1.职称英语《综合类》补全短文练习题 篇一
A Record-Breaking Rover
NASA’s Mars rover Opportunity has boldly gone where no rover has gone before―at least in terms of distance. ____1____
On July 27, after years of moving about on Martian ground, the golf-cart-sized Opportunity had driven more than 24 miles, beating the previous record holder―a Soviet rover sent to the moon in 1973.
“This is so remarkable considering Opportunity was intended to drive about 1 kilometer and was never designed for distance,” says John Callas, the Mars Exploration Rover Project Manager.
____2____ “But what is really importantly is not how many miles the rover has racked up, but how much exploration and discovery we have accomplished over that distance.”
The solar-powered Opportunity and its twin rover, Spirit, landed on Mars 10 years ago on a mission expected to last 3 months. ____3____
Spirit stopped communicating with Earth in March , a few months after it got stuck in a sand pit. But Opportunity has continued to collect and analyze Martian soil and rocks.
During its mission, Opportunity has captured, and sent back to Earth, some 187,000 panoramic and microscopic images of Mars with its cameras. ____4____
The rover doesn’t seem to be ready to stop just yet. If Opportunity can continue on, it will reach another major investigation site when its odometer hits 26.2 miles. ____5____
Researchers believe that clay minerals exposed near Marathon Valley could hold clues to Mars’s ancient environment1. Opportunity’s continuing travels will also help researchers as they plan for an eventual human mission to the Red Planet.
Mars rover n. 火星车
panoramic adj. 全景的
odometer n. 里程计
rack up v. 积累
microscopic adj. 微观的
A It has also provided scientists with data on the planet’s atmosphere, soil, rocks, and terrain.
B He works at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.
C Scientists call this site Marathon Valley, because when the rover reaches the area, it will have traveled the same distance as the length of a marathon since its arrival on Mars.
D Opportunity has been working on Mars since January .
E The objective of the rovers was to help scientists learn more about the planet and to search for signs of life,such as the possible presence of water.
F Since arriving on the Red Planet in 2004, Opportunity has traveled 25.01 miles, more than any other wheeled vehicle has on another world.
1.F 前文讲“机遇号”在距离上比之前的任何漫游车行进的距离都长,因此接下来应该讨论关于行进距离的问题。
2.B 前文引入了一个新人物John Callas,而后文是他说的一些话,因此这里应该填写的内容是对这个人的进一步介绍。
3.E 前文讲了同时被送入太空的两台漫游车“机遇号”和“勇气号”,因此下文应该对它们的情况进行介绍,而关于发射目的的介绍在这里是合适的。
4.A 前文讲到“机遇号”给地面传回了许多照片,而选项A中讲到它还给地面传回了许多其他信息,在这里是一致的。
5.C 前文讲漫游车在行进到26.2英里的时候会到达一个地点,而后文提到了马拉松谷这个地方,因此这里应该是关于这个地点的介绍。
2.职称英语补全短文试题 篇二
The coast of the State of Maine is one of the most irregular in the world. A straight line running from the southernmost coastal city to the northernmost coastal city would measure about 225 miles. If you followed the coastline between these points, you would travel more than ten times as far. This irregularity is the result of what is called a drowned coastline____(46) At that time, the whole area that is now Maine was part of a mountain range that towered above the sea. As the glacier (冰川) descended, however, it expended enormous force on those mountains, and they sank into the sea.
As the mountains sank, ocean water charged over the lowest parts of the remaining land, forming a series of twisting inlets and lagoons (咸水湖). The highest parts of the former mountain range, nearest the shore, remained as islands. ____(47) Marine fossils found here were 225 feet above sea level, indicating the level of the shoreline prior to the glacier.
The 2,500-mile-long rocky coastline of Marine keeps watch over nearly two thousand islands. Many of these islands are tiny and uninhabited, but many are home to thriving communities. Mt. Desert Island is one of the largest, most beautiful of the Maine coast islands. Measuring 16 miles by 12 miles. Mt. Desert was essentially formed as two distinct islands, _____(48)
For years, Mt. Desert Island, particularly its major settlement, Bar Harbor, afforded summer home for the wealthy. Recently though, Bar Harbor has become a rapidly growing arts community as well. But, the best part of the island is the unspoiled forest land known as Acadia National Park. Because the island sits on the boundary line between the temperate (温带) and sub-Arctic zones, the islands supports the plants and animals of both zones as well as beach, inland, and alpine (高山的) plants.____(49). The establishment of Acadia National Park in 1916 means that this natural reserve will be perpetually available to all people, not just the wealthy. Visitors to Acadia may receive nature instruction from the park naturalists as well as enjoy camping, cycling, and boating. Or they may choose to spend time at the archeological museum, learning about the Stone Age inhabitants of the island.
The best view on Mt. Desert Island is from the top of Cadillac Mountain. ____(50) From the summit, you can gaze back toward the mainland or out over the Atlantic Ocean and contemplate the beauty created by a retreating glacier.
A It also lies in a major bird migration lane and is a resting spot for many birds.
B Mt. Desert Island is one of the most famous of all of the islands left behind by the glacier
C The wealthy residents of Mt. Desert Island selfishly kept it to themselves.
D The term comes from the activity of the ice age.
E This mountain rises 1,532 feet, making it the highest mountain on the Atlantic seaboard.
F It is split almost in half by Somes Sound, a deep and narrow stretch of water seven miles long.
3.职称英语《综合类》补全短文练习题 篇三
Passage 1 Functions of power transmissionCEADB
The function of(1)is to send power from power plants to load center or to exchange。。
A.step-down substations and connected transmission equipment
B.power network operation
C.power transmission
D.transmission at high voltage
E.power networks
Passage 2 Substation misoperation and its preventingCEABD
The misopemtion that can lead to(1)mainly are:①on-load switching of isolating switch;
A.preventing the misoperation in substation
B.the closing of grounding switch with power on
C.accidents in the electrical operation of the substation
D.the persons from illegal entering the lived bay
E.the grounding wire(closing the grounding switch)with power on
Passage 3 A brief introduction on the development of supercritical boilers and their main advantagesBDEAC
In(1)such as U.S.A,Japan and European countries,the supercritical。。
A.good homogenization of distribution
B.some advanced countries
C.whole process management is strengthened
D.great advantages oil economy and environmental protection
E.subcritical once-through boiler
Passage 4 Steam generation and useBEADC
Steam is one of man’s dependable servants More and more in the background。。
A.first generating steam
B.an electrically heated home
C.use of steam for electric power generation
D.the new generating capacity being installed
E.the fuel is uranium and the heat is supplied
Passage 5 Circuit breakerBDAEC
Circuit breakers are automatically operated high voltage(or high current)switches.。。
A· to perform any switching operation after long periods
B.to control electrical power networks
C.of the circuit breaker
D.to switch the current which can be from a few amperes
E.of the highest importance for high reliability
Passage 6 The ratio of distance to height of pumped-storage power plantBDACE
For pumped-storage power plant, generally the ratio of distance to height(l),。。
A.is most economic
B.is used to evaluate topographic condition of power plant
C.is not desirable
D.is the ratio of horizontal distance between upper and low reservoirE.is the best
Passage 7 Fuel cellsBAECD
Fuel cells are devices that when a fuel such as hydrogen or hydrogen-rich compounds and oxygen are supplied to。。
A.further development is under way
B.there is no storage capacity in a fuel cell
C.many cells are operated in series to obtain voltages
D.supply alternating current from fuel cells
E.as they are being developed there have been some applications
Passage 8 Substations pace into the Digital AgeCAEBD
Substations constitute the main part of power transmission and distribution in a power grid.。。
A.substation automation technology has reached a certain level
B.simulation training technology for substation operation
C.composed of a large number of primary and secondary equipments
D.a full-digital automation system
E.all of which has become an indisputable fact
Passage 9 Overcoming the Problem of WasteCADEB
Many large cities are anything but beautiful Streets are littered with trash.In this trash, however,(1)。。
A.there is no time to be lost
B.building beautiful cities out of garbage is only a dream
C.there is still something that can be useful
D.it can be put to use again
E.more and more machines are designed for this purpose
Passage 10 HibernationEBDAC
The weather in winter.Call be very cold.Some animals sleep during the winter,。。
A.So they don’t need to worry about bad weather and other dangerous animals
B.We call this kind of sleep in wintertime “hibernation’’
C.As it gets warmer and warmer in spring,the sleeping animals begin to wake up and look around for food
D.Hibernating animals don’t need to eat much because they don’t moveE.They can sleep for a long time
Passage 11 SatellitesBDACE
The body that is neatest to the Earth is the moon.(1).This satellite is。。
A.The bigger and heavier a body is, the greater is its force of gravity
B.It circles the Earth and is therefore know as a satellite of the Earth
C.To get out into space we have to overcome the Earth’s gravitational pull
D.A satellite stays in orbit because the planet gravitational force keeps pulling it into a circle
E.Artificial satellite can be used for various purposes
Passage 12 Secondary equipment in power systemBDEAC
The secondary equipments in power system are(1), measuring,regulating。。
A.5A rated current of the current transformer secondary winding
B.the equipments that provide protecting,monitoring
C.50V rated voltage of PT secondary side
D.the equipments that send the command signals
E.current values in secondary system
Passage 13 Switching overvoltageEABCD
A sudden change in the configuration of transmission network caused(1)or by the appearance of a fault can。。
A.determine the insulation requirements of transmission lines
B.the cost of transmission and 1ine failure rate
C.at both opening and closing of circuit breakers
D.by means of circuit breaker closing resistor in 500kV system
E.by the operation of a circuit breaker
Passage 14 Transmission line and distribution lineADBCE
The high voltage power line through which power is(1)is called power transmission line.。。
A.transmitted from power plant’s step-up substation to step-down substation
B.the overhead transmission line
C.lightning frequently happening and heavy raining
D.the power line that transmits the power from step-down substation
E.1arge spanning line section
Passage 15 Transformer insulationCEABD
The insulation of a transformer can be categorized into internal insulation and external insulation.。。
A.The main insulation materials inside transformer are transformer oil
B.The degradation of insulating properties of insulation materials under long period of influence
C.The internal insulation refers to the insulation of various parts inside the oil tank
D.If the winding temperature is within the scope of 80~140 oC
E.The main insulation refers to the insulation between windings and grounding parts and the insulation between windings
Passage 16 The electricity marketBDAEC
The aim of introducing market mechanism is to bring various parties more。。
A.to agree on the price and quantity to be traded
B.a wholesale market
C.to register as a market customer
D.a retail market
E.to choose electricity suppliers
Passage 17 Electric powerCBDAE
Electric power is a most convenient,clean,safe,and useful form of energy which
A.its growth rate
B.its unavailability
C.the lack of electricity(a blackout)
D.social disorder, and even national tragedy
E.high electric power consumption per capita
Passage 18 Copyright piracyBDAEC
There are numerous examples of what has become known as copyright piracy.。。
A.new chemicals
B.the research and development
C.physical property
D.the fake and real items
E.the intellectual property
Passage 19 Electrical energyDEBAC
Electrical energy is the presence and flow of an electric charge.。。
A.Alternating current
B.electrical energy
C.Electrical potential
D.static electricity
E.electrical charge
Passage 20 Solar energyADBCE
Many people think of alternative solar energy as a new technology,。。
C.the collected energy is used to heat a fluid
D.the best known is photovoltaic cells
Passage 21 Electrical energy conservationCDEAB
Electrical energy conservation refers to the process of reducing energy used through various means.。。
A.turning the thermostat up in the summer and down in the winter
B.looking for other opportunities for electrical energy conservation in the home
C.reducing energy consumption can be undertaken at home
D.making use of alternative clean energy sources
4.职称英语《综合类》补全短文练习题 篇四
1.Now people get a lot of informations from TV.2.German is a European country.3.They didn’t want me to do any work at family.4.Yesterday I met an old friend of my father.5.Boys and girls, don’t lose hearts.Do better next time.6.They are of different size.7.It is so beautiful place that you must visit it.8.What a terrible weather we have been having!9.It took place in France, an European country.10.Suddenly I caught a sight of my English teacher in the crowd.11.What good time we had last night!12.We shall spend three-day holiday together.13.I came to understand that was not easy to earn money.14.Some parents think useless for girls to go to school.15.When he bought a chocolate cake, he put them in a secret place.16.One day I wrote a little story and showed to my teacher.17.It’s important that we should think over before doing anything.18.The truck was moving so fast that the driver couldn’t control.19.I apologized and controlled me at my best till the dinner started.20.We must take part in the social practice to prepare us well for our future.21.The teacher did not punish for cheating but instead gave me a second chance.22.Henry did not like his car, that ran badly and often broke down.23.There was a five-pound note in the pocket of the trousers I had told her to wash it.24.People can hardly do some fishing there.25.I visited a place where is surrounded by mountains.26.I am sure you will find one you like it.27.It was yesterday when he broke the window.28.He had lost his glasses without them he couldn’t see.29.Oliver Twist, the hero of the story, he was an orphan.30.It starts with choosing a tree from neither a farm or a store.31.She never has enough time for that she wants to do.32.I find what I have one shortcoming in my character.33.What necessary it is that we get rid of the bad habits.34.It didn’t matter that I would win or not.35.People in the US drink more coffee than people in any country.36.The development will bring us much more hopes and chances.37.The Olympics are held each four years.38.A summer, Fane traveled abroad.39.I hope you think about my request as soon as possibly.40.I know you are particular interested in Human Rights.41.As there is no air or water, there can be no life , too.42.There were too many nice things that I didn’t know what to choose.43.He decides to travel a lot and visit such many new places as possible.44.I couldn’t see as clear as before.45.The water in it is so dirty that it smells terribly.46.I appreciate your help very well.47.You always gave me specially attention and inspired me.48.It was until midnight that it stopped raining.49.People both at home and abroad have been great helped by the new computer.50.He has to work if he wants to live comfortable.51.She is a brave and honesty girl.52.It is much easy to make plans than to carry them out.53.It is convenient for me to prepare for the exam than before.54.He gave me an order worthy 15 million dollars.55.The tree was put into a Christmas stand that holds the tree up straightly.56.Is teaching kids English as interested as you expected in college? 57.We had guests last night who had not stayed in it ago.58.We are all very much active and the activities are enjoyable.59.If you won’t want to take a taxi, you can go by bus.60.Our city is a modern city.It set up in the early 1980s.61.Bad habits not come suddenly.62.I have caught a bad cold for a week and I can’t get rid of it.63.Following the road and you will find the store.64.I rush over without delay, jumped into the water and swam towards him.65.You must do everything you can help them.66.When a rabbit see something dangerous, it runs away.67.Its tail, which is white, moving up and down as it runs.68.Think perhaps I was too tired, I stood up and was going to sleep.69.I was often tired and watch TV demands little effort.70.The little girl hurried home with the remained money.71.His young patient was soon able to get up and ran about again.72.It was kind of them to meet me at the station and drove me to their home.73.She liked it very much and reads it to the class.74.There were over 1000 students attend it.75.Is it likely to be any food at the party on Saturday? 76.Please excuse us for not able to say goodbye to you.77.He spends hours on the telephone, talks to his friends.78.Filling with many people, the room is crowded.79.At the interview there are many people who wait to interviewed for jobs.80.It will cost a rocket a hundred thousand years to reach it.81.There used to have a church in front of the school.82.Hope you great success in your work!83.All you can do is encouraging him, show him understanding and offer him advice.84.In Friday afternoon, some students took part in a speech activity.85.In a few weeks the story was returned to her.86.It was very fine when I got up early on last Sunday morning.87.I rushed out the house as quickly as I could.88.It is necessary to decide what is worth taking notice.89.I had difficulty in grammar after I entered into the school.90.She could hardly afford for the medical care.91.But we don’t seem to have much time to talk about together.92.He was punished because what he had done.93.The ice isn’t thick enough for us to skate.94.I gave you my luggage at a quarter of an hour ago.95.I am writing to thank you with your kind help.96.He means to come no earlier as that time.97.We must return back to school this afternoon 98.Child as he is, but he knows a lot.99.Having been ill for a long time, so she fell behind her classmates.100.Thinking he happened to have no work to do, and he came back home.二.单句改错(下列句子各有两处错误,请改正)
1.If you close your eyes, you can’t see something, because your eyelids prevent the light enter your eyes 2.For our joy, Li Ding, monitor of our class, who was among the winners.3.The only thing I can think is when I am going to get home listen to my music.4.All my classmates are busy prepare for the exam except myself.5.The main problem was in that I always thought in Chinese and tried to translate anything into English.6.I communicated myself thanks to his great kindness.7.I was great delighted to learn that you do very well in the mid-term examination.8.If you learning English, it is not enough only to keep in minds the rules of grammar.9.I get up very early this morning to go to the airport to meet Mr.White, a expert from the USA.10.One and a half year later, I now think English a fun to learn.11.I went through the test for many times but I can only answer three out of the twenty questions.12.For instance, on one night, the played strong and loudly music till 4 o’clock in the morning.13.Thinking he had no work to do, and my father came back home, quickly finishing his supper and left for the cinema.14.Men have been interesting in the stars ever since they first looked up into sky.15.That is difficulty to say how many people are learning English.16.Three years ago, he was picked out and send to study in abroad.17.Sometimes, I wish I can stay in a quiet place lonely, away from this city for a long time.18.Many years ago, I step into a bookstore for some books I wanted them.19.Having learned why he wanted the book, and the bookseller gave him some writing papers and a new pencil as a gift.20.you can find all kinds information in just a few minute on the internet.21.I got know that they were college students travel in china.22.Under the help of him and my classmates, I made some progresses.23.We went to the zoo on last Sunday.There were a lot of visitors stood in front of the ticket window.24.With development of mobile phones, the short message service is becoming more and more popular for us nowadays.25.On the night before my first day, I was much excited to go to sleep and as a result, I got up lately in the morning.26.Three years ago, I was studying to abroad in Japan.It was there where I began reading comic books.27.Have they ever thought of plastic bags do harm our environment? 28.It is certainly that Zhang Village will built into a better modern village.29.On the ceremony we made a statement which as grown-ups we should have sense of duty to our society from now on.30.Though the city is modern, but there are still some problems, such as air pollution crowdedness and noisy.Answers: 1-5 informations-information;German-Germany;family-home;father-father’s;hearts-heart;6-10 size-sizes;a place;删除a;an-a;删除a 11-15 a good time;a three-day;that后加it;think后加it;them-it;16-20 showed后加it;think后加it;control后加it;me-myself;us-ourselves;21-25 punish后加me;that-which;删除it;some-any;where-which;26-30删除it;when-that;them-which;删除he;neither-either;31-35 that-what;what-that;What-How;that-whether;any后加other;36-40 much-many;each-every;A-One;possibly-possible;particular-particularly;41-45 too-either;too-so;such-as;clear-clearly;terribly-terrible;46-50 well-much;specially-special;was后加not;great-greatly;comfortable-comfortably;51-55 honesty-honest;easy-easier;is后加more;worthy-worth;straightly-straight;56-60 interested-interesting;ago-before;删除much;won’t-don’t;It后加was;61-65 habits后加do;caught-had Following-Follow;rush-rushed;can后加to;66-70 see-sees;moving-moves;think-Thinking;watch-watching;remained-remaining;71-75 ran-run;drove-drive;reads-read;attend-attending;it-there;76-80 not后加being;talks-talking;Filling-Filled;to后加be;cost-take;81-85 have-be;Hope-Wish;encouraging-encourage;In-On;In-After;86-90 删除on;out后加of notice后加of;删除into;删除for 91-95 删除about;because后加of;skate后加on;删除at;with-for;96-100 as-than;删除back;删除but;删除so;删除and;单句改错(下列句子各有两处错误,请改正)
1.something-anything;enter-entering;2.For-To;删除who;3.think后加 about;home后加to;4.prepare-preparing;myself-me;5.删除in;anything-everything;6.myself-my;to-for;7.great-greatly;do-did;8.learning-learn;minds-mind;9.get-got;a-an;10.year-years;删除a;11.删除for;can-could;12.删除on;loudly-loud;13.删除and;finishing-finished;14.interesting-interested;into后加the;15.That-It;difficulty-difficult;16.send-sent;删除in;17.can-could;lonely-alone;18.step-stepped;删除them;19.删除and;papers-paper;20.kinds后加of;minute-minutes;21.got后加to;traveling;22.Under-With;progresses-progress;23.删除on;stood-standing;24.With后加the;for-with;25.much-too;lately-late;26.删除to;where-that;27.删除of;harm后加to;28.certainly-certain;will后加be;29.which-that;have后加a;30.删除but;noisy-noise 三.短文改错.⑴ 76.√ 77.in---at78.but---and 79.see---saw 80.made---make 81.∧and/so 82 they—she 83.concert—concerts 84.Sadly 85.the ⑵ 76.job 77.去掉been 78. a 79.experience 80. received 81. 去掉was/加who 82.your-my 83.√ 84. read 85. really ⑶76.trains 改为 train 77.去掉 piece。78.pass 改为 passes。79.important 前加 an 80.such 改为 so。81.此行无错。82.wait 改为 waited。83.lately 改为 late。84.to 改为 with。85.importance 改为 important。
⑷76.in--on 77 a / 78 was 79 right 80.at the /my 81that--whether /if 82 secretly 83.served 84 waiting 85.reason ⑸ 76.there改为where 77.alone改为lonely 78.days改为day 79.used改为used to 80.All改为Both 81.but改为and 82.easy改为easier 83.无错 84.去掉of 85.smoke改为smoking ⑹1.Have改为had 2.them去掉 3.late改为later 4.正确 5.asked 后加a 6.minute改为 minutes 7.How 改为What 8.surprising改为surprised 9.What 后加do 10.speak 改为 say ⑺76.To—In 77.Travel—Travelin9 78.comfortably--comfortable 79.Unless--If 80.safety--safe 81.正确 82.was—is 83.can后加not 84.去掉to 85.or--and ⑻76.accepted→received 77.in→of 78.difficulty→difficult 79.去掉and 80.对 81.things后加that 82.it→them 83.But→So 84.去掉to 85.for→to
⑼71.left-leaving 72.none-neither 73.froze-freezing 74.stay-stayed 75.in 后面加the 76.so-but/yet 77.be去掉 78.that-which 79.正确80.in-on ⑽ 76.As →It 77.on →in 78.or →and 79.get ⌒much as 80.are81.However →Besides 82.∨ 83.kind →kinds 84.watching →watch 85.left →leaving
⑾ 76.accepted→received 77.去掉more, 78.because后加of, 79.other→another 80.say→said 81.and→or两,三天用two or three days.82.family前加the这里特指家庭的其他成员.83.fast→soon fast指动作的迅速,soon指时间“尽快地”.84.√ 85.happily→happy
⑿ 76.√77.is→are 78.felt→feel 79.Therefore→However 80.∧little→a a little boy 81.去掉not 后的to 82.play→playing 83.like→as 84.grade→grades“分数”, 85.for→in
5.中考英语必看内容-补全对话 篇五
1. 仔细审题,明确大意。
2. 通读全文,了解情境。
3. 分析对话,试填答案。
A: (1)_________, sir?
B: Yes, please. (2) _________a pair of sports shoes.
A: What size do you want, please?
B: Size ten or eleven.
A: OK! What about this pair?
B: Sorry! I (3) _________black shoes.
A: Oh, we”ve also got blue ones.
B: Can I (4) __________on?
A: Yes, please.
B: (5) __________each pair?
A: Thirty-five yuan.
B: All right. I”ll take it.
(1)售货员常用语为“Can I help you? / What can I do for you ?”,这两种都可以填。
(2)顾客表示想要买一双运动鞋。a pair of sports shoes已出现,因此可以填入“I want to buy / I”d like / I”m looking for”等。
6.职称英语答题技巧:补全短语 篇六
① 段落代词的重复
男人名--He his
女人名--She her
you--you He--He him
Sun………but he(Lee)
② 地名的重复,时间及数字的`重复
③ 时态的逻辑关系
④ 单词的重复--以多为主