1.考研英语词汇练习题 篇一
Although he was on a diet, the food __________ him enormously.
A) inspired
B) tempted
C) overcame
D) encouraged
注:1. tempt 诱惑
2. inspire 启迪
3. overcome 克服
4. encourage 鼓励
His argument does not suggest that mankind can _____ to be wasteful in the utilization of these resources.
A) resort
B) grant
C) afford
D) entitle
注:1. afford 负担得起
affray 争吵
2. resort 诉诸于,求助 resort to = make use of 利用
3. grant 津贴,补助
4. entitle 给题名;授权
If you want this pain-killer, youll have to ask the doctor for a ______.
A) receipt
B) recipe
C) subscription
D) prescription
注:1. pain-killer 止疼片
2. prescription 药方
3. receipt 收据
4. recipe 菜谱;秘诀
Some fish have a greater __________ for acid water than others.
A) tolerance
B) resistance
C) dependence
D) persistence
2.考研英语词汇练习题 篇二
不同的学者对词块的定义与分类有不同的看法, 影响较大的时Lewis的观点。Lewis (1993) 认为, 词块是涵盖性术语, 它包含了许多项目 (item) , 例如短语、单词、词组, 它是经常一起出现或者关系紧密的单词组合。
单词和聚合词 (words and polywords) :单词指被看成是独立单元的词, 聚合词指由一个以上的单词构成的短语。
搭配 (collocation) :指在自然文本 (nature text) 中经常或同时 (co-occur) 出现的词组, 例如community service, absolutely convinced, put on。
惯用语 (institutionalized utterances) :形式固定或者半固定, 作为一个整体构成对话。例如I’ll get it, We’ll see, That’ll do, If I were you…, Would you like a cup of coffee?
句子框架和引语 (sentence frames and heads) :指使我们可以解码 (decode) 复杂书面语的大的话语特征 (large discourse features) 以及文章框架 (text frames) 。
例如:That is not as…as you think, The fact/suggestion/problem/danger was…, In this paper we explore…, Firstly…Secondly…Finally…。
研究对象:本文选取由广东省职业技术教研室编写, 广东教育出版社2011年出版的《实用英语》教材为研究对象。
研究方法:本文参考谭爱华 (2006) 的研究方法, 根据词汇习题所考查的内容, 把词汇习题分成三类, 然后收集数据, 得出词块知识在整个词汇习题中的比重以及不同的词块类型所占的比重。然后对每一类词汇习题进行分析并对结果进行讨论。对词汇习题的分类, 结合了Lewis (1997) 和谭爱华 (2006) 的分法 (由于惯用语、句子框架和引语主要呈现在教材中的口语和写作部分, 不在词汇习题中, 所以不予以讨论) , 分类如下:
单词:包括派生词、同义词、反义词、上下义词和单词的词义。如:create-creative-creation, fruit-appleorange, big-small。
词汇搭配:由两个开放类词汇 (open classes words) 组成的搭配 (动词加名词、形容词加名词、名词加动词、名词加名词、副词加形容词、副词加副词) , 如:open thedoor, hard work, absolutely right。 (Fan 2009:111)
语法搭配:由一个主导词 (dominant word) 即名词、形容词和动词加上一个介词或不定式、从句等语法结构组成, 如:take care of, want to-infinitive, good at v-ing, an idea that-clause。 (Fan 2009:111)
以下是根据上述分法, 教材中的例题:
(一) 单词
Fill in the missing words according to the posters.Use the words in the box.Change their forms if necessary. (Student book, p23节选)
There are many clubs for you to join.If you like poetry, you may join the______club.If you are interested in______, you may choose the computer club.
(二) 词汇搭配 (Student book, p222)
Fill the phrases in the note above.
1. 邀请某人参加…______2.每年一次的英语晚会______
3. 刚好外出______
(三) 语法搭配
Complete the sentences with proper words from the list below.
1. What time is the party?
It’s at______seven-thirty.
2. Thank you______your invitation______visit your school next week.
从表1可以看出, 《实用英语》教材中共有51道词汇习题, 对词块的考查占总数的29%, 词块的考查主要针对词汇搭配;语法搭配仅占总数的6%。
(一) 单词
从表1可以看出, 单词的考查占词汇习题总数的七成, 说明词汇教学即单词教学的传统教学理念仍未改变, 词汇习题在设计上并未对词块给予足够的重视。
1. Match each kind of food with the right picture. (Student book, p30, 节选)
2. Fill in the missing words.Use the words in the box.Change their forms if necessary. (Student book, p34, 节选)
specialreal serve fast food
(1) I______ride my bike to school.
(2) She is______to everybody.
3. Match the following expressions with their Chinese meaning.
() 1.transaction () a.手推车
() 2.cart () b.拍卖
从以上三个例题可以看出, 单词的考查题型主要为搭配和填空, 考查的形式较为单一, 考查的内容集中在单词的词义上, 并未涉及同义词、反义词及词语的上下义关系, 忽略了单词的使用, 这样只能增加学生的接受性词汇 (receptive vocabulary) 。这样的题目设计不利于学生口语和写作能力的提高。
(二) 词汇搭配
从表1可以看出, 词汇搭配仅占词汇习题总数的24%, 明显与其重要性不相称。教材对词汇搭配的考查题型如下:
1. Match each activity with the right picture.
2. Match the following expressions with their Chinese meaning. (Student book, p111, 节选)
______1.Parts Repair a.总成修理
______2.Scheduled Repair b.零件修理
根据Lewis (2000) , 动词加名词、形容词加名词的搭配要予以特别重视。从上述例子可以看出, 课本对这两种搭配予以了足够重视, 但是考查的重点放在了搭配的意思上, 而不是如何搭配上, 不利于学生的语言输出 (output) 。中学英语教材中对考查如何搭配比较重视, 如下两个例题可供参考:
1.Match each verb in the box with the means of transport (外研社高中英语必修4, p74)
catch drive get on get off
(1) bus:______________
(2) train:______________
2.Match the words on the left with the nouns
they often go with on the right. (外研社高中英语必修2, p68)
以上两道例题, 例题1考查动词加名词的搭配, 例题2考查形容词加名词的搭配, 不仅考查了搭配的意思, 还考查了如何搭配。学生通过完成这两道练习, 不仅能加深对搭配的记忆, 还能学会如何运用它们。
(三) 语法搭配
从表1可以看出, 语法搭配占词汇习题总数比例过少, 仅占6%。考查的题型主要如下:
Complete the sentences with proper words from the list below. (Student book, p68, 节选)
1. Can you go to the cinema______me tonight.
Yes.It will be my______to______you.
2. What time is the party?
It’s at______seven-thirty.
学生通过完成上述题目, 能够加深对动词加介词搭配的记忆。教材几乎没有涉及到动词加不定式、-ing形式或从句的专门考查。动词加不定式、-ing形式或从句是语法搭配的重要内容, 在生活中应用广泛, 且容易混淆, 是教学中的重点和难点, 应该在练习设计上予以重视。
从以上分析可以看出, 教材把词汇考查的重心放在了单词的考查上, 忽视了对词块的考查, 这与其对语言习得的重要性严重不符。在词块的考查中, 语法搭配比重过低, 仅占总数的6%。考查的内容主要集中在单词和搭配的意思上, 忽略了考查单词和搭配的用法, 不利于学生的语言输出和语言应用能力的提高。考查形式也较为单一, 不够灵活。教材编写者在改编教材时应加强对词块的关注, 设计出丰富多样, 有利于学生输出的词块习题。
摘要:近年来国内外的研究表明, 词块在二语习得中占有极其重要的地位。本文从词块角度分析了《实用英语》教材中的词汇习题, 总结了习题在设计中存在的问题, 希望能为将来教材的改编提供借鉴。
[1]Fan, M.An exploratory study of collocational use by ESL students—a task based approach system[D].2009110-123.
[2]Lewis, M.1993.The Lexical Approach[M].London:Language Teaching Publications.
[3]谭爱华.关注词块——对英语教材词汇习题的分析及设计[D].西南师范大学, 2005.
3.考研英语词汇练习题 篇三
Ⅰ. 根据句意及所汉语提示,在空格上填上正确的单词。
1. Jim played a _________(小丑) in the play and did a good job.
2. Look! There is a water _________(滑梯). Let’s go and play there.
3. —Can you go to the park with me now?
—OK, but we can go there an hour later. It’s_________(不拥挤).
4. The boy caused a lot of _________(麻烦) to his parents.
5. I ________(想知道) why James is always late for school.
6. Don’t _________(混淆) Austria with Australia.
7. Jim put on his ________(发亮的) shoes and went out.
8. There was a _________(井) in our village. It’s said that it was dug in the 1940’s.
9. Please put your camera in the _________(小提箱里).
10. Please take the _________(旅行手册), or you’ll get lost.
11. Tina, have you packed your _________(毛巾) and toothbrush?
12. It’s dark in the room. Please _________(点燃) the fire for us.
13. He went to America ten years ago. But China is his ________(故乡), so he came back.
14. We often put the bowls, chopsticks and spoons in the ________(碗橱).
15. My uncle is a ________(农民). There used to be a lot of apple trees on his farm.
Ⅱ. 根據句意及首字母提示,在句子空格内填上正
16. —Would you like another cake?
—No, thanks. I’m f________.
17. In Brazil, you should w________ your mouth with your napkin every time you take a drink.
18. His c________ was to get up early and have a cold bath.
19. It is bad m_______ to make noise while eating soup.
20. It’s r_______ to point at others with your finger.
21. He has broken his leg and t________ he can’t walk.
22. You should make a l_______ before you go shopping.
23. Jim got up late this morning, so he m________ the early bus.
24. He thought of the success as a t________ point in his life.
25. Yu Dan’s new book will be a________ in the shops next month.
26. I have never seen a zoo that was s________ for animals to live in.
27. We u________ all of the students to leave school quickly after evening classes.
28. The animals are kept in t________ cages and can hardly move at all.
Ⅲ. 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。
29. He had lost all __________(feel) in the left leg.
30. There are two _________ (knife) in Kate’s pencil case.
31. Most of the Americans use their cars __________(most) for their job.
32. The mother has never give up ________ (help) her disabled child.
33. Miss Gao has decided ____________ (have) an exam at the end of this week.
34. They are having their wedding at the hotel. It has the best ___________(light).
35. ________ (advertise) is one of the biggest businesses in America.
36. Please tell us the ________ (true) of the matter.
37. He is a good boy, don’t let bad companions________(lead) him.
38. Cattle _________(main) feed on grass and so do sheep.
39. It was _________(thank) to John that we won the game.
40. There are __________(thousand) of people in the supermarket on Sundays.
41. Xiamen is one of big cities in _________(south) China.
42. If fish are taken from the sea, there will soon benone________ (leave).
43. If we keep on ________(cut) down trees, forests will disappear.
44. Manatees usually _________ (weight) about 1000pounds.
45. Many rivers and lakes have become ________(pollute) in our countries.
46. I feel that there are few laws to stop people_________(put) the waste into rivers or into thesea.
Ⅳ. 根据句意,用方框内所给单词或词组的适当形式填空。
hand in magic drugstore trouble structure
dress up wonder hang out crowded lend
47. Yesterday I saw Jenny ________ in her mother’s clothes.
48. The market is ________. We can ride a bike to do some shopping now.
49. In the evening he and his wife often ________ in the park.
50. Can I ________ you to shut the door?
51. The man used ________ to produce six rabbits from his hat.
52. He ________ that book to me the day before yesterday.
53. He ________ why people built ugly homes,when they could have beautiful ones.
54. The teacher told us ________ our exercise books at the end of the lesson.
55. The biology teacher told us about the _______ of the brain today.
56. When you go to the ________, please buy some medicines for me.
1. I don’t decide _______ one I will choose.
2. Can you tell me ________ the film will begin?
3. Do you know ________ your friend is so worried?
4. He told me _______ he was reading a newspaper.
5. Could you tell me ______ is the man over there?
6. Do you know ________ CDs are these?
7. I don’t understand ________ you said just now.
8. Can you tell me _______ there’s a good place to eat?
9. Will you please tell me _______ I can get to the post office?
10. Can you show us ________ we can turn on the computer?
be supposed to“应该”
What are you supposed to do; I was supposed to;You’re supposed to
1. __________________________ when you visit a
friend’s house?
2. ___________________ when you are invited to a party?
3. _____________________ brush your teeth every time you finish a meal.
4. _____________________ when you have a bowl of rice in China?
5. _____________________ bow when I met someone for the first time in Korea.
6. 你不应该用筷子指着任何人。
You _______ _______ _______ point at anyone with your chopsticks.
7. 我们不应该在这里抽烟。
We’re _______ _______ _______ _______ here.
8. 她上课又迟到了,她应该向老师说对不起。
She is late for class again and she _________ _______ sorry to the teacher.
9. 当你被邀请参加聚会时,你应该做什么?
What are you ________ ________ _______ when you are invited to a party?
10. 在韩国,人们第一次见面时经常应该鞠躬。
In Korea, people _______ _______ _______ _______ when they meet for the first time.
1. _______ you ________ (finish) ________ (read) thebook yet?
2. ________ you ever ________(be) to West China?
Great changes _______(take) place in West China inthe last few years.
3. By the time I _______(return) home yesterday, they _______ already _______(have) dinner.
4. Though he had often made his sister ______(cry),today he was made ______ (cry) by his sister.
5. He ______(meet) by my father as soon as he_______(arrive) last week.
6. I visited my uncle for a few days last week. When I _______(get) to his house, he _______(mend) a bike.
7. What _______ Tom _______(do) while his mother_______(cook) a meal yesterday evening?
8. The little boy _______(sleep). You’d better _______(not wake) him up now.
9. It’s your turn _______(speak). ______ you ______(get ) ready yet?
10. She _______ already _______(sing) several songs.
4.考研英语词汇练习题 篇四
1.I’m looking for the _______ section in today’s paper.
A. column B.combination C.comb D.classified
2.Where can I _______ in the TV? Is the outlet right?
A. plug B.paint C.shoot D.upset
3.Please put your _______ on this application form.
A. site B.silly C.shower D.signature
4.I bought a camera lens yesterday. Its _______ quality is excellent.
A. picture B.suit C.stomach D.optical
5.This dress is made of _______, isn’t it?
A. nylon B.monument C.mutual D.nod
6.Jack wants to be _______ when he grows up.
A.a bar B.a cousin C.an opponent D.an astronaut
7.She failed to call the office to _______ her appointment.
A. greet B.miss C.ruin D.cancel
8.Which would you rather have the _______ chicken or the fish.
A. fried B.ideal C.juice D.maid
9.What is the total circulation of this _______?
A. leather B.pale C.journal D.wagon
10.He gave us a very good description of the _______ of this university
A. lawyer B.orient C.layout D.oven
11.How much per gallon is this _______?
A. poison B.pipe C.ox D.gasoline
12.I couldn’t hear the program because there was too much _______.
A. grasp B.globe C.superior D.interference
13.Thanks for the advice, but this is something I have to _______ out myself.
A. fulfill B.identify C.figure D.claim
14.Mary was seriously injured in a _______.
A. collision B.geology C.manuscript D.pool
15.This 80-200mm zoom lens bears canon’s L designation, denoting a top-of-the-line lens built to extremely high _______.
A. tolerances B.pitch C.possession D.purses
16.According to Mr. Green, this is a _______ problem.
A. grand B.complicated C.owing D.powder
17.I’m going to call a _______ to repair my car this afternoon.
A. mechanic B.host C.giant D.glance
18.They have already _______ the telephone in their new home
A. parceled B.spun C.installed D.retained
19.The roof has _______ in it, and the front steps need to be fixed.
A. ants B.drums C.grains D.leaks
20.He received four years of training in English and two years in English teaching.He is a _______ English instructor.
A. responsible B.scared C.vast D.qualified
21.You are very _______ to take the trouble to help me. I can not thank you enough.
A. whisper B.vital C.thoughtful D.considerable
22.What’s your favorite kind of music? Do you like _______ music.
A. domestic B.classical C.existence D.feature
23.This nation is noted for its economic _______.
A. uniform B.stability C.gulf D.democratic
24.He wants to _______ his appointment from Monday to Wednesday.
A. transfer B.decay C.advance D.postpone
25.This is what I could do. There is no other _______ for me.
A. sleeve B.residence C.burden D.alternative
26.Our teacher always sees the _______ side of everything.
A. spot B.negative C.efficient D.robot
27.If you want to make a call, first, pick up the _______,then deposit a coin in the slot.
A. receiver B.speaker C.microphone D.hook
28.The service in this restaurant is not good. Even the _______ is very dirty.
A. milk B.salad C.soup D.menu
29.I am _______ enough to make up my own mind. You do not need to teach me.
A. young B.mature C.numerical D.guarantee
30.I’m _______ you’ve made the right choice.
A. bond B.confident C.double D.gravity
31.Kuwait is famous for its _________ resources.
A. petroleum B.jar C.fame D.jaw
32.The doctor gave me a chest X-ray and _______ some medicine for me.
A. prescribed B.floated C.drugged D.drifted
33.Nobody believes he made such a foolish mistake. People say he is very _______.
A. accurate B.actual C.experience D.career
34.The _______ region is centered largely in the north of the country.
A. petrol B.mineral C.telescope D.wire
35.As soon as I complete my training here, I am going to be a _______ expert.
A. sphere B.missile C.rod D.volume
36.I was crossing the street and was almost hit by an _______.
A. ambulance B.amateur C.echo D.editor
37.How much do you know about the works of great _______ figures?
A. literary B.humour C.grammatical D.circular
38.The next time I buy a typewriter, I’m going to buy a _______ model.
A. sulphur B.portable C.suspending D.tender
39.Your _______ for this paper is too long to be accepted.
A. entrance B.guidance C.abstract D.represent
40.Water is as _______ to fish as air is to man.
A. obvious B.basin C.indispensable D.constant
41.His proposal is very _______. We do not need any explanation.
A. concrete B.loyal C.grey D.draft
42.This is a _______ computer, which we just bought for our research.
A. detective B.luggage C.digital D.grave
43.The two pictures are _______. We don’t know which is the copy.
A. identical B.likely C.limited D.resemble
44.If you don’t want to wash your jacket, you may send it to a _______.
A. participant B.planet C.laundry D.ribbon
45.If the _______ in the test is too small, we can not get a good result.
A. sample B.percent C.leisure D.flight
46.I am very _______. You may tell me your suggestion.
A. fog B.debate C.culture D.flexible
47.This is a very big hotel and it can _______ more than 1,000 people.
A. accommodate B.display C.faint D.loaf
48.Professor Li _______ in doing his experiment for nearly ten years.
A. insisted B.piled C.persisted D.split
49.The new plan is _______ and everybody present agrees with it.
A. feasible B.adventure C.appendix D.camel
50.Please be _______. Your question is too general.
A. limited B.narrow C.specific D.thorough
1.D 2.A 3.D 4.D 5.A 6.D 7.D 8.A 9.C 10.C
11.D 12.D 13.C 14.A 15.A 16.B 17.A 18.C 19.D 20.D
21.C 22.B 23.B 24.D 25.D 26.B 27.A 28.D 29.B 30.B
31.A 32.A 33.A 34.B 35.B 36.A 37.A 38.B 39.C 40.C
41.A 42.C 43.A 44.C 45.A 46.D 47.A 48.C 49.A 50.C
5.大学英语四级词汇练习一 篇五
1.In the Mediterranean seaweed is so abundant and so easily harvested that it is never of great ________.A)fareB)paymentC)worthD)expense
2.The writer was so ________ in her work that she didn’t notice him enter the room.A)absorbedB)abandonedC)focusedD)centered
3.Actually, information technology can ________ the gap between the poor and the rich.A)linkB)breakC)allyD)bridge
4.Some research workers completely ________ all those facts as though they never existed.A)ignoreB)leaveC)refuseD)miss
5.Computer power now allows automatic searches of fingerprint files to match a print at a crime ________.A)stageB)sceneC)locationD)occasion
6.The most basic reason why dialects should be preserved is that language helps to ________ a culture.A)retainB)relateC)remarkD)review
7.Companies are struggling to find the right ________ between supply and demand, but it is no easy task.A)equationB)formulaC)balanceD)pattern
8.Mass advertising helped to ________ the emphasis from the production of goods to their consumption.A)varyB)shiftC)layD)moderate
9.Because of his excellent administration, people lived in peace and ________and all previously neglected matters were taken care of.A)convictionB)contestC)consentD)content
10.I know you’ve got a smooth tongue, so don’t talk me ________ buying it.A)awayB)downC)outD)into
fare: n.(交通工具的)票价,车(船)费
payment: n.支付,付款
worth: n.价值,财产;a.值,值得
expense: n.花费,(pl.)费用
absorb: v.吸收,并吞,全神贯注
abandon: v.放弃,沉溺
focus: v.(使)聚焦,(使)集中;n.焦点,(注意力、活动、兴趣等的)中心
center: n.中心,中心点a.中央的v.使集中,集中
link: n.环,节,联系;vi.连接,联系
break: vt.打破,破碎,中断,中止,违反(法律、规定等);vi.破,断裂;n.中断,间歇 ally: n.盟友,同盟国;v.联盟,联合,与...有关系
bridge: n.桥 v.架桥于;把...连结(或弥合)起来;使渡过
ignore: v.不理睬,忽视;
leave: n.许可,告别,请假;v.离开,出发,留下
refuse: v.拒绝,谢绝
miss: n.过错,避免,失败vt.未得到,未达到,未听到,未觉察,逃脱,遗漏,错过
stage: n.阶段,舞台,场所,戏剧,站,驿站,级,层,脚手架vt.上演,表演
scene: n.场,景,情景,镜头,发生地点,道具,布景,景色
location: n.位置,场所,特定区域;
occasion: n.场合,时机,机会,诱因,理由vt.致使,惹起,引起
retain: vt.保持,保留
relate: v.讲,叙述,有关系
remark: n.评论,意见,注意;vt.说,评论,注意;vi.评论,谈论
review: n.检讨,复习,回顾;v.温习,检讨,评论
equation: n.相等,等式
formula: n.公式,程式;准则,方案
balance: n.平衡,差额vi.平衡,相等vt.称,权衡,比较,使平衡,结算,抵消
pattern: n.图案,模范,榜样;型,式样;样品;图样vt.摹制,仿造;以图案装饰
vary: vt.改变,使多样化vi.变化,不同,违反
shift: n.移位,变化,移动,轮班,手段,办法vt.替换,转移,改变,移转,推卸,变速vi.转换 lay: vt.放,搁;下;铺设,敷设,砌;把„压平,使倒下;使处于某种状态;铺,涂;布置
moderate: a.适度的,稳健的,中等的,节制的vt.节制,使稳定,使缓和vi.变缓和
conviction: n.定罪;确信,信服,信念
contest: n.竞赛,争论vt.竞赛,争取,争辩vi.争夺
consent: n.同意,赞成vi.同意,赞成content: n.内容,满足,意义;a.满足的,满意的,意义的;v.使...满足,使...安心;
talk down: 说服 指示
talk out: 无此搭配.(talk out of v.说服某人不做某事 劝阻)
talk into: v.说服某人做某事1.答案:C
1.答案: C
参考译文:打字员太专注于她的工作一直与都没有注意到他进屋来.题目分析:本题的结构简单,依然是so...that...句型.考点解析:本题的解题首先需要考虑四个选项中可以和介词in搭配,另外搭配的词组要符合题意,综合考虑,选择A.需要注意四个选项分别和哪些介词搭配.absorb与in搭配,abandon是及物动词,focus on与center on意思接近,都表示集中于,专注于.3.答案:D
参考译文:实际上,信息技术弥合了穷富之间的差距.题目分析:本题题干的结构比较简单.考点解析:本题需要根据宾语the gap判断需要填入的动词,应该是具有弥合,消除意思的词语.四个选项的意思差别还是比较大的.可能大家对bridge这个词的动词的意思不是很熟悉,但只要根据其名词的意思,就可以大概的知道做动词时的意思.4.答案:A
参考译文:一些研究人员完全忽视了所有那些事实,即使它们从没存在过.题目分析:本题题干的结构比较简单,题干包含一个让步状语as though they never existed.考点解析:本体四个选项都是考试中常考的词汇,意思差别也比较大.根据题目中的宾语all those facts,以及让步状语as though they never existed.很容可以选出ignore
参考译文:计算机电源现在允许自动检索的指纹档案,以匹配在犯罪现场获得的指纹。题目分析:本题题干结构简单,包含一个句型allow...to do...考点解析:本题四个选项的意思比较接近,但根据题干的场景,应该能够排除A和C,比较B和D, scene是特指发生某事情的现场,与题目中的fingerprint和match a print at a crime意思相符,所以选择B
题目分析:本题题干的结构比较复杂,含有两个从句,其中why dialects should be preserved为定语从句,其先行词为reason, that language helps to retain a culture为宾语从句.注意向本题题干中的这种先行词为reason,由why引导的定语从句翻译的时候需要翻译为...之所以...的原因是...考点解析:本题四个选项都是由re开头的,主要是考察形式相近的词语意思的辨析.这道题其实很简单,从题干可以看出dialects和language是同义词,那么需要填入的词一定也是preserve的同义词,也就不难选出retain了.这是这也是标志词法的一个应用.7.答案:C
考点解析:本题主要是对选项四个词汇意思的辨析.根据题目中的supply and demand,可以确定选择balance.特别需要注意pattern这个词,它的意思比较多,考试中比较容易考到.8.答案:B
参考译文:大规模广告宣传,使重点从商品的生产转移到商品的消费上.题目分析:本题题干的结构简单,只需注意一个固定搭配shift...from...to...是把...从...转移到...的意思.考点解析:本题主要是对A,B两个选项所指对象的细小区别.根据题目的意思,以及题目中的from...to...可以首先排除C,D两个选项.vary...from...to...表示由...到...情况不等的意思,所以选择B.注意vary, shift, transfer, alter意思的区别:
vary 强调因为条件不同而发生变化;
shift 表示观点、立场、重点、位置等的改变;
transfer 转换,可表示工作调动,球员转会等;
alter 强调调整,更改,取“改变”含义时,常表示外貌、性格的改变;
参考译文:由于他的出色管理,人民生活得和平并且满足,所有之前被忽略的事情都得到了照顾.题目分析:本题题干结构比较简单,前半句Because of his excellent administration为原因状语,后面半句为主句部分.考点解析:本题四个选项都是以con开头的词语,主要考查对四个形式相近的词会意思的辨析.尤其是对后三个词汇的辨析,这四个词汇都是考试中经常会考到的词汇,大家务必要辨析清楚,牢记意思.10.答案:D
6.哈工大英语词汇 练习册 答案 篇六
9.refuge 10.reminisced
11.acknowledge 12.appropriate 13.concise
15.alternative 16.anecdotes 17.dialog
20.forfeit task 2 1.dialect
8.expelled 9.impels
10.propelled 11.suburban
14.diagnosis 15.criterion 16.repels
20.assimilate keys for chapter 3-4 task 1 1.delete
14.legitimate 15.lenient
20.prospects task 2 1.expected
6.underdeveloped 7.irrelevant
12.prohibits 13.provoked
19.understatement 20.inaccessible
keys for chapter 5-6 task 1 1.endorsed 2.erode 3.hypocritical 4.idealistic 5.illusion
6.procrastinate 7.imply 8.novice 9.obstacle 10.automatic 11.impose 12.graceful 13.multiracial 14.predominance 15.recovery 16.superficial 17.unaware 18.universal 19.visual 20.impact task 2
1.pretends 2.prehistoric 3.reforms 4.supervise
5.uniformity 6.corroded 7.criterion 8.alluding 9.impeached 10.impending 11.imposed 12.autographs 13.exposure 14.exhale 15.multifunctional 16.deluded 17.immersed 18.imperil 19.implant 20.refresh
keys for chapter 7-8 task 1 答案 1答案 deter 2答案 disclosed
3答案moderated 4 答案conceded 5 答案 transition 6 答案 conceive 7答案 diversity 8答案 surpass 9答案denounce 10 答案 Contrary 11 答案 supplement 12 答案verify 13答案 superficial 14答案 scapegoat 15答案 sustain 16答案 derive 17答案 compensate 18 答案 tentative 19答案inhabit 20 答案conservative Task 2 答案
1答案controversy.2答案 superstition 3答案 observance 4答案 transplant 5答案 terrified 6答案 transparent 7答案 prohibits 8答案 preclude 9答案 temporary 10答案detain 11答案 enclose 12答案 diverse 13答案 deceive 14答案 maintain 15答案 accommodate 16答案 complement 17答案pessimistic 18答案 exhibit 19答案 inhabit 20答案 perceive
Chapter 9-10 答案
1答案pretense 2答案refrain 3答案alter 4答案acute 5答案bestow 6答案ample 7答案prominent 8答案anonymous 9答案blunt 10答案donor 11答案chronic 12答案prolong 13答案arrogant 14答案chronologically 15答案prudent 16答案recipient 17答案phobia 18答案apprehensive 19答案remorse 20答案optimist Task 2
1答案amplify 2答案anonymous 3答案synonym 4答案intense 5答案donate 6答案comprehensive 7答案contend 8答案pseudonym 9答案constrained 10答案acupuncture 11答案tension 12答案optional 13答案oppose 14答案derogatory 15答案propose 16答案condone 17答案Eminent 18答案compose 19答案 imminent 20答案depose
Chapter 11-12 Task 1 答案
1答案antifreeze 2答案absurd 3答案bigamy 4答案adhere 5答案embrace 6答案alienate 7答案telephone 8答案assess 9答案diagram 10答案compile 11答案affluent 12答案contempt 13答案postscript 14答案defect 15答案dogmatic 16答案doctrine 17答案inspect 18答案populace 19答案homeless
20答案interpreter Task 2 答案
1答案anticipated 2答案cohere 3答案bicycles 4答案coherence 5答案embarrass 6答案inherent 7答案graphically 8答案alienate 9答案phonetic 10答案recession 11答案interactive 12答案temptation 13答案affluent 14答案affectionate 15答案cohesion 16答案infectious 17答案spectacle 18答案subcommittee
19答案postal 20答案sleepless
Chapter 13-14 Task 1 1.exempt
9.compatible 6.retrieve
19.fallacy 17.gullible
20.fictitious Task 2 1.preclude
8.precondition 9.eccentric2.extort
10.falsify 11.miser 12.static
13.ratify 14.fallacious 15.fallible 17.duplicate
18.revolve 19.torture 20.16.duel evolved
Chapter 15-16 Task 1 1.futile 2.harass
6.elapse 7.evasive
10.persistent 11.devise
15.versatile 16.unique 17.savor
20.universal Task 2 1.relapse 2.pervade 3.evade
5.collapse 6.Influenza 7.conference 8.defer
10.affluent 11.decode
16.adverse 17.defame
decompose 20.irreversible
14.uniform 19.Chapter 17-18 Task 1 1.impose
4.script5.defer 7.option
9.telephone 6.malicious
10.transfer 11.trio
14.companionship 16.conductor 17.contradict displease
20.microbiology Task 2 1.maltreatment 2.enroll dignity
19.5.malpractice 7.hardship
9.passion 10.6.enchain
pathetic 11.transmit
14.superscript 16.disarm
Chapter 19-20 Task 1
15.transplant 17.malfunction 18.collaborate
1答案notable 2答案indifferent 3答案frugal 4答案liberal 5答案emerged 6答案ritual 7答案reciprocated 8答案Exotic 9答案dismayed 10答案 adapted 11答案retains 12答案gesture 13答案elaborate 14答案reverted 15答案exile 16答案impulsive 17答案mediocre 18答案indulgent 19答案refute 20答案recede Task 2
1答案antecedent 2答案exalted 3答案aptitude 4答案evade 5答案exclude 6答案impulse 7答案medium 8答案exodus 9答案eject 10答案concession 11答案extracted 12答案median 13答案mediator 14答案mediated 15答案pulse 16答案eradicate 17答案apt 18答案verse 19答案adversary 20答案exhale
Chapter 21-22 Task 1 1答案tactics 2.答案immunity 3答案coerced 4答案provoked 5答案elite 6答案revoked 7答案alluding 8答案skeptical 9 答案essence 10答案recurs 11答案plausible 12.答案affirmed 13答案shrewd 14答案alleged 15答案stereotype 16答案queried 17答案reprimanded 18答案sadistic 19答案ridicule 20答案impair
Task 2 1答案botanical 2答案eluding 3答案quest 4答案avocation 5答案socialite 6答案contiguous 7答案municipal 8答案vocation 9答案applause 10答案infirm 11答案requisite 12答案tactics 13答案colluding 14答案applauded 15答案deride 16答案vocal 17答案ignited 18答案immunize 19答案plaudit 20答案prelude
Chapter 23-24 Task 1 1.答案Geology 2答案simultaneous 3答案thermometer 4答案detained 5答案memo 6答案destiny 7答案maltreatment 8答案porter 9答案diminish 10答案consequence 11答案strategy 12答案tedious 13答案vital 14答案Centipede 15答案manuscripts 16答案thermos 17答案malpractice 18答案transaction 19答案procrastinates
20答案Monogamy Task 2 1答案monopoly 2答案durable 3答案malcontent 4答案Theology 5答案consecutive 6答案malformed 7答案tenable 8答案abstinence 9答案manual 10答案pertaining 11答案Sociology 12答案simulate 13答案monologue 14答案Simile 15答案memento 16答案semblance 17答案malnourished 18答案revive 19答案sued
Chapter 25-26 Task 1 Chapter 25-26教材单词答案 1.discriminate 2.dismal 3.dispense 4.profound 5.severity 6.site 7.subside 8.summon 9.theoretical 10.vocation 11.ascend 12.finite 13.infinite 14.inflict 15.ingenious 16.initiate 17.literally
18.lure 19.mania 20.nostalgia Task 2 1.conflict 2.afflict 3.finality 4.define 5.confine 6.ascendancy 7.transcend 8.condescend 9.descendant 10.descend 11.subtropics 12.subscribe 13.submissive 14.submerge 15.distracts 16.dispassionate 17.dispel
18.disarming 19.literature 20.initiatives
chapter 27-28 task 1 1.trivial 2.treacherous 3.sophisticated 4.sequence 5.dominant 6.distorts 7.disperse 8.dimensions 9.deduction 10.controversy 11.sedate 12.perceptive 13.parallel 14.obstinate 15.morbid 16.lament
17.intervene 18.innate 19.inept 20.data Task 2 1.deceptive 2.natality 3.cognate 4.convene 5.inventory 6.convention 7.intercept 8.precept 9.perceive 10.incipient 11.emancipate 12.contradiction 13.contravene 14.contraband 15.vertical 16.anniversary
17.conversation 18.sophist 19.sophomore 20.philosophy
chapter 29-30 task 1 Chapter 29-30教材单词答案 1.confirmed 2.deceptive 3.defy 4.restrain 5.seclusion 6.submit 7.susceptible 8.transmits 9.valid 10.vigorous 11.accelerate 12.adverse 13.advocate 14.audible
15.coherent 16.comparable 17.competent 18.consecutive 19.conspicuous 20.deteriorate Task 2 Chapter 29-30补充单词答案 1.constrain 2.constrict 3.remittance/remittances 4.mission 5.premise 6.intermitted 7.suspense 8.transgress 9.transaction 10.transforms 11.accompany 12.addict 13.associate
7.英语词汇深度习得与词汇教学 篇七
传统的词汇习得观认为,习得一个单词即掌握它的形式和意义。然而,词汇习得远非认识新单词。什么叫习得了一个词?习得一个词就是掌握其完备的知识。实际上,词汇习得和词汇知识是一个复杂、多层次的系统(Nation, 1990)。根据Read (1993)“词汇习得不仅仅是词汇形式和意义的知识”的说法,越来越多的研究者开始认识到词汇和词汇习得不只是“是”与“否”的问题,它们应该被看作是包含各种不同维度和水平的一个连续体。Cohen与Nation认为掌握一个词就等于知道该词的字面意义、多层意思、句法特征、语义特征、使用限制、与其密切相关的词,以及该词的转化词。Laufer认为词汇的发展不只是一个量的问题,词汇知识可能在不同的学习阶段从表面发展至深层。词汇的发展不只是熟悉新词而已,它还包括深化已知词的知识;习得词汇知识也不只是熟悉词形和标记,它还指熟悉各种意义、概念和已知词的意义关系。所以词汇知识的深度和广度有同等的重要性。而且,高级语言学习者更需要掌握词汇的深层知识。
2. 什么是词汇深度
词汇知识包括质和量两个方面。前者指词汇深度问题,后者指词汇量即词汇广度问题。词汇知识方面的研究长期以来一直集中在量的研究, 即如何扩大学习者的词汇量。从词汇知识广度来看,一般认为掌握一个词的音、行、义就够了。但是对于常用词,掌握这些内容还远远不够。近年来,越来越多的研究者注意到词汇深度的重要性。
对于词汇深度的界定,国外有很多不同的观点,主要分为两类,一类是连续体观,如Dale, Faerch, Palmberg, Henriksen等。持该观点的学者以发展的眼光看待词汇知识,他们把词汇知识视为一个由不同水平和知识面组成的连续体,所测试的词汇知识不过是词汇习得过程中某一特定阶段词汇知识的反映。如Faerch et al.(1984)认为这种词汇连续体的起点为词性的模糊了解(即知道这个词是目的语中的一个词),重点为在自由产出过程中正确使用这个词的能力。而Dale (1965)将这个连续体分为五个阶段:(1)我以前从未见过该词;(2)我听说过该词,但不知道其含义;(3)我在语境中认识它,它与……有关;(4)我知道该词;(5)我能够把该词跟其他在意义上与其密切相关的词区分开来。另一类观点是成分分析法观,如Cronbach (1942)认为理解一个词包括下列五个含义:类化(能给该词下定义)、应用(选择该词的一个合适用法)、意义的宽度(回忆该词的不同意义)、意义的准确度(在各种可能清醒中正确地运用语义)及易联想性(能产出性地使用词语)。Nation (1990)将词汇知识具体,清晰地划分为形式、位置、功能和意义四大层面,以及发音、书写、句法特征、搭配、使用频率、得体性、概念意义、词间联想八个类型,而且每个词汇知识类型又分为“接受”和“产出”两种能力。
3. 对词汇教学的启示
4. 结语
[1]程雨民.关于词汇意义[J].外语与外语教学, 1999, (1) .
[2]戴曼纯.论第二语言词汇习得研究[J].外语教学与研究, 2000, (2) .
[3]肖善香, 刘绍龙.论二语词汇深度习得及其研究的若干问题[J].暨南大学学报, 2003, (1) .
[4]吕长竑.词汇量与语言综合能力、词汇深度知识之关系[J].外语教学与研究, 2004, (2) .
[5]张岩.谈第二语言词汇深度习得的重要性[J].岱宗学刊, 2006, (3) .
8.考研英语词汇练习题 篇八
中图分类号:G642 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1002-7661(2013)06-011-02
考研英语 重点记忆核心词汇01-08
掌握词汇复习技巧 攻克考研英语10-22