


1.小吃店商业计划书 篇一











































2.小吃店商业计划书 篇二

“杨凌文化产业广场”是一个包含文化创意与展示、文化主题旅游、现代文化娱乐、青少年体验式教育、文化会展及商业配套等多种产业于一体的复合型的文化产业广场, 已被杨凌示范区确立为重大文化产业项目。

项目选址在杨凌示范区杨凌大道附近 (紧邻杨凌高铁南站) , 拟占地面积约15亩, 分为6个主题区:文化创意与展示产业区、影视主题乐园、青少年体验式素质教育基地、文化会展区、旅游风情演出、商业配套区。


1. 国家大政方针确立了加快文化产业建设的重大任务。

党的十七届六中全会就提出“大力发展文化产业, 实施重大文化产业项目带动战略, 加快文化产业基地和区域性特色文化产业群建设”;党的十八大号召“发展和繁荣文化产业, 发扬中华民族优秀的传统文化, 弘扬社会主义核心价值观”。

2. 各级领导对发展文化事业极为重视。

李岚清同志第八次视察杨凌时希望大力发展文化事业, 多举办高雅的文体活动;示范区党工委管委会各届主要领导都提出建设“文化杨凌”。

3. 广大群众对文化事业有极大地需要求和渴盼。

国内外的实践表明, 在经济发展到一定阶段, 群众对文化事业和文化活动产生强烈需求和渴望, 文化产业发展也必将出现不同程度的“井喷”式的发展;


杨凌非常重视文化事业发展, 印发了《关于全面推进杨凌文化建设的实施意见》, 成为全省地市第一个出台文化建设实施意见的地区。

在市场经济条件下, 要实现示范区“文化杨凌”战略目标, 不断满足人民群众不断增长的文化需求, 就需要着力解决“抓手”问题, 用大项目促大发展。“杨凌文化产业广场”建设, 就是作为杨凌文化事业发展的“引擎”, 引导和推动杨凌文化事业的大发展重要抓手之一。


1. 全球文化创意产业呈现快速发展的好势头, 交易额10年翻两番。

目前, 各国对文化创意产业的重视程度不断提高, 一些国家鼓励当地年轻人参与文化创意产业, 推出了包括文化管理与营销在内等多种培训, 鼓励文化产业发展。

2. 国内文化产业在我国GDP中所占比重正在进一步提升, 对社会经济发展的拉动作用正逐渐增强。

北京大学文化产业研究院发布的《中国文化产业年度发展报告 (2013) 》数据显示, 去年中国文化产业总产值突破4万亿元, 同比再度增长。


杨凌拥有深厚的历史文化资源、丰富的文化旅游资源和独特的城市品牌, 具备强劲的文化产业基础。

4. 国内具有成功运作典型经验可供借鉴。

比如北京宋庄, 艺术品交易额达到8亿元;专业从事单品油画的深圳大芬村, 年交易额超过了3亿元。本项目除包含文化艺术品展示交易之外, 还融合了影视主题乐园、青少年体验式素质教育基地、旅游风情演出、商业配套区等市场运作元素, 初步形成文化产业概念, 奠定了项目的可持续发展和经济效益性


项目发起人杨凌心悦文化公司成立于2010年, 是杨凌第一家专业从事文化事业的专业机构, 主办了超过100场次各类型文化活动, 包括第十九届农高会期间的“关天八市区书画展”;承办了国家有关部委及省级有关部门委办的大型文化活动, 包括陕西省文化厅、农业厅等多家主办单位委办的农民书画大赛、第二十届农高会期间承办了由示范区管委会、陕西省书协举办的“农民书法大赛”等, 打造了“农高会惠农书画展品牌”, 征集了数千幅优秀的书画作品;培养了成熟的管理团队;在省内外书画行业拥有了广泛的人脉资源;积累了丰富的行业经营应运作经验;与北京文化产业股权交易中心建立了合作关系, 成为文化企业股权交易和文化产品拍卖的举荐商。


1. 项目定位

构建一个多业态、复合型、互动式、个性鲜明的文化产业聚集区和文化主题旅游区。项目着力打造杨凌推进文化产业发展的“三大平台”:一是文化新业态、新产业的重要平台;二是推进文化产业发展与旅游资源开发紧密结合的重要平台;三是推动杨凌文化产业资源整合, 探索发展新机制、新体制的重要平台。

2. 项目选址

项目位于杨凌示范区杨凌大道附近 (紧邻杨凌高铁南站) , 紧邻杨凌金融区和教育园区, 地里环境十分优越。占地面积15亩, 其西侧、南侧具有发展预留空间。目前该地块现状主要是农业用地, 由项目发起人负责征地 (目前正在做征地的前期工作) 。


1. 本项目开发的目标。

在2015年前, 成为关天区内一流、西部领先的国家级文化产业示范园。通过成功营运, 形成品牌、人才、经营、产品等方面的竞争优势, 并以此为基础不断延伸产业链, 实现园区低成本扩张, 做强做大, 最终成为与发达城市接轨、具有国内影响力的大型现代化综合文化产业集团。

2. 总体规划布局:



1. 主要内容:

“杨凌文化产业广场”占地15亩, 建设内容主要分为室外广场和主体大楼两部分区域。其中, 主体大楼成“凹”字形结构, 地下一层, 地上10层, 建筑面积20400平方米;建筑物占地面积2000平方米, 为项目留有位置极佳的项目发展预留地。

2. 建设周期:

文化产业广场统一规划, 分期建设。预计2014年8月底前完成项目征地和设计;2014年9月底前, 举行项目奠基仪式并开始动工建设;2015年“六一”前完成主体大楼的建设, 2015年“十一”前完成并全面投入运营。




该项目盈亏平衡点为18.65%, 即营运能力达到设计能力的18.65%即可保本。项目总投资收益率为23.86%, 项目资本金净利润利率为17.3%, 财务内部收益率16.17% (税后) , 投资回收期6.93年 (税前) , 年创造收入2300多万元, 利税总额1547.3万元, 贡献税收180万元, 项目自身经济效益良好。另外, 该项目也会产生显著的带动效益。


3.小吃店创业计划书 篇三



通信 地址:

邮政 编码:



电子 邮件: 呼和浩特职业学院2217090479@qq.com


一、计划摘要 .............................................................................. 1

二、公司简介 .............................................................................. 1

三、战略规划 .............................................................................. 2

四、企业组织 .............................................................................. 3

五、产品服务 .............................................................................. 3

六、市场预测 .............................................................................. 6

七、营销计划 .............................................................................. 7

八、销售计划 .............................................................................. 8

九、财务计划 .............................................................................. 8

十、风险与退出........................................................................ 12





























4.开一家小吃店的计划书 篇四

















(1)宣传 针对高校学生派送精美广告单和小礼品,也可做成优惠券形式。(2)事件营销








5.零食小吃创业计划书 篇五























6.街边小吃店,你不知道的秘密 篇六

很多人都不知道,这些小吃店的经营者之间都有着千丝万缕的联系。 举个例子,成都小吃店,开店者基本都是重庆市开县人;桂林米粉的开店者基本都是广西天等县人……而且这些人绝大多数都能攀上亲戚,笔者曾经走访了北京国贸周边多家成都小吃店,发现这些店的店主之间都有亲戚关系。




这里的原因就比较复杂了,首先, 开店的资金实力都不高,注定了无论是选址,还是经营面积都不会很理想, 做标准化显然先天不足。其次,这些小吃店定位是大众,毛利并不高。如果做标准化,等于将自己辛辛苦苦赚来的利润都给了别人,诸如配送中心等。因为筹建一个配送中心,至少百万元以上,而且标准化经营之后,必须要减少菜品,否则无论是配送,还是制作都无法达标,这意味着经营者未来几年都是白干,实际上并不划算。另外,这些小吃店的经营者绝大多数并没有什么雄心壮志,要成为小吃界的“肯德基”, 他们的初始目的就是为了养家糊口, 日子能过得好一些,所以当经营到一定规模时,他们就知足了,不进取了。




秘密4如果你不下厨, 那么赚钱的永远是大厨



另外,店员为什么要从老家带来, 自然也是为了节省成本,在城市请一个工人,至少1500元,而从老家带来, 管吃管住,一个月再给几百元,就可以了。同时,因为绝大多数店员和店主也都是亲戚关系,带出目的是为了让这些孩子闯天下,长见识,在店里挣不挣钱并不是主要因素,所以店员们对工资要求也不高。




而商业街中的潜在顾客大多数都是情侣、一家三口,对待吃的态度不仅仅是吃饱,更多讲究的是环境、情调、 营养、品牌……这些都是街边小吃店无法满足的。

另外,社区、学校周边的店铺租金相对便宜,一个月也就七八千元,最多不过一万元,而商业街的店铺租金,即使是二类商业圈,一个月下来至少也要2万元左右。前文已经说过,小店一个月的平均流水也就五六万元,选择房租在2万元及以上的店铺简直就是找死,或者说,即使做了,也是赔钱的。 况且,商业街里没有小吃店的目标顾客,一个月能否做到五六万元的流水也是一个大大的未知数。


不知道各位看官是否注意到了此类小吃店很少销售酒,连啤酒都很少, 基本上都销售碳酸饮料,而且多以小包装为主。这里自然有它的玄机。

首先,前文说过了,小吃店的目标顾客就是以学生、男性为主,而且他们就餐的目的仅仅为了吃饱,所以不会选择喝酒,也就是说喝酒的需求不高。 进了也就是增加库存成本。

其次,小包装的饮料利润空间大。 一瓶售价3元的饮料,其成本也就1元多,有对半的利润。千万别小瞧了小吃店,虽然它单店进货量不大,可您别忘了,前文说过,这些小吃店都是有关联的,如果他们一起进货,进货量甚至不输给大型超市,进货价自然会很低。 至于不销售大包装饮料,也是和目标顾客有关系,基本上都是单身客人,谁会没事喝1升的饮料呢?



这类小吃店在推出菜品时往往会在显著的地方标注套餐的价格,看上去套餐的价格要比单独点这些菜便宜一些,所以很多顾客愿意点套餐。其实对于商家而言,套餐要比单品更为赚钱。这个搭配组合,是商家提前计算好的,不是随意混搭,往往会将毛利高的搭配毛利低的,这样会将利润拉高,亦或将快要到期的食材进行组合搭配, 这样做的目的也是为减少成本损失。

另外,他们是做小吃店,不是快餐店,要准备的食材很多,但是他们由于店小,又不可能像大饭店那样每样食材都准备得那么充分,所以主打套餐正好将这问题有效解决掉,对于做多了食材,通过搭配组合,销售掉,减少损失,对于做少了的食材,也可以通过搭配组合,告诉顾客只有套餐才有,有效控制量。毕竟对于这样的小店而言,有效控制成本才是立足之本。对了,这样做还有一个隐形好处, 提升翻台率。由于套餐大多数都是提前准备好的,所以顾客点餐之后,上餐速度快,顾客等候时间短,翻台率自然也就上来了。



因为,本身店小,员工加老板最多四个人,别说高峰期,就是平时同时有五六个人吃饭,这四个人就能忙得够呛,不可能有时间送外卖,再则说外卖的利润也薄,根本不划算。别的不算, 就是打包用的餐盒的成本也要一两元钱,而他们送一份外卖最多赚三四元钱。

秘密9禽类 、 面食类食品利润空间最大

这类小吃店经营的食品中有较为突出的特点,基本上禽类、面食类食品种类多,价格公道,而真正涉及到猪肉、羊肉、牛肉等菜品,售价都比较高, 甚至有点和它小店的定位不太相符。

这主要原因就是这两类食品的利润空间大。小吃店要赚钱生存,但小吃店的市场定位是大众,价格不能太贵, 另外,菜品又不能不实惠,让顾客觉得不值,因此他们只能选择禽类食品和面类。首先,禽类的进货价要远远低于猪、牛、羊的价格,这样可以多赚些利润;其次,面食也是相同道理,一份汤面最多二三两面条,但显多,还能让人吃饱,成本不过几毛钱,如果是米饭, 达到相同效果成本可能要接近一元钱,并不划算。


2014年1月, 公司顺利通过GB/T19001-2008/ISO9001:2008国际质量体系认证保持认证审查(注册号: 06913Q10044ROM)。

2014年1月,保健食品GMP证书证号:鲁食药健GMP20130014号;化妆品生产许可证号:(2013) 卫妆准字12-XK-019号


2013年11月荣获:工商局颁发的 “守合同重信用企业”荣誉称号。




2013年1月4日公司顺利通过GB/T19001-2008/ISO9001:2008国际质量体系认证。注册号:06913Q10044 R0M


2012年,汉兴牌清夫系列产品荣获中央电视台2011年度央视网 《创业先锋》栏目颁发的“最具成长潜力品牌”荣誉,和兴生物公司总部也被央视网授予 “《创业先锋》栏目战略合作伙伴”称号。

2011年荣获:中国市场质量诚信调查促进会颁发的“3A质量诚信会员单位”“质量诚信消费者(用户)信得过单位;中国中轻产品质量保障中心颁发的“中国知名品牌”“中国3.15诚信企业”“质量、信誉、服务3A企业”、“质量、信誉双保障示范单位”。中国市场品牌战略论坛组委会颁发的“中国知名品牌” “全国健康行业质量放心用户满意首选放心单位”。




2011年4月22日,由《现代营销· 创富信息版》 举办的第四届创业周现场,和兴生物荣获“2011年度最受读者关注项目”的殊荣。

2010年12月,中国民营企业联合会主办的“第四届全球华人企业家论坛”在人民大会堂隆重举行,部分国家领导人、国务院等部门领导、著名经济学家、行业领袖出席大会。潍坊和兴生物工程有限公司推广的“清夫皮肤健康免费试用中心”专卖店项目凭借创新的盈利模式,诚信经营、合作共赢的经营理念,从现场600家企业中脱颖而出, 被评为“100家最具投资潜力品牌企业”、公司总经理付志刚获“中国经济百家创新人物奖”!



7.商业计划书-英文商业计划书通用 篇七


Billion Team International Investment Ltd.

Unit I 3/F

Good Harvest Ctr 33 On Chuen St. Fanling


0852 26826421

(86)027 87389766

[Your Name]



Executive Summary..........................


[Company] History...........................

[Product/Service] Description.............



Competitive Advantages...................



Specific Markets..................................

Growth Strategy....................................

Market Size and Share..........................

Targeting New Markets.......................


Manufacturing Plan................................

Research & Development......................

Historical Financial Data........................

Proforma Financial Data.........................

Proforma Balance Sheet.........................

Cost Control..................................

Effects of Loan or Investment...............


Executive Summary

[My Company] was formed as a [proprietorship, partnership, corporation] in [Month, Year] in [City, State], by [John Doe] in response to the following market conditions:

[Startup, growth] opportunities exist in [Product/Service].

The need for use of efficient distribution and financial methods in these overlooked markets.

[I/We] have several customers who are willing to place large [orders,contracts] within the next three months.

Several other prospective [customers/clients] have expressed serious interest in doing business within six months.

[I/We] previously owned a company that was active in the widget markets.  Over the past few years I spent much time studying ways to improve overall performance and increase profits.  This plan is a result of that study.

The basic components of this plan are:

1. Competitive pricing

2. Expand the markets

3. Increased advertising

4. Lower our unit costs,

5. Thereby achieving higher profits.

1. Sign contracts

2. Increased advertising

3. Increase office staff

To this end, [I/we] need investment from private individuals and/or companies.  A total of $XXX is being raised which will be used to finance working capital, plant and equipment.  The company will be incorporated and common stock issued to investors. &nb

sp;The company will be run as a [proprietorship, partnership, corporation].

Financial Goals

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3





Net Income




Earnings per share








Sales growth from zero to $1,000,000 in five years.

Led market in market share - 30%.

Formulated advertising budgets & campaigns.

Pioneered new distribution channels.

Established national sales force.

Established national repair & service centers.

Brought new and innovative products to the market.

Designed point-of-purchase materials.


University of Boston

Boston, MA

B.A. - Computer Sciences

Short Biographies


John Q. Doe, Chief Executive Officer, and Director since February 1988 and President since January 1990.  Mr.  Doe was the founder and Chief Executive Officer of the original operating company known as Random Excess, Inc.  He has had experience in the widget field with his own firm, John Doe Co., of Oshkosh (Wisconsin), from 1980 to 1987.  This firm was sold to FatCat Widgets, Inc.  in 1987.  Mr.  Doe has held a sales position with U S West Inc.  since then.  Mr.  Doe graduated from the University of Colorado in 1981 with a bachelor’s degree in philosophy.  Mr.  Doe is employed by the Company on a full-time basis.

Chief Financial Officer

Richard Roe, CPA, Chief Financial Officer, Treasurer and Director.  Mr.  Roe joined Random Excess, Inc.  in December 1988 as a corporate controller and was named Chief Financial Officer in July 1989.  Mr.  Roe was appointed Treasurer and a Director in July 1990.  He served as corporate controller of XYZ Lumber Company from August 1981 to December 1988.  Mr.  Roe graduated from Metropolitan State College in Denver, Colorado in 1976 with a bachelor’s degree in accounting.  Since 1979 he has been licensed as a Certified Public Accountant in the State of Colorado and is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.  Mr.  Roe is employed by the Company on a full-time basis.

Vice President

Joe Dokes, Secretary, Executive Vice President and Director.  Mr. Dokes supervises the company’s sales and implementations to its largest corporate customers, including US West, Great West Life Insurance, etc.  Mr. Dokes has served as Secretary and a Director since February 1988, Vice President of Ope

rations from February 1988 to December 1988, President of the Company from December 1988 to January 1990 and Vice President of Contract Sales since January 1990.  He has been involved since 1986 with the private company originally formed as Random Excess, Inc., where his duties included managing the purchasing and sales department.  From November 1984 to May 1986 he managed the sales department at Integrated Management Systems, Inc.  From June 1983 to October 1984 he was a buyer for Adams County, Colorado, School District 50.  Mr.  Dokes attended Oklahoma State University in 1980 and 1981 and Trinidad State College in Trinidad, Colorado in 1981 and 1982.  He did not receive a degree from either university.  Mr.  Dokes is employed by the Company on a full-time basis.

Vice President

Sally Seaugh Vice President of Marketing.  Ms.  Seaugh has been the Company’s Vice President of Marketing since November 1988.  From September 1986 to October 1988 she was involved in business development and marketing for United Bank of Aurora (Colorado).  From February 1980 to August 1986 she was self-employed as an independent oil and gas landman.  Ms.  Seaugh graduated from the University of Denver in 1974 with a bachelor’s degree in Education.  She is employed by the Company on a full-time basis.


John Q. Doe, Chief Executive Officer - Responsible for entire operation.  Oversees management function and all other executives.

Salary - $60,000.

Richard Roe, CPA, Chief Financial Officer - Responsible for financial operations, accounts payable, accounts receivable, interaction with auditors, investor relations.  Salary - $40,000

Joe Dokes, Executive Vice President - Responsible primarily for sales and sales support.

Salary - $35,000

Sally Seaugh Vice President of Marketing.  Responsible for marketing, human resources and training.

Salary - $30,000.

Total Executive Compensation


[This Page is for an Organization Chart, if applicable.]

[Company] History

In [Month, Year] [I/we] formed a [Product/Service] company that manufactured start-of-the-art complex widgetry.  This company was located in [City, State].  [I/we] formed this company as a [proprietorship, partnership, corporation].  Others involved in this business were: [names].

The main goal of this company was to [explain].

Financing was arranged through [home equity loans, savings, venture capital, friends and family, etc.] [Explain terms, rates and ability to repay.]

This venture was very successful in generating and increasing sales, but was not effective in achieving profitability.  The main reason for this was the amount

of actual overhead experienced.  This overhead was not initially anticipated by me at the beginning of that venture.  Items including credit checking, warranty program management, extensive travel, maintaining warehouse stock and the management and expense of a national sales force were expenses not originally forecast or expected.  With this level of overhead, it was mathematically impossible to achieve profitability.


This venture was very successful in generating and increasing sales, as well as effective in achieving profitability.  This was due to the following reasons:

[Reason 1}

[Reason 2]

[Reason 3]


[My Company] was recently conceived and is still in the beginning stages.  To this point the following has been accomplished:

§  A team consisting of [list names and primary responsibility. (i.e John Doe - Marketing) has been formed.

§  A prospective [customer/client] list has been drawn up.

§  Strategy meetings are being held every Monday, Wednesday and Friday evenings.

§  This business plan has been drawn up.

[Now link the past to the future - why a former company will lead into this one or how your present company and history will lead into any future plans.  A short paragraph should suffice.]

We are now able to adequately address the markets we have targeted.  We have adjusted our staff, redirected our advertising and sales force, and have added the products necessary to meet the needs and expectations of our customers.

[Product/Service] Description

[My Company] intends to offer [product/service].  This [product/service] offers our customers the best possible solution as it:

§  Offers the lowest price on the market

§  Is the most technically advanced

§  Offers more useful features

§  Saves them time and money

§  Offers our users better value per dollar spent

§  Provides an alternative way to achieve a similar task.

§  Provides a service which is not presently available in this area.

§  Is strengthened by a team with combined experience of XX years.

§  Saves them time and money

§  Provides an alternative, cost effective way for them to realize a similar goal.

We have a [copyright, service mark, trademark] or [exclusive agency, marketing rights] for this [product/service].  This agency will last until XXX at which time it may be extended for XX years or terminated.  This agency agreement is cancelable upon XX days written notice.

The [product/service] has a useful life of XX y

ears.  To distribute this product so that it remains usable for our customers, we must use the following methods of storage and transportation:

1. Overnight delivery

2. Cold storage

3. Incorporate preservatives

4. Shipment within two weeks to distributors.

5. Specially padded boxcars.

Even though the technology used to create this product is new, we expect that others will be able to substantially reproduce our patented results within XX years.  To remain on the leading edge of this product, we will need to devote approximately XX% of revenues toward research and development.  Also due to the fast changing nature of this industry, we will need to retrofit these machines within XX years at customer expense.  Our manufacturing plan has considered this.

[If general service to be offered is not obvious, such as carpet cleaning, sales rep, lawn care, consulting, etc.  explain what service is.  Then give a detailed description of your particular service and its uniqueness.]

Short Examples:

1.   Our carpet cleaning machinery is state-of-the-art.

2.   Our consulting practice will address these specialized areas: [list]

3.   We will only rep these specific product lines. [list]

Even though at this time our expertise is unique in the marketplace, we expect advances to be made and competitors to arise and offer similar services.  We will meet this challenge by:

1. Hiring staff specialized in these new areas.

2. Increase our continuing education and training expense.

3. Adding complementary lines.

4. Make regular investments in new equipment.


Long Term

[My Company] believes very strongly in technical, financial, business and moral excellence.  To secure a stable future for all those connected with [My Company] we have set the following long term goals:

Present market is estimated at $XXX.  Our goal for market share is XX%.

We want to be considered by our peers to be the market leader in sales as evidenced by:

Trade industry awards

High end of scale in financial ratios

Major market share

Technical excellence (awards, honors, etc.)

Community involvement (Rotary, United Way, etc.)

Short Term

Market share goals -

1. First Year    XX%

2. Second Year    XX%

3. Third Year     XX%

4. Fourth Year    XX%

[Decrease, Maintain] costs through acquisition of new plant and equipment. Increase productivity by investing in employee training and education.

1. Budget for complete computer training for appropriate applications.

2. Set up, Maintain] emplo

yee benefit program for continuing college education.

3. Budget for necessary seminars and/or continuing job-specific education.

4. Maintain state-of-the-art accounting system for careful tracking.

5. Monthly reports on financial status vis-a-vis the industry.

6. Aggressive recruitment of the best technical staff in the industry.

7. Support company involvement in various local and national charity events.




City, State


§    Location - next door to supplier factory, on major artery, close to terminal, etc.

§    Pricing - Low cost producer, known for aggressive pricing policy.

§    Delivery - ships overnight to anywhere in the world.

§    Management -   Everyone has an MBA from Harvard.


§    Service - takes more than 3 months to receive spare parts.

§    Dedication - If it’s sunny, they’re on the golf course or ski slope.

§    Machinery - Slowly approaching obsolescence unless  replaced within six months.

§    Overhead - Spend lavishly on corporate dining room, limousines and champagne.

Competitive Advantages

The distinctive competitive advantages which [My Company] brings to this market are:

Experience in this market.  [I/we] have XXX years of hands-on experience in this industry.

Sophistication in finance and distribution.  This results in my being the low cost supplier in these price sensitive markets.

The philosophy of [My Company] is to price not just according to our costs, but also according to what the market will pay.

Our targeted minimum gross profit margin for a category  must be XX%.

By pricing to the market, [I/we] will achieve higher sales and therefore increase my buying power.  As the amounts of my purchases increase, my per unit costs of shipping decrease and [I/we] will achieve higher discount levels from my suppliers. Through these economies of scale, many items currently on the market can be sold with lower prices, yet a higher net profit.

Product pricing will include a range of quantity discounts as well as an early payment discount.

Rather than being strictly regional, [I/we] will expand into the national market.

To control foreign exchange risks, [I/we] will monitor the markets and hedge accordingly.  [I/we] will also use overseas bank accounts.

With those companies with which [I/we] have established a relationship or are known to be financially secure, [I/we] will work on a pre-pay basis.  This allows me greater discounts.

A level and policy of Capitalization that will allow

me to fully address the respective markets with comprehensive marketing and customer service plans.

By keeping my overhead low, [I/we] will be able to funnel my profits back into operations thus avoiding high debt ratios or lost sales opportunities.

A quarterly direct mail campaign directed at both current customers and prospective new customers consisting of an informative newsletter.

A toll-free national 800 number will be used for customer orders and inquiries.

[I/we] will print complete four-color catalogs on a yearly basis.  Price lists will be updated as needed.  [I/we] intend to be aggressive in trade magazine advertising.

Consideration will also be given to attending trade shows around the country.

With this level of capitalization, should an unexpected downturn occur, [I/we] will be able to continue operations on a positive scale.

Innovation.  [I/we] have a history of innovative ideas.

[List your most meaningful ideas and any new ideas you have for the future.]

The distinctive competitive advantages which [My Company] brings to this market are:

Experience in this market.  [I/we] have XX years of hands on experience in this industry.

Sophistication in management and finance.  We are able to run an efficient and lean structure, yet still provide quality service to our clients and customers.

Because of the nature of this industry, we will be able to rent office space in more moderately priced buildings.

As a unique service company, we will be able to keep our margins high, allowing us to provide internal financing for growth possibilities.

A level and policy of Capitalization that will allow [me/us] to fully address the respective markets with comprehensive marketing and customer service plans.

By keeping my overhead low, [I/we] will be able to funnel my profits back into operations thus avoiding high debt ratios or lost sales opportunities.

Our initial marketing campaign will allow us to book a sufficient amount of business so that we can implement our telephone customer service support program.


[I/we] have a history of innovative ideas.

[List your most meaningful ideas and any new ideas you have for the future.]


Through [my,our] leadership, [I,we] will be able to reduce overhead as a percentage of sales thereby increasing the amount of profit to be retained in the business.  Because of our pricing policy, more people will purchase our merchandise thus increasing the size of the market and we will be increasing our market share.  What [My Company] proposes to use are just good solid business sense, economies of scale, and the use of efficient financial techniques.  This will allow us the following options:

§  increase service


increase advertising

§  reduce prices

§         increase profits

§         increase selection

Through [my,our] leadership, [I,we] will be able to reduce overhead as a percentage of sales thereby ncreasing the amount of profit to be retained in the business.  What [My Company] proposes to use are just good solid business sense, economies of scale, and the use of efficient financial techniques.  This will allow us the following options:

§  increase customer service

§  increase advertising expenditures

§  increase profits

§  increase selection of services offered

This plan will give us tremendous flexibility to use any of these options or a mix of them to effectively attack our target markets and meet our long term goals.  This combination of experience, sophistication, capitalization and innovation will assist [My Company] as it strives to reach its sales, profit and return objectives.


Before [I/we] set the price for my complex widgets, [I/we] determined on a unit basis what my costs were going to be.  [I/we] then determined what the market price was for the normal widget.  At this price it was determined that for all but the lowest sales projections, this product would turn a profit at this price.  However, since our complex widgets offer additional features, we felt that we could price it approximately 50% above simple widgets.

To test this price, we called a database of 50 large users of simple widgets.  We first questioned them about the desirability of our extra features and then asked them directly if this price would be acceptable if such a product were available.  We found that 75% of those polled would be interested in this product.  Of this 75%, we received 10 firm orders representing approximately 30% of this group.


We have determined that the market price is $ XX per unit.  This will equal a margin of XX%.


Our unit cost has been figured at $XX.  We need a margin of XX% to pay our overhead and earn a sufficient profit.  Therefore, our selling price will be $XX.

Before [I/we] set the price for our [service], [I/we] forecast what our fixed monthly costs were going to be.  [I/we] then determined what the market rate for comparable services were.  At this rate it was determined that for all but the lowest billing projections, this [Service] would turn a profit at this rate.

[Optional, if applicable]

However, since our service is unique and demands a higher level of expertise, we felt that we should bill above othe

r comparable rates.

Specific Markets

Market #1

General History

The first widget was introduced into the market in 1036.  Widgets remained much as the original production until well into the 20th century when computer modeling showed that there could be some enhancements made to the basic widget.  The market for widgets has been generally steady with market growth closely following the typical population growth.  At this time there are approximately 1,500 companies worldwide making comparable simple widgets.

Lawn care companies have enjoyed a period of steady growth over the past twenty years.  This demand is due to many factors, not the least of which is the advance of lawn care technology.  In our proposed marketing area, there are 25 lawn care services.

Entry Strategy

Our widget has been designed by the latest in computer aided design.  We are able to manufacture our complex widgets on computer driven assembly lines using the latest in robotics manufacturing.  This gives us a tremendous price advantage.

We intend to market our complex widget through all the normal channels available to simple widgets.  These include retail, wholesale, and OEM.  To penetrate this market efficiently and swiftly, we intend to initially use commission sales representatives strategically located throughout the USA.  We also will start a national advertising campaign targeting the end user in various national publications and on national TV commercials.

Our sales representatives will be chosen based on their own experience in the marketplace.  It is our intention to hire the best and the brightest among those currently available.  Our marketing tests included many of the reps we initially would like to hire.

Over the past few years, we have noticed an increase in demand for full lawn care services - not just grass cutting and snow removal.  Our computerized office allows us to track our clients needs and schedule house calls on one hours notice.

We intend to attack this market very aggressively through the use of:

1.   A pool of 10 telemarketers.

2.   House-to-house visits to neighbors of present clients.

3.   Advertisements in upscale magazines.

4.   Radio advertisements on weekends.

5.   Sales calls on real estate management companies.

As we are offering a unique service, informing the public of our capabilities is of utmost importance.

Growth Strategy

After having successfully introduced the complex widget into the American market, our expansion will be in two separate areas: increasing sales in the USA and enter

ing various foreign markets.

After we have reached our first year sales goals, we intend to offer our sales reps the opportunity to sell our products exclusively by joining our company.  We expect that a small percentage will desire to remain independent and these will have to be replaced with our own sales force.  We intend to develop further sales reps from within by hiring and training them in our own sales methods.  We will increase national advertising and begin targeting smaller accounts and specialty outlets.  Additionally, we will conduct in house seminars for various OEM’s demonstrating how the inclusion of complex widgetry into their own products will increase the value of their products.

After having successfully completed this entry phase into this market in the geographical are we have chosen, we will then expand our market by doing the following:

1.   Expand telemarketing pool to 20.

2.   Increase number of direct sales reps.

3.   Expand into neighboring cities.

Market Size and Share

The American market for [product/service] is estimated at $8 Billion annual sales based on data furnished by XYZ Survey.  We estimate that we can achieve XX% market share within XX years.

Marketing data for other markets is in the process of collection.

Other Markets

Use the same format for additional markets.

Targeting New Markets

To continue our growth, we will be using the following methods to expand our markets and to increase our new areas of doing business:

§  Customer contact - find out their needs

§  Look for complementary products

§  Trade shows

§  World Trade Center “Network”

§  U.S. Government trade leads

§  State Government trade leads

§  On-line computer prospecting and qualification    (DIALOG, D&B, etc.)

§  Market surveys

§  Research & development



This business will be operated at 123 Any Street.  This location is desirable because:

1. The traffic flow has been rated at high.

2. The rent is below market

3. The building has the necessary facilities to operate this business.

4. The location is convenient for our customers.

We are renting this building on a XX year lease.  We will have renovations costing $XXX based upon three estimates.  The building is zoned R-3, commercial use.


This business will be operated at 123 Any Street.  This location is desirable because:

1. The building is structurally compatible for our use.

2. The rent is below market


