喻、双关和仿拟等,利用其多义性特点来传递丰富语义,读者因不断推理、解读而产生猜谜效应,且通过填补丰富语义空白可获得丰富审美体验。如“‘美的’空调,原来生活可以更美的”语义双关,品牌名“美的”是赞美词,可对读者情感产生积极影响。后半句指“生活可以更美好”,读者不禁把其与“美的”空调相联系而激起其购买欲。如车广告“The heartbeat of America—Chevrolet”, “heartbeat”隐喻指“源泉”有多种寓意:此车动力“强劲”,“奔流不息”且“用之不竭”。再如沙发“Sofa-So-Good”和cococola广告“Thirst come, thirst served”,化用“so far so good”和“first come, first served”,让人觉得似曾相识而妙趣横生。同理,上文中的minor clause,disjuctive clause因结构简洁省略,既可增加读者推理努力①,又可产生丰富语境效果。


设身处地为读者考虑,帮助其解决“最关心与最紧迫的”的物质、文化等各方面需要,才能体现广告劝诱力并使广告成功。马斯洛(Maslow)提出消费者从低到高5层次需要:生理,安全,归属与爱,尊重和自我实现(余小梅, 2003:107),深刻揭示其接受广告内在动因。据此理论,广告语言(写作或翻译)要迎合读者需要并体现广告销售策略,即结合商品与市场细分策略,充分利用消费者需要,实现广告对读者最佳相关。生理性诉求如空航广告“Big thrills, small bills”,压韵风趣幽默且含对比。如Giant自行车音译“捷安特”可保护其品牌价值, 完美融合USP最佳卖点与品牌内涵。安全诉求,如“green”为特色的时尚绿色环保消费文化,“green cars”指低排、低污染汽车。社会性诉求如燕麦粥广告“For moms who have a lot of love,but no lot of time”,以母爱打动读者。自尊诉求如皇冠(Crown)汽车是身分和地位象征。自我实现诉求如“The Self-made woman.She’s living better all the time”Self杂志,“Self-made”双关赞美读者是“自力更生、自我奋斗”新女性,又可解为Self杂志助其白手起家、更独立、更成功。


中西各有千年文化与审美积淀,审美思维方式各自不同,体现在广告上亦然。中国自古称“诗的国度”,诗歌节奏铿锵,对仗工整,重音、形、意 “三美”;意境上,求典雅含蓄,体现汉民族“求雅”的审美文化。故汉语广告重文采,有时甚至于“言过其实”多有“过誉之词”。西方代表理性文化,重理性与客观,广告重逻辑,表达简洁自然。因此,对于中英文广告,针对目标读者,要顺应其审美习惯,不可盲目依自己审美习惯行事,否则是南辕北辙,弄巧成拙。中文广告常用四、五、七字对偶句,如环球杂志“一册在手,纵览全球”,如五字“钻石恒永久,一颗永流传”读来朗朗上口,文采飞扬。许多中文广告华丽的“溢美”之辞译成英语就变得“朴实无华”,这充分反映中英读者审美习惯巨大差异。如汉语“天下无异之风格”,“至高无上优质”,“至善至美之设计”应翻译成“with its own feature”,“good quality”,“properly-designed”(贾文波, 1996:59),否则国外读者了解实情后会认为国内广告业主是在欺骗、误导他们。


语言是文化的载体,反映人心理及其文化环境,深受其影响与制约。大体来讲,西人崇尚个性自由与独立,喜欢冒险,偏爱变化。国人重视集体传统,相对保守,重权威,喜从众,偏爱“统一”与“不变”。因此,广告应重视文化因素,做到顺应读者文化心理,以文化因素吸引读者。如Nike广告“Just do it”是祈使句, “做什么?”,简洁明了,一千读者有一千种解读,耐人寻味,但所指不言自明,迎合西方年青一代个性独立的风尚,成为其代言。再如香水Poison,体现西方新一代女性追求野性、粗鄙异国情调,几千年儒家文化价值传统使国人很难接受类似“毒品”等带有负面价值意味的商品,只好采用音译(百爱神)。广告用语如“百年老字号”、“祖传秘方”、“历史悠久”,“宫廷秘方”、“皇家气派”则体现国人珍视传统和崇尚权威的文化心理。



实现广告最佳劝诱力需要综合与平衡,使广告主、读者、社会、广告文本等因素最佳相关。广告的目的(attention—action),读者需要(生理—自我实现需要)与劝诱因素(印刷及媒介—读者文化心理)分别代表广告主、读者、社会与广告文本因素,均属梯级层次,各级强度及重要性依次递增,其中较强或较重要层次可称优势要素或条件,通常应优先得到满足。如对较富裕成功人士, 其优先考虑的可能是社会性、自尊、自我实现等因素而非价格。因此,针对特定目标读者,必须综合分析这些要素或条件,分别主次与先后,依最佳组合原则,力求在各因素间达到平衡,使广告主、读者、社会与广告文本等最佳相关,以实现广告最佳劝诱力。




[1]龚红霞:广告英语900句[M].北京: 中国书籍出版社,2002

[2]余小梅:广告心理学[M].北京: 北京广播学院出版社,2003

9.英文招聘广告文案 篇九


We are a well-known international toy manufacturer, based in the HK, and we are expanding our export marketing activities in Europe.

We are looking for enthusiastic people to join us. The work will involve telephoning and corresponding with our overseas clients. You MUST be fluent in English and Cantonese. Experience in marketing will be an asset but not essential.

We will offer a competitive salary and good welfare treatment.

Please send your resume to:


Room4 23F Honour Mansion,

334-339 Nathan Road,

Yaumatei, Kowloon, HK

10.经典英文广告语 篇十

1. Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡)2. Obey your thirst. 服从你的渴望。(雪碧)3. The new digital era. 数码新时代。(索尼影碟机)

4. We lead. Others copy. 我们领先,他人仿效。(理光复印机)5. Impossible made possible. 使不可能变为可能。(佳能打印机)6. Take time to indulge. 尽情享受吧!(雀巢冰激凌)

7. The relentless pursuit of perfection. 不懈追求完美。(凌志轿车)8. Poetry in motion,dancing close to me. 动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车)

9. Come to where the flavor is. Marlboro Country.光临风韵之境——万宝路世界。(万宝路香烟)

10.To me, the past is black and white,but the future is always color.对我而言,过去平淡无奇;而未来,却是绚烂缤纷。(轩尼诗酒)11.Just do it.只管去做。(耐克运动鞋)12.Ask for more.渴望无限。(百事流行鞋)13.The taste is great.味道好极了。(雀巢咖啡)14.Feel the new space.感受新境界。(三星电子)

15.Intelligence everywhere.智慧演绎,无处不在。(摩托罗拉手机)16.The choice of a new generation.新一代的选择。(百事可乐)

17.We integrate, you communicate.我们集大成,您超越自我。(三菱电工)18.Take TOSHIBA, take the world.拥有东芝,拥有世界。(东芝电子)19.Let’s make things better.让我们做得更好。(飞利浦电子)

20.No business too small, no problem too big.没有不做的小生意,没有解决不了的大问题。(IBM公司)

.21.Start ahead.(Rejoice)成功之路,从头开始。(飘柔)

22.Things go better with Coca-Cola.(Coca-Cola)饮可口可乐,万事如意。(可口可乐)

23.Connecting People.(Nokia)科技以人为本。(诺基亚)

24.A diamond lasts forever.(De Bierres)钻石恒久远,一颗永流传。(第比尔斯)25.Mosquito Bye Bye Bye.(RADAR)蚊子杀杀杀。(雷达牌驱虫剂)26.A Kodak Moment.(Kodak)就在柯达一刻。(柯达相纸/胶卷)27.Time is what you make of it.(Swatch)天长地久。(斯沃奇手表)

Buick: In Search of Excellence.别克轿车:志在千里!

Buick: Buick-your key to a better life and a better world.别克轿车: 别克--通往美好生活的秘诀.Honda: For the Road Ahead.本田:康庄大道。

Chevrolet: Future for my future.雪弗兰: 未来,为我而来。

NISSAN : Life is a journey.Enjoy the ride.NISSAN 汽车:生活就是一次旅行,祝您旅途高兴。

NISSAN:Shift the future 尼桑:转变未来
