1.牛津英语9aunit1教案 篇一
Module 1 : Relationships unit 1: relatives in Beijing tasks in this unit:
talking about relatives;starting relationship, where they live and ages;making travel arrangements;planning departure dates and length of holidays;writing about travel plans, means of transport and costs;talking about places of interest in Beijing;reading about timetables;writing a personal letter about holiday plans.Listening and speaking : Planning a trip to Beijing Knowledge objectives: Using the present perfect tense to relate past events to the present Skill and ability objectives: listening: listen for specific information speaking: open and maintain an interaction by asking and answering questions reading: scan a text to locate specific information Emotional objectives Help students make plans for the things they want to do Key point Using the present perfect tense to relate past events to the present Difficulties Using the present perfect tense to relate past events to the present
Pre-task preparation: read and answer: Dear David We haven’t seen each other for a long time.How are you and your family in Garden City?
We would like to invite you to stay with us in Beijing in August.My children haven’t seen their cousins before.They want to see them very much.They also want to take them to some interesting places in Beijing.We will be very happy if you can come in August.It won’t be very hot here.Please write to me soon.Yours Weiming questions: 1
Where do Weiming and his family live?
When would Weiming like to invite them to Beijing? 3
Have Ben and Kitty seen their cousins before? 4
What do Ben and Kitty’s cousins want to do? while-task procedure: look and learn: invite/invitation cheap/ expensive agent/ brochure listen and say: read the passage after the tape practice reading look, read and answer: read the passage after the tape practice reading Post-task activies Think and talk Listen and choose Homework: Workbook 7A, pages 1 and 3.*act out the dialogue
say and act& listen and say& read and write Knowledge objectives: using modal verbs to express preferences using adjectives to describe objects Skill and ability objectives: llistening:listen for specific information speaking: maintain an interaction by replying and asking reading: skim a text to obtain a general impression and the main ideas writing: gather and share information by using strategies such as questioning Emotional objectives Help students make plans for the things they want to do Key point using modal verbs to express preferences using adjectives to describe objects Difficulties How long does it take to do? Pre-task preparation: read and write: Kitty is telling Mr Hu about their trip plan to Beijing.Can you complete what she says?
Mr Hu, I will travel to(1)_______ in the summer holidays.My uncle lives there.He has(2)_______ us to visit them in(3)_______(month).He has a son called(4)_______ who is(5)_______ years old and a daughter of(6)_______ years old called
(7)_______.Ben and I have(8)_______ seen our cousins before.So we are happy we can go there.while-task procedure: think and say: Sally __________(be)to Thailand.We __________(get)a letter from our cousin, Judy.Billy __________(invite)Andy to his birthday party.Wendy __________(send)an e-mail to Mary.It takes __________________ hours to travel from Shanghai to Beijing by train.It costs __________________ ________________________ yuan.It takes __________________ hours to travel from Shanghai to Guangzhou by train.It costs __________________ ________________________ yuan.It takes … hours to travel from Shanghai to … by _____.It costs … yuan.look and read: Where is Mr Li? At the travel agent’s.read the passage after the tape practice reading
listen and say: at the end of August /Back to Garden City read the passage after the tape practice reading answer the questions: • When are the Lis going to leave for Beijing? • When are they going to come back from Beijing? • How long are they going to stay there? • How are they going to travel to Beijing? • Why won’t they take the train there?
read and write: The Lis have decided to go to Beijing.Mr Li is writing a letter to his brother, Weiming.Can you help him complete the letter to Uncle Weiming? Post-task activies Look and say Listen and answer Homework: Workbook 7A, pages 2 and 4.*look and say(ppt)
reading : welcome to Beijing Knowledge objectives: using proper nouns to refer to places using nouns to show position using adverbs to show position Skill and ability objectives: listening: using visual clues, context and knowledge of the world to work out the meaning of unknown words speaking: open and maintain an interaction by asking and answering questions reading: read written language in meaningful chunks writing: gather and share information and ideas by using strategies such as brainstorming Emotional objectives Help students make plans for the things they want to do Key point read written language in meaningful chunks Difficulties using nouns to show position using adverbs to show position
Pre-task preparation: look and talk: Work in pairs.Suppose you are at the travel agent’s.You are S2 and you are asking the agent for some information.S1, the agent, should try to answer your questions.make a dialogue according to the sentence structure: think and write: Mr Li received a(1)__________ from his
(2)__________, Weiming.Weiming is Ben and Kitty’s(3)__________.He lives in(4)__________.He has a(5)__________ called Simon and a
(6)__________ called Lucy.Simon is(7)__________ years old and Lucy is(8)__________.Weiming asked Mr Li to stay with them in
(9)__________(month).They can go there by
(10)__________ or by(11)__________.The next day, Mr Li went to visit a(12)__________(13)__________ because he wanted to get some
(14)__________.Mr Li knew that it takes about(15)______________ hours to travel from Garden City to Beijing by plane and it costs
(16)__________ yuan.That’s(17)__________.But it takes about(18)__________ hours by train.It is too(19)__________.It costs only(20)__________ yuan.while-task procedure: listen and say: The Li family has arrived in Beijing.Simon and Lucy want to take Ben and Kitty to some interesting places.look and learn: new words and phrases:the summer palace/ the great wall/ tian’anmen square/ the palace museum/swan/ mountain/brick/stone/national/raise
read the passage after the tape practice reading answer the questions: • Where is the Summer Palace? • What are there at the palace? • What is the name of the lake? • What can you see on the lake? • Where is the Great Wall? • What did people build it with? • What can you see on the wall? • What can you see from the wall? • Where is Tian’anmen Square? • How many people can it hold? • What do soldiers do every morning in Tian’anmen Square? • Where is the Palace Museum? • What can people see at the Palace Museum? • Why do many people visit the museum? Post-task activies Listen and number Homework: Workbook 7A, page 7 *Watch and say(ppt)
look and read & look, write and say Knowledge objectives: using going to to talk about future activities using wh-questions to find out place using modal verbs to express ability Skill and ability objectives: listening: use visual clues, context and knowledge of the world to work out the meaning of unknown words speaking: open and maintain an interaction by asking and answering questions reading: scan a text to locate specific information writing: gather and share information and ideas by using strategies such as brainstorming Emotional objectives Help students make plans for the things they want to do Key point using going to to talk about future activities using modal verbs to express ability Difficulties using going to to talk about future activities using wh-questions to find out place
Pre-task preparation: look ,read and say:
Suppose you have just come back from a trip to Beijing.You want to tell your friends about these four interesting places in Beijing.Look at the photos and the captions you have written on the back of the photos.Then tell in your own words.while-task procedure: look and say: Lucy and Simon have made a holiday plan for Ben and Kitty.Look at the calendar and tell what they are going to do each day.They are going to visit … on … look and learn: new words and phrases: places of interest
look and read: The children are planning to visit different places of interest in Beijing.read the passages after the tapes practice reading
look, write and say: Look at the calendar on the next slide and page 5 in Student’s Book again.Pretend you are Ben, Kitty, Simon and Lucy, and talk about your visits.make a dialogue Post-task activies Look and talk Homework: page 5 *Look, ask and answer
Lucy’s holiday plan
Knowledge objectives: using formulaic expressions to begin and end a letter using the simple past tense to talk about past activities Skill and ability objectives: listening: listen for specific information speaking: maintain an interaction by replying and asking questions reading: read written language in meaningful chunks writing: develop written texts by expressing own ideas and feelings Emotional objectives Help students make plans for the things they want to do Key point using the simple past tense to talk about past activities Difficulties
using formulaic expressions to begin and end a letter
Pre-task preparation:
look and write: You are going to read four pages from Kitty’s diary in her blog.She wrote the diary when she came back to Garden City.But some words are missing.Can you help her complete them? fill in the blanks
while-task procedure:
think and say: Suppose your cousin is visiting you in Shanghai now.Look at the pictures and notes.Talk about the visits.look and read: read the passage after the tape practice reading
read and choose: Read Kitty’s letter again and pick out which two photos Kitty is going to send together with her letter to Lucy.answer the questions according the given passage:
write: You are Lucy.You want to write a letter to Kitty about your holiday plan for the Spring Festival.Post-task activies Read and answer Homework:
page 8 *Read and write
2.牛津英语9aunit1教案 篇二
英语是初中三大主科之一, 学生英语学习的好坏直接影响其整体学习水平。英语学习难成为广大初中生的普遍感觉, 为了不让英语成为“学习木桶”的短板, 使孩子们学好英语就成为了广大一线英语教育者的头号任务。在笔者的教学实践中, 发现了牛津英语“推进器”———情景教学法。
古代选拔人才主要的考核方式———科举, 讲究的是写八股文, 规规矩矩, 板板正正, 束缚了学子的天性, 用八股的框子框成举人、进士。新中国成立以来, 特别是改革开放以来, 国外的教育思想和方法开始传入中国, 被国人所接触, 所熟知。而国外追求个性教学、快乐教学的理念开始被很多人接受, 其中就包括情景教学法。
我国著名教育家陶行知所秉承的教育理念之一就是“生活即教育”。艺术界有一句话“艺术源于生活, 又高于生活”。我们的书本和教学理念也是如此, 而可悲的是, 有些时候, 光记着“高于生活”, 而忘了“源于生活”。有些教师在英语教学中唯课本马首是瞻, 仅就本论本, 与鲜活的生活实践脱节。结果上课打呵欠者有之, 开小差者有之, 甚至直接去“会周公”。虽然学生自身自制力不够是原因, 但是老师死板的教学方法也难辞其咎。
“情景教学法”就是专门治疗上文中提到的这一病症的良方, 此药方为:在教学时, 教师创设带有情绪色彩的、形象为主题的场景, 从而使学生产生态度体验, 帮助学生理解并获取知识, 同时使学生心理机能得到发展。将言、行、情融为一体以激发学生的情感。
情景教学法虽然为“推进器”, 但并不是“全自动智能化”的, 需要“舵主”———英语老师掌握好航向、航速。
其一, 教师要摸清整班的英语水平, 胸有成竹地掌握什么样的内容对于孩子们来说是较难的。情景教学法因为方法灵活, 需引入情境, 耗时较长, 适用于中等偏上难度的问题。
其二, 掌握好频次、频率。情景教学法趣味性强, 课堂活跃气氛好。而有些英语老师尝到甜头之后, 不分内容、场合, 太过频繁地使用, 弄得耗时过长, 反而拖堂, 引起同学们的不满。而且人之天性为“喜新厌旧”, 再新的衣服穿多了也会旧, 再新的方法用多了用烂了也惹人烦。所以, 为了能最大限度地利用好情景教学法, 教师要挑选好利用的时机和频次。
虽然牛津英语教材生动有趣, 贴近学生实际, 方便教师利用情景教学法缩短课堂与生活的距离, 但仅仅依靠课堂教学的有限时间显然是远远不够的, 所以教师可以利用课外活动课时间为学生播放一些英文经典电影。动画电影因为其语言相对简单, 节奏较慢, 而且情节活泼有趣, 尤为适合, 如Big feet (《欢乐的大脚》) , Lion king (《狮子王》) , The sound of music (《音乐之声》) 等。看完后可以准备一些情景问答题目, 鼓励学生积极学习其中的日常对话内容, 并在日常生活中使用。同时, 指导学生学唱优美动听的歌曲“So long, farewell”“Do re mi”等, 学生们喜欢上了自然就会在平时哼唱。而在节日之时举办英语歌唱大赛的话, 更会激发大家学习英语歌曲的兴趣和热情, 使学生英语能力得到极大提高。
俗话说“条条大路通罗马”, 英语学习之法并不是一成不变的。情景教学法虽然具有一定的局限性, 但是它在初中英语教学实践中的实际运用, 可以有效地提高英语教学效率, 提高学生的英语学习兴趣。
[1]黄爱玲, 齐捷锋.课堂教学情境的创设[J].中小学英语教学与研究, 2003 (7) .
[2]邢艳.让初中英语课堂教学生活化[J].校园英语 (教研版) , 2011 (5) .
[3]邹晓峰.初中英语情景教学设计策略[J].新课程学习 (社会综合) , 2009 (12) .
3.深化牛津英语教材 篇三
良好的学习习惯会使学生终身收益。俗话说:良好的开始是成功的一半。因此要特别注重学生良好的英语学习习惯。1.培养学生“多听”的习惯。一方面教师要培养学生认真听讲的习惯,要帮助学生认识课堂45分钟的重要性,努力做到当堂巩固所学的知识。当然,作为教师也需要不断改革课堂教学模式,创设生动活泼的教学情景,激发学生学习兴趣,使他们坐得住,听得进。另一方面,培养学生听的习惯还需给学生提供更多听英语的机会。在课堂教学中,要充分发挥录音机的作用,利用配套录音磁带,让学生接触标准的语音、语调、语流,形成语感。2.培养学生“敢说”的习惯。英语作为交际工具,开口讲是最基本的要求。由于小学三年级就开始学英语了,因此到了高中学生说英语的积极性呈下降趋势,特别是中等及偏下的学生,造成这种状况的原因一方面是因为缺少英语交际的环境,另一方面,学生胆小怕错,羞于开口,但最关键的还是他们平时没有养成说英语的习惯,我们应多创设情景,可以是围绕一个中心任务,让学生自由发挥。在学生学说英语的过程中,教师应多一些鼓励与肯定,把英语口试的一些“说”的技巧贯穿于平时的英语课堂活动中。3.培养学生“善读”的习惯。首先,认真抓好早读课。确保早读时间,明确早读内容,并通过默写等形式检测早读效果。其次,阅读形式要多样化。通过齐声朗读、分角色朗读、男女生分读、分小组读、教师或磁带领读、默读等形式阅读英语,学生参与欲强,注意力集中,有利于学习效率的提高。在课文阅读教学中,指导阅读技巧。要求学生把注意力集中在获取主要信息上,学会抓住中心句。4.培养学生"勤写"的习惯。英语写作可以从最基本的《预备课程》起就写起来,结合每个单元的中心任务,如:My family、 My classroom、My school、My friend、Our pets、 The park等。并且教给学生一些写作步骤和写作中的注意点。在平时的英语教学中,我建立了学生的个人英语成长记录,从课文背诵、上课发言、作业情况、音标测试、小组活动、笔记整理、错题积累、资料积累等几个方面对学生进行全面的习惯培养和英语学习评价,每两个星期或一个月对学生考评一次,设立英语学习标兵和英语学习进步者的奖项。这样慢慢的学生就会养成良好的学习英语习惯。
4.牛津版高一英语教案 篇四
Teaching aims and demands
类别 课程标准要求掌握的项目
话题 1. Talk about sports
2. Talk about interests and hobbies
3. Talk about the Olympics
4. Write a sports star’s profile
功能 Interests and hobbies
Which do we like…or …?
What’s your favorite sport?
Which sport do we like best?
Which do we prefer…or…?
What about…?
Are you interested in…?
词汇 vocabulary
continent well-known athlete gold medal torch badminton tie final dive shooting
Greece competitor motto further rank gymnastics prepare preparation effect flame
compete flag weight position superstar point skill weigh title gesture facial
stand for because of speed skating track and field take part
in preparation for
语法 Future Passive Voice
The human of Beijing will plant more trees and build new roads.(陈述句)
More trees will be planted and new roads will be built by the human of Beijing.Beijing will hold the 29th Olympic Games in the year 2008.(疑问句)
When will the 29th Olympic Games be held in Beijing.Period Arrangements:
warming up reading materials
Period 1 listening Period 2,3
speaking language focus
listening(WB)complementary listening material
Period 4 speaking Period 5 complementary reading material
integrating skill(writing)assessment
Teaching Procedures of Period 1:
Step1.Warming up(15 mins)
Ss know a lot about sports from everyday life and media,so I arrange such a task-discussion(group of 4):
Q: What do we know about sports?
During this process,if Ss can’t express themselves in English,Chinese is also all right.Besides,it is a
good chance to present new words.If necessary,I will make some complements.At the same time,I will present them as many pictures about sports as possible.Possible response:
school sports meet
Sports meet the National Games
the Asian Games
the Olympic Games
the World Cup
ball games: volleyball,basket ball,football,table tennis,tennis,golf
badminton,bowling,baseball,American football,ice hockey etc
Events of sports track and field: relay race,long jump,high jump,pole jump,discus,shot,javelin etc
gymnastic: rings,double bars,high and low bars,horse,free exercise
swimming/shooting/skiing/ ice sports/diving/aquatic sports etc
Sport stars : Beckham,Mike Owen,Michael Jordan etc
Purpose: This activity is designed to encourage students to think about sports and activate
relevant vocabulary.Step 2.Speaking(15 mins)
Task1(pair work): Talk about their favourite sports,favourite sports stars,and the reason why they like them,with the following expressions as a guide.(See SB p52)
Task2(pair work): A survey about physical fitness(See postscript 1)
Task3(group work): Add up their total scores and divide by the number of human.Then get their group’s average scores.Discuss their survey answers.1).Do you think your group is doing well or not? Why ?
2).How can you become fitter?
Purpose: The students will use the information from the above step to talk about their interests and hobbies and to practise giving reasons for their opinions.Step 3.Listening(15 mins)
Task 1: Brainstorming(encourage Ss to tell me as many words about that as possible)
Purpose: to work as a guide of listening part.Task 2: Listen to three sports reports and fill in the missing information
Purpose: In this activity,the students will hear three sports reports about basketball,football table tennis.It is what they are interested in and to learn to understand sports news report.Step 4.Homework Assignment
Task: Find out some background information about the Olympics.T will offer them some websites as well:
5.牛津英语初一上册教案 篇五
1. 能掌握节日单词 Children’s Day、Christmas、Mid-Autumn Festival、Dragon Boat Festival和Spring Festival。
2. 能通过课前的信息搜集,课上的团队合作以及课后的自学,掌握以下节日
New Year’s Day、Halloween、 May Day、 National Day 。
3. 能掌握四会句型
When’s…?It’s in…What do people usually do at/on…?They…
4. 学生能运用本单元的四会句型和日常交际用语谈论节日中人们的活动以及自己曾做过的事。
多媒体课件 实物
Step1: Warming-up
2.Free talk.
What day is it ? What date is it today?
What do you usually do at the weekends?
(设计意图: 在上课开始,与学生亲切自然地相互问候,使学生快速进入英语学习的氛围,同时为下一步教学做铺垫。)
Step2: Presentation:
1. T:(教师手拿日历)What date is it?
S: It’s the first of October.
T: What holiday is on the first of October.
S: It’s National Day.
Ss:Children’s Day, Teacher’s day, Christmas, National Day, Halloween---
揭示主题: Holidays
Magic eyes
2. 教学 Spring Festival
(1)。(Look at the screen)There is a duck, a cake and some fruit. Oh, they are very delicious.(扮演出正在吃美味食物的样子)Here“delicious”means“nice”。 (Teach:delicious ←de-li-cious)
T: We can eat delicious food at Spring Festival.
Teach: Spring Festival 春节
(2)。Let’s read
It is a popular holiday in China. It is in January or February. People eat a lot of delicious food. They usually visit their relatives and friends.
Relative means your parents,uncle,aunt,cousin,grandparents and so on.
It means…?
Ss:(引导学生说出答案)It means亲戚!
T:(Teach: relative ←re-la-tive)
(3)。 教学What do people usually do at Spring Festival?
T: What do people usually do at Spring Festival?
Read: people 人,人们
Practice: What do people usually do at Spring Festival?
They usually---
Did you --- last Spring Festival?
Yes, I did. No, I didn’t.
3. 教学 Mid-Autumn Festival & Dragon Boat Festival.
And there are some Chinese traditional(传统的) festivals in China,too. We have Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and Dragon Boat Festival.
T:(Show the picture of Mid-Autumn Festival)
Can you guess what fesitval it is from this picture?
T:Yes,it’s Mid-Autumn Festival.(Teach: Mid-Autumn Festival.)
When’s Spring Festival?
S:It’s on the 15th of August.
T:No,It’s in September or October. (日历展示)
What do people usually do at Mid-Autumn Festival?If you can’t say in English,you can say it in Chinese.(在用英语无法表达时,允许学生用中文来补充。)
S: 吃月饼,赏月。
T:Yes. They usually eat moon cake and watch the moon.
T: Did you eat moon cake and watch the moon last Mid-Autumn Festival?
Ss: Yes,I do.
T: I think you should say:Yes,I did.
( Dragon Boat Festival教法同上。)
4. 教学Christmas
(1)Guessing game
问: What holiday is it ?
(2) 教师让学生说他们所知道的关于圣诞节的知识,如圣诞老人,圣诞礼物,圣诞食 品及圣诞活动,不限定学生全部用英语表达。
T: Christmas is coming. Do you know anything about Christmas ,e.g. presents and food?
(设计意图: 用提问的方式引出即将学习的活动,并通过讨论让学生了解有关圣诞节的文化意识。)
(3) 教师用课件创设情景: Christmas tree, Santa Claus, new clothes, stars, give presents to each other, play with friends..
The Christmas is coming. Please look at these pictures and talk about the following questions.
When’s Christmas?
Do you like Christmas? Why?
What do you usually do at Christmas?
(4) 学生4人一组看图片,并根据问题讨论圣诞节。
(5) 小组汇报他们讨论的情况,并通过投影呈现: 例如Christmas is on the 25th of December. We like Christmas because it’s interesting. There are many Christmas trees and we can see them everywhere. We can also buy new clothes and give presents to each other.
5. The usage of “at” and “on”
T: Look at the phrases carefully and find the rule by yourselves.
小组讨论 “on” 和“at”的区别
at Halloween at Spring Festival at Dragon Boat Festival
on New Year’s Day on May Day on Children’s Day
S: We use “on” before “Day”。
T:Well done!
1.(Show two pictures about Part C)
T:Can you use the sentences on the blackboard to make up dialogues in pairs?
T:When’s Spring Festival?
S:It’s in January or February.
T: What do people usually do at Spring Festival?
S:They eat lots of delicious food.
T:Did you eat lots of delicious food last Spring Festival?
S:Yes,I did.(Picture1 T-S;Picture2 S-S)
2.Show time:
___________is on ______________.
Children usually______________________.
Did you ____________last______________?
Step5: Homework
1. 仿照PartC编写含有以下节日的句型:New Year’s Day、May Day、
National Day
2. Introduce the foreign festivals to your parents.
Unit6 Holidays
A: When’s --- ?
B: It’s in ---.
A: What do people usually do at Spring Festival?
B: They usually---
A: Did you --- last Spring Festival?
6.初中牛津上海版英语教案 篇六
Listen to the tape four times .( A Learn to say )
Design :
Unit 10 Do you play…
Yes ,I do .
No, I don’t .
What do you play ? I play the …
The second period
Teaching Contents:
A.Vocabulary : football ,volleyball, baseball ,basketball .
B.Patterns:Do you like …?Yes ,I do /No ,I don’t .
Teaching Aims:
能听懂、会说日常交际用语Do you like…? Yes ,I do /No ,I don/t .
会唱歌曲We study and play .
Teaching Steps:
Step1 Warm up
Say a rhyme:Jack has a clock .
Sing a song: Hot cross buns .
Step2 Free talk and presentation .
Free talk .
e.g T: Do you play the piano ?
S1: Yes ,I do ./No ,I don’t .
T: What do you play ?
S1: I play the violin .Do you play the violin ?
S2: Yes ,I do …
S3: …
Presentation .
教师出示一个足球,T:I like football.(边说边踢球,当球滚到一学生跟前时,师提问)
T:Do you like football? Yes or no ? (教师引导学生回答)
S:Yes ,I do /No ,I don’t .
借助小猫Kitty学习对话:Let’s go and play football now .Great! Let’s go .
Step3 Consolidation .
Passing game: 听音乐传球,当音乐停止的时候,手中持球的学生与其同位到台前用手中的球编对话。
Do and guess :一位学生到讲台前作出打球的动作,其余学生猜猜是哪一种球。
Step 4 Have a rest .
Sing a song: We study and play .
The third period
Teaching Contents :
C Look and say : D Look read and write .
Teaching Aims:
复习巩固Do you play /like …? What do you play ? 及其应答 答语。
学习字母Uu ,Vv ,Ww .
Teaching Steps
Step1 Warm up
Sing a song : We study and play .
Revision .
Step2 Presentation .
Look and say .
The T shows the wall picture and asks : What can you see on the picture ?
7.小学牛津英语词汇教学初探 篇七
一、驾驭直观教学, 激发学生的学习兴趣
直观教学是指利用图片、实物、玩具和幻灯片等一系列辅助教具作为感官传递物来进行教学, 教师往往会通过一定的方式和方法向学生展示这些“事物”, 从而激发学生的学习兴趣, 提高课堂教学效率。在直观教学中, 使用图片和实物是最常见的方法。目前, 《牛津小学英语》新教材最大的优点是在很多新单词旁附上一些卡通类的图片, 由于这些图片比较符合小学生的认知心理, 所以教师一定要把握好这一直观教学的“素材”, 要想方设法地利用这些“素材”对学生进行单词教学, 并加强学生的理解和记忆。
例如在学生学习bear, zebra, elephant等单词时, 教师一定要利用色彩鲜艳的图片来吸引学生的注意力, 有效调动了学生学习的积极性。当然, 并不是说学生每学一个单词, 教师都需要出示相应的图片, 若真如此, 就会使单词教学陷入单一的模式, 使学生产生认知疲劳。在单词教学中, 我们必须勇于创新, 灵活运用科学而合理的教学方法。
在英语教学中, 教师应根据实际需要, 把生活中经常看到的实物带进课堂, 营造出轻松愉快的课堂教学氛围。譬如, 我在执教《牛津小学英语》4A中的big, long, small, short这部分单词时, 我在课前先将自己的衣服和鞋与一位女生对调, 在课堂上, 我指着自己的coat和shoes说:“Look, my shoes are too small, my coat is too short.”当大部分学生恍然大悟后, 我指着那位学生的coat和shoes, 说道:“Look, Her shoes are too big., her coat is too long.”最后, 让学生总结性地说出:“She looks so funny”, 从而让学生水到渠成地学习so funny。
二、巧妙用构词法, 达到触类旁通的效果
巧妙运用构词法是学生记忆英语单词的最有效途径之一, 而构词法主要包括前缀、后缀和合成词三种, 这三种方式都有利于小学生由旧词引出新词, 扩大词汇量。前缀一般用于动词或形容词前, 用来改变单词的词义;而后缀往往是用来改变词性或词义的。譬如:改变词义的有:happy—unhappy, like—dislike;动词变成形容词:clean—cleaner, sing—singer;名词变成形容词:wind—windy, sun—sunny;形容词变副词:careful—carefully, quick—quickly。而由两个或两个以上的词组成的单词就是合成词, 例如, 教师可由呈现的pen引到pencil, class引到classroom, school引到schoolbag, black引到blackboard……当然, 合成词的中文意思并不仅仅是几个单词意思的简单累加, 所以在利用构词法进行单词教学时, 教师也要引导学生正确理解单词的意思。
三、树立必胜信心, 激励学生敢于攻克堡垒
由于不少学生感到英语学习非常困难, 因此, 我们必须让学生树立学习英语的必胜信心, 努力扭转学生谈“英”色变的被动局面, 让他们充分相信学习英语和学习汉语拼音一样有趣。
例如, 在《牛津小学英语》5A这套书中的Unit 1的单词教学中, 我让学生识记“house”这个单词时, 就把它与horse进行比较, 并用不同的颜色在黑板上标出单词的不同之处:“house”和“horse”这两个单词的不同字母是“u”和“r”, 我将这两个字母用红色标出来, 而其它相同的部分则用黄色表示, 从而使“house”和“horse”这两个单词的共同点和不同点得到充分展示。在小组学习讨论中, 学生不仅很快总结这些单词的记忆规律, 而且对学好英语充满信心。此时, 我告诉学生:许多单词的记忆都是有规律的, 只有掌握了单词记忆的基本规律, 才能轻松识记单词。接着, 我又给学生列举了有趣的记忆单词的方法, 例如:A man goes to eat the mango.只要学生先识记住“man”和“go”这两个单词, 那么他们也就能记住第三个单词“mango”了。
四、灵活结合语境, 强化词汇的理解记忆
词汇正如建筑用的砖头, 但仅有砖头是建不出房子的。世界著名的英语口语教育专家李阳认为:“学习英语的对象不应该是孤立的发音、单词、语法, 而应该是句子”。可见, 把单词放入语境中, 既有利于学生全方位地理解词义, 又有利于培养学生的语感。例如, 在《牛津小学英语》3A的动物类单词的教学中, 我们可以把单词放入“Panda, panda, I can see a panda.”和“Zebra, zebra, this is a zebra.”等句中来进行单词教学, 其效果也比较显著。当学生学习了生活中常见物品的单词后, 可以把它们放在如下的句子中来练习:“Apple, apple, I can see a red apple.”“Cinema, cinema.Let’s go to the cinema by bus.”“Light, light, turn on the light.”在真实的语境中, 学生不仅加深了单词的理解和记忆, 而且还锻炼了会话造句的能力。
烟无常形, 教无定法, 小学英语词汇教学改革的道路还很漫长, 愿广大小学英语教师能认真学习小学英语新课程标准, 紧密结合自身教学实际, 摸索出行之有效的教学新方法。
摘要:随着新课程改革步伐的稳健挺进, 小学英语词汇教学模式百花齐放。在本文中, 笔者将结合自身的教学实际, 阐述在小学牛津英语词汇教学中行之有效的方法, 希望能为他人的教学带来借鉴作用。
8.牛津初中英语教学初探 篇八
关键词:牛津版 提升质量 课堂 “三清”
牛津初中英语中,每单元都围绕一个话题,由卡通漫画、导入、阅读、词汇、语法、综合技能、学习技巧/语音、中心任务、检测等部分构成。首先,教师通过各种资料熟悉单元话题。只有教师对话题背景了然于胸,才能熟练地驾驭教材。其次,这些话题大多素材典型,语言情境真实,如能在课堂上充分展示典型素材,真实再现语言情境,会大大激发学生学习本单元的欲望。例如,牛津初中英语 八年级(上),有交朋友、英美学校生活比较、北京世界公园、大熊猫、扎龙自然保护区、地震等话题,这些都是真实可触的内容,老师可以借助多媒体带领学生观看各种阅读资料(图片、电影短片等)或进行网上搜索。再者,通过深入钻研教材,把每一课型的重点、难点把握准、把握透,以便让学生每一个知识点都明明白白,这样教师教起来清楚,学生学起来轻松。
不可否认,每一个班级学生的情况各有不同,老师要深入了解,具体情况具体分析,最大限度地发挥学生各自的优势。洋思中学的生源特点特殊,相当一部分学生来自外地。笔者所教班级,部分学生来自发达城市,英语基础比较好;还有一部分来自学校附近乡镇, 英语基础相对薄弱。 那么老师在设计教学时就要兼顾这两类学生, 设计出让学生都能参加的教学实践活动,增加课堂练习的广度和梯度。让学生在有限的45分钟紧张的学习、操练英语。这样基础好的学生就能吃好、吃饱, 基础差一些的学生会学,学透。
第一步,研究整节课导入、新授、巩固等的设计方式,力求运用灵活多变的教学方法,以全新的视角激起学生浓厚的兴趣。第二步,研究本课语言点的教法。制作富有吸引力的动画课件,并将教材中的重难点融入直观、动态的幻灯片中,帮助学生分析、简化语言点。同样一个语言点,学生机械地背,用一节课也可能记不住;经老师指导后,在理解的基础上记忆,仅用几分钟就记住了。如能再把这些内容编成顺口溜或口诀,学生不一会儿就记得滚瓜烂熟,且不易忘记。比如学生在处理冠词“a, an, the” 与 “形容词性物主代词”的问题常常出现“my a teacher 我的一个老师”诸多错误,那么我就编出“a, an, some 不与物主(代词),the连”的口诀,即“a, an, some, 物主(代词),the” 这五元素之间出现其一,不能再用另外的任意一个。这样,我的学生对这一知识点都能牢固掌握,灵活运用。
“落实‘三清’”,具体讲就是做好阶段复习总结工作。针对牛津英语内容多、语言点琐碎等问题,教师要及时做好复习总结工作。这也是我们洋思中学的特色教学: “堂堂清”、“周周清”、“月月清”。
以上所述的牛津初中英语教学成功的几点体会,对牛津初中英语新教材教学摸索出的一些心得。 洋思的教学模式得到了很多教育界人士的肯定。这也证明,洋思的模式是可行的,是经得起检验的好方法,好经验。我想,只要我们每位教师都勇于实践,勤于总结,
9.牛津小学英语4B教案 (55) 篇九
一、教学内容和目标: 四会:How old are you /is he /she? I’m/ He’s / She’s „
三会:It’s cold today, isn’t it? Guess!What do you want to be? I want to be „
会唱:“They sing happily” 通过做练习,复习、巩固所学知识。听读、辨认:辅音字母组合dr和tr在单词中的读音。通过做练习,复习、巩固所学知识。二.重、难点:
四会:How old are you /is he /she? I’m/ He’s / She’s „
教学用具: 各种图片, 录音机, 自制听力磁带.练习册教学磁带.三.教学过程: Step 1:口头复习本单元内容.(1).How old are you ? I’m „.(2).How old is he/she ? He’s / She’s „.(3).What’s your/ her/ his job ? I’m/ She’s / He’s „.(4).What are their jobs ? They’re „.(5).Are they „? Yes, they are.(No, they aren’t.)(6).What do you want to be ? I want to be a/an„.Step 2:Free talk Good morning/afternoon.T: What’s your job? S :I’m „
T: What’s your father’s/mother’s job? S: He’s/She’s „ Step 3: Read and act T:使劲搓手,作寒冷状,边做边教 S:Listen to the tape S:Look at the picture & Listen to the tape again.S:It’s cold today, isn’t it? S:Read after the T.Read it by themselves.Read it together.Step 4: Listen and repeat S:Listen to the tape.体会辅音字母组合dr 和tr 在单词中的发音。Read after the T.Step 5: Fun house T:the doll 与 mingming 的age 是 same。
Do a survey S : Listen to the T carefully.Read it together.用“What do you want to be ?
I want to be a/an „”
Review the words T:列出一张表格,用What do you want to be ?I want to be a /an „ 问S,并在相应格子中打勾。统计:How many boys and girls want to be a /an „? S:用此句型去采访十位S
完成听写练习.(1).Phrases: a waiter , a waitress, a driver , a worker, a postman, an engineer, a cook, a farmer, a policeman, a policewoman(2).Sentences: What’s your job? I’m a waiter.How old are you ? I’m one.What are their jobs ? They’re drivers.完成练习册.完成听力练习。
10.关于牛津高中英语教案模块 篇十
To learn to talk about kinds of music
To learn to read about bands
To study The Attributive Clause (in/ for/ with/ by+which/ whom)
To learn to write an e-mail
To study The Attributive Clause (in/ for/ with/ by+which/ whom)
To learn to write an e-mail
I. Warming up
Warming up by describing
Good morning, class. Today we are going to talk about an interesting topic --- music. As we know, music is a kind of art of making pleasing combinations of sounds in rhythm, harmony and counterpoint. Music can produce a lively and happy atmosphere and bring people relaxation after hard work, which can reduce the tiredness. Listening to music also makes people feel happy and nice. How many do you know about music? Can you tell about different kinds of music? Now turn to page 33, look at the pictures, read the captions and listen to the different kinds of music. See if you can guess which music matches with which picture.
Warming up by discussing
Hi, everyone. Do you like music? How much do you know about music? Can you tell about the different kinds of music? Please turn to page 33. Look at the pictures. Let’s listen to some music. Let’s see if you can guess which music matches with which picture.
Classical music Country music Rock ‘n’ Roll
Rap Orchestra Folk music
Yes, you are right. I’m sure you will really enjoy yourselves after listening to all these beautiful music. What kind of music do you like better, Chinese or Western, classical or modern? Why? How does music make you feel? Why do you like to listen to music? Let’s discuss these questions in small groups. Try to share your opinions with one another.
II. Pre-reading
1.Thinking and saying
Have you heard about any of the famous bands in the world? List some if you can.
For reference: I’ve heard about “The Beatles”, “Back Street Boys”, “The Eagles”, “West life” and “Pink Floyd”.
2.Listening, talking and sharing
Let’s listen to some pieces of music from different bands. Work in groups of four. Tell your group mates which band you like best. Why? Then the group leader is to stand up and share the group idea with the class.
For reference: I am from Group 1. Our group likes “The Beatles” best. We like their style of performances. Listening to their performances, we will feel relaxed, amused, and their performances make us think a lot about life.
Do you know anything about “The Monkees”?
For reference: “The Monkees” is a band that was first popular in the 1960s in America. Unlike most bands of the time, the Monkees were not formed by its members but rather by TV producers. They were a fictional band in the TV show of the same name. The band was composed of Mike Nesmith, Mickey Dolenz, Davy Jones, and Peter Tork. All the members had some musical experience. Let’s come to the reading --- The Band That Wasn’t and find more about them.
III. Reading
1.Reading aloud to the recording
Now please listen and read aloud to the recording of the text THE BAND THAT WASN’T. Pay attention to the pronunciation of each word and the pauses within each sentence. I will play the tape twice and you shall read aloud twice, too.
2.Reading and underlining
Next you are to read and underline all the useful expressions or collocations in the passage. Copy them to your notebook after class as homework.
Collocations from THE BAND THAT WASN’T
dream of doing , at a concert , with sb. clapping and enjoying …, sing karaoke , be honest with oneself, get to form a band, high school students, practice one’s music, play to passers-by, in the subway, earn some extra money, begin as a TV show, play jokes on…, be based loosely on…, the TV organizers, make good music, put an advertisement in a newspaper, look for rock musicians, pretend to do sth., the attractive performances, be copied by…, support them fiercely, become more serious about…, play their own instruments, produce one’s own records, start touring, break up, in the mid-1980s, a celebration of one’s time as a real band
3.Reading to identify the topic sentence of each paragraph
Skim the text and identify the topic sentence of each paragraph. You may find it either at the beginning, the middle or the end of the paragraph.
1st paragraph: How do people get to form a band?
2nd paragraph: Most musicians meet and form a band.
3rd paragraph: One band started as a TV show.
4th paragraph: “The Monkees” became even more popular than “The Beatles”.
3.Reading and transferring information
Read the text again to complete the tables, which list how people formed a band and how The Monkees was formed by the TV organizers and became a real band.
How do people get to form a band?
Members High school students
Reasons They like to write and play music.
Places They practice their music in someone’s home.
Forms They may play to passers-by in the street or subway.
Results They can earn some extra money. They may also have a chance to dream of becoming famous.
How was The Monkees formed and became a real band?
The Monkees in 1968 (left to right): Micky Dolenz, Peter Tork, Mike Nesmith & Davy Jones
beginning of the band It began as a TV show.
style of the performance They played jokes on each other as well as played music.
first music and jokes Most of them were based loosely on the band called “The Beatles”.
development of the band They became more serious about their work and started to play their own instruments and write their own songs like a real band. They produced their own records and started touring and playing their own music.
changes of the band The band broke up in about 1970, but reunited in the mid-1980s. They produced a new record in , which was a celebration of their time as a real band.
4. Reading and understanding difficult sentences
11.浅议牛津英语教材的使用 篇十一
08年北京举办了奥运会。牛津英语的模块4第2单元sporting Events就是以体育项目为核心的一个单元。学习本单元一般是在5-6月份,正好是火炬传递和学生渴望奥运会的时候。课本上对奥运、对体育项目的介绍比较简单,无法满足学生的需求。此时可以引导学生通过杂志、书籍、网络去搜寻自己想要了解的知识,并推荐几个和运动有关的英文官方网站,让学生把中英文对照起来学习。
以前的英语课本虽然在内容上面有些陈旧,无法适应当今语言发展的趋势。但是在对英美文学的介绍上,个人认为比牛津教材要丰富的多。以前的教材里有众多文学或歌剧名作的改编课文,有现代和古典的诗歌散文,以及引导学生理解和欣赏这些内容的练习。而这些都是牛津教材所欠缺的。目前可以找到的此类内容,有初中牛津英语8B第四章Reading。还有模块8里第一单元The Written Word里提到的仅有的几位名家名作介绍和一两首诗歌。中学阶段的牛津教材有近20本,里面涉及到文学内容的篇章屈指可数,内容的欠缺导致了在使用这套教材的时候,教师和学生都更加注重应用能力的培养,而忽视了学生内在人文素质的提高。
12.牛津英语教学策略探微 篇十二
13.广州牛津八年级英语上册1教案 篇十三
二:常考短语take charge ofvote fortalk overbe free forpay forhave the habit oftry one’s
besttry toget on wellbelong totake part inat the end ofbe interested in
三:重点句型what do you think of-----?
What about +doing sth.?
四:语法1 情态动词 should 与 ought to 及否定形式下列动词后面的动词常用动名词(ing)形式 considersuggestadviselook forward to
admit denyavoidkeeppracticefinishenjoylonely 与alone 的区别pay,spend,cost,take的用法take part in 与 joinbecause 与 because of
五:作文,以 my favourite newspaper为题,谈谈你平时最喜爱的一份报纸。
Reading newspapers is interesting and useful.My favourite newspaper is Guangzhou Daily.It has many sections , including News, Sports, Travel, Cars and so on.I like Sports section best
14.牛津版小学六年级上册英语教案 篇十四
牛津小学英语6A Unit6 Holidays (PartB&C)
1. 能掌握节日单词 Children’s Day、Christmas、Mid-Autumn Festival、Dragon Boat Festival和Spring Festival。
2. 能通过课前的信息搜集,课上的团队合作以及课后的自学,掌握以下节日
New Year’s Day、Halloween、May Day、National Day 。
3. 能掌握四会句型
When’s…?It’s in…What do people usually do at/on…?They…
4. 学生能运用本单元的四会句型和日常交际用语谈论节日中人们的活动以及自己曾做过的事。
多媒体课件 实物
Step1: Warming-up
2.Free talk.
What day is it ? What date is it today?
What do you usually do at the weekends?
(设计意图: 在上课开始,与学生亲切自然地相互问候,使学生快速进入英语学习的氛围,同时为下一步教学做铺垫。)
Step2: Presentation:
1. T:(教师手拿日历)What date is it?
S: It’s the first of October.
T: What holiday is on the first of October.
S: It’s National Day.
Ss:Children’s Day, Teacher’s day, Christmas, National Day, Halloween---
揭示主题: Holidays
Magic eyes
2. 教学 Spring Festival
(1)。(Look at the screen)There is a duck, a cake and some fruit. Oh, they are very delicious.(扮演出正在吃美味食物的样子)Here“delicious”means“nice”。 (Teach:delicious ←de-li-cious)
T: We can eat delicious food at Spring Festival.
Teach: Spring Festival 春节
(2)。Let’s read
It is a popular holiday in China. It is in January or February. People eat a lot of delicious food. They usually visit their relatives and friends.
Relative means your parents,uncle,aunt,cousin,grandparents and so on.
It means…?
Ss:(引导学生说出答案)It means亲戚!
T:(Teach: relative ←re-la-tive)
(3)。 教学What do people usually do at Spring Festival?
T: What do people usually do at Spring Festival?
Read: people 人,人们
Practice: What do people usually do at Spring Festival?
They usually---
Did you --- last Spring Festival?
Yes, I did. No, I didn’t.
3. 教学 Mid-Autumn Festival & Dragon Boat Festival.
And there are some Chinese traditional(传统的) festivals in China,too. We have Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival and Dragon Boat Festival.
T:(Show the picture of Mid-Autumn Festival)
Can you guess what fesitval it is from this picture?
T:Yes,it’s Mid-Autumn Festival.(Teach: Mid-Autumn Festival.)
When’s Spring Festival?
S:It’s on the 15th of August.
T:No,It’s in September or October. (日历展示)
What do people usually do at Mid-Autumn Festival?If you can’t say in English,you can say it in Chinese.(在用英语无法表达时,允许学生用中文来补充。)
S: 吃月饼,赏月。
T:Yes. They usually eat moon cake and watch the moon.
T: Did you eat moon cake and watch the moon last Mid-Autumn Festival?
Ss: Yes,I do.
T: I think you should say:Yes,I did.
( Dragon Boat Festival教法同上。)
4. 教学Christmas
(1)Guessing game
问: What holiday is it ?
(2) 教师让学生说他们所知道的关于圣诞节的知识,如圣诞老人,圣诞礼物,圣诞食 品及圣诞活动,不限定学生全部用英语表达。
T: Christmas is coming. Do you know anything about Christmas ,e.g. presents and food?
(设计意图: 用提问的方式引出即将学习的活动,并通过讨论让学生了解有关圣诞节的文化意识。)
(3) 教师用课件创设情景: Christmas tree, Santa Claus, new clothes, stars, give presents to each other, play with friends..
The Christmas is coming. Please look at these pictures and talk about the following questions.
When’s Christmas?
Do you like Christmas? Why?
What do you usually do at Christmas?
(4) 学生4人一组看图片,并根据问题讨论圣诞节。
(5) 小组汇报他们讨论的情况,并通过投影呈现: 例如Christmas is on the 25th of December. We like Christmas because it’s interesting. There are many Christmas trees and we can see them everywhere. We can also buy new clothes and give presents to each other.
5. The usage of “at” and “on”
T: Look at the phrases carefully and find the rule by yourselves.
小组讨论 “on” 和“at”的区别
at Halloween at Spring Festival at Dragon Boat Festival
on New Year’s Day on May Day on Children’s Day
S: We use “on” before “Day”。
T:Well done!
1.(Show two pictures about Part C)
T:Can you use the sentences on the blackboard to make up dialogues in pairs?
T:When’s Spring Festival?
S:It’s in January or February.
T: What do people usually do at Spring Festival?
S:They eat lots of delicious food.
T:Did you eat lots of delicious food last Spring Festival?
S:Yes,I did.(Picture1 T-S;Picture2 S-S)
2.Show time:
___________is on ______________.
Children usually______________________.
Did you ____________last______________?
Step5: Homework
1. 仿照PartC编写含有以下节日的句型:New Year’s Day、May Day、
National Day
2. Introduce the foreign festivals to your parents.
Unit6 Holidays
A: When’s --- ?
B: It’s in ---.
A: What do people usually do at Spring Festival?
B: They usually---
A: Did you --- last Spring Festival?
牛津高中英语届高考一轮复习教案 (模块8)(译林牛津版高考复习英语选修八学案设计)07-20
苏教版(凤凰)牛津英语教案6A U7-Part A12-22