


1.雅思作文开头 篇一





很多考生在开头段这个部分都会选择套用一种固定的模板。朗阁海外考试研究中心的专家建议各位烤鸭们不要完全依赖于模板,主要出于这么几个原因:1.现在网络上流传着各种各样的模板,而这些模板已经被全国无数的雅思考生下载。所以,如果考生依赖于这个模板的话,恐怕会给考官造成一种千篇一律的感觉,从而拉低自己的分数。2.很多考生在开头都会习惯性的用一些固定的套句,比如说with the development of economy, as the society develops等等,但问题是并不是每个题目都适合。比如说,题目问在孩子的教育上,老师还是家长应该担当起更多的责任?如果考生上来写随着经济发展这样的话,恐怕考官看后会感觉非常的莫名其妙。所以,朗阁海外考试研究中心的专家们建议各位考生采取一个比较个性化的开头。



解。比如说,之前雅思考题曾经问到Should criminals be sent to prison or receive education and training? 完全从读者的角度去考虑这个问题的话,很多人其实并不清楚,了解这个话题。所以,考生需要将所涉及的议论文话题的背景介绍提供给读者(考官),让读者搞清楚整个话题的基本情况,主流的观点都有哪些等等,这为后面去看考生的文章做了一个好的铺垫。





 过去:首先,雅思考生可以从历史入手,简单扼要的介绍一下今天所涉及的这个话题一


 现状:既然讲了这个话题的历史背景,那么下一个部分自然而然就引到现状。在现状的描述中,建议考生多用一些现实生活中的现象,例子,事实,甚至是数据对这个话题的现在的状况进行一定的充实。比如说,就这个题目而言,可以说现在的环境已经变的非常恶劣:沙漠化,水资源短缺,全球变暖,异常气候更频繁等等。

 变化的原因:前面讲到了这个话题的历史和现状,这其中便突显出了差别和变化。那么


 连接句:到现在为止,关于这个大话题的背景已经介绍的非常清楚了。但是,这还没有





2.雅思写作开头 篇二

2. There is a debate/controversy today as to /over/concerning the issue/problem of ......

3. Those who criticize/oppose/argue that...... They believe that...... But people who advocate/favor/are for......, on the other hand, ........

4. Some people say that......, other people suggest that...... But I can hardly share this point of view for several reasons.

3.雅思写作开头怎样写好 篇三

要素之一: Restatement of the Topic (大作文的题目都会给出相关情景或话题,在首段中应先对题目中的情景或话题进行展开。)



要素之二:Express Your Opinion (大作文的题目中一般会问你 do you agree or disagree 或 what do you think 等,因此必须与之相对应地在首段中表明你的观点。这就是雅思写作技巧之一。明确自己的观点。

方法一:中立观点。可以说某种做法既有好又有坏;对某种观点有人同意又有人不同意等等。较好的表达如I partly agree with the opinion expressed above.




要素之三:No Excessive Background (大作文首段中只要涵盖以上两要素即可,不要写过多不相干的展开内容,更不要将理由写进去,否则主体段就没内容写了。

G类雅思写作Task 1备考攻略之邀请信


从官方介绍不难看出,G类写作任务一(以下简称T1)要求考生在20分钟左右完成一篇书信的写作,考生也许会被要求去询问信息或解释某些状况。但是,具 体而言,考生可能会碰到哪些形式的书信写作呢?根据剑桥2-9八本真题以及近三年考试回顾,雅思G类T1书信类型主要包括感谢信、道歉信、投诉信、求职求 学信、邀请信、建议信和咨询求助信等七种。新东方小编为大家收集了G类雅思写作Task 1备考攻略:邀请信,给出相应的解题思路(即书信写作文章结构)与写作句型。

四、G类雅思写作Task 1备考攻略:邀请信

1. 书信结构


2. 常用句型

1) I would like to invite you to dinner and be our guest.

2) I would like to invite you to join us and attend this meeting.

3) I am glad to invite you to participate in my graduation ceremony.

4) I am honoured to invite you to our wedding, as I understand that you only come to visit on special occasions.

5) Your presence is immediately requested.





分析近几年IELTS Writing出现过的地图题,我们可以把地图题分为两大类:一类,静态选址题;一类,动态变迁题。


例 1:剑桥5的Test 3


G类雅思写作Task 1备考攻略之建议信


从官方介绍不难看出,G类写作任务一(以下简称T1)要求考生在20分钟左右完成一篇书信的写作,考生也许会被要求去询问信息或解释某些状况。但是,具 体而言,考生可能会碰到哪些形式的书信写作呢?根据剑桥2-9八本真题以及近三年考试回顾,雅思G类T1书信类型主要包括感谢信、道歉信、投诉信、求职求 学信、邀请信、建议信和咨询求助信等七种。新东方小编为大家收集了G类雅思写作Task 1备考攻略:建议信,给出相应的解题思路(即书信写作文章结构)与写作句型。

五、G类雅思写作Task 1备考攻略:建议信

1. 书信结构


2. 常用句型

1) If I can be of any assistance in any way,please do not hesitate to call me.

2) I am available at Flat 304,Green Revenue,St.Eden,if you require any further information.

3) I am happy to supply any further information you may require and I look forward to hearing from you shortly.

4.雅思作文开头 篇四

In the first place, we cannot afford to lose them, which are important in the flow of our culture through time. An old architecture helps people connect with the past and hence form their culture identity. For example, the old castles and churches in Britain tell local people what kind of lives their ancestors lived; the Forbidden City in Beijing, China, makes all Chinese people proud of their country. If the government fails to preserve those buildings, we will lose them forever. Even if we may rebuild them someday in the future, we cannot reproduce the history. As a result, our children can only learn history and culture through pictures.

In the second place, the historical and traditional buildings will promote development of local tourism and hence local economy. In modern society, travel has become an important part of people’s entertainment activities. The historical sites will attract numerous visitors, which not only ensures tickets revenue, but also means more business opportunities to local people. The coming visitors will take transportations, live in hotels, hire tour guides, buy souvenirs, and have dinner in restaurants. As a result, a series of job opportunities will be generated, so as to cater the needs of tourists. If the investment in the historical and traditional buildings achieves success, it will benefit people in the long term by a prosperous economy.

To sum up, it is highly necessary for governments to preserve old buildings which are important for the protection of history and economic development.


People think that old buildings should be knocked down and give way to the new buildings. Do you agree or disagree? How important are old buildings to us?

5.雅思作文开头 篇五


With the rapid progress of urbanization, a growing number of people flood to cities, striving for a better life. However, while enjoying the fancy city life, people should increase awareness on health problems.

To begin with, citizens have to confront fierce competition and hence bear heavy pressure. Thanks to the growing population, people usually have no choice but to work hard to maintain the position and climb the career ladder. Frequently, they have to work over time or even burn the midnight oil. In addition, as busy work schedule squeezes up one’s time, fast food, which contains too much fat and sugar, gradually replaces healthy homemade ones. There isn’t enough nutrients in fast food that can provide people energy to cope with such heavy workload.

Secondly, it is likely for people living in cities to develop a sedentary lifestyle which is bad for health. From the moment in the morning that people leave home and head for the office, people started a day bound to seats. Either by taking public transportation or driving, people sit. In the office, with most of the work finished on the computer, people stare at the screen and type the keyboard for hours, suffering from stiff necks and shoulders. While back to home, a commonly preferred way to relax is watching TV or surfing on the Internet. Surely, the lack of exercises will lead to various diseases.

Thirdly, another factor that seriously influence people’s health is pollution. What comes first is the air pollution. Now in China, many cities are bothered by high level of PM2.5 in the air which severely damages people’s respiratory system. In summer, the high density of ozone in the air makes the situation even worse. All outdoor activities expose people to hazardous levels of air pollution. Also, we cannot ignore light pollution and noise pollution. All these have negative influence on people’s health.

To sum up, it is necessary for people living in cities to realize potential threats to their health and take measures in advance.

Living in big cities is bad for people’s health. To what extent do you agree or disagree.








6.雅思作文开头 篇六


In my country, a century ago, it was not easy for a child to grow up due to malnutrition and diseases. But today, parents are able to not only guarantee children’s material abundance, but also provide them with qualified education. All these allow children to have more freedom enabling them to have better development.

Admittedly, it seems plausible to assert that children, given the young age, are not mature enough to enjoy much freedom. Obviously, children sometimes lack necessary experience and knowledge for them to make right decision or regulate their behaviors. Without any restriction, they may fail to resist the temptation and indulge themselves with freedom. For example, they are likely to spend all their pocket money on snacks, such as candies and puffed food, which is bad for health, or they waste too much time on watching TV and playing computer games, which squeeze up their time for other more meaningful activities.

However, with parents’ appropriate and effective supervision and guidance, children can benefit a lot from the freedom. It is parents’ responsibility to help children cultivate self-discipline and self-control and teach them how to judge right and wrong. All these are indispensable for children to enjoy freedom. Hence, they are free to explore the outside world and govern their life. The free access to Internet enables them to gain knowledge and make friends; the free choices of study and entertainment help them become independent and responsible. In a word, with the freedom, children are able to nurture many valuable traits and habits.

To sum up, it is beneficial for children today to have much freedom in life.

In many parts of the world, children have more freedom than they used to. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?








7.雅思作文开头 篇七


In recent years, online education of different forms is increasingly popular among the public and even exhibits signs of replacing traditional role of lecturers, due to the unparalleled advantages of Internet. But, no matter how powerful and effective online education becomes, lectures are an indispensable and irreplaceable part of education.

Admittedly, the development of e-learning not only breaks the barrier of territory but also brings people more choices on study, which greatly improves education efficiency. Undoubted, what attracts people most to study online is the flexibility of time and place. If only there is access to Internet, people are able to begin their study. An equally important reason why a growing number of people become customers of e-learning is the availability of multiple options with high quality but low costs. With companies competing fiercely in the market, consumers benefit a lot from well-designed products that are both educational and entertaining.

Though the advantages of online education are obvious, people still need traditional classes that provide them with opportunities to have face-to-face communication with teachers and classmates. While sitting in a classroom, students are able to ask questions and get answers in real time. The teacher gives tailored education according to students’ needs. Also, the face-to-face communication with teachers allows students to acquire emotional supports, such as encouragement and suggestions. What else a classroom can offer is the atmosphere to conduct group discussion and cooperation. From each other, students develop critical thinking, learn to think from different perspectives, and nurture team spirits. All these constitute an essential part of education and make lectures irreplaceable.

To sum up, in spite of the superiority of e-learning, the role of lectures is irreplaceable, as a traditional class provides students with the chances to have face-to-face communication with teachers and classmates.

Lectures were used to be a way to teach large number of students, but with the technology available for education, there is no longer justification for lectures. To what extent do you agree or disagree.


8.雅思作文开头 篇八


Apart from compulsory courses, university students are also encouraged to take many selective courses which are supposed to help them build academic strength and cultivate interests. Given the various options available, it is impossible for students to sign up for all subjects that they are interested in. Or rather, students ought to focus on one area.

Admittedly, by taking more subjects, students are able to greatly expand outlook and have the opportunities to explore more fields. Thanks to professors’ efforts, the courses equip students with valuable knowledge and help them tap the full potential. It is the experience of attending classes of different areas that enables students to have better understanding of their specialty and strength. For example, a student majoring in computer science can also benefit from the study of physics and artificial intelligence that allow them to finally decide whether they pursue further education or career in hardware or software.

However, spreading oneself too thinly is actually not a wise choice. In fact, a student ought to determine what they will concentrate on in an early stage, and hence invest most of their time and energy in that field. Undoubtedly, what one can do within certain time is quite limited, but to standout or even have breakthrough requires a student to have enough practice, to correct mistakes and to accumulate experience. Therefore, only the perseverance of dedicating to one area can help students succeed in academic study. For instance, an art student should make sure he desires to develop his specialty in oil painting or sculpture as early as possible and then devote himself into that area.

In summary, in consideration to the time and energy one has within certain time period, university students ought to focus on study in one field instead of taking many different subjects.

Students in university education should develop specialist in one subject area rather than develop a wider range of different subjects. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?







9.如何写好作文开头——精彩开头 篇九










































10.雅思考试:1216雅思大作文 篇十

Social networking sites have a huge impact on both individual and society, to what extent do you agree or disagree


Today, most people are closely connected through various kinds of social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter, as long as they have access to Internet. The large user base has entitled those social networks huge power to influence people and society both positively and negatively. While enjoying the benefits, we cannot overlook the potential threats and dangers.

Admittedly, social networks help us enlarge social circles and expand outlooks. For friends living in different places, social networks provide an ideal platform for them to keep in contact, share information and communicate ideas. By updating status and uploading pictures, friends get to know each other’s life; also by giving comments and likes, friends strengthen bonds. Another valuable function of social networks is for people to make friends with strangers. It is convenient for people to follow users with similar hobbies and opinions. In a word, social networks help people break geographic boundary.

However, it is also worth noticing the harmful impacts brought by social networks. What occurs to people’s mind first must be the leakage of privacy. While registering an account, people fill in personal information which may become the prey of hijackers. In addition, people and medias with large number of followers also take advantages of social networks’ strong power to lead public opinions. When their opinions are too radical, the public may be easily misled. Even worse, social networks have also become a major tool for terrorists to recruit members globally. By posting brainwashing slogans and pictures, they attract immature young people to join them.

To sum up, social networks are a double-edged-sword. It provides an easy solution for people to be connected, but poses potential threats to both individuals and society. It is necessary for people to be alert and vigilant while using them.
