1.学术英语翻译 篇一
2.学术英语翻译 篇二
AEW (Academic English Writing) class is a crucialapproach in cultivating students’ logical and creativethinking, especially in completing graduation thesis. Butnowadays researches have been done to investigate the problemsexisting in AEW class in China. The lack of research capacityprevents English majors from keeping up with the requirementfor high-quality talents in the advancement of the society (Wen38) . As can be indicated, the training of students’ researchability is necessary in universities. Researched-based teaching inAEW class changes the traditional English teaching model andestablish a “learning-based, teach-led” (Sun 13) . Between theFebruary to September in 2014, the research-based approach wasapplied in the AEW class in School of English Studies, DalianUniversity of Foreign Languages. This study was conductedto investigate the impacts of the research-based AEW class’simpact on the research competence of English majors in DalianUniversity of Foreign Languages.
In terms of the concept of academic ability, researchersabroad have not reached consensuses on its definition. Tikunoff (Richards & Nunan 2000) supposed the academic ability is theability to acquire new skills, assimilate new information andto construct new concepts. For most Chinese researchers, theacademic ability was blended with the research ability.Specifically, it includes the ability to raise questiones, collect andgather information, create academic thesis and design the studyprocess. Based on the characteristics of English subject and thecognitive affection of graduate students in English major, WangXuemei (2013) considers the academic ability for Englishmajor students consist of language ability, knowledge ability andresearch ability, among which, the academic research ability isdivided into two parts—general research ability and innovativeresearch ability.
Ⅱ.Research Methodology and results
This research employed a combination of qualitative andquantitative research method. Questionnaires with both closedended and open-ended questions and thesis analysis were adoptedin combination in this study.
According to the results, the research-based AEW class contributed much to students’ academic research ability. Under the research-based approach, students in the AEW class were encouraged to work on their own and come up with topics that they were interested in, after which the professor gave feedbacks and suggestions to help students with feasible and innovative research topics. Consequently, when asked about their opinions on the statement that “the research-based AEW class helped to improve the capability of finding and raising questions”, students who agreed occupied 70%. Meanwhile statistics showed that 62% of the students considered research-based study as of great help to broaden their minds, train them to think divergently and stimulate creativity. What’s more, students’ thinking ability was trained in research-based AEW class. There were altogether 70% of the informants who were satisfied with the impact of research-based AEW class as it improved their ability of analytical thinking so that they could come up with insightful opinions and suggestions. In addition, through the analysis towards the graduation thesis, it can be found that students who were conducted by the researchbased AEW class had more creative selections on the thesis topic. Students were closely related to the research frontier and more inclined to further their research in interdisciplinary fields. Besides, seeing from students’ responses, the research-based approach serves as a feasible teaching method to equip students with methodology to search for literature, carry out research, and solve problems in thesis writing. 85% of the students were capable of obtaining useful literature through Internet and in the library. Students’ ability of reading and comprehending
academic literature was improved in the project study. 75% of the students approved that they have deepened their understanding of both Chinese and English literature, academic journals and monographs. In addition, 90% of the students aggreed that the research-based AEW class played an important role in promoting my ability of collecting data and they were able to collect useful data by collecting corpus, employing questionnaires and carrying out interviews. This can be also reflected in the thesis analysis. The authority and effectiveness of the work cited enhanced much compared to the thesis without guidelines in the AEW class and the research methodology was more logical through the AEW class.
Ⅲ. Conclusion
Even though the research-based AEW class is newlyadopted, it displayed its strengths and achievements in improvingEnglish undergraduates’ academic research ability and preparingthem for future academic research. In a nutshell, the researchbased AEW class provides a fresh angle to conduct Englishteaching and cultivate academic research ability of the Englishmajors. Although not widely adopted, it still has some references meanings.
摘要:高级英语写作课是一门非常重要的英语专业主干课, 但当下在英语专业高级人才培养过程中, 多数中国学校忽略了对学生学术研究能力的培养。这就要求引入一种新型的教学方法--研究型教学法。本研究旨在调查学术英语写作课中应用研究型教学方法对英语专业本科生学术研究能力的影响。
[1]Lebow, D.“Constructivist Values for Instructional Design:Five Principles Toward a New Mindset.”Education Technology Research and Development, 41 (3) :4-16.
[3]Swales, J.M and Feak, C.B.English in Today’s Research World.Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press, 2000:120-156.
[4]顾佩娅, 张烨, 故海波 (Gu Peiya, Zhang Ye and Gu Haibo) .英语专业本科毕业论文课研究性教学设计与实践[J].外语教学理论与实践, 2010 (4) :44-51.
[5]孙忠兵 (Sun Zhongbing) .研究型教学:当代课堂教学新理念[J].基础教育研究, 2001 (3) .
[6]王雪梅 (Wang Xuemei) .对英语专业研究生学术能力内涵及其发展过程的再思考[J].当代外语研究.2013 (2) .
3.基于翻译项目的学术文本翻译探析 篇三
【关键词】学术文本 异化 表达形式 语句 术语
论文集《生态女性主义文学批评:理论、阐释和教学法》(Ecofeminist Literary Criticism: Theory, Interpretation, Pedagogy)由美国伊利诺伊大学出版社于1998年出版,收录了20世纪90年代西方生态女性主义文学批评中最具代表性的12篇论文,属于学术文本。
原文:“When that proposal was denied, Gaard approached Patrick D. Murphy with several fine conference papers and the idea for a special issue of ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment, which Murphy had founded and was editing at the time.”
原文:“Since 1990 there has been an eruption of ecofeminist literary analysis. Although individuals have been working in this vein for decades, the majority of ecofeminist literary criticism is being practiced by younger academics who have received their degrees since 1990 and doctoral students who are building on the wealth of materials.”
原文:“While ecofeminist theories and practices have developed and diversified in the twenty years following dEaubonnes first book, her work remains an important part of the history of ecofeminism's Western articulation.”
原文:“Likewise, definitions of literature, its genres, and its canons that attempt to establish timeless universals by relying on a few male authors and ignoring the contextual, historical, thematic, and aesthetic dimensions of literary production can also be only distortions.”
原文:“We can relate ecofeminist principles and interpretation to existing literary study by building on feminist attention to the concept of the “other”.”
[2]Trosborg,Anna.Text Typology and Translation[M].Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2012:14.
[3]Trosborg,Anna.Text Typology and Translation[M].Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2012:17.
[4]Trosborg,Anna.Text Typology and Translation[M].Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2012:14.
[5]Baker,Mona,and Gabriela Saldanha.Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies(Second edition)[M].Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2010:48,116.
[6]Baker,Mona,and Gabriela Saldanha.Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies(Second edition)[M].Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2010:48,116.
[9]Garrd,Greta,and Patrick D.Murphy.Ecofeminist Literary Criticism:Theory,Interpretation,Pedagogy[M].Urbana and Chicago:University of Illinois Press,1998:1.
[10]Garrd,Greta,and Patrick D.Murphy.Ecofeminist Literary Criticism:Theory,Interpretation,Pedagogy[M].Urbana and Chicago:University of Illinois Press,1998:5.
[11]Garrd,Greta,and Patrick D.Murphy.Ecofeminist Literary Criticism:Theory,Interpretation,Pedagogy[M].Urbana and Chicago:University of Illinois Press,1998:8.
[12]Garrd,Greta,and Patrick D.Murphy.Ecofeminist Literary Criticism:Theory,Interpretation,Pedagogy[M].Urbana and Chicago:University of Illinois Press,1998:6.
4.学术英语摘要 篇四
Security Benefits of Cloud Computing
Abstract: Today, we can easily notice how the nature of the internet is changing from a place used to read web pages to an environment that allows the users to run software applications.Nowadays, with the development of web page ,the newest web page has up to web pages 3.0,also called the intelligent web ,which is the next stage of the internet evolution.the cloud means the internet.the term is derived from the way in which the internet is often represented into the network diagrams.the current cloud computing
architecture involves the existence of the data centers that are able to provide services to the clients located al overthe world.the main advantages of the cloud computing are the following :there is no need to download or install a specific software and update the local system, users or clients don’t afraid to the computing crashing, because everything is stored into cloud.the cost is low or even free ,like mobile phone or PDAs.the cloud
computing can be used.but everything has its short leg ,there are some disadvantages as well, like :it is hard to integrate with the existing in-house infrastructure.there are not
enough major suppliers in this field and so on.Some major Security benefits for individuals or companies, like the following: centralizing data storage ,increasing uncertainty,virtualization allows a rapid replacement of compromised server located into the cloud without major costs or damages.Today ,the information infrastructure is moving faster to a simple but very innovative concept called cloud computing.the cloud computing is potentially able to offer major security benefits.Key words :security ,cloud computing, advantages, benefits
Text 8
How Nanotechnology Works
At the begin of this article,it states that there are unprecedented multidisciplinary convergence scientists dedicated to the study of a world so small that we can’t see it—even with a light microscope and tells us the important of nanotechnology.Then in order to understand the unusual world of nanotechnology ,we need to get an idea of the units of measure involved.The long of one nanometer is so small.When we measure the atomic scale,we can find that it’s still small compare to the nannmeter.But in a lecture called “Small Wonders:The World of Nanoscience”,Nobel Prize winner Dr.Horst Stormer said that the nanoscale is more interstesting than the atomic scale because the nanoscale is the first point where we can assemble something—it’s not until we start putting atoms together that we can make anything useful.Then the article states that some predictions of nanotechnology such as the use of the rule of quantum mechanics,nanorobot.It
nanotechnology in future.Key words: nanotechnologyvalueapplication in future
Text 10
states that there great value in
Global Warming and Its Effects
Abstract:Global warming has been a global issue for many years now.However, the most prominent effect of global warming exists in the climate change over the past years.It causes the oceans warmer, the intensity of hurricanes amplifies in power and devastation.Another area affected by global warming is the animal kingdom and nature.The number of animals has been decreasing and the various disease has spread to new regions across the globe.A third type of evidence of global warming can be found in plants.The leading cause of global warming is the ongoing burning of fossil fuels, which releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.Although carbon dioxide largely harms the environment, the other greenhouse gases have a large impact in the atmosphere.Throughout the world, various nations have been joining to help prevent or slow the process of global warming.The issue of global warming affects nature, people, and the economy.Scientists directly link disease to global warming.When people are trying to get others involved in the cause, a common problem that arises is the lack of motivation.In conclusion, the world needs to put forth a stronger effort to prevent global warming.And the mitigation of global warming, we should do from ourselves, from the little things around.Key words: global warming,climate change,effect
Text 11
Risks of Nuclear Power Abstract:
The principal risks associated with nuclear power arise from health effects of radiation.The radiation mainly comes form the radioactive material.They can penetrate deep inside the human body where they can damage biological cells and thereby initiate a cancer.If they strike sex cells, they can cause genetic diseases in progeny.But the rate of the latter is far less than the former.Reactor accidents is also one of the risk of nuclear power.But the nuclear power plant design strategy for preventing accidents ,back-up system and mitigating their potential effects is “defence in depth”, so they happen
probability is exceedingly small.If they all fails,very high radiation doses can destroy body functions and lead to death within 60 days.The radioactive waste products from the nuclear industry must be isolated from contact with people for very long time periods.The bulk of the radioactivity is contained in the spent fuel, which is quite small in volume and therefore easily handled with great care.At other radiation problems,for example, exploitation of materials and transport of radioactive materials also produce radiation.The effects of routine releases of radioactivity from nuclear plants depend somewhat on how the spent fuel is handled.Key words:radiation,risks,reactor accidents,radioactive waste核电的风险 摘要: 核电的风险主要来自辐射对健康的危害,这些辐射主要来自于放射性材料。他们可以穿透人体深处,破坏生物细胞,从而引发癌症;如果他们破坏生殖细胞,可能导致遗传疾病。但是后者发生的概率远小于前者。核反应堆事故也是核电的风险之一,由于具有纵深防御的策略,它们发生的几率非常小。但是一旦发生,非常高的辐射剂量可以摧毁身体功能和在60天内导致死亡。核工业的放射性废物必须与人隔离很长时间,放射性的大部分包含在乏燃料,而且体积小,因此非常容易处理。在其它辐射问题上,如在核材料的开采和放射性物质的运输处理时也会产生辐射。但放射性物质从核电站释放的对人类健康的影响在某种程度上取决于它的处理方式。
Text 15
Genetically Modified Foods---Feed the World?
Abstract: In fact, genetically modified foods are already very much a part of our lives.Although there are clearly some very real issues that need to be resolved.However, in developing countries which desperate to feed fast-growing and underfed populations, the issue is simpler: do the benefits of biotech outweigh the risks? There are nearly 800 million people around the world are undernourished.Biotech can also improve farming productivity in food shortages places.Many scientists believe biotech could raise overall crop productivity in developing countries as much as 25%.But in developing countries, poverty plays the largest role.Nor can biotech overcome the challenge of distributing food in developing countries.big companies are reluctant to share technology, people may not afford to buy the food too.More and more biotech research is being carried out in developing countries, and delivers biotech solutions for farmers in developing countries.Biotech is not a panacea, but it does promise to transform agriculture in many developing countries.If that promise is not fulfilled, the real losers will be their people.Key words :Biotech, agriculture, developing countries.转基因食品----养活全世界的人?
5.英语学术演讲稿 篇五
Good morning everyone.Welcome to my presentation.My name is …My major is mechanical engineering.The research direction of my team is the robot, so I’ll talk something about applications of the teleoperator robot in our life with two examples.The main contents of my speech are the medical robot and the cooking robot.First of all, we should know what teleoperator robot is.Teleoperator robots are mainly used for various operations of non-industrial production, for example, the medical robot, the cooking robot and the cleaning robot.Let’s first see the medical robot.The main characteristics of the medical robot is remote control.The remote control lets people stride across the space-time barrier.It means that the doctor and the patient can be in different places, as is shown in the pictures.The patient is in Strasbourg while the surgeon is in New York.The display screen provides surgery scene to the surgeon.By operating the main operation terminal and inputting commands, doctors can control the robot to have surgery.Robots can also serve our daily life.Most of us may already know that the robot cooks in the university cafeteria of Beijing Jiaotong University.We all think that it’s very interesting.These pictures show us the process of the robot cooking.First, the chef puts raw materials into the robot, then choses the dish to cook in the display screen.Next, the robot starts to cook.In the cooking process, the chef follows the robot’s voice prompts to add spices.Just three minutes later, the robot pours the cooked dish into the prepared basin.The robot cooking not only takes less time but also uses less gas.It can save fifty percent of gas.As the above examples allude, teleoperator robots provide service for mankind and make our life more convenient.Meanwhile they save us a lot of time and sources of energy.I believe in the future teleoperator robots will be more widely used and provide better service to our life.That’s all.Thank you.
6.学术论文写作英语总结 篇六
在本次的英语学术论文写作课程学习中,我们组经历了第一次的细致分工,到以后的分工与合作相结合的进步。由于我的研究方向为InSAR监测矿区,在本次论文写作中主要负责我们‘空天地一体化矿区环境灾害监测’中D-InSAR监测矿区部分的实验以及数据分析的工作。同时,在小组汇报的过程中共同进行了第一部分Introduction部分的汇报,完成了Authors and Keywords部分PPT的制作与汇报工作。从选择汇报PPT模板、搜集资料、总结资料,再到最后制作修改完成终稿,最后是台下的汇报演练,每个步骤的实践经历都给了我弥足珍贵的经验。
7.学术英语(ESP)教学比较研究 篇七
据网络查询得知, 掌握专业外语, 能够用专业外语和国外的专业技术人才顺畅交流和合作的新型复合型人才在我国经济发达地区供不应求, 而且需求数量十分巨大。从大学英语教学现状来看, 学生是否愿意学英语, 学英语又想学什么呢?根据我们所做的1000份大学英语学习调查问卷, 英语基础好的400名学生, 大约80%的学生愿意学习专业英语, 原因为学习专业英语不仅能够学到英语知识, 而且专业英语还与他们的专业相关。可见, 无论从社会需求还是学生的个人需求方面来看, 学术英语教学都应该引起各高等学校足够的重视。
根据四川外语学院的马武林[1]观点, 学术英语 (EAP) 是与某种特定职业和学科相关的英语, 是以教授学术英语所需要的语言知识和技能为目的的语言教学模式, 是根据学习者的特定目的和特定需求而开设的英语课程。 (Hutchison&Waters, 1987) 复旦大学蔡基刚[2]认为“学术英语可分通用学术用途英语 (EGAP) 和特殊学术用途英语 (ESAP) (Jordan, 1997) ”。前者教授如何听学术讲座, 做笔记, 参加学术讨论, 进行学术陈述, 学术阅读和学术写作等语言技能的课程;后者则结合专业进行语篇、语类和学术交际能力的教学。由于种种条件的限制, 我国大陆地区对学术英语的研究起步较晚。自2007年以来, 国内很多专家和学者开始关注学术英语, 并开始初步的宏观感性研究。李丽生[3]指出“用专业学科知识的学习带动英语学习, 以英语提升专业水平, 是大学英语教学改革的当务之急”;王海华、王同顺[4]建议“在公共英语课程设置上加大学术英语的内容, 加大听说能力训练, 从语言上培养学生用英语进行学术交流的能力”;张杰[5]进一步指出“专门用途英语教学将是我国大学英语教学的发展方向”。在宏观理论的指导下, 清华大学、复旦大学、宁波诺丁汉大学等开始进行学术英语教学尝试, 但未形成比较完整的体系。
在学术英语教学方法研究方面, 国外已经比较成熟。欧美地区学术英语研究的理论主要来自于西方语言学家和应用语言学家最新研究的成果。主要涉及的理论有:chomsky的普遍语法理论、D.Hymes的“交际能力”理论、M.Halliday的语言功能理论、H.Widdowson的交际能力二分原理、Krashen的输入理论、Swain输出理论等。
(一) 英国
英国的学术英语教育主要由各个大学下属的语言中心或者私人培训机构来完成, 历史比较悠久。根据柳君丽、范秀云的描述, 其主要的教学方法有:语言教师和专业教师联合执教法;功能教学法、体裁分析法、批判教学法、合作教学法、小组教学法等。
(二) 加拿大
加拿大的学术英语教学和第二语言教学的方法没有太大的区别。根据韦嵚[6]的描述, 其学术英语教学采用的方法常见的有:浸泡式教学法, 暨尽量多的创设语言学习环境, 把学习语言知识和学习学科内容结合起来, 使语言的学习因为有学科内容的负载而更有意义;支架式教学法, 类似于外语界广泛提倡的任务型学习法;抛锚式教学法, 暨由教师运用启发式理念引出教学内容, 然后由学生进行讨论的方法;合作式教学法, 暨类似于美国的团队合作法;随机通达式教学法, 暨教师对学生的学习进程随时掌握, 通过反复复习来进行教学的方法。
(三) 美国
美国对学术英语教学特点的研究领域比较宽、角度比较多、层次比较深。随之而来, 美国学术英语教学方法呈现百花齐放态势, 主要由主讲教师根据自己对所教学术英语领域的独特理解进行学术英语教学。常见的学术英语教学通过读写互动 (interaction of reading and writing) 完成, 暨把学术英语阅读和写作结合在一起进行教学, 由阅读带动写作, 再由写作指导阅读;团队合作法 (pair work) 暨小组成员在相互合作互动中进行学术英语的学习;过程评价法 (process evaluation) 暨在学习的过程中对学生的学习效果进行评价, 再根据评价指导新的学习过程。
学术英语教学在我国还处于起步阶段, 在学术英语理论归结和教学过程的系统研究方面还有很大的拓展空间。国外学术英语教学理论和方法在给我们带来指导的同时, 为我们指明了教学和研究的方向, 值得我们去借鉴和思考。
[1]马武林.大学英语后续课程内容设置探究 (一) ——学术英语[J].外语研究, 2011 (5) .
[2]蔡基刚.“学术英语”课程需求分析和教学方法研究[J].外语教学理论与实践, 2012 (5) .
[3]李丽生.SCLT教学模式及其对我国大学英语教学改革的启示[J].外语界, 2002 (4) .
[4]王海华, 王同顺.双语教学与公共英语教学的接口问题[J].外语界, 2003 (01) .
[5]张杰.公共英语教学的专业化与专业英语教学的公共化——我国高校英语教学改革的必由之路[J].外语与外语教学, 2005 (11) .
8.不能以西方翻译书打压中国学术 篇八
9.学术英语翻译 篇九
Information gathering for
international conferences
Task 1 Learn the possible sources for conference information Task 2 Understanding and writing a call for conference papers
The planning process for holding a conference should begin early.A chairperson is selected to make the plan.Various committees are formed, with members in charge of specific activities.These committees generally consist of Conference Organizing Committee and Conference Academic Committee.The committees are then to work out a general program, including a call for papers, which is to notify the prospective participants of the conference.Format of call for conference papers
☺ Theme and / or background
☺ Conference objectives
☺ Topics to be discussed
☺ Papers and submissions
☺ Organizing institution and committee
☺ Contact information
Task 3 Understanding and writing a conference agenda and program
The agenda lists the order of business for a meeting.If it is short with few decisions to be made, it can be incorporated into the minutes*(an official written record of what is discussed or decided at a formal meeting).If it is long with many points to be discussed and acted on, the agenda may be omitted and a program may take the place.The following style is adopted: a wide column at the left for the point to be discussed, and a narrower column at the right for the person or body responsible for carrying out any action decided on.The points are numbered and may be given subject headings.Format of agenda ☺ Call to order by the presiding officer ☺ Roll call ☺ Announcement of quorum ☺ Reading and adoption of agenda ☺ Reading and adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting ☺ Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting ☺ Related matters ☺ Unfinished business ☺ Appointments and removal ☺ Nomination and elections ☺ Adjournments
A conference program acts as a guide as well as a plan for the participants.It lists a series of activities to be done at a definite time and place.It helps participants fulfill their activities in accordance with its plan.Usually it contains the following information: time, date, activities, venue, and people involved.When the academic committee has decided which participants to admit after an anonymous review of their abstract or papers, the program should be prepared and distributed to all the participants.Format of programs ☺ Time ☺ Venue ☺ Programs to be discussed
Terms to learn Call to order by the presiding 主持人致辞 Roll 点名
Announcement of 宣布大会决议
Reading of the minutes of the previous 宣读前期会议纪要
officer call quorum meeting
Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting
通过前期会议纪要 Related matters
相关事宜 Unfinished business
未尽事宜 Appointments 任命及离任 Nomination 提名及选举
Keynote speech 主题发言 Forum 论坛
Plenary session 全体会议 Poster session 论文展示 Panel session 专题讨论会
and and
removal elections
Discussion 讨论 Field trip 考察活动
Assignment: 1.Based on the forthcoming conference information you have found, please write a conference notice for it.2.Put the following conference notice into Chinese.International Higher Education Conference
A conference organized by China Higher Education Association will be held at Peking University, Beijing, Friday 25-Sunday 27 March 2012.The International Higher Education Conference is consisting of keynote speech, technical seminar and thesis forum.Except the open address delivered by the government representative in the Opening Ceremony,officials and scholars from China Higher Education Association, Chinese Key Universities and ETS will give their keynote speeches.Higher Education provides a valuable opportunity of self-development and innovation development.The conference will push forward the reform and open of China’s education.Further details of speakers and papers will be circulated in February.国际高等教育会议